Order of the Hunter (Diablo 3/CK2 Quest)

Writings of Abd al-Hazir Part 1
Taken from the Writings of Abd al-Hazir

Entry 36: The Order of the Hunter

The next day the hunter who saved my life, Valla I learned she was named, invited me to travel with her to Sescheron; where I could meet with the grand master and truly understand their mission. Intrigued, I agreed. The trip itself was uneventful, save for Valla stopping to kill any demon that crossed our path, and we soon arrived at what was once the capital of the Barbarian people. I was amazed by what it is now. The city has become something that I can't even try to put into words. Upon our arrival we were met by a strange fellow called Abel Nightroad. The man quickly embraced Valla like she was his daughter and welcomed us into the city with a smile. Imagine my surprise when I learned that his cheerful man was in reality the grand master of the demon hunters. I soon found myself drawn into lengthy debate on the intricacies of the Zakarum faith that I greatly enjoyed. While I learned much within the walls of Sescheron the grand master, or Abel as he insisted I call him, regaled me with the inner workings of the demon hunters.

Initiate: Mostly orphans who are the sole survivor of a demon attack. They are trained by the master hunters. Initiates train in demonology and physical conditioning until hunter decides to take them on as their apprentice.

Apprentice: Made up of former Initiate's and the rare adult recruit who is already trained when they join. Apprentices travel with their master and aid them in the Hunt. Once their master decides they have completed their training they are considered full hunters ready to hunt alone and take on their own apprentice.

Hunter: The backbone of the order. hunters usually travel alone or with their Apprentice. hunters also occasionally gather around a master hunter forming a Hunting Band to target areas overrun with agents of the Burning Hells.

Master Hunter: After an undetermined amount of time a hunters may be given the chance of undertaking the Trial of Master-hood. What goes on in these trials are only known to the masters and grand master. What is known is that every trial is different. And that while failure is not an execution, it usually results in death. However should a hunters pass the trial, they are considered to be masters. It seems while the rank of master hunters appears largely bureaucratic. In reality they work just as much, if not harder than the regular hunters. Each master spends a time taking part in the Council of masters, of which I will explain later on, they are each assigned to a region, such as Khanduras, to which they are responsible for. This responsibility includes hunting down hunters who break their oath to the order and calling for a Hunting Band if they feel a Hunter's target require such.

Hunting Band: A collection of hunters and Apprentices lead by one or several master hunters. A Hunting Band is formed when a location, such as a ruin or cave overrun by demons, that cannot be handled by a single hunters. While a Hunting Band can be called by any master hunters responding to one is not required unless it is called by the grand master. In which case all hunters, regardless of rank, are to make for location at best speed.

Council of Masters: The council is made up of several master hunters and lead by the Marshall, the de-facto second in command of the order, The masters that make up the council are responsible for disseminating all information reported by hunters and deciding when a hunter is ready for the trial. Masters sitting on the council are not assigned a region to operate in but rather are responsible for the order as a whole

The Report/Pilgrimage: Every so often a hunter makes a pilgrimage to the Sescheron, the headquarters of their order, once there they report their accomplishments as well as any knowledge they have uncovered since their last report. While they are there they have the opportunity to reconnect with their fellows and select an apprentice should they so choose. It was only when I saw the city did I truly see a second purpose never talked about. Safety. The walls of Sescheron are constantly patrolled by its city guard and what can only be described as glowing wards cover them. It is only hear that a hunter truly feels safe enough to let down their guard. But soon that time comes to an end and they once more leave this place to undertake their Unending Hunt.

While waiting for the vote to end I came up with some lore for you guys. I'll probably be posting more of these to explain parts of the quest that would be to complicated or lore heavy to just put into the quest without killing the rhythm.

To those of you who don't know who Abd al-Hazir watch this.

And yes his voice was reading this out to me as I wrote it out. His voice kind of gets stuck in your head doesn't it?
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Liberation of Sescheron 2
Liberation of Sescheron 2

You decided that in the face of the Fallen Ones gaining new powers, and light knows how many Vile Children, a night attack would be the best strategy. With that in mind you send further scouts into the tunnel to get a better idea of how much use it can be.

