Plot: An attempt by the government to make cloned super soldiers runs into a mild snag when it turns out a loophole means they have to use all the DNA donated at least once or they can be sued. The eccentric, sitcom loving person in charge of the project grabs a random scientist and assigns her a new mission; living in a strange family unit with clones from the last few people whose DNA wasn't used to make super soldiers, who have each been artificially aged up into Various stages of life...
Plot: In the Marvel Universe on Earth-668, after an offscreen event by Red Skull went so far the Heroes all snapped and engaged in a war to massacre any Supervillain, the ensuing fallout has horribly wrecked the world and resulted in both sides being completely wiped out, except Mr. Immortal (for obvious reasons), Spider-Man (who like in most of these situations eventually realized they were going too far and was knocked out trying to stop the fight, unintentionally getting spared) and Toad...