Rules of Engagement (Prototype/MCU)


But the question is, is Singing as useful or more than something like stalking, which does have an immediate use for us in tracking people down, or something like close combat, which benefits all future combat encounters?
Something to consider though is how available said skills are. It's unlikely we'll come across a Sing IV again soon, but we are pretty likely to come across Stalking II
MCU Purple Man doesn't use Pheromones. He has control over this Neurovirus(?) that he was repeatedly injected with as a child in an effort to save his life. He now exudes the stuff, and can use it to control peopl
Wait, so which one use pheromone? I know comic Purple Man use flat psionic since Doom built the dome thing that amplified his power to planetary level.

Linda Belmont is only just short of being at the very to end of human competence in singing.
That is a skill that opens doors to a certain dimension of criminal, and complements our ability to infiltrate places and occasions that aren't dive bars in the inner city

And, again, singing =/= voice acting. Try are two different, barely related set of skill. Hell, the best metal singer on the world probably can't even do opera for shit, and both of that fall under "singing."

I don't know in what world does singing open doors to certain dimensions of criminality aside from being either spies or decorations. Infiltration, probably, under a very specific set of circumstances.

She's a singer at an underworld bar, where fairly high end information brokers feel comfortable making deals.
You don't just walk in off the street and get a job here.
The skills play into her bona fides.
First, the fact that she was standing on stage, presumably next to the speakers, may have something to do with people being comfortable discussing secrets with her in the room.

Unless we're planning to take over her life for an extended period of time, just her memories and mannerism is enough. Just lower our voice and say we catch a cold if anyone ask. People don't go "Prove that you're her, song a song" unless we really mess up.

In both the MCU and the comic universe, the Purple Man was entirely capable of making himself a significant threat.
Don't underestimate the dude because he doesn't fire flashy beams.
Uh, no.

People no sell his power all the time. Daredevil resist his power because his superpower is "I'm blind". Luke Cage ate special food additives and shrugged it off. Kingpin powered through it. Dr Doom boosted his power to planetary level, then walked up to his face, took off his protection, and laughed at him.

Against the like of Thanos, Ultron, Loki, Apocalypse, Pheonix, Doom, Celestials, Galactus, Mr Purple isn't even a blip on the radar.

As for dropping off body parts, we REALLY don't want to leave clues of our existence while we're still young and growing.
I doubt Hydra has forgotten about the project
Purple Man just got murdered, it had to be the work of that viral abomination instead of the literal legion of people the psychotic bastard screwed over.

This is Marvel, we are far, far, far from the only thing with the mean and motivation to rip him several new ones.

While it is true that Singing IV is rare compared to Stalking II, I would argue that availability shouldn't really be a factor, as the main concern is how much use we are gonna get out of the chosen skills. Just because we can get a rare skill doesn't mean we should take it over a more common skill that has more immediate and future uses, rather than a rare skill which has niche uses that require other skills to use. For example: If we took Singing IV, we would need a better deception skill to pass ourselves off as Linda Belmont. We would also need more skills that would allow us to interact with people without sounding like a virus trying to act human. Going a different route, we could try to make money off Singing IV, but we would yet again need much better social skills, and both the impersonation and the theoretical Singing job require time, which could be used to hunt down biomass, skills, money, or all the above. Essentially, while Singing IV is shiny, it needs other skills to even have niche uses, which we may not even use, and Singing IV would just end up delaying a more common skill that would have far more uses for us, like Stalking, Gun Combat, or Close Combat.
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[x][Week5] Your plan, paragon-ish
if the singer's a murderer, stop her, and only eat her if you've managed to first incapacitate the guy following you. (1d20, 3 and above for success)

Singer Skills (granted you eat her)
[x] [skill] Reading People III - You're good at reading people and can generally tell what people are feeling.
[x] [skill] Form: Linda Belmont - A curvy, sociopathic singer who likes knifing people, apparently.

Criminal Skills and Combat Skills
[x] [skill] Close Quarters Combat +1: The ability to take and give out hits. At this level you're experienced enough that you'd probably be one of the better fighters in a gang of toughs.[x] [x] [x] [skill] Driving III - You know how to drive a car. You might not be great at it, but at this level you're basically indistinguishable from the average driver.

