The Blood of the Sand, Sun and Stars (No SV...You are in Kenshi)

Not sure if we are asking too much, would like to have Deadcat as close ally since they are too far to encroach our clay.

Edit: @Cyberphilosipher Are the income boost from trade and factory permanent?

[x] Plan North Power?
-[] Deadcat ask
--[] Deadcat independence recognized as long as Joshua remains its leader.
--[] Open trade, material aid, and alliance request are acceptable.
-[] Hub ask
--[] Provide tech and/or skill transfer to Hub Dominion (HD) , the kind that doesn't break any oath.
--[] Promise to disrupt Holy nation in anyway, be it funneling cannibal toward them or other means.
--[] Both polity will trade map and information of other factions to each other, except the ones of their allies and/or state secret. (AKA tell us what you know of HN and how to mess with them, also how big is this world?)
--[] Establish stable radio contact, and radio encryption.
--[] Embassy
--[] Supply HD location of ruins in/near HD friendly and coastal areas. HD is willing to allow Deadcat & tech hunter to check the salvages of those areas for uncontrollable dangerous tech. (AKA help us find stuff and you get to influence what we develop from those stuff)
--[] Anyone in Deadcat want to migrate to Hub? We are expanding and doesn't enslave people. Temporarily is fine too. Also taking on children and orphans.
-[] Hub give
--[] Military assistance. Cannons, cannoneer, and regular soldiers. They may also hire Shek mercenary through Hub.
--[] Use of HD trade vassals & network if Deadcat wish. They should know we have open trade with nearly every polity.
--[] Non-aggression treaty forever.
-[] 100 questions - Joshua
--[] "Is it breaking your oath if we are soliciting help from Deadcat to better develop Hub military?"
--[] "How to counter the so called 'Okran Fire'?"
--[] "What sort of 'lost tech' allows cannibals to run a clone facility when we are barely capable of producing tech?"
--[] "What do you think of tech hunters?"
--[] "How did you survive?"
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Kenshi Lost Tech Files Part 1
Kenshi Lost Tech Files Part 1

The Avalon-B Combat Carrier: The Main attack Carrier from an age along time ago.
Weight: 5000 Tons (Hull) 5050 Tons. (With all armaments)
Crew:2,000 Crew, 1500 Marines, 500 Valkyrie Pilots.

Power Source: 1 Albion Fusion Reactor.

Arms: 15 Point defense AA cannons. 40 broadside combat cannons. 1 hypervelocity railgun.

Bio: Once upon a time, Kenshi was one of many to touch the stars under the guidance of the Precursor Empire (AKA Earth) of old, an ancient and powerful force that once ruled much of the Stars.

It was a proud and powerful thing...powerful enough to fight an entire planet if the stories were true...but it is simply a myth.

Either's quite a sight if the pictures are right.

The Valkyrie Fighter: The Pride of the Old Dominion fighter Corp.
Arms: 2 Quad Gatling cannons. 2 70mm Autocannons. 4 missile racks of ten missiles.
Fuel: Hydrogen Fuel cells.

Bio: The Workhorse fighter from a long time can fight in the atmosphere and in space.

The AI's of the Past: Spoilers all around.

AN: A little diddy I made involving some tech...add give feedback and the like.

A Fine Set of Pearls and Grip Results
A Fine Set of Pearls and Grip Results

You looked at the terms of the treaty closely. "I don't see a problem with this."

Joshua nodded, "Yes...I'm not the only one who's spent time with Diplomatic talent these days."

-[] Deadcat ask
--[] Deadcat independence recognized as long as Joshua remains its leader.
--[] Open trade, material aid, and alliance request are acceptable.

"It will take some time...but I'll pull it off." You said calmly.

"That would be wonderful and very much in line with what you are doing these days." Joshua noted as you agreed.

--[] Provide tech and/or skill transfer to Hub Dominion (HD) , the kind that doesn't break any oath.

"Out of the Question Johnathan...I need those skilled laborers to help with rebuilding the City of Deadcat." Joshua said calmly.

