Valkyrie Quest (Honkai Impact 3rd)

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Guide a freshly graduated Valkyrie in the aftermath of the Second Honkai War. With extinction on the doorstep, Honkai knocking on the door, survival is the only thing that matters.

You're not special. You don't matter. Your life is just one single grain of sand making up a grander statistic, for the Schicksal Overseer to ignore over his morning coffee.

Best of luck, and may your life burn brightly.
Character Creation pt.1


Tea-Powered Biscuit-Eater Riding A Flamingo
The Land of Many Bregrets
Somehow… it feels like the world is getting worse.

The Berlin detonation in 1952 used to just be ancient history to you, but… then Siberia happened. The Second Honkai War happened. You were there, when night turned to day, when meteors rained down from the sky. When the very air seemed to boil, and those red flowers began gently raining down.

No-one who came out of that alive came out of it truly unscathed.

You were…
[ ][ORIGIN] ...there by coincidence: your parents had work in the area, some sort of science conference they said. Never came back.
[ ][ORIGIN] ...a local. Your home wasn't even left in ruins; completely wiped out, the region left so scarred and barren there's no trace of any habitation. You were on a school trip at the time. Your parents, unfortunately, were not.
[ ][ORIGIN] ...present for no known reason. You have no idea why you were there, out in the Siberian tundra. Only flashes and images. Your rescuers at Schicksal had to fill in the rest, as best as they were able.
[ ][ORIGIN] ...a kidnapping victim. As sad, absurd and improbably hilarious as it sounds, the Second Honkai War most likely saved your life. Very, very few people can put a claim to that.

You remember the beasts that poured forth, infesting the tundra long after the major disasters had stopped. Schicksal's Valkyries did what they could, but one by one their deployments gradually wound down. Never enough of them. Especially after that disaster blew such a ragged hole in their numbers.

[ ][MOTIVE] ...signed up immediately. Gave any excuse you could: glory, duty, justice. You just didn't want to feel that powerless ever again; join the rest of the nameless dead as just another damn statistic. You'll take absolutely anything you can get.
[ ][MOTIVE] ...didn't really have a choice in the matter. The Impact event managed to awaken something broken inside you; an 'incomplete' Stigmata; apparently some sort of relic(?) of the Previous Era. Schicksal took you in… a bit too eagerly after that. Just for health reasons alone, a Valkyrie is now your only valid path.
[ ][MOTIVE] ...signed up once you recovered. A Valkyrie took you in during the cleanup, and you desperately want to follow in her footsteps. She took some convincing… some slightly loud convincing, but you made your case in the end! Sure your artificial stigmata's a bit… wonky at times, but with family and friends behind you, you're sure to succeed!

The road to getting here was a bit… rocky in places, but here you stand: a new, freshly certified B-Rank Valkyrie. Of course, you fully expect it will take a while before you're trusted with anything more strenuous than cleanup duty – rescue work and mopping up the last zombies and beasts once the main forces have smashed the worst of it – but you definitely think you've earned it. You're proud to be here, at...

[ ][BASE] ...St. Freya High. Founded by Theresa Apocalypse for the training of prospective Valkyries in response to… well, you've heard some rumours, but it's generally understood to be the humane option. You are a member of the Far East Branch of Schicksal.
[ ][BASE] ...Schicksal Headquarters. Seat of the Schicksal Overseer, Otto Apocalypse, training here granted you the best trainers and equipment possible, honing you to the finest edge. You are a member of the Main Branch of Schicksal.

You're particularly proud of your…
[ ][STR] ...teamwork with your fellow cadets. You might not look like it, but something about Valkyrie squad tactics just clicked for you. You're a natural Leader.
[ ][STR] ...weapon skill. Obviously, a Valkyrie's weapon is their life on the battlefield. Prioritizing mastery was the obvious path. You're an accomplished Fighter.
[ ][STR] ...speed and agility. Can't kill what you can't catch, and you've a knack for being damn slippery when you want to be. You're an agile Speedster.
[ ][STR] ...tenacity and perseverance. No matter damn what, you've pulled through. Surviving Valkyrie training is pittance compared to the Second Honkai War. You're a born Survivor.