From what they tell you the tunnel leads into what appears to be a small warehouse that can hold a hundred or so people. The warehouse is also located in what appears to be the middle of the city. As such you need to decide what forces to take.

[ ] Write in forces

Choose Targets:
GM: Note: You don't need to assign men to all three. Any not selected will be rolled for later on.

[ ] Vile Mothers: What Forces
By assassinating the Vile Mothers before the attack you can cut off Ghom's only form of reinforcements in the Vile Children. Chances: 60%

Reward: +10 to rest of interlude

[ ] Gate: What Forces
While taking the gate is a given as it lets you bring in the rest of your army the amount of forces you assign to taking it isn't. Chances: 80%

Reward: +20 to rest of interlude

[ ] Ghom: What Forces

There's an old saying about cutting off the head of a snake or some such. What is true is that the Fallen are cowards. By killing Ghom the unity of the Fallen will collapse to infighting and desertion. Also Priest strongly suggested that you personally see to his death. According to him Ghom possess something that will help with the Barbarians. Chances: 50%

Reward: +10 to rest of interlude

You also have the option of who to lead which parties.

GM Note: Can assign more than one hero to a task.

[ ] Renit

Renit is willing to lead one of the groups into the city. As your second his power is well known. But if he falls, you will lose a valued warrior and friend. Brings +10 to combat to assigned group

[ ] Natalya

With her skill at stealth Natalya would be a skilled warrior in this fight. But losing her at this stage would be disastrous. Brings +10 to stealth and +5 to combat to assigned group

[ ] Yourself

You are the grandmaster. You are the first in and the last out, always. Brings +10 to combat to assigned group.

Here it is. My Beta is back so this should be a lot better then the earlier posts. If anyone has any questions about this feel free to ask.
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What is our force list? the line
You also have the option of who to lead which parties.
suggests that the heroes are an optional addition meaning we are supposed to be assigning barbarians and hunter and the like on a fairly freeform basis, which is a bit daunting, also from initial posts
Melee Hunters: 629 (Decent Attack, Decent Defense, Special: Demonic Hatred) Upkeep: 10 Gold per 100 units
Ranged Hunters: 678 (Decent Attack, Poor Defense, Special: Demonic Hatred) Upkeep: 10 Gold per 100 units
Magical Hunters: 38 (Good Attack, Terrible Defense, Special: Demonic Hatred) Upkeep: 10 Gold per 10 units
That doesn't even list the barbarians. so can we get an updated list of our available forces for assignment here?


It is very tempting to go after ghom with all our heroes. it comes up to 75% chance of killing him with +10% stealth. If we win that it would be amazing (of course, we could still end up getting crushed by a luitenant that takes over) of course failing will hurt the most since we will be stranded deep behind enemy lines and probably lose our hero units. disastrous.

I am inclined for more conservative approaches, of which I can see two. either stacking all our heroes on the gate pincer to guarentee success (105% chance of success and +10 to stealth)... or split them up between gate and mothers.
The really nice thing is that if we do well on our initial stealth rolls they might not even notice that we took the gate and we would still get to then perform an assassination takedowns.

so, tentatively
[x] Gate - Renit, natalya, yourself
guarenteed success of gate maneuver with best stealth chance we can get that hopefully gives us a chance to strike out on a second target after taking the gate and before the enemy realizes we are invading and mobilizes to meet us
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Here's the updated force list as shown in the liberation of sescheron 1 post

629 Melee Hunters (Decent Attack, Decent Defense, Special: Demonic Hatred)
678 Ranged Hunters (Decent Attack, Poor Defense, Special: Demonic Hatred)
38 Magical Hunters (Good Attack, Terrible Defense, Special: Demonic Hatred)
5000 Barbarians (Melee Specialists) (Good Attack, Poor Defense, Special: Demonic Hatred, Unbreakable Morale)

As for number you can take with you, its 100. I guess I wasn't clear so sorry about that.
As for number you can take with you, its 100. I guess I wasn't clear so sorry about that.
100 per target, 100 per hero, or 100 divided between the 3 target (aka how many people we can sneak through the tunnel for the alpha strike)?
can multiple heroes go on the same target?
is there a combined arm's effect from mixing up our troops? (aka, our 100 group containing 5 magical hunters, 30 barbarians, 30 melee hunters, and 35 ranged hunters giving each other combined arms bonus compared to sending 100 melee hunters on one target and 100 ranged hunters on another target?)
If there is a combined arms bonus, what are optimal ratios?
100 per target, 100 per hero, or 100 divided between the 3 target (aka how many people we can sneak through the tunnel for the alpha strike)?
can multiple heroes go on the same target?

