Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest

Really good.

I can see why a garbage wrestler would try to make trash cans his gimmick. The same reason why trashcans look devastating is the same reason it's a fairly easy bump, the crumple and energy something used to crumple is energy that isn't going into you.
Well I love this. Thank you to Ves and to the commissioner. I am left feeling like a hungry Oliver Twist, but as always excellent characterisation, tempo and dialogue.

JackQuest continues to be suffering as it should.
Full Moon Rising (Commission)
A/N: it's that most glorious time of the month once again everyone! That's right, it's 10PG commission time! We've got something a bit different than we have the last few times, with a very different prompt. This month's request was: 'make Jack fight a werewolf in some way shape or form'. So here we are.

The timeline currently is: The Daybreak-In -> Most of Canon -> A Tryout for the Big Leagues -> The Rest of Canon -> Full Moon Rising -> Craftsmen -> That'll Get Over Like Wet Cardboard -> Denver International -> Blackjack -> 15 Years of Gold.

I hope you enjoy, and I'll see you again next month! I've already gotten next time's 10PG request, and it is a doozy.

Your name is Jack Silvia, and you do not trust independent wrestling promoters.

How could you? By their nature, indie wrestling promoters always fall into one of two camps: they're money marks who're just here to spend cash to be around wrestling or they're cold, dead sharks just putting on a show because they think it'll make them more of the same. The former group is fun, but the latter is downright dangerous. They try and short you to save a twenty, they skimp on catering and prep-work, they buy cheap on things that can't be cheaped on like the ring and the doctor, and worst of all, they always pretend to be money marks. That means that there's no way to trust anyone who puts on an indie show, no matter how friendly or approachable they may pretend to be.

No, it's safer for you to keep them at arm's reach, no matter what they try and say.

There are, of course, exceptions.

"Mr. Silvia!" Barry Chalmers, promoter of Keystone Wrestling Kingdom and your new favorite person in the whole wide world, squawks as you squeeze his ribs tight. "Please! Release me!"

You don't pay him any attention. After all, someone who books cards like the one you're on tonight deserves to be hugged. "Do you mean it, Barry?" you grunt out as you redouble the force of your embrace. "Do you really mean it?"

"Mr. Silvia! Jack! Mr. Salvation! I- put me down!"

You stare up at him, eyes wide. You wouldn't be surprised to find a tear running down your cheek. "You're sure? You are one hundred percent sure that that's how this is going to happen? There's no storyline conflicts, there's no way anyone will get cold feet, it's absolutely definitely a certainty?"

"It will not be if you do not put me down!"

Your arms spring open on reflex, letting the middle-aged man plummet to the earth. Thankfully Barry is more durable than he looks; he survives the six inch drop with nothing more than rumpled clothing. He takes his time in straightening up and fixing his clothing, but once he's done, he gives you a stern look. "If I am to answer your questions, I will have your word that you shall not do that again."

Your arms already burn to hug him even tighter, but you force your hands behind your back and grab hold of your own wrists to keep them there. "Yes, sir," you answer. "Sorry. I'm just… so excited. Can you say it one more time?"

Barry gives you a slow, steady look that has you shifting on your heels. You stare down at your feet as the air around you fills with tension, hoping and praying that you didn't just ruin the best thing you've ever heard with your excitement. But thankfully, Barry just does as you ask. "Tonight, there will be an over the top rope Battle Royal, with the winner being allowed to challenge any member of the Keystone Wrestling Kingdom roster to any match at any time. It will be won by Mr. Stevens, who is attempting to utilize a supernatural gimmick. He will request to fight Jack Salvation right now to see who the real dominant mystic force is. You will defeat him in eight minutes, and then he will join your Cult."

Just hearing it out loud again makes you dance in place, holding in a squeal of delight. "And this isn't going to ruffle any feathers?" you press. "Seymour isn't going to throw a hissy fit?"

Barry looks baffled by the notion. "I do not see why he would," the booker answers. "After all, Mr. Bonheur's 'collector' gimmick is a pastiche of capitalism and the force of personality of a business magnate. Your 'Cult of Pestilence' is an anachronistic look at the dominating presence of religion in a person's life. They are entirely different versions of the cult leader concept."

...you doubt Seymour is going to look at things that way, but fuck, if Barry doesn't see it, you're not going to point it out to him! And besides, there's mileage in two cult factions. Later on, you'll pitch turning Baby and have the two forces go to war.

But that's for later. For now, you have a member to recruit. You give Barry your thanks once again- this time making sure not to be too thankful- and then turn away, heading back into the recesses of the locker room. You don't spare a thought or a glance for any of the boys, save paying your respects to Jefe and Noble Bronson, and tuck yourself into a small corner. As soon as you're secure you're able to let your mind wander.

A stable. Barry is finally giving you a stable! It's been a year since your feud with Tommy and Allie wrapped up, and since then, you haven't even come close to gathering anyone for your 'family'. It's really been murder on your gimmick. You're a cult leader! What kind of cult leader has no cult!

But now it all changes. Walter Stevens, currently known as 'Full Moon' Steve Howler, might not be your first choice for a cultist, but he's far from your last. His in ring work is only eh, and he's got no size to speak of, but his big strength is that he commits to his characters. When he decides to try a gimmick, he goes all out. Since he decided to be a werewolf, he's grown out his hair, stopped shaving, filed his fingernails into points, and spent real money on gear that's fully functional but looks destroyed as fuck. You've got no doubts that if he wants to, he'll make a great cultist to stand behind you and pray as you lead a sermon on the virtues of illness.

And he'll want to. Who wouldn't?!

You only emerge from your thoughts when the bell rings to announce the start of the Battle Royal. Your segment is the last one before intermission, so the locker room is a hive of activity. Everyone is getting their merch ready and trading stories about fans they've already run into out there. Not you though; all of your focus is on the curtain, where a dozen workers are trying to throw each other over the top rope.

Supply and Demand go out first, the junkie landing right on top of his dealer. After that, boring middle-manager Lincoln Stroud is dumped on his ass. Stevens is the next to go over- but he never touches the floor. Instead he lays down on the apron, arms and legs tucked beneath him like a cat loafing in the sun. It goes unnoticed as more are tossed in rapid succession.

In the end, it comes down to main-event mainstay Tao against upper-card primadonna Eric Canyon. The two trade punch after punch, moving closer and closer to the ropes. With a roar of effort, Tao launches Canyon, who lands right on the apron. The two trade another few blows before Tao falls back, grabbing onto the ropes as he launches a tumbling kick right to the side of 'Ideal Perfection's' head.

The narcissist falls out and Tao raises his arms in triumph- right before Howler ducks back in the ring and throws him over the top. The crowd boos as the 'Kung-Fu Kingpin' hits the pretty blue mats and the bell rings.

"Your winner!" the ring announcer declares. "Who may now compete in a match of his choosing at any time in the future: 'Full Moon Steven! Hooooooooowle-"

The man doesn't get to finish his dramatic reading though. Howler grabs the mic out his hands mid-vowel and holds it to his own mouth. He grunts and snarls like a feral beast, shaggy hair dangling in his eyes. The 'werewolf' grabs his cheek with his own sharp fingers and drags down, leaving behind the barest trickle of blood.

"I know who," he huffs out. "I want to fight. I know who… I want to devour! I know which man I want to tear into tiny pieces! I don't… need to rest or think."

"The place! Is here!" he yells out, jabbing a finger at the entrance. "The time! Is now! The enemy! Is Jack! Salvation!" The crowd lets out a slight murmur as Howler pauses mid-thought to snarl again. "You say that you stand for a force of malevolence! Let's see! How your diseases! Measure up to the light of the Mooooooooooooooooooooon!"

Oh dear god that was awful. But it got the point across. Your music hits and you storm out from behind the curtain, for once leaving your burning book in your gear bad. Your coat hits the floor next to a still prone Tao and you shoulder into the ring, pushing Howler back as you snatch the mic from his hands.

"You? You dare challenge me?" you ask incredulously. "You dare put my name upon your misshapen lips?! You are bold for a beast that hides from the light of day! Your impudence is truly a sight to behold!"

"But foul though your stench is, I will not shy away from your challenge! I will put you in the dirt where you belong! But remember, wolf... should you think better of your words, you may surrender and come to the lord of pestilence at any time. All are free… to seek Salvation."

You punctuate your catchphrase with a switch chop to the throat. Howler reels back, you drop the mic, and the bell rings. This impromptu challenge is on!

Howler starts off on the back foot, surprised by your sudden attack. You press your advantage hard. Feet and fists strike the werewolf, sending him crashing to the mat, where you follow up with elbow after elbow.

