In the depths of outer space, a young woman awakens to a palatial space colony, into a society where futuristic technology is wielded by noble houses. Adopted by one of the Five Families, the most powerful nobles of all, this technological genius must scheme for power and influence in a society where everyone's fate is decided by birth, in the face of dwindling resources and existential threats...
After all, in the real world, we're deep beneath the ocean, and there's nothing else to do but enjoy a simulation from the sarcastic AI buddy in our brain. What better thing to do to pass the time, than play our own villainess isekai story...
and seek out romance, power, and desire under the moonlight, because love is the pulse of the stars?
Warning: Material may not be suitable for young audiences. Viewer discretion is advised. Sensitive content may include: themes of girls' love, queer themes, romantic and sexual overtures, 'wow, cool robot!', the 1980s, speedrunners, bad jokes, an inconsistent disregard for the fourth wall, drug use, and YouTubers.
After all, in the real world, we're deep beneath the ocean, and there's nothing else to do but enjoy a simulation from the sarcastic AI buddy in our brain. What better thing to do to pass the time, than play our own villainess isekai story...
and seek out romance, power, and desire under the moonlight, because love is the pulse of the stars?
Warning: Material may not be suitable for young audiences. Viewer discretion is advised. Sensitive content may include: themes of girls' love, queer themes, romantic and sexual overtures, 'wow, cool robot!', the 1980s, speedrunners, bad jokes, an inconsistent disregard for the fourth wall, drug use, and YouTubers.