Ah yes, "Generic Isekai With An Overly Long Title Where Generic Boring Man Is Reborn In The Other World With a Cheat Power And Also Instantly Makes a Harem of Women Who Are One Dimensional Tropes Because Reasons And They Are Mostly Naked All The Time Because Reasons".

Manga shovelware, man.
You call that a long title? It doesn't hold a candle to the longest I've seen. BEHOLD!
That Time I Got Sent to Another World Where All of The Girls Are Super Hot And Super Into Me Because I Am Super Strong And Have Very Powerful Abilities That God Gave To Me Because Me And Them Were Friends When I Was In Grade School And God Is Actually A Lolita Without the -Ita At The End Making Them A Little Four Letter Word That Twitter Hates Who Is Also In Love With Me Because I Am A Super Epic Person Who Will Defeat The Demonlord Who Threatens The Entire World But The Demonlord Actually Is in Love With Me And The Demonlord Is A Super Hot Busty Babe Who Is Actually Just Trying To Get My Attention Because I Have A Cellphone That Can Contact the Internet And Can Get Anything Shipped To Me Within 2 Days But I Barely Need It Because I Am Actually the Most Strongest Guy Alive Because I Have Super Strong Powers Like Being Able to Lift Your Mom Really Easily Which Is Nearly Impossible Because Your Mom Is So Fat But Is Actually A Secret Anime Busty Babe Who Is Really Into Me Because I Am Super Cool And Better Than Your Dad Because He Is Super Lame Which I Am Not.

Note, in the actual title, the part about The "Lolita Without the -Ita At The End Making Them A Little Four Letter Word That Twitter Hates" was the actual little four letter word. So this rendition is actually a little longer than the original.

I never thought Fallout universe will be revisited.
When did they visit it the last time?
Last edited:
Chapter 398; The Engines of Death
Chapter 398;
The Engines of Death

Alexander entered the labs as I turned from the screens. I didn't need to look at them of course, but examining the screens was a small price to pay for the comfort of those who worked around me. And yet, he was not comforted, and I knew why. Nobody in this lab was comforted. For what was being produced in this lab was nothing less than a genocide engine whose entire purpose was the total and utter extinction of a species and the biosphere that supported it. Within the tank to my right stood a vial of the weapon. It was in fact one of the oldest technologies I had obtained, stolen from the research files of the Confederation, the Kilrathi had never learned of its existence, and I had buried it even deeper.

But now I had resurrected it. And refined it with the technology of two dozen universes.

The Gen-Select had been altered and changed, modified with the various nanotechnologies, that of MELD, and the Medi-Gel from Mass effect, Borg Nanoprobes, Human-form Replicator nanites, Skynet had even participated with some of her research into nanotechnology... Red had refused to participate in even examining the weapon, her own fear at what I was crafting almost physically palpable. Of the hundred members of the Ion Crown who knew of the works I was undertaking, only five had been willing to assist on the development.

And of those, only Moira, Skynet and Karen had been able to do so.

And the only reason I had even considered the project was, using progenitor nanotechnology meant that...

This genocide engine.

The Mors Omnium...

This new weapon was, actually part of me. It was no mindless weapon working off of a few parameters that other species might have in common. And it was that which disturbed Alexander the most. He knew why I did what I was doing, but he also knew that almost all of which I had done had been to atone for the very crime I was about to repeat. He couldn't understand of course that there was a difference between wiping out all life, including those capable of love, beauty and kindness...

And eliminating a biological weapon.

"Ikthala, that... that is the weapon?" He said staring at the vial.

I didn't turn. He didn't need to see my face. I had been running the simulations and plans, he had not realised yet that I had decided to sideline his sons from the galactic conquest entirely. That there would be no galactic conquest, only reunification with those who wanted to. "That is the initial batch of the Mors Omnium. But not the only batch." I turned to face him and he stopped dead at the expression on my face. For I had none.