T-Though er, naturally, being a B-Rank definitely leaves some room for improvement…

[ ][WEAK] Maybe it's you, maybe it's the other cadets, but there's a divide there. You've never been able to connect with any of them.
[ ][WEAK] After Siberia… it almost feels like your life isn't quite real. Your survival a cosmic joke. The simulators aren't that realistic but even they sometimes make you… freeze up.
[ ][WEAK] Unfortunately, it's with your Stigmata. It hasn't quite… integrated correctly. For all the will in the world, your body just isn't that compatible, and now your days are numbered.

Still though, you dragged yourself through the B-Rank exam and have the certificate to prove it. Naturally, you'd never have managed it without your chosen weapon speciality.

[ ][WEAPON] The humble sword. They're a mainstay, and they're reliable.
[ ][WEAPON] Dual Pistols. Fighting at melee and range, you value their versatility.
[ ][WEAPON] The Lance. You still remember those gentle red flowers.
[ ][WEAPON] The Greatsword. The size of most Honkai Beasts requites nothing less, and you will crush them.
[ ][WEAPON] A Laser Cannon. Because you've met subtle people, and they're all cowards.

A/N: Because I am an eternal slave to the Bad Ideas Dinosaur, and whilst the first few chapters of Honkai Impact are a bit rough, once it picks up holy heck does it plant its feet and run. I blame @Baughn's Seele Quest and @Xasure Higeki's Herrscher quest entirely for this.

also avalanche's valkyrie quest hasn't updated in years and i am very depressed
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Character Sheet
Name: [undecided]
Age: 16
B-Rank Valkyrie of Schicksal Europe, Cannon/Melee Specialist

Survival: A-
How proficient you are at the noble art of not getting killed. This is one part sheer stubbornness, one part smarts and knowledge. At A-, you're abnormally difficult to keep down. Wounds heal quicker, bones are harder to break. You're an annoyingly tough little cookie for a cadet, almost on par with the Schicksal regulars.

Combat: B
A general statement on your capability in combat, and the stat determining your official Valkyrie Rank. Schicksal's main forces largely A-Rank Valkyries, with the number of S-Rankers typically in single digits and with the Overseer's personal attention. At B, you are actually a bit ahead of most Valkyries fresh out of training. Cannons are helpful like that.

Social: D+
How to am other people? Not like this, at D Rank. You're not... rude, exactly, but you struggle to connect or empathise with other human beings. Orders are far less ambiguous. You're unlikely to offend anyone, but you're easily mislead. This is unfortunately a side-effect of your stigmata, making you struggle to remember names and faces.

Intrigue: B
How good are you at poking around at secrets? How good are you at knowing when not to poke around at secrets? As a victim of Babylon Labs, you are entirely aware of Schicksal's darker sides... and Schicksal's darker sides are entirely aware of you. This puts a certain value on discretion.

Honkai Resistance: B+
Bluntly put, people exposed to high levels of Honkai contamination go insane or die. Honkai Resistance dictates how bad it can get before it will start seriously corrupting your mind and health. Obviously, this is a requirement to even fight the Honkai in any capacity. You're fit to handle an Outbreak or the outskirts of an Eruption, but facing a Herrscher directly is definitely beyond you. Walking up to and prodding a Honkai Reactor is also less than advised.

Honkai Output: C
The maximum output you can manage with your Stigmata, needed to power battlesuits and certain weaponry. Letting this go above your Honkai Resistance is less than advised, and your Cannon is the sort to draw deeply in sharp bursts. As long as you keep aware of your limits, you'll be fine.

Stats run E -> SSS as you might imagine, with +/- modifiers in-between.

Attention Levels:
There are some very big fish in the world, and when something as small as you get their attention, things happen. Step carefully.

Otto Interest: 8/30 (Known, indifferent)
Anti-Entropy Interest: ??/25 (Unknown)
World Serpent Interest: ??/?? (Probably Unknown)
Honkai Interest: ??/?? (Hopefully Unknown)
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[X] Plan Fight On!
-[X][ORIGIN] ...a local. Your home wasn't even left in ruins; completely wiped out, the region left so scarred and barren there's no trace of any habitation. You were on a school trip at the time. Your parents, unfortunately, were not.
-[X][MOTIVE] ...signed up immediately. Gave any excuse you could: glory, duty, justice. You just didn't want to feel that powerless ever again; join the rest of the nameless dead as just another damn statistic. You'll take absolutely anything you can get.
-[X][BASE] ...Schicksal Headquarters. Seat of the Schicksal Overseer, Otto Apocalypse, training here granted you the best trainers and equipment possible, honing you to the finest edge. You are a member of the Main Branch of Schicksal.
-[X][STR] ...tenacity and perseverance. No matter damn what, you've pulled through. Surviving Valkyrie training is pittance compared to the Second Honkai War. You're a born Survivor.
-[X][WEAK] After Siberia… it almost feels like your life isn't quite real. Your survival a cosmic joke. The simulators aren't that realistic but even they sometimes make you… freeze up.
-[X][WEAPON] The Lance. You still remember those gentle white flowers.
World Information
World Information