But no onslaught, no matter how fierce, can last forever. Eventually you over-extended, and that's when Howler strikes. An elbow to the side of your head sends you stagger. You slump into the corner and he wastes no time in following up. He rears back and delivers… what have to be the ugliest forearms you've ever seen.

Seriously, they're awful! How do people let him get away with this?! It's like he's got some kind of tic that he expresses with a violent full-body spasm! People tend to throw forearms if their punches look like shit, and Walter's forearms are fucking hideous! What must his punches look like?! After you recruit him, you're going to spend a full day making sure he can throw actual strikes.

That's for later though. For now, you just need him to stop making you look like shit. You can't sell these! "Whatever you're doing with your arms," you whisper, "Stop it."

Walter gives you a blank, clueless look. You bite back a sigh and reverse, throwing him into the corner before laying in a string of your own, much better looking, forearms. He's peppered with about five of them before he pushes you back, making you roll through to land on your feet. The werewolf follows that up with something that you're pretty sure is supposed to be a spear. You sell it as best you can and lie still as he covers you for a bare two count.

After that, his time is done. He gets in a few more strikes, but you cut him off with a definitive knee to the gut. The move finishes him, and the entire crowd knows it. They deflate as the werewolf is pressed up over your head and deposited back down with your powerslam.

You don't follow that up with your crucifix driver though; you've got a better plan in mind. You hoist him back up and drop to one knee, wrapping his leg around your neck and capturing his foot in your armpit. Your hands go to his wrists as he dangles down over your neck and you pull, dragging the werewolf neck first into your outstretched knee. 'Full Moon' lets out a feral sound howl as you pull, crying in defiance even as you lock in your submission.

...what should you call this? You've been planning on busting it out ever since you saw Arquetipo bust it out on that last lucha tape Tommy made you watch, but you've never named it. It's gotta fit your theme. 'A Pox Upon Your House' maybe? Nah, too wordy. You'll workshop it.

Right now though, it doesn't matter what you name it. What matters is that it works. After a few more moments of agony, Howler lets out another yell of defeat. Since his hands are occupied and he can't tap out, he has to do it verbally, and he does so with an appropriate amount of desperation. "I give!" he yells out. "I quit!"

The bell rings and you are announced the winner, but you don't let go. You pull harder, ignoring the ref as he goes to pull you off. As the small man in the striped shirt claws in vein your grip, you growl, "Those aren't the magic words! Now come, wolfman! Say it! What do you really need right now?!"

Howler quits again and again, but still you don't let go. Another ref comes out and still, you hold on. You're starting to think that he's forgotten the storyline when another cry rips from his throat. "I…" he yells out. "...I seek Salvation!"

And just like that, the second-greatest sentence you have ever heard at a wrestling show is born.

It only falls behind, "Mr. Silvia, tonight you will be recruiting a werewolf for your cult."

...today has been an amazing day.
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A Martin Family Christmas (Commission)
A/N: Evening, everyone! My apologies for the delay in this month's 10PG commission. Path was in a tight spot, so everything got pushed back until the arc was over. But I hope this month's story is worth the wait. I purpousely saved this one for now; you can't post a story that happens near Christmas any other time, after all!

The timeline currently is: The Daybreak-In -> Most of Canon -> A Tryout for the Big Leagues -> The Rest of Canon -> Full Moon Rising -> Craftsmen -> That'll Get Over Like Wet Cardboard -> Denver International -> Blackjack -> A Martin Family Christmas -> 15 Years of Gold.

Enjoy, and I'll see you all next time!

"What if they don't like me?"

The words are so sudden that they almost knock you over. Allie spoke up right as you were mid-step, and the distraction makes you plant your foot smack dab in the middle of a patch of ice. It's a scary few seconds as you windmill your one free arm, fighting to avoid plummeting skull-first to the concrete beneath you. But you barely manage it.

Once you're sure you're no longer about to die you turn and look at Allie. Your girlfriend has barely noticed your improvised acrobatics. Her hands are buried in the pockets of her fluffy purple coat as a defense against the bitter chill, her head covered in a knit cap, and her eyes are wide and fearful. If it wasn't for that last- and the fact that she just almost made you split your head- you'd call her downright adorable.

But you can't do that right now. Instead, you shake your head. "Babe, are you fishing for a compliment? Here? Now? Really?"

The barb doesn't draw her out of her funk like you'd hoped. Instead she shakes her head and hunches down, covering herself even more in her jacket. "No, really T, what if they don't like me? I mean, you saw how my Dad acted around you-"

"Hey, Sarge loves me!" you defend yourself. "He just doesn't know how to express it."

"-and you're way closer with your folks than I am with mine," Allie continues, bulldozing forward as if you hadn't said a word. She straightens up and presents her face for inspection. "How's my makeup? Is it too much? Not enough? Are my clothes right?"

"You look great," you chuckle. "You always look great. And-"

"Of course you'd say that!" she interrupts. "You have to! I sleep with you! But forget you- what will your parents think? Are my boots too much? Did we get them the right gifts?"

You barely suppress a smile and manage to keep from rolling your eyes. As Allie rambles on, you back away from Shifty's front door, heading back to your panicking girlfriend. "Allie," you say, breaking through her stream of consciousness. "Hold these."

Allie blinks as you pull her hands out of her pockets and load them with the Christmas Gifts she was worrying about. Once your arms are free, you place a hand on each of her shoulders. "Allie. Babe. Don't worry. They are going to love you."

"But what-"

You hold a glove-and-snow encrusted finger to her lips. "Really, Allie. They are going to fucking adore you. How could they not? After all, they had some hand in making me into the glorious wonder you see before you, and I do."

A smile threatens to break through Allie's panic. "Oh, right. This whole…" she waves a gift in your direction. "...thing is their fault. It's good to have someone to blame."

"Hey!" you squeal out in mock-offense. "You say that like it's a bad thing- as if you don't think I'm the fucking best."

Allie glances up at your face, cheeks a rosy red. "I don't know," she drawls out. "I mean, you're pretty good, but the best? I haven't done nearly enough market research to figure out if you stand head and shoulders above the competition."

You shake your head, clicking your tongue. "Psh. That's not what you were saying last night. Or the night before. Or in the car. Or five seconds from now."

"Five seconds from-?"

Allie's cut off as you bed slightly, pulling her and the Christmas gifts alike into an embrace as you press your lips to hers. No matter how many times you do it, every time you kiss Allie makes fireworks explode behind your eyes and bells ring in your ears. This time is no exception.

When you let go, Allie's panic is completely gone, replaced by a dopey grin that matches your own. "Fine," she allows. "You're the best. For now."

"Good enough! And as the best, that means my judgement is beyond question- and I say my parents are going to love you. Now let's get inside and-"

The crack of a door interrupts you. The front door slides open, casting golden light from the bar out onto the two of you. "Do I hear voices?" The light spelling out of the door only lasts for a second before it's interrupted by a shadow cast by the bar's owner.

Antonio Martin may have started to finally look his age, but that's done nothing to diminish his stature. He's got a few inches on you and the same broad shoulders, though he has put on a few pounds since you were last home. You would never accuse your Dad of being overweight, but even if he was, he wouldn't look fat. He'd look jolly.

His jolliness is only enhanced by the wide grin on his face as he looks at the two of you. "Lisa! They're here!" he bellows. A distant voice answers him and he nods, moving to push open the screen door. As he does, Dad's smile only grows wider. "Come on in- unless you want me to give you guys some more time. You seem pretty busy."

...it takes a moment, but you finally process that you're still clutching Allie in a loose hug and bent over as if you're going to kiss her again. It dawns on Allie right at the same moment. She lets out an adorable squeak and jumps away, moving out of your grip. "No, no! We're fine! Hi!" she answers.

"And hello to you!" Dad booms back. He finally gets the screen unlocked and pushes it open, letting you into the bar. "You must be Allison! We have heard so much about you. Come in, come in! What's your beverage of choice?"

"Tony!" a vaguely scandalized voice calls out. "At least let the poor girl get in and get out of her coat before you start trying to pour your experiments down her throat!"

Your Mom bustles in a second later, brushing dust from her hands. Like your Dad, age is starting to wear on her. Mom's formerly blonde hair has streaks of silver shooting through it and her laugh lines have deepened into true crow's feet. She still seems to have the same energy as always though which she wastes no time in using as she makes a beeline right for Allie.