"What?" Alexander asked. Stepping back, and for the first time I saw real fear from him. I escorted him over to one of the windows looking out into space.

"I have been running the numbers, conducting countless simulations, your initial plans for the Great Crusade, as you know would have ended in a galaxy far worse off than before, but I have been running the revised numbers and calculations. And the Adeptus Astartes and Primarchs can no longer be part of the reunification as it would have been. But Total War routines have been enacted within my neural routines. That is, unfortunately, what. We cannot afford to conduct this war piecemeal. The Orks have established populations across most of the galaxy, including significant space-bound groups. There is no alternative. Total. Annihilation. And if necessary. Planetary annihilation." I waved an arm at the window and he could see the Ring of Terra light up with flame as over five million launchers spewed their torpedoes into the void.


It was not unnoticed. Every soul in the Sol system who could see Terra saw the ring of expanding fire. Fewer saw as across every stronghold in every universe I held millions of launchers shot their torpedoes into space. Hundreds of billions of torpedoes hurtling into space before hurtling into FTL for the rings that would carry them through into this universe. The people of Maethrillian watched in terrified awe as billions of missiles passed through the pocket dimension containing their home, all destined for a single gate. But I knew how they felt. Even with all my own processing power I was in awe of what I was unleashing. Every single orbital body in not only the Milky Way, but her nearest neighbouring ten galaxies had been targeted.

The missiles throwing themselves to FTL velocities for their transit stages.

Space itself screamed under the loads of missiles coming through the dimensional gate, but sooner than I expected the weight of pressure on the fabric lessened and the missiles departed the sol system. The people of the Ion Crown watched in an anticipatory rapture as they watched what all too many considered the wrath of god descend on the heathen xenos. But the missiles searched for their targets, planets bearing any trace of orkoid life. Guided by their own omni sensors, my will, and prior target searches using the skein.

My attention however was wholly on the most important world to the Orks. Ullanor. Urlakk Urg looked to the skies as anti-air fire reached for space trying to take down the missiles that had appeared over his world. He never understood what happened as the missiles released their canisters high in the atmosphere.

Twenty four hours later, not a single Ork gene remained in existence on Ullanor.

Ninety six hours later, not a single Ork gene expression remained in the milky way.

Only Moira, Helena and Aisling were witness to the weeping as the emotional impact was reduced to the perception of a single body, deep within the privacy of the Imperators personal quarters on the Bucephalus.
Author Note:
So basic summary, I've been slapped by the mother of all nuclear writers blocks. This has lead to a mild shift in gears and plans. Namely, to completely defocus on the Primarchs, and focus on wrapping up the story, the plan now is to finish on Chapter 400. (Which is gonna be a hell of a march fitting in the stuff I have left :p)
That's... chilling. Almost an off-switch on an entire species, untold worlds empied of life conducted in a manner more similar to vaccine shot. Even if the Orks had it coming (galaxy will not know peace while there is a single Ork spore), it was a complete, dispassionate, automated genocide. And I don't know what's more terrifying: that Ikthala did it, that it was so dispassionate or that it was (in a way) so easy to do.
Chapter 399; Unification
Chapter 399;

I stood in the annex of the great ring around Terra and watched as a quarter of a million people filed into the great chamber. Holography and Screens projecting my presence to all present, and even to those not present. The bowl of the annex declined in such a way that I was at its base, positioned to receive the scrutiny of the people, that all might see me and know they had beheld me. Purple light framed me as my mind reached out. Behind me Moira, Aisling and Helena all stood in their finery, and behind them, the other Empresses, political assignations were arrayed. And in front, my children.

I looked up and around, and every soul present was fixed entirely on me. They watched with a wary anticipation and no small amount of fear. They had all felt and seen it as for eight weeks straight my missiles were produced by the billion and hurtled off into the universe under their own FTL drives to exterminate the Orks and their ecosphere in a way that would have left the C'tan and Old Ones impressed and terrified. And they wanted to know what would come next for one who commanded a near-universal genocide.

