Recent content by arromdee

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    The Light of Brockton Bay (Taylor Hebert Alt-Power)

    I don't know the reference. Is there a summary anywhere?
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    Unpopular opinions we have on fiction

    I've seen enough fake quotes to say you ought to provide a reference for that.
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    My Life as a Teenage Juggernaut... (Worm AU x Marvel)

    Crossover Superhero 
    At the end of Worm, Contesda shoots Taylor, disconnecting her shard without killing her.
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    Unpopular opinions we have on fiction

    Somehow, most of the time I hear this it gets combined with "and superheroes really ought to be stopping all sorts of social injustices". And of course, one is the answer to the other. If you stop Thanos, everyone except Thanos agrees that that's a good thing. If you stop social injustices...
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    The Eldritch One (Celestial Forge)

    The idea that the casino is ABB is fanon.
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    My Life as a Teenage Juggernaut... (Worm AU x Marvel)

    Crossover Superhero 
    Taylor as Juggernaut isn't a parahuman, so the Butcher would go to the nearest parahuman.
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    Path of the Immeasurable Swarm [Worm/Cradle]

    Hunger madra is weird because it is supposed to be damage, but it's still energy, so it sounds like it shouldn't work like damage--if it's energy, it sounds like you could use it for something or even drain it away. If the presence of Monarchs was causing something that's more clearly damage...
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    The Adventures Of Doctor Curlyhair, Girl Genius!

    This really should be the point where the Penguin shows up.
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    My Life as a Teenage Juggernaut... (Worm AU x Marvel)

    Crossover Superhero 
    Taylor killed her in canon with bugs in her lungs. So her lungs are not strong enough to powder that rock, and yes she can die from not being able to breathe.
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    My Life as a Teenage Juggernaut... (Worm AU x Marvel)

    Crossover Superhero 
    Do we actually know this? We don't know how resistant Alexandria is to phasing. If Sophia phased a rock into Alexandria's lungs, maybe it could kill her.
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    Scaling Up

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    Worm: Priestess of the Spider Queen

    C'mon. If Taylor had an accurate summary of Lolth's beliefs and actions, she would say "that's evil". So by Taylor's standards, Lolth is evil. That's what "are you evil by my standards" means. The question doesn't ask whether she would be evil *to Taylor*, and if you interpret the question...
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    Worm: Priestess of the Spider Queen

    Assuming you think you'll get honest answers at all (which is questionable but eh), there are better ways to phrase it. Are you evil by my current standards? Are you okay with hurting innocent people assuming that the greater good isn't affected? If you explained to me what you consider...
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    Pet Peeves in Fanfiction

    If you tell someone the whole truth when you're a SI, chances are good that people will think you're insane (or at best pretending to be insane). Furthermore, depending on what kind of SI you are, even if people believe you they may treat it as "SI has stolen someone's body" or "SI has...
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    Cliches you can't stand

    Giant monsters, robots, etc. that move as fast as if they are regular sized people scaled up. If it takes a second for you to take a step, something is 50 times your size, and it also takes a second to take a step, it is moving at 50 times your speed. And the giant thing is never otherwise...