SayakaQuest Thread 10: Glory To The Death

[x] Stare at the sky.
-[X] Re-evaluate your life.

[jk] Become a magical girl boy and wish for a date. What's the worst that could happen?
[x] Stare at the sky.
-[X] Re-evaluate your life.

Maybe he should join a band?
I'm sure there's a place for him in Octavia's orchestra later. :D


Completely Unofficial List of Things We Are No Longer Allowed to Do In SayakaQuest
1. Do not gattai the megucas.
1a. Or their Witches.
1b. Even if it seems like a good idea at the time.
2. Facetanking is not meant to be done literally.
3. Ranged spam is a privilege, not a right.
4. Witching out is the tragic result of a magical girl's inevitable descent into despair and cursing the world. Not a cheap power-up.
5. Yes, we can ignore limb loss. No, that does not mean Kyouko likes to see it happen.
5a. Or that anyone else does for that matter.
5b.Cutting a limb off and waving it in front of the newbie is right out.
6. Telepathy is not a secure mode of communication.
6b. QB is not a reliable provider of communication services.
7. Blackmail is not a Paragon action.
8. Sayaka is a magical girl. Not a portable grief seed dispenser for clueless newbies.
9. Witches made of spiky parts may cause injuries in melee.
10. Letting a commuter punch Sayaka in front of Kyouko will not end well for anyone involved.
11. Telling contract-bait to go home will not, in fact, stop them from contracting.
12. When a magical girl gets thrown through a school window, negotiations have broken down.
13. Boosting into the magical air shield will probably kill you.
14. When the arc boss wants to talk over the battered body of your most powerful team member, play along.
15. When she starts to collapse into a black hole, Mrs. Sun Witch is no longer your friend.
16. Telling Madoka that you're okay while on the verge of tears and wearing a thousand-yard stare is what we call a "mixed message."
17. Aiming pins will probably just tickle the giant witch.
18. Before stabbing Kyubey to death, be sure to explain the context to bystanders.
19. When Hitomi wants to talk to Sayaka, don't accuse her of having a crush on her.
20.A more fashionable helmet is not an efficient use of training time.
20a. Even if it'll make Homura do a doubletake.
21. Don't drag everyone else's trauma into HomuMado's first date.
22. Swords are for stabbing, not smashing.
23. Appealing to Akane's better nature mid-fight against her friends' murderers won't work very well.
24. Telling the despairing newbie that she's a burden we feel obliged to keep alive will end in tears.
25. Talking to witches may result in them talking back.

(6 is Jonen C's)
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[x] Stare at the sky.
-[X] Re-evaluate your life.

What life? You don't have a life.

Well, you could have had a date but you just wound up coming here alone with no friends.


You're Sayaka again...and that was just your third kiss. On a ferris wheel, with a giant plush that you won in Kyouko's arms. She giggles. "So...uh...that was nice." You say.

"Longer than the first two." Kyouko says with a giggle.

"Uh..." You're internally cursing your teenage awkwardness. "So..."

"Love you, Sayaka."

"Uh, love you too." You smile.


[] Go home.

[] Go on...
-[] The train.
-[] The bus.
-[] Try boosting into the sky.

[] Write-in.
[x] Go home.
[x] Go on...
-[x] Try boosting into the sky.

this can only end well. and by well i mean in tears and fire. not necessarily in that order.
[x] Go home.
[x] Go on...
-[x] Try boosting into the sky.
-[jk] Land on a bus, surf it into the train.

Insert Ugo's title here.
[x] Go home.
[x] Go on...
-[x] The train.

Boosting while carrying Koko while she's carrying a giant stuffed animal sounds hilarious but would probably end in tears. So I pick the boring option.