The Adverse of the Gods and Men (NO SV, You are gonna build a Civilization on a Deathworld, and you are going to like it!)

Invisible text
New Years Day, 2800 BGW
Some Time in Autumn 2450 BGW.
Sometime in Winter, 2345 BGW
Late Spring, 2200 BGW.
August 900 BGW
Winter, around the Month of February 500 BGW.
June 1st 0 AGW The Final Day of the Great War.
July 22nd 62 AGW.

[x]The Heroine At the End of the Story: Ruby looked at the slightly reserved looking girl in the Dress as she fiddled with a ring, before closing a very old looking book. "HI!! I'm Ruby" Ruby said. The Girl looked at her and the greenish silvery eyes looked back. "Oh Hello, My Name is Estellise Argenta, Princess of the Adverse." August 22nd 79 AGW.
[X]The Heroine At the End of the Story: Ruby looked at the slightly reserved looking girl in the Dress as she fiddled with a ring, before closing a very old looking book. "HI!! I'm Ruby" Ruby said. The Girl looked at her and the greenish silvery eyes looked back. "Oh Hello, My Name is Estellise Argenta, Princess of the Adverse." August 22nd 79 AGW.

Let's see how things are going in canon times!
[]The Search for a Star of Winter:When Mantle's Longships came to raid you, you thought it was time for a repeat of the time Estel the Great's crusade of justice, but then you realized they were lead by a Woman who could control the winds, the storms and the stars. Sometime in Winter, 2345 BGW[/color]

Though I like the Ruby one, I think this is more important because of the upcoming enemy, also where are our coastal defense dragon turtles and other beasties at?

[]The Fall of the Empire:The is Ambrose Fall, as his capital is sacked, and his city is destroyed by the people he had long thought removed from the Politics of his Realm...Branwen had abandoned the soothsayer foretold, and now the Adverse had take their revenge once and for all.
Late Spring, 2200 BGW.
Okay, why are we even bother to fight that stupid empire again? What idiocy did they do this time?
Though I like the Ruby one, I think this is more important because of the upcoming enemy, also where are our coastal defense dragon turtles and other beasties at?
I will put them in the Interlude in some form dude remain calm.
Okay, why are we even bother to fight that stupid empire again? What idiocy did they do this time?
Its a Mix of China and Rome, think of Something viable its one of those.
I will put them in the Interlude in some form dude remain calm.

Its a Mix of China and Rome, think of Something viable its one of those.
1. No worries, that curious since the vote won and there hasn't even a mention of any of them

2. So did they try to poach our animals because not-China doesn't have any dragons and we do or did they light our boats and buildings on fire with their fireworks or something?
1. No worries, that curious since the vote won and there hasn't even a mention of any of them

2. So did they try to poach our animals because not-China doesn't have any dragons and we do or did they light our boats and buildings on fire with their fireworks or something?
[]The Fall of the Empire:The is Ambrose Fall, as his capital is sacked, and his city is destroyed by the people he had long thought removed from the Politics of his Realm...Branwen had abandoned the soothsayer foretold, and now the Adverse had take their revenge once and for all. Late Spring, 2200 BGW.
Odds are they done something stupid because they thought they could get away with it thanks to us not being involved in politics.
[X]The Search for a Star of Winter:When Mantle's Longships came to raid you, you thought it was time for a repeat of the time Estel the Great's crusade of justice, but then you realized they were lead by a Woman who could control the winds, the storms and the stars. Sometime in Winter, 2345 BGW
[X]The Heroine At the End of the Story: Ruby looked at the slightly reserved looking girl in the Dress as she fiddled with a ring, before closing a very old looking book. "HI!! I'm Ruby" Ruby said. The Girl looked at her and the greenish silvery eyes looked back. "Oh Hello, My Name is Estellise Argenta, Princess of the Adverse." August 22nd 79 AGW.

