Gained Gelli Strocus as a stewardship advisor
When Governor Destin sent a messenger to fetch me I assumed the worst. when he invited me into his office it just got worse, and when he offered me a position on his council I was confused, Then I fainted.
Gained Dewyer Persyn
Upon my arrival I was Greeted by Governor Destin and his council that I was supposed to advise. Thankfully they were most faithful both in their duties and in their faith to he on Terra
--- State of the local PDF 38% Intact
State of the local Infrastructure 49% Intact (Malus Primitive)
State of the local Production 54% Intact
State of the local Faith 82% Intact
State of Law Enforcement 80% Intact
State of the Military network 100% Intact
Diplomacy Actions (One action)
[ ] Research Sector Factions DC 60 (Gain an idea of the local factions of The Scarus Sector)
[ ] Contact the sector government to provide a report DC 30 (Provide a report to the sector goverment)
[ ] Work on internal relations with
- [ ] Peasantry
- [ ] Ratling
- [ ] Ogryn
- [ ] Pelagar
Martial Actions (One action)
[ ] Review the SDF DC 60 (Gain access to training SDF regiments)
[ ] Drill a Regiment (Raise a Regiments Training level)
- [ ] 1st Respa III DC 60
- [ ] 4th Respa III DC 40
[ ] Train a Regiment DC 40 ( Train a new regiment for the local PDF)
Stewardship Actions (One actions)
[ ] Survey Respa III for Resources DC 60
[ ] Examine the infrastructure DC 40 ( Study the infrastructure of Respa III)
[ ] Contact the Mechanicus of Respa II DC 80 (???)
Intrigue Actions (Two actions due to inquisitorial presence)
[ ] Train Agents DC 20/40/60 (train stealth based intrigue agents.)
[ ] Look for talent DC 60 (Learn if there is anyone with particular skills you might find useful)
[ ] Investigate the Cult DC 40/80/120/??? (attempt to learn more about the cult that killed the previous governor)
Faith Actions (One actions)
[ ] Meet with the local priests DC 40 (Meet with the leaders of the Imperial cult on Respa III)
[ ] Investigate the local faith DC 80 (Learn the state of the faith on Respa III)
[ ] Preach to the masses DC 60 ( Raise the Moral on Respa III)
Learning Actions (One actions)
[ ] Investigate the tech level of Respa III DC 80 (Learn the overall tech level of Respa III)
[ ] Inventory the Mechanicus of Respa III DC 30 ( Learn of all Mechanicus Assets on Respa III)
[ ] Investigae the PDF's Equipment DC 20/80 (Learn what quality equipment the PDF is working with)
Personal Actions (One Action)
[ ] Devote time (Gain an action in another category)
- [ ] Diplomacy
- [ ] Martial
- [ ] Stewardship
- [ ] Intrigue
- [ ] Faith
- [ ] Learning
[ ] Spend time with... (assist with an action) (learn relation status with them.)
- [ ] Gratian strab
- [ ] Gennator Cerra
- [ ] Alonso Derubies
- [ ] Harran Elhaji
- [ ] Arbite Ginnon Dibei
- [ ] Lord Inquisitor Jumedes Cynos
Special Projects (may assign advisors to this instead of an action)
[ ] Break the gate (Gain access to the inside of the facility)
- [ ] Force DC 80 (activates internal security)( Gain access to the internals of the vault
- [ ] Convince DC 80 (Internal security doesn't activate) DC 160 ( gain access the the internals of the vault)
Special Operatives (May assign Operatives to various characters to both ensure their loyalty and assist them.)
Current 10 stealth operatives
Assign operative to (each X counts as an operative)
[ ][ ] Governor Destin
[ ][ ] Gratian Strab
[ ][ ] Gennator Cerra
[ ][ ] Alonso Derubies
[ ][ ] Arbite Ginnon Dibei
[ ][ ] Lord Inquisitor Jumedes Cynos
[X] Work on internal relations wit
- [X] Pelagar
[X] Review the SDF DC 60 (Gain access to training SDF regiments)
[X] Examine the infrastructure DC 40 ( Study the infrastructure of Respa III)
[X] Look for talent DC 60 (Learn if there is anyone with particular skills you might find useful)
[X] Investigate the Cult DC 40/80/120/??? (attempt to learn more about the cult that killed the previous governor)
[X] Meet with the local priests DC 40 (Meet with the leaders of the Imperial cult on Respa III)
[X] Inventory the Mechanicus of Respa III DC 30 ( Learn of all Mechanicus Assets on Respa III)
Personal action
[X] Spend time with... (assist with an action) (learn relation status with them.)
- [X]Gennator Cerra
Special project:assign Gennator Cerra.
