Quid Fieri Fato Rotas Considerauerit (30k Primarch Quest)

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"The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance." -Socrates

The Primarch project...
Prologue: Where The Eyes of Gods and Men Cross Paths


Resident Corporate Megalomaniac
"The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance." -Socrates

The Primarch project was a massive undertaking, and many could fault the Emperor for his negligence. The sheer scale of such a project was by no means hampered by a lack of resources, it had the finest genetic engineers from both Terra and Luna working on it. Instead it was hampered by forces that should never be spoken of, the enemies of the project's leader. A man of vision and a keen intelligence, but no man however great, was infallible. While he devoted untold amounts of time towards his project, he neglected to sufficiently protect his investment.

He was unaware of his enemies that were lurking so close to his sons, he thought that they were secure from their influence. He thought that he had put up sufficient wards and kept the project hidden away from prying eyes. But all of that was for naught when the warp decided to strike. The wards that he had put in place were torn asunder, they simply could not withstand the powers that assailed them.

Twenty pods were all that he produced, and twenty pods were scattered that day. You were amongst them, and now you find yourself alone in the warp. You can hear voices crackling and gnawing at your pod, but they do not break in. They whisper words of comfort, and words of warning. And then almost as quickly as you were taken, you were finally released from the clutches of the warp.

The cold darkness of space is what greets you upon your pods return to reality, but that is not all that greets you.

(Pick one)
[] You see a rather large and foreboding citadel in front of you, made from the blackest of metal and nary a hint of light coming from it. Your pod careens towards it, and is rewarded for its effort by crashing into a rather narrow corridor.

[] The planet bellow you appears to be rather… lacking in certain aspects. The water appears to be as black as tar, and large chunks of metal surround the planet. But the planet appears to be full of light, almost enough to distract you from pitch black seas. And as your pod slowly descends towards the planet, you notice it lurch towards one of the larger centers of light.

[] The planet before you appears to be covered in smog, but yet it still supports life. Or at the very least, something is building metal ships that are leaving and entering the planet's atmosphere. As you crane you neck, you can see other planets in the system that appear to be in similar positions.

[] Looking at the planet that is in front of you it would appear that it perhaps was, or still is a paradise. The planet appears to be lush and green, with rather large lakes that glisten even from orbit. The only thing that you can take offense with the planet is a rather noticeable desert. You can't fathom how any living creature could sustain themselves in such horrid conditions.

[] You open your eyes, and it appears that your pod has crashed into a rather large field of flowers. You can hear the sounds of animals, and for once, you feel like you are at peace. But there is something amiss, however you can't place your finger on it.

[] As your pod careens towards the surface of a planet, you can make out a few signs and billboards. While you can't make out the language, you can see that the objective is to encourage a product that they are selling. Apparently, the people here like machines with four wheels, and machines that can cook meat.

[] You can feel your father, he is close. It is almost as if you could walk right towards him, and you would be by his side once again. But for now, your main focus is on staying alive. A rather hard task, considering your pod is currently plummeting towards a rather large red planet.

[] The planet that you see appears to defy common sense. On one side of the planet great storms seem to clash against each other. But yet on the other side of the planet, great seas of magma rise to challenge the storms might. You don't see how anything could survive such a planet, but your pod is on a steady course for the storm covered side.

(Only applicable with the 1st​, 2nd​, or 3rd​ choices. If not choosing from one of those three, please disregard this.)

[] However, as you crane your neck towards your right, you see that another pod is rather close to yours.
-[] Upon closer inspection, it's just a rather large chunk of debris.
-[] While you can't make anything on the inside of the pod, you can see that it is marked with two crosses on it.
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Dramatis Personae
Dramatis Personae
Skills (Statline)
(WS) 45
(BS) 50
(S) 45
(T) 45
(AG) 45
(INT) 65 (+10 from Armor, base at 55)
(PER) 50
(WP) 45
(FEL) 50

(INF) (FAME) 0
(COR) 9
Psy Rating 2 (+2 From armor worn, base at 0)

Wounds: 22 Available

Diplomacy: 50
Economics: 50
Spycraft: 50
Grand Strategy: 50
Personnel Knowledge: 50

Tech: 2
Tech-Use: 2

1X I4500-7M "Gauss" Rifle. This magnetically based weapon can break its target back down to its basic component molecules layer by layer, and can then attract the molecules back into the gun at an incredible speed. The only problem with this weapon is it's rather small projectile size, being no larger than a packing peanut.

