Oh? This looks interesting! I'm going to make a character sheet later-ish! Mostly because I seem to be the kind of trash to multi-task.
PSA for all Master Players!
Do not create a Starting Servant!
More Will be Revealed on Request, either by PM, Conversation, Discord, or DM
Adrian Samael Everleigh - Adrent_Dreamer
Basic Information

(Photos of Adrian)

(This with eyebags, except the sweater is red, had a red-and-gold tie, and a Magi Association Cloak ala FGO Mystic Code)

Name: Adrian Samael Everleigh
Age: 19
Magi Bloodline: The Everleigh Clan (Half-Einzbern; Homunculi)

"My mother was a genius, my father commanded respect.
When they died they left no instructions, just a legacy to protect."
A Master of Chaldea. Distant yet somewhat influential in the Magi Association, he has been a subject of many curses due to his insolence and reformist stance. Most of them from his Clan's rival: the Yggdimillenia Clan.
Bond One: The nineteen year old head of the Everleigh Clan, Adrian has held the position for more than a decade since his parent's death. Fundamentally, he is still the same idealistic boy from eleven years before.​
Bond Two: Unless you are on a small and slowly growing list of people, it is inadvisable to converse with Adrian when he's had a full night's worth of uninterrupted sleep. Adrian is his kindest when he's running on three cups of coffee without sleep. His eyes are a yellow-tinted amber when awake, but the cloudy film of sleep turns his eyes a warm orange vermilion.​
Bond Three: The young head has dabbled in many branches of Magecraft over the eleven years he's been studying at the Clocktower, but his true specialty lies within Curses and Counter-Curses. Having been able to deactivate a powerful death curse when he was just ten years old, he takes pride in his skills, although he hasn't exactly bragged about it.​
Bond Four: An ardent admirer of the Lord El Melloi II, Adrian has taken to going to every class the (temporary) Lord has lead. The young boy was just eight when he first entered the Clocktower, and from the first class he was in, he was smitten with admiration. A good half of the mishaps he's been through at the Clocktower has either been in defense of the Faculty Modern Magecraft Theories. He is also one of the heads of the Lord El Melloi II fanclub (the sane one, not the stalker club).​
Bond Five: His Element is Water, Bond (a promise and a connection) his Origin. Adrian is a homunculus from his father's side, a former Einzbern. While he does not have the Einzbern's Wishgranting Sorcery Trait, Adrian has most definitely inherited the almost ridiculous quality of Magic Circuits they have.​

Strength: C
Endurance: D
Agility: B
Magical Energy: EX
Luck: EX

Elemental Affinity: Water
Origin: Bond

Magical Circuits: EX
Quality: EX
Magical Skills & Abilities


  • Alchemy (Minor, only done because of admiration for a certain Lord Professor of the Clocktower).
  • Curses (Main Specialty, Counter-Curses especially)
  • Runes (Dabbled into for curiosity and ways to create Mystic Codes)
  • Elemental (Mostly Water, but has checked out others out of curiosity)
  • Bounded Fields (Family Specialty)
  • Formal Craft (Learnt as a just in case measure, regularly reviews what he knows)
Magic Crest Spells:
  • Veritas Nunquam Perit: The Truth Never Perishes - A Structural Analysis Spell geared towards curses and bounded fields only. Finds almost all modern curses and bounded fields with a few exceptions, like specialty ones or powerful(tm) ones.
  • Vicissitude: An Unwelcome Change of Fortune - A disruption spell on Bounded Fields. Noticeable, but very effective. Tends to make the anchor explode, although a finely controlled shot can see the field just deactivated to be looted.

  • Clocktower Uniform (Canon MA Mystic Code w/o Skills, slightly modified to have more pockets than normally necessary)
  • Magecraft Lessons Notebook from Lord El-Melloi II's Classes
  • Magecraft-Tech SmartPhone (Not really a Mystic Code because it's just a normal phone with a few runes added to it, doesn't really do much beyond making it look cooler)
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Edward Wynford and Gwendolyn von Lichtenberg - Terran Imperium
Introducing two NPCs.
The first one a representative of the Clock Tower.
The second one a representative of the Atlas Institute.