100 divided between the three targets.

As I said in the update you can pick all three targets or just one. The number is up to you. The hero units can also be assigned to one on each or all heroes at one target. It's up to you.

is there a combined arm's effect from mixing up our troops? (aka, our 100 group containing 5 magical hunters, 30 barbarians, 30 melee hunters, and 35 ranged hunters giving each other combined arms bonus compared to sending 100 melee hunters on one target and 100 ranged hunters on another target?)

The bonuses only effect their attacks.

For example: in ranged combat the Magical and Ranged Hunters can attack while the Melee Hunters and Barbarians have to defend. As such the Magical and Ranged Hunters can use the bonus on their attack while the Melee and Barbarians have to defend.

In hand to hand combat the Ranged hunters have to defend. However, the Magical Hunters can attack in melee but also suffer from the defense penalties.

To sum up:

Ranged combat: Magical Hunters and Ranged Hunters: attack roll with bonus. Barbarians and Melee Hunters: defense roll with bonus/penalties

Melee combat: Barbarians and Melee Hunters: attack roll with bonus. Ranged Hunters: defense roll with bonus/ Penalties. Magical Hunters make a attack and defense roll in Melee.

If there is a combined arms bonus,

I think I covered this above this but I'll clarify. Attack and defense rolls have the bonus combined for those attacking and defending. In other words: each turn of combat will have a attack roll and a defense roll with respective bonuses

what are optimal ratios?

At this point in the quest the ratio is so:

Magical Hunters: 10 for bonuses

Melee Hunters: 20 for bonuses

Ranged Hunters: 20 for bonuses

Barbarians: 20 for bonuses

After this ratio is reached every unit of 10 assigned you get +1 to the respective roll.
Alright, thank you.
in that case
[x] Gate
-[x] all heroes
-[x] Magical Hunters: 10, Melee Hunters: 30, Ranged Hunters: 30, Barbarians: 30.
Taking the gate successfully gives us the biggest bonus, the others are fairly risky rolls, and hopefully with all the stacking we will manage to be stealthy enough to move on with our full doomstack to a secondary target before the enemy becomes aware of our intrusion
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id like to hit ghom but i can back that, [x] Gate
-[x] all heroes
-[x] Magical Hunters: 10, Melee Hunters: 30, Ranged Hunters: 30, Barbarians: 30.
I'am going to leave the vote open for a while longer.

Also before I forget what kind of weapon do you guys want to wield? Sword? Hand crossbow? Halberd? You guys decide.
[x] Gate
-[x] all heroes
-[x] Magical Hunters: 10, Melee Hunters: 30, Ranged Hunters: 30, Barbarians: 30.
[X] Halberd
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hmm... weapon to pick...

pole-arm of some type... but what type...

kinda partial to [] Scythe but...
[X] Halberd
until someone comes up with something better

[X] Gate
-[X] all heroes
-[X] Magical Hunters: 20, Melee Hunters: 0, Ranged Hunters: 30, Barbarians: 50.

because Barbarians are simply better than our Melee Hunters and a larger mage force is always good
alright votes are locked.

Winner is

[ ] Gate
-[ ] all heroes
-[ ] Magical Hunters: 10, Melee Hunters: 30, Ranged Hunters: 30, Barbarians: 30.
[ ] Halberd

Update will be up either by Friday or this weekend.
Liberation of Sescheron 3
Liberation of Sescheron 3

[ ] Gate
-[ ] all heroes
-[ ] Magical Hunters: 10, Melee Hunters: 30, Ranged Hunters: 30, Barbarians: 30.
[ ] Halberd

With the amount of troops available to you it's best to focus your efforts entirely on getting the gate open. Your course set, you return to your tent to rest until dusk. Finally reaching your tent you rummage through your things for a moment before you find your halberd.

