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Your morning starts as it usually does; by waking up to the horrible squawking of your alarm...
OP: Wake Up Call [Morning - 1/4]


Seeker of Originality
Somewhere in the Jungles of S.E.A
Your morning starts as it usually does; by waking up to the horrible squawking of your alarm clock.​

With lead-heavy limbs, you drag yourself out of the bed and use your bleary eyes to find your towel. You shamble over to the bathroom and wash out the sleepiness with a splash of cold water to your face. Afterwards you brush your teeth and take a hot shower to rinse off the night's fatigue and fill your body with the needed wakefulness to start the day.

You don your clothes and pick up your books before heading down stairs to make breakfast for yourself and your family. Unlike most other conventional families, you were the earliest one up and thus the duty of making the most important meal of the day fell onto your shoulders. You didn't mind, but you always harbored some small hope that one day you'd find someone else at the stove, making breakfast for you instead.

Truly, the world is unfair.

The spread you make is simple enough; flapjacks with bacon, omelettes, and toasted breads with a pot of steaming coffee and a jug of chilled orange juice. The smell is enough to entice the family dog, Cujo, from his dog house and into the house, sitting expectantly at his food bowl. You quirk a half-smile and microwave some dog food before plopping it into the bowl. The canine pants its thanks before tucking in.

A loud yawn catches your attention and you turn to see your groggy father leading your equally groggy mother down the stairs by her hand. You walk over and pour them some coffee while they spoon their flapjacks on their plates. While they eat, you turn to the clock on the wall and sigh as you untie your apron.

"The idiot hasn't woken up yet." You say. It wasn't a question, having grown used to your sibling's particularly annoying habit of sleeping in.

"Nope." You father smiles, sipping some coffee and then doing a double-take on it. "Hm, this is good. What'd you put in it?"

"Nothing. Just changed brands." You answer as you make your way up the stairs again. "I'll be right back."

You traverse the steps and down the second floor hallway, to an inconspicuous bedroom door with a plaque attached to it. You twist the knob and gently open the door to your twin…

[] Brother's
[] Sister's

Room and find the lazy bum snoozing happily on the bed, mumbling about something or another with the biggest goofiest smile you've ever seen them wear. Must be having a really pleasant dream. Now, how to ruin it?

[] Cold bucket of water
[] Vigorous shaking of the cranial area
[] Sic Cujo on 'em
[] Electric toothbrush in the nose
[] No, something more devious… (Write-in)
Character Information Sheet
Character Sheet
Thana Loering
Age: 16
Gender: Female
- Health:

Smart – Some call you a nerd. You wipe away your fake tears with an A+ test paper in their faces. (+10 to Intelligence Rolls)
Sweet Talker– You have a way with words that most others lack. (+5 to Charm Rolls)
Sneaky – You're like a shadow, quiet and unnoticeable… most of the time. (+5 to Stealth Rolls)
Conflicted - Some of the things you've known for all your life have been a lie. You understand the necessity of it but... reconciling it with the present is not easy. (-10 to all rolls until you take a moment to organize your thoughts and pass a DC 75 Willpower test)
Moonlit Humanity - You are a member of Humanity who is involved in the affairs of the Moonlit Realm, possessing an array of potent supernatural powers at your disposal. (Gain Racial Perks)
- ???: ???
??? - Destiny runs through your veins, as it does your sister's.

- Thick Textbooks (x3)
- Pencil Box (x3 Pens, x2 Mechanical Pencils, x1 Eraser, x1 Ruler, x1 pair of Scissors, x2 Markers)
- Lucky Scrunchie
- Half an Aquamarine Pendant (+5 to all Rolls)

- $5 (on hand) / $75 (stash) / $550 (bank savings)

Daniel Loering - Rank 2
+10 to all rolls involving food

Samantha Loering - Rank 2
+10 to all Intelligence Rolls

Vivian Loering - Rank 3
+10 to all Combat Rolls
Gain Trait - ???

Elizabeth Marrow - Rank 1
+5 to Charm Rolls

Joshua Kent - Rank 2
+10 to Charm Rolls
+5 to Bond Establishment Rolls

People of Note
Name: Daniel Loering
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Relationship: Father
- Health:
Your father, and head of the house. Works as a department head at Silber Corp, though you don't know which department. He is a patient man with a heart of gold and a knife handling hand that far surpasses your own. He taught you everything he knew about cooking and leaves you in charge of the kitchen whenever he goes out on an outstation trip.

