Why Did We Reincarnate as Anything but a Human?!

Generally, he seems to be more of a "heroic" kind of person than my character (the 35-year-old virgin programmer who liked anime and basically worked himself to death chasing the approval of his coworkers and boss). I say heroic not just because he was a fireman, but also because of his lofty heroic objective. My guy just wants to take it easy and doesn't want to have to go far out of his way to help people. Your guy wants to be a hero, my guy just wants to have a comfy second life. :p
Yeah he's trying to be a hero, he chose to save people when he didn't necessarily need to, I'm trying to go for a good guy since I don't really try to play a hero in most things.

That is the right image right? It... I don't really feel like that image (much less the original character it represents) represents your character well, but sure man. Use that image.
There is two main reasons I used that image, the first is supposed be a kind of contrast, he doesn't look like the nicest guy or even generally act like the nicest guy but he tries to be a good guy.
The second is that I like the image and want to use it for something :)

Anyhow, image aside. I think your character's pretty good. No issues with the writing or the overall details. (Though it makes me think I should've put more "semi-unimportant" things in my likes/dislikes.)
Yeah, I tried to give my character some flavour so that's where the love of bugs, dirt and fear of heights and contortionists came from.

I suppose the only real thing I can find to pick at is this: I would like to know more about his biggest failure. All I know is that he went to get a degree and (no idea if he finished it) but he couldn't get the job he wanted in the end. Does that play into his biggest failure? How did failing at that define parts of him/his life? (How did he struggle with that failure?)
Yeah, I see what you mean, I did end up leaving that section of my character a bit barebones, I'm probably going to edit something into my sheet.

What are the other dreams he gave up on/failed at? Was he trying to be someone important in the world, do something worthwhile, make an impact with his actions? What I'm trying to get at is, what was the "general theme" of his failed dreams and aspirations?
Yeah, going to add a bit more like I said above.

Trying to read-between-the-lines a bit, I get the sense of him wanting to do something important with his life is what led him to become a fireman in the first place. Did that help with his feeling about his biggest failure(s))? (I do have to say, becoming a fireman and saving people from fires is a damn fine/good thing to do with your life regardless of why you went into that job.)
That is an accurate read, he went into it because he wanted to be something to someone, turns out most people don't really care about who saved them, just that they were saved...

Now onto your character
Here's my hat going into the ring.

Name: Jonathan Anderson

Age: 35

Nationality: American


Backstory: Jonathan Anderson lived what could be called an average life. At least as far as when compared to the other male members of his family. He was a third child, his position as the 'baby' of the family being quickly replaced by his little (and only) sister before he had started being able to remember things clearly. He would've liked to say that he didn't mind, though he would often feel envious of all the love that was sent her way. Why did his parents have to be so... so... happy to finally have a baby girl? He did, eventually, grow out of those feelings. Mostly.

As the third brother, he just kind of... followed what they did. They got into video games and anime, so did he. They all followed their dad's lead in working in the computer software industry, so did he. They all got bachelor's degrees in computer science, well, he got one in software engineering (almost the same thing really, but he was able to get a higher starting salary). He even had the same circle of friends as they did... leaving him with none once he moved to the city for his new job. He did end up doing one thing different from his all his siblings, he never got married. Hell, he had never even been on a date. He felt that his life was empty compared to their's, full of friends and new family members.

To try and fill that void, he tried to make some new friends through video games, but he never really felt close to them as he just didn't have the free time to play games all day as they did. Besides most of them were younger than he was, it just felt weird. Not that he had time to play games with his brothers or even his sister, they were all too busy being parents with spouses and kids and all the stress, but also joy, that brought them.

And here he was, just... just... married to his job.

He ended up falling into a deep depression and ended up trying to fill this new emotional void with the only thing he felt was good at: working. He worked and worked and worked. He ended up getting several promotions, getting more and more responsibilities that ended up keeping him from finding time for himself. Though he ended up feeling that maybe, just maybe, his coworkers could end up being a family of sorts? The way they all looked up to him, asked him for help, valued his opinions. It was certainly... something.

Though his workaholicism ended up being his downfall in the end.

A deadline was fast approaching, he started working later and later than usual. So late that at 3 am after working over a 12-hour day he was forced to go home by the nighttime security staff. He couldn't stay any longer because of company policy or something, not even to take a nap on the couch in the lounge.

So he got in his car and drove home.

Well, tried to drive home.

He ended up falling asleep at the wheel on the highway and ended up plowing headfirst into some construction equipment.

At least he died quickly.

Biggest Achievement: His bachelor's degree, becoming the biggest earner out of all his siblings with his high-paying software development job. Mostly because he was able to learn from what they did and make better, more profitable choices. But honestly, mostly it was by dint of not having a wife and kids to take off and so more time to spend working.

Biggest Failure: Never finding love. Never even having gone on a date. Waiting until he was 'financially stable' to do so and never, ever actually getting around to that. The only kiss he ever had was because his sister dared him into kissing one of her friends when they were in high school.

Personal Wish: To have somehow been able to live a completely different life. To have been unique in his family, kind of like his sister was. To have been his own self, to not have missed out on life by being basically a carbon copy of his brothers.

Likes and Dislikes:
  • Anime, Cartoons, Video Games, Books, media in general: Jonathan likes this for the same reason most people do, it's an escape. Getting to be int he shoes of various characters, all struggling their way through their trials and through life and (usually) ending up triumphant. Those kinds of stories were what kept him going through college, kept him struggling at his job. Eventually, eventually, he'd win too.
  • His family: Despite the way he regretted making himself into a sadder copy of his other brothers, he never hated them or anyone in his family. Simply because they were always there for him and he too, was always there for them.
  • Pets: A small fuzzy creature that gives you all of their love for simply taking care of their basic needs? Amazing, uplifting, and (most importantly) oh so very huggable and cute. Jonathan had several pets growing up, a couple of dogs, a cat. His siblings also got pets. Though he never got one before the end, his city aparment simply didn't allow them.
  • Helping: Something he shares with the rest of his family. He feels a deep, inner joy when he's genuinely able to help someone else. Though chasing after this feeling is what led to him becoming a workaholic.
  • Loneliness: Something that Jonathan grew to hate and loath with a passion during the last decade of his life. There was a reason he spent every weekend he could having out at his parents or one of his sibling's houses, he had no other real relationships.
  • Low Quality/Microwave Food: During his college years, he had his fill of this bland shit. Even for several lifetimes. Eventually, it all ends up tasting like sadness in the end.
  • Being out of shape: Sitting at a computer all the time, day in and day out, did no favours for his figure. Which is why Jonathan started exercising in the last couple of years. Besides, it was something different from staring at a computer screen all day and a good excuse to watch anime while at the gym.
  • Arrogant Incompetence: When you're trying to whip a team of developers into shape this was just... the worst. The absolute worst. You can't teach these kinds of people, the ones who think they know it all- have all the right ideas. All because they read in it a book or heard it at a seminar once (FOR A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FIELD). Even if those ideas are impractical in practice or flat out wrong. He's had to deal with this kind of people both above and below him in the organizational structure of his job. It's been enough to drive him to drink a couple of times (though it was also the holidays so he did have an excuse).
Objectives In New World: Make a new life for himself, one that's different from the one he had. Most importantly, make some really close friends and maybe, just maybe, find love this time. Try not to get roped into any sort of engineering profession. He'd certainly be good at it, but it'd be counterproductive to his goals towards living a different life to his last one. Well, he guesses if people really, really need help...?
So what I'm seeing is someone who was always the odd one out, never having friends of his own or any role models other than his family. Someone who wanted to feel included and happy so followed the path of his siblings and father looking to be included and happy since they all seemed to be happy and included but never really became his own person.

