In a world wracked by endless war coming from the Shinobi Empires of Jihopan, a young boy named Adachi awakens the power of the legendary Rinnegan. Resolute, he goes on a journey to stop the wars.
Your name is Theodore Sung. You have big plans.
From attempting to pass off media taken from other worlds' internets as AI-generated content to cataloging millions of alternate Earths with each passing day, facing up against immense interdimensional empires, or even forging one yourself - prepare yourself for the madness that is the multiverse.
The year is 2995 and humanity has done well for itself. It's fully inhabiting the nearest of star systems and hundreds upon thousands of independent space stations drift out in the Black. But, all is not well in the hearths of humanity. Conflict and Strife, the ever present companions to humanity, provide an excellent opportunity for the enterprising mercenary to make quite the pretty penny.
Take the reins of the young captain of a freshly made mercenary company. With a ship full of mechs...