Investigate the whereabouts of the man in purple
[x][Action] Investigate the Little Gods Cult. The file that you got from The Favor has a list of names as long as your arm. Maybe one of them can help. (1d20, minor success on 5 and above, gets you Little Gods Cult I, success on 10 and above, Little Gods Cult III, critical success on 20 gets you Man in Purple Location)

Feed (one action, one sub-action) You get a free +1 for the singer if you don't eat her this week.
[x][Action] Feed on criminals
-[x][Action]using your method

[X][Action] Train (using XP and biomass)

-[X] Resistance to Pheromones II (15 xp)
-[X] Superagility II (15 xp, 8 biomass)
-[X] Superstrength II (10 xp, 15 biomass)
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But the question is, is Singing as useful or more than something like stalking, which does have an immediate use for us in tracking people down, or something like close combat, which benefits all future combat encounters?
Infiltration is not always about physical skill.
Close Combat is literally available everytime we nom a bandit. And Stalking came off another garden-variety thug.
Singing opens soft diplomacy an infiltration options.

Something to consider though is how available said skills are. It's unlikely we'll come across a Sing IV again soon, but we are pretty likely to come across Stalking II
Come to think of it, Leah is a child who is as susceptible to a soft touch as older folks.
Singing IV helps with our only friend and major field asset as well.
That alone would be good reason to buy it.
And, again, singing =/= voice acting. Try are two different, barely related set of skill. Hell, the best metal singer on the world probably can't even do opera for shit, and both of that fall under "singing."
Again, singing = vocal control.
That shit transfers, whether you're using Linda's soprano, or Seamus' much more masculine voice.

First, the fact that she was standing on stage, presumably next to the speakers, may have something to do with people being comfortable discussing secrets with her in the room.
High profile mob bar employees tend to have the connects to match, if popular fiction has taught me anything.

Unless we're planning to take over her life for an extended period of time, just her memories and mannerism is enough. Just lower our voice and say we catch a cold if anyone ask. People don't go "Prove that you're her, song a song" unless we really mess up.
You do realize that trained singers are noticeable, right?
Those skills don't just switch off when they are not singing. If your voice changes, it's noticeable.
Especially for an adult.

I would recommend reviewing his comic history.
Purple Man just got murdered, it had to be the work of that viral abomination instead of the literal legion of people the psychotic bastard screwed over.
You're a viral thingy that has been sapient for barely a couple months.
How the everloving hell do you even know what forensic signs we are leaving behind?
Infiltration is not always about physical skill.
Close Combat is literally available everytime we nom a bandit. And Stalking came off another garden-variety thug.
Singing opens soft diplomacy an infiltration options.

Come to think of it, Leah is a child who is as susceptible to a soft touch as older folks.
Singing IV helps with our only friend and major field asset as well.
That alone would be good reason to buy it.
How exactly could Singing improve our ability to diplomacy/infiltrate? And would it require another skill, such as Deception, at a high level to work?

And would singing alone actually improve our relationship with Leah beyond our already existing abilities?
Hey, guys?

Remember that A) Damien's kind of an idiot, so he doesn't really get that human bodies don't do what his bodies do, and that B) Linda's an attractive singer. A very good singer too, so if you want to bait the Purple Man or manipulate people, shapeshift into Linda and manipulate them with connections and your looks.
[x][Week5] Your plan, paragon-ish
If the singer's a murderer, stop her, and only eat her if you've managed to first incapacitate the guy following you. (1d20, 3 and above for success)

Choose 4
[x] [skill] Singing IV - You have the voice of a - well, not a mythological creature with wings, but certainly a well-trained human who is good at singing.
[x] [skill] Reading People III - You're good at reading people and can generally tell what people are feeling.
[x] [skill] Form: Linda Belmont - A curvy, sociopathic singer who likes knifing people, apparently.
[x] [skill] Math II - You can perform middle school math with no problem now.

What will you do during Week 6? (choose 3)
Investigate the whereabouts of the man in purple

[x][Action] Investigate the Little Gods Cult. The file that you got from The Favor has a list of names as long as your arm. Maybe one of them can help. (1d20, minor success on 5 and above, gets you Little Gods Cult I, success on 10 and above, Little Gods Cult III, critical success on 20 gets you Man in Purple Location)

Feed (one action, one sub-action) You get a free +1 for the singer if you don't eat her this week.
[x][Action] Feed on criminals
-[x][Action] using Leah's method
(QM rolls 1d3 for number of victims, occupations chosen by the random job generator)

[X][Action] Train (using XP and biomass)
-[X][Action]Scavenge II : 20XP
-[X][Action]Superagility II : 15XP, 8 biomass
Again, singing = vocal control.
That shit transfers, whether you're using Linda's soprano, or Seamus' much more masculine voice.


