The Adverse of the Gods and Men (NO SV, You are gonna build a Civilization on a Deathworld, and you are going to like it!)

you know considering how much sanctuary hates fertility gods/ goddesses i hope that if we ever do get a pantheon the next god we get is a strait himbo of a fertility god

as an example

[] the father

[] (i don't have an image ready for this just picture a buff blonde dude with a beard who's constantly laughing)





[] the father is a very kind god... not too bright but very kind. in the distant past it was him who guided his tribe through the harsh waists of the dark continent. it is by his power that any plants grow. and while he is very protective of his children as a father he's mainly just a big goof who wants to dote on his kids delighting in all their crafts and helping them to make their own families. and so he has for generations watched over the tribe quietly guiding them to happiness and prosperity. occasionally stepping in when the Grimm or a rival tribe attempts to take what isn't theirs.

basically a really chilled laidback dude whose entire reason for being is to help people fall in love and make babies. bouncing off a badass war goddess who will protect her people from all comers

i put way too much effort into a joke that is ultimately maybe gonna get a chuckle if I'm lucky 😔 oh well posting it anyways just created a Bara-as-fuck Bear-Faunus Male Fertility God...

Sanctuary would be so goddamn tsundere over that hot mess!
Ok, wait...

So, we (kinda) inspired the other tribes, even the ones back on the other continent, that the Elder Grimm can be fought, and can be killed.
So now there's every chance they will do it themselves.
Except they are nowhere near as good at it as us. Meaning that even if they succeed, they will have a lot of their forces gibbed by the Grimm.
So we still win.
What does Bara mean?
Is it possible for the gods to reproduce like IRL Greek Pantheon? Because I would see a lot of kids and head-pats if Sanctuary ever fell in love with "the father".
Rather than link to questionable websites, I will paraphrase.

'Bara' is a genre regarding a specific body type and character archetype.

The body type is a half-and-half blend of Andre The Giant's wrestler build and a classical Beefcake Lumberjack's musculature: big boned, big muscles, thick skinned with a soft texture, and baby faced with strong dimples, with a thin layer of soft flabby bodyfat covering every muscular limb, coupled with a false beer-gut made of pure brown fatty tissue spreads throughout the core muscles that all works together towards disguising the intimidating power stance of a champion class strongman unless suddenly stressed into expecting violent action, allowing the swelling of muscles and tightening of the skin just enough to just barely reveal the hidden lines of toned muscle formerly hidden by the light layers of surface fat, as pudgy fingers reveal themselves to be massive cords of muscle disguised by many thick layers of calloused skin around a core of thick bone and robustly padded joints.

The character archetype is also a half-and-half blend of Andre The Giant's personality and the Classical Beefcake Lumberjack's lifestyle: kindly, sporting, willing to laugh and play along with anyone's games on a moments notice, and completely without an intimidating bone in his body due to never needing to intentionally practice intimidation in order to inspire fear if roused to anger, in fact the bara is far more used to playing down their stature around those they choose to care for in passing or in permanence, otherwise the bara usually chooses the life path of accepting their existence as simply being that which they are, and choosing to take unwarrented reactions to their stature from others with good humor and a kindly heart, while secretly desiring for a friendly peer of equal stature to challenge him and validate his capacity for mighty action, or for a lover's relationship that can meaningfully accompany him through life as an equal in strength, or kindness, or stature of body.

This commonly leads to the bara being used in homosexual stories in relationships with other bara types, as is common with wrestling characters and classical Beefcake Lumberjack characters, but this is merely a rule of yaoi making money, not a rule of the character type itself, and heterosexual relationships are equally common for the bara, often with warrioress or amazons or craft mistress or den mother type lovers.
You know at this point our lord should become a god when he dies, kind of an ancestor god with his 'sister' Sanctuary, let's just go full dawi with Ancestor Gods, every people of great deed get deified.
He might not be a pain in the ass...
Honestly i don't think he will be able to help himself, at some point he'll start doing things for 'the greater good' that we might not agree with thinking he knows best and he almost certainly has to do something to get rid of/seal Sanctuary due to his deal with the god of Light (He's basically the GoL High Priest/Only true disciple).
Canon Omake The Lone Wolf by Dain2401
Not completely satisfied, but it gets the job done. Thoughts?

