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  • I just want to say that I stumbled across My Name is Taylor
    and I loved the fic. I hope that one day your muse comes back around to it because it's rare to see a Taylor who gets the more sensible route of "even semi-competent authorities" at any level. That and it feels like a what-if for implacable but where she isn't forced into the wards.
    And I also love Using The Force Made Easy, but that one is going strong from what I can see. :)
    Anyone wondering where I've fucked off to I'm currently staring at two half written snippets and I've been distracted first by a brain surge about an original story that's been sitting on the back burner in my brain for literal years and I've started rewriting that sniper Taylor one shot into a short fic. Like… if it keeps going the way it is it might be 20-40k words when I'm done….

    I kinda hate being ADD.
    Cross posting a one shot to Ao3 for testing purposes because I'm losing more and more faith in ff.net
    Any ideas on Archer? I just caught up. Really loved the story.
    I'd advise against that given what happens to IRL lottery winners. Do you still remember where the story was going? Also that must have been a really nasty hate rant.
    can't work on 100k word story for years and forget where it's going. Someone accused me of hating the lgbtq+ community because of how tays dating options expanded. tried to keep things calm he basically demanded I double the length of the fic before resolving the romantic subplot. Despite a lot of suport it was still emotionally exhausting. I managed one more update after that then I got swept away in my other fics.
    Real shame. Haven't seen a good Flechette romance in a while no matter how that resolved. You also made the choice to actually condemn BB which is rare and we were getting into an almost entirely new cape scene.
    Originally started reading Archer over on FFnet, then found it here and gave it a full re-read.

    Story's still good, here's hoping you'll resume working on it some day... but if you don't, then thanks for all the words so far!
    sorry for messeging you out of nowhere, just curious if archer is dead it not. Sorry for bothering you
    Honestly I'm not sure anymore and that frustrates the hell out of me
    the nope man
    the nope man
    Don't worry too much if you don't really want to keep going whit it you can at least tell us how it ends or the general plot till the end so you can give it closure hell put it in spoilers if you think you could come back to it later
    Elden Ring checklist
    Collect all five great runes
    Kill the biggest ugliest red head ever
    Burn the fucking tree
    Kill sword princess
    Max out multiple weapons
    Rofl stomp spontaneously alive first
    elden lord

    Kill the cosmic dragon bastard……..

    Why you no die! You asshole! I want my life back so just die already!!!
    black knife tiche is probably the best aggro attactor/dps i have in elden ring. maybe give them a shot, otherwise, avoid the nuke
    Hah thanks, missed him my first play through and barely managed to get it my second mimic tear was a godsend though.
    I enjoy your stories, will we get more of My Name Is Taylor, or is that dead?
    That's pretty thoroughly dead sorry
    No problem, the rest of your stuff is good enough that I am not too sad. Especially Archer. Love me some Fate shenanigans.
    I feel like I need to let you know that a quest I'm following has a character named "Fencer" in it, who appears to have sufficient levels of weird meta nonsense that I think he can read the thread and cast votes. So you can imagine the minor stroke I nearly had when I idly searched his name in the user list and actually found an account. 😆 😆 😆
    So how is progress?
    2k written for Archer, think I know how to get the scenes playing out after getting some feedback in thread, but I haven't had time to sit down and work on it further yet.
    Added an edit to my last post. Might wanna go recheck it.


    Using The Force Made Easy Sci-Fi

    "How are Jedi supposed to find the drive to actually accomplish anything at all of use if they're not supposed to have attachments or feel anything? If a Jedi's goal is supposed to be, essentially, an unfeeling automaton, unfettered by anything but The Force, how do they summon the initiative to...
    So how is your writing these days?
    Haaa been that long huh? Damn…. I've started work on the next star wars update though it's, hmmm, probably going to be a bit longer than the average. Not gotten terribly far with it just yet. Normally I sit down start writing and 3 to 5 hours later I have a chapter. Lately I've been managing to tease out a few paragraphs at a time and my muse just clams up on me.
    Any progress on your star wars fic?
    I've been writing on rotation. Archer stymied me for too damn long and coming to the decision to end flames wasn't quick or easy, so sorry, but no no work has happened on UtFME, yet. That said it's got my full focus now, and is mercifully free of the issues I've been having with the other two. Give me a few weeks. And hopefully I'll have something.
    So how is the writing?
    Offered a new job. Better pay. Away from home. Great benefits. Currently all my time is dedicated to hunting down an apartment and prepping to move. I might write if I need to let some pressure off and relax. That happens sometimes when I'm stressed. But barring that assume all my writing is on pause until I've worked this out and settled in somewhere.
    Where do I send the art now :(. I honestly really liked the chapter was cooking something up for it along with three other things. I am still hyped for this story after all this time after all.
    Good luck!
    If I'm not too tired I'll ask it be unlocked after work today. I've got a short list of changes I think will make the story better and less contentious. Which I want reader feedback on, but it's such a hot button issue I want to be on hand to hopefully keep it under control.
    Also throwing my hat in the ring here to say, yeah, you've written a perfectly believable narrative buildup to this potential relationship that makes perfect sense within the setting, looking forward to seeing how it progresses!
    Hey Fencer,
    Saw you locked your Archer thread because it was exploding. Please remember that no matter what you do people will get offended. It's the nature of both the internet and humans after all. So keep on writing, don't worry too much about those who rage.
    Same here! I saw this coming from the in story moment you established that straight female Taylor was going to merge with straight male Shirou both in psyche and, at least in part, physically. It was obvious this was going to come up at some point. And so far I think these 2 can work. And I just love the fact that you are going to focus on keeping it in character too!
    Too many get over excited about doing the relationship that they put the relationship before the characters.
    One that recent and comes to mind is Yuki no Yue has a worm fic between 2 OC's and and he really jumped the gun badly.
    Pretty great story otherwise but he really should have let them flow better rather than say 'ok they are rock solid now'. And if you read how they started as bully and victim so that shouldn't have happened do easily.
    So ignore the nay sayers and keep it up! Everything I read from you tells me that I won't be disappointed at all! 📣
    Hey, love your stories. I'm glad to hear your back on a more reasonable schedule and will have time for a life now. Congratulations! I hope your quality of life rises with a better work situation. Thanks for sharing your muse with the rest of us!
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