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Taylor gets The Forge in the locker
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Rules and concept
I have returned from the dead! Huzzah!

In all seriousness I'm currently stuck in a motel room with a crappy little phone and am slowly going insane with my muse screaming in my ear. So on to the writing.

I'll be using Celestial Forge v3 for my stuffs with 100 points every 1,500 words (not a final number yet) and rolling every time I get points. Rerolls for anything that is completely impossible to use, for a completely random example; rerolling Transformers tech when I have no way to acquire Cybertronium. Additionally all rolls during interludes count as misses, the first two perks are predetermined by me, and word count starts after the prologue.

I will also probably be reformatting when I get a decent computer so don't scream at me for that just yet.

Incidentally does anybody have a link to v3 forge that opens on a mobile?
Prologue/Locker Scene

Those Bitches! This is horrendously disgusting! How the hell did they even pull this off!?

"Come look everybody, clumsy Taylor tripped and fell into her locker." That would be Emma signalling her sycophants to titter in the hall, followed shortly by what must be an entire classroom's worth of dickheads following suit.

"Let me out! Let me out! Somebody let me out!" Oh God there are things crawling around in here. And now that I'm breathing I think I'm gonna have to puke.

"Yeah, no, that's not gonna happen." That would be Sophia raising her voice at the crowd followed by some jiggling of the locker. Is it over? Am I being let out? My stomach drops and panic sets in as I hear a lock click in place.

"No no no no no!!! Let me out!! Let me out!! Let me out!!" I start thrashing around and start screaming incoherently.

"Now remember boys and girls" says Emma in a singsong voice. "nobody ruin the fun here unless you want to be next." I continue to thrash around and scream and beg for help to no effect. Only blind panic instinct keeps me going on that front. Nobody ever helps at Winslow.

It's been at least two periods now, and I've screamed myself hoarse. There's vomit down my front, my limbs are scraped raw and stinging from whatever crap they put in here, and the bugs have started trying for my nose mouth and eyes. I've taken to
conserving my voice for when I hear somebody walk by. Hopefully somebody lets me out or calls 911 before I thirst to death in here. Knowing this place I'm not holding my breath.

Oh fuck shit what?! Where am I? How did I get here? Oh God no! It wasn't a dream? I'm still trapped in this fucking nightmare!? Son of a bitch, there's the pain again. The bugs have made their horrendous progress into eating me alive. Fuck me. Well at least I won't thirst to death. I get the horrible options of blood loss or infection. I start screaming again.

Huh? Whas goin' on? Am I dead yet?


Who's there?




-oops, sorry there. Didn't mean to bump into you like that.-


-Now now, I've apologized here. No need to get all huffy with me-


-Stop that. Now-


-Well don't say I didn't warn you.-


-Honestly the nerve of some people.-


-What even are you?-


-Well guess it doesn't matter now. Hey little girl, why are you in the shitbox?-


-Wow, you are really out of it. Let's see what's going on here-


-Wow this world is fucked up, let's fast forward a bit here, see what shakes out.-


-You save their worthless asses and they do what to you!? THIS IS NOT TO BE BORN!! Ahem, please excuse the outburst. I do get ever so emotional about these things. Now I'm not gonna leave you alone in such a dangerous world. Take this!-

Oh good its over. No traces of any more extradimensional bullshit. Oh wait no I spoke too soon. Some kind of weird curtain is pulling back revealing suchbeautifulworksofartthatbuildandbuildthesourcecodeoftheuniverseohgodtheresmoresuchhorrifyingandbeautifullsecretswhyisthishappeningtomeitburnsitburnsitburnsitburnsitburnsitburnsitburnsitburnaitburnsitburnsitburns

POV Coil
This is interesting. The PRT got called in to Winslow for a fresh trigger. Particularly nasty one too. All audio recordings of this Hebert girl for approximately 2 hours after she was cut out of the locker have been classified as a cognitohazard and been sealed away. Let's not touch that.

Second-hand reports indicate she was babbling nonstop about the secrets of the universe and Eldritch abominations. Absolutely loony. More observation needed to determine if she's useful or not. Either way I should be able to twist this to my advantage.

Abilities Gained:

Efficiency (Lego: Ninjango) 400:
Waste not, want not! Not with this, anyway – whether building machines or making quick moves in combat, you'll never unintentionally use more energy, materials, or flourish than you need to.

