Mr. Cloak

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  • This post is a hallucination, and should not be taken seriously.

    On a separate note, DC is worse than Worm. Marvel might be worse than Worm. Seriously- I wouldn't send SI's into either universe without powers on the same level as Danny Phantom, Jones from Gunnerkrigg Court, or a Soulflame that the first Demiurge from Kill Six Billion Demons would be impressed by.
    Mr. Cloak
    Mr. Cloak
    Worm- you can get away with a lot in the low leagues, and escalate. In DC or Marvel, you better be in the big leagues from day one or be flattened by a conceptual clown, eldritch abominations from outside of time, Galacticus, Darkseid, or worse.
    Due to a significant lack of personality, this account will probably not be used in the future. Any other postings after this point may be a hallucination, delusion, or indication of brain damage. Please check with a doctor if you see any posts from this account after this date.
    Thank you
    Why is it that, whenever I have a fever, I end up with tons of neat story ideas?!
    Damn you long workdays and Covid Booster!
    Happy new year! Played Bunkers and Badasses with my family- lots of fun there!
    Mr. Cloak
    Mr. Cloak
    My sister killed a guy with a glitter grenade! It sang happy birthday over the corpse.
    Old Mother Hubbard
    Had a weird cubbard
    That was bigger inside than out

    One fateful day
    While her friends were away
    She walked in and never came out
    out of curiosity, have you read Bootstrapping?
    Mr. Cloak
    Mr. Cloak
    No- but it's on my reading list now.
    Have you gotten around to reading it?
    Mr. Cloak
    Mr. Cloak
    Yes, and it's not bad. Needs some spellchecking though (three or so wrds per chapter need to be fixed)
    "There is always a choice."
    "You mean I could choose certain death?"
    "A choice nevertheless, or perhaps an alternative. You see I believe in freedom. Not many people do, although they will of course protest otherwise. And no practical definition of freedom would be complete without the freedom to take the consequences. Indeed, it is the freedom upon which all the others are based."
    Hey Cloak.
    Will you update the Red comet?
    Mr. Cloak
    Mr. Cloak
    Yes. However, due to how my muses have the attention span of a muon and the half-life of one, plus I have a full-time job, it's slow.
    I have a lot less free time than I used to, especially now when I am somewhat indispensable to the company I work for.
    Mr. Cloak
    Mr. Cloak
    I have the next arc 3/4's done, it's on the resolution chapters now, but I will not update until the arc is complete, and the chapter is satisfying.
    I don't want to half-ass it.
    I see the name hog father and I turned around and it turns into doh father, and I'm immediately reminded of Homer Simpson.
    Mr. Cloak
    Mr. Cloak
    Wow. That made me facepalm so hard I think police are incoming. Just... Wow.
    Aaaaaannnnnddddd New tablet is working! Whoo! Now back to writing then sleep then work (which is paperwork) then writing then sleep then [repeat ad infinitum].
    Some hatred for my muse right now.
    I want to write:
    Mr. Cloak
    Mr. Cloak
    And several other stories, not to mention my current dragon fic needs more updating.
    Damn you muse! Can't you just stay on ONE THING until it's done?!
    Mr. Cloak
    Mr. Cloak
    I swear, it has the attention span of a muon.
    Mr. Cloak
    Mr. Cloak
    Just got it tested- and yes, my muse has the attention space that is measured in fractions of muon decay rates. Great....
    I played Dyson Sphere Program, and I must say.... If you like Factorio, Satisfactory, Planetary Annihilation, Ashes of the Signularity, Ad Aspera, or Surviving Mars...
    This game will be amazing.
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