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  • One day I hope you come back to I thought this was a mystery dungeon as I find tyraunt not having evolved slightly funny
    When you have the time can you please update fighting a broken system please and thank you for it would be great to see it updated.
    I'm going to try and update a few more of my stories once the next chapter of I Thought This Was A Mystery Dungeon is posted, but my motivation for most of them are almost nonexistent at the moment.

    Not that I have no interest in my other stories. It's just with the hype of the new Pokémon games coming out and my recent binge of Owl House...

    Hell, I might just write an Owl House story as well...
    I always wonder just how viable it is to write a fic about a story that has yet to have its second season released.
    Exactly the reason I haven't. What makes it worse is that Owl House is projected to have only 2 seasons (with season 2 being split into two ten episode sections).
    Sounds like a nightmare for anyone wanting to work within cannon but gold for writers who like to explore the universe outside of it.
    So I read Mystery Dungeon and I loved it. It also reminded that pokemon adventures existed. Thank you its a great series
    are you taking a break from I Thought This Was a Mystery Dungeon
    Taking a break/Working on another story over on QQ called Last Resort. It's a Battletech SI story that isn't suitable for all audiences.
    thanks for answering looking forward to when tryant evolves hope your fic goes well
    Just wanted to let you know that I just created a tropes page for I Thought this was a mystery dungeon. It's still a work in progress.

    I Thought This Was A Mystery Dungeon (Fanfic) - TV Tropes

    A man suddenly finds himself in the body of Tyrunt in the Sinnoh region towards the beginning of the Diamond and Pearl anime. Sounds pretty standard. However this isnt the typical Pokémon world, and our protagonist isnt a …
    Getting ready for LVO 2019 in February. Got my first draft of Marines built and mostly painted. Keep revising my list again and again...
    Hey mate, just wondering but is "I thought this was a mystery a dungeon" going to be continued or are you done with it?
    Anyway that I could help with it?
    Well, I'm not sure how to go about things at the moment. I got an outline of what I WANT to write, as well as the path Dawn takes. My main problem at this point is actually writing things out without turning the story into a 'She did this at A, moved to B, did an amazing thing at C' slog to read.
    Well why don't you do that? Write that sort of basic chapter with the whole A B C idea and then think to yourself, "how would she be caught out in this situation, what ways would her Pokemon react?
    Write out the basic premise and then parse out the details t make it better.
    Did a point count for my various 40k models. Found out I have 4703 points of Space Marines Detachments, not counting extra models.
    I think I have another 2000 points of marines I haven't yet added up yet. There's also the Necrons, Eldar, Chaos, Death Guard, Thousand Sons, Imperial Guard...damn...
    Would you be willing to put a threadmark with "Chapter information", and more importantly, would you not edit out older things when the story advances and the group with that "Chapter information" has to update things? Basically every time they 'update', they just strike-through all the outdated text and then put in new text that is not struck-through.
    Robo Jesus
    Robo Jesus
    The reason why is it gives readers the ability to see HOW viewpoints and whatnot changes as events progress. Something reader's can't see if you completely edit out what used to be in the 'informational' "Chapter Information" threadmark.
    Yeah, I was planning on doing that this time around.
    Robo Jesus
    Robo Jesus
    Thank you for that consideration.
    So I take it you never got your desktop working for your 40K/Worm/Gamer fic?
    I keep reading it over and realize while I had a decent concept, the execution left a lot to be desired. I might do a rewrite in the future to try and do it better
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