Was involved with the supernatural world and kept it secret from you even after Vivian awakened her mana store early. You suspect he spent some time with Mom training Vivian on her new powers. You're sure he still loves you.
Master Chef - When it comes to food, you are unmatched. (+25 to all rolls involving food)
Patient - You don't let any minor thing get to you. (+5 to all rolls)
Smart - Well, you definitely aren't dumb, at least. (+10 to Intelligence Rolls)
??? - ???

Name: Samantha Loering
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Relationship: Mother
- Health:
Your mother and owner of a bookstore called 'Hideaway' situated in the southeast side of the city. You come there sometimes and help out every now and then, managing the store for her while she does... something in her private office. She looks timid and shy but actually isn't, and is very knowledgeable. occasionally parts some nuggets of wisdom for you to use. She is also drop-dead gorgeous.

She is actually a magic user, and has been training Vivian on the side after she had awakened her mana store early. She had kept the secret from you, deeming to wait until you turned eighteen to tell you. You're sure she still loves you.
Smart - Well, you definitely aren't dumb, at least. (+10 to Intelligence Rolls)
Gorgeous - You turn heads wherever you go. (+10 to Charm Rolls, +5 to Bond Increase Attempts)
Wise - You have very useful experiences, and can gift them to others. Sometimes. (1 in 20 chance of giving someone a positive Perk)
Moonlit Humanity - You are a member of Humanity who is involved in the affairs of the Moonlit Realm, possessing an array of potent supernatural powers at your disposal. (Gain Racial Perks)
- ???: ???

Name: Vivian Loering
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Relationship: Twin Sister
- Health:
Your twin sister, a lazy bum who spends more time asleep than awake. She's a former member of the school girl's baseball team, one of their best members even, up until four months ago when a fight broke out between herself and one of the other members of the team. You don't know the specifics, but what happened had the team's coach boot her off the team.

She is a bit sort tempered, with an unshakable sense of justice that has led her to scaring off bullies more than once, and a mean right hook. She also has a disturbing liking for cats and plushies.

Is actually a magic user, though you haven't seen her use it yourself. She had apparently activated it a month after her tenth birthday, and hadn't told you about it until you found out yourself recently. She looks guilty for keeping you out of the loop and likely wants to make it up to you. Somehow.
Short-Tempered - You are very easy to piss off.
Fit Body - Your time with the baseball team was not for naught. (+10 to Combat Rolls)
Sleepaholic - Sleep is love. Sleep is life. (Regain twice as much Health when resting)
Beautiful - You take after your mother, so it makes sense for you look good. (+5 to Charm Rolls)
Moonlit Humanity - You are a member of Humanity who is involved in the affairs of the Moonlit Realm, possessing an array of potent supernatural powers at your disposal. (Gain Racial Perks)
- ???: ???
??? - Destiny runs through your veins, as it does your sister's.
- Half an Aquamarine Pendant
Name: Oscar O'Neil
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Relationship: Best Friend
- Health:
A member of Featherdale football team, the Rockafeller Breakers, and known throughout the school as the 'Quiet Giant'. He is easily the most physically fit person you know, and also surprisingly intelligent. He speaks as often as a blue moon appears, and rarely ever does so unless he has something of grave importance to show or tell. His usual method of communication involve a series of facial expressions and grunts which you've since turned into an alphabet specifically for decoding whatever it is Oscar was trying to say. Often times, you and Elizabeth act as a translator for him of sorts.

He has a scar that runs down from the crook of his neck to the left side of his back. He says got it from an accident when he was a child, but you know there's more to it than just that.

You got to know him when you both were partnered together for chemistry class. You helped him with the formulae while he helped you set up the apparatus and from there, you both got along and met up more often. Your friendship solidified when you invited him over along with Elizabeth for a study group at your place and he showed up with a brownies and tidy notes for you to copy.
Strong – These muscles aren't just for show, you know! (+5 to Combat Rolls)
Agile – Your large size belies surprising speed. (+10 to Combat Rolls)
Jock – You've trained your body for sports. It can easily be used as a weapon in a pinch. (+10 to Combat Rolls)
Smart – For a jock, you're surprisingly intelligent. (+10 to Intelligence Rolls)
Quiet – You don't talk much. At all, really. People have learned not to depend on you for social events.
Imposing – Tall, dark, quiet, broody; the hallmark for a stereotypical bad guy. As such, most people avoid you.
??? - ???
- Ancient Coin

Name: Elizabeth Marrow
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Relationship: Friend
- Health:
A transfer student from England and descendant from nobility, Elizabeth is the epitome of prim and proper; a lady in all respects. She is warm and friendly, but old-fashioned in a way that you find to be absolutely thrilling and annoying at once. Her intellect is on par with your own, but bolstered further by an innate creative streak that allows her to think outside the box. But her physical abilities leave much to be desired, including her height.