Due to it's size you usually only carry your two daggers around camp but seeing as you're going into combat it's time to bring it out once more. Grabbing a cloth and oil you begin to clean it. It wouldn't do for your blade to break because of poor maintenance.

Need: 50 Rolled: 29+ 20(omake)+ 5(Fighting as One) +5(Book of Winchester)+ 15 (Ranged Bonus)+ 10 (Demonic hatred)= 84

Throughout the day Fallen sally from Sescheron, trying to break the quasi-siege that you have placed it under, Thankfully, the sheer rage of the barbarians at the fact that the Fallen Imps infestation of their former capital, coupled with the skill of your mages and archers, make short work of them. Finally day turns to dusk and it;s time for your small party to make it's move. By the time you reach the warehouse that covers the entrance of the tunnel night has completely fallen and the moon is out.

1= new, 6= full, 10= old
Rolled: 8= waning quarter: no bonus or penalty to stealth

Looking up you can see exactly half the moon making itself known. Not the best for your attack. but not the worst either.

Need: 40 Rolled: 45+10(Natalya Stealth)+ 5(Bastion Keep's information)- 5(Alert status)= 55

It's a close thing. It seems Ghom has been preparing for your arrival as streets are laced with traps and patrolled by the odd pack of Fallen. Thankfully Caldero's maps allow Natalya to lead your group around the ones that can't be disarmed. Within an hour you reach the gate. It's as you expected. When building Sescheron the Children of Bul-Kathos built it with defense in mind. As such the entrance to the city is one giant death trap for anyone entering uninvited. With almost 10 years of uninterrupted time Ghom has taken these defenses and improved upon them. Any approach to the bridge has been denied any cover that could have been there leaving them victim to Fallen archers. Sadly Ghom, like the barbarian's, only accounted for enemies approaching from the front. Not the city proper.

Need: 50 Rolled: 64+ 10(Natalya Stealth)+ 5(Magical Hunters)+ 1(Ranged Hunters)+ 10(Demonic Hatred)= 90

With the maps you place your mages and archers in positions providing the best view of the Fallen guarding the entrance. At your signal they fire the first volley as you Renit and the rest of your men rush in.

Need: 40 Rolled: 43 + 5 (Surprise attack)+ 1 (Melee Hunters)+ 10 (Barbarins)+ 10(Demonic Hatred) +10(Renit Bonus)+ 10(personal Bonus)= 89

It was beautiful. What wasn't cut down by the volley was cut down by your men. Before they can celebrate you shush them down and order them to dismantle the barricade and signal the army.

Need: 60 Rolled: 69+10(Natalya Stealth)- 10(Barbarian Pride)= 69

Again it's a near thing. The signal sends up a roar from the barbarians outside that is quickly silenced by what you assume is your hunters. Natalya also spots a alarm trap hidden in the barricade and disarms it before it can be tripped. Finally the way is clear and your army marches Already knowing where to go.

Current Forces:

629 Melee Hunters: (Decent Attack, Decent Defense, Special: Demonic Hatred)

678 Ranged Hunters: (Decent Attack, Poor Defense, Special: Demonic Hatred)

38 Magical Hunters: (Good Attack, Terrible Defense, Special: Demonic Hatred)

5000 Barbarians (Melee Specialists) (Good Attack, Poor Defense, Special: Demonic Hatred, Unbreakable Morale: No need for courage check regardless of opponent)

Enemy Forces:

4300 Fallen Ones: scattered around the city

No more than 10 Vile Mothers: located in there nest at the center of the city

Unknown number of Vile Children: focused around the Vile Mother nests.

Ghom: Located the Tomb of the Immortal Kings

There are three assignments decide how many forces should focus on each.

GM Note: the percentages are the chances of success if you don't take part i.e Not assign Nightroad to the target gives it these odds.

