random crossovers leave me in despair!!

i think they x-over a lot it's just a fun concept on how much Itoshiki contrasts the negi as a teacher while the class is just as crazy.

[X] magical creatures (aka research Eva/vampires)
[X] Brewery

first cause it makes sense given we just fought her and cause why not alcohol despite being underage.
[X] Occult
[X] Alchemy

Seems like this is what Sunset would like. Also give her the opportunity for nostalgic experimentation and explosions.


[X] Heck no
Maybe when Sunset isn't wounded and exhausted.
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[X]Occult (For either magic or to learn up on magical creatures)
[X]Martial Arts (So that we can hopefully punch explosions or recreate the Falcon Punch or Kick in the future.)
Note: Update edited. Instead of you guys picking and searching just two categories, you guys can look for more. However, a single category search costs an hour. You currently have four hours before school ends. Also added that you could go deeper than allowed if you want.
The Tally so far:
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Martial Arts
No. of votes: 5
Ferian, Dragontrapper, Ardion Prosili, Jedarol, FelSpite
[X] Brewery
No. of votes: 5
Ferian, ZeroForever, korat56, Jedarol, Driliviel
[X] magical creatures (aka research Eva/vampires)
No. of votes: 1
[X] Occult
No. of votes: 13
mr_stibbons, rogthnor, permeakra, chocolote12, lavanderjasmine, Dragontrapper, egexxx, typeterra, Ardion Prosili, Driliviel, FelSpite, Bugaboo, Jrin
[X] Alchemy
No. of votes: 10
mr_stibbons, korat56, rogthnor, permeakra, chocolote12, lavanderjasmine, egexxx, typeterra, Bugaboo, Jrin
[X] Heck no
No. of votes: 1
[X]Occult (For either magic or to learn up on magical creatures)
No. of votes: 1
[X]Martial Arts (So that we can hopefully punch explosions or recreate the Falcon Punch or Kick in the future.)
No. of votes: 1
[X] swordsmanship
No. of votes: 1
[X] Heck yeah
No. of votes: 2
Bugaboo, Jrin

If it seems that the 'Heck no' and the 'Heck yes' do not gain traction, then things will follow as normal.
Blackout Pt. 3
[] Occult
[] Alchemy

Occult and Alchemy quickly come to mind. Occult simply because it's the closest thing to magic, and Alchemy because other than magic, it's the closest thing you're good at. Granted, you had started learning Alchemy simply through accidents, but it's still something you like to do when you're not busying doing magic. Though you haven't been able to do any of that, what with the lack of proper equipments in this world. Not to mention the lack of actual currency you have. Thank Goddess you're smart enough to deserve a scholarship.

Still, if you have the equipments... you have several things you like to try. Like that ice bomb Eva had used on you—an idea that had never crossed your mind before! In fact, now that ice is possible, you wonder if you can try to add other properties to create different explosives. The thought makes you grin. You suppose with the damned wall blocking your magic, making them would definitely worth the time, even if making them non-lethal with losing the explosiveness would certainly difficult. Well, a bit of challenge won't hurt, you suppose.

Shaking your head, filing the ideas when you actually have the tools, you look back to the screen. And promptly blanch as hundreds and hundreds of results come in small worded lists. You scroll down, noting the bookshelves' numbers, and not even halfway through, you already feel sick. Searching for Alchemy comes up with less result, but nonetheless plenty. You gulp, looking back at the shelves around you, and then back at the computer screen. Whoever had managed to sort these books need to get paid, you think.

Still, despite your slightly deflated mood, more is better than less. At least, you're going to have more choice in regards to what you'll pick, even if it'll take hours just to do so. You sigh, feeling a headache as you turn away from the screen and back to the bookshelves. Definitely hours. Immediately, you steel yourself as you go search for your books—you're definitely not backing out just because it'll be a pain in the heck. Especially when it's going to improve yourself!

And it takes you two hours, glistening in sweat, before you finally finish scouring what books you deem interesting. You're out of breath, arms feeling slightly sore from all the carrying, legs wobbly from the walking, climbing and balancing, and the ache around your stomach seems to worsen with each time you nearly trip. And so, it is with great relief and an exhausted groan that you place the books on the reading table, and plop yourself on the chair. The wooden surface feels comfortable as you lay your cheek on it.

Sighing, you push yourself away from the table, and begin to look over the books you took. Six books. Three on Occult, and three on Alchemy. You check back on the clock—two hours before school is over. With that note in mind, you take a quick check on the books. There's Anthology of Inhuman Creatures, written by a group of unknown people, explaining in a somewhat great detail in regards of some monsters—Vampire and Werewolf included.

Of Eastern and Western, by Howard Sinclair, which explains the Eastern Magic and Western Magic in an oddly detailed mannter. There's also Of Belles and Lunes, a somewhat if dubious auto-biography of a self-proclaimed mage who called himself Jeremy Redfield. Whether it's fictional or not is a bit dubious, although the content is at least entertaining, if a bit too vulgar at times. You had chosen a few random pages, and you're sure one of them is pretty inappropriate.

On the Alchemy side, there's Magic of Explosions, by Caroline Carmine, which you took without a thought when it caught your eyes, and fictional or not, it should provide some interesting insights for your future bomb making projects. There's Elixir of Immortality, which in of itself is interesting, although it doesn't provide you with the identity of the writer. It's extremely dubious, but you had taken simply ouf whim. It's full of vague information, and things you can't simply understand. You feel that you're going to need more experience in Alchemy—implying of course, that it's not some whimsical nonsense—before you could even understand it.

Finally, there's Magic in a Vial, which you had taken solely because it reminded you of the thing Evangeline threw at you. Written by someone named Melissa Martinez, its content is literally what it says on the bookcover. Although whether it's a euphemism for something else, you're not certain.

All in all, interesting findings even if all of them are dubious in its integrity. Still, it's a shame you can't check out all of them. You're limited to only bring three out per times, and must be returned in a week, unless you want to extend it for another week. And despite the quiet nature of the library, the dead quietness feels quite eerie on your mind, despite having been in here for two hours.

What now?
[] Search for more books—each search will cost you an hour
-[] Martial Arts. That's the one that involves kicks and punches, right? The one that Evangeline used on you? It... may prove worthy to look into it.
-[] Brewery. Yes, you're underaged, and yes, you shouldn't probably try learning how to do it. But you're curious, and alcohol is always a great starter for fire. Heck, perhaps you can make money out of it.
-[] Swordmanship. Well, it's always nice to add things into the rather small cabinet of 'what you could do other than Magic'... right?
-[] Cooking. You're not bad at it, but you're not exactly good at it. Who knows, if you're good enough at it, maybe you could make money out of it?
-[] Write-in
[] Adventure into the deep. Sure, there are traps. Sure, you're tired. And sure, you probably shouldn't even be thinking this, but you wonder what kind of things you'll find deep down there.
[] Leave. Time to return to the dorm, take a shower, and stuffs.
-[] Which book do you want to check out? (Limit: Three)
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