"Oh, let's get you out of that coat before the snow melts!" she fusses. "Here, here, just pass it over. Don't worry about folding it, I've seen much worse. There's a towel to your left if you need to dry your face and- oh! There's tea and cocoa on! Tom didn't tell us which you preferred, so I made both!"

Somehow Mom makes it sound like you've committed a cardinal sin by not telling her Allie's drink choices. "Hi, Mom," you greet her dryly. "It's good to see you too, and-"

"Shush, Tom," Mom interrupts you. "There will be all the time in the world for that scintillating wit you're so proud of after you're both warm and dry! Those weathermen need to really learn how to do their jobs, let me tell you! Four to six inches! How hard can it be to read a weather map?"

The next few minutes are a blur as Allie falls victim to the storm that is Mom's mothering. Before she even knows what's happening she's bundled up in a blanket, a steaming cup of cocoa in her hands, and deposited safely in one of the cushy chairs near the mantle. You would laugh at her but you find yourself in similar straights. Mom isn't even done fussing over Allie before you're put in another chair- no blanket for you, thankfully- and given cocoa of your own.

Only when both of you are situated do Mom and Dad take their own seats on the worn red couch saved especially for them. "So!" Mom chirps. "How was your trip? Were the roads busy?"

You take a sip of your hot chocolate and nod, forcing you to wipe whipped cream off your nose. "They weren't fun, I'll tell you that. But it was pretty simple once we got out of Philly proper- do you know they're doing construction on I-95 again?"

"When aren't they?" Dad answers rhetorically. "I was down there a few months ago and was stopped on the turnpike for an hour because they didn't have enough booths open! How do you not have every single booth open on the Turnpike?!"

The conversation devolves from there as everyone takes turns complaining about traffic. But whining about potholes can only go on for so long. Eventually, Mom takes the reigns of the conversation back once again. "It's so good to meet you, Allison!" she says once Dad is done complaining about the number the roads have done to his undercarriage. "Though with how much Tom talks about you, I feel almost like we already know you."

Allie shoots you a nervous look out of the corner of her eyes. "Oh," she replies. "That's… nice?"

"Oh yes," Mom continues, ignoring Allie's simmering nerves. "For years now, that's all we've been hearing about. Allie this, Allie that, Allie got a new car, Allie has a cat now, Allie got a concussion! For years he's been like this!"

You fight down a growing flush as Allie sits up straighter, clearly interested in whatever you've told your parents about her. Thankfully any further details are downed beneath the hiss of a can as Dad opens a beer. "Honey, please," he says after he takes his first sip. "You're embarrassing the boy."

A relieved sigh starts to emerge from your throat but freezes when Dad continues. "And if we're going to do that, we really shouldn't start with the small potatoes." He turns to look directly at Allie. "Allison, have you ever seen Tom's baby pictures?"

The sigh finishes it's journey and you lean back, allowing yourself to enjoy the hot chocolate. "She has, actually," you answer. "I figured this would come up, so I found them on facebook. She's already gotten the full experience."

Allie nods along. "Yeah, I'm sorry, but Tommy made me look through them all last week. They were great though! Especially the one of him trapped in a barrel. And it's Allie, please. Only my Dad calls me Allison, so hearing it makes me look over my shoulder for him every time."

You place a comforting hand on Allie's leg. Your parents eyes lock on to your absent gesture, but you ignore them. "You're fighting a losing battle, babe. I've been trying to get them to call me Tommy for like a decade, but it hasn't stuck."

Dad ignores you. "Of course. Sorry, Allie. I hope we didn't make you uncomfortable."

what the fuck is this bullshit?!

The corner of Allie's mouth jumps up and down as she fights down laughter. "Oh, so Tommy wasn't lying," she says through a mouthful of giggles. "You are to blame for how he's turned out."

Mom and Dad trade looks. "You can't blame that on us," Dad instantly replies.

"Yes, that's just unfair," comes Mom's addition. "He was such a sweet boy when he was younger- then he grew up into the walking ball of sarcasm you have decided to date."

"We are entirely blameless," Dad continues. "Though I do wonder when the transformation began…"

"Oh, I know!" Mom answers. She reaches over to the end table and produces a bright red folder. Papers rustle as she pulls it open and produces a worn sheaf of looseleaf. "It was in Sixth Grade. Allie, Tom may have shared his baby pictures with you… but has he shown you his old school essays?"

...no. No, they can't. There is no way they still have those.

"I see from Tom's face that he has not!" Mom answers her own question. "Here, let's take a look!"

You get the sinking feeling that the embarrassment has just begun- and you are quickly proven right. After twenty painful minutes of your old creative writing, Mom decides that what Allie really needs is a tour of Shifty's. She spares no details, telling Allie the embarrassing history behind each and every nook and cranny in the bar. She goes through the small cupboard you hid in for twelve hours once when you decided you were going to run away to Narnia. She shows her the kitchen, where you prepared a rucksack of poptarts and french fries when you tried to leave to join the circus when you were six. Mom even expounds on the history of the doorway she used to measure your height against- which is a hell of a trick, considering that door frame was destroyed in the last remodel. She actually reconstructed the entire thing!

And of course, it all builds up to the crown jewel: a full-on, no-details spared tour of your childhood bedroom, which is still in practically pristine condition. Your old wrestling posters are still there, the clothes you thought were cool ten years ago still mothballed in the closet, several class dioramas are presented proudly on your shelves, and the tape recorder you used to practice promos just so happens to be lying in the middle of your perfectly clean desk. It's enough to drive you to tears.

As Allie enjoys the rambling of Rock Deathfist coming from a twenty year old cassette, you can't take it anymore. You make an excuse and retreat back downstairs to the one place you know Mom can't use to embarrass you: the wall of Tommy.

Well, the entire bar is pretty much full of 'of Tommy' places. But the wall of Tommy is different. The rest of the bar is full of mementos of Tommy Martin. The wall is a memorial to Tommy the Wrestler. It's not a small wall either- it takes up a full corner of the place, filling it with pictures of you looking amazing before, during, and after matches sitting above shelves proudly presenting replicas of every title you've ever earned that matters to you. Even the smaller companies that don't give replica belts are represented. You had to have those commissioned yourself, but it was worth it just to have your own copy of the 100SW strap.

In the glow of your achievements, you can feel your embarrassment dying down. So what if Mom just so happened to lead Allie to your old porn stash? You've got a picture of yourself standing at the top of a ramp with a newly won ADC title slung over your shoulder, blood trickling down your face, a newly lit cigarette trapped between your lips. That badass image is more than enough to kill any bad feelings.

The floorboards creak as Dad walks up next to you, a beer in each hand. You absently take the can as he passes it to you and crack it. A sip later, you flinch. "Miller?" you scoff. "Really?"

"The good stuff is for customers," comes his response.

The two of you stand in comfortable silence for a moment. Dad takes a long look at your favorite picture and shakes his head. "I wish you hadn't taken that up," he scoffs, gesturing at the cigarette in Tommy Corsair's mouth. "It's a filthy habit."

You glance at him out of the corner of your eye. "I roll around on disgusting canvass and bleed because I cut myself with razor blades, and that's the thing you think is filthy?" When his look doesn't change, you shake your head. "It's a casual thing, mostly for post-match pictures. I can count on one hand the number I've smoked out of the ring."

Dad sighs. "Well, you know you best. And I can't lie- it does look cool. But I did not come here to talk about your worse life choices. I wanted to apologize."

That's enough to warrant you actually turning to look at him. "What?" you ask reflexively. "Apologize? You guys?"

"We have always tried to apologize when we think we've done something wrong," Dad answer calmly. "And while I'm uncertain we did anything wrong, you still seemed more uncomfortable than I wanted. So yes, we are sorry for the full treatment Allie is getting."

You shake your head. "I mean… I kind of expected it, but yeah, it does seem like you guys are going over the top."

Dad shrugs. "Yes, I won't deny that. It's just…"

He trails off and shakes his head. "...showing your serious girlfriends these things is a tradition at this point. And since we figured that it seems unlikely that we will get the chance again in the future, we may as well go all out." Dad sighs and takes a sip of his beer. "If you decide you want your grandmother's ring, just call."


You and Dad stand in silence for another few moments before he leaves, clapping you on the shoulder in a way that speaks volumes. You aren't alone for long though. Soon enough, quick footsteps announce the presence of your embarrassment's audience. Allie jogs over to you and wastes no time in tucking herself under your arm, giggling all the while.

"Really, T?" she chuckles. "Hammermier Jones?"

"I thought it would get over," you mumble. "He would've been perfect in the territory days!"

"He sucked, but you were so cute trying to pull him off!" Allie laughs. Then she nuzzles against your chest, finally resting her cheek over your heart. "Hey, Tommy?"