" have work after all after the war is over." You noted calmly.

"Besides...If I gave you anything that is against my oath...I'd be forced to war against the entire continent against you." Joshua said calmly.

"Duly noted…"You said calmly. "I'd rather not fight seem like you would kill me."

"You are a wise child. I'd hate to be forced to kill you." Joshua said.

[] Both polity will trade map and information of other factions to each other, except the ones of their allies and/or state secret. (AKA tell us what you know of HN and how to mess with them, also how big is this world?)

"How do you know of the Holy Nation?" You asked to the burned man.

"We have spent a long time observing the Holy nation and stole some maps from them…" He said.

You shrugged. "How big is the world? Truly I've only walked this land."

Joshua pulled out a small locket and touched the center revealing the Moons and the Gas Giant and revealing about a dozen platforms around Kenshi...and about 30 platforms that looked like cylinders along with small satellites.
12 Geosync platforms that occasionally attack the moon's other continents as the EYE blasts the Verge...keeping the mass drivers from the continent you live. And the Warden's O'Neill cylinders...those that will destroy you for trying to leave. Kenshi is a prison...and its people prisoners.

"Oh wrong image." Joshua said calmly as he clicked it again and showed a small landmass about 1000 miles to the west. "The Landmass of's smaller than this place, but also has a bit more safety we've spent the last thousand or so years taming it. And I am free to tell you this...fully as the Trade is much appreciated."

"Thank you...and we are on the same hemisphere?" You asked.

"Only just...Only just Jack." He said.

--[] Anyone in Deadcat want to migrate to Hub? We are expanding and doesn't enslave people. Temporarily is fine too. Also taking on children and orphans.

If you could see Joshua's Smile it would be like the sun. "It would give us a small comfort to know our children and elders are safe from the war."

"I'll make the arrangements ." You said calmly.

--[] Establish stable radio contact, and radio encryption.
--[] Embassy
--[] Supply HD location of ruins in/near HD friendly and coastal areas. HD is willing to allow Deadcat & tech hunter to check the salvage of those areas for uncontrollable dangerous tech. (AKA help us find stuff and you get to influence what we develop from those stuff)

"Done...thank you for considering this my friend." Joshua said.

-[] Hub give
--[] Military assistance. Cannons, cannoneer, and regular soldiers. They may also hire Shek mercenary through Hub.
--[] Use of HD trade vassals & network if Deadcat wish. They should know we have open trade with nearly every polity.
--[] Non-aggression treaty forever.

"Done." Joshua said calmly. "Anything else?"

-[] 100 questions - Joshua
--[] "Is it breaking your oath if we are soliciting help from Deadcat to better develop Hub military?"

"No...If you are asking for the dead cat's help and technology of steelsmiting and advanced ironworking then it is not a breech of my oath. Asking me for MY technology is a breach of the don't try." He said growling at you.

"Alright I understand." You said calmly.

" question? And ask are still my guest." He said calmly.

[] "How to counter the so called 'Okran Fire'?"

"You can't...My tribe has spent a hundred years trying to find a weakness for it...and we found none." Joshua said calmly.

--[] "What sort of 'lost tech' allows cannibals to run a clone facility when we are barely capable of producing tech?"

Joshua shrugged. "That is the True reason I am here...My people found out a reactivated sort of cloning device from the First empire was found by cannibals and a hundred others were dispatched to kill it. From what I am able to tell it is a massive complex from the time of the Starborn...The ones who first came to this place when man first walked the stars above."

"Well your best hypothesis?" You asked.

"Something kept the facility running and it mistook the cannibals for people. And assisted them." He said calmly.

"That sounds like its a problem." You said calmly.

"Indeed…" Joshua said. "And the help you give is appreciated.

--[] "What do you think of tech hunters?"

Joshua sighed. "Local help is appreciated...and my tribe considers them allies...but not true friends...I don't trust skeletons personally."
"I am a tech hunter myself." You said calmly.

"Then you are an Ally Jack, now let us drink to that alliance." You said calmly.

--[] "How did you survive?"