"Sons and Daughters of the human race. You know who I am. You have spent some time being introduced to the future of the species as I took you from the squalor and terror of a daily life under drudgery at best, and near slavery at worst. I have brought you all unto me, to take you from that and promise a new future. Some of you have come from the worlds of Alexanders sons, from Fenris, from Prospero, from Baal..." I drew quiet for a moment, all present heard their own worlds of birth mentioned even though I had not vocally said it. A trick Alexander told me of. A useful one to shape ones own perception into a tool.

"We come here now for me to announce the true beginning of our great venture. To reunite mankind together under a single banner, not just of Empire, but of alliance, for those who do not wish to join us must not be compelled or forced to do so, but convinced through deed and word that they too will be better off within our umbrella, and if they choose not to join, they can still benefit from our protection. But nay, though you have suffered in the past at the hands of other species, so to must the xenos kinds be made the same offer." Now I saw shock ripple through the crowd. Some had had interactions with the Aeldari traders I had encouraged, but largely there was still a nascent feeling of xenophobia.

"War offers nothing but suffering, but my friends, we do not go out into the galaxy as conquerors, but unifiers, we will bring the diaspora of sapient life into a new regime, a new mandate of heaven. This will not be the end of our journeys, but just the beginning. A time when man, woman and others come together to build a new communal future. Not all will accept this, there will be those who will rise and stand as opponents to this great venture. Those who will take up arms against it. Who will raise their own wars to prevent us from bringing a new future for all sapients." I cast my gaze around the chamber, "But you do not need to fear, children of the Ion Crown. For you are protected, even from death itself." A soft glow of a quarter of a million implants shining brightly as I forced power through their external lights.

A low chant began to build in the chamber, and I saw at the far end of the chamber, Lorgar standing next to Six, I continued to speak. "We go now, not on a great crusade, not to partake in the genocide of all that we fear, but on a pilgrimage to draw as many people under our umbrella. We will defend ourselves. We will defend our peoples. And where necessary, we will act to protect all peoples even though it means the eradication of another. This is the time of the Ion Crown. It is on this day I announce we BEGIN UNIFICATION!"

The chanting rose in volume and pitch, a deep and terrifying tone of worship.

Mentally other plans were laid. And I hoped that I had raised Princeps well enough for what was to come.


A hundred million ships departed Terra on that dawn and Aisling leaned against me as we watched out at the starfield, her fingers entwined in mine. The beauty of the universe we were charging out into keeping us quiet for now as we simply appreciated the pleasure of being. Jupiter was out there leading one of what was, publicly, a unification fleet. But it wasn't one. It was an extermination fleet, Alexander had been happy to furnish me with everything he had known of the Rangda and their servant races, and had been strong in his clarification as to the sheer danger they represented.

We didn't fear for Jupiter's life, it was even something of a surprise to realise that the preserving instinct had been burned out of us with the ease and availability, and certainty, of respawning. But our daughter had been assigned a terrible task, one that would make her, or break her. But even then I didn't fear. Couldn't fear.

Jupiter was our daughter, and that meant she had been forged from the stuff of the very stars. I knew even now, every star in the galaxy would be receiving at least one of our expeditions with the twenty million exploration fleets, and approximately a hundred billion stars, it would only take them visiting five thousand distinct stars each to explore it. And a much smaller number of them would have life around them necessitating contact.

I could have sent probes myself and found everything in a day, perhaps two, but I was rolling back the dependence the Ion Crown had on me to do everything without their presence. I wanted them to have a degree of independence and self direction, not to create a slavish nation who existed solely to obey my commands. I tensed and Aisling began to massage my hand and the tension left. She knew what was coming, as did Helena and Moira. And so, to his great terror, did Princeps.

"How long do we expect the Unification to take?" Aisling said, making conversation.

"Fifty to sixty terran standard." I answered.

"Years? Makes sense."