"...do your parents like me?"

One hand reaches up absently to stroke at Allie's short hair and you can't help but lean down to press a kiss against her forehead. "Yeah, babe. I'm pretty sure they do."
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Huh? Hope that's not canon...
It is canon. Sorry.

I believe you can find the details a few posts back.

And Ves discussed it further afterwards.
Tommy and Selina just had very different goals in life. Tommy wanted to travel around the would and do insane shit without wearing a shirt. Selina wanted to stay home and slowly grow a business alongside a partner who slept in the same bed with her every night. The two paths simply had some conflict.

It is canon unless the quest comes back and then contradicts it somehow.
Gently Used (Commission)
A/N: And we're back with the last of my December commissions! Once again, we're following Tommy in that maybe timeline, but this one takes place a bit earlier than the last ones. The prompt this month was 'Tommy shoots a local commercial', and that's what we're gonna see.

...have you ever noticed that 10PG sidestories are all either heartfelt storybeats I've wanted to do for years or compeltely zany shit? I have, and it's tremendous and I love it.

The timeline currently is: The Daybreak-In -> Most of Canon -> A Tryout for the Big Leagues -> The Rest of Canon -> Gently Used -> Full Moon Rising -> Craftsmen -> That'll Get Over Like Wet Cardboard -> Denver International -> Blackjack -> A Martin Family Christmas -> 15 Years of Gold.

There is nothing more important in this wonderful and crazy world you work in known as professional wrestling more important than your gimmick name.

Seriously, it's the most crucial decision any worker ever faces. You can change your finisher. Entrance themes come and go. Your entire costume can be overhauled if need be. But if you have a gimmick name that catches on, you're fucking stuck with it. If you start off billing yourself as Stevie Portland and people start to remember it, you're fucking Stevie Portland. It doesn't matter if you move to Canada. The fact that Steve isn't your real name isn't relevant. Your gimmick changing from low-level gangbanger to intergalactic warrior is more of a funny anecdote than anything else- you're going to be Stevie fucking Portland no matter how many times you save the universe from the evil Emperor Cosmaster.

So picking out a good one is goddamn crucial. Any gimmick name you have can be your last. You can't just settle on good enough- it has to be something you're ready to answer to for the rest of your life. Omid told you a story a while back about a guy who went out on his first big show without even thinking about his name. The announcer had to adlib; called him 'The Nutcracker' because he'd seen him eating pistachios in the pre-show meeting. Well, it caught on, he got a couple of bookings out of it, and now the Nutcracker is making a fucking mint while hating it every time someone calls his entrance- and he's been kicked in the dick more times than any human being physically should.

So yeah. You should always put thought into your ring name; it can't be the first thing that rolls into your head that sounds vaguely decent.

Of course, this advice applies to people outside of wrestling as well.

"Places, people!" Barry Bargains, owner and proprietor of Bargains' Basement Priced Car Bonanza and Barbeque Outlet and the person you've been laughing at behind their back for the last two hours, calls. "You should know your marks by now! Find them and maybe this time we'll be able to get a usable take!"

You don't immediately hop to follow his instructions. You can't. You're too paralyzed with laughter when you look at car salesman cum small time commercial direction, just like you have been every time you've seen him today. You can't help it! He's Barry Bargains. That's his name! It actually is! It used to be something else, but he legally changed it! Now he goes around life calling himself Barry Bargains and expecting people to take him seriously! It's fucking hilarious!

Your paralysis isn't missed. Barry Bargains eyes you up like he's a drunk and you're standing between him and the last full kep in the bar. "Martin!" he bellows, reedy voice drilling into your ears like a screeching break, "Find your mark! Come on, man! I know wrestlers get hit in the head for a living, but you should at least know what a 'mark' is!"

...oh, you know what a mark is, and you're looking at one. But you doubt that pointing that out would go over well with Barry fucking Bargains. "Yessir, Boss!" you chirp, lifting your hand and offering him a two-fingered salute. "Sorry! I'll get right to it!"

With that, you put actions to words, hopping out of your plastic chair and jogging towards your place. It's not the easiest mark to find. Your starting place in this whole setup is back behind the giant, inflatable banana which is covering up the fog machine and to the right of the cardboard cutout that Barry says will totally look like a real car when his 'Computers Guy' has finished up with it. But you manage to find it and stand, waiting on the masking tape X for your signal.

...the things you do for two hundred dollars.

Honestly, you've done far worse for far less. It's just an objective fact; bleeding in a backyard ring for twenty bucks and a good firm handshake is lower on the totem pole than shirtless muscle guy in a local car dealer's commercial and it pays way less to boot. But still, it somehow feels like this is on another level. Even the lowest-rent wrestling show feels somehow cleaner than Barry Bargains's whole circus. It's like you've been pulled into another, equally slimy world, only the slime is strange and foreign to you.

For the most part, that is. There're some things from this shoot that would fit right in on any wrestling show. Like Barry Bargains, for example. He'd fit right the fuck in. As he stands in front of Eli's camera and lifts his hand, counting off from five, he looks like every single nickel promoter you've ever seen who's convinced that he's the real star and everyone else just needs to deal with.

Barry's hand reaches one. As it does, he points to Eli. The camera's light flashes red and the man behind it answers the salesman's point in kind. And as if he's a bull faced with a red flag, Barry Bargains- snrk- springs into action.

"Hi!" he says to the camera through a wide grin. "I'm Barry Bargains, owner and operator of Bargains' Basement Priced Car Bonanza and Barbeque Outlet, located right on the corner of Dekalb and Skippack, and I'm here to save you mo-ney!"

Behind Eli, a kid sitting at a laptop connected to a bluetooth speaker hits a button. In answer, a disembodied voice screams out "MONEY!" at the top of it's imaginary lungs, followed closely by the sound of a cash register opening.

Barry Bargains grins through the sound effects and walks along his plotted path, heading through a showroom of his least-shitty looking cars. "I have a problem, TV Land!" He proclaims. "I'm just addicted to giving people bargains! I'm so crazy about it that it's in my name- legally! There's nothing in this world I love more than making a bargain with someone!"

"Come on down to Bargains' Basement Priced Car Bonanza and Barbeque Outlet and let's make a deal! Think you can't?" he continues. "Think again!"

As Barry walks, the other 'actors' behind him begin hitting their cues. "Bad Credit?" Barry questions as a nerdy-looking guy throws a shower of a thousand credit cards up into the sky. "Don't worry!"

"Repossessions?" At that, one of the cars starts driving away, showering a sad looking woman in exhaust. "No problem!"

"No license?" A twelve year old walks up, holding out a fistful of cash. "A small problem!" Barry holds out a hand, stopping the kid. The salesman has the fakest, most shit-eating smile on his face as he shakes his head. "Not today, Billy! Come back when you're older!"

"But if you're not Billy, then there's no problems! Come on down to Bargains' Basement Priced Car Bonanza and Barbeque Outlet and there's nothing that'll stop me from giving you an amazing bargain!"

The fog machine roars to life, blanketing the area in a thick white smog. "Not the weather!" Barry yells. "Mother Nature's got no way to stop Barry Bargains! No one's going to stop Barry Bargains!"

Now you're up. You step forward, hands raised as if you're a cat about to pounce on a mouse in an old-timey cartoon. "I'm gonna get ya, Barry Bargains!" you bark out, putting every ounce of acting that you can muster into your one line.

Barry reaches out and grabs your wrist, pulling it down with all the force of a man flushing the toilet with extra emphasis. You let out a high-pitched scream and flip, taking a rolling forward bump on the hardwood. Your back protests once again but you don't let out another noise. If you do, Barry'll demand another reshoot, and you can only do this so many times.

"It doesn't matter who stands in my way! It can be robbers, muggers, or the IRS trying to hold you down! Just come on down to the corner of Dekalb and Skippack and ask for Barry! You may walk into Bargains' Basement Priced Car Bonanza and Barbeque Outlet on two feet, but I'll get you driving out of here on four wheels!"

Barry stops by the last prop he's set up: a cold grill. The kid at the laptop hits another button and the sound of sizzling meat fills the air. In answer, Barry produces a pair of tongs which he proceeds to click together with that fake smile on his face. "And ask about our lunch special!"

He holds the pose for an eternity. Eventually, the red light flickers out. "Cut!" Eli bellows. Only when the cameraman gives the signal does Barry lower the tongs and lose the fake smile, stalking back towards the cameraman like an angry cat.

"Martin! What the hell was that?!" the pint-sized salesman barks out. "I told you specifically that there was to be no improvisation on this set!"

