Order of the Hunter (Diablo 3/CK2 Quest)

[X] Sescheron
This place is a city right? We retake it, inform the barbarians and ask for the right to base the order out of it in exchange for our liberating the city and helping to reclaim the resources surrounding the city.
[X] Sescheron

You need to have a well established base to start with, and then expand into the random towns with more resources.
Turn One
Turn One (unbetaed)

"Priest is right." You finally say "We need to send a statement that we are more than murderers and butchers. We need to remind the world of the danger of the Burning Hells yet also give them hope. Retaking Seschron will be that statement." Your advisors are silent at this. Until Renit straightens up simply says.

"Well, in that case we have work to do."

GM Note: Due to the inconsistency of how many months there are in a year, as well as how many days are in each month, we will be using the modern calendar. As such, each turn will last half a year, or six months.

Current Gold: 2000

Current Forces:

Note: Hunters have no uniform training. They are trained in whatever forms fit them best. As such there are three categories.

Ranked bonuses: Terrible: -10 to roll, Poor: -5 to roll, Decent: 0 to roll, Good: +5 to Roll, Excellent: +10 to roll

Melee Hunters: 500 (Decent Attack, Decent Defense, Special: Demonic Hatred) Upkeep: 10 Gold per 100 units
Ranged Hunters: 400 (Decent Attack, Poor Defense, Special: Demonic Hatred) Upkeep: 10 Gold per 100 units
Magical Hunters: 20 (Good Attack, Terrible Defense, Special: Demonic Hatred) Upkeep: 10 Gold per 10 units

Total upkeep: 110 Gold

Troop Traits: Demonic Hatred: When faced with Demons or Servants of the Burning Hells unit will gain +10 to all rolls but will not retreat and will auto-pursue enemies unless pass a dice check

Martial: Renit is your marshal. As such he leads and trains your hunters. (Pick 2)

Probes: While adventurers have constantly entered Seschron in hopes of treasure those that do leave rarely have any information on numbers of demons inside beside, many. Renit wants to send a few hunters into Seschron to get a better idea of those numbers as well as establish a beachhead to send culling parties to bring that number down. Chances: 70%

Cost: 1 Turn, 100 Gold
Reward: bonus to Liberation of Seschron

Patrol: The Dreadlands a teeming with Demons. Sending out a few patrols would not only provide your hunters with training but also bring in some Gold, demons and the like always have a thing for shinnies. Chances: 80%

Cost: 1 Turn, 20 Gold
Reward: 5d50 Gold, ???

Dungeon Diving: Demons and their ilk seem to congregate in caves and such. Clearing them out, while dangerous, is always very rewarding. Chances: 50%

Cost: 1 Turn, 50 Gold
Reward: 5d100 Gold, ???

The Hunters Call: Your group isn't the only hunter band out there. There are Hunters spread out through Sanctuary searching for agents of the Burning Hells wherever they may be. But if you call, they will answer. The problem is finding them. Chances: 90%

Cost: 1 Turn, 100 Gold
Reward: 1d500 Melee Hunters, 1d500 Ranged Hunters, 1d20 Magical Hunters

Liberation of Seschron: It's time for Seschron to be reclaimed in the name of humanity. Let the purgation begin.

Cost: 100 Gold
Reward: Liberation of Seschron Interlude

Stewardship: Damien is, as always, your loyal quartermaster. He does his best with the little you have, which isn't much. (Pick 1)

Wagons of Supplies: Seschron has been a ruin of over 10 years. Rebuilding it will take more resources than you currently have. Damien wants to start stockpiling supplies to make the reconstruction easier.

Cost: 1 Turn, 200 Gold
Reward: 1 Turn bonus to all construction projects after Liberation of Seschron interlude.

Blacksmith: One thing that the order is truly lacking is a dedicated blacksmith to make repairs on your equipment. As such your hunters are forced to replace their equipment once their patchwork repairs fail. Recruiting a blacksmith that could not only maintain your equipment but improve upon it would be a god's send. Chances: 80%

Cost: 2 Turns, 50 Gold
Reward: +5 to construction, -10% to unit upkeep, research unlocked

Diplomacy: Warriv spent years traveling Sanctuary seeing things you only read in books. He's more than willing to put it to use serving you. (Pick 1)

Children of Bul-Kathos: Seschron was the capital of the Barbarian Tribes. As such the various tribes that still exist would no doubt jump at the chance to reclaim it. Granted that would open a whole new set of problems but that can be dealt with after Seschron is free.

Cost: 1 Turn, 50 Gold
Reward: Barbarian support in Liberation Seschron

Bastion Keep: Bastion's Keep is to some the last outpost of civilization before reaching the Dreadlands. As such the keep is home to a considerable garrison to prevent any of the demons that prowl there from moving south into Westmarch. While it would be impossible to consider the garrison joining you in marching on Serschron having friendly relations with them wouldn't hurt. Chances: 50%

Cost: 1 Turn 10 Gold
Reward: Relations with Bastion's Keep, Diplomatic options

Mercenaries and Adventurers: Throughout Sanctuary there are several bands of mercenaries, such as the Iron Wolf, and adventurers. Warriv thinks that with enough gold he could tempt a few into signing for the attack on Seschron. Chances: 60%

Cost: 2 Turns, 100 Gold
Reward: list of mercenaries and adventurers willing to work with you.