1X Suit of Psyker Armor (Worn, grants a +10 to INT and Psy Rating of 2)

Psyker Powers
Reflections of Yesterday: By tapping into the warp, you are able to catch glimpses of Mars in the past, and it's inhabitants. (Grants increased knowledge about Mars at random times and places, much of which may prove useful later.)

Scourge/Blessing of the Machine: You call down upon the warp to infuse nearby weapons and armor with the power of the warp. For your allies you an make their weapons more effective and deadly, and cause your enemies armor to fall apart, at best. (If critically failed, the backfire shall be magnificent, rolls depend on scope of targets.)

Skills (Statline)
(WS) 45
(BS) 45
(S) 45
(T) 55
(AG) 45
(INT) 80
(PER) 45
(WP) 80
(FEL) 60

An Officer, Gentleman, and a Soldier: ???
In The Good Old Days: ???


1X Cane (It's your father's cane, but you still have no idea why he carries it around. He most certainly doesn't need it to walk, but he insists on using it.)

1X Amitz battle scanner, good for up to 500 meters of reconnaissance.

1x ???

Relationship Rating: 40​

Ashkenazi: ???
In The Good Old Days: ???
Tactical Ingenuity: ???
What You Are in the Dark: ???
In The Good Old Days: ???
There is no Such Thing As Forgiveness: ???
Ignorance is not a Virtue: Abrams values himself as a rational man, and despises the Mechanicus and it's religious views. If you give him the go ahead, he is more than prepared to ensure that the Mechanicus has no future on Mars. (Leaving Abrams in charge of areas with heavy Mechanicus activity will provide a +10 to all rolls against guerrilla activities, mostly through a combination of propaganda and military action.)
In The Good Old Days: Abrams wishes to see a return to the glory days of Mars, when a business could conduct it's own business in peace. Where the free market reigned supreme, and Mars was at peace. He is also a supporter of Martian impartiality within the grand scheme of the galaxy.
Mathematics are but Another Side of Finance: Abrams is a banker at heart, and he will tell you how he worked his way up to the top through individual merit. More importantly, he is more than eager to show you what a few engineering and economic degrees can do. (+5 to all siege rolls and research actions with Abrams assigned.)

The Great Compromiser: ???
Upon The Shoulders Of Giants: ???
Ethereal Presence: ???

One of the Brightest Minds of his Generation: ???
Hippocratic Suggestion: ???
Mortician: ???
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Index, omakes, other information, legion, etc...

WEAPON SKILL (WS) Weapon Skill measures a character's competence in hand-to hand fighting, whether using fists, knives, or chainswords.
BALLISTIC SKILL (BS) Ballistic Skill reflects a character's accuracy with ranged weapons.
STRENGTH (S) Strength represents how physically strong a character is. It likewise helps determine one's carrying capacity.
TOUGHNESS (T) Toughness defines how easily a character can shrug off injury as well as how easily he can resist toxins, poisonous environments,and disease.
AGILITY (AG) Agility measure's a character's quickness and reflexes
INTELLIGENCE (INT) Intelligence is a measurement of a character's acumen, reason, and general knowledge.
PERCEPTION (PER) Perception describes how aware a character is of his surroundings and the acuteness of his senses.
WILLPOWER (WP) Willpower demonstrates a character's mental strength and resilience; his strength and toughness of mind. It is his ability to withstand the horrors of war, and— in the case of some individuals—the potency of psychic powers.
FELLOWSHIP (FEL) Fellowship is a character's ability to charm, command, or deceive.
INFAMY or FAME (INF) (FAME) Infamy is a measure of a character's reputation and presence when it is the negative, and fame is this the positive form of such. Both ratings have bonuses and penalties as this number goes up or down.
CORRUPTION (COR) The horrors of war can have many effects on one's mind. Or perhaps their body, if it evolves.