You stagger back to your feet, fighting the urge to rub at your sore back. For fuck's sake, Jack better have restocked the freezer with ice today like he promised. "I don't know what you're talking about, boss," you grunt out. "I did everything just like you said. Didn't change a single word."

Barry glares at you as if you've just taken a shit on his first born. "The scream?" he asks, face a mask of annoyance. "Where in the fucking script did it tell you to scream when you went down? Because I sure as fuck don't remember writing that in there. Eli, did you write that in there?"

"Noooo," the cameraman slowly replies. "But really, Barry, I don't think it was a problem. If you don't like it, we can edit it out later. It's no problem-"

"Yes it was!" Barry screams. The fucker seems legitimately near tears. "The scream undercut my entire performance! How are we going to get this right if I keep being undercut by goddamn amateurs?!"

Not for the first time today, you bite your cheek, stifling your response, and look to Eli. The cameraman- who is no stranger to bizarre histrionics considering he usually works for K.W.L- meets your eyes. Slowly, he shakes his head, silently begging you to keep your temper under control. And since he's the one who got you this gig, you stay silent and content yourself with glaring at Barry's shoes.

"Places, everyone! We're doing it again! And this time, maybe Martin won't fuck it up!"

Your teeth grind together, but you do as instructed. You stand on that X between the inflatable banana and the fog machine and wait until Barry 'flips' you onto the wood once again. But that time, you didn't land right. You've got to do it again. And again when he isn't satisfied with the quality of the fog. And again when he can't find the tongs for the grill.

In the end, Eli's patience runs out before Barry finds his perfection. Two more takes later, Eli meets your gaze and gives you a nod.

Fuckin A. Finally.

"Barry, I hate to be rude," you say, interrupting the tyrant's latest rant. "But I've got shit to do today. Can we hurry this along?"

Barry's eyes pop wide at the temerity you're displaying. "Martin, I-"

"I get you've got a vision. I don't get it, but you've got it." You continue as if he hadn't spoken. "But if you want me to keep going, we've really gotta talk price."

The salesman's eyes widen even further before narrowing so suddenly you wonder if it gives him a face cramp. "Martin," he starts again, voice the forced calm of a man barely holding on to his temper. "I've already paid you."

"Sure!" you chirp. "You paid me two hundred. But that was a three hour shoot. We've been here…" you glance past him and look at the clock. "...five hours. And I've taken thirty-two back bumps on hardwood- which, don't know if you've ever done it, but I'm not a fan. Trust me, the money you've given me isn't woodbump money."

You shake your head and sigh. "So either pony up woodbump money or fucking shut up and let me get home. Your call."

Barry puffs up, hands on his hips. "If you walk out that door, I'm taking back my money."

You have to laugh at that. Better people than him have tried to get out of paying you your fee. It didn't work for PCW, it's not going to work for Barry Bargains.

...seriously, his name is Barry Bargains. You're never getting over that.

"Barry," you say, shaking your head. "If you want your money back, you are fucking welcome to try to take it."

Barry Bargains pauses. He considers his options. He looks you up and down- and he turns to the kid at the laptop. "Tyler! Your timing with the sizzle was unacceptable! Now we've got to edit it in post!"

He shakes his head. "While we're at it, we'll have to edit everything else. Martin, Spence, we're done for the day. Get out while we fix this mess!"

As you leave, you have to laugh again. But this time, it's not at Barry Bargains' ridiculous name. It's at the man himself.

You were wrong. He'd never fit in in wrestling. No self respecting promoter would've caved that quick.
The Importance of Noise (Commission)
A/N: It's commission time once again! This time, we've got something a little bit different: an Allie interlude from when she's working for W.P.W. The exact prompt was asking to take a look at Allie's first foreign excursion- and so that's what we have here today! I hope you enjoy this little look at FICTIONAL 10PG Japan and the wrestling that happens in it.

The timeline currently is: The Daybreak-In -> Most of Canon -> A Tryout for the Big Leagues -> The Rest of Canon -> Gently Used -> Full Moon Rising -> The Importance of Noise -> Craftsmen -> That'll Get Over Like Wet Cardboard -> Denver International -> Blackjack -> A Martin Family Christmas -> 15 Years of Gold.

Your name is Allison Gray and you may never understand the strange species that is wrestling fans.

You have a very specific understanding of wrestling fans. They are, to a one, loud as fuck. They're usually drunk. Occasionally, one or two of them will start yelling for you to get back in the kitchen before one of their friends smacks them in the face. The kids are loud and just thrilled to be there. The girls are usually there as a favor to their boyfriends- either that or they're more passionate than the men. You haven't gotten in many real fights in wrestling, but the two you've been in were both started by girls who were pissed off by whatever you did to the babyface.

Even still, every single show you've worked or been to has been pretty much the same. Some things may be a bit different from building to building- catcalling comes and goes and the amount people heckle rises the more the beer price lowers- but the overall feel never changes.

At least, it never changes in America.

You're in Japan now- and things here are weird as fuck.

There is a full crowd out beyond the curtain, but you never would know it from the noise they conspicuously are not making. The Tokorozawa Municipal Gymnasium is full to the brim with wrestling fans. Each and every one of it's Four Thousand Three Hundred and Eight seats are occupied by a fan of some stripe. You see older men leaning on canes to stay upright in their seat, young women in facial masks to filter out germs, tiny children tentatively pressing against the guardrail that keeps them out of the ring and everyone in between. But they all have one thing in common: each and every fan in the building is completely and utterly silent.

And you're kinda freaking out here.

Wrestling fans should not be quiet. It goes against the natural order of things. Birds fly. Fish swim. Something in Jack's life will inevitably shit on Jack. And wrestling fans are loud, loud people.

You shake your head and turn your attention to the ring. Maybe it's the match that's the problem?

Nah, that can't be it. The opener is as good as you knew it would be. 'The Terror' Tobias Cortez vs. 'Excellent' Ernie Lucas may not exactly be a main event in any city, but it's a hot opener. Toby's started figuring this whole wrestling thing out recently and he's always up for whatever his heel calls, while Luke does his best shit against flippy gymnast boys like Toby. It's a match made to pop the crowd, and from what you can see, it'd do exactly that in any other building.

As you watch, Toby goes to prove you right. The small former luchador sprints at the turnbuckles like he's being chased by an angry farmer with a pitchfork and a mind to use it on whoever just fucked his daughter. He doesn't even pause before jumping and bouncing from rope to rope, winding up on the top turnbuckle. A quick twist of his body sends him into a spin and he leaps back, crushing Luke practically flat beneath his uncontrolled momentum.

Luke's no slouch either. He lets Toby get a two count before powering out. As the flippy fuck sits straight up, eyes wide and mouth open in shock, Luke lets him milk the crowd for a long second. But right when it seems that Toby might recover, Luke springs into action, twining his legs around Toby's waist and pulling him into a rear-naked choke.

Toby reverses out of it in seconds and flips back, pinning Luke. Luke has no choice but to let go- but he doesn't release Toby entirely. He reaches out and grabs the smaller man's wrist, keeping him from gaining any kind of distance. With a quick pull, Ernie reels Luke back in- and he slaps on a chinlock, grinding the plucky babyface down into the mat.

And that is what draws the first audible reaction from the crowd. An audible gasp echoes throughout the arena followed by muted applause. It's a small sound, but compared to the silence you've been listening to it's a goddamn commotion. The 'commotion' doesn't last long however, and when it dies, the uncanny quiet makes its smothering return.

You can't deal with it anymore. You turn and look at your fellow trainees- your excursion buddies as Jack called them last time you talked. "Ok guys, the fuck am I missing?" you ask.

Next to you, Danica shrugs. The willowy blonde Olympian seems just as confused as you are. "Whatever it is, I'm missin' it too," she drawls. "Is everything alright out there? Did Toby offend 'em or something?"

From Danica's other side comes a muted chuckle. "Nah," Andy grunts out. Your more well-traveled excursion buddy is watching the scene playing out in front of you with a nostalgic grin on his face. "If anyone had really pissed 'em off, we'd know it. We probably woulda had to stop the show entirely and make a big apology before anything else happened. This is just normal shit."

You cock your head and stare up at Andy. The vet's eyes are gleaming as he's watching the match and you know that he's chomping at the bit to get out there himself. But he's going to have to wait; the lucky bitch is working the semi-main against Takuya Hino, the self-proclaimed 'Devourer of Destinies' and one of your hosts for this little training excursion. He's got time before he gets to throw on his spandex and get his ass in the ring.

