Month 5 Results
- Location
- Earth
[X] Setting it up
-[X] Research Sub-Sector Factions DC 20 (Gain an idea of the local factions of The Helican Sub Sector )
-[X] Contact the SDF and bring them under your command (Gain SDF overview)
-[X] Train Agents DC 20/40/60 (train stealth based intrigue agents.)
-[X] Devote time (Gain an action in another category)
--[X] Stewardship
---[X] Examine documentation of Respa II DC 20/60/100 (Respa II Information becomes available)
-[X] Research Sub-Sector Factions DC 20 (Gain an idea of the local factions of The Helican Sub Sector )
-[X] Contact the SDF and bring them under your command (Gain SDF overview)
-[X] Train Agents DC 20/40/60 (train stealth based intrigue agents.)
-[X] Devote time (Gain an action in another category)
--[X] Stewardship
---[X] Examine documentation of Respa II DC 20/60/100 (Respa II Information becomes available)
Research Sub-Sector Factions DC 20 (Gain an idea of the local factions of The Helican Sub Sector ) 87 + 6 (Gratian Strab diplomacy) 93/20 Mega Success
Gratian Spent the Month reaching out to every organization in the Helican sub sector and your status with them
Thracian Primaris ( Major Hive World Population 22,000,000,000) (Neutral)
Gudrun (Capital world) (Favorable)
Anemae Gulfworld (Civilized world) (Neutral)
Messina (Civilized world) (Neutral)
Mariam (Feudal world) (Neutral)
Bonaventure (Civilized world) (Neutral)
Hubris (Death world) (Neutral)
Contact the SDF and bring them under your command (Gain SDF overview) 83 + 9(Alonso Derubies Martial) 92/Na autosuccess
Alonso manages to contact the SDF and gain command over them. (Gain command of the SDF)
Train Agents DC 20/40/60 (train stealth based intrigue agents.) 53 + 19(Harran Elhaji Intrigue) 72/60 success
Harran Elhaji managed to train several high quality agents (Gain 5 Highly trained stealth agents)
Examine documentation of Respa II DC 20/60/100 (Respa II Information becomes available) 97 + 5 = 102/100 success
not only did you manage to find all official documentation of Respa II but also managed to learn that officially it belongs to the mechanicus.