"I survived because I have a mission to complete and people to Let us get you back to your people." He said. "They need you."

Reward: Information gained, Alliance with the Deadcats made.

AN: Enjoy the Update.
Shame we didn't get immediate tech / skill share, but everything else are decent. That world building bit is delicious and a high minded goal for Jack's heir to reach for. Sure hope Joshua can divert some cannibals toward Holy Nation, really don't want to be the first to witness GUNDAM Cyclopes.
Shame we didn't get immediate tech / skill share, but everything else are decent.
Joshua has his oath...but he'll let you loot the facility the cannibles are coming from.
That world building bit is delicious and a high minded goal for Jack's heir to reach for.
Jack is 21...and has acess to mostly modern medicen and lives an active life style...he'll live to at least his 60s at this rate.
Sure hope Joshua can divert some cannibals toward Holy Nation, really don't want to be the first to witness GUNDAM Cyclopes.
Just wait til the Rumor mill my man.
Turn 13 Rumor Mill
Turn 13 Rumor Mill

"I expect everything to either Go to hell or be fine...let's have a look." You said calmly to Gregory.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Gregory said calmly.


The Shek Empire:1D100 => 98

Esata has formally founded the Shek Imperial Trade Guild, an institution that will regulate and monitor trade at a fair margin.

She has also made a startling discovery. She's the second richest person in the continent.

Reward: Esata...stop being powerful.

The Holy Nation:1D100 => 100

The Holy Phoenix...has...retired to pass on the torch to one of the next generation.

The 63rd Holy Phoenix is a powerful and broadly built with the mind of a genius. He is one of the finest men that the Holy Nation has.

Reward: New Challenger Appears.

The Kingdom of Cutan:1D100 => 89

"Nothing has happened except...they are training their army for something."

Reward: Army of Cutan gain 1 training rank.

The Traditionalists:1D100 => 1

Prince Sojiro and his friends have defected to the reformists...and it surprised no one.

Reward: Tengu has all but surrendered.

The Reformists:1D100 => 90

Prince Sojiro has taken command of the Reformists and has brought the war to an end.

Reward:The back.

Western Hive:1D100 => 91

The Wester Hive has slaughtered the fogmen that have entered their territory.

Reward: The Hivers are doing a thing.

Mongrel:1D100 => 95

Mongrel has battled much of Fogmen led by a MIGHTY WARRIOR NAMED BEEP!!

Reward: BEEP!!

The Shinobi Thieves:1D100 => 19

Nothing is happening.

The Traders Guild:1D100 => 17

The Traders guild is losing money.

Reward: They are losing money.

The Slaver's Guild:1D100 => 85

They have an influx of money...from the Civil War.

Reward:They gain power from war.

Free City of Shark:1D100 => 49

They are going to grow more drugs.

Reward: Status quo

Fishmen:1D100 => 58

Nothing is happening.

Reward: Status Quo.

Southern Hive:1D100 => 85

They are going to fight the UC.

Reward:Another War.

Cannabels:1D100 => 36

The Manpower is falling. Because they keep dying extremely hard.

Reward: Cannabel's are dying.

Dead Cats:1D100 => 86

The Deadcats are slaughtering the Cannibals and are nearing the city of Deadcat.

Reward: Immense PROGRESS!!

Rebel Farmers:1D100 => 47

They are going into hiding while the situation develops.

Reward: Take the manpower and Run.

The Anti Slavers:1D100 => 89

Tinfist is going off to Fight the Trade Guild.

Reward: More work is happening.

Flotsam Ninja:1D100 => 98

Moll is going off with her gang to help the Deadcats in exchange is for explosives.

Reward:Moll wants the bombs.

Skeleton Bandits:1D100 => 38

No information.

Crab Raiders:1D100 => 60

The Crabs are rising!!

Reward: Crabs are growing powers.

Grass Pirates:1D100 => 2

No information.

Reavers:1D100 => 14

No information.

Black Desert City:1D100 => 97



Tech Hunters:1D100 => 98


Reward: Jack you have to meet the quartermaster we have gear.

