The Glories of the Empire's Men (Star Wars Imperial Quest)

Continuing forward
In the end, Captain Visha decides that your losses are not enough to consider a retreat just yet. Therefore, you load the troops you are carrying back up to the AT-TE and march forward. The Stronghold itself is...
28 kilometers away. It will take some time to get there, but you believe you can do it under the cover of the night here.
(Every [Mobility=6] 6 KM you travel, you will roll an event roll. On a 70+, nothing will happen. 90+ will bring a positive event. 69-40 will constitute a light attack, 39-11 will constitute a medium attack, and 10- will be a major attack.)
(Temporary Condition activated! Nighttime: +10 to Event rolls.)
Your Column marches forward, eating up time and distance to the main fortress of the Separatists. After your first hour...
(Attack roll: d100+10(Stat Bonus)+10(Elite)-10(Nighttime)=71)
(Defense roll: d100-5(Poor Droid logic engines)=26)
(Success! Magnitude: 4. Unit health: 1. Complete Annihilation!)
You are set upon by a platoon of the B1s. The men waiting outside shred the droids, and you move on without much fanfare. Your second hour...
Comes and goes without much of anything. You quickly continue to your third hour...
(Attack roll: d100+10(Stat Bonus)+10(Elite)-10(Nighttime)=56)
(Defense roll: d100-5(Poor Droid logic engines)=75)
(Failure! Magnitude: 2. No Counter Attack.)
(Attack roll: d100-5(Poor Droid logic engines)-10(Nighttime)=28)
(Defense roll: d100+10(Stat Bonus)+10(Elite)=117. Crit! Master Chief Bonus!)
Another group of droids comes upon you. You fire out once more, but this time the droids are marginally better than the first group. They manage to avoid the blaster fire, and in return fires upon you. However, you have what you can only call a premonition. You knew exactly where the enemy was, who they would fire at, and what they would fire with. Spinning in a tight circle, you pull up your blaster and shoot a quick 3 bolts. They find places in the heads of the droids that just popped up with rocket launchers, destroying them instantly. Your squad instantly responds as well, taking out the rest of the droids with brutal efficiency.

Once the droids have been confirmed destroyed, Corporal Sunber comes up to you and asks "How did you know they were there? It was almost as if you knew where they were ahead of time..." Slightly indignant at the implication, you respond with "I had a bad feeling. I decided to trust my gut, and it paid off." Sunber nods, before going off to the squad and talking to the other men, who look at you in respect. Huh. It turns out he was just curious. Whoops. You pull your officer's cap over your eyes and return to the AT-TE. The column resumes it's inexorable march, off to the large domes that have been coming into view for the past hour. Your fourth hour...
Thankfully passes without incident. The base is nearly in full view, so you only spend 4 hours arriving, and spend the remaining two making a small command post. Daylight is starting to come over the base, and you can finally turn the long-range comms back on to find out the regiment's time traveling.
(Regiment condition: 100 (Natural 100!!!)
They are pristine, having no problem coming through the large wasteland. In fact, they managed to find some ruins on the planet with some ancient droids! With the discovery of the droids, the Major apparently has been in a very good mood and issued out a command: Any commanding officer who can actually enter the fortress will get a promotion. Naturally, all of the people in the companies are riled up when they hear that. They look to their commanding officer, which in the squad's case means you. You, naturally look at the Lieutenant, and he looks to the Captain. The captain says "If you want glory, go ahead and look for it. However, don't get greedy." The company erupts into cheers, and you start to make plans for Attacking the Stronghold.

Lieutenant Williams wants to make an Armored Assault, which means that you are necessary for this to succeed. However, this means that you will need to make a decision on where you will attack. From what you can tell, you have 3 weak points that you can attack from. The first is the main entrance. This will be the easiest to get to, but it will be the most heavily defended. You could also go through one of the side gates, which are less defended. However, the droids picked a prime place to build a base. There are rocky crags all around the side entrance closest to you, and you can't reach any of the other side entrances in time for the assault. You could also make a breach in the walls with the AT-TE. While the base does have energy shielding, the Mass Driver cannon will go through it like it wasn't there. However, this will draw attention and many reinforcements. You also won't have any reinforcements of your own, so you would need to be careful of when and where you do it. However, the final choice is up to you. All you need to do is make it.