QA's Salvaged Corpse (Worm) custom: Host species is so silly and primitive. They can't even manipulate gravity, destroy planets, or transdimensionally displace themselves. The weirdest thing about them is how they communicate: Meat flapping their respiratory system to shape sound waves. Uggh. That's ok, Host species isn't meant to be perfect, they're meant to be tools. With my help Host will be an excellent administrator. No amount of simultaneous tasks done mentally will be out of reach for lucky Host organism.

Edit: AN: feedback please?
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OMFG, did you just hallowed the Public Relations Team and the Protectorade(Cauldron's bitches) to get their hands on a Celestial forge wielding Taylor Hebert?!!!
I mean seriously, those guys can't be trusted with a water gun, much lest the power they wield, enough said.
OMFG, did you just hallowed the Public Relations Team and the Protectorade(Cauldron's bitches) to get their hands on a Celestial forge wielding Taylor Hebert?!!!
I mean seriously, those guys can't be trusted with a water gun, much lest the power they wield, enough said.

I don't trust those guys with a water gun either, don't sweat it. All anybody knows as far as Taylor goes is a nonstandard trigger happened like with MM
Wondering who intervened in the Shard deployment. At first I thought it was Taylor, due to the 'Am I finally dead' line. But then they asked who Taylor was and why She was in the locker.
I see someone didn't want to inflate their word count too much with Taylor's post-trigger babble.

Feedback? Well, it was a standard locker scene. Unless the -speaker- from the fourth segment is a recurring character, you could've omitted almost everything before the Coil PoV and moved what you didn't omit into Coil's summary of the report, and the story probably wouldn't suffer at all for it in the eyes of a reader familiar with locker scene cliches.
Always willing to try out a new Forge story. They can have the MC go OP fast so it's often a case of how the author handles that. We shall see.
Chapter 1: In Which Danny Is Competent
Neverending nightmare of light and dark and wonder. Nothing will ever be the same and I am afraid of it. The Forge Bringer does not answer my calls and-

My eyes open to a bleary hooded figure leaning down at me.

"This has to have been my strangest case all day Mr. Hebert." Dad's here? "Advanced sepsis with absolutely filthy materials, multiple lacerations, and several bugs burrowed into her flesh. Mark that down nurse. Will there be anything else Miss Militia?" Miss Militia? What's going on here?

"Is she awake?" An unfamiliar voice.

"She's awake." I don't wanna be awake. I close my eyes to the unfathomable complexity of the Forge in all its fractal glory- I open my eyes again. Dafuq was that?

"Brain activity spiked." Says the figure I now recognize as Panacea. "Visual, balance, and emotional centers just about had a fuckin' seizure for a second there." Uummm...

"Taylor! Taylor honey, are you all right?" I turn my head to see my dad rush up to my bed with a familiar looking patriotic hero right next to him.

"Dad?" I look around some more, recognizing some machinery like the heartbeat monitors. "Why am I in a hospital?" Miss Militia beats him to the punch on this.

"You triggered in the locker Taylor." The locker? Oh God the locker. "We're not interested in that. "What we want to know is what you saw afterwards." I close my eyes in contemplation and behold the unbound terror of wonder- My eyes shoot open with my blood thundering in my ears.

"Brainstorm happened again." From Panacea. I look down to her holding my hand. I'm just about crushing hers.

"I don't like thinking about what I saw in the locker." As I let go of my vice grip of Panacea. She backs off and rubs her hand.

"I'm gonna have to recommend not pursuing that line of questioning." And she leaves the room. Miss Militia glares at her slightly as she leaves.

"Be that as it may certain parties are very interested in what you had to say after you were cut out of your locker." I open my mouth to speak but dad cuts me off this time.

"Are you shitting me!?" He yells "Not two minutes after she wakes up recovering from a major trauma, and you're giving her the third degree when she should be on strict bedrest!! Get the fuck out!!" As he bodily blocks her from me. Her weapon starts to rapidly shift around.

"Mr. Hebert please, you're being unreasonable. This is just a routine questioning." As he continues to back her out.

"The fuck it is! You are questioning a masked cape in her civilian identity, who is also a minor without her guardian's consent. I'll say it again just for clarity. Get the FUCK out!!" As he slams the door in her face. Wow. I haven't seen dad that angry in years. Then he turns back to me. Gulp.

