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  • So, if you don't mind me asking, where is your avatar from?
    It's from a digital collage artist named Jeffery Harp. He takes old photographs and remixes them into weird pictures.
    Grey Rook
    Grey Rook
    Ah, I see. Thank you for your time.
    How do you stand, it how how can you just stand these people how...

    I'm so angry and and I just want to yell and I just want to just say the word
    It isn't worth getting angry at them. These debates won't fix anything. They are strictly recreational. If they make you unhappy to look at, forget about them. there is nothing of substance happening in there.
    I totally agree with you though. "Civility" just means people who have no stake in a situation and can engage in sophistry get a pass, while people who actually live a subject get punished. I think it is very deliberate.
    I know it just it always makes me feel disheartened. every time I look at these and I wonder is it actually possible to change anything
    Nobody likes getting dogpiled. I know this very well and am happy to help others avoid it. Besides, even if we have very different ways of understanding the world, facts are facts. I don't let anyone get off talking shit, whatever their politics.
    You live in the American country right? How fucking bad is these days with covid? I've heard some real horror stories.
    Yeah, I live out in East Tennessee. I've personally been pretty lucky. Family have all been taking this pretty seriously and have stayed safe.

    The county I live in has had about 5% of the population (that we know of) infected and .1% of the population killed by Covid. Very few people here seem to be talking about it or taking it seriously, still. I am dreading what things are going to look like after the holidays.
    I'm sorry to hear that, things are better in terms of sanity in my Scottish Lowlands but couple of weeks past I saw a swarm of kids with not a single mask. Things are gonna get worse.
    Yeah. Try to stay safe. I hope you and yours come out of this okay.
    So question do you know of a good translation of Sumerian myths?
    I read it online, years ago. But I asked a friend of mine who is very into Sumerian myth and they recommended this one:

    The Epic of Gilgamesh

    <p>“This scrupulous new translation of <em>The Epic of Gilgamesh </em>manages to convey much of the archaic power and even something of the occasional humor of the ancient Mesopotamian poem. What is especially valuable is that the translators, by collating passages from the different ancient...
    Khona Moshr
    Khona Moshr
    Thank you
    IIRC, I was calling a supporter of the Charlie Hedbo mass-murders a "murderous pig".
    IIRC, that guy had claimed the reaction would be different (more supportive of the murders) if it'd been Moses who was being mocked by the Charlie Hedbo.
    I didn't just randomly choose to bring those two up.
    I don't think that really makes that much of a difference. Calling Jews and Muslims "pigs" is still not acceptable. Saying you "piss on" their religious figures isn't great either. It is still an attack on those faiths, not some long dead individual. And thinking the public response to the murders was Islamophobic (which it definitely was) doesn't make someone murderous.
    Aris Katsaris
    Aris Katsaris
    He was effectively victim-blaming the people in Charlie Hedbo for their deaths, and excusing (or even praising, I can't remember) the terrorists. This was on 2015-01-08, one day after the massacre.

    I can no longer seem to see the tweet I was responding to at the time, I assume because his account was deleted -- so I'm going by memory here, but I'm pretty sure that's what this thing was about.
    I'm not saying they were in the right. Without the post in question it is impossible to say. And certainly being angry in the immediate aftermath of such an attack is understandable. But being understandable in the moment and being worth defending years later are very different things.
    ...oh my god it's the moon on your head.

    I'd been operating under the assumption that you had, like, a megaphone or the bell of a gramophone on your head for ages.

    It's hard to tell from those tiny avatar pictures.
    I must express my disgust at bringing out the pumpkin this far before Halloween. It'll be rotten before we even get there.
    I am ruthless in my campaign to reclaim October for Halloween. They were putting up Christmas stuff at our Walmart and I felt a need to retaliate.
    A necessary evil then. I will allow it.
    Though it saddens me to say about a site I love, I can't say I'm entirely surprised that a surprising amount of SV'ers put "Science is Cool!" over a question of indigenous rights.
    I think it is easier to miss the value provided by things you don't care about personally, too. We all want to love who want, or to be free from police harassment. But a lot of young western people just don't have an analogous feeling to being a member of a threatened culture or a religious group, so it is easy to underestimate how much they matter to people's well being.
    Madam Carstein
    Madam Carstein
    That is very true, there's an element of separation that makes it harder to empathise. Especially when it tends to not really be discussed in modern society or media. A lot of these issues are just not known.
    Madam Carstein
    Madam Carstein
    And I do agree there has been improvement, I do see plenty of examples of bigots getting stamped when they try to wave their hatred around like a virtue.
    You aware you're arguing with Fell?
    I don't actually know who that is, I'm afraid.
    Does he have a reputation for this sort of thing?
    He's a legitimate welfare an actual right wing strawman gone real and he used to brag about never working on SB to sound edgy.

    Guys a 15 year old in a 30 year olds body basically
    I just wanted to drop by and thank you for all of your many insights and wise notions. There are a great many threads where your informed opinions and good moral fibre have really put me in good spirits.
    Wow, thank you. That's really kind of you to say.

    I always like seeing that you've posted in a thread, because it almost always means I'll have a clearer understanding of the subject than I did before.
    Do you see yourself as a pessimist or an optimist.
    I think I am a realist, but so does every body else, I suppose. :) I suppose I am pessimistic. I think things are going to trend worse for a long time as we hit hard limits on our ability to advance technologically and exploit our resources. We aren't doomed, necessarily, but the constant progress of the last two centuries has plucked most of the low hanging fruit.
    Hey, I just wanted to thank you. Wherever you pop up in a debate, you're usually capable of stating things in a reasonable and well-written manner that makes me stop and see something from a different POV, even if I don't necessarily agree with it. I can genuinely say I appreciate seeing your avatar in a thread.
    Honestly, it's a cruelty that thread bans mean you can't rate posts in the thread you're banned from. That last post of yours teared me up:p
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