She is also adorably clueless most of the time; to the point where you and Oscar have taken it upon yourself to help her acclimate before someone takes advantage of her..

You met the day she transferred in and got slotted into your class. You became friends once it was clear she was way in over her head and took her with you to have lunch with Oscar. She latched onto you both and hasn't let go since.
Creative Mind – Your mind solves problems in the most unexpected ways. (+5 to all Rolls, +5 to Intelligence Rolls)
Smart – Your intellect s nothing to sneeze at. (+10 to Intelligence Rolls)
Lithe – You make up for your lack of height with speed and agility. (+5 to Combat Rolls)
Prim and Proper – The hallmark of a true lady. (+10 to Charm Rolls on high society, Slight Increase to Romantic interest from members of the opposite sex)
Naïve – She views the world through rose-tinted glasses
Innocent – Like a cinnamon bun; too good and pure for this world.
??? - ???
- Stuffed Lion
Name: Joshua Kent
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Relationship: Childhood Friend
- Health:
The 4th most sought after male student in Featherdale and ace of the Featherdale Archery team, you've known Joshua since you and your sister were still kids. Chronologically, he is the first member of Vivian's 'crew' (as she calls it), but moved to Chicago with his family when his father earned a promotion not long after his eighth birthday. He moved back last year, and the three of you have been close to inseparable since.

He is helpful, reliable, good-looking, and just smart enough to be Vivian feel smart. He is also denser than a neutron star when it comes to romance, having sent away many would-be suitors into the dreaded friendzone with a few nice words and a warm hug.

You ship him with Vivian, and have been subtly nudging him into ask her out, though your efforts have borne little success. Maybe you should try nudging Vivian?
Strong - These muscles aren't just for show, ya'know! (+5 to Combat Rolls)
Marksman - Being on the school archery team has done wonder for your aim. (+5 to Combat Rolls)
Helpful - Whenever there's someone in need, you'll be there to help! Most of the time. (+10 to Allies' Rolls, +5 to Bond Rank Increase Attempts, +5 to Charm Rolls)
Handsome - You're far from lacking in the looks department... (Slight increase in Romantic Interest from members of the opposite sex, +5 to Charm Rolls)
Oblivious to Romance - Cupid's arrows keep missing you for some reason... (Significant Increase in Difficulty for someone to woo you)
Smart - You've finally studied, and now your brain is bigger! (+10 to Intelligence Rolls)
??? - ???
- Old Pendant

Name: Hailee Donnovan
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Relationship: Acquaintance
- Health:
An underclassmen whose charm and cheekiness caught Vivian's attention enough to accept her into her 'crew', as well as being the daughter to a close friend of your father. She is the third daughter to Oliver Donnovan, owner of the Donnovan and Sons Custom Vehicle Workshop. Her skill in machinery is nearly unmatched by most other in Featherdale, though working in oil and overalls was never her driving passion.

She has her eyes on Joshua and joined the Archery team to this end. However, she is unsure if she wants to go beyond and risk getting friendzoned. You support her endeavor, adding yet another contender in your shipping chart besides your sister.
Grease Monkey - You have a gift for working with machines. (+10 to Intelligence Rolls, -10 to Difficulty Checks involving Machinery)
Street-smart - You know the lay of the streets, and what to do to not get mugged (+10 to Charm Rolls on common folk, -10 to Charm Rolls on high society)
Cheeky - Your words have a way of messing with others in the most amusing ways. (+5 to Charm Rolls)
Lovestruck - You're head-over-heels in love with Joshua Kent and it messes with you sometimes. (-5 to all rolls when doing something in the vicinity of Joshua Kent)
??? - ???
- Multitool

Name: Adam Lannister
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Relationship: Close Acquaintance
- Health:
The son to the CEO of Lannister Enterprise, Silber Corp's rival and occasional business partner. He is half-Japanese and half-British, with a quiet demeanor and an eye for detail. He was introduced to you and Vivian during one of the corporate galas held by Silber Corp to commemorate the success of of a joint-venture involving some kind of medicinal herb.