The image seems like a good fit for the type of character your making, fit but not covered in muscles and slightly scruffy looking.

Your likes and dislikes make sense from what I can tell about your character, nothing stands out as unusual and seems like a real person.

His wish and Goal makes sense, he wants the things he never got in life, love and the ability to relax which, for a character that seemed to be in a high-stress situation, is realistic, he just wants to be able to enjoy his life without having to worry about the next paycheck or waking up in bed alone, or even just being upset as people around him talk about their plans when his probably only consists of gym, work, home and sometimes shopping or watching a movie.

All in all I find it as a rather realistic character who could feasibly exist, he isn't perfect he has flaws and that is one of the best parts about him, a lot of people make characters that can be best described as "generic anime protagonist 2395" with few flaws or the present flaws far too exaggerated to be interesting.

This was it, this is how Jonathan dies. Driving his own self into a parked construction truck.

At least no one else had been hurt, though he couldn't say the same for what his family was going to go through because of him.

As the blood drained from the injuries in his legs and his lower body, everything felt distant. Lighter. Out of focus. Dizzy. Like he was drunk. A side effect of how sleep deprived he currently was combined with what was going on.

He started mumbling, some part of his failing brain finding what he was saying funny. "God... next time... could, could you make me a really cute girl? A cute girl who dresses up... in one of those hoodies with fox ears on it? And then like, when she... when I get older we- I get really sexy and wear all the sexy cosplay I can." He chuckled to himself, sending a few waves of pain through his body. Then his voice lost most of its levity as it turned into a desperate plea, "You know, more seriously, I want to have tons of friends, hell, give me tons of boyfriends and girlfriends. Make me really, really popular and loved. So loved. Give me... make it so I don't have to try so hard next time, ya know... Yeah. Choice last words there... A-fucking-plus..."

Jonathan bent over, passing out for a good few minutes before dying from blood loss. His last thoughts being that his family would, probably, be alright. They would have each other to lean on in the end.

He would never know this part, but it turned out he had managed to get himself and the truck filled with dirt stuck in a ditch. They just couldn't get to him in time to save him in the end.

At least he went out with a smile of sorts on his face. A face that seemed to be, somewhat, at peace with how things had turned out. At least that's what his family told themselves to make themselves feel better.
The death it's self is interesting in that it's the direct fault of the character due to multiple mistakes made by them, the first being overworking themselves and the second is the fact that they chose to drive knowing they were that tired.

Their final thoughts are a bit iffy to me but no one quite knows what will go through someone's head as they die and it can be seen as them trying not to think about the prospect of dying by distracting themselves with silly thoughts.
Name: Donavin Patterson
Age: 27
Nationality: USA

I was born into a poor and eventually abusive family. Well they may have been abusive from the start I don't remember being a baby. To make a long painful story short I tried to protect my little sisters and just get out alive. I did, broken but alive. I joined the army because if I died at least my sisters would go to college. I became a medic, I like to tell people it was a noble calling and I made a choice. The truth is the official saw my grades and it was the first thing he offered and I said sure. I found meaning and I didn't exactly get "fixed" but I got a lot better.

It's easy to have purpose when your saving lives. It's easy to ignore your own faults and failures because more important things are on the line. It just worked for me, I was better in an emergency because I just had to do as I had been trained and do my best. Not to mention saving a kids life is the best anti depressant I've ever had, okay well maybe second to really good sex, but the uniform helped with that too.

I decided to go all in. Special forces, make something of myself. I had been studying and training for years. Hell I had become a medic for basic training, my foundations were a notch above and special forces are supposed to teach, which I had been involved with deeply. I was a shoe in.

Then I got hit by a truck while running.I had been training I was off to the special forces test in just a few weeks. My last thoughts were about how I had not made enough of a difference, how it was cruel to cut my life short before I really ever mattered. How I should of been someone who really changed the world, a solider, a hero, a king among men.

Biggest Achievement:
4 Years of service as an army medic

Biggest Failure:
Abandoning his sisters and never going back for them

Personal Wish: "I wish I had been a King"

Likes and Dislikes:

Food, having to watch what you eat to stay in shape sucks pigging out is a rare but glorious treat.
Sex, Anti depressants suck, all natural methods are preferred.
Fighting, There is something pure and simple about a real fight, a life or death struggle, just letting go of all the little day to day bullshit and truly existing in the moment. It's beyond zen.
Medicine, who wouldn't like doing cool medical shit and saving lives.

Complacency, years of bad soldiers and leaders left him with a bitter taste in his mouth a large part of the motivation to go SF.
Boredom, years of having his time wasted over and over, especially when his job was so important left him hating to sit around doing nothing.

Objectives In New World:
Create a righteous society that brings peace. (War of conquest approved)
So what I'm seeing is someone who was always the odd one out, never having friends of his own or any role models other than his family. Someone who wanted to feel included and happy so followed the path of his siblings and father looking to be included and happy since they all seemed to be happy and included but never really became his own person.

The image seems like a good fit for the type of character your making, fit but not covered in muscles and slightly scruffy looking.

Your likes and dislikes make sense from what I can tell about your character, nothing stands out as unusual and seems like a real person.

His wish and Goal makes sense, he wants the things he never got in life, love and the ability to relax which, for a character that seemed to be in a high-stress situation, is realistic, he just wants to be able to enjoy his life without having to worry about the next paycheck or waking up in bed alone, or even just being upset as people around him talk about their plans when his probably only consists of gym, work, home and sometimes shopping or watching a movie.

All in all I find it as a rather realistic character who could feasibly exist, he isn't perfect he has flaws and that is one of the best parts about him, a lot of people make characters that can be best described as "generic anime protagonist 2395" with few flaws or the present flaws far too exaggerated to be interesting.

The death it's self is interesting in that it's the direct fault of the character due to multiple mistakes made by them, the first being overworking themselves and the second is the fact that they chose to drive knowing they were that tired.

Their final thoughts are a bit iffy to me but no one quite knows what will go through someone's head as they die and it can be seen as them trying not to think about the prospect of dying by distracting themselves with silly thoughts.

A good read of the character. I wanted to do a bit of a combination"salaryman/weirdo/anime-nerd gets isekai'd" approach. I just worked on fleshing him out until it felt right. Though looking it over... there's some spelling and grammar issues that are jumping out at me in my sheet.

The final thoughts are a bit... forced to try and get what I want, though the forced bit of it is only a small part. The other parts of it is trying to make his death funny (trying to be in line with the standard "pointless"/"out of the blue" isekai death scenes) and a bit based on how I would react to dying for a really stupid (read: avoidable) reason.

