Plot: In the Marvel Universe on Earth-668, after an offscreen event by Red Skull went so far the Heroes all snapped and engaged in a war to massacre any Supervillain, the ensuing fallout has horribly wrecked the world and resulted in both sides being completely wiped out, except Mr. Immortal (for obvious reasons), Spider-Man (who like in most of these situations eventually realized they were going too far and was knocked out trying to stop the fight, unintentionally getting spared) and Toad (who didn't show up to the battle due to getting thrown particularly far by Magneto and wasn't considered worth the effort of tracking down). There are also rumors the Carnage symbiote (though not Cletus Kassady) might still be around, but no confirmation. As it turns out, Dr. Doom and Iron Man had both realized the possibility this could happen and set up cloning tanks to clone themselves and each of their allies back to life….that was damaged in the fight to the point most don't reform at all, and the ones who do have incomplete or even actively damaged memories that make them pretty much their own people by now, and even they took way longer to form than expected. Oblivious to any animosity they should have for each other, the homeless and now 14 year old 2 remaining heroes (Squirrel Girl and Katie Power) and 3 villains (Cletus Kasady, Mole Man and Monica Rappaccini) find themselves roped into robbing "Old Man Parker" (aka the now elderly and reclusive Spider-Man) and are quickly abandoned when he catches them. But when Peter has a heart attack at the shock of seeing them (especially Cletus), the 5's immediate response to save him despite any potential consequences assures him the former 2 are as heroic as the originals and the latter 3 aren't doomed to villainy in the footsteps of their originals. Peter trains them as the new generation of heroes.