For A Basis, 30 is the basic statline for a normal human, for both sets of skills.

-Administrative Skills. These are separate from the others, and represent more of a big picture then the other skills. In other words, for when you are commanding campaigns or things outside of a personal action.

Diplomacy: How skilled of an orator you are, and being able to negotiate with others.
Economics: They say that money makes the world go around, and they would be right. This skill determines things such as improving a worlds tithe, or making new trade routes.
Spycraft: This skill determines how good you are at acting behind the scenes, from infiltrating a rogue planet to committing acts of sabotage on a grand scale.
Grand Strategy: Planning a massive campaign requires knowing what you need, and where to strike. You also have to know your supply chains, and who is best at what. This is what this skill encompasses.
Personnel Knowledge: This skill determines just how hood you are at making your technological ideas into reality, while also having an understanding of other works while you have the time to study them.

Acrobatics| Agility|Movement
Athletics| Strength| Movement
Awareness| Perception|Investigation
Charm| Fellowship| Interaction, Investigation
Command| Fellowship|Interaction
Commerce| Intelligence| Interaction, Investigation
Common Lore| Intelligence| Interaction, Investigation
Deceive| Fellowship| Interaction, Investigation
Dodge| Agility| Movement, Combat
Forbidden Lore,| Intelligence| Interaction, Investigation
Inquiry| Intelligence| Interaction, Investigation
Interrogation| Willpower| Interaction, Investigation
Intimidate| Willpower| Interaction, Investigation
Linguistics| Intelligence| Interaction, Investigation
Logic| Intelligence| Investigation
Medicae| Intelligence
Navigation| Intelligence
Operate (Surface)| Agility
Operate (Aeronautica)| Agility
Operate (Voidship)| Intelligence
Parry| Weapon Skill| Combat
Psyniscience| Perception
Scholastic Lore†| Intelligence| Interaction, Investigation
Scrutiny| Perception| Interaction, Investigation
Security| Intelligence
Stealth| Agility| Movement
Survival| Perception| Crafting, Movement
Tech-Use| Intelligence| Crafting, Investigation
Trade| Intelligence| Crafting, Interaction

Scholastic Lore Specializations:
Astromancy: A knowledge of stars, singularities, and the worlds around them, as well as theoretical understanding of how to use telescopes, astrolithic charts, and the like.
Beasts: An understanding of the genus and families of animals and familiarity with the characteristics and appearance of many semi-sentient creatures.
Bureaucracy: A familiarity with the rules and regulations involved with governments, particularly the Adeptus Administratum and their many and varied departments, bureaus, and policies.
Chymistry: A knowledge of chemicals, their alchemical applications in a number of uses, and their prevalence or scarcity throughout the Imperium
Cryptology: An understanding of codes, ciphers, cryptographs, secret languages, and numerical keys. This may be used to either create or decipher encryption.
Heraldry: A grasp of the principles and devices of Heraldry, as well as a knowledge of the most common seals and heraldic devices used by the Imperium's most noble houses and families.
Imperial Warrants: Information concerning the establishment, legal scope, and use of the warrants used to by Rogue Traders, as well as the most well known and dynastic warrants of the Imperium.
Judgement: Understanding of imperial law, and the various punishments and procedures.
Legend: Going beyond archaic knowledge, this encompasses most ellusive portions of Imperial and Human history, such as the Dark Age of Technology andthe Age of Strife,
Navis Nobilite: Lore concerning the family trees, contracts, and histories of the great houses of the Navigators.
Numerology: An understanding of the mysterious link between numbers and the physical universe.
Occult: An understanding of occult rituals and theories, as well as the better-known mystical uses of occult items.
Philosophy: Knowledge concerning the theories of thought, belief, existence, and other intangibles. As it also includes logic and debate, it may be used for argument or creating philosophical works.
Tactica Imperialis: The ability to determine force deployments, and to understand what your fellows are likely thinking concerning a plan of attack.