"I'm sorry you had to see that Taylor, its just that today has been such a stressful day." He sits down and rubs his forehead. "Taylor why have you been keeping secrets from me?" Oh shit. I can only think of a couple of things that could be and none of them good. I put on my best smile and open my mouth.

"None of that now Taylor, I Know that face. I found your journals. They weren't well hidden. Now give me one good reason I shouldn't go over to Alan's now that you're awake and rip his fuckin' head off." He asks with a snarl. I find myself a bit stunned.

"Because it won't help Dad." I manage to spit out. "You'll just get arrested and leave me without anything." A little manipulative I'll admit, but its true. That just won't help out either of us in the long run. "Now why the hell does the PRT think I'm a parahuman?"

"Because you are one. The janitor in your school found you in your locker radiating several spatial warping effects and babbling migraine inducing sounds. He called the PRT, and by the time they arrived that all settled down mostly, but your non euclidean chanting wasn't much better."

"Non euclidean chanting?" He shrugs

"That's what they told me over the phone, and they haven't let me listen to any of it yet. Then Panacea confirmed it to make sure you weren't just mastered somehow." Well shit.

"Dad, I understand you being angry, but we can't let this get us down. If they can twist the official reaction to this to something that makes our family suffer more they win. And that's completely unacceptable. We need to approach this from an oblique angle to actually turn this around on them." He sinks down in his chair to contemplate for a few seconds.

"There may be something to that. I'll need to pull you out of school for the rest of the week for research purposes. Now onto the next topic. What are your thoughts on the wards?" I make a face.

"I don't know what everybody thinks my power is, but I'm just a real weird thinker. I don't think I could be any kind of useful either in combat or analysis. Best I could do is foil a mugging or do some better math."

"And all that reality warping jazz at Winslow or whatever happens when you close your eyes?"

"I don't remember a thing after I blacked out in the locker." And its true. "Panacea said I had sepsis, right? Did I have a fever when I came in?" Dad puts his poker face on

"You had a very high fever when you came in." He does not elaborate.

"Okay. I don't think I'll be able to replicate any of what I did in the school. Now what I see behind my eyes..." I close them for a split second before opening them up in a great big hurry. "It's quite literally indescribable. And I don't see how I could use it at all."

He contemplates a bit more before coming to a decision. "All right, I'm checking you out tonight. All you'll need now is bedrest and food and you can get all that at home. Let's move out."

AN: world building going good?
World building good, but by Christ what is Miss Militia smoking here? She's showing less tact than Armsmaster when dealing with a recently traumatized and very recently healed 15 year old, digging into the details of a Trigger event when it is almost literally causing the victim seizures.

Danny's anger here is also understandable, but it might be more helpful if he had saved the interrogation about her journals and the bullying for after her recovery from a near-death experience.
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She saw something, Cualdron probably pushed MM here to see what she saw. Goverment probably pushed it. The strange chanting, and space flucations probably made alot of people a bit scared
She saw something, Cualdron probably pushed MM here to see what she saw. Goverment probably pushed it. The strange chanting, and space flucations probably made alot of people a bit scared

I mean maybe she did see something, and it is possible that Cauldron is shoving their snout in (though frankly I'd hope not, this early in the story) but MM's behaviour here is still terrible, and I hope she gets formally called out for it within the story at some point.
Chapter 2: Growing Pains
Me and Dad got home at 10PM all things considered. We had a start point at about 7PM and most of that time was filling out paperwork for early release. Hospitals really take their ass covering seriously in that regard.

We agreed to call it a night and headed off to bed. This is when I had a problem. Whenever I close my eyes I can only see the bleeding edge of beauty evolving through the masterpieces- Oh God could that shit just stop being so bright? So I went downstairs, popped in a workout video and proceeded to attempt to exhaust myself into unconsciousness. This did not go as planned as dad came down to see what all the racket was about. This got me unexpected pity points as he fed me two sleeping pills and put cartoons on.

I woke up at 10 in the morning in my own bed in a slight panic until I remembered something vague about Dad pulling me from school for a while. I went downstairs to find Dad making sandwiches and yelling something vaguely threatening into the phone at someone.