@ChrisClark13 Do me! Do me!
In all seriousness, I'll edit in my review of your sheet in in an hour :p

Mhmmm... not like I've got anything better I'm doing at the moment. A lazy Sunday for me. (Aside from some homework to do this evening.)

Name: Miho Sakatsuki (Sakatsuki Miho)

Age: 21

Nationality: Japanese-American


Backstory: The oldest daughter of a Japanese Businessman and an American Sailor (Retired). Sakatsuki Miho lived in a middle-class apartment in Japan. Her dream was to join the JMSDF, but that was never realized, due to her position on the Autism Spectrum and requirement of permanent medication.

In her formative years, Miho adored fiction and history focused on Feudal Japan. This impacted her greatly later in life. When she became ten years old, she politely requested that she be signed up for Kyuudo, citing her desire for a sport that was more focused on mental activity than physical. While the family was not in the best place financially at the time, her parents agreed. She spent the time leading up to her first session with the private group practicing the mental discipline of Kyuudo and impressed her teachers with her dedication. It was around this time that Miho began living her life out by her moral code. She adopted the anarchic Bushido Code for herself and lived by it's Eight tenants to the best of her ability.

While Miho was not a remarkable student academically, she distinguished herself as a fiercely martial and sporty girl, dabbling in Kendo and Aikido, but primarily focusing on her beloved Art of the Bow.

Her greatest achievement was winning the National Competition for Kyuudo, and beating the sexist pig that had won the male bracket in a challenge.

After graduating from High School, Miho opened her own Kyuudo Dojo, not wanting to attend college. Faithfully running her Dojo for three years, Miho contributed a portion of her earnings for three years, declining to participate in the Olympics, citing personal reasons. In reality, the young girl had been given a death threat by the same male champion she had beaten all those years ago. While she personally cared not for the threat, the fact that the man had found her address, and tracked her family down disturbed her enough that she declined the invitation, staying near her family to make sure the man who issued the death threat did not harm her beloved family.

Biggest Achievement: Winning the Nationals for Kyuudo in her Senior Year

Biggest Failure: Despite her fantastic grades, not getting into the Naval Academy due to Autism, and requiring permanent Medication

Personal Wish: To live a life helping others, protecting those that cannot protect themselves. Ironic, considering how she died.

Likes and Dislikes:
  • Likes:
    • Bushido Code, or the code of the Warrior: Miho lives and breathes this code, seeing it as a way of life.
      • Righteousness: Miho sees this as living her life righteously, not selectively doing it. She follows the spirit of the law, and will not abide by crimes should they go against the spirit of the law. For example, while she would forgive a thief for stealing something if he was hungry, she would still expect the thief to submit to punishment. She would also ensure the thief has a way to feed himself in the future, if possible. She also abhors lying, and will not suffer falsehoods.
      • Heroic Courage: Miho sees this as not a lack of fear, but to acknowledge fear, and conquering it. The best example in her life is her lack of phobias, though she still fears things, she doesn't let it paralyze her, always fighting to overcome it.
      • Compassion/Benevolence: Miho tends to look to Christianity for this since she sees the ideals of Jesus of Nazarene as a perfect example of Compassion and Benevolence. While she does tend to not turn the other cheek, she tries to live her life charitably, often donating time and money to just causes. She is prone to random acts of kindness.
      • Respect: While a Warrior is strong, they must respect everyone. They must never see the civilians they protect as extras or numbers, but as innocents to be protected and respected.
      • Honesty: When a vow/promise is made, it will be upheld. To date, Miho has only broken a single promise, and it was broken by circumstances beyond her control. She does not give her word lightly either.
      • Honor: Miho views this as a form of self humility. While being confident in your skills is one thing, you must always acknowledge that you are fallible.
      • Duty/Loyalty: A duty to her family, and her younger siblings. Duty to her kouhai, and her Sempai. She will fiercely protect those she has responsibility for, and honor the words of her superiors.
      • Self Control: To not overindulge, and to know when to quit.
  • Dislikes
    • Breaking her personal code:
      • This is something the Miho will not do unless forced by some form of mind control. Even in her last moments, Miho stuck true to her code.
    • Abuse of Power:
      • This is something that Miho cannot allow, nor will she abide by it. If she was to serve a corrupt lord, she will either kill or dethrone them. There is no if.
Objectives In New World: To become a warrior, and honor her personal code. She will protect the innocent, no matter the personal cost

Miho died a rather tragic death, one which was wholly avoidable, and preventable should bystanders have stepped in. Early in the morning, a crazed man shot her in her dojo as she was preparing for the morning lesson. Roughly 30 people heard the gunshot, and her cries for help. The man would exist the building three times, returning every time to check if she had died or not. On his final entry into the building, he found her dead, serenely staring into the distance, having accepted her death.
The man would later be imprisoned for life. He would die in his cell roughly 30 years later.
Those that did not help her would be persecuted by her enraged mother and father.
None of this mattered in her last moments. All that Miho wished for was for the man to be brought to justice, and for another chance at protecting others.

I think I'll start off with my general impression of the character: very "samurai" and very heroic. Like, just about everything in your sheet is in service of reinforcing those two things.

The image you have is very adorable. Though she doesn't look like the type of person to run a dojo, build-wise. Though after googling it it turns out that having a certain athletic build for archery doesn't really matter (probably aside from the simple "not being out of shape".) So I'm just having fun imagining this waif of a woman dressed up in a traditional martial arts outfit of some sort teaching a bunch of dumb kids archery. Um, that got away from me a bit in the end, but yeah, good image.

Aaaa... anyways, on to details. Commence the nitpicking (that hopefully turns out to be constructive criticism).

I hope I'm not being too mean about including you Autism in there, but--strictly in the sense of it serving as a plot element--it feels like something that's just been tacked on to prevent her from being able to realize her dream. It doesn't seem to affect her much beyond that and her needing constant meds (which also doesn't affect her too much). What other ways did it affect her life? Though shifting gears to look at it In terms of what has to be on an RP character's sheet, I suppose I also don't have a place to say that you also strictly have to put more details about it on your sheet.

Moving on to the related point of her biggest failure, how did failing at that shape her life? (It's really more of a 'sorry but you can't', and not a true failure on her part... but her emotions about that don't have to make sense.) She would've already been practicing archery for years at that point, so I don't see how archery and her dream are related- but I imagine just having her dreams shot down like that would've not been very great for someone coming out of high school (though I don't know when the age of recruitment is in Japan). Not being able to go to the Olympics either because of the threat from the man she beat in the competition feels like it would've been a terrible double-blow to her.

Looking at what's there in the backstory it seems that not being able to go to the Olympics is a 'greatest failure' that's much more relevant to her. It feels like you wrote in her greatest failure before the backstory and it doesn't seem to be very relevant in her backstory.

Finishing up the sheet, maybe consider a few more likes and dislikes that can help fully flesh out her personality? Right now I'm just reading "very determined, very honorable as a personal choice, maybe patriotic" as the main notes personality-wise.

Onto the Death Scene, it feels very... impersonal in terms of perspective. I really get the feeling that a rewrite of the events from her perspective would help a lot in both fleshing out her character (and also in giving the GM more fun details to work with).

