Yes Is The Answer, But What Is The Question?

Admiral Slade would speak one more time, unless Ellen and the others decided to come with him. "Okay, so, this is quite an odd place. This place is it's own brilliant city. Since you are our esteemed guests, you can decide to eat anywhere that serves food, for free. Or sleep anywhere that provides such services for free as well."
"Be sure to enjoy yourselves for a little while, before you may be needed to speak with The Caretaker." With that, Admiral Slade began to leave with his men.
"If you're referring to any specific god, it's worth keeping in mind that cultural shifts over countless millions of years are going to be massive. It's extremely unlikely that your religion even still exists, where I'm from. With that said... While in prior eras there was no method of decisively proving or disproving the existence of gods, there's too much evidence of tampering in the information layers of reality, now that we're capable of observing and enacting Interference Phenomena ourselves for there to not be some form of higher entity capable of fucking with the Noosphere in ways we've not yet managed ourselves."
Ellen simply shrugs.
"Could such existences be called gods? Sure. Is there one omnipotent one, as some religions suggest, or multiple lesser deities administrating particular aspects of reality? No way to tell. Even if we can spot the tampering, we've yet to actually catch them in the act. Are they as benevolent as most religions claim? Could go either way, though if they are benevolent... that speaks to an inability to prevent disasters, and vice versa. Is it worth having faith in such elusive existences? Faith in higher powers can be a good source of emotional stability and comfort, but blaming everything good or bad in your life on higher powers can tend to blind you to your own failings and successes alike, so I've never been inclined towards religion myself."
"I suppose that answer is…sufficient," he says not exactly getting everything but deciding not to push further. "I shall share with you the reasonings of John Locke sometime-I am, admittedly, not exactly as much as an expert on these matters as I'd like. After that, maybe we can discuss this topic further. In the meantime, there is other business to attend to."

He then follows Admiral Slade on to the dock.
Admiral Slade would speak one more time, unless Ellen and the others decided to come with him. "Okay, so, this is quite an odd place. This place is it's own brilliant city. Since you are our esteemed guests, you can decide to eat anywhere that serves food, for free. Or sleep anywhere that provides such services for free as well."
"Be sure to enjoy yourselves for a little while, before you may be needed to speak with The Caretaker." With that, Admiral Slade began to leave with his men.
"Oh, I have been looting for nothing"
((I've been taking care of my mother who just had surgery. She will take a while to heal but I think I might get a post or two out before then.))
((There's been a set back in her recovery, unfortunately, I want this to live, though.))