Basic Information

Name: Edward Maugham Wynford
Age: 32
Magi Bloodline: Wynford

Edward Maugham was born the February 4nd, 1983 to a most prestigious family in Britain, his mother being a normal human rather than a Magus. This is a rather intriguing case. From what his father, Leopold, told him. He had met a woman at his workplace in the British government office and they had gotten to know each other until they fell in love through the years. That woman was his mother and her name was Cassandra. Let it be said that the Wynford at the time weren't pleased by his father's affair and they wanted it buried. The Wynfords were a particularly powerful house and they were still recognized as a rather ancient house originating from the 16th century. They would have simply killed Cassandra and buried the affair but Cassandra was pregnant with a child. That was him, Edward. They had made sure Leopold and Cassandra would stay quiet about her status as a Muggle. Edward's potent magical circuits, in the end, sealed the deal and saved his mother's life. Kristina Wynford and Amadeus Wynford are Edward's younger siblings.

Edward's childhood was a rather pleasant and easy one as his father was unmistakenly rich and powerful. As his eldest child and heir, he was ruthless in his education of Edward and gave him as much attention as he could. His father knew she would eventually join the Clock Tower at twelve and he had made sure his child would be prepared. His father has high expectations for his only child and Edward did his best to meet them; maybe even surpass them. The Wynford lived in the outskirts of London and so Edward enjoyed wandering in the forests nearby.

Edward does not actively seek people socially. In fact, he is rather cold and distant in that regard but when they make the first step, he opens up rather easily. Edward has a deep understanding of people. He is highly amiable, empathetic and warm when he does open up. He would gladly give shelter to someone in her house and comfort them if need to be. That only applies to someone who manages to get through his emotional barriers. Edward will still ruthlessly kill someone threatening the secrecy, he would still take any chance in dissecting a curiosity sentient or not and willing or not.

Edward is attached to Magecraft and sometimes so much that he returns back to his indifferent attitude toward other people even his friends when deep in his research. He doesn't perform the usual act of attacking or provoking others, but he unexpectedly likes duels and fights and upon challenged to one, he gladly accepts. One could say that Edward is a rather passive sort of person, rather than act, he prefers to react.

Recently, the Queen of the Tower had firmly ordered him to go to one of the Mage's Association's branches and act as a representative and the Queen's eye on the Chaldea project. He had respectfully accepted and was in fact quite honored the Queen put so much trust in him.

Strength: C
Endurance: C
Agility: C+
Magical Energy: A+++
Luck: A++

Elemental Affinity: Ether

Origin: Hollow

Magical Circuits: A+
Quality: A++
Magical Skills & Abilities


Spiritual Evocation: A rather known field in which one summons spiritual beings to their aid. This is his family's specialty and Edward find himself liking it as it reminds him of his childhood where he wandered the forest and met many creatures.

Chimeras: A complementary field he took to studying since it is somewhat related to one of the aspects of Spiritual Evocation, especially the part where they summon spirits of animals. Otherwise, every Magi at least learn from this field how to dissect and mutilate animals into familiars.

Curses: A rather essential offensive based-field of Magecraft. Magi are more scholars than warriors but having something to defend one's self in the Moonlit World is always advised.

Elemental: Edward doesn't have much interest in studying the Five Great Imaginary Elements but it is still a necessary field of study for a Magus and he does his best in keeping up with latest finds.

Bounded Fields: One of Edward's preferred Magecrafts and a rather easy one for him to learn. Despite what others might say, it is not that hard.

Formal Craft: The official Magecraft for the dummies and Edward would rather eat his own cloak than not know it and master it.

Magic Crest Spells:

Effect: Conjures a magical storm around the position of the caster which covers him and his allies. It is capable of withstanding both physical and magical attacks.