...he can spend that time explaining his fucking self.

"Normal?" you parrot. "Looks pretty fucking weird to me. What's their deal?"

Andy shrugs in your direction. "It's hard to explain," he says with a commisterating grin on his face. "They just… they make noise here. It's just different. You'll see when you get out there."

"Why don't you just stop being a pain and tell me?" you shoot back. "It's not rocket science. Just put it into words. Why're they so goddamn quiet?"

Danica nods. "Come on, White," she pleads. "Anything you can tell us before we gotta go out there can only help."

Andy glances down and finds himself staring right into Danica's puppy-dog eyes. He glances away, looking for a way out, and only finds you glaring a hole in him. He figures out real quick that he'd prefer to deal with Danica. The vet looks back at her and, in short fucking order, lets out a gusty sigh.

"Fine," he mutters. "But really, you won't really get it until you're out there."

Out in the ring, Toby catches Luke in a drop toe-hold and floats over, catching the behemoth in a front facelock. That draws another muted ripple of applause- one which dies out just as quickly. Andy nods at the sight and gestures at the ring.

"The thing about Japanese crowds- at least crowds like these- is that they get really into a good match. But it's not like at home. Here, they watch the match- and no, really, they watch the match. They get intense as fuck about it. They sit and study the matches out there like they're watching ballet or something."

Andy shakes his head. "They only really make noise if they're genuinely impressed by something. Like look- see how they popped for that wrist control? It's a small little thing that all of them noticed and they appreciate the attention to detail. Later, when they build to the finish, they might get a little more noise. But until then, they're just going to focus and react like that."

Danica sucks a breath of air between her teeth. "That… that's gonna be hard to work around," she mutters. You can't help but nod in agreement.

"Yeah. I… how the hell do you work without a crowd making noise? I don't know if anyone's ever told the people this, but the crowd's a whole big part of this whole 'wrestling' thing."

Andy rolls his eyes. "It's not going to be like this when the full roster comes for a whole big tour," he reassures you. "Then you'll draw out the fans who just want to be W.P.W fans. You might get more cosplay than normal, but besides that it'll be pretty much the usual."

"That doesn't help us with tonight though!" Danica nearly whimpers.

"It's not going to be that bad," Andy sighs. "Trust me, I'm barely explaining it right. It's a… it's a whole thing. You'll get it when you're out there. After that, it'll all click." He shakes his head. "Really, it's good to be back. Working Japan is sweet as hell. If you get used to this, going back over and working a normal gate'll be a let down."

"Sure," you drawl. "Yeah. That'll happen."

Andy crosses his arms and snorts in your direction. "I'm getting the idea that you don't believe me, Scotty. That just hurts."

It's all you can do to roll your eyes. Andy notices the gesture and a smirk crosses his face "We've got a week left in Japan. I'll bet that by the end of the tour, you'll not only have this shit figured out, but you'll also have learned to love it."

You would tune him out, but one word gets your attention: bet. "Oh, we're betting here?" you ask. "What're the stakes?"

Any stares at you for a moment before reaching up to rub his forehead. "I was- I wasn't trying to start a fucking bet, Scotty. It's a fucking expression."

"Those sound like the words of a pussy," you reply, glancing over at Danica. "Danny?"

Your friend nods sagely. "Definitely the words of a pussy. Come on, White. If you're so sure about this, put your money where your mouth is."

Your vet friend looks like he wants nothing more than to go back in time and stop this conversation from ever happening. But since he hasn't figured out how to fuck the fourth dimension yet, he shrugs. "Fine," he answers. "What do you want?"

"I want…" you drawl, slowly considering your options. "I want… I know! We've got that costume battle royal on Halloween, right?" At Andy's hesitant nod, you continue. "If I win- meaning that if by the end of the tour, I still think this quiet crowd thing is weird as fuck- then you've got to let me pick your costume."

"...do I get a veto?" he hesitantly answers.

"You do not," you shoot back. "I get complete control. I'm thinking… catholic school girl. We'll get some extensions in, put a few ribbons in your hair, just go nuts. Sound like fun?"

Andy glares at the heavens. "If I say no," he grates out. "You're just going to-"

"Laugh at you and tell everyone that you're scared of a little ribbon, yes."

"Fine," Andy groans out. "Fine. I'll do it. But if I win- when I win- I'm going to ask for something just as bad and it's going to be sweet as fuck."

He considers his options and finally grins a shark-like grin. "When I win… you know that thai place near the gym back home? The one you won't eat at because you think it's too spicy?? When I win, we're eating there- and you get to guinea pig this dish on the menu called larb. It's got five chilis next to it, and they make you try a small spoon of the chili sauce they put into it before they let you order it."

...fuck, that sounds awful. But you can't just give in after all the needling you just did. "Fine!" you answer. "If I lose, we eat fucking ass-tingling spicy food. When I win, we color-coordinate your skirt and your hair. Deal?"


The two of you shake hands and you turn away, heading for your locker. You've got twenty minutes before your match- just enough time to warm up and get in the zone. Though you're really not sure why you're even bothering. Wrestling in front of a cold crowd like this? What's even the point?

It's not like you're going to get anything out of this.

***Thirty Eight Minutes Later***

"...yo, White. What's the dress code on that hellhole?"

"Business casual."

"...fuck. Danny, I'm stealing your shit when we get home!"
Honestly, Allie sounds like kind of a dweeb to wonder what the point of wrestling is without crowd noise. She's worked micro indies and has been told here that the Japanese really invest into the psychology of a match.
For a moment I was shocked that Tommy still has concussion problems in the character sheet (brain damage?) but then I checked again and it been a while since there were actual updates.
Mockingjay (Commission)
A/N: It's been 10 days? That's long enough with out a 10PG commission! Have another set in the same timeline we've been working with. The request this time was a scene I've had in mind for a while at this point: Tommy's debut as a signed character for U.W.C.

The timeline currently is: The Daybreak-In -> Most of Canon -> A Tryout for the Big Leagues -> The Rest of Canon -> Gently Used -> Full Moon Rising -> The Importance of Noise -> Craftsmen -> That'll Get Over Like Wet Cardboard -> Denver International -> Mockingjay ->Blackjack -> A Martin Family Christmas -> 15 Years of Gold.


Back when Mom thought you had a shot at landing a real job, she'd been real insistent on drilling all sorts of job etiquette into your head. She'd gone over how to introduce yourself to your new boss. She had gone into great detail about how parking a ways away from the building in your first few weeks was a good way to show humility. And she'd had a whole bunch of lessons about how to properly pack a lunch the night before. Like, she'd had so many lessons- which is good, because those are pretty much the only parts of her advice you still use.

Dad, of course, had thought the entire thing was funny as fuck. But he'd learned better than to laugh at Mom mid-lesson after the time he did and was rewarded with an apple delivered straight to the nose.

The point is that Mom always had a hope that one day, you'd grow up, leave this whole wrestling thing in the past, and get a nice, normal job at an office. Something where you'd be crunching numbers and talking to clients- maybe something in sales, or it could've been programming. All she wanted for you was to have a comfortable life getting up every morning, putting on a suit, and punching a clock at Nine AM.

Well, you've let her down there in pretty much every way. You do sell, but it's not exactly what she wanted. You have no idea how to program. You don't crunch numbers all that often; you've got people for that. And you haven't touched a time clock in years.

However, the suit? That you've got.

And you really wish you didn't.

You tug at your shirt collar, angrily trying to stretch the fabric away from your neck. "How the fuck am I supposed to work in this bullshit?!" you gasp out. "For fucks sake man, how do people breathe in this shit?" You shake your head and move your fingers up, reaching for the top button. "Fuck wardrobe, I'm undoing one."

Your hands are stopped mid-motion. "Dude," Hugo mutters to you. "Chill out. Seriously. You're drawing eyes."

You glance around and take in the world outside your horrifyingly uncomfortable monkey suit. It's a world full of bright lights and clamoring noises as over a hundred people mill about a cramped area. To your left, three workers are sitting and getting a quick trim from the company barber. Three steps behind you, a referee is going back and forth with someone from the office about a planned finish- apparently the ref wasn't told he was going to be bumped until just now and is not happy about it. In front of you, right next to the curtain, is a small booth with a group of directors and producers yelling directions and camera cuts into their headsets. And that's only a small sampling of what you see around you, what you catch with a quick glimpse. A dozen more things are happening around you that you barely notice and probably a thousand more dancing below your perception.

Though honestly, you doubt any of those a thousand and twelve things going on are more important than what you're going through.

