Planetary Governor in the Helican Sub-sector (Warhammer 40K Planetary Governor quest)

Month 5 Results
[X] Setting it up
-[X] Research Sub-Sector Factions DC 20 (Gain an idea of the local factions of The Helican Sub Sector )
-[X] Contact the SDF and bring them under your command (Gain SDF overview)
-[X] Train Agents DC 20/40/60 (train stealth based intrigue agents.)
-[X] Devote time (Gain an action in another category)
--[X] Stewardship
---[X] Examine documentation of Respa II DC 20/60/100 (Respa II Information becomes available)

Research Sub-Sector Factions DC 20 (Gain an idea of the local factions of The Helican Sub Sector ) 87 + 6 (Gratian Strab diplomacy) 93/20 Mega Success
Gratian Spent the Month reaching out to every organization in the Helican sub sector and your status with them
Thracian Primaris ( Major Hive World Population 22,000,000,000) (Neutral)
Gudrun (Capital world) (Favorable)
Anemae Gulfworld (Civilized world) (Neutral)
Messina (Civilized world) (Neutral)
Mariam (Feudal world) (Neutral)
Bonaventure (Civilized world) (Neutral)
Hubris (Death world) (Neutral)

Contact the SDF and bring them under your command (Gain SDF overview) 83 + 9(Alonso Derubies Martial) 92/Na autosuccess
Alonso manages to contact the SDF and gain command over them. (Gain command of the SDF)

Train Agents DC 20/40/60 (train stealth based intrigue agents.) 53 + 19(Harran Elhaji Intrigue) 72/60 success
Harran Elhaji managed to train several high quality agents (Gain 5 Highly trained stealth agents)

Examine documentation of Respa II DC 20/60/100 (Respa II Information becomes available) 97 + 5 = 102/100 success

not only did you manage to find all official documentation of Respa II but also managed to learn that officially it belongs to the mechanicus.
Damn...! Our rolls are ridiculously good!

Let's hope luck stays with us during our buildup before the inevitable 'chaos/xeno/[insert horrible threats name]' invasion occurs.
So, if we had rolled a 20 or less, would we have even known that there were other planets in the sub-sector? Maybe we can hope that these are the only copies regarding the ownership of the planet and we could just, you know, burn them?
one mediocre roll, that was elevated by our OP spymaster and the rest all over 90 with boni.
Nurgle, I have to ask, are you secretly Tzeentch and just deceiving us of being Nurgle?
Because these rolls are just ridiciulous.
Month 6
State of the local PDF 38% Intact
State of the local Infrastructure 49% Intact (Malus Primitive)
State of the local Production 54% Intact
State of the local Faith 82% Intact
State of Law Enforcement 80% Intact
State of the Military network 100% Intact

Diplomacy Actions (One action)

[ ] Research Sector Factions DC 60 (Gain an idea of the local factions of The Scarus Sector)
[ ] Contact the sector government to provide a report DC 30 (Provide a report to the sector goverment)
[ ] Contact the sub sector goverment to introduce yourselves DC 20 (Provides interation options)

Martial Actions (One action)
[ ] Review the SDF DC 60 (Gain access to training SDF regiments)
[ ] Drill a Regiment DC 40 (Raise a Regiments Training level)
- [ ] 1st Respa III
- [ ] 4th Respa III
[ ] Train a Regiment DC 40 ( Train a new regiment for the local PDF)

Stewardship Actions (Zero actions)
[ ] Examine Trade Deals DC 60 ( Learn what trade deals the former governor held)
[ ] Examine the infrastructure DC 80 ( Study the infrastructure of Respa III)
[ ] Contact the Mechanicus of Respa II DC 120 (???)

