Recent content by Aquadragon10

  1. Aquadragon10

    Dark Greetings (Star Wars GSRP)

    Lorn Vee Taa being based GM. Man cooked the whole game and basically made it to the end with him dying in combat. A good run really.
  2. Aquadragon10

    Hoards, Hubris and Heroics

    [X] You may as well return to the Fat Bear, related what happened and ……share the reward. The thought pains you but you are playing the part of a hero. You are starting to regret this decision.
  3. Aquadragon10

    Warhammer: Age of Woeful Change — IC Thread

    IC Fantasy 
    Leicheberg, Stirland - Castle of House von Stolpe Welf von Stople paced in the solar of the castle, a map of Stirland sitting on his desk. So much troubles across the Empire were ongoing, but the rise of Sigmar worship, Tilea and Regimental Problems were minor to him. Well, maybe the Sigmar...
  4. Aquadragon10

    STAR WARS: Ashes of the Empire V

    IC Sci-Fi 
    The world of Atrisia, or Kitel Phard as it was also called origins are unknown. Believed to have been settled by settlers from Coruscant, specifically from the thirteen nations of the Battalion of Zhell. Regardless, the temperature world of Atrisia would soon be settled, but warfare swiftly...
  5. Aquadragon10

    STAR WARS: Ashes of the Empire V

    IC Sci-Fi 
    Above Kloper sat Task Force Uueg Tching, once a bigger formation under Rear Admiral Zhu Koxinga, it now had become smaller as Zhu got promoted to Vice Admiral and Admiral. Once composed of one ISD-II, 2 ISD-I and 2 Vic-IIs, now only three vessels were left. The Uueg Tching, flagship of the...
  6. Aquadragon10

    STAR WARS: Ashes of the Empire V

    IC Sci-Fi 
    Thinking of home made Zhu feel ... detached for a lack of a better word. Sure the Rakata were a bigger menace but his homeworld had fallen under Byss control and that of Solaris juristiction. And while Zhu felt he probably wasn't high-ranking enough to be known to Byss' High Command, he is...
  7. Aquadragon10

    A Feud Expounded: A Blackwood vs Bracken ASOIAF Game

    House Sol of Stormwatch House Head: Ser Messmer Sol Location: Stormwatch House Background: House Sol's origins date back to the Andal Invasion, because House Sol were Andals. Once invaders from the Vale and Andalos seeking to drive the Old Gods and First Men out the Riverlands. Tales vary on...
  8. Aquadragon10

    STAR WARS: Ashes of the Empire V

    IC Sci-Fi 
    Zhu's eyes were on the map, not thinking of the world or its people below him. Kloperians were a strange people known for their engineers and mechanics. But their strange physical attributes still creeped him out. ... Great he had thought about them. Still, Kloper was a minor world for its...
  9. Aquadragon10

    ASOIAF: The Omniverse's centre

    I am interested in this if you start it up. Playing in the biggest bloodfeud of all of Westeroes.
  10. Aquadragon10

    Hoards, Hubris and Heroics

    [X] "Emelda was too wounded and the matter was too urgent to wait." You don't like leaving matters half-finished. An expedition without the report is only half the task. You like to complete the whole task. It's more elegant that way.
  11. Aquadragon10

    By The Allspark! - Cybertron Unification Game IC

    IC Sci-Fi 
    Stormfang sighed. After his little breakdown he knew he had to do something. He just couldn't trust a general of the old regime like phalanx to treat all equal. Or even if he could trust him, he didn't trust those who served him. Stormfang glowered as he stared at the map again. Phalanx had...
  12. Aquadragon10

    Hoards, Hubris and Heroics

    [X] "There's too many of them, we've got to retreat. Banngard is too far. We should be able to make it to the wizard's tower though, and even if he's a threat we can handle him ourselves if there's a fastness keeping the horde at bay.
  13. Aquadragon10

    Warhammer: Age of Woeful Change

    OOC Fantasy 
    Name: von Stolpe Crest: Seat: Leicheberg, Stirland Titles: Baron of Leicheberg, Elector Count of Stirland. Noteworthy Events: House von Stople have worked hard to rid Stirland of the Undead, but with Sylvania still a mad house of undead, its becomning harder and harder to do. What with the...
  14. Aquadragon10

    By The Allspark! - Cybertron Unification Game IC

    IC Sci-Fi 
    Stormfang looked at the map provided by a lieutenant. It remind him of a single truth. He was no general, he was a fighter. In his belief the general would attack them, he planned for siege. Instead, the enemy moved out and took several locations. Including Tarn. Stormfang didn't like to think...
  15. Aquadragon10

    Hoards, Hubris and Heroics

    [X] Pushing deeper into the swamp is overly zealous but retreating to the city is too cautious. Calling upon an unknown wizard to pointedly ask questions, however, is absolutely the right amount of risk. There's no way that Xolair doesn't know anything.