After all, none of those people are about to have their nationwide television debut for the U.W.C. You're pretty sure that's a bigger deal than whatever Slaughterhouse Steve is bitching about-

Sweet fuck, Alan Asylum is bitching about something just behind you! You're going to be on the same show! You're fucking peers with Alan Asylum! You saw him live when you were like fifteen- and now you're going to be on the same show! Fuck!

But you throw that thought out of your mind. It's not the time to let the enormity of what's about to happen hit you in the face. You can let that affect you later, after it's already done. Now's the time to fight with your suit- or rather, to not fight with your suit. Now's the time to listen to Hugo, because he's got a point.

Your quick glance around the backstage area told you more than just how busy it is backstage at U.W.C Throwdown. It also told you that people are watching you. One of the girls in the barber's chair is glancing at you in her mirror. The agent listening to the ref bitch keeps glancing over in your direction. Even the director is staring at you when he thinks you're distracted.

All of that tells you one thing: you're being tested.

"They made it too small on purpose, huh?" you grunt out in a lowered voice.

"Bingo," Hugo answers. "Just don't freak out and don't change shit. After the match, find Wardrobe and talk to them about it. Next week's suit'll be more your speed- as long as you keep your fucking calm."

"Bitch please," you shoot back. "Who do you think you're talking to? I'm Tommy fuckin' Martin- calm is my middle name."

Hugo rolls his eyes. "I thought you just said your middle name is 'fuckin'." Before you can shoot down his horrible retort, he leans in and claps you on the shoulders. "And remember T, you're not Tommy Martin tonight. You're not Tommy Corsair. You're Thomas Mockingjay. Remember who that is, cool?"

Again, Hugo's not wrong. When U.W.C decided to bring you in, they also decided that they didn't want indie sensation Tommy Corsair. Or rather, they want him, but they want him packaged a little differently. Out went your leather jacket and vaguely pirate themed merch. In came this suit and two months of vignettes building up your debut.

You're not Tommy Corsair here. Not yet. Right now, you are Thomas Mockingjay, technical grappler with a secret adrenaline addiction- and that secret won't come out for a few weeks. Tonight, you're not here to jump off the top of a ladder or flip onto half a dozen bodies. You're here to establish yourself as a submission guy. As long as you keep that in mind, it'll be pretty straight forward.

Well, at least it will be as long as you don't come off like a prima donna.

Slowly, you lower your hands and nod. It's just a little tight. You can survive it for one match. You give Hugo a nod of thanks. "See you out there?" you grunt.

Your friend slash on-and-off rival offers you a fist which you meet with your own. "No doubt, babe," he replies. "Just make this look good; I don't wanna have to put over some lil' bitch after all."

Now it's your turn to roll your eyes as you swat Hugo on the back of the head. But honestly, his words settle some of your nerves. After all, him being here and being set to cut a promo on you after your debut means that the company isn't setting you up to fail. They're not treating you like they treated Connor or Dane. If they were, there's no way your first big feud would be with one of your all-time best opponents.

No, you're set up for success. All you've got to do is deliver your part of the bargain.

So you push past Hugo when you hear the producer call your name and move up to the curtain. After confirming your specifics with the office- six minutes counting entrances and a promo, take all the match, tap him out with your finish- and shaking your jobber's hand, you straighten your tie and get ready to earn your absurdly large paycheck.

Thirty seconds later, your new, special, written just for you theme music hits, sounding like the Trans-Siberian Orchestra has set up shop at a wrestling show in Phoenix. You hang back behind the curtain just long enough for the director to give you the go sign before you blow through the curtains

Or rather, you don't blow through the curtains. Tommy Corsair would kick his way through while screaming something about how awesome he is, motherfuckers. Thomas Mockingjay would take a more restrained approach.

So instead, you brush through the curtains, stepping through them as if you are afraid they're going to muss your hair. Then you take a few casual steps forward before straightening your jacket for the camera and looking up, taking in the sold-out arena as if they don't matter at all to you.

Well, you do that on the outside. On the inside, you can't help but think, "Holyfuckholyfuckholyfuck!"

But none of that shows on your face. You catch a glimpse of yourself on one of the giant monitors strategically placed throughout the arena and you look like the calmest motherfucker in the world. In fact, you look kinda like you smell dog shit. Perfect. You'll have to remember this expression.

As you saunter down to the ring, the ring announcer lifts the mic to their lips to introduce you to the largest audience you've ever had in your entire life. "Now making his way down the aisle…" she says, gesturing in your direction. You pause as she speaks, holding on to your lapels as the cameraman runs around you and ducks down to get a good shot. "Hailing from Arkham, Massachusets! Weighing in tonight at Two Hundred and Fifty-Four pounds! He is Thomas! Moooooooooooockingjay!"

There's a mix of basic boos and some very enthusiastic cheers- god bless the Corsair Crew of Phoenix, Arizona, they're a good bunch- which you ignore in equal measure. You just stroll up the stairs instead of leaping to the apron and gesture at the ring announcer. When she walks over to you, confusion written so large on her face that they can see it in the cheap seats, you take the microphone out of her hands-

Not before giving her a smarmy smile and kissing her on the back of the hand though. Gotta get that dickshittery in every chance you get. The announcer doesn't seem to know how to react to your adlib. So you take charge, holding open the ropes and helping her out of the ring. Once she's gone, you turn to the hard camera and hold the mic up to your mouth.

Your heart should be beating out of it's chest right now. This is your biggest stage. What happens next is going to follow you for the entire rest of your career. If you're good, you'll be solid for at least the next few weeks. If you suck, you're absolutely fucked.

Even with all that though, you've never felt more calm. After all, no matter how high the stakes are, this is just a wrestling show. And you are fucking good at wrestling.

"Good evening, everyone," you say calmly into the mic. "And thank you very much for attending this exhibition contest. My name, as I certainly hope you have heard, is Thomas Mockingjay, and it is your honor that you get to witness my performance tonight."

There's a bigger mix of cheers and boos for that. No one really seems to know where you're going yet but you can fix that easily. "I would like you all to please do your absolute best to remain silent during these next few moments. I am a master of my craft and I require complete focus to properly perform. So please remember that you are in public and that no one wishes to hear every foolish thought that may cross your mind. If it helps, pretend you are back in Kindergarten and that teacher has asked for quiet time."

Then you pause for dramatic effect and allow a small smirk to cross your face. "If you need help returning to that mindset, please, look to your left. Then look to your right. We are in Phoenix after all; the odds are high that one in three of you never even graduated elementary school. Just find out which one of you three that is and then follow their lead."

Now that was enough to get you booed full out. Excellent. You'd hate it if anyone could say that you can't draw heat.

All that's left now is the squash match itself. By your count, you've got about three minutes left. That's way more than you need to tie up your jobber into appropriate knots while grinding your shin into his face for added effect.

By the end of the match, as you lock one of your jobbers arms between your gets, throw the other behind your head, and pull back on his face with both hands in your new 'Conundrum' finisher without a single sign of your previous high-flying persona, there isn't a single person left in the arena cheering for you. Your jobber furiously taps out and you make no effort to hide your smile.

You're hated. When Hugo comes out to set up your high-flier vs. mat worker feud, he'll be beloved. And you got it all done while hitting your time cues and getting your new business wrestler gimmick over.

You could've done far worse for your debut on the big stage.
The Voice of Salvation (commission)
A/N: It's time once again for a wonderful 10PG commission. Though I've been working more on kung-fu facepunching these days, it's always wonderful to delve back into the glorious world of fake fighting. May these commissions never end.

We've got a bit of a different one today, folks. It's still taking place in the same timeline as the others, but it's definitely in a different vein. Today's commissioner wanted to see an interview conducted on the premier wrestling radio show of this world. The subject? A fully in-character Jack Salvation. I hope you enjoy.

The timeline currently is: The Daybreak-In -> Most of Canon -> A Tryout for the Big Leagues -> The Rest of Canon -> Gently Used -> Full Moon Rising -> The Importance of Noise -> Craftsmen -> That'll Get Over Like Wet Cardboard -> Denver International -> Mockingjay -> The Voice of Salvation -> Blackjack -> A Martin Family Christmas -> 15 Years of Gold.

"...and if you want to know more about the whole Freddy Nine-Lives situation, don't touch that dial listeners. I've just heard something that you are really going to want to hear. Here's a hint: it involves Freddy, Canadian customs, and some promoters pointing out that the card is always subject to change."

"But one thing that isn't subject to change is the format of this show! And let me tell you something listeners, I wouldn't change this next segment if I could. I've been trying for literally years to get our next guest on Wrestling News Today. I think you'll enjoy hearing this next interview almost as much as I'm going to enjoy conducting it."