[] (Attack) Go through the Main Entrance (Distance: 7 KM, Heavy Defenses.)
[] (Attack) Go through the Side Entrance (Distance: 4 KM, Medium Defenses. DC 80 traversal roll.)
[] (Attack) Breach through the wall (Distance: 0 KM, No Defenses (at first). No reinforcements.)
[] (Attack) Write-in

Troop Changes

+1 Attack
+3 Defense

Attack: 1/8 -> 2/8 to 11
Defense: 1/8 -> 4/8 to 13

Character Changes

+1 Combat (Full stat)
+1 Martial
+2 Veterancy

Martial: 2/4 -> 3/4 to 11
Combat: 0/4 -> 0/5 to 12
Veterancy: 1/6 -> 3/6 to Experienced

Gained Skill: Snapshot (When making a defense roll, roll d100. On 80+, negate attacker's roll and make a counter-attack.)

(AN: That was longer than I expected. And of course for my negligence, the dreaded Sage Dice(TM) strike once more!)
[X] (Attack) Breach through the wall (Distance: 0 KM, No Defenses (at first). No reinforcements.)

We have an AT-TE, might as well use it.
[X] (Attack) Breach through the wall (Distance: 0 KM, No Defenses (at first). No reinforcements.)
[X] (Attack) Breach through the wall (Distance: 0 KM, No Defenses (at first). No reinforcements.)

we might find good loot here! if we manage to find personal shield generators I will be ecstatic!
We will crush the enemies of the Imperium Republic!

[X] (Attack) Breach through the wall (Distance: 0 KM, No Defenses (at first). No reinforcements.)
"...We'll make a breach."

The other commanders in the tent look at you, consider the potential for a plan, before nodding.

"It makes sense to do that. We're not close enough to attack the main entrance before many of the Anti-Armor weapons are deployed there, the side entrances are blocked by rocks. The only way to find an entrance is to make one."

"Yes, that's what we'll do. Good idea, Sergeant."

You nod and salute, before leaving the tent to inform your troops. They pack up quickly as expected, however, the rest of the company didn't seem to get the memo. It took them two hours to properly pack up and get inside their transports. However, it seems that the wait was worth it. Many of the guards you could have been facing were tied up at the already made entrances, so the wall closest to you was near completely unguarded. You tell the Gunner on top to open fire when ready. Not ten seconds afterward, you hear the thump of the Mass Cannon...

And the CRAAASH and RUMBLE of the duracrete wall falling.

"On target sir. The wall fell like a ton of sheets."

"Good Firing Private. Walker, take us in."

"Yes, Sir." The Walker rumbles forward once more, trudging through the Destroyed wall. Other troopers and units pile through the opening, using the heavily armored walker as a durasteel wall against the small Arms fire of the remaining defenders. The defenders managed to injure a couple of troops but the overwhelming majority of the droids miss their targets. The Clones Scythe through them in return, leaving you bereft of enemies to shoot. You could go three different directions to aid the main and sub gates. You could go for the droid factories set up here, crippling the droid's ability to make reinforcements for their desperate defense. You could also go for their Special weapons zones, which would cripple their capability to use anything beyond the small E-5s they usually carry. The final potential option would be the droid command center, which if destroyed would shut off all the droids on the planet. However, it is stupendously heavily guarded and would be a near suicide attack if you didn't have the full might of the regiment with you.

What do you choose to go for?

[] Target the droid factories (Light Guard, Delays reinforcements by 2 rounds)
[] Target the Special weapons zones (Medium Guard, All droids suffer a -10 malus in all situations)
[] Target the Command Center (Super-Heavy Guard, Instawin the battle)

Do commanders agree to the plan? 83
Good Preparation? 34
Walls Guarded? 52
Mass Driver Shot (DC 60): 83
Good insertion? 63
Republic Attack: 89
Droid Defense: 12
Reinforcements: d4=3, d6+3=6,d8+6=10
3 Rounds for 1st wave, 6 rounds for 2nd, 3rd for Final
[X] Target the Special weapons zones

As much as i want to target the command center the losses would be too great we should attack the special weapons zone the -10 would be good.
[X] Target the Special weapons zones (Medium Guard, All droids suffer a -10 malus in all situations)

We are not going to get any backup for awhile. That means we need to improve our odds. The weapons factory is the best way to do this.
[X] Target the Special weapons zones (Medium Guard, All droids suffer a -10 malus in all situations)

then we can hit the factories and finally the main base....hopefully...
[X] Target the Special weapons zones (Medium Guard, All droids suffer a -10 malus in all situations)