I shook my head and she looked up at me. "Days." I grinned wryly, "With Alexander, we were able to be furnished with extensive stellar data that allow for all initial fleets to travel directly to known worlds. Some will be tougher nuts to crack, like what would have earned the name sixty-three-nineteen. But we're not trying to conquer everyone. Merely to unify."

She tucked in closer as I looked out of the viewports at space. It was a good day.


The Emperor sat on his throne as his Invisibles struck. The beams of force from within their forcefields rendering them invisible reaching out to touch the representative of the Ion Crown where they impacted a shield of their own. The diplomat stood there and... yawned. Shepard had been warned about these people and how their little Emperor thought it was he who should be bowed down to and frankly, Shepard wasn't about to let some little lordling have his way.

But waiting ten minutes or so to show they were bored? That Shepard could do. No no, let's step it up a notch. Shepard recalled a chair from his storage and set it down before taking a seat, and summoning a nice hot coffee with a big strong aroma for them all to smell. And began to take nice relaxing gulps. This would take some time.


Ronin stood in the hall with the nominal leaders of the Interex, both adapted humans and Kinebrach, he had more than that as part of his part of diplomats, designed to highlight the Ion Crown's multiculturalism. And so far, the talks were proceeding apace with a great deal of success. The Interex was opting not to join the Ion Crown at this stage, their insular natures and natural caution preventing them from taking the chance on strangers who simply appeared in space over their Homeworld with offers of peace and treaties.


The Slayer watched as the bombs fell. One of the few worlds whose fates were preordained, the world of Laeran had been condemned, its people worshippers of the dead gods since the warp had been severed from realspace by the actions of a new God-Emperor. No forces set foot upon the planet. Each warhead that fell upon the planet had a five hundred gigaton yield, and they fell like rain from the belly of the Death. The list in the Slayers mind was not long, but every one of them populated by worlds that the Emperor had decreed could not be permitted to exist.

As the crust cracked. As continents were split and the pressurised interior of the planet surged to occupy the space he continued to allow the bombs to fall. The atmosphere and oceans were already gone. There was no chance of the people on the surface to have survived. But the order had been given to sterilise every square millimetre of the planet.

With one finger, the Slayer pressed 'play'.


The Conclave of the Aeldari had begun. Farseers and other leaders of every existing Craftworld having gathered under Ulthwe's banner to meet and discuss the treaties to be made with the Ion Crown, some few had elected to join, the treatment of their kin from the future that would have come convincing them of the Ion Crowns sincerity. Others elected merely to engage in diplomatic and trade talks, along with vows of non-aggression and extradition treaties for those who would violate the terms of the agreements. Non-interference pacts for Exodite worlds without express requests for aid were also signed into power.

The calm presentations of the Ion Crown's diplomatic teams under the combined skill of Elizabeth Weir, Irissa T'Aes and Jean-Luc Picard worked and swayed and served to build a portfolio of treaties and agreements, as well as cut through some of the Aeldari tendencies towards deceptive phrasings.

Made much more difficult by the fact the mon'keigh had somehow learned to become fluent in the eldar tongue, including the complexity of body language and syntax of meaning.


For the first time in centuries Jupiter finally and fully understood the depth of challenge her father faced. The power within his hands and the psychological price to be paid for unleashing it fully. Her fleet was one without many troops at all, but full access to the fabrication suites and a basic instruction.

The Rangda and their client races would not be permitted to continue. She watched in a sort of mute horror as the Commander suit software she had been upgraded with relayed every movement, sensation and erg of energy and data into her conscious self. Forces teleporting down through the Helios', Strykers engaging in battle with Rangdan forces as they worked to gain a measure of understanding of their enemy. Orbital fire delivered by the War when a point proved strongly guarded, or buried deep enough to require such firepower to bring it to destruction.

As the Rangda began to rally around their capital city a tear rolled down her face as she gave the order to queue another million units into production and the Unit Cannons on the War began to thunk thunk thunk as they sent down death itself.