What the heck is a Honkai?
Honkai is a universal constant; a threat that has been pushing humanity towards extinction for the entirety of its existence. Spawning monsters, corrupting humans into mindless zombies, anointing Herrschers to bring ruin and calamity upon mankind. Why? How? If anyone knows, they haven't told you. When a Honkai Outbreak occurs, it's rare for the city in question to still be inhabitable afterwards. When an Eruption occurs, this scale gets measured in countries.

What the heck is a Schicksal?
Quite apart from being the bane of every spelling competition the world over, Schicksal is an ancient order dating back millennia, vowed to fight the Honkai. Possessing vast resources and a global reach (their rebellious North American branch aside), they are presently lead by the Overseer Otto Apocalypse, who has stood in his post for a deeply and suspiciously long time.

What the heck is a Valkyrie?
Be honest, you know the drill for this question.

What the heck is a Stigmata?
The source of a Valkyrie's powers. Their exact origins are shrouded in state secrecy, but for the most part they are artificially created and implanted by Schicksal when people volunteer to become a Valkyrie. Success rates may vary. Stigmata do seem to have some relation to Honkai energy, but the exact specifics are well beyond your pay grade.
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[X] Plan In Honkai Bind Them
-[X][ORIGIN] ...a local. Your home wasn't even left in ruins; completely wiped out, the region left so scarred and barren there's no trace of any habitation. You were on a school trip at the time. Your parents, unfortunately, were not.
-[X][MOTIVE] ...signed up once you recovered. A Valkyrie took you in during the cleanup, and you desperately want to follow in her footsteps. She took some convincing… some slightly loud convincing, but you made your case in the end! Sure your artificial stigmata's a bit… wonky at times, but with family and friends behind you, you're sure to succeed!
-[X][BASE] ...St. Freya High. Founded by Theresa Apocalypse for the training of prospective Valkyries in response to… well, you've heard some rumours, but it's generally understood to be the humane option. You are a member of the Far East Branch of Schicksal.
-[X][STR] ...teamwork with your fellow cadets. You might not look like it, but something about Valkyrie squad tactics just clicked for you. You're a natural Leader.
-[X][WEAK] After Siberia… it almost feels like your life isn't quite real. Your survival a cosmic joke. The simulators aren't that realistic but even they sometimes make you… freeze up.
-[X][WEAPON] The Greatsword. The size of most Honkai Beasts requites nothing less, and you will crush them.

Basically I am designing this so that we are Himiko's sorta adopted daughter who emulates her style and is the leader of the girls.
[X][ORIGIN] ...a kidnapping victim. As sad, absurd and improbably hilarious as it sounds, the Second Honkai War most likely saved your life. Very, very few people can put a claim to that.
[X][MOTIVE] ...signed up immediately. Gave any excuse you could: glory, duty, justice. You just didn't want to feel that powerless ever again; join the rest of the nameless dead as just another damn statistic. You'll take absolutely anything you can get.
[X][BASE] ...St. Freya High. Founded by Theresa Apocalypse for the training of prospective Valkyries in response to… well, you've heard some rumours, but it's generally understood to be the humane option. You are a member of the Far East Branch of Schicksal.
[X][STR] ...teamwork with your fellow cadets. You might not look like it, but something about Valkyrie squad tactics just clicked for you. You're a natural Leader.
[X][WEAPON] A Laser Cannon. Because you've met subtle people, and they're all cowards.
[X] Plan Worst Day Ever
- [X][ORIGIN] ...a kidnapping victim. As sad, absurd and improbably hilarious as it sounds, the Second Honkai War most likely saved your life. Very, very few people can put a claim to that.
- [X][MOTIVE] ...signed up immediately. Gave any excuse you could: glory, duty, justice. You just didn't want to feel that powerless ever again; join the rest of the nameless dead as just another damn statistic. You'll take absolutely anything you can get.
- [X][BASE] ...Schicksal Headquarters. Seat of the Schicksal Overseer, Otto Apocalypse, training here granted you the best trainers and equipment possible, honing you to the finest edge. You are a member of the Main Branch of Schicksal.
- [X][STR] ...tenacity and perseverance. No matter damn what, you've pulled through. Surviving Valkyrie training is pittance compared to the Second Honkai War. You're a born Survivor.
- [X][WEAK] Maybe it's you, maybe it's the other cadets, but there's a divide there. You've never been able to connect with any of them.
- [X][WEAPON] A Laser Cannon. Because you've met subtle people, and they're all cowards.