[ ] Vile Mothers: What Forces

The Vile Mothers are no doubt constantly spawning new Vile Children to reinforce the demons here. They need to be killed and their children slaughtered before Sescheron can even be remotely secured. Chances: 60%

[ ] Swipe the City: What Forces

For 10 years the various tribes of Fallen Imps that have made Sescheron their home have borrowed deeply into the underbelly of the city. It will take a concentrated effort to dig them out. Chances: 60%

[ ] Ghom: What Forces

Killing Ghom would shatter the unity between the demonic factions holding Sescheron. Not only this but Priest's words still resonate within you. Ghom holds something that will aid you with the Barbarians and the upcoming dilemma over Sescheron. As he entered the city with the army he pulled you aside and once more emphasized the importance of you facing Ghom saying that if you don't and the Barbarians do, it will greatly harm future negotiations with the tribes. While you don't know if Priest is talking about this leverage being the gesture of you killing Ghom and retaking the tomb of the barbarian's immortal kings or an object Ghom holds. You've come to trust his advice over the years. Chances: 50%

GM Note: Due to the size of available forces I'am taking away the threshold bonus. For the rest of the interlude you only need 100 units to unlock their stat bonus. After that any extra will not effect the bonus.

As you watch your forces move in you turn to Renit and Natalya. At your nod the three of you break off to your assigned target's.

GM Note: Can assign more than one hero to a task.

[ ] Renit

Renit is willing to lead one of the groups into the city. As your second his power is well known. But if he falls, you will lose a valued warrior and friend. Brings +10 to combat to assigned group

[ ] Natalya

With her skill at stealth Natalya would be a skilled warrior in this fight. But losing her at this stage would be disastrous. Brings +10 to stealth and +5 to combat to assigned group

[ ] Yourself

You are the grandmaster. You are the first in and the last out, always. Brings +10 to combat to assigned group.

GM Note: This is the last 'army' action in the interlude. The rest will detail whichever target you choose to personally take and the negotiations with the Barbarians regarding Sescheron.
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Need: 60 Rolled: 69+10(Natalya Stealth)- 10(Barbarian Pride)= 69
beautiful, and so close, without her we would have been caught. Several close calls, but we made it in undetected.

There are three assignments decide how many forces should focus on each.
is it still 100 troops? or does the fact we snuck in our whole army undetected allow us to assign more troops to each concurrent task?

my thoughts
[ ] Ghom
first priority and we have to go ourselves, both because of what priest said, but also because killing him destroys the demons unity, and if they fight amongst themselves or at least not cooperate then we win.

[ ] Vile Mothers
second priority, they are a source of infinite enemies.

[ ] Swipe the City
low priority, if we take out the other two targets we essentially won, and can slowly and methodically divide and conquer on these guys. taking them out in small groups at our leisure. instead of in one big fight. I am inclined to assign no troops to them right now
EDIT: In retrospect, the longer we delay, the more likely a powerful subordinate of ghom's is to reunite them. Still lowest priority
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your whole army is present and can be assigned. The current numbers are posted in the update.
How does stealth work right now? Do we still have the option to attempt stealth (say, by having a small unit of 100 go to assassinate ghom with orders for the army to wait quietly until an alarm is raised and then once it is go do a task?), or is stealth out the window now? or are we still going to keep rolling for stealth even with our whole army rolling through since its basically "kill enemies before they raise an alarm" thing?

the importance or you facing Ghom
should that or be an of?
Hmm, first impulse is to go all in on Ghom and trust our forces to cover the rest.
yea. but the question is how exactly.
I am thinking we can send all 3 heroes plus 100 soldiers (same as before) go to assassinate ghom. But what is the rest of the army doing during that? I see 3 options:
1. waiting at the gate until an alarm is raised, then coming to help us.
2. waiting at the gate for a set amount of time, then coming up behind us
3. going after the vile mothers to both kill them and act as a distraction. (risky since if ghom expect us he can lay a trap and he decapitates us)

the other two alternatives is everyone on ghom, or half and half between ghom and vile mothers, with either all heroes on ghom or most heroes on ghom.

If heroes finish their task, they go help assassinate vile mothers, if army finishes its task, it goes for the other target (ghom or mothers), and once both are taken then we sweep the city.

There are just so many permutations and each with a different set of risk v reward that it is hard to choose.