Obisek stood in the centre of the Juunlak, his translator working carefully, this was one of many on the list of warrens belonging to the peoples called the Hrud that the Imperator had tasked him with finding, not destroying, finding, and trying to bring into the fold of the Ion Crown. They weren't truly the parasitic scavenger race many thought they were, and there were parallels between his Reman peoples and these Hrud, and though they did practice a form of slavery it was one of the things that he was working to break down.

There was no need for conflict between the Hrud peoples, and that they could live in the sun as part of the Ion Crown, protected from the Yaam-kheh that had hunted them and the Slah'haii.


The Silent King stood there. Facing the being that had come in a ship of such an impressive scale. It's manufacture good enough that the Crypteks would not confess to knowing how to replicate it. The being before them was a machine intelligence, and it spoke well as it concentrated on him. Telling them of the new power that had come and would supplant the Necrontyr as the rightful masters of the galaxy, but that there was room in the Ion Crown for all races. That those who chose to join would receive all the benefits of citizenship, or that they could be allowed to live on in peace with their own territories and holdings not only unmolested, but held sacrosanct.

If that had been all then he would have attempted the destruction of this creature for its impudence.

But this sapient machine did not come with just vague suggestions of the stick. He came with honeyed offers of the one thing that they desired more than anything.

A return to the flesh. Of a promise that the gods had made and lied about. To not just return them to the living, but to do so free of the cancers that had plagued them, to cure them of their criminally short lives by a crime of biology.

To make them living... and immortal.

An offer that could not be refused if it were truth. But the Necrontyr did not tend towards making the same mistakes. He would accept, if they could prove their words.

He never truly expected Legion to accept such terms. Yet he did. And so it would be that the Necron Dynasties would be faced with a choice, and dare any refuse lest the dysphorak strike?


The celebrations filled the halls as the Auretian Technocracy became the first of the major human populations to sign a compact to join the Ion Crown, the Fabricator Consul pledging his own life to the house of Imperator for as long as he were to live, that all good sons and daughters of the Technocracy would join loyally in welcoming their new administrators. Bradford shook his hand for all the record keeping devices to save into posterity as the armoured troops of the Technocracy donned their helmets and began to shake the hands of the Ionian troops present who also doffed their helms, the shock of seeing as many were alien as human settling in for a moment before the celebrations resumed.

The glory of the Ion Crown would not be complete without the jewel of the Technocracy.

Across the galaxy, the banner of the Ion Crown rose in prominence.
What happened if in planet autocrats or oligarchs or nobility ruled over native populations? If they refuse will Iron crown not try to claim native populations who wish to join? Who hold the sovereignty over planet? Population or ruling caste? I mean serfs are all not literate enough break propaganda of their rulers.
What happened if in planet autocrats or oligarchs or nobility ruled over native populations? If they refuse will Iron crown not try to claim native populations who wish to join? Who hold the sovereignty over planet? Population or ruling caste? I mean serfs are all not literate enough break propaganda of their rulers.
I would assume that serfdom is quite close to the Ionian definition of slavery.
Thanks for the chapter.
Seeing how it's going, and the number of this chapter, I'm guessing the number 500 will be the last one, huh?
So, it shall end soon... It's always bittersweet, seeing the end of a story that was made before your eyes. I guess it's because such a story feels like living thing, growing and evolving in time, rather than a prerecorded artefact. And here it's especially so due to the grand stakes and grand journey, I think. There is a sense of closure here, but on a high note, like a destiny being fulfilled.
Waiting for an epilogue, then.
The end of a era only one chapter to go, what a epic saga it has been.