Mechanists:1D100 => 83

They are bringing something Online…


Cat-Lon:1D100 => 99

"Is that what I think it is...Good."

Reward:Cat-lon gains more and more power.

Deseret:1D100 => 91

"Hello...Josh can you hear us? JOSH!! Find a Signal booster man...JOSH!!"

Reward: Radio Signal?? New Actions available.

Those Above ALL:1D100 => 76

"Send a Drone down to the Continent of Kenshi and give a report." A Man said.

Reward: Drone Being Sent...prepared.

AN: Not much in terms of events...but things happened.
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Second coming of United Cities this quick? Bah, at least the hivers are going to poke them a bit.

Who's the Mechanists?

Looks like we have to do a balancing act next turn again, trading and linking up with new city states.
Second coming of United Cities this quick?
The Reformests had all the cards...the Prince recognized it and ended the war and in exchange for power...they get there reforms and then some...they are in no ways out of the woods yet.
Bah, at least the hivers are going to poke them a bit.
Indeed, the south ones at least.
Who's the Mechanists?
The guys the tech hunters work with, the ones who are Jack's bosses that live in Black scratch.
Looks like we have to do a balancing act next turn again, trading and linking up with new city states.
Did you notice the NEWER items on the list, Deseret and THOSE ABOVE ALL. because one of them want to call and the other shot a drone into the atmosphere.
Did you notice the NEWER items on the list, Deseret and THOSE ABOVE ALL. because one of them want to call and the other shot a drone into the atmosphere.

I did, i see them as the new city states we have to link up with. While the drone might be a tomorrow problem, the ??? in UC store and Giant Robo from HN are the today problem. Not to mention the ??? of grass pirate carrier.
I did, i see them as the new city states we have to link up with. While the drone might be a tomorrow problem, the ??? in UC store and Giant Robo from HN are the today problem. Not to mention the ??? of grass pirate carrier.
Yes indeed... but the quartemaster of the Tech Hunters have opened up...and if you roll good you might get something.
Turn 14
Turn 14

(Drone POV)

Observing flight path… prepare for splash down…

Splashdown confirmed…

Splashdown:1D100 => 58 (Landed in the Sea)

Location:1D100 => 96 (The Ashlands)

Reward: going to have a bad time...fighting some drone from space...he's got a -20 on his rumor mill roll this turn.


You have 5 Actions:

MEGA Actions: These Actions take multiple turns.

[]Take A Census: Wait...what is our manpower now? Reward: You realize how big manpower pools are.

[]A GREAT REFORMATION:The Army needs new...everything. Fix that. Reward: For 2 Turns all military actions are unavailable...but after 2 turns they will rise up one training and possibly one TECH level.

[]Ninja's Guide in Political Mapping: What is going on in the world? Who are the players!! Who are the Pieces!! Reward: For 1000 Cats a Plucky Ninja Gang go off in search of factions and will give you advice on how best to deal with them.

[]A Great Search: You are a Tech Hunter...that means spending a vast amount of resources on looking for technology and equipment that will help or destroy the world!! Reward: Jack Leaves for Two Turns and goes to search for Rare or exotic technology. With a -30 to all rolls as a result...however due to Jack devoting all it's time to tech hunting...he may find something...wonderful!! (Learning actions gain a flat +20, and the chance of finding a rare Artifact in a search is raised by +30!!)

[]Expand the Hub:The City is getting Crowded, the houses are being repaired and the Merchants are arguing over space. Reward: Dump 2000 Cats into growing the City and expanding the Population of the Nation state.



[]Send Envoy: You are going to send men to the rest of the world. Reward: Diplomatic ties established.
-[]Line tail faction you wish to meet.

[]Visit Shark: Shark has gone on and formed a free city and open port as they say...well, might want to check in. Reward: Shark is visited.

[]Go To the Swamps: You are going south, hopefully something good comes from it. Reward: Technology, Recruits, and Trade.

[]Build Radio Transceiver: You got a signal while you were up near deadcat...better see if you can do something to make it stronger. Reward: Deseret contact??


