More Filth - An Emporium of Art, Pseudoscience, and Ice Cream Koans

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Is this a thing? This is a thing.
...Very interesting:

And a little bit of lasso later:

Kinda testing out how badly I can screw up a different technique with the mountains.
And blocking in from that:

Going to try working from back to foreground instead of my usual dancing around. Should work better.
I think the reason it looks so much like a bear is that its muzzle seems too smoothly connected to its cheeks and forehead, and the eyes are so small. A dog's face tends to be longer and have a mild sort of inward curve.

This illustrates what I'm saying, the shaded areas are not accurate to the original light source but sort of show the proportion as if the light were behind and above the head.

Edit: Actually, looking again at the last version it seems you're already doing that. I had not noticed anything but the different eyes the first time.
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