@ChrisClark13 Do me! Do me!
In all seriousness, I'll edit in my review of your sheet in in an hour :p
I like John. He's a good guy, and unlike my death scene, didn't feel forced. Mostly because I made Miho entirely too careful and well-liked for her to die in a car accident. Also, Japan. ANYWAYS, I like how his wish could be misconstrued, IE: make me a shapeshifter, or a beautiful woman. If I were particularly sadistic and was the GM, a Siren comes to mind. He'd never want for love (Even if it was false...), he'd be popular, and most of all, he'd have it easy.

For Miho's opinion on him? He'd rub her the wrong way at first, but she'd quickly warm up to him. His drive is admirable, and Miho would appreciate that. I honestly think she would get along with him pretty well, if they had time to sort out their kinks.

Hope I'm reading into John's character right! I'd honestly go back to Curtis though. John is overused.

Edit 2:
Lemme know if this was actually helpful :p

Ah dang, both the best and worst kind of criticism, "everything fine the way it is!". :p

Anyhow, hopefully, the GM isn't as sadistic as you are and don't you know you're not supposed to give the GM evil ideas? :p

John's opinion on Miho? I'd be able to give a better one in-game, but he'd at least think learning archery and stuff is really cool. He'd find her drive admirable as well and would try not to end up on her bad side (considering that I feel I'm likely to get some sort of ability/power that plays with emotions).

There's another reason I didn't use Curtis, I ah... feel like I overuse that name for my guy characters. Besides, I feel an overused name fits (IRL, not so much in RPs in my experience). At least it's not Michael, there's like a million guys named Michael just in the US alone.
Last edited:
I guess I wouldn't mind a review myself?

Only um... if you also review someone else's sheet. It doesn't seem like mine needs much more reviewing/work done on it and it'd be kind of pointless to ask for reviews for mine. (I do want this RP to turn out amazing, though I should probably reign in my hopes a little.)

Also, give me a while. I may end up getting around to it tomorrow.
I hope I'm not being too mean about including you Autism in there, but--strictly in the sense of it serving as a plot element--it feels like something that's just been tacked on to prevent her from being able to realize her dream. It doesn't seem to affect her much beyond that and her needing constant meds (which also doesn't affect her too much). What other ways did it affect her life? Though shifting gears to look at it In terms of what has to be on an RP character's sheet, I suppose I also don't have a place to say that you also strictly have to put more details about it on your sheet.
Moving on to the related point of her biggest failure, how did failing at that shape her life? (It's really more of a 'sorry but you can't', and not a true failure on her part... but her emotions about that don't have to make sense.) She would've already been practicing archery for years at that point, so I don't see how archery and her dream are related- but I imagine just having her dreams shot down like that would've not been very great for someone coming out of high school (though I don't know when the age of recruitment is in Japan). Not being able to go to the Olympics either because of the threat from the man she beat in the competition feels like it would've been a terrible double-blow to her.
Awesome feedback. I'm making edits to the sheet as we speak. I definitely felt that parts of it were forced, and you've helped me figure out the bits of the sheet I need to fix! I appreciate it, and I appreciate that you found my criticism productive :D
Hrm, and I don't really feel comfortable in my ability to review a straight up character sheet without seeing them do things, nevermind then.
Name: Suzuki Suzu
Age: 17
Nationality: Japanese


Do you feel that trickle of ice down your spine? That unseasonable coldness? That's Suzuki Suzu entering the room and judging all of you for your shit taste. People think she's shy. She thinks those people are idiots. Some people think that she warms up when you get to know her. They're wrong. She becomes incendiary. She has ten sockpuppets and all of them are embroiled in ongoing Twitter feuds. She was banned from the debate team for 'unsportsmanlike conduct' after she caused a meltdown on stage. Suzuki Suzu is unapproachable, a veritable ice queen. Except for her mother's brother's sister's cousin's kid, who is also coincidentally named Suzuki Suzu. They are best friends who's friendship is powered by memes, dreams, and screams. She rags on Suzu for being a trash goblin who survives off of internet outrage and smugness. Suzu rags on her for being a stick in the mud aristocrat who wouldn't have fun even if you held a gun to her head. Best friend stuff.
Biggest Achievement: I managed to get first place in this short story competition once. I mean, the prize money was great but validation was even better. Writing that was a breath of fresh air after these fuckin' isekai shit.
Biggest Failure: Okay, so there was this really really bad quest thread on 2chan about genocide with a MC with the personality of roughly two bricks taped together. The fact that somebody actually wanted to turn it into a LN pisses me the fuck off. These pigs in human clothing will literally consume anything. Anything. Fucking anything. I hopes they all explode.
Personal Wish: It'd be nice if one of the premises I actually like get a good reception. I want to write about something that's not a fuckin' plank and something that's not overblown yuribait thankyouverymuch.
Likes and Dislikes: Well, I like reading, which is somewhat of a lost art in this age of degeneracy. Actual books, that is. I like playing the guitar, but I'm not very good at it. My favorite subjects are History, Literature, and Physical Education. Some people may say that I am argumentative, and they would be wrong. I merely enjoy pitched discussion, and anyone who can't follow my lines of thought are idiots. If you put a gun to my head I would be forced to say that the other Suzu's art is actually pretty good. I also like chicken kaarage.
Dislikes, hmm. Well, I don't really like sweet things, because they're just covering up their abject inferiority with cheap sugars that hit our caveman brain buttons. I especially hate Isekai as a trend of fiction. It's an endlessly self referential thing that uses cheap gags and tired memes with a heaping teaspoon of masturbation instead of any real verisimilitude! Oooh, you have a cheat power! Oooh, you don't need to put in the hard work or grow as a character! Man, jog off and drown with your body pillows.
Objectives In New World: Not spontaneously combust in rage at the discovery that I'm in a fuckin' isekai.

One morning, two Suzus were walking through the streets to go to their school. They were also arguing, but this is not an uncommon event. "I'm telling you, just have the protagonist get killed by a truck. Just do it like everyone else. Don't try to be special you nerd." The first Suzuki Suzu, for the sake of convenience, henceforth referred to as Suzu 2.

The other Suzu- Suzu 1, scoffed. "Everyone else is a gross otaku shut-in. I'm not gonna pander for them. I'm not writing an isekai, you idiot. It's a send off to Alice in Wonderland, not 'I was Sent To the Other World With A Ten Foot Nuclear Penis!"

"Soz. I can't believe I'm collabing with this elitist over here. It's another world. It's isekai. Literally. I-sekai. Besides everyone knows alice in wonderland is isekai anyways."

"That's a really really broad definition, Suzu. Is Sinbad the Sailor isekai, huh? How about John Carter's Mars? Shit, I guess Seinfield is isekai!"

"Okay, you can't use those against because I've never read them LMAO. Also, Seinfeld is totally isekai. See they get transported to a world where people are actually funny and interesting and not just giant sticks in the mud." Suzu 2 said, spinning around. In a quieter voice she added, "by which Suzu meant Suzuki Suzu."