The best singers cannot pull whatever voices they want put of their ass. The best K-pop on the planet cannot pull the voice needed for death metal, let alone sing with it and vice-versa. It takes a very specific training to get to that range if you can't naturally do it. Just be glad that singing is one universal skill.

I would recommend reviewing his comic history.


I rest my case.

You're a viral thingy that has been sapient for barely a couple months.
How the everloving hell do you even know what forensic signs we are leaving behind

We can eat everything but his face, and drop it somewhere. This is Marvel, everyone and their dogs can exactly that. At this stage, we are far from unique.

Or we can just eat everything and make him disappear.
Wait, so which one use pheromone?
Killgrave had viruses instead of pheromones in the MCU. Those viruses spread through the air to infect petiol people. Can we use them to gain his powers or at least track him?
It may have been an unconscious decision (I'm reviewing the last few episodes of Jessica Jones as we speak - somewhat glacially because I don't have that sort of time during the weekends) but I'm glad I kept to pheromones, because I would not be able to justify you somehow not being able to consume a virus and immediately spitting it out as well as five new variants and maybe a small dog and a white-picket fence.

And Stalking came off another garden-variety thug.
This is the first time we have seen a stalking skill.
Singer Skills (granted you eat her)
[x] [skill] Stalking II - You can follow someone. You're not an expert at it, but you can do it well enough to get by.
How exactly could Singing improve our ability to diplomacy/infiltrate? And would it require another skill, such as Deception, at a high level to work?
Getting into, say, a private party for a crime family as the hired entertainer.
Impersonating a nightclub singer to get access to facility's back rooms without violence.
Calming children as you impersonate their sitter while waiting for Daddy Dearest to get back home.
Seducing a janitor/cleaning lady to let your cat form into a high security building because you can purr just right.:)

I cannot say if we need another skill like Deception there for a combo; if I had to guess, one would act as a modifier for the other.
This quest doesn't seem to be particularly mechanics-heavy.

Care to weigh in?
And would singing alone actually improve our relationship with Leah beyond our already existing abilities?
Alone? No.
In conjunction with being the only companion for a girl whose mother abandoned her?
Emotional connections matter, especially since she is still growing up and making up her own mind about things.

The best singers cannot pull whatever voices they want put of their ass. The best K-pop on the planet cannot pull the voice needed for death metal, let alone sing with it and vice-versa. It takes a very specific training to get to that range if you can't naturally do it. Just be glad that singing is one universal skill.
Because they are not shapeshifters.
Just as we retain Superagility whether we take the form of Seamus or Leah or a cat?
We retain Singing 4 even if we morph our vocal cords from those of a mezzosoprano to a baritone.

Admittedly, a Singing IV housecat would be hilarious to see.
Low end showing.
High end he was puppeting Nate Grey.

And I would suggest pulling that image down, or at least confirming with a mod.
I've seen people dinged for posting images from manga, and dunno if comics are any different.
We can eat everything but his face, and drop it somewhere. This is Marvel, everyone and their dogs can exactly that. At this stage, we are far from unique.
Not actually answering the question.
You're a viral thingy that has been sapient for barely a couple months.
How the everloving hell do you even know what forensic signs we are leaving behind?
We have avoided notice by vanishing our meals and only going after low-profile thugs so far.
Killing Killgrave changes that, especially since he's already grabbing superheroes and mutants; any bodily remains are going to get worked over heavily, as are any traces we leave.

And as a former lab specimen, we know nothing about what, if anything, we leave behind.
This is the first time we have seen a stalking skill.
We haven't been looking for it though, have we?
I mean, forgive me if I'm wrong, but do animals not stalk their prey?
Is this a human-exclusive skill?
Because they are not shapeshifters.
Just as we retain Superagility whether we take the form of Seamus or Leah or a cat?
We retain Singing 4 even if we morph our vocal cords from those of a mezzosoprano to a baritone.

Admittedly, a Singing IV housecat would be hilarious to see.
And thus singing proved useless when we could reconfigure our voice box to do the thing that have nothing to do with singing in the first place.

Low end showing.
High end he was puppeting Nate Grey.

And I would suggest pulling that image down, or at least confirming with a mod.
I've seen people dinged for posting images from manga, and dunno if comics are any different.
The entire thing with Nate was an anomaly.