Dangerous Lore Specializations:
Adeptus Mechanicus: An in-depth understanding of followers of the Machine God, including such things as their rituals, observances, common beliefs, core philosophies, and specific knowledge of the Universal Laws.
Adeptus Astartes: Knowledge of the practices, organisation, and homeworlds of the Imperial Space Marines and their Chapters including knowledge of their rites, rituals, and beliefs.
Archeotech: Knowledge of the great, lost tech devices of past times and clues to their mysterious functions and purposes.
Daemonology: Lore about some of the most infamous warp entities and their twisted physical manifestations. A dangerous skill for many to have, and especially deadly in the hands of a Primarch.
Heresy: Wisdom concerning acts and practices deemed dangerous by the Imperium. A dangerous skill for many to have, and especially deadly in the hands of a Primarch.
Mutants: The study of stable and unstable mutations within humanity, their cancerous influence and mutagenic development over time, and some of the studies and books on the topic.
Navigators: Secret knowledge about the Navis Nobilite families, their breeding programs, common mutations, and prominent patriarchs.
Pirates: Knowledge of the scourge of the warp lanes, their tactics, infamous vessels, and inhuman captains.
Psykers: Skill in identifying psykers, the physical effects of their powers, the danger they cause, and the general extent of their capabilities.
The Warp: An understanding of the energy of the warp, its interaction and interrelation with realspace, and how its tides and eddies affect travel between the stars.
Xenos: Knowledge of the minor and major alien species known to the Imperium, the threat they pose, and their general appearance.

Common Lore Specializations:

Adeptus Arbites: Knowledge of the various arms and sub-sects of the Arbites, including details of rank structure, common procedures, and the basic tenets of Imperial Justice.
Adeptus Astra Telepathica: Knowledge of how psykers are recruited and trained for the Adeptus Terra, including how Astropaths are used throughout the Imperium, and the basics of sending and receiving astro-telepathic messages.
Adeptus Mechanicus: A general understanding of the symbols and practices of the Adeptus Mechanicus.
Administratum: Broad knowledge of the workings, rules, traditions, and dictates of the Adeptus Administratum.
Imperial Army: Basic information about the ranking system, logistics, structure, and basic tactical and strategic practices of the Imperial Army, as well as particularly famed regiments.
Imperial Navy: Basic information about the ranks, customs, uniforms, and particular traditions of the Imperial Navy, as well as famous admirals and ships.
Imperium: Knowledge of the segmenta, sectors, and well known worlds of the Imperium.
Tech: An understanding of simple litanies and rituals to soothe and appease machine spirits. Or if you happen to be less inclined, just the best way to get a machine in working order.
War: Knowledge of great battles, notable commanders, heroes, and famous stratagems employed by those who fight for and against the Imperium.

Skill Levels
Zero (Unknown) Suffer a -20 penalty to every roll involving this skill.
One (Known) Use the Skill without the –20 penalty for being untrained.
Two (Trained) +10 on all Tests with this Skill†.
Three (Experienced) +20 on all Tests with this Skill†.
Four (Veteran) +30 on all Tests with this Skill†.
†: Characters may only use the highest bonus.

Psy Rating: Determined on a scale of 1-10, this rating determines just how powerful of a psyker you really are. For example, a 1 would be just powerful enough to call forth the warp. A 10 would be the equivalent of a Greater Daemon of Tzeentch.
Relationship Rating: Measured from a scale of -100 to 100, this scale determines how you feel about someone, and their opinion of you. Know that only your opinion of the character will be first shown, not the other way around. In order to find out someones opinion of you, you have to pass an awareness skill roll of varying difficulty, depending on the circumstances at the time.

Martian Old Quarter: The first district of Mars, and the oldest. It was the center for most commercial ventures on Mars and Humanity as a whole. Fate has been kinder to it than the rest of Mars. It has largely fallen down to the depths of Mars, with the superstructures unable to hold themselves up. Most of the surviving executives have made their new homes here, or in some cases never left. You and your father live here.