Because I don't do half-measures. :D
Also because Main Branch POV seems interesting. Plus, I don't want to butt into Kiana's story, at least for now. Also kinda want to see how people use Laser cannons as a fighting style that doesn't involve Project Bunny. Personally, I'm hoping to smack people with the cannon in combination with the big laser dakka.

Also, @Guessmyname, Plan votes or individual votes?
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Basically I am designing this so that we are Himiko's sorta adopted daughter who emulates her style and is the leader of the girls.

Fair warning, the Valk. that adopts you for that route won't be Himeko. Timeline wouldn't add up (she's like ~13 or so in 2000).

Also, @Guessmyname, Plan votes or individual votes?

By plan, but don't worry if your vote's not formatted as such, I'll be manually counting it.
Basically I am designing this so that we are Himiko's sorta adopted daughter who emulates her style and is the leader of the girls.
Fair warning, the Valk. that adopts you for that route won't be Himeko. Timeline wouldn't add up (she's like ~13 or so in 2000).
Ragna is a pretty likely candidate, I'd imagine. Though, to play devil's advocate, just because the Eruption ended within a year, doesn't mean the clean up would take anywhere near as quickly. Especially since Siberia turns into a semi-active warzone with the famine and all. So I could see us potentially meeting a rookie Himiko.

Oh, that brings up a point I was wondering, how exactly old are we? I'd imagine we were a young child at the moment of the eruption, but I don't know how old we are when we manage to become a Valkyrie.
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That is fair, still want a route like that.
Isn't that basically Kiana though? She's even using a greatsword like her in the recent chapters, and Himiko's words and philosophy have basically been completely internalized by Kiana. Plus, she's basically become the defacto leader of the St. Freya girls, minus Mei.
Isn't that basically Kiana though? She's even using a greatsword like her in the recent chapters, and Himiko's words and philosophy have basically been completely internalized by Kiana. Plus, she's basically become the defacto leader of the St. Freya girls, minus Mei.
True, but Kiana takes quite awhile to reach that point. I'd sort of see us as being a junior leader of the group who has her issues, then once the nonsense happens we start to step up to the plate.

At very least we could end up a major sub-leader or graduate to team mom.
Ragna is a pretty likely candidate, I'd imagine. Though, to play devil's advocate, just because the Eruption ended within a year, doesn't mean the clean up would take anywhere near as quickly. Especially since Siberia turns into a semi-active warzone with the famine and all. So I could see us potentially meeting a rookie Himiko.

Oh, that brings up a point I was wondering, how exactly old are we? I'd imagine we were a young child at the moment of the eruption, but I don't know how old we are when we manage to become a Valkyrie.

It's left deliberately a bit fuzzy to give me some wiggle room given all the potential vote combinations but in general you were somewhere between 6 and 12 at the start of the Second Honkai War in 2000 and between 12-18 when you enlisted (going by the age Ana Schariac started formal training as the minimum limit).

But yeah, being in Himeko's year / age group is entirely on the cards.
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True, but Kiana takes quite awhile to reach that point. I'd sort of see us as being a junior leader of the group who has her issues, then once the nonsense happens we start to step up to the plate.

At very least we could end up a major sub-leader or graduate to team mom.
Fair. I was assuming you were more focused on the "following Murata Himeko's footsteps" part. Not the, become team mom part.
Side note @Guessmyname but why isn't there a Cross or Fist option for style? Or hell Ice Skates, I like those in Post-Honkai.
I imagine the Ice Skates are off the table because they seem quite custom made for Timido, and there have been numerous technological advancements by the time APHO takes place. I feel like Scythes would be the better absence to question, considering we have both Rita and Seele wielding them.
Side note @Guessmyname but why isn't there a Cross or Fist option for style? Or hell Ice Skates, I like those in Post-Honkai.