What happened if in planet autocrats or oligarchs or nobility ruled over native populations? If they refuse will Iron crown not try to claim native populations who wish to join? Who hold the sovereignty over planet? Population or ruling caste? I mean serfs are all not literate enough break propaganda of their rulers.
I imagine rulers are given the option to accept the crown educating their people and if they reduce they are replaced.
Chapter 400; Apotheosis
Chapter 400;

The glorious dawn of Terra restored shined down as I walked across the landscape of the restored european landscape, one thing that had proven more fun however had been a modified environment. With access to the ARKs I had landed to restore the planet it had proven trivial to restore the biosphere to a lush and revivified life. But it had been more fun to take it an extra step. Behind me the Palace of Terra had been erected according to my design specifications, not a difficult thing to do since I was also the construction units and in full control of the nanolathes.

It was, as much as you could phrase it, a modest structure compared to my usual fare, and yet, there was still a crowd of well over a hundred thousand people present at the palace. Notables and worthies of the Ion Crown. People who had built their own dynasties and established their own spheres of influence among the Ionians. Well over a hundred different species were represented, not all biological, I could see Jetfire in his glory talking with a gaggle of other worthies.

The Unification of the galaxy had been extensive, and while the initial stages of bringing peoples into the Ion Crown had taken a matter of months at most, the suppression of slavers had taken nearly a quarter of a century and the entire might of the Chainbreakers to affect sufficient change. Moira stood next to me, her arm threaded through mine, dressed in a finery that would have bankrupted the Adeptus Custodes to produce, finery that my technology produced with such ease that it was almost worthless materially.

"It has been a long road Delta." She said, her accent as strong as ever. "Are you sure that this is the course you want to pursue?, we'll be with you all the way."

I nodded. "There are other universes that I could visit. Technology I could take that would allow for the further refinement and development of my technologies, but you can ask Red... I've superceded even what the Q could manage. The physics of the universes holds little if any mystery to me now. Any feat is simply an application of matter and power, or will, and they are resources I have in limitless abundance. And if anything were to ever challenge the volumes I could produce, all it would take is tapping a second pre-universe to double my resource access." I looked at my wife, smiling, "Did you know, I actually disassembled all mining and reactor plants in the Universes we have habitation within? If someone asked for their own private sun to own, it wouldn't even take a day to give them one."

Moira sensed what I meant and did not press the issue. She knew what had grown to bother me most, and as Ronin came over, my first and oldest companion, I took his hand and embraced him as one warrior to another. ~"You have gone far beyond what I could have imagined Ikthala, this day is yours."~ He turned and looked at the crowds. Still not comfortable among so many. <"My tribe has hunted monsters, aliens, warriors and gods. Your vow to me when this began has been fulfilled a thousandfold or more.">

"I still remember meeting you. You had clambered up for vantage, not understanding what I truly was. You warned me of the youngbloods hunting in the atmosphere processor." I could still see it now, the barrage of missiles from my shoulders raking the facility. Ronin nodded.

<"Can you be sure your oath will remain?"> He asked and I nodded.

"I'm not going anywhere, just... changing the nature of my relationship with the Ion Crown. Come, let us all go. I must speak to the people of the Ion Crown. To the believers and skeptics."


Across the Ion Crown, across the several hundreds of millions of inhabited worlds. Across the Ion Crown itself. Throughout the entirety of the Ion Crown's known space, a broadcast began. It overruled everything across any kinds of communications that could be conceived of short of being transmitted psychically to the minds of sapients. They saw the Emperor ascend the podium in a stark black uniform. There was no weapon on his hip. None of the usual finery that they associated with their Emperor. Though the glowing ions of the Ion Crown itself gleamed over his head as his eyes bled purple light as he passed them across all of the quarter million present at the Terran Palace.

"Men, women and other gendered sapients of the Ion Crown. My thanks for your time." The man did not introduce himself. He had no need to, all members of the Ion Crown knew his face, and voice. "For centuries now I have lead the Ion Crown in a journey across the very skein of the multiverse itself in the pursuit of improvement and perfection. As we all know, it is impossible to be perfect, the journey to become it is what makes is better and greater than the sum of our parts."