The three of you hit it off easily and snuck off ten minutes after to waste time at an arcade util your respective parents found you and hauled you home.

Mainly home-schooled, he transferred to Featherdale last year into the tenth grade due to his studies not matching up with the current eleventh grade academic curriculum. He doesn't mind, and instead considers it a challenge for his skills.
Genius - Smart doesn't even begin to describe how intelligent you are (+30 to Intelligence rolls, can choose to automatically pass a DC of any kind twice per day)
Karate Practitioner (Amateur) - You won't be flipping and kicking like Bruce Lee, but you're still dangerous. (+10 to Combat Rolls)
Handsome - You're far from lacking in the looks department... (Slight increase in Romantic Interest from members of the opposite sex, +5 to Charm Rolls)
Connected - You have friends in very high places who can occasionally pull some strings for you. (Gain Favors (5))
Loaded - Money will not be an issue for you. (Personal funds will never drop under $600, +10 to Charm Rolls)
Introverted - You aren't a people person... (-5 to Charm Rolls, -10 to Bond Rank Establishment Rolls, -5 to Bond Rank Increase attempts)
??? - ???
- Hi-Tech Glasses

Name: Carla Stenson
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Relationship: Acquaintance
- Health:
An elder sister with a protective streak a mile wide who initially befriended Vivian due to their similar tastes in fashion and food. Real friendship blossomed when she got involved in a fight against bullies whose pranks on her younger brother went too far, which prompted Vivian and the rest of her 'crew' to pitch in and help keep the bullies in place while you fetched a teacher. Carla's loyalty to her and the group as a whole has since become unshakable.

Though beautiful in looks and her own way, her reputation as a fighter has mostly distanced her from most of the school save Vivian and the 'crew'. You've spoken to her and, though your conversations rarely last beyond a few sentences, you can tell she is an earnestly good person behind all the angst.

You've even met her younger brother once. While he expresses embarrassment for his sister's overprotective antics, he never said he disliked them.
Fit Body - You've exercised a lot to get your muscles, and you're proud of it. (+10 to Combat Rolls)
Mixed Martial Artist (Amateur) - You've trained to kick people's asses and are quite good at it. (+10 to Combat Rolls)
Beautiful - You turn heads wherever you go (+5 to Charm Rolls)
Loyal - Those who earn your trust also earn your skills. (+5 to all rolls when working with someone you have a Bond to)
Prickly - You are not a people person. At. All. (-15 to Charm Rolls, -5 to Bond Increase Attempts)
??? - ???
- Tiny Teddy Bear
Name: Jonathan Jobston (Johnathan Joestar)
Age: 16 (266)
Gender: Male
Relationship: Close Acquaintance
- Health:
A young man and classmate who recently transferred into Featherdale High School. He is kind and friendly, and his good looks have bewitched many young women whose eyes land on him. Even Elizabeth has fallen to his charms, but isn't stupid enough to act on her hormones

Recently, you discovered that his real name is Johnathan Joestar and is actually a vampire who seeks a potion known as Luna's Pardon, rumoured to be a cure for his vampirism. His gained his vampiric abilities against his will, when his adopted brother stabbed him with a dagger Johnathan unearth on an archaeological expedition to South America. The dagger put him into a death-like state for a week, and he woke up in a coffin six feet underground.

He has since spent the last two centuries looking for the ingredients need to create the Luna's Pardon, but discovered too late that the main ingredient needed to make the potion, Lycan Venom, is no longer available as the Lycan race has been rendered extinct.
Handsome – Your looks remind many of Victorian-era nobility (Slight increase in Romantic Interest from members of the opposite sex, +5 to Charm Rolls)
Chivalrous – Chivalry isn't dead. You're living proof of it! (+10 to Charm Rolls on common folk and high society, Slight Increase to Romantic interest from members of the opposite sex)
Kind-hearted – Your heart is made of gold. (+10 to Charm Rolls)
Strong – Your physical strength is impressive. (+5 to Combat Rolls)
Smart – You have some brain to back up the brawn and looks. (+10 to Intelligence Rolls)
Old Vampire – You are an old vampire, a supernatural entity that sustains itself by consuming blood that has survived for more than a century. (Gain Racial Perks)
- Vampire Physiology: +30 to Combat Rolls, +20 Health, +30 to Magic Rolls, Replaces Mana with Blood
- Bloodsteel Arms: Gain +N to Combat Rolls for -N Blood (max is 60)
- Will-Breaking Gaze: +30 to Charm Rolls, +30 to Stealth Rolls
- Life-Stealer: Deal 1d10 additional damage per successful attack and gain 1d15 Health per successful attack against living enemies
- Ancient Cursed(?) Dagger

Name: Theodore Proudmoore
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Relationship: One-Time Rescuer/Acquaintance/Vivian's Snack Supplier
- Health:
A young man and Rockafeller native, known in Featherdale High as 'that one guy who can get you anything for a price'. He is a friend of sorts to your twin and her crew, and holds her indebted to him for buying snacks and putting it on her 'tab'. Though most consider him too frosty and somewhat unpleasant to approach, beneath all that is a good and friendly person.