Intrigue Actions (One actions)
[ ] Train Agents DC 20/40/60 (train stealth based intrigue agents.)
[ ] Look for talent DC 60 (Learn if there is anyone with particular skills you might find useful)
[ ] Investigate the Cult DC 40/80/120/??? (attempt to learn more about the cult that killed the previous governor)

Faith Actions (Zero actions)
[ ] Meet with the local priests DC 40 (Meet with the leaders of the Imperial cult on Respa III)
[ ] Investigate the local faith DC 80 (Learn the state of the faith on Respa III)
[ ] Preach to the masses DC 60 ( Raise the Moral on Respa III)

Learning Actions (Zero actions)
[ ] Investigate the tech level of Respa III DC 80 (Learn the overall tech level of Respa III)
[ ] Investigate Mechanicus Presence on Respa III DC 40/80 (Learn of the local Mechanicus presence on Respa III)
[ ] Investigae the PDF's Equipment DC 20/80 (Learn what quality equipment the PDF is working with)

Personal Actions (One Action)
[ ] Devote time (Gain an action in another category)
- [ ] Diplomacy
- [ ] Martial
- [ ] Stewardship
- [ ] Intrigue
- [ ] Faith
- [ ] Learning

Capitol: Saint Kalendra Asceline +6'000 Thrones
Heresy's End +50 Foodstuff's
Judgement +50 Foodstuff's
Rolling Fields +50 Foodstuff's
Summer's Rest +50 Foodstuff's
Faithful Fields +50 Foodstuff's
Harvest +50 Foodstuff's
Spring's Tide +50 Foodstuff's
Springfield +50 Foodstuff's
Emperor's Bounty +50 Foodstuff's
Siesta +50 Foodstuff's
Grayson +50 Foodstuff's
Haversack +50 Foodstuff's
[X] Plan What's going on
-[X] Contact the sub sector goverment to introduce yourselves DC 20 (Provides interation options)
-[X] Train a Regiment DC 40 ( Train a new regiment for the local PDF)
-[X] Look for talent DC 60 (Learn if there is anyone with particular skills you might find useful)
-[X] Devote time (Gain an action in another category)
--[X] Stewardship
---[X] Examine Trade Deals DC 60 ( Learn what trade deals the former governor held)
[X]Plan Revenge part 1
[X]Research Sector Factions DC 60 (Gain an idea of the local factions of The Scarus Sector)
[X] Train a Regiment DC 40 ( Train a new regiment for the local PDF)
[X] Investigate the Cult DC 40/80/120/??? (attempt to learn more about the cult that killed the previous governor)
[X] Devote time (Gain an action in another category)
--[X] Stewardship
---[X] Examine Trade Deals DC 60 ( Learn what trade deals the former governor held)
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[X]Plan James Bond
[X]Research Sector Factions DC 60 (Gain an idea of the local factions of The Scarus Sector)
[X] Train a Regiment DC 40 ( Train a new regiment for the local PDF)
[X] Train Agents DC 20/40/60 (train stealth based intrigue agents.)
[X] Devote time (Gain an action in another category)
--[X] Stewardship
---[X] Examine Trade Deals DC 60 ( Learn what trade deals the former governor held)
Why do we need more agents? We picked up 5 quality agents last turn.
Month 6 Results
[X] Plan What's going on
-[X] Contact the sub sector government to introduce yourselves DC 20 (Provides interaction options)
-[X] Train a Regiment DC 40 ( Train a new regiment for the local PDF)
-[X] Look for talent DC 60 (Learn if there is anyone with particular skills you might find useful)
-[X] Devote time (Gain an action in another category)
--[X] Stewardship
---[X] Examine Trade Deals DC 60 ( Learn what trade deals the former governor held

[X] Contact the sub sector government to introduce yourselves DC 20 (Provides interaction options) 98 + 6 (Gratian Strab Diplomacy)= 104 + 46 = 150/20 Ultra Success
Gratian comes back to you with more than you expected rather than the simple platitudes that were standard when a new governor took over you had received amazing news due to the state of the planet at the moment you would have 3 years till the next time you have to pay the tithe, And some rather disturbing news it seems that a high ranking inquisitor has taken an interest in your new domain... Continued in Respa's Strength (Gained tithe countdown currently 30 Months)

[X] Train a Regiment DC 40 ( Train a new regiment for the local PDF) 30 + 9 (Alonso Derubies martial) 39/40
Alonso come's to you bearing bad news the people of Respa III are very much so not fighters despite not needing the Imperial army to drive off a greater deamon he thinks that there is something else going on here... Continued in Respa's Strength