Half n' half 'I forgot' and 'I didn't want to bloat the options too much'. The weapons vote is more a personality thing than anything with direct mechanical relevance.

In my defence, only Theresa uses Crosses anyway (even Kallen is a pistols wielder, despite canonically wielding the Oath of Judas) so they do seem kinda one-off. With Fists and Scythes I just couldn't come up with good blurbs for wielding them, honestly. Ditto bows and sniper rifles, which kind of got folded into the Laser Cannon option because they're all long-range and laser cannons at least let you go Nanoha.

Remember, you're a regular Valkyrie mook here. If you're not a martial artist like Fu Hua it takes a special brand of crazy to look at a Honkai Beast and go 'yes i want to punch it' instead of 'give me a weapon, damnit'
Half n' half 'I forgot' and 'I didn't want to bloat the options too much'. The weapons vote is more a personality thing than anything with direct mechanical relevance.

In my defence, only Theresa uses Crosses anyway (even Kallen is a pistols wielder, despite canonically wielding the Oath of Judas) so they do seem kinda one-off. With Fists and Scythes I just couldn't come up with good blurbs for wielding them, honestly. Ditto bows and sniper rifles, which kind of got folded into the Laser Cannon option because they're all long-range and laser cannons at least let you go Nanoha.

Remember, you're a regular Valkyrie mook here. If you're not a martial artist like Fu Hua it takes a special brand of crazy to look at a Honkai Beast and go 'yes i want to punch it' instead of 'give me a weapon, damnit'
Actually Mobius uses crosses, but to be fair she is very much a nonstandard to an extreme.

Although to be 100% fair if it was an option I would be pushing towards a "This generation's Mobius" only slightly less crazy.
Fair. I was assuming you were more focused on the "following Murata Himeko's footsteps" part. Not the, become team mom part.
Basically we start as the girl in need of serious support and then we develop into the emotional rock to help the girls get through the hell they are going to go through.
Well, bite me in the ass. This makes me actually tear up from fuzzy feelings.

[X][ORIGIN] ...a local. Your home wasn't even left in ruins; completely wiped out, the region left so scarred and barren there's no trace of any habitation. You were on a school trip at the time. Your parents, unfortunately, were not.

[X][MOTIVE] ...signed up immediately. Gave any excuse you could: glory, duty, justice. You just didn't want to feel that powerless ever again; join the rest of the nameless dead as just another damn statistic. You'll take absolutely anything you can get.

[X][BASE] ...Schicksal Headquarters. Seat of the Schicksal Overseer, Otto Apocalypse, training here granted you the best trainers and equipment possible, honing you to the finest edge. You are a member of the Main Branch of Schicksal.

[X][STR] ...teamwork with your fellow cadets. You might not look like it, but something about Valkyrie squad tactics just clicked for you. You're a natural Leader.

[X][WEAK] Unfortunately, it's with your Stigmata. It hasn't quite… integrated correctly. For all the will in the world, your body just isn't that compatible, and now your days are numbered.

[X][WEAPON] The Lance. You still remember those gentle white flowers.

I wish you good luck and I am eager to see where this goes!
[X] Plan In Honkai Bind Them

-[X][ORIGIN] ...a local. Your home wasn't even left in ruins; completely wiped out, the region left so scarred and barren there's no trace of any habitation. You were on a school trip at the time. Your parents, unfortunately, were not.
-[X][MOTIVE] ...signed up once you recovered. A Valkyrie took you in during the cleanup, and you desperately want to follow in her footsteps. She took some convincing… some slightly loud convincing, but you made your case in the end! Sure your artificial stigmata's a bit… wonky at times, but with family and friends behind you, you're sure to succeed!
-[X][BASE] ...St. Freya High. Founded by Theresa Apocalypse for the training of prospective Valkyries in response to… well, you've heard some rumours, but it's generally understood to be the humane option. You are a member of the Far East Branch of Schicksal.
-[X][STR] ...teamwork with your fellow cadets. You might not look like it, but something about Valkyrie squad tactics just clicked for you. You're a natural Leader.
-[X][WEAK] After Siberia… it almost feels like your life isn't quite real. Your survival a cosmic joke. The simulators aren't that realistic but even they sometimes make you… freeze up.
-[X][WEAPON] The Greatsword. The size of most Honkai Beasts requites nothing less, and you will crush them.