He saved you from being bullied by the resident bully squad, and gave you a Snickers bar to help you calm down. You don't much about him other than that.
Rugged and Reliable – You're the go-to man for stuff, being reliable and rugged is only natural (+10 to Charm Rolls on common folk, -10 to Charm Rolls on high society, Slight Increase to Romantic interest from members of the opposite sex)
Jock – Being a member of the school swimming team does this to you (+10 to Combat Rolls)
Street-smart – You know your way around the 'hood (+5 to Intelligence Rolls, +5 to Combat Rolls)
Loyal – Those who earn your trust, you will bleed for (+5 to all rolls when working with someone you have a Bond to)
Brave – You ain't scared of nothin'! (No maluses when fighting against superior enemies, Slight Increase to Romantic interest from members of the opposite sex)
??? - ???
-Faded Photo


The Fairer Sex - Choose to play as a female during character selection

The Fairer Sibling - Choose to have a twin sister during character creation

...Whoops? - Crit-failing on an important event

The Secret's Out - Discover the family secret
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In all honesty, I hate numbers and the dice. I hate them so much that sometimes I wish to just hurl both into a fire and roast marshmallows over their burning, screaming remains. But I realize that without either, there won't be any sort thrill in a quest. No excitement, so to speak. So, I decided to compromise with a simple bare-bones system fit for a lazy SOB like myself.

At certain parts of the quest (socializing, combat, clue seeking/puzzle solving, etc), there will be dice rolled. The dice will be a 1d100 plus any appropriate bonuses minus appropriate maluses. High rolls = Good. Low rolls = Bad. Simple as that.

Your HP bar. This represents how much damage you can take. If this reaches 0, you die. You lose health to injuries and can regain it via rest or medication.

Bonds represent your emotional/sentimental attachment to others and vice versa. Bonds grant you Perks and (sometimes) Abilities, as well as being closer to the person in question. Get a Bond to a high enough rank, and… well, if you've played any of the Persona series then you'll know where this is going. (No, you won't get a Persona.)

Bond ranks range from 1 to +10; with +10 being the highest rank available and 1 being the lowest. You can increase Bonds via social interaction and/or physical actions, depending on the person you're talking to. Say or do something wrong and the Bond rank will drop.

Items and/or weapons that can give you bonuses. These bonuses range from social interaction to combat. Equipment is divided into seven levels according to their quality: Rubbish, Junk, Poor, Average, Good, Excellent, and Legendary.

Rubbish - -15
Junk - -10
Poor - -5
Average - +0
Good - +5
Excellent - +10
Legendary - +15

The numbers represent the base bonus/malus they give to dice rolls. What kind of dice rolls are dependent on the item itself. A Legendary quality sword would give a +15 to combat rolls while a rubbish quality textbook would confer a -15 to study rolls.
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[X] Sister's
[X] Snuggle right next to them, then, shout at their ear.
  1. [X] Sister's
    Number of voters: 11

    loneangel, veekie, bryanfran36, What A Day, Side Character, DeepWaters, wingstrike96,ConfusedPotato, TheMaskedReader, Genesys, Cornix Argentus
  2. [X] Snuggle right next to them, then, shout at their ear.
    Number of voters: 9

    Hannz, gilded king, Tanor, Tibby Servo, DeepWaters, wingstrike96, ConfusedPotato,TheMaskedReader, Genesys
  3. [x] Brother's
    Number of voters: 5

    Nevill, Hannz, gilded king, Tanor, Tibby Servo
  4. [x] Sic Cujo on 'em
    Number of voters: 5

    Nevill, veekie, bryanfran36, What A Day, Side Character
  5. [X] Cold bucket of water
    Number of voters: 1

  6. [X] Electric toothbrush in the nose
    Number of voters: 1

    Cornix Argentus

Locking votes. Update incoming.
Breakfast with the Family [Morning - 1/4]
[x] Sister's
[x] Snuggle right next to them, then, shout at their ear.