Being the sort of person to beneficently ignore petty insults, Suzu 1 sneered. That was not hard because she mostly sneered anyway. "Wow. I can't believe I have a style-radical origin radical on my friends list. You have one hour to remove me from your list, because I think that is how long you need to do that simple task."

There was a red light in the intersection they were coming up on. "Puleaze. You know this novel would never work without me. You know how many hits you've gotten for your shitty manuscript? Like, 10? You know how many I've gotten for my amazing character illustrations? 102,391 as of this morning. Face it, I'm the one carrying this team effort." It hurt but she didn't need to rub it in, to be entirely honest.

"Your character illustrations are literally porn. You can only draw saberfaces, face it. At most we'll see such innovations like megane Saber and black haired Saber. That's not something to be proud of, my friend."

The two of them stopped by the intersection. The green light had turned into red but neither of noticed because they were too busy arguing with each other. "You're just jealous of my integrity. Wanna hang out after school today?" Suzu 1 said, idly fiddling around with her smartphone.

"Yeah sure I guess. I got nothing better to do. I'll ditch my club and we can hang out by the food court. But seriously. I'm telling you. Literally. Just have them get killed by a tru-"

This was when they got ran over by a truck.
Name: The one and only Suzuki Suzu

Age: A lady never tells (◕ᴗ◕✿)

Nationality: Japanese


Backstory: Suzuki Suzu is a one in a lifttime artistic prodigy. Scouted for the Saint Mary's School for Girls's premier award winning art club. Wooed through a combination of sweets, favors, gofering, and cajoling. Finally convinced to put her signature on a club application form. The first day of her enrollment into the club was a celebration just for her. The best entertainment and food a rich catholic girl school club could provide. Merriment abundant. Joy all around.

The second day she didn't show up, citing a need a desperate need to go landscape viewing. A sudden burst of artistic inspiration- for which the art club gladly let her go, convinced that she would come back the next day with some new masterpiece. But instead she just went to go hang out with the anime club to watch some shitty battle harem anime. YOLO.

...yep, that's exactly the sort of girl Suzuki Suzu is. Or was, anyways.

On the outside a top scoring prodigy. Straight As across the board, an artistic genius, someone paintings are being hunt up in minor installations at art exhibitions and for which she had multiple conservatory invitations just waiting in the wings. Beneath the surface, she has 24 alts, has literally DDOS'd down a major forum with a Russian botnet, hosts an artstream where she draws commissions of your waifu and then makes fun of them to an audience of thousands. An unrepentant goblin of a girl who will never have her power level discovered because she is too stronk. That's who she is.

Suzuki Suzu has one true friend, and that is Suzuki Suzu- AND NOT HERSELF. Like her best friend is also named Suzuki Suzu. Long story made short, she's like a second twice removed (Or was it three times removed?) cousin of hers that is also part of the Suzuki clan and coincidentally also named Suzu, though spelled with different kanji. Yeah. It's really weird, she knows. They are best friends despite being total opposites. They ditch clubs to hang out at the food court after class. Suzu makes fun of shitty anime, Suzu sneers down at their low quality. They were working on a collab light novel (IN THE VEIN OF NISIO AND KADANO KOUHEI NOT THE DEGENERATES WHO WRITE LIGHT NOVELS TODAY, Suzu insists) but that'll probably never get finished now.

Or will it...?

Nah, probably not.

Biggest Achievement: Getting suspicious about this really creepy loli art request by this one guy, backtracking his trail across the internet, discovering that he was a total creepo who paid poor fillapino parents to film their children in really disgusting ways, and then reporting him anonymous to the police afterwards. Nobody knew it was her, but when she saw the news report while she was eating breakfast one morning she felt rather satisfied about it.

Biggest Failure: Not finishing her light novel with her best friend. Okay, the writing was going to be awful, it was carried only by the quality of the art, but it was going to be this really cool collaboration which the two of them would have memories of forever.

Personal Wish: To taste test that new orange-pecan ice cream flavor that was coming out at the food court. It got rave reviews when it debuted and she had been waiting for totally ever for it to get here.

Likes and Dislikes:
  • Sweet, eats, and other treats. Girl has a sweet tooth, and she knows exactly what will fill it. She works it all off frantically in the gym later, but it's all worth it. For the moment anyways. Hedonist that she is, mostly she just thinks about the moment and worries about the rest for later.
  • Her friend, Suzuki Suzu because that name is just so rad. Also for other reasons too, but mostly for the name :V
  • Anime, manga, and light novels. Not exclusively the high quality stuff either but also like the really shitty awful trash like Oreimo which is made deliberately to pander to degenerates. She enjoys the trashfire and she enjoys the flamewars. Bring on the waifuwars bb. She and her 24 socks will bath in the tears of rage.
  • Making you mad LMAO
  • People who don't gain weight easily. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  • People who are better than her at video games. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  • People who try to lecture her. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  • Boring shit.
  • Boring society.
  • Society.
  • Having to list out all her dislikes.
  • Lists.
  • Writing.

Objectives In New World: Dunk on nerds, keep being rad. The usual.

Suzuki Suzu walked along the road with a peculiar swinging gait, both hands behind her back. Like a duck. She did it because it looked weird, felt weird, and most importantly pissed off the person walking besides her something fierce. Speaking of which, Suzuki Suzu turned to Suzuki Suzu and said with a cheeky grin, "I'm telling you, just have the protagonist get killed by a truck. Just do it like everyone else. Don't try to be special you nerd."

The look on Suzuki Suzu's face screamed 'you are such a degenerate'. Her face tried to revolt off her head as far away from that gross goblin that she called her best friend as much as possible. "Everyone else is a gross otaku shut-in," she scoffed. "I'm not gonna pander for them. I'm not writing an isekai, you idiot. It's a send off to Alice in Wonderland, not 'I was Sent To the Other World With A Ten Foot Nuclear Penis!""

Suzu shrugged. "soz," she said the emoji out loud. " I can't believe I'm collabing with this elitist over here. It's another world. It's isekai. Literally. I-sekai. Besides everyone knows alice in wonderland is isekai anyways."

Suzu turned to Suzu with a look of anger. "That's a really really broad definition, Suzu," she ranted. "Is Sinbad the Sailor isekai, huh? How about John Carter's Mars?" Every other sentence she got more and more worked out. She ended up yelling. "Shit, I guess Seinfield is isekai!"

Suzu smirked. "Okay, you can't use those against because I've never read them LMAO." She paused and reconsidered them. Actually, Seinfeld was pretty good. She'd have to remark upon that. "Also, Seinfeld is totally isekai. See they get transported to a world where people are actually funny and interesting and not just giant sticks in the mud."

Suzu looked like she was about to say something so Suzu said the other part quickly before she could interrupt. "Sotto voice," she said in a whisper as if she were reading off a play script. "By which Suzu meant Suzuki Suzu."


Owned. Pwznered. Destroyed. Suzu was now officially dead, slain by Suzu's wicked sweet burn.

"Wow." Suzu's voice was totally flat. "I can't believe I have a style-radical origin radical on my friends list. You have one hour to remove me from your list, because I think that is how long you need to do that simple task."