the reference convinced me. and there is nothing better than hitting the forces of ruin with a giant piece of metal bigger than yourself.
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[X][ORIGIN] ...a kidnapping victim. As sad, absurd and improbably hilarious as it sounds, the Second Honkai War most likely saved your life. Very, very few people can put a claim to that.
[X][MOTIVE] ...signed up immediately. Gave any excuse you could: glory, duty, justice. You just didn't want to feel that powerless ever again; join the rest of the nameless dead as just another damn statistic. You'll take absolutely anything you can get.
[X][BASE] ...St. Freya High. Founded by Theresa Apocalypse for the training of prospective Valkyries in response to… well, you've heard some rumours, but it's generally understood to be the humane option. You are a member of the Far East Branch of Schicksal.
[X][STR] ...tenacity and perseverance. No matter damn what, you've pulled through. Surviving Valkyrie training is pittance compared to the Second Honkai War. You're a born Survivor.
[X][WEAK] Unfortunately, it's with your Stigmata. It hasn't quite… integrated correctly. For all the will in the world, your body just isn't that compatible, and now your days are numbered.
[X][WEAPON] The Lance. You still remember those gentle white flowers.
Actually Mobius uses crosses, but to be fair she is very much a nonstandard to an extreme.

Although to be 100% fair if it was an option I would be pushing towards a "This generation's Mobius" only slightly less crazy.

Oh, she does? I don't have her unlocked so /shrug

There's no point in being Mobius if you aren't going to go crazy, you coward :V

(admittedly I've only just reached the part where she even shows up in ER, so 99% of my Mobius knowledge comes from this amazing fic)

Well, bite me in the ass. This makes me actually tear up from fuzzy feelings.

Would you believe I initially thought Honkai Impact was a Touhou-esque topdown bullet hell shooter? My previous standard for a 'quality mobile game' was Arknights, so IMAGINE MY SURPRISE-

But yeah, the initial start is rough but once the introductory arc is over and the story picks up it just doesn't hecking stop, does it?

I was not expecting to be drawn in this much by this game. So aye, thank you.
True, but Kiana takes quite awhile to reach that point. I'd sort of see us as being a junior leader of the group who has her issues, then once the nonsense happens we start to step up to the plate.

At very least we could end up a major sub-leader or graduate to team mom.
It would be very, ahem, interesting to be the one and only person around who could claim Sirin saved her life, however. I could see that going... places, as unlikely as it might be.

[X] Plan Worst Day Ever
[X][ORIGIN] ...a kidnapping victim. As sad, absurd and improbably hilarious as it sounds, the Second Honkai War most likely saved your life. Very, very few people can put a claim to that.
[X][MOTIVE] ...didn't really have a choice in the matter. The Impact event managed to awaken something broken inside you; an 'incomplete' Stigmata; apparently some sort of relic(?) of the Previous Era. Schicksal took you in… a bit too eagerly after that. Just for health reasons alone, a Valkyrie is now your only valid path.
[X][BASE] ...St. Freya High. Founded by Theresa Apocalypse for the training of prospective Valkyries in response to… well, you've heard some rumours, but it's generally understood to be the humane option. You are a member of the Far East Branch of Schicksal.
[X][STR] ...speed and agility. Can't kill what you can't catch, and you've a knack for being damn slippery when you want to be. You're an agile Speedster.
[X][WEAK] Unfortunately, it's with your Stigmata. It hasn't quite… integrated correctly. For all the will in the world, your body just isn't that compatible, and now your days are numbered.
[X][WEAPON] The Lance. You still remember those gentle white flowers.
Oh, she does? I don't have her unlocked so /shrug

There's no point in being Mobius if you aren't going to go crazy, you coward :V

(admittedly I've only just reached the part where she even shows up in ER, so 99% of my Mobius knowledge comes from this amazing fic)

Would you believe I initially thought Honkai Impact was a Touhou-esque topdown bullet hell shooter? My previous standard for a 'quality mobile game' was Arknights, so IMAGINE MY SURPRISE-

But yeah, the initial start is rough but once the introductory arc is over and the story picks up it just doesn't hecking stop, does it?

I was not expecting to be drawn in this much by this game. So aye, thank you.

Ah yes. Starting segments, the bane of gacha games.

Funny enough, Arknights is something I am always tempted to start a project in because it is has best girl. I love Honkai slightly more for it's theme though.