Why Did We Reincarnate as Anything but a Human?!

I hope this is still open cuz I got sheet here. Is this everthing or do I need to do more? Specifically the death, I placed it in the backstory, does it need more details?
Name: Carmelo Horchata


Nationality: American


Carmelo had always been an artist, from age 5 he was drawing. It was how he connected with his mother, it was the only thing they both were good at. His mother had been an illegal immigrant with no schooling with no connections. As a result she couldn't find much work, but the art they made together kept their spirits high and their family together. One day, when Carmelo was 12, his mother had been job hunting, she disappeared. Carmelo was never able to learn what happened to her and was placed in the foster care system. After she disappeared he delved into his artwork, at school he would draw characters for money from the other kids and teachers. As he grew up and raised his skill he became known in his town for his artwork, in particular a mural of his mother and it frequent defacing. As a senior in highschool he one a few scholarships to go to art school, but on the way to his first day of school, he was hit by a car and died. His last thoughts were of his mother and his art, how he still has more to draw, he hasn't achieved their of becoming famous artists, rich and respected. He felt so angry and spiteful. He thought "why does everyone else have all the luck? Why don't my dreams come true? I just want Ma. I just want to draw some more!"

Biggest Achievement: Painting a giant mural of his mother.

Biggest Failure: The mural was defaced with graffiti.

Personal Wish: Become a famous and rich artist.

Likes and Dislikes:


Art and Money- As many poor kids Carmelo dreamed of being rich and famous to taking care of his mother and have a happy life. He viewed art as his path to fame and money, or believed it to be a "happy life".
His mom- He utterly love his mom. She introduced him to art and fame. She viewed him as Her path to fame. Carmelo only remembers the good parts of his mother, he was not able to get to know her as a person but only as a loving and extremely motivating mother. Her disappearance has seriously hurt him emotionally.


Anything that is anti art- This is a result of his past, he views anything that is against as something personal, like an insult to his mother.

Criminals- He hates criminals because of the defacing of his mother's mural. Doesn't matter the situation he will be untrusting of those he thinks or knows are criminals, especially those with crimes surrounding art.

Rich people- The is essentially just jealousy because of his poverty, he will many times be prejudice with more money than him and were born with money. Of course he does show this often as those with money are going to be his customers.

Gifted people- Again this is his jealousy. Carmelo's only exceptional skill is art, in all other skills he is usually ranked around average. His averageness has caused him to be very jealous of others who can do something better than him. Of course he doesn't let it show often but it can drive him to commit reckless decisions.

Objectives In New World: Find his mother(who is not there) and possibly become the father of an art style.
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Hope this is good enough, @Celestial Speck

Alexander Cyphre


Nationality: Italian-American


Backstory: He was born a snowy morning of february. First of two children, he was normal, he just loved to listen to his mother read a lot. Beyond that, nothing special. He was normal.

And that was something that would hound his steps for the rest of his life: first born, early reader, obedient, listened to the parents, listened to the teachers, did his homework, did his chores and then he went to read on his bed. He was normal and boring, too strange to make friends easily, too chatty or too silent to keep them. Disinterested in sports, preferred playing elaborated games of make-believe.

He was, at once, too old and too young to feel comfortably in his body.

When he was a teenager, he rebelled in a way that he thought was interesting, making unsavory friends - nothing actually dangerous, he was too cautious for that - but enough that he would disobey to his parents once or twice.

It didn't really amount to... well, nothing. Those were act of... no consequence, done by the sake of themselves.

And then he finished high school. And he lost himself without the guiding light that was the standardized education. He tried to take some courses, tried a job as a barista, tried writing a book, tried, tried and tried.

Until he stopped trying. He simply... fell into a rut from where he didn't, couldn't get out without help, but his parents and his brother weren't equipped to help him. Day after day, one the same as the other without end, a stretch that didn't have date or time or start or finish. Just an infinite slew of words that never stopped flowing under his eyes, hundreds, thousands of pages appearing and disappearing on the screen of his laptop.

An empty life that, in the end, ate at his soul until he imagined that he would cry ink instead of tears.

No such luck, for him. Magic was still out of his grasp.

Biggest Achievement:
Reading as much as he had.

Biggest Failure:
Not... really amounting to... anything. Being... nothing.

Personal Wish:
Magic. The ability to wield magic is something that he wanted from when he was a child. No matter that it was a pipe dream, that it was impossible. He yearned for it with all his heart, hoping that, someday, something would happen and would give him magic.

Likes and Dislikes:

  1. Reading: anything, really. May it be a trash fanfiction from the internet or a 300 years old grimoire hidden in the library, he can lose hours and hours in the written word.
  2. Sweets: chocolate, cakes, pies, marmalade and jams, cream, caramel, fudge... anything that is sweet it's something that he adored.
  3. Playing: videogames, card games, tabletop rpg... it was as near as magic as he could get and it was often written. A good compromise and helped his imagination soar.
  1. Bugs: can't stand them. It took him all of his teenager years to start to withstand the presence of bees and bigger flying insects. Bigger ones? He run or try to squash them with something long, to keep them far, far away from him.
  2. Red meat: especially innards. While he was relatively fine with burgers and sausages, anything more was met with tolerance at best.
  3. Being told to do something that he would have done by himself. The fastest way to not make him do that.

Objectives In New World: Magic! All the magic. After that... explore, he never really did explore his old world and experiment new things. Maybe find love? Find some old ruins! Map a labyrinth. Something that will make so that people will remember him somewhat.

It was a stupid death, something that happened to him by chance, exactly like every other thing that happened to him. He was taking a shower after gym, limbs trembling from the recently upped training regime and he put his foot down badly. The wet towel in front of his bathtub slipped, sending him reeling back, waving like a branch in the wind, before his limbs gave out and he fell down.

Maybe, if he wasn't so tired, he would have been able to grab the sink and stop his fall. But, in the eternal moment when he had that possibility, he looked at it and... decided to take the coward's way out.

He let himself fall. His neck hit the edge of the bathtub with a crack of broken bone.

His mind was a empty of feelings, the monotony of his life had scoured out all of his energy at that point. The last thought that passed in his head? I will never see Ireland and the Fae Mounds.

And then, nothing.

Ahem, I'll be picking the characters later tonight, so this way, people won't have to wait long for the IC thread, which should be up tomorrow.

Please standby.
Monster Heroes