Project Biomodus: Fallout + [PROTOTYPE] + Warframe = ???

Reminder that Raiden blew up 20-odd RAYs on foot with a Stinger, but took three goes to perma-kill a single RAY with a sword.

Explosives > Swords.
The Desperado RAY is a model with nine years of technological advancement and widespread dissemination of previously classified Patriot shit. You'll also note that the RAYs Raiden fought back in 2009 weren't bristling with enough point defence turrets and missile pods to make an Ork blush, let alone had lamo water-cutters in their mouths instead of frikkin laser-beams. And he had to abuse infinite Stinger pickups in a sequence that was in full "this is not actually happening you are only playing a shitty videogame trying to ape off the success of MGS1" mode.
I finally had time to read though this more thoroughly. I think the thing I am most puzzled by is, why are they pushing the horror angle so hard? It makes the setting description feel a bit unnatural because players seem to be intended to play characters born into this setting, but these transhuman natives wouldn't see their world as an unnatural ruin; they'd have a mindset a lot more like a pre-civilization jungle tribe.
Realtalk, I don't know how common this is in tabletops (I'm not very widely-read) but I love how they handle sample NPCs. It's like they're defined as questions and then they let you mix and match between about half a dozen possible answers that lead that character in wildly different directions. That's really useful for a DM.
Realtalk, I don't know how common this is in tabletops (I'm not very widely-read) but I love how they handle sample NPCs. It's like they're defined as questions and then they let you mix and match between about half a dozen possible answers that lead that character in wildly different directions. That's really useful for a DM.

It's more common nowadays, it was extremely rare back in the 80s and 90s where everything was tightly defined and you had metaplots growing everywhere, like trenchcoats and katanas.
This looks REALLY cool.

If, uh, anyone wants to run a game using the playtest edition, I would totally be down for rolling a sniper character.
I finally had time to read though this more thoroughly. I think the thing I am most puzzled by is, why are they pushing the horror angle so hard? It makes the setting description feel a bit unnatural because players seem to be intended to play characters born into this setting, but these transhuman natives wouldn't see their world as an unnatural ruin; they'd have a mindset a lot more like a pre-civilization jungle tribe.
Eh. Aren't a lot of people supposed to remember when the world wasn't shit or be taught?
I would love if someone ran it so I could play a horrifying super cyborg killing machine.

When you say run, do you mean actual VoIP or forum text?

And sorry if i missed it but is there any comparison to normal 21 sentury tech? I really liked the story background. The spread of the bioforge and the npc lore. But is there stats for an RPG(i just skimmed the rules), or some modern rifle rounds? They said the Huntsman can no sell an artillery round. How much damage would an example of modern artillery be? The problem with the tech littering the wasteland is that it's from the time where mass producet graphene and AI are a thing. No way it has the same performance as things used today.

I they gave like 7 stats( 9mm pistol, a couple of most used rifle calibres, an RPG, hand grenade(lets say frag), an hmg and some examples.of artillery (tank and actual self propelled arty) it would be much easyer to get a grip on what the big numbers mean.

That would be REALLY nice. Plus it would really help if some one would run a game when mising Biomodus with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. with a zone of crazy nanotech and stuff.
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is there any comparison to normal 21 sentury tech?
Kind of. In the Weapons section, there's a footnote that mentions pre-bioforge guns. What it amounts to is, none of them do any Lethal damage. They can still do Scratch, possibly even quite a few dice for something like a salvaged artillery piece, but ammo is rare and expensive, so combined with their lack of killing power a modern gun is more likely to appear on somebody's mantelpiece than their fighting loadout.
I mean if you and @MJ12 Commando would tolerate a GM who has no idea of what's going on as he slowly tries to make sense of the system, I'm up for it. :V

(Of course you'd have to balance the schedule against the schedules of two lawyers so...)
I only occasionally end up going to work for a full day, coming back after dinner, and reviewing records until 5 AM.

I have no life, so its all good here.
I only occasionally end up going to work for a full day, coming back after dinner, and reviewing records until 5 AM.
Yeah, I'm good most of the time, I've literally ran an entire DnD session during work, sometimes I just get eaten by some stupid case like that one dude who wanted to sue a local chain for the reason that he got common cold like two days after eating there and he blamed food poisoning lol.

Anyways, so like, I'm in copenhagen time and both @jacobplm and you should be in... UTC? We can make it work.
Yeah, I'm good most of the time, I've literally ran an entire DnD session during work, sometimes I just get eaten by some stupid case like that one dude who wanted to sue a local chain for the reason that he got common cold like two days after eating there and he blamed food poisoning lol.

Anyways, so like, I'm in copenhagen time and both @jacobplm and you should be in... UTC? We can make it work.

I am on the most amazing time, Hawaii time :V

It is 2:11 PM right now for me
I like Fallout, I like all the Mad Max movies (yes even Beyond the Thunderdome) Guyver was pretty cool, love me some Revengeance, let's check this thing out....

Okay, so on page 25 of the currently available play test document we break in the middle of CharGen for a paragraph about how the setting has all kinds of prejudices and bigotry but it is never based on gender, skin color or any of the things Arrays may not OOC feel confident tackling, fine, fair enough, player GM compact is a thing, Caesar's Legion feels pretty uncomfortable in light of recent events, BUT.

Maybe this should have been placed somewhere, literally anywhere besides literally 2 pages before the Prospective Player Background that is "Literally Post Apocalyptic Dark Eldar RAAAR EVIL".

But...a very gender egalitarian multi ethnic form of Will To Power Stupid Evil. I guess?

That is...if I can use a World of Darkness Vampire analogy, don't tell me about how being prejudiced against specific groups is bad and wrong and then go "By the way, Belial's Brood exists and you can play one."
I mean, it's accurate to Fallout, where raiders are both genders and consist of people of every skin color who have found unity and defeated racism by the power of wanting all your shit and being willing to pay by bullets.

And the Winds of Destruction get fairly high marks on the diversity front (Algerian woman, Cambodian man, man from Alabama, and a Japanese/Brazilian man), you may be on to something here.

So if you want to play as The Pain except an Arthurian knight errant there's a whole faction devoted to just that. For reals.