Once in a while, Enkida still tries to sketch things...

non-inktober interlude of stuff I did this year because I just forget to post it

acrylic painted umbrella for my kid

I made a puffin version for my son but I just can't find the pics of it. 100% for organization over here. in a way I'm glad for inktober because it kind of forces me to post daily (or as daily as I can manage)

missing original images so new pic, porom from ff4 after yrs

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Inktober 07: Trip (it's supposed to be Jay from Jay and Silent Bob)

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Inktober 11: Eagle

... this is the Byzantium double-headed eagle. I hadn't realized how *badly* it was rendered originally until I drew it myself. Hence the quote at the bottom, "We stand on the shoulders of giants" -- made me realize how far art has come with what we've learned and what tools we now use to produce it since those byzantium days.

/philosophical interlude over

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Look IDK what was here before the image link broke man have some old artwork XD

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Same, absolutely no idea what I posted here before so have more old artwork

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same, no idea what was here before, here's something different XD

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Just wanted to test colored vs. white papers with Polychromos pencils. The image is from the Slayers manga, I just copied Lina inverse's face in bigger, took out the speech bubbles and changed her clothes a bit because this was supposed to be a pencil test, not a humiliate myself by seeing how out of practice I am sketching test. XD Favorite is brown paper, though it has been pointed out to me that this might be because of the warm color scheme of the image. Least favorite is white paper, this means I probably can't ever go back to white paper, LOL.
welp this one might die on Saturday, but it's been a good 3 years campaigning with her so I drew a bye-bye picture
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IDK if this was the original image I posted here, but trying some image recovery anyhow

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Campaign ending after all these years ... :~)

When homebrew turns "character sheet" into "A5 sized journal" XD

ugh even more missing images have more fanart then

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I made a D&D5e point buy character that got unexpectedly leveled up to 20 and thrown into a combat as part of a quest. Somehow this wizard-barbarian-fighter managed to do 309 damage in one single turn, so ... well, he gets a real portrait for setting a benchmark. XD

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How exhausting, having every image I put here eventually lost to the mass deletion aspect of the free hosts I put them up on ever since I gave up on running a hosting server / paying someone to host my junk. Well, I suppose enjoy this while it lasts: after reposting my comic and story in other places, I was so amused / disgusted by my 2004 art style that I redid the cover just for shits and giggles.

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Redrew the first page as well. Oh hey now I remember why I stopped drawing comics, time and backgrounds!

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Also redrew the second page

I might just keep going until I fix the page that bugs me the most, the one where I experimented with drawing cloud in the original FF7 chibi style and it turned out *so bad* lol
page drei. y'all I drew safer sephiroth from dissidia this time because I was bored (where "bored" means "hated the old page layout" XD). The Highwind is from a screenshot that I just redrew because god damn do I hate drawing machines like the Highwind. I used photoshop brushes to put the stars in the night sky thing too because it was too messy and time-consuming to do the white out paint splatter thing.

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Completely reworked the page, gave Cait Sith his Scottish accent, and threw in two memes because I'm a dumbass. XD