Let us see a result of the ripples we have made...
[X]The Heroine At the End of the Story: Ruby looked at the slightly reserved looking girl in the Dress as she fiddled with a ring, before closing a very old looking book. "HI!! I'm Ruby" Ruby said. The Girl looked at her and the greenish silvery eyes looked back. "Oh Hello, My Name is Estellise Argenta, Princess of the Adverse." August 22nd 79 AGW.
[X]The Search for a Star of Winter:When Mantle's Longships came to raid you, you thought it was time for a repeat of the time Estel the Great's crusade of justice, but then you realized they were lead by a Woman who could control the winds, the storms and the stars. Sometime in Winter, 2345 BGW
[X]The Final Trial: A Gate?...This was the Final Challenge. "So there is a face to the voice that has puzzled us all." The Voice from the Sky smiled a Sad smile. " must face the one last challenge King of the Adverse...The Great Spirit of Adversity."July 22nd 62 AGW.
Adhoc vote count started by Bob the wanderer on Sep 18, 2020 at 11:15 PM, finished with 18 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X]The Heroine At the End of the Story: Ruby looked at the slightly reserved looking girl in the Dress as she fiddled with a ring, before closing a very old looking book. "HI!! I'm Ruby" Ruby said. The Girl looked at her and the greenish silvery eyes looked back. "Oh Hello, My Name is Estellise Argenta, Princess of the Adverse." August 22nd 79 AGW.
    [X]The Final Trial: A Gate?...This was the Final Challenge. "So there is a face to the voice that has puzzled us all." The Voice from the Sky smiled a Sad smile. " must face the one last challenge King of the Adverse...The Great Spirit of Adversity."July 22nd 62 AGW.
    [X]The Search for a Star of Winter:When Mantle's Longships came to raid you, you thought it was time for a repeat of the time Estel the Great's crusade of justice, but then you realized they were lead by a Woman who could control the winds, the storms and the stars. Sometime in Winter, 2345 BGW
    [X]Ozymandias's Fall: This is how it feels to be Ozma your body burned and your soul was torn asunder for the second time, you look to the sky and earth and the knowledge that all is lost. His gods have abandoned him to a word where there is nothing left but despair and heartache, there is little left to do accept wait until Salem can rend you from existence once and for all. New Years Day, 2800 BGW
[X]The Heroine At the End of the Story: Ruby looked at the slightly reserved looking girl in the Dress as she fiddled with a ring, before closing a very old looking book. "HI!! I'm Ruby" Ruby said. The Girl looked at her and the greenish silvery eyes looked back. "Oh Hello, My Name is Estellise Argenta, Princess of the Adverse."
The Heroine at the End of the Story
The Heroine at the End of the Story

[X]The Heroine At the End of the Story: Ruby looked at the slightly reserved looking girl in the Dress as she fiddled with a ring, before closing a very old looking book. "HI!! I'm Ruby" Ruby said. The Girl looked at her and the greenish silvery eyes looked back. "Oh Hello, My Name is Estellise Argenta, Princess of the Adverse."

August 22nd 79 AGW.

(Ruby POV)

You looked around in the dark after Blake blew out the candles. " I can't see anything."

A bright light came out from the darkness, like a flashlight but a more low key.

Everyone seemed to tune it out or ignore it, looking to finally set up the bed roll for the night.

You had to make ONE more friend, Three friends a day is the optimal chance of success, as is ADVERSE tradition, or at least that is what dad said, based on what mom said before she died, based on what Grandma said before Grandma went off to fight a Grimm Horde eight times the size of a normal human taskforce and never returned.

Wait did Jaune actually count? He just kinda bumped into you, How did the son of the commander of the Knights of Vale bump into you?

And how did you bump into the Heiress of the SDC, and sister in Law to the King of Atlas, Tundra General Schee's grandchild, and above all very rich. It seemed a fair bit of fortune that you met?

Then there was Blake, HOW did BLAKE Belladonna, Child of the Adverse colonies, and the HIGH CHIEFTAIN's DAUGHTER bother her. Life just loved to throw curveballs at you...and here you wanted to be a normal huntsmen with normal knees.

And yet life couldn't give you that instead they had to give you more to deal with.

MORE and MORE and MORE to deal with.

"At least I have Crescent Rose...he'll never really change." You mumbled as you walked towards
the glowing light.

"Hi…" You said. The book she was reading was very old, at least a third edition Adverse cookbook, those are nearly 1500 years old, one of Ozpin's no doubt.

The Girl was short, but not as short as you, but she wasn't as tall as most of the other students.

And most of the other students were giants compared to you.

She looked up and beamed with a kind of bright smile few could ever really muster in this day in age. She even dressed like a princess. "Hi..I'm Estelle."

Hmm, that name seemed familiar? Her parents must have been fans of the Adverse to think to use that name, an old name.

A rarely given name… "Nice book?"

"Its a cookbook, Adverse dishes of love and faith, 20 recipes made to make a hero or die trying." She said.

"Does it have any cookies or strawberry recipes?" You said.

"No,I'm afraid not...this was made before the widespread cultivation of those, sorry." She said.

Aww. "So, what brings you to beacon beyond the obvious?" You asked.

She pointed down at the ring on her hand, "I have a few things to train, things only...Ozpin and others that trust him can teach."

Well that was a vague answer "Oh, well what is that, are you getting married?"

That got a small laugh. "Oh..that was funny, I needed that. No not really, do you know the story of the Ring of Light?"

