TTGL: Mirror's Edge

Guys, i honestly don't know what to do.

For a while now, I've steadily lost interest in this RP from a perspective of entertainment, and only really post here so that the RP doesn't die. Despite this thing eating into my time, i decided to keep on posting out of a sense of duty to keep this thing going for you guys, since you obviously enjoy it and this thing has already been dropped once - If it's dropped again by me, it might never continue.

At first, i could handle posting for this thing due to TTGL MOTIVATION!, psyching myself up before each update and getting over my disinterest for brief periods.

However, now that we are about to expand this thing into a greater player-base, i don't think it's fair on you guys for me to keep posting like i currently am; I have no idea what direction to take this thing, lack the ability to update in short time-frames and generally lose motivation over time. All of this may be fine for just us four, as i could keep it going without giving away how disinterested i am (Thereby allowing you all to keep playing an RP you obviously enjoy) - I don't think i can do so with more people, however.

I don't think i can carry on like this any longer, but it would be a massive shame if this RP died. :(

Any ideas?
Guys, i honestly don't know what to do.

For a while now, I've steadily lost interest in this RP from a perspective of entertainment, and only really post here so that the RP doesn't die. Despite this thing eating into my time, i decided to keep on posting out of a sense of duty to keep this thing going for you guys, since you obviously enjoy it and this thing has already been dropped once - If it's dropped again by me, it might never continue.

At first, i could handle posting for this thing due to TTGL MOTIVATION!, psyching myself up before each update and getting over my disinterest for brief periods.

However, now that we are about to expand this thing into a greater player-base, i don't think it's fair on you guys for me to keep posting like i currently am; I have no idea what direction to take this thing, lack the ability to update in short time-frames and generally lose motivation over time. All of this may be fine for just us four, as i could keep it going without giving away how disinterested i am (Thereby allowing you all to keep playing an RP you obviously enjoy) - I don't think i can do so with more people, however.

I don't think i can carry on like this any longer, but it would be a massive shame if this RP died. :(

Any ideas?

Well, to be perfectly honest we've been on this same encounter for months. I completely understand you losing interest when you've just been posting "Gunmen X, Y and Z do A. Jake does B in response," over and over again. Maybe just wrap up this encounter and you'll regain interest once something different finally happens?
Personally, although it would be a shame, don't beat yourself up over it! This kind of stuff happens a lot from what i've seen.

Maybe if you wanted to later on, you could restart this RP under a new thread, a fresh start with more players?

All in all, please don't worry about it!
Guys, i honestly don't know what to do.

For a while now, I've steadily lost interest in this RP from a perspective of entertainment, and only really post here so that the RP doesn't die. Despite this thing eating into my time, i decided to keep on posting out of a sense of duty to keep this thing going for you guys, since you obviously enjoy it and this thing has already been dropped once - If it's dropped again by me, it might never continue.

At first, i could handle posting for this thing due to TTGL MOTIVATION!, psyching myself up before each update and getting over my disinterest for brief periods.

However, now that we are about to expand this thing into a greater player-base, i don't think it's fair on you guys for me to keep posting like i currently am; I have no idea what direction to take this thing, lack the ability to update in short time-frames and generally lose motivation over time. All of this may be fine for just us four, as i could keep it going without giving away how disinterested i am (Thereby allowing you all to keep playing an RP you obviously enjoy) - I don't think i can do so with more people, however.

I don't think i can carry on like this any longer, but it would be a massive shame if this RP died. :(

Any ideas?
Well, ultimately, I don't want to force you to do something you don't like, that doesn't interest you, and that feels like a chore. This is a game on the internet. It's not genuinely critical.

I would say that if we feel we've sufficiently wrapped the current scene, the fact that we're moving to a new set of threads presents the opportunity to look into getting a co-GM or the like. Rather than just diving in right away on the matter, maybe see if there's one or more people interested in making this RP bigger and more lively than ever before? That way there's less pressure on you.

@matthew badger

Also, worst-case scenario, maybe I can ask @PoptartProdigy to GM or co-GM? He's a very good writer, and has taken over for Nate several times in the Dragon Ball RP.
No, he's busy enough as is. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have the time, and it seems unfair to try and drag him into this.

Personally, although it would be a shame, don't beat yourself up over it! This kind of stuff happens a lot from what i've seen.

Maybe if you wanted to later on, you could restart this RP under a new thread, a fresh start with more players?

All in all, please don't worry about it!
Ultimately, this. Burnout happens. If you just can't keep doing it, @matthew badger , then you can't keep doing it. That's all there is to it.
I just figured I'd inject some life back into this thread. @matthew badger, do you think you're still up to run this RP or should I run an ad looking for a new GM?