Of Dreams, Illusions and Other Such Falsehoods [PMMM RP]

Team Slowpoke, hmm... well, this is going to get interesting...
Ueno Kasumi
Hi! Have a magical girl for the waitlist!

Name: Ueno Kasumi
Magical Girl Name: Shifter
Age: 17


Wish: I want to move! I'm tired of being stuck. Caged! I want to see places, do interesting things, meet new people. I wish to travel to anywhere in the blink of an eye!

Bio: Ueno Kasumi grew up as an only child in a strict upper-class family with a big apartment.

All her life her parents planned out and restricted her in what she was supposed to do. She didn't get to play with "trouble" kids, she didn't get to play in the park aside from special occasions, they even chose her future profession before she was born! At first she didn't know better (her parents knew best, and she was just a kid after all), but as she grew older nothing changed. The few friends she could make were only seen at school and the messages sent from her phone were always monitored. The pressure was slowly crushing her.

Then she started acting out, buying modern, provoking outfits and accessories, sneaking out late on weekdays, just things she never had been able to do before. And for a moment she felt free. That didn't last long when they finally caught on.
If she thought it was bad before, it was hell now. All money she had saved up as well as her monthly allowance were confiscated "Until further notice", she was under house arrest and not allowed to leave her room. They confiscated all her music, and left her only with approved lecture books.

Following this, she quickly grew depressed, her friends from school didn't bother her, and no outside stimuli was given to her except for her parents "precious" academic books. She was on the verge of giving up. On the verge of giving her parents what they wanted all their life, their little puppet. To accept their demands and become a cynical orderly daughter.

That was of course when the strange catlike creature appeared... and that changed everything.

Personality: Calm, confident, in control. That is what her parents trained her to be. Of course when she finally got free she went on a rebellious streak that would make her parents have a heart-attack.

With her face, shoulder and hand tattoos, bright yellow eyes, and headphones often seen on her head, it wouldn't be wrong to describe her as carefree and aloof. However behind that is a cold strong-willed mind that would lash out at anyone trying to reign her in again or change her.

She loves to see new things, especially seeing the city from up high. Listening to music while staring at the sunset from a skyscraper is how she imagines one of her favorite moments would be. And while it's sad she was kept from doing it before, she now intends to make up for lost time.

Magical Weapon: Crystal Dagger - A glowing ice-blue dagger specially attuned to Kasumi that can be teleported in the same way she teleports herself. Piercing armor or flesh and then instantly returning to her hand again. It is also possible to summon several at the same time at the cost of energy.

Magical Powers:

- Kasumi can teleport herself and what she's carrying with relative ease to any place she can see. Very large distances, or bringing people along requires extra effort. She can also teleport another object or enemy in certain ways, but it's very draining. (Around the difference between throwing a small rock you can fit in your palm and one you need both hands for.)

Phase Fighting
- A sword can be blocked, a charging monster can be avoided. Kasumi's fighting style relies on removing that hinder and hitting directly with devastating attacks. She can throw her dagger at someone, then quickly teleport behind them with a new one in her hand, or expend a lot of energy to outright teleport her weapon into the enemy's body.

Shifting Rhythm - When moving at quick speeds, or in this case teleporting, it would usually be disorienting, or require some time to properly readjust. In Kasumi's case, she can instead follow the "Rhythm" and smooth out the movement that comes with moving in all ways. This could also have other effects like easier finding your balance when falling, or better hand-eye coordination.

: 0%/100%

So yeah. That's it. I would appreciate feedback and people pointing out if anything seems too OP. (Or just to mention something they think is cool.)

I am alive here. My brain is currently traveling through time, though. Dunno how my brain managed to do that...