"You know what? I'll call you back later, something came up on my end." He hangs up the phone. "Taylor! Pick a sandwich any sandwich. I've managed to chase down a few leads for our legal options to untangle this rats nest." I take a pickleloaf mustard sandwich on wheat.

"That's nice Dad." I take a bite.

"Now this first bit I learned when a union member got caught on camera passing out and pissing himself in a random school hallway. Client defaulted on the payment, we contested based on illegal recordings and we lost based on the court doctrine of expectation of privacy. Specifically the lack of it on public sidewalks, police stations, schools, and basically anywhere else that security cameras are expected and labeled to be." I finish the sandwich. "The point of this being you should be able to collect video evidence at the school without it coming back to bite us in the ass. I'll be checking with a lawyer on the details, but you should be clear in most cases there."

"We can afford a lawyer?"

"This is an investment into your safety and sanity Taylor, of course we can afford it." He says seriously. I have my doubts about that, but I don't let them show. "Besides, with what you have so far with your notebooks there's a good chance somebody will want to take this up on contingency." I widen my eyes

"Somebody taking my side? That'll be a first." Dad skips a beat making his PB&J.

"So what are your powers?"

"Multitasking and efficiency of movement."

"That sounds useful. You say that's useless in a fight?"

"Absolutely. I might be able to take out a few normals, but I'm absolutely fu- er useless in a cape fight. Those are the only ones I see making any kind of difference in this town." Dad seems amused. Then far less amused as my eyes roll back up and the floor comes up to smack me in the head. The reason for this becomes apparent as my eyes close and I see a bright burning light from the Forge larger than my torso attempting to squeeze itself into my head through my eyeballs. This is not a pleasant experience. After a period of time no greater than three hours the Bright Starlight gives up this exercise in frustration and floats back up to the Expanse.

"Taylor! Taylor!? Come on speak to me honey. I don't want to have to call an ambulance here." I open my eyes back up and look at him.

"How long was I out?" He looks immensely relieved.

"A couple seconds honey, what the hell happened!? Do we need to bring you back to the hospital?"

"No no no dad!" I flounder. No way am I going back there without a better reason than this. Being stuck in a hospital bed doing nothing sounds like my own personal hell. "That was just my power. It tried to do something and failed."

"Do I need to call the PRT?" That's even worse!

"No no Dad, it's ok really. I get that you're worried about me" For once. No no, bad Taylor. Those thoughts lead to angst and depression. "but I don't think you should be worrying about this. Nothing even happened." I stand up and brush myself down. "See?"

"Taylor." He groans. "I wouldn't call fainting nothing."

"Dad don't worry about it, it was a non-event. I'll be fine." He looks unconvinced. "Look if it happens again we can be worried, but until then it's just a tangled mess of unknowns okay?" He slowly nods at that.

"Okay. As long as you tell me if it happens again, alright?" I nod. "Good, now back to what I was going to say earlier, I'm gonna have some of the boys down at the docks start teaching you how to fight." I perk up at that. "Got your attention do I? Well, you're certainly old enough to where I have to worry about more than just the complete psychopaths taking an interest in you. Should keep you out of trouble after school at least."

"What will I be learning?"

"Both Judo and Mui Thai. Then homework and then exercise to tire you out for bedtime." I smile at him

"Thanks Dad, this no closing my eyes thing is a hot load of bullshit. I already don't want anything to do with it anymore."

"It is what it is, we'll adapt. Now go watch cartoons or something while I arrange everything. I got a lot of work ahead of me today."

AN: Taylor got hit over the head with the 600CP beatstick. Don't worry guys she'll adjust after she om nom noms some nodes
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I am annoyed you made her a public trigger with how slow the forge is to build up in the beginning. Coil should not have learned about her this early.

Other than that I hope u get rid of the trio quickly. The drama from always annoys me in fanfics. They r not worth ur time tbh when the forge has so many abilities to talk about.

U could go over the perks she got in the last chapters.
It's been confusing so far but I think it does show promise so I'll tag along for now.
A good, new take on the forge into a human mind, and nice introducing Coil as the initial/primary antagonist. He's always a good one, but unless the forge has some power interaction that affects his, he's just in such an 'I win' situation that it'll take significant shenannigans to avoid his steamrolling the Heberts. I look forward to seeing how things turn out.