Normally, he couldn't even control control Kingpin and Daredevil. Special food supplement rendered Luke Cage immune. Doom removed his own psychic protection, walk up to him, and laughed in his face when his power was enough to control the entire planet, thanks to the psy-prism.

For every one instance someone tried to shoehorn him into a major villain instead of the pedestrian thug that he is, there's ten Kingpin who laughed off his mind control.

The image was hosted from a wiki. It's fine.

We have avoided notice by vanishing our meals and only going after low-profile thugs so far.
Killing Killgrave changes that, especially since he's already grabbing superheroes and mutants; any bodily remains are going to get worked over heavily, as are any traces we leave.

And as a former lab specimen, we know nothing about what, if anything, we leave behind.
And what can we leave behind that will point to our personal involvement?

"Sir, we found traves of some kind of super flesh eating zombie virus thing on Kilgrave' remain"

"That's the fifth one we found today. Just catalog it."

We can go out there right now and go full Prototype on nom nom tendrils barrage and people will probably say we're copying some dude in China
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[x][Week5] Your plan, paragon-ish
if the singer's a murderer, stop her, and only eat her if you've managed to first incapacitate the guy following you. (1d20, 3 and above for success)

[x] [skill] Stalking II - You can follow someone. You're not an expert at it, but you can do it well enough to get by.
[x] [skill] Reading People III - You're good at reading people and can generally tell what people are feeling.
[x] [skill] Math II - You can perform middle school math with no problem now.
[x] [skill] Close Quarters Combat +1: The ability to take and give out hits. At this level you're experienced enough that you'd probably be one of the better fighters in a gang of toughs.

[x][Action] Investigate the Little Gods Cult. The file that you got from The Favor has a list of names as long as your arm. Maybe one of them can help. (1d20, minor success on 5 and above, gets you Little Gods Cult I, success on 10 and above, Little Gods Cult III, critical success on 20 gets you Man in Purple Location)

Feed (one action, one sub-action) You get a free +1 for the singer if you don't eat her this week.
[x][Action] Feed on criminals
-[x][Action]using Leah's method

[X][Action] Train (using XP and biomass)

-[X][Action] Resistance to Pheromones II (15 xp)

Uh, well to start with, deception is its own skill (aka your Deceit II), if you want to mimic a singer, singing is what makes it more authentic, but on its own it won't get you through the door because you still need to pose as whoever it is you're pretending to be.

Singing IV is a high-level social skill best used in conjunction with other social skills. On its own it can make you look like a beggar on the side of the street singing for change, but if you've been to the usual social things that include drinking games, being able to sing well is probably going to be more useful to you than being able to, idk, drive really well. Most skills are situational, so's this one. But there's a reason why when people think of suave they think of someone who can not only speak, but also sing and dance.

However, you should think of skills as not only tools, but pieces of your personality. If you sing, it's not just that you sing: you also enjoy music, can identify snatches of song, keep a beat, hum under your breath, be captivated by Broadway, or get really annoyed by a holiday jingle. Music's a pretty broad interest, near to universal, being able to talk about it means it'll be that much easier to blend in with humanity.

However, if your goal is to punch out Thanos, it's probably not going to be very relevant. Them's the breaks.
We can develop a personality when we're not under immediate threat. Right now, being able to stalk people to make sure our stomach is full is a lot and there's plenty of biomass to sparei more important

You take care of the essentials before the luxuries
[x][Week5] Your plan, paragon-ish
if the singer's a murderer, stop her, and only eat her if you've managed to first incapacitate the guy following you. (1d20, 3 and above for success)

[x] [skill] Singing IV - You have the voice of a - well, not a mythological creature with wings, but certainly a well-trained human who is good at singing.
[x] [skill] Stalking II - You can follow someone. You're not an expert at it, but you can do it well enough to get by.
[x] [skill] Reading People III - You're good at reading people and can generally tell what people are feeling.
[x] [skill] Form: Linda Belmont - A curvy, sociopathic singer who likes knifing people, apparently.

[x] [skill] Close Quarters Combat +1: The ability to take and give out hits. At this level you're experienced enough that you'd probably be one of the better fighters in a gang of toughs.