[]A Muster: You are going to call up men to replenish the units who lost men, Reward: Recruits and NPC's.

[]Send a Military Expedition to Deadcat: You are going to send men to the Deadcat war. Cost: 10 Reward: +10 to Deadcat rumor mill, minus 10 to cannable rolls.

[]Build Artillery: That was far too useful to just leave around...Make MORE!! Reward: Artillery is made.

[]Build Cannons:You have black Powder and iron, use it to make the god of war. Reward:Make Cannons

[]Train Officers: Your commanders need Training!! Reward: Officers Gain Stats and Traits.

[]Train with the Shek:You need to train, HARD!! Reward: Stats and Trait Growth.

[]Build a Warship Squadron:You need BOATS now!! Cost: 500 Reward: Warships built.


[]Mine for Copper:Same deal with copper, the United cities run on this. Reward; Sell Copper for Cats.

[]Build Infrastructure: You are going to have to do something. Cost: 100, Reward:You build something from Civilization.

[]Farming: You are going to try your hand at communal farming. Reward: Food supplies grow.

[]Fishing Run: You are going to go to the swamps for Fish. Reward:You bring home food.

[]Trade Deals: At last you can build in peace. Reward: You get deals with factions.
-[]Write in Faction.

[]Assign the Factory: You can now use the power of where do you assign it? Line tail where you want it to go. Reward: Light manufacturing or Military ???.


[]The Many Ways: You shall send your eyes to the rest of the world to get information on people
--[]Line Tail faction you wish to get an in depth review on.

[]Send out a Broadcast: You know someone is listening, might as well send a call. Reward: ???

[]Send spies: You have men to sabotage and get you information. Reward: The Faction suffers a -10 to rumor mills.
--[]Line Tail faction you send spies.

[]The Kage is sneaky: The Lord Kage is asking for a favor...what could he be asking you for support for. Reward: "Tell me what do you know about this symbol?"


[]A Quartermaster's Favor: "Hey know about the gear we arn't allowed to use...Iyo says you can have a look, you've earned something from the past." Reward: Shopping time for tech!!

[x]Send A person to the Tech Hunters: Let's be honest these guys don't have the luxury of a good education like you, fix that. Reward:Stat boost for people you send.
--[x] Hobbs & Ruka

[]Wander the Desert: You are going to wander the Desert and Pray that you find something. Reward: Technology, recruits and trade

[]Search Ruins:You are a Tech Hunter, this should give you tools that will help you. Reward: Technology.

[]Visit the Great Library: The Great Library of Black Scratch. Let's visit and buy a book copying permit. Reward: Technology and information.

AN: I think I got some stuff now...enjoy.
Does factory assignment have to take a slot? What's the difference between light and military?

How much tech point do we have? Might not be worthwhile right now to visit the tech hunters?

+20 to Learning rolls next turn!!
Did we ever apply this bonus?

Is the "Visit the Great Library" action eating our Cats or tech point?
Does factory assignment have to take a slot?
It does...because factories are expensive to make.
What's the difference between light and military?
Light is everything not military and ???
How much tech point do we have?
Oh...I uh...forgot the TP's, you gained a lot from all the negotiations and the quartermasters are giving you shit for free.
Did we ever apply this bonus?

Is the "Visit the Great Library" action eating our Cats or tech point?
I don't think we did...

And Tp's but I'll tell you the tech points in a moment because of the Tech share with the Shek is also being factored as well.

You can get more from omakes.
Kinda trying to gear toward war but also expand civilian economy. Certainly hope we can attract more population to settle our land without crowding the city even more but we really don't have the money to expand the Hub right now. Which is the reason for producing civilian/light goods and going for tech hunt. Come on tech hunter, give me a silver bullet.