Your father's estate: A moderately sized mansion and surrounding area. At one point it was clearly important enough to warrant ball rooms and briefing rooms. But it has been on hard times for quite a while. Before you had shown up, the houses was largely flooded and some rooms were completely littered with debris. But with enough hard work, you were able to bring it back up into something pleasant to live in and perfect to coordinate your next moves.

The Sentinel Hotel: Once the place to be for visiting dignitaries and executives from across the galaxy. Now it has fallen into disrepair, and is inhabited only by the ghosts of those that cling to the past, and Abrams. In it's sub-levels lies a rather large cloning facility, but it needs power to operate.

A-9 Industrial Complex: A large industrial foundry that dates back to the early days of Martian History. Largely fallen into disuse, a fair amount of the facility is usable, once fully powered.

The government of Mars was a rather peculiar thing, even you own father admits it to you from time to time.

The Chairmen of the Council of Firms served as the head of the executive branch, but was traditionally seen as a revolving door position. With the chairmen almost always being a former executive, and usually from one of the smaller firms at that. Your father says that was to ensure that the balance of power was not disturbed, but he also said that their usually was an ulterior motive behind most appointments to that position. The position was usually more of a title than anything else, and gave them an excuse to wear an oversized tricone hat. But they had the final say in matters of a tied vote, and also were responsible for signing any laws that the Council passed. Overall, they had less power then on paper, but were still powerful in their own right.

The Council of Firms proper was the real power behind Mars. At it's height it was composed of 632 seats, with one representative from each district on Mars. In theory it was a free and open election for the seat, but corporations were allowed to allocate their votes based upon location and industrial output. Likewise, they were also able to deselect a candidate if they so desired. This could be seen as a way to reinforce the revolving door style seating, in the way that most of the representatives were former executives, or in some cases were working both jobs. But your father is adamant that at the end of it all, the Council represented Mars justly and fairly.


Countdown until Emperor arrives on Mars: 45-50 years.
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[X] You can feel your father, he is close. It is almost as if you could walk right towards him, and you would be by his side once again. But for now, your main focus is on staying alive. A rather hard task, considering your pod is currently plummeting towards a rather large red planet.
[X] You see a rather large and foreboding citadel in front of you, made from the blackest of metal and nary a hint of light coming from it. Your pod careens towards it, and is rewarded for its effort by crashing into a rather narrow corridor.
[X] However, as you crane your neck towards your right, you see that another pod is rather close to yours.
-[X] While you can't make anything on the inside of the pod, you can see that it is marked with two crosses on it.

Alpharius? I want to learn some actual tactics.
[X] You see a rather large and foreboding citadel in front of you, made from the blackest of metal and nary a hint of light coming from it. Your pod careens towards it, and is rewarded for its effort by crashing into a rather narrow corridor.

[X] However, as you crane your neck towards your right, you see that another pod is rather close to yours.
-[x] While you can't make anything on the inside of the pod, you can see that it is marked with two crosses on it.
[X] The planet that you see appears to defy common sense. On one side of the planet great storms seem to clash against each other. But yet on the other side of the planet, great seas of magma rise to challenge the storms might. You don't see how anything could survive such a planet, but your pod is on a steady course for the storm covered side.

[X] You can feel your father, he is close. It is almost as if you could walk right towards him, and you would be by his side once again. But for now, your main focus is on staying alive. A rather hard task, considering your pod is currently plummeting towards a rather large red planet.
Getting close to Big E as a baby primarch?
Yes please.
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[X] The planet before you appears to be covered in smog, but yet it still supports life. Or at the very least, something is building metal ships that are leaving and entering the planet's atmosphere. As you crane you neck, you can see other planets in the system that appear to be in similar positions.

[X] However, as you crane your neck towards your right, you see that another pod is rather close to yours.
-[x] While you can't make anything on the inside of the pod, you can see that it is marked with two crosses on it.