Effect: Summons an Elemental creature, it has the form of a big ball of plasma which floats slightly above the ground. Highly dangerous.


Name: Wynford's Staff
Rank: A+
Target: Self
Result: Massively increase the magical energy output of the user and the efficiency of their magical circuits. May have detrimental side-effects when used too much to the point of damaging Magical Circuits.

Name: Modified Mage's Association Uniform
Instead of the usual Black/Yellow/Red color theme, Edward modified his uniform to be all white like his ancestors all did.
Rank: B
Target: Unit
Result: It has several healing spells stored in it which are able to make a group of persons recover rapidly from their wounds, it has a small mana battery which is able to surcharge a Servant temporarily mainly used to increase a Noble Phantasm's power in this case.

Basic Information

Name: Gwendolyn von Lichtenberg
Age: 30
Magi Bloodline: Lichtenberg

Gwen grew up the eldest of four children to an ancient and respected noble lineage in Germany, the house Lichtenberg. When her father passed barely a few years after her graduation from the Clock Tower, she was forced to shoulder the full burden of the Lichtenberg. Gwen grew into a relatively cold and soft-spoken woman although when her patience draws thin, she can show a harsh, severe and demanding side of her.

According to her colleagues, she made a 'tsk' sound with her tongue when she is annoyed or angry but was "too English to say anything". Gwen admits that may be true due to the influence of the teachings at the Clock Tower but she knows best how to deal with others than a verbal reprimand which is a waste of her breath and time.

Gwen admires somewhat both the Vice-Head and the Head of Atlas, she sees them as role models and she can only hope to reach the stage they now stand on. Both of those great Magi was her main motivation for joining the Atlas Institute. Which is already an honor in itself, to be a lead researcher at the one of the best Magical Institution of all time.

Gwen's mother, Garcia is an old woman that is barely getting out of bed and cannot lead let alone manage the matters of the house. Her younger siblings have already graduated or are nearly about to if that isn't the case. Gwen has no interest in controlling or taking over the house as she has pretty much set her life entirely to teaching. She is getting ready to prepare one of her younger siblings to be the next Head of the house and they're already fighting between themselves to gain her approval. Gwen has yet to make a choice.

Recently, the Head of Atlas has sent her an assignment to act as their representative to another branch of the Mage's Association which they worked closely with. The Chaldea Security Organization.

Strength: D
Endurance: C+
Agility: B
Magical Energy: A+++
Luck: B

Elemental Affinity: Hollow

Origin: Effectiveness

Magical Circuits: A++
Quality: A+
Magical Skills & Abilities


Alchemy: As a member of the Atlas Institute, it is no wonder that Gwen is a master in this field. It helps that her family also specialize in Alchemy despite their rather bitter rivalry with the von Einzberns whom they had never managed to surpass yet.

Mineralogy: It is a Magecraft that is somewhat necessary to know for all Alchemists no matter where they came from. The study of the mystical proprieties of some materials is rather interesting to Gwen regardless.

Chimeras: It was always an interesting field of study, she had particularly enjoyed testing how her potions would affect certain creatures and familiar-making is always useful to know for any Magi.

Curses: Gwen knows only a few things about this beyond the necessary basics and counter-measures she had studied at the Clock Tower.

Bounded Fields: Any Magi should have studied this field of Magecraft according to Gwen.

Formal Craft: A rather simple field in which one manipulates the Mana in the air rather than the Od in their bodies. Gwen finds it an intriguing and interesting field of Magecraft.

Magic Crest Spells:

~~Increactus Puricum~~
Effect: Gwen is able to purify any object or element completely to the point of perfection in its structure.

~~Immunesco Infectenim~~
Effect: Gwen with subtle alchemical manipulation in the air can create a poisonous cloud lethal to all creatures in the area. Highly dangerous to both herself and her allies.

~~Reparmus Repellaris~~
Effect: Gwen using this Alchemical Spell is able to analyze one's biological or inorganic structures given her an understanding of how it is working. This allows her to perform reparations on one's body which may be a Homonculi or even a Human or animal.

