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  • Yeee! Power, a/c, laundry, and home internet are once more things I can have at home!
    okay-ish so far, but lost some fences at home and just lost power. NOt sure how long. Weeeee, another hurricane to add to my Post Traumatic Storm Disorder.
    physically ready(ish) for Beryl. Mentally, cussing out Sailor Moon for not solving this.
    Upside, forecasts are for storm to move on by Monday afternoon, but still anxiety inducing.
    Since its bin about 4 years since I last asked any chance of glory and grudges coming back, still don't have the muse still or officially dead?

    EDIT: Have to ask as I love it and every few months I will go out of my way to find it again incase I missed you updating it or just to reread it.
    Pretty much stuck in the bin. My muse is flighty, and generally only pokes me when I have either no energy or time, and of course never where a chance to write notes for later, either! XD
    Sad its so hard to find warhammer stuff to read 40k or fantasy. Hell some stuff I cant believe dose not exist like 40k imperial knight house stories/quests.
    Oh and thinking about it and your complaint of our wealth the last few turns as It looks like we we able to start our hold with the help of the high king on turn 20 you could have us have to start paying taxes with us having bin giving 20 years to set up before we had to worry about it.
    So is the Commander SI dead or just on an extended hiatus?
    Technically the second, functionally the first at the moment as I have a very uncooperative muse and haven't felt like working on it for Many Moons.
    So I played the Ixion Demo. And got to the end.
    'Oh boy, space station management!, here I come!'
    Just found glory and grudges a amazing quest! really like it any chance of going back someday? and if not do you have any quest recommendations old or ongoing?
    I am in an appreciative mood RN, so here:
    I appreciate you, and I appreciate the rest of your weird scaly cousins out in the wild.
    May you have an overabundance of yummy Formicidae to feast upon.
    Schlock Mercenary actually finished after 20 years of daily updates with no interruptions. I'm both amused and kinda sad my daily dose of mercenary mayhem isn't available anymore.
    *eyes Schlock Mercenary today* ...oh those poor dark matter entities...They're in for a Bad Time... *gets popcorn*
    Meat's back on the menu, boys!
    I would like to point out that Howard Tayler made a joke about 'nano-meme bots' making everyone in Schlock Mercenary immortal on April 1st of 2002. Roughly 12+ years of daily updates later, that joke is no longer a joke. Howard Never Forgets.
    'So there's ONE Airlock. in a bay with THREE doors.' '...should I fab more field generators or just melt the extra doors into the wall?' 'A question for the ages.'
    Schlock Mercenary, eh? Didnt realize you were a fan.
    Pretty sure I've cheerily posted Maxims of Highly Successful Mercenaries here and there, but yeah, I love it. Going to be sad when it ends, though. Been reading it for years. (Author of Schlock Mercenary does have an actual finishing arc, apparently.)
    Fair Warning: Baldur's Gate III Trailer features the FOUL IL-I-TH-ID. And eye grubs. It's super gross and I closed that window fast.
    Power surge ate my motherboard last night. yaaaay. Time for a new one, at this point. -_-
    Huh. You know, I've seen you around a number of times, but I hadn't realized you were the the guy with the spiderbot avatar from SB. Just caught up on Reverse Engineering for Fun and Profit. I quite like that spiderbot avatar, by the way - do you remember where it's from?


    ...Oh, fine. I'll give more than just that old joke.

    'OM-AR04G Argios Gunm is a transformable mobile suit featured in the Nostalgic Fiction Gundam Beast dojinshi, which are sourcebooks by Atelier Tobiuo comicket circle for a non-existent 1997 TV series Mobile Animal Gundam Beast. '
    so it's artwork from a doujin that was about a fake spinoff series, IE, another supposedly canon doujin.

    Gundam gets weird.

    Originally, I think I just found it googling 'mecha spider', since I needed a pattern spider as a joke somewhere.
    August has come. Thank goodness. July 2019 was an utter 'oh god why won't things stop breaking, including family members' even with my birthday in there, so here's hoping things start looking up!
    It's a new year and a new read, I wanted to reread and couldn't find it, the problem was for a little bit I had thought glory and grudges was one of Torroar's quest and was looking at the wrong GM.
    "We reserve the term 'Firing Solution' for cases in which firing is, in fact, an acceptable solution."
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