Hopefully it's a human civilization. Because we don't have the right equipment to deal with Xenos... yet.
[X] You can feel your father, he is close. It is almost as if you could walk right towards him, and you would be by his side once again. But for now, your main focus is on staying alive. A rather hard task, considering your pod is currently plummeting towards a rather large red planet.
Getting close to Big E as a baby primarch?
Yes please.
And it looks we are landing on mars.
Edit: Maybe, mars is not that big and the ring of iron is not mentioned. Though considering how close we are to the Emperor it could well be mars.
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And it looks we are landing on mars.
Edit: Maybe, mars is not that big and the ring of iron is not mentioned. Though considering how close we are to the Emperor it could well be mars.

All I have to say on the matter is that you have noticed that the planet is Red, and you are to busy panicking to note any other features.
[X] You can feel your father, he is close. It is almost as if you could walk right towards him, and you would be by his side once again. But for now, your main focus is on staying alive. A rather hard task, considering your pod is currently plummeting towards a rather large red planet.
[X] You can feel your father, he is close. It is almost as if you could walk right towards him, and you would be by his side once again. But for now, your main focus is on staying alive. A rather hard task, considering your pod is currently plummeting towards a rather large red planet.
[X] You can feel your father, he is close. It is almost as if you could walk right towards him, and you would be by his side once again. But for now, your main focus is on staying alive. A rather hard task, considering your pod is currently plummeting towards a rather large red planet.
[X] You see a rather large and foreboding citadel in front of you, made from the blackest of metal and nary a hint of light coming from it. Your pod careens towards it, and is rewarded for its effort by crashing into a rather narrow corridor.

[X] However, as you crane your neck towards your right, you see that another pod is rather close to yours.
-[x] While you can't make anything on the inside of the pod, you can see that it is marked with two crosses on it.
Mars isn't really that large
We are essentially a baby Primarch, so we probably have no sense of scale.
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[X] You see a rather large and foreboding citadel in front of you, made from the blackest of metal and nary a hint of light coming from it. Your pod careens towards it, and is rewarded for its effort by crashing into a rather narrow corridor.
[X] However, as you crane your neck towards your right, you see that another pod is rather close to yours.
-[X] While you can't make anything on the inside of the pod, you can see that it is marked with two crosses on it.
[X] You can feel your father, he is close. It is almost as if you could walk right towards him, and you would be by his side once again. But for now, your main focus is on staying alive. A rather hard task, considering your pod is currently plummeting towards a rather large red planet.
[x] As your pod careens towards the surface of a planet, you can make out a few signs and billboards. While you can't make out the language, you can see that the objective is to encourage a product that they are selling. Apparently, the people here like machines with four wheels, and machines that can cook meat.

-cyberpunk world with Capitalism, Corporations, and Advertisement!
[X] The planet that you see appears to defy common sense. On one side of the planet great storms seem to clash against each other. But yet on the other side of the planet, great seas of magma rise to challenge the storms might. You don't see how anything could survive such a planet, but your pod is on a steady course for the storm covered side.
[X] You can feel your father, he is close. It is almost as if you could walk right towards him, and you would be by his side once again. But for now, your main focus is on staying alive. A rather hard task, considering your pod is currently plummeting towards a rather large red planet.
[X] You can feel your father, he is close. It is almost as if you could walk right towards him, and you would be by his side once again. But for now, your main focus is on staying alive. A rather hard task, considering your pod is currently plummeting towards a rather large red planet.
[X] You see a rather large and foreboding citadel in front of you, made from the blackest of metal and nary a hint of light coming from it. Your pod careens towards it, and is rewarded for its effort by crashing into a rather narrow corridor.

[X] However, as you crane your neck towards your right, you see that another pod is rather close to yours.
-[x] While you can't make anything on the inside of the pod, you can see that it is marked with two crosses on it.

If we are closer to the Emperor, than the Chaos Gods likely want to make us Horus 2.0. Let's not do that.

[X] You see a rather large and foreboding citadel in front of you, made from the blackest of metal and nary a hint of light coming from it. Your pod careens towards it, and is rewarded for its effort by crashing into a rather narrow corridor.
[X] However, as you crane your neck towards your right, you see that another pod is rather close to yours.
-[X] While you can't make anything on the inside of the pod, you can see that it is marked with two crosses on it.