Suzu laughed. Okay that one hour thing was pretty good. "Puleaze," she drew the word out long enough that it just verged into annoying but before it was annoying enough that anyone would say anything. "You know this novel would never work without me. You know how many hits you've gotten for your shitty manuscript? Like, 10? You know how many I've gotten for my amazing character illustrations?" Suzu asked, but answered her own question. It was a rhetorical question. "102,391 as of this morning. Face it, I'm the one carrying this team effort."

"Your character illustrations are literally porn. You can only draw saberfaces, face it." Rude. Okay sometimes Suzu just drew the same face just to save time, but like creating interesting character designs actually took skill and sometimes she just wanted to mock some nerd's waifu. "At most we'll see such innovations like megane Saber and black haired Saber. That's not something to be proud of, my friend."

Okay that one kinda stung a bit. It was good. It was almost too good. Suzu almost didn't think of a counter. In haste, she resorted to scoffing and then throwing a random ad hominem.

"LMAO sour grapes much?" Suzu made a wet raspberry sound. "Face it bb, sex sells and no body wants to read like 50000 words written by some Pushkin-fangirl without a babe with a smoking bod to go along with it."

"You're just jealous of my integrity." The two of them stepped over the curb as they argued. Suzu pulled out her smartphone. "Wanna hang out after school today?"

Suzu shrugged. "Yeah sure I guess. I got nothing better to do. I'll ditch my club and we can hang out by the food court." Suzu had heard that new Orange-Pecan, or was it Pecan-Orange- was to die for. "But seriously. I'm telling you. Literally. Just have them get killed by a tru- "

There was weird crunch sound. And then suddenly Suzu found her world spinning edge of edge, going black. Her brains rattled in the skull and she found herself laying on the asphalt for some reason.

Weird. She was kind of lazy but Suzu knew that she definitely wouldn't lay down on the ground. She wasn't that lazy. And look, there was Suzu, laying down too. That definitely wasn't normal. Suzu tried to walk over but for some reason her hands were responding. That was bad. If her arm was broken that would affect her art. And her side hurt too. And there was a lot of red.




Damn, Suzu tried to say but her larnyx wasn't responding. Her traitorous body was finally giving her its last betrayal. Damn, Suzu thought in a pool of red. I'm never going to get to try that Orange-Pecan.

Or maybe it was Pecan-orange?

Suzu died.
NVM, just read it. Now to think of twin monsters...



How do you two feel 'bout being a pair of demonic eyes glued together to one another, floating about, The Twins style? :p
Btw, @A nice guy , I think you could change your characters Appearence to Shinra from Fore Force and have the same effect of him being sorta creepy. Mostly due to the 'smile.' but! It's just a suggestion.
Name: Suzuki Suzu
Age: 17
Nationality: Japanese

Backstory: Do you feel that trickle of ice down your spine? That unseasonable coldness? That's Suzuki Suzu entering the room and judging all of you for your shit taste. People think she's shy. She thinks those people are idiots. Some people think that she warms up when you get to know her. They're wrong. She becomes incendiary. She has ten sockpuppets and all of them are embroiled in ongoing Twitter feuds. She was banned from the debate team for 'unsportsmanlike conduct' after she caused a meltdown on stage. Suzuki Suzu is unapproachable, a veritable ice queen. Except for her mother's brother's sister's cousin's kid, who is also coincidentally named Suzuki Suzu. They are best friends who's friendship is powered by memes, dreams, and screams. She rags on Suzu for being a trash goblin who survives off of internet outrage and smugness. Suzu rags on her for being a stick in the mud aristocrat who wouldn't have fun even if you held a gun to her head. Best friend stuff.
Biggest Achievement: I managed to get first place in this short story competition once. I mean, the prize money was great but validation was even better. Writing that was a breath of fresh air after these fuckin' isekai shit.
Biggest Failure: Okay, so there was this really really bad quest thread on 2chan about genocide with a MC with the personality of roughly two bricks taped together. The fact that somebody actually wanted to turn it into a LN pisses me the fuck off. These pigs in human clothing will literally consume anything. Anything. Fucking anything. I hopes they all explode.
Personal Wish: It'd be nice if one of the premises I actually like get a good reception. I want to write about something that's not a fuckin' plank and something that's not overblown yuribait thankyouverymuch.
Likes and Dislikes: Well, I like reading, which is somewhat of a lost art in this age of degeneracy. Actual books, that is. I like playing the guitar, but I'm not very good at it. My favorite subjects are History, Literature, and Physical Education. Some people may say that I am argumentative, and they would be wrong. I merely enjoy pitched discussion, and anyone who can't follow my lines of thought are idiots. If you put a gun to my head I would be forced to say that the other Suzu's art is actually pretty good. I also like chicken kaarage.
Dislikes, hmm. Well, I don't really like sweet things, because they're just covering up their abject inferiority with cheap sugars that hit our caveman brain buttons. I especially hate Isekai as a trend of fiction. It's an endlessly self referential thing that uses cheap gags and tired memes with a heaping teaspoon of masturbation instead of any real verisimilitude! Oooh, you have a cheat power! Oooh, you don't need to put in the hard work or grow as a character! Man, jog off and drown with your body pillows.
Objectives In New World: Not spontaneously combust in rage at the discovery that I'm in a fuckin' isekai.

One morning, two Suzus were walking through the streets to go to their school. They were also arguing, but this is not an uncommon event. "I'm telling you, just have the protagonist get killed by a truck. Just do it like everyone else. Don't try to be special you nerd." The first Suzuki Suzu, for the sake of convenience, henceforth referred to as Suzu 2.

The other Suzu- Suzu 1, scoffed. "Everyone else is a gross otaku shut-in. I'm not gonna pander for them. I'm not writing an isekai, you idiot. It's a send off to Alice in Wonderland, not 'I was Sent To the Other World With A Ten Foot Nuclear Penis!"

"Soz. I can't believe I'm collabing with this elitist over here. It's another world. It's isekai. Literally. I-sekai. Besides everyone knows alice in wonderland is isekai anyways."

"That's a really really broad definition, Suzu. Is Sinbad the Sailor isekai, huh? How about John Carter's Mars? Shit, I guess Seinfield is isekai!"

"Okay, you can't use those against because I've never read them LMAO. Also, Seinfeld is totally isekai. See they get transported to a world where people are actually funny and interesting and not just giant sticks in the mud." Suzu 2 said, spinning around. In a quieter voice she added, "by which Suzu meant Suzuki Suzu."

Being the sort of person to beneficently ignore petty insults, Suzu 1 sneered. That was not hard because she mostly sneered anyway. "Wow. I can't believe I have a style-radical origin radical on my friends list. You have one hour to remove me from your list, because I think that is how long you need to do that simple task."

There was a red light in the intersection they were coming up on. "Puleaze. You know this novel would never work without me. You know how many hits you've gotten for your shitty manuscript? Like, 10? You know how many I've gotten for my amazing character illustrations? 102,391 as of this morning. Face it, I'm the one carrying this team effort." It hurt but she didn't need to rub it in, to be entirely honest.

"Your character illustrations are literally porn. You can only draw saberfaces, face it. At most we'll see such innovations like megane Saber and black haired Saber. That's not something to be proud of, my friend."