You come up with a devious plan that doesn't involve Cujo or a bucket of water. You step into the room, footstep quiet and eyes focused. You tiptoe past the piles of dirty clothing, round the large stacks of Japanese romance manga, and through a narrow gap between a pile of unopened textbooks and a laptop to reach the bed. You slip into it and snuggle close, being careful to not make any excessive movements and noises loud enough to wake the other occupant on the bed.

Said occupant rolls over in her sleep, mumbling about honey and how sweet it was. From here, your sister looked so precious. Adorable, even. For a split second, you feel some semblance of guilt stab into your heart.

Then you think of how troublesome it is to wake up every morning, go downstairs, cook breakfast for five (the fifth portion being divvied into four to satisfy everyone), and then going back up to wake her.

You grin and tuck a lock of her hair behind an ear, taking a deep breath.


Your shout has the desired effect of waking up your twin. Your twin screams herself awake in panic, flailing madly in her bedsheets before tumbling off the bed. You prop yourself up on one elbow and count to three.

A head of pale blonde bed hair rises from the other end of the bed, flat amber eyes glaring daggers at you. You smile cheekily and roll off the bed to your feet. Vivian was never good at intimidating, especially right after your loud wake-up call.

"Morning!" you chirp. "Breakfast's downstairs. Mom and Dad are there too."

"I hate you so much right now." she grumbles, rising to her feet and dusting off her pyjamas.

You politely look away and start ambling out the room, whistling cheerily. You arrive at the door and turn around in time to catch a baseball with your right hand. The impact stings, but you don't let it show on your face as you set it down gently on her study table. Her glare is murderous, but still ineffective against you.

"Still need to work on your aim there, sister dear." You smirk. She sends you a one-finger salute. "Better hurry before all the flapjacks are gone."

That catches her attention, and your twin becomes a blur of frantic movement as she rushes past you into the bathroom. You go back into her room and pick up her towel. The bathroom door opens and Vivian's hand sticks out, her hand open expectantly. You hand her the towel, then head back downstairs.

"I take it from the noise that she wasn't happy about being woken up?" Dad smirks.

"Not in the least." You shrug, sitting down at the table and pour yourself some OJ.

"You two are evil, you know that?" Mom pouts reproachfully at you both. "A girl's gotta have her beauty sleep, you know!"

"Beauty sleep my ass." You roll your eyes as you spoon a few flapjacks onto your plate. "She spends more time asleep than she does awake. It's like she's a bear in hibernation."

"She's part of the girls' baseball team. All the running and sliding and bat swinging is real tiring, so she needs the extra sleep." She huffs, angrily biting into a piece of toast.

"Honey, that four months ago." Dad pipes in, sipping his coffee. Mom twitches.

"And she didn't even win the tourney." You add. She twitches again.

"I-It was a friendly match!" she tries again.

"Against kids." Dad intervenes again.

"W-Well, she, she..." Mom flounders, eyes darting between you and Dad. "Y-Y-You're both so mean!"

You and Dad bring up your cups of coffee and sip simultaneously, trading fistbumps as you drink.

Still got it.

"Don't bother Mom," Vivian announces as she descends the stairs, tying up her hair into a low ponytail. "I'll never live that down now."

"Morning Viv." Dad greets, sipping his coffee as she seats herself across from you. "Slept in again, I see."

"Your powers of observation astound me , Dad." Vivian rolls her eyes as she spoons flapjacks onto her plate. "I was up late last night, finishing up some homework."

"Sure," Dad grins, eyes crinkling knowingly. Vivian doesn't meet his gaze, murmuring something under the breath.

"Are you two ready for today?" Mom asks, demurely cutting into a flapjack. "All your books and stationery in order? Nothing missing?"

"All good, thanks." Vivian nods at . "Got my bag all packed up and ready to go."

"I left mine in my room." You finish up your cup of joe and rise from your seat. "I'll go get it."

You pad back up the stairs (again) and enter your room. You find our bag and check its contents, satisfied that all your notebooks and stationery are where you left them, and sling it over your shoulder.

Before you leave, you check the mirror and don your glasses. You weren't going to school blind, nosiree.

[] Male
- [] (Insert spoilered pic/description)
[] Female
- [] (Insert spoilered pic/description)

A/N: Sorry for the late update. Internet connection was acting up.
Mom is such a sweet person.

[X] Female
-[X] Appearance: Smug Face

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