Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest

[x] The group sitting near the window. Naomi and Angelina are hanging on Lenny's every word as the older man tells some kind of elaborate story that involves a lot of gestures with his hands.

Hey, Networking. And Lenny seems like a cool guy.

Off on a slight tangent here but... About Kevin...

Now, I'd never actually do this (if I expected to go back to the place/without a friend nearby) but there's a great... not quite a scam you can do with a dart board, a twenty dollar bill, and a jar. The Play is this, you tape the twenty to the dartboard, and you set out the Jar. Pay a dollar, you get to throw a dart from the line. If you hit the bill, you take a step forward and throw again. If you Hit, you step back to the line, take one more step back, and throw a final time. If you hit, you get the bill(and half the pot). If you miss at any point, that's it, game over. Of course, after you've got some someone who's trying at it a lot, you can start accepting payment for the throws in advance. After all, they're going to get their money back, right?

The thing is, even if you're really good at darts, you're going to screw up the first several times because the going back and forth is not only strange, but something that would hit the first time might go too high the second, and way too low the third. The whole game is designed to screw up your aim.

I'm not saying that AllenTommy would do this. But Kevin? Well, that's another story. That said, most of the guys I know who used to pull this would then use their half of the pot to buy a round for everyone. Not only did this keep people playing(and some guys would do this two, three times in a night), but it kept the owner happy, because he got a cut too. Naturally, they always waitd to see if the Winner would buy a round first. No sense spending their money if someone else would, after all.
[x] The group sitting near the window. Naomi and Angelina are hanging on Lenny's every word as the older man tells some kind of elaborate story that involves a lot of gestures with his hands.
[X] The group sitting near the window. Naomi and Angelina are hanging on Lenny's every word as the older man tells some kind of elaborate story that involves a lot of gestures with his hands.
[x] The group sitting near the window. Naomi and Angelina are hanging on Lenny's every word as the older man tells some kind of elaborate story that involves a lot of gestures with his hands.

Gotta get dat vet connection.
[X] The group sitting near the window. Naomi and Angelina are hanging on Lenny's every word as the older man tells some kind of elaborate story that involves a lot of gestures with his hands.

Lenny's not a great wrestler...or even a good one, really. But he seems like a guy that has stories to tell. Someone that has stories to tell also usually knows people, hence the stories.

As for Naomi and Angelina, Tommy hasn't hung out with his other classmates except for Jack and Allie all that much. This is a good time to branch out a bit. They're doing the same, after all.
[X] The group over at the jukebox. Looks like 'Outlaw' has found Jack again, and pulled him to join with his friend, who you're pretty sure is one of the Birds of a Feather without all his jewelry.
[X] The group sitting near the window. Naomi and Angelina are hanging on Lenny's every word as the older man tells some kind of elaborate story that involves a lot of gestures with his hands.
A Fucking Asshole said:
You make your way to the door, but Daybreak whistles again, drawing your attention.

"Hey, Fanatic." she says softly, smiling at you. It's not a smirk or a shit-eating grin; it's a small, genuine smile. "Seriously. Good job out there today."
Fuck. You. Sideways. With a chainsaw. Dipped in poison. In flames.
Current tally. Still anyone's ball game.

Vote Tally : Original - Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest | Page 32 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[X] The group sitting near the window. Naomi and Angelina are hanging on Lenny's every word as the older man tells some kind of elaborate story that involves a lot of gestures with his hands.
No. of Votes: 7

[X] The group over at the jukebox. Looks like 'Outlaw' has found Jack again, and pulled him to join with his friend, who you're pretty sure is one of the Birds of a Feather without all his jewelry.
No. of Votes: 3

[X] The group clustering around the bar. You can see Mark, the promoter, dishing out the drinks to Leah, Caleb, the hairy russian guynamed Ivan, and one of the bleach blondes
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 12
Last edited:
[X] The group sitting near the window. Naomi and Angelina are hanging on Lenny's every word as the older man tells some kind of elaborate story that involves a lot of gestures with his hands.

I almost wanted to get that Jack boost, but I feel like expanding our list of connections is pretty important.
[X] The group sitting near the window. Naomi and Angelina are hanging on Lenny's every word as the older man tells some kind of elaborate story that involves a lot of gestures with his hands.

Lenny seems like a head on his game guy, and of all other people Naomi and Angelina seems the nicest. And last creepy.
[X] The group sitting near the window. Naomi and Angelina are hanging on Lenny's every word as the older man tells some kind of elaborate story that involves a lot of gestures with his hands.
[x] The group sitting near the window. Naomi and Angelina are hanging on Lenny's every word as the older man tells some kind of elaborate story that involves a lot of gestures with his hands.
[X] The group sitting near the window. Naomi and Angelina are hanging on Lenny's every word as the older man tells some kind of elaborate story that involves a lot of gestures with his hands.
[X] The group clustering around the bar. You can see Mark, the promoter, dishing out the drinks to Leah, Caleb, the hairy russian guynamed Ivan, and one of the bleach blondes

I feel like the other option ends up with us as 4th wheel. I don't want to be the cockblock. Or even worse, the threesome-block.
[X] The group clustering around the bar. You can see Mark, the promoter, dishing out the drinks to Leah, Caleb, the hairy russian guynamed Ivan, and one of the bleach blondes

I feel like the other option ends up with us as 4th wheel. I don't want to be the cockblock. Or even worse, the threesome-block.
That is why I voted for it, man.
Toms is awkward enough that we can get away with it while looking sincere.
Channel your Daybreak salt here.
[X] The group over at the jukebox. Looks like 'Outlaw' has found Jack again, and pulled him to join with his friend, who you're pretty sure is one of the Birds of a Feather without all his jewelry.
[X] The group sitting near the window. Naomi and Angelina are hanging on Lenny's every word as the older man tells some kind of elaborate story that involves a lot of gestures with his hands.

Lenny seems like a pretty good wrestler who might have connections we can use, he also thought we had a good job so he's likely to talk us up. The two classmates could be decent too.
[X] The group sitting near the window. Naomi and Angelina are hanging on Lenny's every word as the older man tells some kind of elaborate story that involves a lot of gestures with his hands