The two of them stopped by the intersection. The green light had turned into red but neither of noticed because they were too busy arguing with each other. "You're just jealous of my integrity. Wanna hang out after school today?" Suzu 1 said, idly fiddling around with her smartphone.

"Yeah sure I guess. I got nothing better to do. I'll ditch my club and we can hang out by the food court. But seriously. I'm telling you. Literally. Just have them get killed by a tru-"

This was when they got ran over by a truck.
Name: The one and only Suzuki Suzu

Age: A lady never tells (◕ᴗ◕✿)

Nationality: Japanese


Backstory: Suzuki Suzu is a one in a lifttime artistic prodigy. Scouted for the Saint Mary's School for Girls's premier award winning art club. Wooed through a combination of sweets, favors, gofering, and cajoling. Finally convinced to put her signature on a club application form. The first day of her enrollment into the club was a celebration just for her. The best entertainment and food a rich catholic girl school club could provide. Merriment abundant. Joy all around.

The second day she didn't show up, citing a need a desperate need to go landscape viewing. A sudden burst of artistic inspiration- for which the art club gladly let her go, convinced that she would come back the next day with some new masterpiece. But instead she just went to go hang out with the anime club to watch some shitty battle harem anime. YOLO.

...yep, that's exactly the sort of girl Suzuki Suzu is. Or was, anyways.

On the outside a top scoring prodigy. Straight As across the board, an artistic genius, someone paintings are being hunt up in minor installations at art exhibitions and for which she had multiple conservatory invitations just waiting in the wings. Beneath the surface, she has 24 alts, has literally DDOS'd down a major forum with a Russian botnet, hosts an artstream where she draws commissions of your waifu and then makes fun of them to an audience of thousands. An unrepentant goblin of a girl who will never have her power level discovered because she is too stronk. That's who she is.

Suzuki Suzu has one true friend, and that is Suzuki Suzu- AND NOT HERSELF. Like her best friend is also named Suzuki Suzu. Long story made short, she's like a second twice removed (Or was it three times removed?) cousin of hers that is also part of the Suzuki clan and coincidentally also named Suzu, though spelled with different kanji. Yeah. It's really weird, she knows. They are best friends despite being total opposites. They ditch clubs to hang out at the food court after class. Suzu makes fun of shitty anime, Suzu sneers down at their low quality. They were working on a collab light novel (IN THE VEIN OF NISIO AND KADANO KOUHEI NOT THE DEGENERATES WHO WRITE LIGHT NOVELS TODAY, Suzu insists) but that'll probably never get finished now.

Or will it...?

Nah, probably not.

Biggest Achievement: Getting suspicious about this really creepy loli art request by this one guy, backtracking his trail across the internet, discovering that he was a total creepo who paid poor fillapino parents to film their children in really disgusting ways, and then reporting him anonymous to the police afterwards. Nobody knew it was her, but when she saw the news report while she was eating breakfast one morning she felt rather satisfied about it.

Biggest Failure: Not finishing her light novel with her best friend. Okay, the writing was going to be awful, it was carried only by the quality of the art, but it was going to be this really cool collaboration which the two of them would have memories of forever.

Personal Wish: To taste test that new orange-pecan ice cream flavor that was coming out at the food court. It got rave reviews when it debuted and she had been waiting for totally ever for it to get here.

Likes and Dislikes:
  • Sweet, eats, and other treats. Girl has a sweet tooth, and she knows exactly what will fill it. She works it all off frantically in the gym later, but it's all worth it. For the moment anyways. Hedonist that she is, mostly she just thinks about the moment and worries about the rest for later.
  • Her friend, Suzuki Suzu because that name is just so rad. Also for other reasons too, but mostly for the name :V
  • Anime, manga, and light novels. Not exclusively the high quality stuff either but also like the really shitty awful trash like Oreimo which is made deliberately to pander to degenerates. She enjoys the trashfire and she enjoys the flamewars. Bring on the waifuwars bb. She and her 24 socks will bath in the tears of rage.
  • Making you mad LMAO
  • People who don't gain weight easily. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  • People who are better than her at video games. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  • People who try to lecture her. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  • Boring shit.
  • Boring society.
  • Society.
  • Having to list out all her dislikes.
  • Lists.
  • Writing.

Objectives In New World: Dunk on nerds, keep being rad. The usual.

Suzuki Suzu walked along the road with a peculiar swinging gait, both hands behind her back. Like a duck. She did it because it looked weird, felt weird, and most importantly pissed off the person walking besides her something fierce. Speaking of which, Suzuki Suzu turned to Suzuki Suzu and said with a cheeky grin, "I'm telling you, just have the protagonist get killed by a truck. Just do it like everyone else. Don't try to be special you nerd."

The look on Suzuki Suzu's face screamed 'you are such a degenerate'. Her face tried to revolt off her head as far away from that gross goblin that she called her best friend as much as possible. "Everyone else is a gross otaku shut-in," she scoffed. "I'm not gonna pander for them. I'm not writing an isekai, you idiot. It's a send off to Alice in Wonderland, not 'I was Sent To the Other World With A Ten Foot Nuclear Penis!""

Suzu shrugged. "soz," she said the emoji out loud. " I can't believe I'm collabing with this elitist over here. It's another world. It's isekai. Literally. I-sekai. Besides everyone knows alice in wonderland is isekai anyways."

Suzu turned to Suzu with a look of anger. "That's a really really broad definition, Suzu," she ranted. "Is Sinbad the Sailor isekai, huh? How about John Carter's Mars?" Every other sentence she got more and more worked out. She ended up yelling. "Shit, I guess Seinfield is isekai!"

Suzu smirked. "Okay, you can't use those against because I've never read them LMAO." She paused and reconsidered them. Actually, Seinfeld was pretty good. She'd have to remark upon that. "Also, Seinfeld is totally isekai. See they get transported to a world where people are actually funny and interesting and not just giant sticks in the mud."

Suzu looked like she was about to say something so Suzu said the other part quickly before she could interrupt. "Sotto voice," she said in a whisper as if she were reading off a play script. "By which Suzu meant Suzuki Suzu."


Owned. Pwznered. Destroyed. Suzu was now officially dead, slain by Suzu's wicked sweet burn.

"Wow." Suzu's voice was totally flat. "I can't believe I have a style-radical origin radical on my friends list. You have one hour to remove me from your list, because I think that is how long you need to do that simple task."

Suzu laughed. Okay that one hour thing was pretty good. "Puleaze," she drew the word out long enough that it just verged into annoying but before it was annoying enough that anyone would say anything. "You know this novel would never work without me. You know how many hits you've gotten for your shitty manuscript? Like, 10? You know how many I've gotten for my amazing character illustrations?" Suzu asked, but answered her own question. It was a rhetorical question. "102,391 as of this morning. Face it, I'm the one carrying this team effort."

"Your character illustrations are literally porn. You can only draw saberfaces, face it." Rude. Okay sometimes Suzu just drew the same face just to save time, but like creating interesting character designs actually took skill and sometimes she just wanted to mock some nerd's waifu. "At most we'll see such innovations like megane Saber and black haired Saber. That's not something to be proud of, my friend."