[x] Plan Deeper Roots
-[]A GREAT REFORMATION:The Army needs new...everything. Fix that. Reward: For 2 Turns all military actions are unavailable...but after 2 turns they will rise up one training and possibly one TECH level.
-[]Build Radio Transceiver: You got a signal while you were up near deadcat...better see if you can do something to make it stronger. Reward: Deseret contact??
-[]Assign the Factory: You can now use the power of where do you assign it? Line tail where you want it to go. Reward: Light manufacturing or Military ???.
--[] Light
-[]A Quartermaster's Favor: "Hey know about the gear we arn't allowed to use...Iyo says you can have a look, you've earned something from the past." Reward: Shopping time for tech!!
-[]Search Ruins:You are a Tech Hunter, this should give you tools that will help you. Reward: Technology.

+500 from Trade.
+400 From Taxes.
And +100 from Tech Hunter Stuff.
Our stuff we are losing money on is
-500 Army.
-300 Boats.

The +500 (factory) and +300 (Trade Deal) income are missing?
Turn 14 Results
Turn 14 Results

(Jack POV)

"Alright let's see what madness comes up this time.


-[]A GREAT REFORMATION:The Army needs new...everything. Fix that. Reward: For 2 Turns all military actions are unavailable...but after 2 turns they will rise up one training and possibly one TECH level. Rolled:1D100 => 97

Tora looked at the book on military strategy. "I think I can make this work."

The book was titled "British Army Training Manual...volume 4."

She would be fine.

Reward: The Reformation begins.!!

-[]Build Radio Transceiver: You got a signal while you were up near deadcat...better see if you can do something to make it stronger. Reward: Deseret contact?? Rolled:1D100 => 79

You caught something...but then it was gone.

"Call...COME IN...JoSHHh!!" They said.

" anyone there!! HELLO ANYONE!!" You said.

"Something is jamming us.." You guessed. "The Signal was supposed to be strong up here."

You breathed in and sighed.

"Damn it." You said.

Reward: You got something..but its not strong enough.

-[]Assign the Factory: You can now use the power of where do you assign it? Line tail where you want it to go. Reward: Light manufacturing or Military ???. Rolled:1D100 => 67
--[] Light

"Now with light manufacturing...we can rule the world." You said calmly.

Reward: +100 income forever...Industrial revolution is here.

-[]A Quartermaster's Favor: "Hey know about the gear we aren't allowed to use...Iyo says you can have a look, you've earned something from the past." Reward: Shopping time for tech!! Rolled:1D100 => 95+20=115

"I didn't know some of this was possible." You said.

"The perks of limited access to pre collapse tech." Iyo said. "Hope you earned something."

(Continued in...World's End, Tech Depot)

-[]Search Ruins:You are a Tech Hunter, this should give you tools that will help you. Reward: Technology. Rolled:1D100 => 70+20=90

Technology Recovered:1D200 => 173+20=193

"Well who are you…" You said calmly.

"HeLp ME!!" It said. "nEEd PowWER!"

"What the hell." You said calmly.

Technology recovered: Broken Artificial Intelligence.

Technology Durability:1D100 => 63

"Power router is broken and it is running off a faulty solar cell. Better plug this in before I lose something." You said calmly.

Reward: Technology reclaimed.

[x]Send A person to the Tech Hunters: Let's be honest these guys don't have the luxury of a good education like you, fix that. Reward:Stat boost for people you send. Rolled:
--[x] Hobbs & Ruka

Diplomacy:7-4=3 +1D10 => 5

Martial:1+2+4=7 +1D10 => 3

Stewardship:3+2-3=2+1D10 => 2

Intrigue:7 +1D10 => 7

Learning:6-2+1=5+1D10 => 2

Personal Combat:9+10=19+1D10 => 6


Diplomacy:4+3+1=8 +1D10 => 1

Martial:6+8+3+1=18+1D10 => 7

Stewardship:3+6+1+3=13 + 1D10 => 7

Intrigue:7+3+1=11+1D10 => 7

Learning:6+4+3+1=14+ 1D10 => 5

Personal Combat:4+5+6+3+1=19+1D10 => 3

Tech Hunting:1D200 => 29+20=49

Nothing major was recovered.

Reward: Education complete for these two..enjoy.

AN:Oh my...that last one.