The Steve

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  • I read that story about the endbringers listening to Taylor. I could mention things I don't think would help, but I most feel the childlike wonder of the Endbringers and Tattlesnake, beings that are sort of wallowing happily in the new sensations they're being guided to in a world that one could say is so below their true selves.
    It's like what if Cthulhu had the intelligence of a smart Labrador retriever for purposes of human interaction, but also had knowledge beyond mortal ken to make it ambiguous as to our total comparative intelligence.
    God damnit, now I gotta get back to writing I guess.
    Well I for one would enjoy it. Your old story cogito ergo Lung was a delight, and continuing it or even starting a new story would be a delight, so best of luck and hope your muse smiles on you.
    Just finished reading the fourth Omake series on with friends like these... and it was amazing. On some ways better than the original. I hope you continue it some day!
    Hope you are feeling well and I hope your muse and health will allow you to one day return to your Who Needs Enemies fic. It is really good and I hope i does not lay forgotten.
    Oi, what's the status on Cogito ergo Lung? I really feel like you struck gold with that one. Is it currently in a hiatus state, or has the story been left out in the street to starve and horribly die. By the way, hope your mouth is recovering from that nasty tooth wound.
    Hmm, sounds like you're hitting a writers block, or perhaps getting tired of writing in general. Maybe a break on all projects would help? As much as it sucks to see a great author taking a break for a while, I'd rather have quality content after a break compared to subpar content indefinitely.
    That is, as long as the author decides to come back. Nothing hurts more than a great author deciding to drop off the face of the internet. Of course, I could be heavily exaggerating something that I honestly have no idea about. So do whatever works for you.
    The Steve
    The Steve
    Considering you have no idea of the general state of my health, or, what things I have to take care of, I'd think your estimations are a touch premature.
    Apologies, another portion of my body decided to rebel against me.
    Just a test of the flesh I assure you.

    Don't open This if youse is squamish.
    The Steve
    The Steve
    Imgur almost dumped that in raw. Not good for people eating their lunch.
    I got five more photos of it though, if anyone wants to traumatize their kids or something.
    Infection or cancer? It's a little hard to tell what could be the cause of a tooth rebelling afterall
    The Steve
    The Steve
    Just the side effects of botched wisdom teeth surgery. little bits swimming inside my gums, causing havoc with some of the teeth.
    Tentatively working on a Quest, mostly as too much Worm depletes my Worm pool.

    A Cruciform Incision [Veirdcycle] Mature - Fantasy

    An isekai story set in the Vierd, using the old Vierd-cycle fantasy system. Yes, that is a sippy cup as a logo. At least until I can find one filled with beer.
    I needs to keep the writing going, but with enough variety that I don't choke on one particular pool.
    Ugh, brainmeat hurts, new medications ain't being agreeable. I'll try to write more though, best thing for a throbbing temple as they say.
    Do you have another place where you post your stories? Just making sure in case something happens here.
    Nice to see you back!
    I would recommend stepping lightly around the mods. They are really bigoted when it concerns LGBT and 'political correctness' topics.
    Who Needs Enemies is a story that I'm not capable of describing. It was very emotionally draining to read, and yet had levels of amazing insight, genius, and humor that would initially seem to clash with that, but only made it better. Among other things, you did an awesome job of illustrating inhuman minds, which is something I'd have not thought possible.
    The Steve
    The Steve
    As a subtle hint to get back to work on it, not bad.

    Also thanks.
    Or Cogito Ergo Lung. I'm not very picky... :D
    Honestly, that WAS just an attempt to say the story was awesome, and not a hint.
    I won't be upset if you choose to take it that way, though!
    Apparently 'Someone gifted me with an account upgrade', which doesn't name who... or why?

    Does it give me more Invisitext? Perhaps Invisitext that the Invisitext eye cannot reveal?
    You are by far one of the best writers for character. I thoroughly enjoy your works and all those little moments when the story takes a step back to look at someone in detail.
    Still not dead. Your move God.
    Why is god trying to kill you.
    The first theft every human commits is the theft of life from God. God spends the rest of your life trying to steal it back.
    I'd say God was jealous of his creativity and fun reads. Maybe God wanted him back to tell him more stories where he can't run away or be distracted. Y'know. Like a god does.
    Cogito Ergo Lung, it's undoubtably my favorite story around. Honestly, something, well a lot of somethings about it are just a phenomenal combination. I hope life's treating you well and that it leads you back to continuing that standout story.
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