Okay that one kinda stung a bit. It was good. It was almost too good. Suzu almost didn't think of a counter. In haste, she resorted to scoffing and then throwing a random ad hominem.

"LMAO sour grapes much?" Suzu made a wet raspberry sound. "Face it bb, sex sells and no body wants to read like 50000 words written by some Pushkin-fangirl without a babe with a smoking bod to go along with it."

"You're just jealous of my integrity." The two of them stepped over the curb as they argued. Suzu pulled out her smartphone. "Wanna hang out after school today?"

Suzu shrugged. "Yeah sure I guess. I got nothing better to do. I'll ditch my club and we can hang out by the food court." Suzu had heard that new Orange-Pecan, or was it Pecan-Orange- was to die for. "But seriously. I'm telling you. Literally. Just have them get killed by a tru- "

There was weird crunch sound. And then suddenly Suzu found her world spinning edge of edge, going black. Her brains rattled in the skull and she found herself laying on the asphalt for some reason.

Weird. She was kind of lazy but Suzu knew that she definitely wouldn't lay down on the ground. She wasn't that lazy. And look, there was Suzu, laying down too. That definitely wasn't normal. Suzu tried to walk over but for some reason her hands were responding. That was bad. If her arm was broken that would affect her art. And her side hurt too. And there was a lot of red.




Damn, Suzu tried to say but her larnyx wasn't responding. Her traitorous body was finally giving her its last betrayal. Damn, Suzu thought in a pool of red. I'm never going to get to try that Orange-Pecan.

Or maybe it was Pecan-orange?

Suzu died.
I can't stop laughing. I legit cannot stop laughing. You two are absolute gems. It's a beautiful if serious meme.
I can't stop laughing. I legit cannot stop laughing. You two are absolute gems. It's a beautiful if serious meme.

I can't tell if these are serious sheets or not. I genuinely can't. Will they be mad if I accept it? Is this a joke to troll me because I decided to make such a generic RP?

If so, god, I know, right?
Made a few edits to my sheet, changed the pic and added a few tiny details to the backstory and greatest failure.
Name: Shinomiya Naoya

Age: 18

Nationality: Japanese (Might as well get the whole format done)


Backstory: Hikari is your average third year high-school student. Well, If you look past his apparent Apathy and complete lack of social interaction with his peers, he's pretty basic. Content with being a passive observer, Hikari has no issues with living a life fully focused on himself. Or at least, had. His death made him realize how shallowy he lived, and how little meaning his life actually had. All he had done was leech off of the couple he was a son to, go to school for some time, and then die in a total accident.
If only he could get a second shot at this whole living thing, he thought, he would resolve himself to bring happiness to whatever people he managed to get close to.

Biggest Achievement: What he would consider his biggest achievent would be his paradigm shift moments before his death, the realization that he wanted to do more for others.

Biggest Failure: He regrets living a life he saw as meaningless, or not repaying the life he was given to by his parents.

Personal Wish: To find something about himself he can be proud of, and maybe help someone else find happiness along the way.

Likes and Dislikes:

Enjoys solitude, as he finds it much easier to think things through when by himself. It also eases his mind, which can become very anxious if surrounded by people.

Has a penchant for reading, although he prefers Light, more accesible books over others. He's not averse to reading the opposite if he finds the subject interesting, however.

Despite his aparent Stoiciness, Naoya is surprisingly fond of other people, and is willing to give a hand to anyone he deems 'Good'. This is mostly due to how unused he was to being close to others, but Naoya truly does tend to see the good in people.

Obviously, has a rough time when in crowded places. This is mostly due to him not being used to situations that involve large numbers of people.

Doesn't have a particularly fond view on himself as a person, and is quick to deride and kick himself if given the chance. Spending time alone can make you realize how many flaws you have.

Objectives In New World: make Connections, Find happiness. He was never good at making plans.


You have my interest

>Tensei Slime Image, randomized reincarnation

Now you have my Attention.

I'll write that intro post later.

...By which I mean now.

At the Subway, Shinjuku's specifically.
A boy, wearing headphones, stood a few feet away from the train tracks, listening to whatever random song came up from his MP3. He paid no attention to his surroundings, instead looking deep in tought.
That boy was me. As for what I was thinking so hard about, well...
I heard some stuff in school that stuck to my brain. Specifically, what seemed to be a case of two-timing.
Now, I'm not one who should be getting involved in such things, mostly since It's not my problem, and that I'm not exactly the most well-versed in social cues. But at the same time, I at least observed these specific individuals enough to know a little about them, creepy as that may sound.
I may not know much about Souta-kun, but I knew he was friendly enough to attempt speaking to me, even though I was obviously the most unapproachable one in the entire classroom. And I could see he truly meant that, so even though I didn't particularly change my ways after that, I held some respect for him.
And so, seeing that the girls he has been liking since the start of the year has been going off with an older man(Something I caught by complete accident, mind you) left me with naught but guilt. It left me wondering whether I should even do anything.
I've lived most of my life passively, for I found that to be much easier. I was lacking in so much, and knew so little of how to live, that my confidence could only be represented by 0.

But was that truly fine? Not for myself, but for other people. Was it fair that I lived a simple life, yet another was tricked right under his nose, and all I had to do was say a few words to change that?
When you thought about it, It really was no issue to me. Regardless of what he felt towards me afterwards, be it thankfulness or hatred, It brought me no trouble.

Maybe I'm not as helpful to others as I want to be. Why was I so afraid of approaching other people?
I guess... I guess I didn't understand them. I could not fully comprehend anyone other than myself, and so I feared whatever they could be. But, isn't that something that I could learn as I experience it?
...I'll tell him. I'll tell him tomorrow. It's unfair for me to not do so.
With renewed resolve, I decide to do it.
I could hear the train approaching, even wearing earbuds. I take a step back for safety, but while my foot hung in the air-

"O-oops, sorry, Kid." I stumble on a man behind me, and jump ahead in surprise.
"-Ah." My feet, were, no longer on the ground.

All I saw was a strong light. Time seemed to slow down, and then-


I spent my life slothfully doing nothing, draining the love and money of my parents, not helping anyone. And now, I will die in vain.
I'm sorry for being born, Mom, Dad.




...Huh? What was that? Am...Am I hearing things? Wait, how am I 'hearing'? I should have no concept of self. In fact, how am I thinking?!? Am I not dead after being run over by a train?!?!


"U-uh...Well, I always liked fantasy more than sci-fi when iot came to world-building, but wait what?" What, is this?



...Ah. I get it now.
I'm being transported to another world, aren't I?

If this is another chance at life, then...
"Then this time I will live by helping others."
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I wonder what and where we're all going to turn into. I mean some of us are sort of obviously aiming for certain monsters/monstrous humanoids. But, the majority of us have left it up to the GM.
I wonder what and where we're all going to turn into. I mean some of us are sort of obviously aiming for certain monsters/monstrous humanoids. But, the majority of us have left it up to the GM.
I'm curious too, I'm kind of hoping for something to do with fire cause of the fireman thing but other than that I left it up to the gm.