The Lone Wolf​

As the day dawned, Sigrun awoke from her slumber. As she exited her hut to bathe in the local river, she gazed upon the water before her. Red eyes set within an angular face, long silver hair cascading down her back covering two small canine ears, thick muscles throughout her tanned body. A fierce warrior, an unconquered heroine stared back. After completing her usual morning rituals, she laid out the tools of her trade before her. Two short spears served as her weapons of choice with a short sword of iron serving as her backup, and a sizable knife for close quarters rounding out her arsenal. Satisfied with their condition, she strapped the spears behind her back forming an X while the short sword rested on her left and the knife tucked away in her right heel.

Her tribe, the Lowell, were a peculiar sort. No one knew where they'd originated from or why they resided on these lands, only that they did. Despite this, one tale continued to be told; the coming of a messiah whose strength would unite the tribes under their rule and tame the lands. These lands were not kind upon the weak of body, mind, or soul and it showed with the tribe. Each sought to achieve greater strength in the hopes that they would be the promised deliverer. Though she personally had her doubts, far be it from her to crush what little purpose her kinsmen had for living.

As she made her way through the forest, she saw something that gave her pause; a small butterfly situated on a nearby tree. A memory, long repressed, forced its way to the surface...

"It's the last butterfly, When it's gone, there's none left." a young Sigrun said. The butterfly on her hand slowly moved its outworn wings. It was too weak even trying to fly. In summer, with all those other butterflies, this one wouldn't have looked very good. But now, she thought, it was the most beautiful creature in the world. "It'll die soon, won't it mom?" Her mom came closer and hugged her tightly. For some time, the two just stood still, holding one another as if in fear of being forced apart at any moment.

"What you say is true," mom said. "But you have to remember, it is not the whole truth." She looked at the horizon, painted with gold by the setting sun. Then she turned back to her daughter and continued: "For now, it seems the butterfly is all alone. But it knows there will be other butterflies again next summer. The children of this butterfly - and many others - will fill the sky over the meadow like this one did with its own brothers and sisters. It will die, yes, but it knows it won't be the end."

Again, there was a silence as the little girl thought the meaning of what she had just heard.
"I don't think the butterfly knows anything about next summer. It's just a stupid butterfly. It... doesn't know any of those things" she said. "Probably not," mom responded. "But you do. And so did your father."
"I miss him, mom."
"I know, pup. I miss him too."
They remained still until the butterfly had stopped moving. Then the girl gently placed the fragile body on the grave and stepped back next to her mom. They left the grave together as the day turned to night; and the last rays of sunlight followed them all their way back to home.

She shook her head to banish the unwanted thoughts. Her father had been a weak man and he'd paid for it with his life. Her mother had followed shortly thereafter, leaving her all alone in the world. No matter, she was stronger than both and any who sought her had to be just as strong. With this in mind she made her way for the Grand melee.

To appease the Lowell Tribe, a grand melee was to be hosted in which the warriors of both tribes would compete for the chance to duel the legendary dragon slayer and earn a boon of their choice from him. Personally, Sigrun had no real stake in the outcome. However, she'd sworn to never take a lover who could not best her in combat. Only someone capable of keeping up with her was worthy of being her partner in life.

The males of her tribe and even some of the women had challenged her over the years. Not one had impressed her, and she'd taken out her disappointment on each contender as they came. For most she settled with breaking their pride, some she broke their equipment, others she broke their bodies, a few of the more pretentious ones she chose to "unman" as an example to others. Those who still didn't get the message were killed outright to spare the rest of the world their stupidity.

Now though, there was a chance that someone who fit her standards could be found at this melee, perhaps even the mighty chieftain himself. Her mind set, she continued her journey onwards. Unbeknownst to her the small ethereal butterfly gazed upon her as she left.

Be safe, pup. Mommy loves you very much.
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