Name: Atlas Institute Uniform
Rank: A+++
Target: Unit
Result: It will nullify a physical or magical attack for herself or one of her allies, a powerful enough attack can overwhelm her, however. It is able to remove bad status effects on both herself and her allies and may reduce the cost of a Servant's skill.

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@Floom The only thing I have to say about this one is that none of the GMs had ever heard of this particular legend as we aren't really knowledgeable about Japanese Mythology. The sheet in itself is fine, the only thing we need is a source link of that legend and you're in.

@Liusfranrangel Your sheet made most of us GMs a bit iffy, to be honest as you stepped on a lot of things we don't want to step on as in being chased by the Clock Tower and seeking refuge in Chaldea. The other thing is that it doesn't follow the format provided on the OP. Apart from these, the sheets would be fine.

@Atma Warrior You did get in but barely due to Mephistopheles. From what I understood, the reasons Mephi even gave his powers to some random Magus is to torture him mentally and physically and in exchange get to use his powers to save the world. At least, that's what I understood, GMs were reluctant but I vouched for you since I liked the idea. Godspeed.

Now, for the others.

Personal congratulations and thanks to @Breogan, @Chronobreak, and @Narcissist for making awesome well-done sheets that we GMs really enjoyed reading through.
Im actually really surprised I got in this one.
Playable NPCs
This is a list of Playable NPCs
(Taken) will be added when they are no longer available.

Shirou Emiya (Taken)
Illyasviel von Einzbern (Taken)
Rin Tohsaka (GM NPC) (Still is playable, just talk to Rowknan)
Sakura Matou (Taken)
Ayako Muramasa (Gudako, Taken) (GM NPC) (Talk to Rowknan)
Ritsuka Tohsaka (Shirou and Rin's son. Also looks like Gudao) (GM NPC) (Talk to Rowknan)
Leonardo da Vinchi
Mashu Krylight (Taken)

Other Fate Characters are on a case by case basis. Please use the resources provided for more information.
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Im actually really surprised I got in this one.
I only voted for you after agonizing over it for a bit. However, I would like it if you develop your character, hopefully towards the non betrayal option. It wouldn't have to be instant, but over the course of several singularities maybe?
(I'm not making it a requirement, but it would be nice)
My main surprise is that nobody called out the Sword Emperor as excessive.

Are we reading the same sheet?!
My main surprise is that nobody called out the Sword Emperor as excessive.

Are we reading the same sheet?!
To be honest? Considering what you're going to go against? Divine Beasts, Demon Pillars, Apocalyptic Beasts, Phantasmal Beasts, Gods.
It isn't that unreasonable.

The rules aren't that harsh for this RP about character sheets. You just gotta use common sense and the format provided on the OP.
I'm really glad that my character got accepted! Could I know the reasons why? In the Discord or here, I just want to know. And if I could have improved on it in anyway or something.

Looking forward to the RP itself!
I only voted for you after agonizing over it for a bit. However, I would like it if you develop your character, hopefully towards the non betrayal option. It wouldn't have to be instant, but over the course of several singularities maybe?
(I'm not making it a requirement, but it would be nice)
Oh no worries on that department. While I plan on playing the blantantly evil member of the party, hence caster, he will be loyal as circumstances will most likely call for solidarity. Its that he will exhibit extreme mood swings and usually offer blantantly cruel methods of dealing with people. So in other words, he'll be the devil on everyone's shoulder.
Oh no worries on that department. While I plan on playing the blantantly evil member of the party, hence caster, he will be loyal as circumstances will most likely call for solidarity. Its that he will exhibit extreme mood swings and usually offer blantantly cruel methods of dealing with people. So in other words, he'll be the devil on everyone's shoulder.
That certainly works. Will he be able to mellow out eventaully? We have 3 Best Kouhai's after all.
Best Kouhai beat Beast IV with friendship IIRC
Also Hakuno