Intrigue: Natalya spent years watching the Mage Clans of Kehjan from the shadows for any sign of demonic corruption. you couldn't ask for a better spymaster. (Pick 1)

Last Outpost: Bastion's Keep is the last fortification connected to the rest of Sanctuary this far north. As such they receive more news and rumors than anywhere else in the Dreadlands. Natalya wants to place a few of her agents there to pick up whatever news and rumors reach it. Not only that but any army or band seeking you out will have to stop there, giving you advance warning.

Cost: 1 Turn, 10 Gold
Reward: News and rumors, early warning system

Scouting: 10 years of being a ruin has made any maps of Seschron useless. As such Natalya wishes to send in some of the more stealthy hunters to map it out and maybe remove any of the more intelligent demons. Chances: 60%

Cost: 1 Turn, 100 Gold
Reward: Bonus to Liberation of Seschron

Inquisitors: The agents of the Burning Hells are insidious. Natalya knows this. Many don't just pillage the countryside. They worm their way in the cracks and whisper their poison in the ears of lords and kings. Natalya says with some time she can train a few of your hunters to recognize these signs and how to counter them.

Cost: 2 Turns, 50 Gold
Reward: Counterintelligence, Inquisitors

Learning: As much as you wish to spend hours toiling away in your order's meger lab you can't. Thankfully Anya is more than able and willing. (Pick 2)

Potions: As an alchemist Anya is trained to create potions and slaves that have saved the lives of many of your hunters. However she's never had time to build up a sufficient stockpile for long campaigns. Before marching on Seschron it might be a good idea to fix that. Chances: 90%

Cost: 1 Turn, 20 Gold
Reward: Bonus to Liberation of Seschron

Local Herbs: When Mount Arreat was destroyed the ecosystem of the Northern Steppes was irrevocably changed. As such many of the planets and herbs in the area have been changed or mutated. Finding out what's been done to them will allow you to identify any threat they pose and any use you can get out of them. Chance of something good: 80%

Cost: 1 Turn, 10 Gold
Reward: ???

Chasing Cain: Anya, Warriv, even Natalya have nothing but good things to say about the man Deckard Cain: The Last Horadrim, Survivor of Tristram and companion to the adventurers who defeated the Prime Evil. Having such a man at your side would be a great boon to your order. You just have to find him first. Chances: 40%

Cost: 4 Turns, 500 Gold
Reward: to many to count. It's CAIN

Lost Knowledge: When you fled Khanduras you took with you several tomes and scrolls that were too valuable to destroy. Sadly, after joining the Demon Hunters you were too busy to go through them. Now might be a good time.

Cost: 2 Turn, 10 Gold
Reward: Inventory of what you have.

Piety: Priest is an enigma. But his knowledge of the various faiths of Sanctuary more than makes up for his secrets. (Pick 1)

New Cult: Priest reports that a growing number those who follow your camp, and a small number of hunters, have seem to take up a form of worship that he's never seen before. Which is worrying When dealing with the Burning Hells new forms of worship is something to be suspicious of and investigated thoroughly before any action is taken.

Cost: 1 Turn, 10 Gold
Reward: Information of new cult

The Light: In opposite to Demons stand the Angels and their Heavenly Light. While no one knows how this Light does it but it seems to do great damage and harm to Demons, something worth looking at.

Cost: 1 Turn, 20 Gold
Reward: ???

Templars: With the death of Mephisto and the revelation of the corruption within the Zakarum faith many Paladin orders have been disbanded in shame. In their place rose the Templar Order, sworn to protecting Sanctuary. Priest believes that these Templars would be of great help in the battles to come. Chances: 40%

Cost: 1 Turn, 50 Gold
Reward: Templars

Personal: You have precious little free time. You must use it well. (Pick 1)

The Rule of Two: Training to be a Demon Hunter is mostly through Master and Apprentice teaching. As the Grandmaster of the order it is your duty and privilege to insure your skills pass on to the next generation.

Cost: 1 turn, 10 Gold
Reward: +1 personal action, List of possible apprentices

Accounting: You don't have a head for numbers. Everyone knows that. While most find it amusing and somewhat comical, to you it's embarrassing having to rely on some else to make sure you aren't being screwed by merchants. Damien is willing to take some time to tutor you in order to fix this. Chances: 50%/75%/90%

Cost: 1 Turn, 10 Gold
Reward: +1/+2/+3 Stewardship

A World of Adventure: Just because you're the Grand Master doesn't mean you can't go on hunts yourself.

Cost: 1 Turn, 10 Gold
Reward: variable

The Book of Winchester: You have a dream, a vision of what the Demon Hunters could be. you also have the advice of countless Hunters. Committing all this to paper would greatly improve the training of your Hunters.

Cost: 1 Turn, 20 Gold
Reward: Book of Winchester: collection of advice and knowledge of countless hunters: +5 to Rolls
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[X] Probes
[X] The Hunters Call
[X] Blacksmith
[X] Children of Bul-Kathos
[X] Scouting
[X] Potions
[X] Local Herbs
[X] New Cult
[X] The Rule of Two
[X] Probes
[X] The Hunters Call
[X] Blacksmith
[X] Children of Bul-Kathos
[X] Scouting
[X] Potions
[x] Chasing Cain
[X] New Cult
[X] The Rule of Two

Plan cost: 940 gold

Also, @whydoesitmatter will we be able to do something like Doubling down on actions like in the Star wars: Rebellion quest?
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The winners are:

Martial Land:

The Hunters




Children of Bul-Kathos




Chasing Cain


New Cult


The Rule of Two

Voting for DD is now open.
Only thing that could use a double down is chasing cain, but that'd bankrupt us before we have any income.

[X] No DD