Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

That feels like a lot of losses for a single turn. Is it due to our marines still being rather inexperienced?
The largest group of casualties were from us fighting chaos space marines who outnumbered us by a few squads. The second biggest were agaisnt the pirate admiral where some of us got blown up by anti aircraft. So it's understandable.

But yeah one of the biggest reasons for our casualties each turn is our chapters newness. We don't have many veterans and were slowly building up a vehical pool and a proper armory. Not to mention being several companies short. Once we solve those issues casualties should(hopefully) taper off somewhat outside of the more dangerous campaigns.
Another thing I think will help with causalities is to permanently assign Apothecaries and Techmarines to our company's, We've got spare techmarines and in a turn or two, we'll likely have enough apothecaries.
Damn, what is up with our sector of space?
Our sector is a minor logistics node. we have Warp Routes connecting the Eastern Fringes to the Sectors near the Maelstrom and the Sectors bordering the Segmetum Obscurus. We're not super important but we have enough traffic to attract pirates and raiders and it's useful if the more important routes are blocked off so that's why the High Lords put us here. The biggest issue of the Sector (currently) is the Eyes of the Mutator who were the chapter we replaced after they turned traitor in early M39.
Damn, what is up with our sector of space?
The fact that we live on the eastern fringes, and so are close to the Hadex Anomaly and the Jericho reach, and the fact that their has been a tzeentchian CSM Warband for over 3,000 years would be why. Their is also the fact, that these sometimes are other warbands, just crossing in from other sectors, either for new plunder or to escape other authority's because its the eastern fringes, and not 50 years ago, the sector was seen as a falling to peices, and a hunk of junk without our existence to stabilize it.
What is it with our enemies always escaping? Have we ever managed to successfully chase down an enemy ship in the quest so far? The dice act like it's a children's cartoon, and they need to still be alive so we can fight them again in next week's episode.
Depends on the numbers we take in the fight for example if we had more then 1 ship at wudang we could have stoped or destroyed there fleet

Well if we had a second and third Company taken as well the host would have been surrounded

If we get good relations with the admech we could modify our ships engines for better speed
The fact that we live on the eastern fringes, and so are close to the Hadex Anomaly and the Jericho reach, and the fact that their has been a tzeentchian CSM Warband for over 3,000 years would be why. Their is also the fact, that these sometimes are other warbands, just crossing in from other sectors, either for new plunder or to escape other authority's because its the eastern fringes, and not 50 years ago, the sector was seen as a falling to peices, and a hunk of junk without our existence to stabilize it.
According to Lord General Tavisolta, another major factor is that this sector especially recently has seen a lot of military assets redeployed elsewhere, leaving local defenses weaker. I have a suspicion that this isn't an uncommon occurrence historically. Without the Mist Shrikes there'd potentially be a few planets fully lost by now in mere decades.
What is it with our enemies always escaping? Have we ever managed to successfully chase down an enemy ship in the quest so far? The dice act like it's a children's cartoon, and they need to still be alive so we can fight them again in next week's episode.
We're lacking our fastest ships, the Escorts. Aside from that, the navy did manage to eliminate Saakarbal's forces before they could escape. And we caught that Dark Eldar Cruiser.
Without the Mist Shrikes there'd potentially be a few planets fully lost by now in mere decades.

We're lacking our fastest ships, the Escorts. Aside from that, the navy did manage to eliminate Saakarbal's forces before they could escape. And we caught that Dark Eldar Cruiser.
We did save some crucial worlds from hive and indrustry worlds to a regiment homeworlds a Fortress world and the sector capital that function it as a major part of the navy as well

Saakarbal's and de Wiart deaths will be major points for things to calm down somewhat

So we can focus on build and planning to take out the eyes then the sector should really have a chance to heal

And for us to adres our fleet so others wont escape again
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So after playing space marines 2 I realised something about the weapons especially bolters with a Great Crusade Era tech marine around. You can probably get bolter variants researched eventually similar to the ones the primaris would get before they're fielded officially. Special bolter rounds as well.

Other than that as to why you should give the info to Harker is to boost that investment windfall for giving the founding Nightlords a second chance to start anew.

Then with that relic sword while it is good wargear it might benefit the chapter in the long term when you do need favors as a starting chapter for emergency usage which is right now for one of the crisis's.

As an example you might be able to use that favor for aid in purging the last chapter that turned traitor considering how recent attempts have been setback with the death of the admiral.
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Got it also we don't really have an official date for when she became an inquisitor but when do you think Amberly Vail will show up, around canon time, or a little earlier.
......Perhaps. It is possible but there are also chances they call upon you to cover areas that the Chapter´s fighting in the Badab War can no longer cover during that time.
Is there a chance we can prevent the Badab war? Or at least reduce it in scope? After all we are not far from it and we are a pet project of a high ranking Ordo Astartes inquisitor.
......Perhaps. It is possible but there are also chances they call upon you to cover areas that the Chapter´s fighting in the Badab War can no longer cover during that time.
I will not lie... do find some amusement in the Mist Shrikes generally being the "cover my shift" Chapter where they have to pick up the slack for multiple other Imperial factions.
Is there a chance we can prevent the Badab war? Or at least reduce it in scope? After all we are not far from it and we are a pet project of a high ranking Ordo Astartes inquisitor.
We can see the future so maybe we foretell Huron's fall to Chaos and convince some of the Maelstrom Warders to go for conditional surrender early? Would at least spare the Lamenters a lot of pain.
Is there a chance we can prevent the Badab war? Or at least reduce it in scope? After all we are not far from it and we are a pet project of a high ranking Ordo Astartes inquisitor.
Lufgt Huron is already the Chapter Master of the Astral Claws and has ramped centralizing power and resources onto his person and withholding geneseed. The war will happen, and if you get involve the best you can do is assist in ending it faster and reducing casualties.