"So now, I've been told we should all kneel and give thanks, because I'm joined here today by one Jack Salvation. Jack, how're you doing?"

"My day was quite pleasant, Damien, until I heard those lackluster words that you call an 'introduction'.

"Jack, you would be shocked how often I hear that."

"I assure you that I would not be."

"...anyway. Jack, it's a real pleasure to have you on the show today. Before we really get started, why don't you tell the listeners a little bit about yourself? Just who is Jack Salvation?"

"Truly? You wish for me to debase myself with exposition? Damien, I was led to believe that this platform was home to the most knowledgeable and passionate listeners in all of professional wrestling. Was this a lie you told me to pull me from my rituals, or are you just so insipid of an interviewer that you have no proper questions prepared?"

"Mostly the latter, Jack. And it's true, the good folks who listen to me each and every day at 5:30 Eastern- 4:30 Central- are the hardest of the hardcore wrestling fans. But still, every show is someone's first. So even though I'm sure most of the good people at home are well-acquainted with your body of work, could you please think of that one newcomer to this world of ours?"

"...very well. Listeners, I am Jack Salvation- the only hero that any of you shall ever need. I have been fighting to convert the masses to the true faith of Kutrix for near-on a decade now, and I shall fight to do so even until my dying breath."

"Though my stronghold is the eastern seaboard of the United States, my campaign has taken me far and wide. As of this moment, I fight to cleanse Affiliated Violence in Memphis, Professional Wrestling Unlimited in Seattle, and Glory All Pro in Boise. And of course, there is my domain in Philadelphia, the Keystone Wrestling Kingdom. If you buy a ticket to any of these shows, you may bear witness to my prowess first hand."

"We could only be so lucky, Jack. We'll circle back to your upcoming matches later on, if that's alright with you, including your upcoming showdown with Truth Addler tomorrow at P.W.U. But for now, I want to ask more about the 'god' you just mentioned. What exactly is… 'Kutrix' was it?"

"Know now, Tavares, that only your platform saves me from striking you down where you stand for your disrespect. Kutrix is not a 'what'. She is a 'who'- a glorious, wonderous who. Kutrix is the Lady of the End, the force that watches over all of us as we go about this humiliating business we call 'living'. She is there to see our first steps, she stands with us through every pain and sorrow, and when we rise into our next life, it is Kutrix who embraces us in her phantom shroud."

"My entire career… my entire life exists to bring her the honor so rarely afforded to her. And I will not stand by idly while her name endures disrespect by hands such as yours."

"Oh, uh, sorry Jack. Insulting your… god, I guess, really wasn't my intention. Though I've gotta ask: you bring honor to her by… winning wrestling matches?"

"No, Damien, though I can understand the confusion considering my words are reaching an intellect such as yours. I bring honor to Kutrix by demonstrating the strength and fortitude that she has given me. I bring honor to her by claiming great victories in her name. And of course, I bring the most glory to her by showing her truth to those who stand before me and bringing them to her flock."

"Yeah, I was going to ask about that. For a while now, it seems that you've been going to various promotions and starting chapters of your whole faith. I think there's at least half a dozen by now, probably more. How did all of that get started?"

"In truth, Tavares, it was by far the simplest accomplishment of my life. I simply showed the boons that Kutrix has given me and others flocked to my banner. Anyone can follow Kutrix so long as they crave the peace of her love in their heart. Even you, Tavares, can Seek Salvation if only you would remove your blinders and see the world for what it truly is."

"...o-kay, then. I'll be sure to read the literature you sent me to see if those blinders come off. But I was more asking how you actually went and started your various chapters. I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like them in the modern indie circuit."

"Very well. If it is the tale of my conquest you wish to hear, it is the tale of my conquest that shall fill your ears."

"As with all of my glory, it began in the Keystone Wrestling Kingdom. After a long struggle I was able to prove the might of Kutrix to but one humble acolyte. But success breeds further success, and soon far more sets of ears heard her clarion call to action. Before long, we were no longer just a pair of fighters. We were a movement, and a movement cannot be contained by such petty things as 'promotions' or 'state lines'."

"From there we moved on. My Keystone chapter descended onto White Snow Wrestling like a scythe descending onto the wheat. There were new minds there to hear her message, fertile minds, minds willing to break themselves of the monotony of life. Though we were eventually driven out by the unworthy, some of those minds remained. They fight in Kutrix's name even now, ready and willing to do what must be done."

"Toronto may be closed to me, but I assure you it is but a temporary state of affairs. And while my brothers and sisters in arms fight the good fight in the North, it frees me to spend my focus elsewhere. We have ventured from promotion to promotion, leaving only ruin in our wake. Everywhere I have ventured, the word of Kutrix lingers in some form. One-Eyed Jack is our standard bearer in Sea Spray Wrestling, and it is only a matter of time before he heaps further accolades onto her name. In Big Cat Wrestling, the Nightlight Collective have taken to her worship with a will. They have a passion that rivals even my own. I would not be shocked i their own wake inspires nearly as much terror as my own."

"As for my own crusade? Affiliated Violence took to my message better than even I could have hoped and Glory All Pro is mine almost as completely as the Kingdom is mine. As for Pro Wrestling Unlimited… their time will come. Soon, one of their own will hear her call. The moment that happens, they too will know true peace."

"This is all fascinating and truly terrifying stuff, Jack. I'll admit, I never really saw the logic in the whole 'religious conversion via grappling' thing you've got going on, but you've been doing it well. I don't think I've ever seen one independent wrestler carry so much clout and name recognition in years. But through your entire campaign, you've remained strictly independent. Is there a reason that none of the big three have come knocking on Jack Salvation's door?"

"That is because all of them are naught but fools! They are not prepared for the glory of Jack Salvation- not a single of the so-called 'great' wrestling companies can hold a candle to my vision! Perhaps one day, their mind shall clear and one shall recognize the illumination that I bring. Until that day comes though, I shall bring Kutrix's word directly to the masses at any show fortunate enough to call my name."

"I see, I see. And you've never once felt the urge to… I don't know, maybe keep your faith on the downlow? Just put a little lid on it, enough to get you through the door so you can go full crusader on the world at large?"

"Never. Perhaps such small thinking appeals to your own rat-like sensibilities, Tavares, but the word of the faithful is not something that one can silence. One cries it from the mountaintops so that all may hear its glory. If some small-minded promoters cannot stomach the word, then its absence is their loss."

"Yeah, it really is. Changing gears here for a sec, Jack. Over the course of your career, you've shared the squared circle with some of today's greats. Who would you say has given you your toughest test?"

"It is true that no shortage of foes have stepped up to stand against my splendor and been stuck down. Of them all, few have given me a true test. Pete Winthrop in Horizon Wrestling was once a true combatant, as Apex is now. Bobby Showtime once gave me all that I could handle- as did the ingenious Dane Payne. But if you wish to know my greatest rival… then there is only one person that it could be."

"Who would that be, Jack?"

"It must be Corsair."

"Corsair? Do you mean Tommy Corsair- who our listeners may recognize better as U.W.C's Thomas Mockingjay?"

"That is the man in question, but insult him not with that false name. Though he walks around now pretending to be something he is not, I have seen the real Tommy Corsair. I have seen the lust for combat he feels in his heart for myself as he dove down upon me from the rafters of the 215 Arena. I have felt the barely contained malevolence he hides deep inside. Thomas Mockingjay… he is a fierce combatant. But Tommy Corsair? He is the greatest threat I have ever known."

"But you still prevailed, right Jack?"

"Tavares, look at it thusly: after our last encounter, one of us still stands before you, unbroken, unchanged. The other fled to another land and hid behind a false identity. Which one of those two men strikes you as the victor?"

"You raise a valid point, Jack. I've got plenty more questions to ask you coming up, including your training regimen and how you plan to bring those upstarts in Seattle to heel, but we're running up against a commercial break. Do you mind sticking around for one more segment so we can enlighten all of my listeners here?"

"If it is in the name of education, I cannot refuse."

"Excellent! I'm Damien Tavares and we'll be coming at you again on the other side of the commercial. When we get back, we've got more with Jack Salvation. Plus, more on the whole Freddy Nine-Lives situation, the latest on Cassius Xavier's contract, and the results from last night's N.E.W show! Trust me, you won't want to miss it! They crowned a new champion who you've got to see to believe! All this and more coming up on Wrestling News Today!"
So Jack becomes King of the Indies, huh? Wonder if he'll spread the word overseas, it'd be fun to see him getting up to mischief in Japan.