[x][Action] Mr. Cheese knew about Little Gods - stands to reason that the Irish Mob would know more. Time to ask the remainder what they know. (1d20, success on 4 and above, success nets you Irish Whispers and Interrogate I)

[x][Action] Train (using XP and biomass)
-[x][Action]Scavenge I - (Upgrade: 20 xp)
-[x][Action] Web Production 0 (latent - 5xp to access)
-[x][Action]Superstrength I
- (Upgrade: 10 xp, 15 biomass)
-[x][Action]Superagility I - You react fast enough to be considered something of a ninja. One in training, but, still, ninja.(Upgrade: 15 xp, 8 biomass)
[x] [Week5] Your plan, paragon-ish
if the singer's a murderer, stop her, and only eat her if you've managed to first incapacitate the guy following you. (1d20, 3 and above for success)

[x] [skill] Singing IV - You have the voice of a - well, not a mythological creature with wings, but certainly a well-trained human who is good at singing.
[x] [skill] Stalking II - You can follow someone. You're not an expert at it, but you can do it well enough to get by.
[x] [skill] Reading People III - You're good at reading people and can generally tell what people are feeling.
[x] [skill] Form: Linda Belmont - A curvy, sociopathic singer who likes knifing people, apparently.

[x] [skill] Close Quarters Combat +1: The ability to take and give out hits. At this level you're experienced enough that you'd probably be one of the better fighters in a gang of toughs.

[x] [Action] Mr. Cheese knew about Little Gods - stands to reason that the Irish Mob would know more. Time to ask the remainder what they know. (1d20, success on 4 and above, success nets you Irish Whispers and Interrogate I)

[x] [Action] Train (using XP and biomass)
-[x] [Action] Scavenge I - (Upgrade: 20 xp)
-[x] [Action] Web Production 0 (latent - 5xp to access)
-[x] [Action] Superstrength I - (Upgrade: 10 xp, 15 biomass)
-[x] [Action] Superagility I - You react fast enough to be considered something of a ninja. One in training, but, still, ninja.(Upgrade: 15 xp, 8 biomass)
Uh, well to start with,
However, you should think of skills as not only tools, but pieces of your personality.
Music's a pretty broad interest, near to universal, being able to talk about it means it'll be that much easier to blend in with humanity.
Thank you for the clarification.
Social Skills - Skills you can use to appear more human while interacting with humans.
  • English II - Your English level is at the level of a middle schooler. (Upgrade: 30 xp)
  • The Joisey Black Market II - You are aware of the New Jersey underground, enough so that you can buy goods and services. (Upgrade: Cannot be upgraded through XP)
  • Mobbed Up II - You know about as much about the Irish mob as a low level grunt does. (Upgrade: Cannot be upgraded through XP)
  • Patience II - You can stay put for relatively long periods of time without wandering off, or continue at a task even if you find it pointless. (Upgrade: 30 xp)
  • Discipline III: You are disciplined and will keep to what you wish to do rather than what you want to do. At this level, humans would be able to devote two hours a day to something that is painful or boring without reward. (Upgrade: 45 xp)
  • Socialize I - You can talk to people normally without someone having to call in SHIELD, or the nice men in white coats who have straitjackets. You are still considered very awkward, but not to the point where people suspect you were raised by wolves. (Upgrade: 20 xp)
Shouldn't those be under Intrigue?

We can develop a personality when we're not under immediate threat.
We are not under immediate threat.
To the best of our knowledge, no one is actively hunting us, we are mildly superhuman and improving, we have a companion, and are not currently hungry. From the PoV of a viral abomination, that's about as good as it gets.

If your argument is when we are not under threat at all?May I point out that we eat people?
We will always be at risk of a manhunt as long as long pig remains on the menu.
In the Marvel Universe there will always be a threat capable of burninating us, our city, our planet.

You cannot optimize your way to safety here.
We are not under immediate threat.
To the best of our knowledge, no one is actively hunting us, we are mildly superhuman and improving, we have a companion, and are not currently hungry. From the PoV of a viral abomination, that's about as good as it gets.

If your argument is when we are not under threat at all?May I point out that we eat people?
We will always be at risk of a manhunt as long as long pig remains on the menu.
In the Marvel Universe there will always be a threat capable of burninating us, our city, our planet.

You cannot optimize your way to safety here.
Purple Man knows about us and he's not going to let us off free.

EDIT: As for optimizing our way to safety, convince Deadpool to let us eat him until we gain his free biomass. Try to nibble on Wolverine to double down on the regen. Find people like Doc Oct, Lizard, the scientists working for Hydra and eat them. See if we can somehow sneak up on and eat Doom (MCU Doom sucks. He's not even a fraction of comic Doom) Use our new found intelligence to optimize our biology. Eat every single unaffliated mutant we can find.

