Leila Hann

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  • Hi. I'm looking for one of your old reviews on what I believe was a supernatural horror podcast. Do you recall what it's name was? I've been meaning to check it out.
    Leila Hann
    Leila Hann
    The Magnus Archives? Or maybe The Hidden People?
    Ink Garden
    Ink Garden
    The Hidden People, yes. I'm already familiar with The Magnus Archives. Thanks a lot.
    Hey I got a question. How a re you able to post pictures into your reviews the way you did? Because every time I try to paste a picture into reply box, it never works. Can you tell me how you do it?
    Leila Hann
    Leila Hann
    There's an "insert image" button on the top of the reply box, right next to the link button.
    Oh yeah, I use that, but it never works.
    Found and finished Blood Obligation. You and Gioia_Rodica did a stellar job reimagining Phantom Blood. All while also using a premise I've wanted to read about for so long, which was not all other Pillar Men having died out. The characterizations were solid and believable, even when the AU would put a new (very enjoyable) spin on them.
    A way the AU really stood out to me is how the different power concepts - Hamon/Stands, Vampire/Pillar Men - appear more connected. Araki's later retcon tried to tie everything into progressing to Stands. Stranger moments like Santana's telepathy seemed like proto-Stands to me.

    Looking forward to book 2, however that project may be faring. The snippets that take place in-between have been fun to read.
    Leila Hann
    Leila Hann
    Thank you kindly.

    You're right about there being a connection between the pillarmen's network and stands.
    I don't suppose you are familiar with the graphic novel output of Alejandro Jodorowsky?
    Leila Hann
    Leila Hann
    I know they exist. I don't think I've read any of them.
    Ohhhhh boy, anyway there is a comic that I would you to review called New Statesmen, incredibly rich in little details, I think I will patronise a review, unfortunately it is like 200 pages long so perhaps only the prologue? That would show the wonderful artwork?
    I was just wondering, did you ever finish the Case of Charles Dexter Ward Let's Read?
    Leila Hann
    Leila Hann
    Yes, but when SV did it's server change it became nearly impossible to do reviews in my format on this site. They eventually got it fixed, but by then I'd just moved my Lovecraft project to Patreon.

    I intend to repost the rest of Charles Dexter Ward and the last few short stories on SV eventually. I just haven't gotten around to it.
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