[X] Break the gate (Gain access to the inside of the facility)
- [X] Convince DC 80 (Internal security doesn't activate) DC 160 ( gain access the the internals of the vault)
Special operative
Assign operative to (each X counts as an operative)
[X][X] Governor Destin
[X][X] Gratian Strab
[X][X] Gennator Cerra
[X][X] Alonso Derubies
[ ][X] Arbite Ginnon Dibei
[ ][X] Lord Inquisitor Jumedes Cynos
[X] Work on internal relations wit
- [X] Pelagar
[X] Review the SDF DC 60 (Gain access to training SDF regiments)
[X] Examine the infrastructure DC 40 ( Study the infrastructure of Respa III)
[X] Look for talent DC 60 (Learn if there is anyone with particular skills you might find useful)
[X] Investigate the Cult DC 40/80/120/??? (attempt to learn more about the cult that killed the previous governor)
[X] Meet with the local priests DC 40 (Meet with the leaders of the Imperial cult on Respa III)
[X] Inventory the Mechanicus of Respa III DC 30 ( Learn of all Mechanicus Assets on Respa III)
Personal action
[X] Spend time with... (assist with an action) (learn relation status with them.)
- [X]Gennator Cerra
Special project:assign Gennator Cerra.
[X] Break the gate (Gain access to the inside of the facility)
- [X] Convince DC 80 (Internal security doesn't activate) DC 160 ( gain access the the internals of the vault)
Special operative
Assign operative to (each X counts as an operative)
[X][X] Governor Destin
[X][X] Gratian Strab
[X][X] Gennator Cerra
[X][X] Alonso Derubies
[ ][X] Arbite Ginnon Dibei
[ ][X] Lord Inquisitor Jumedes Cynos
Gratian Strab Work on internal Relations with the Pelagar
With respect to Governor Destin I have no idea what he is thinking. The Pelagar are incredibly hard to communicate with, They live under water for Fecks sake! Thankfully they were willing to communicate by vox, though it affected body language. (+ 5 to relations with the Pelagar)
Alonso Derubies Review the SDF DC 60 (61 + 9(Alonso Derubies martial) + 5*2(assigned stealth operatives)= 80/60 Success)
I met with Commodore Carias Tibecles aboard her Dauntless Class light cruiser the Blessed Fang. She showed me her armsmen and voidsmen being led through a training excursive, and proceeded to request a meeting with you in person. ( Can now train Voidsmen and armsmen. Commodore Tibecles requests a meeting in person.)
Gelli Strocus Examine the infrastructure DC 40 (55 + 18( Gelli Strocus martial) + 5*2(assigned stealth operatives)= 83 Major Success
Governor Destin's first order to me was to study the infrastructure of Respa III. Thankfully he had these two lovely operatives assist me.
( Gained Project: Repair rail lines)( Gained Project: Repair Roads)( Gained Project: Repair Harbors)( Gained Project: Repair farming equipment)
Harran Elhaji Look for talent DC 60 (43 + 19(Harran Elhaji Intrigue) + 5*2 (assigned stealth operatives)= 72/60 success)
Looking for talent is a very interesting process by which I sit and go through documents and hope to find someone.
--- Investigate the Cult DC 40/80/120/??? (94 + 19(Harran Elhaji Intrigue) + 5*2 (assigned stealth operatives)= 123 + 92 + 19(Harran Elhaji Intrigue) + 5*2 (assigned stealth operatives)= 254 + 66 + 19(Harran Elhaji Intrigue) + 5*2 (assigned stealth operatives)= 349 + 58 + 19(Harran Elhaji Intrigue) + 5*2 (assigned stealth operatives)= 436 + 42 + 19(Harran Elhaji Intrigue) + 5*2 (assigned stealth operatives)= 501 + 37 + 19(Harran Elhaji Intrigue) + 5*2 (assigned stealth operatives)= 567/250 Major Success
While looking for talent I came upon a dossier of one of the members of the cult and who he had been in contact with...
(Gained extremely stable lead on members of the cult and how they got their equipment.)( Harran Elhaji gains trait: Follow the trail(when going over written records + 20 to all rolls)
Dewyer persyn Meet with the local priests DC 40 (75 + 9(Dewyer Persyn Faith)= 80/40 Major Success)
The faith of this planet appears strong if slightly strained, thankfully I have worked with worse and shall uplift the populace...
(Dewyer Persyn begins Monthly Sermons)
Genator Cerra
Break the gate Convince DC 80/160 (79 + 9(Genator Cerra Learning) + 4(Ferund Destin Learning) + 5*4(assigned stealth operatives)= 112 + 43 + 9(Genator Cerra Learning) + 4(Ferund Destin Learning) + 5*4(assigned stealth operatives)= 188/160 Success
At the orders of the lord Governor I began attempting to gain access to the Ancient Laboratorium. While difficult thanks to the assistance of both the Governor and the operatives with us I managed to appease the machine spirit and gain entry and what a site it was to behold...
(Gained access to the Research Facility entry)( Gained special project: access Terminal)( Gained special project: access lifts)( Gained special project: access security)(Relation with Genator Cerra set to Respected)
Words cannot describe how hilarious this turn is but I can try. I swear, we're going to have this system declared "Strategic Value [Absolute]" by the time our character either retires or dies (and those two aren't mutually exclusive sadly).
So... to keep this thread (and the QM's motivation) going, what are our plans for our planet and the sub-sector? How far are we willing to go to improve them?
Personally, I want us to go full Avernus/Callamus/Apriori but that may not be feasable depending on the timescale and scope we're working at.