His gaze seemed to pierce the hears and souls of all watching regardless of species or even whether they were natural or not. "When I first began this journey, with but a single companion and those of his tribe that would follow, I did not imagine the empire I would build, when I took the first moon of Io I took it merely as a prank, as a vessel to transport more between universes. I might have taken that one a bit too far." Laughter across millions of worlds as a lifelike hologram of the Ion Crown floated behind the Emperor. "I have saved slaves from the crime of their predicaments. I have destroyed species that posed only ever a threat to others... I have even made mistakes that even I would hesitate to look back on..." He hesitated, "Especially that 'Borat' costume for Halloween last year... nobody needed to see that much down under..." Another round of amusement, though it varied more.

"I see you all. I see all of you. I devote parts of myself to help every one of you in your pursuits and desires. I worked to help you all become better people, people who are happier in their own skins. Those who through accident of birth were not the gender you felt you should be were able to take on new bodies and discover yourselves anew. Those whom felt that one body was for weenies got to experience the joys and challenges of having multiple bodies, and the still unanswered question of whether having sex with yourself was sex or masturbation." A trick of science prevented anyone under the age of majority from hearing that. "I made Christmas and Halloween real, as well as many other holidays of the peoples of the Ion Crown. As the Empire has grown, so it has become that I have enjoyed working more closely with its people most of all."

"With all of you." He said. Eyes flashing. "And as the faith in me as the Omnissiah has grown, more and more I have desired to step back a bit and enjoy the beauty of the culture we have all created together, whether you enjoy being in 'True Survivor' or throwing down in some Liandri Deathmatches, or hell, Fishing with Kargesh! We have something for most. I want all of you now, as I speak, to look around at your friends, loved ones, colleagues, and tell me that we have not succeeded beyond our wildest expectations." The crowds gathered did, they turned to see the people around them.

"I am Delta Imperator, the Ikthala, Emperor and Omnissiah, and the time has come for me to sit back, relax, and enjoy the universe I've built with you all and leave the decision making to the young." To the perceptive, seeing the Imperial family, they would see the sudden panic on the one closest to the Emperor. "Princeps. Please rise and come to the podium." He stood jerkily, unsure.

The Imperator turned to face his eldest son. "Princeps Imperator, unnamed heir of Empire, I have tasked you well and you have always risen to the occasion. You joined me in the most hellish galaxies and faced that which could drive mens minds to disaster. You have aided in representing me in diplomatic and even civil manners, you have spoken on my behalf with the Civil Administration and forwarded our laws and done nought but represent me with impeccable drive. You are everything a man, or machine, could want in a son. And as such, I do not just nominate you as heir apparent," He tried to interrupt but a raised finger from his father stopped him.

"I do not just nominate you as heir apparent, but in the same breath I name you as Emperor in waiting and announce my immediate renunciation of my Imperial title and bequeath them to you as my Heir. Princeps Imperator, son of Delta Imperator and Moira Vahlen I name you Emperor Princeps Imperator the first and raise you to that mighty station." Princeps was on the verge of hyperventilating. He had clearly not been forewarned. And his wife of centuries, the Asari woman Teena, looked like she was going to explode with pure pride... "Take care of your people my son." With that, the Ion Crown ceased glowing over the Emperor's head... and began to glow over the new Emperor's own.

A roar of approbation and cheer filled the Ion Crown.

The Omnissiah, the Ikthala, turned towards the crowed and scanned them again with his eyes. "I will still be here, providing for the Empire, and advising the Emperor on his own journey as he chooses the next directions for our peoples to take. I will remain. And maybe, under my sons leadership, we can journey in a way I could not imagine and something great, something new, might come of it. But as far as being your Emperor I have only a few final words."

His gaze pierced every observation screen and all felt a psychic truth to it.

"Farewell. I love you all."
it was a lovely story you took us on and I thank you for it
Well... I had expected something like that, but also completely different. Good to know that even after 400 chapters you can still surprise your readers ;)

Well, so here we are. Thank you for the story and best wishes for future ones!