[X] Look for talent DC 60 (Learn if there is anyone with particular skills you might find useful) 98 + 19( Harran Elhaji Intrigue) = 117 + 96 = 213 + 51 = 264 Ultra Success
Harran's report lands on your desk one day simply stating that he has someone to show you... Continued in Respa's Strength

[X] Examine Trade Deals DC 60 ( Learn what trade deals the former governor held) 81 + 5( Ferund Destin stewardship) = 86 /60
Every Trade deal the former governor had seems to be a standard food for resources deal except one where a odd ship would come and pick up some people for some reason that you can't find and strangely enough you can't find a reason why... Continued in Respa's Strength
what this a intrigue world or something?!?

fight off a GD...but still suck at combat...did they tzeentchian/alpha legion bullshit it away or something?
some cultists used some barbed wire to pleasure themselves and got a greater demon?
I have no clue how they managed that and I have the weird feeling that if we didn't have all those super successes, then our planet would have already imploded on itself.
One failure and a Greater freaking demon rears it's head. Jesus Christ that is concerning.
If we didn't have Sage Dice than this planet would have been doomed by some random puppy opening a warp portal straight to Mortarion.
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Respa's Strength part 1
A/N I am so sorry I got a new laptop and can finally play skyrim again so I got a bit distracted.... anyway here it is
Alonso Derubies
I had hoped for a simple retirement a nice farm on an Agri world away from the chaos and terror of the front lines. I thought I knew what I was doing but farming was nowhere near as simple as it looked. Although the farming servitor may have played a part in that, either way this planet was no agriworld there was nowhere near enough food production. Is it any wonder I wanted to return to what I knew?

Sadly my position only confirmed my suspicions the food production was barely above a civilized world and the solders were mostly drafted enforcers. Thankfully Governor Destin came through with the Tauros allowing me to mechanize a regiment. But when I was supposed to train a regiment the damned recruits were almost afraid to touch their weapons till I ordered them to...
Gratian Strab
While the Sub sector Governor had been pleasant enough his warning to Governor Destin was odd normally a warning like that would be very dangerous for both the sender and recipient...
Harran Elhaji (???)
While you were confused when your master sent you here but it was not your place to question him. when you found out that another high inquisitor had taken an interest in this backwater before he had died apparently to a greater Deamon on this very planet, and you think you may have figured out why...
Ferund Destin
You were confused not only had you advisors reports been very concerning, your own investigation was even more so a ship that took people every year and dropped other off in return? What is going on here? At least Harran had said he found something, but before that you had a High inquisitor to greet... Some how.

[ ] Write in welcome party composition (who is coming to greet the inquisitor)
[X] Ferund Destin, Harran Elhaji, Alonso Derubies, Gratian Strab, Ginnon Dibei, alongside an honor guard of 20 men.

We are a governor of an agri-world with 400k people, there are ships with more inhabitants than we have. The Inquisitor is not going to be impressed by anything we do, so lets just do the minimum of posing with the guns, but show him that we take him serious.
[X] Ferund Destin, Harran Elhaji, Alonso Derubies, Gratian Strab, Ginnon Dibei, alongside an honor guard of 20 men.
[X] Ferund Destin, Harran Elhaji, Alonso Derubies, Gratian Strab, Ginnon Dibei, alongside an honor guard of 20 men.
Respa's strength part 2
[X] Ferund Destin, Harran Elhaji, Alonso Derubies, Gratian Strab, Ginnon Dibei, alongside an honor guard of 20 men.
Lord Inquisitor Jumedes Cynos
Lazetan had left very little reasoning of his sudden departure to this planet and Agent had not informed me of anything yet. Although a greater deamon is a true threat he simply should have informed the Ordo Malleus he had no business being here unless he had found something...
Ferund Destin
The inquisitor asks you to tell him everything that has happened since you arrived and you
[ ] tell him everything
[ ] skim over parts
[ ] don't tell him
-[ ] write in
(pick any number)
[ ] offer to have your advisors tell him their portion
[ ] offer anything you can
[ ] offer to give him a tour of the capital city