Well I do have a pic for now but I always had trouble with making powers or wweapons that aren't op and personality

But I will say that my character shall be very loyal to anyone that wants a follower whether they be good or bad he shall follow them to hell and back.

And @munchkinomatic thank you for telling me how do the spoilers
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Well I do have a pic for now but I always hadtrouble with making powers or wweapons that aren't op and personality

But I will say that my character shall be very loyal to anyone that wants a follower whether they be good or bad he shall follow them to hell and back.

And @munchkinomatic thank you for telling me how do the spoilers
Look like some badass butler.

And I somehow forgot about how powerful the Serpernts Generals are.

Watch in amaze as Dodokemi pulls a feat that shows that no one f@$! with her.
Eh, Orochi made an entire planet and ripped out countries and continents from the Crust.

He and his demons should do fine.
Ah well I'll just try and server the first person I see then after I finish my character of course, But I do have some ideas for powers and stuff

Name: Valvatorez


Personality: Is loyal to his lord/lady to the bitter end that he would do what ever is told, even to end his own life

Powers: Nanomachines for increasing his speed and strength if he has to use hand to hand, or kick to the balls:p if he loses his weapon blood drinker


Quote: All is for my lord/lady.

Am I missing anything for him cause I'm not sure if I need to add something else or not.
Oh sorry forgot about that and it's hard to find one but think of it like senator Armstrong from metal gear but with a limit of course :oops:
Darn it.

Its the image of Senator Armstrong with the word "Nanomachine Son" on it.
History, Abilities, Musous and stuff.

Speaking of Musou, the Fusion Bomb is considered a Musou type ability, which mean that, yes, it can't be use for a few minute.
Well, it has a few minute charge time anyway. Think of it as a balance factor, instead of letting the gauge fill up over time like other ability, I need to actively make it charge. If I stop midway, the fuel grow cold and I lose all progess.
Can you give me a example then?
Well its goes like this:

(*Apologizing @Trung-t-rung for using his OC as example*)


Expert in hand-to-hand combat, especially with tonfa.

Decent shooting skill, mostly with handgun.

Basic sewing and cooking skills. Some level of make-up for disguise purpose.

Raijin (雷神 - Thunder God) Mode

Higher level of lightning Manipulation

Lightning Speed: With help from White Fangs, he can infuse his body with magic power, and becoming lightning itself, capable of moving at lightning speed for a short time.

Increasing physical ability to even further level. Capable of punching through tanks's armor and taking down buildings with pure physical attack casually.

While these powers are indeed powerful, using Raijin Mode quickly deteriorate his health and can put him out of commision for some days. It's because of that, he usually avoid using Raijin Mode if he can.

Like that.
Shadow-86: Valvatorez
Okay so like this then? Also I change the name of my scythe and decide I needed a range weapon for enemies that are further from reach



A world like ours but is more open with people carrying weapons of any kind

From his early life on a farm using a scythe at first to cut the wheats but decided to practice fighting with to show that a scythe is more than just a gardening tool. As he grew older in a Modern Era like world he only saw to look out for himself at first, one day he saw a opportunity to get what he though was easy money, it was a experiment on nanite technology to see if it can improve a persons personality and power, he thought is was just a sham so people would buy the nanites but when the experiment started his personality did a 180 instead of looking out for himself he now looks out for anyone to be called lord/lady while increasing his strength and speed considerably. Since the experiment was a success he was soon paid and left on the side walk by the building he entered, so he wander the world training with guns as he went place to place hoping to find anyone that would be his lord/lady

[I was never really good with backstories:oops:, so if anything is wrong please type a better version if you want]


Is loyal to his lord/lady to the bitter end that he would do what ever is told, even to end his own life

He may seem like stick in a mud but he would make fun of people that he isn't loyal, or questions there loyalty to
Nanomachines that gave him the knowledge on how to use his weapons Blood Thirster and The Redeemer they also increase his speed and strength if he has to use hand to hand, or kick to the balls:p if he loses his weapons


An expert Scythe user that would bring death if ordered to

Decent hand to hand,and shooting, preferably with pistols

Expert with cleaning, cooking, gardening,bodyguard, ,and following orders


Kanpuu Ken (cold wind blade)

High level of air manipulation

Air blade extension: Increases the range and sharpness of his scythe to reach further and to cut through armor

[Is this alright or should I rework on this?]
Blood Thirster for battles

The Redeemer

Quote: All is for my lord/lady.
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