Basically, it's a puzzle-buffet.
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We are not under immediate threat.
To the best of our knowledge, no one is actively hunting us, we are mildly superhuman and improving, we have a companion, and are not currently hungry. From the PoV of a viral abomination, that's about as good as it gets.

With the start of the cult there have come rumors of a man that can make anyone do anything wandering around New Jersey for the past month. Although not necessarily related there have been an uptick in missing person cases, a rash of people saying that they did things they wouldn't otherwise do while protesting their innocence, and even the Irish mob has collapsed in on itself. All signs of a major player entering town, or an old player making a bold move.

This in conjunction with our stalker does not make me feel easy. We have made some big waves in New Jersey upsetting the natural order of things. As a result, someone has placed a closer eye on the city, and I feel that this stalker reports to somebody bigger.
Purple Man knows about us and he's not going to let us off free.
Purple Man believes us to be dead, remember?
He had Jessica kick our head in. Repeatedly.

That's why the form he found us in(either Leah or Seamus) is compromised.
Which is why we need another while hunting him.
This in conjunction with our stalker does not make me feel easy. We have made some big waves in New Jersey upsetting the natural order of things. As a result, someone has placed a closer eye on the city, and I feel that this stalker reports to somebody bigger.

That's another reason to kill Belmont, and to take her social skills, and to upgrade Scavenge and Math.
We need to vanish into local society like a chameleon, using the chaos of the collapse of the Irish Mob as well as the Purple Man thing as cover.
And if cornered, Superagility + Webbing allows us to run the fuck away from anyone who can't fly.

Then we can switch to feeding off landfills till things lighten up a bit or we find the Purple Man.
Grinding brute force preferentially when both law enforcement and supervillains can escalate harder than we can is a mugs game; the Avengers are a short plane flight away.

And with what happened to the Irish Mob, we're going to need to use Seamus a lot less for a while.
Hence the need for a new face we can use sparingly in conjunction with Leah.
Probably need to upgrade Socialize II next turn as well. And see if we can hit Compression IV.

We do it right, we could find the Purple Man, kill him, and frame him for the deaths that have gone down in the area.

If we are prioritizing survival over everything else, we'd save 120XP and unlock Leah's power.
That way we don't die when we're killed.
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Purple Man believes us to be dead, remember?
He had Jessica kick our head in. Repeatedly.

That's why the form he found us in(either Leah or Seamus) is compromised.
Which is why we need another while hunting him.
Consider we live in a world "dead" means "He'll be back next week" and getting reduced to a single cell doesn't even count as "dead", I highly doubt he will hold that belief for long. All it would take is him realizing no one is talking about any dead girl in the general where we supposedly died.
If we're not taking singing, no need to make whoever is following us suspect what we are.

[x][Week5] Leah's plan
if the singer's a murderer, stop her, call the cops, and leave

Guns do work on Jessica, but we'll have to try to avoid Skids.

[x] [skill] Close Quarters Combat +1: The ability to take and give out hits. At this level you're experienced enough that you'd probably be one of the better fighters in a gang of toughs.
[x] [skill] Gun Combat III: You can reliably hit a moving target if visibility is good and your weapon properly maintained.
[x] [skill] Gun Maintenance III: You know how to maintain your gun, and have enough expertise to tell if parts need replacing.
[x] [skill] Math II - You can perform middle school math with no problem now.

The more time we take to find Kilgrave, the more time he has to add supers to his puppet collection.

[x][Action] Use your sense of smell and wander NJ hoping that you find him or his companions. With the help of Black Market Rumors your chances of finding him are much higher. (1d20, success on 16 and above nets you Man in Purple Location, 10 and above nets youA Friend of a Friend, 5 and above nets you Little Gods Cult I)

I don't want to become too goody two shoes. This has worked for us before, no reason why we should stop now.
[x][Action] Feed on criminals
-[x][Action]using your method

If Jessica 'kills' us again, we don't want to be that vulnerable in front of Kilgrave who will try to finish the job properly this time.
[x][Action] Develop (without using XP)
-[x][Action] Decentralized Nervous System .
--[x][Action] Eat Starfish, Jellyfish, Octopi, and the like.
--[x][Action] Use xp to compensate

Better protection against mind control.
[X][Action] Train (using XP and biomass)
-[X][Action] Resistance to Pheromones II (15 xp)