"THE Adverse Legend, when the SMITH KING Elros Argenta finished a spirits Magic ring in the Dark God's Forge temple on the moon using the heart of a dying GOD to finish it!! Every weapons smith and huntsmen pray the forge kings constellation to make a weapon JUST as powerful as the forge king's works." You said.
You then gasped. "You have one of his royal gifts don't you? Old treasures from the Adverse treasury."

"It's the actual ring, though it's really called a Sorcerer's Ring, used by the Adverse to open the Three Gates of Zaphias to reach the Inner Palace and reach their final trials." She said.

OHH OHH SHIT!!! That was the Sorcerer's Ring, you thought it was just a story Mom told to make the Forge Gods like you. "Wow why does it glow?"

"It's Magic from the First Age, I don't even know how it really works." The girl said.

" you must be really important if your running around with that? Are you OLD, Mom said anyone with adverse blood doesn't age the same and I have to live with the fact I might outlive my sister by a few decades, are you like forty, are a teacher." You said as you ran dozens of questions through your head.

The girl's eyes shifted from Green to Silver before changing back to green. "I'm not a teacher...I'm barely older then you."

"Oh sorry, you never really know with the Adverse really.." You said.

"We arn't all really like the stories, we're as complicated as the rest of Man." She said.

"Oh...when I was young, I used to look up to the Old Hero's of Adversia, they were everything I wanted to be growing up, kind, strong, heroic, tall…" You said.

"Oh I envy my father for his height, he's 6'5 and built like a tank. He's the best." She said wistfully. "He raised me all on his own, and then there's Uncle Goodwitch...he does all he can."

"Wait Uncle Goodwitch…" Wait, the Magic ring, the envy of a father's height and the PINK, was that pink hair.

"Oh...I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Estellise Argenta, Princess of the Adverse. My friends call me Estelle, if I had friends...wanna see something cool." She said.

Then she did a fick of her hands and a small candle lit up.

"Oh neat trick...was that dust?" You asked.

"Oh.. Not exactly" She said.

Strange girl with pink hair, magic ring, awkward social behavior and a noble last name, this had only one fairy tale fitting this description"The Gift from the Labyrinth." You said as you recalled an old legend from the distant past. An Adverse prophecy of a gift at the end of the Labyrinth in a Palace that housed the last of the First Men.

A Gift from the World itself…

"Bingo.." She said with a beaming smile.

"Shouldn't it be your bedtime?" A old tired, yet kindly voice said as you looked up.

"Oh Professor Ozpin." You said.

"Making friends at this hour Miss Rose, commendable but ill advised, you both have a busy day ahead of you, please rest and prepare for it, The first step is the most important in the path ahead, fumbling on it is ill advised." The Old Wizard said.

He then tapped his cane on the floor and sleep came to all like a warm blanket.

"Saying spoilers are much like him little Estel.." He said to himself as he put both girls to bed.

Like the Old Days. "Tomorrow is a new day for both of you...try not to expand all your energies preparing for it."

"Hmm, It seems this tale is at an end...Thank you, but an ending is but another beginning, and yours has yet to beguin." He said.

AN: And so we learn of the Hero's at the End of the Story.

Thank you for Playing the Adverse of Gods and Men.

I thought about getting you all in for another Era, but this seemed like the perfect spot to end it, meeting the long awaiting fruits of our labor taking physical form.

And a Little Hint at the Reward at the End of the Catacomb.

I just can't do it justice currently.

When I have the time and patience to come back to the Adverse, Maybe we can move to the Next era or so and pull off the adventures the Two Hero's described and maybe finally give Ozma and Humanity that happy ending.
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So I know this was a view of the end but you really are finished here. or are you taking a break with the quest or something because that is you seemed to imply?.
*Claps hands like never before* Beatiful!, are you taking a rest from the quest (heh) or something? because it seems to imply that or that the quest is over...
So I know this was a view of the end but you really are finished here. or are you taking a break with the quest or something because that is you seemed to imply?.
I don't know but for me it reached a natural end point of this part of the story.

It ended because I deemed it a satisfying ending, with Room to come back of course.
*Claps hands like never before* Beatiful!
Oh now you are all a treat., are you taking a rest from the quest (heh) or something? because it seems to imply that or that the quest is over...
This quest itself is over...It reached a natural satisfying conclusion for me.
I don't know but for me it reached a natural end point of this part of the story.

It ended because I deemed it a satisfying ending, with Room to come back of course.

Oh now you are all a treat.

This quest itself is over...It reached a natural satisfying conclusion for me.
If you decide to go back to this world you've made, will it be here or in another threat?