Lord of the Stars II Quest

Somebodynobody10 said:
I think we should make our military doctrine be partially sabotage-based, sending commandos or fanatics of faith to destroy hostile factories, cause unrest by spreading the faith and blowing up ammunition/mech depots/energon tanks or refineries.
This one. Also, stealing shit.

Call it Chaos Doctrine. We gremlins thrive in an environment of panic, confusion, and explosions. Focus on raising small units of elite light infantry/infiltrators/spies trained to slip into enemy territory, assassinate officials, provoke riots, steal or destroy anything valuable, and generally raise Cain any way they can.

[x] Doctrine: Initiative - Small teams of well-trained spies and saboteurs cripple enemy supply lines, intercept communications and generally make nuisances of themselves. Then, when the enemy is all but broken, the mech teams move in, smashing through the demoralised and depleted enemy forces, supported by an endless rain of artillery shells and missiles.

EDIT: Thank you, Alpha Centauri for the name.
I like that name. :D

[X]Chaos Doctrine
A combat style focused on either elite highly trained units, or the biggest fucking guns around. Assassinations, insurrections, theft, sabotage and espionage weaken the enemy, making the actual confrontation all the easier. When the forces clash, its large mechs, heavy artillery, big bombs. The general chaos of war mixed with a religion built around explosions being the highest form of worship.
This is what I have so far.

Shakari stared out of the window as acid rain fell down from the skies. The smog of their world, the ruined wreck of their makers reflected the light of the city giving the clouds an eerie red glow. He could see his own reflection on the wet glass, as he went over the plans with his officers one more time. He was Shakari, and was the Gremlin the Central Government had chosen to lead the Shadownet, their espionage and wetwork organization. It was a fledgling organization, and even now the Gremlins were still feeling their way through the dark. There was one Gremlin that the government wanted to convince to join them, and for good reason.

Shakari had read the reports from the scouts in Tricorp territory. Their technology was crude and inefficient compared to their own, but they had vast numbers. Numbers enough to crush the Central Government and enslave the people, and once they got ahold of Chekov and his notes who knew what it would take to stop the march of Tricorps forces. Shakari had a bad feeling that stopping them would do some good for a great many number of gremlins beyond even this one continent.

Shakari shook his head and cleared his thoughts. Now was not the time to ponder the future. Now was the time to focus on the mission at hand, recruiting the espionage hero was his priority today. While he may not be a brilliant Gremlin like the Raider, or the Scout, or the Baron, or Chekov the Inventor, he was still able to make up for his individual lackluster with a great many minds and perspectives. It was thus that he had decided the best way to bring The Spy on to his side was to impress him.

What better way to impress a spy then to beat him at his own game?

Shakari turned to where his top officers were gathered around a map of the city. It was in this city that The Spy had last been spotted. Shakari didn't even try to hide the buildup of commando and black ops forces in the city, The Spy knew something was up and it was Shakari's hope that that would attract his attention long enough to catch him before he went to ground. If he got away, Shakari didn't have high hopes of ever finding him again. It was now or nothing.

Shakari lifted a short range walki talkie to his mouth.

He didn't have to mention names, his forces were trained well enough that they knew who he was talking to.

"All clear on the rooftops, nothing but the evening shift headed home and the graveyard shift headed to work. I gotta say though boss, there are a lotta windows up here. I can guarantee we got em all covered".

Shakari nodded, one of the pitfalls of working in a city.

"Understood, do your best. We need thirty minutes alone, any longer and you are to break into the safe room. Understand?"

"Roger willco".

Shakari lowered the walkie onto a clip on his tool belt and looked back at his officers. They returned his gaze expectantly. This would be their only chance to dispense Shakari's plan without letting the spy find out, or so he hoped. Better make it count.


"Ready when you are boss".

Shakari manipulated some controls on a console and lowered sound proof shutters over the windows. The door sealed itself and heavy locks rolled into place, and metal plates lowered themselves over the air vents. A faraday cage sealed outside and then nothing but silence. Even the familiar hum of the power plants, air recyclers, and climate control machines became barely a whisper.

"Alright" Shakari began. "Last report had The Spy seen in the factory district, the new section. No doubt he was taking notes on The Directors efforts at building labor jacks. I doubt that his patents mean much anymore now that The Spy got to em, but that's not my problem. Our goal tonight is to catch the spy".

Shakari passed out sealed envelopes to the other officers. He hadn't let them out of his grasp for days.

"These are your individual orders. Memorize them, then we burn the documents and dissolve the ash in this jar of water which we then flush. As you might notice, I leave nothing to chance. Alright, the last confirmed sighting was here, in the smelting rooms of Refinery 605. He was seen smiling at the Camera. The nice thing about this area is that as of last renovation, it was completely sealed off from the lower levels by several feet of engine metal to form the refineries foundation. If he is in there, the only way he is getting out is through us. I expect that he has realized that by now and it is our hope that curiosity killed the vermin".

Shakari regarded the other officers cooly.

"Alright. Commando teams alpha, Charlie, delta, foxtrot, and November will move through the refinery, they will search every room. Zuko, you have the specifics of your mission in the folder. You are in charge. This is for real so lethal force is authorized, shoot to kill".

Zuko raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

"Toph, you're in charge of holding the cork on the bottle. There is only one way into the refinery district and it's through the monorail systems, both freight and passenger. We were able to cut the power to the rail lines after we switched some of The Barons documents, but only for this night otherwise he would notice the inventory discrepancy. You have to watch those lines and keep the Spy from using them, supposedly you can't use them without a vehicle or protective equipment, but assume nothing. We don't know what he has stashed away and I expect he has some emergency supplies scattered all over the city. Specifics are in your folder".

"Iroh your taking our elite wetwork teams and looking for signs of The Spy and hunting him down. I will be joining you. Our goal is to corner him and take him into custody, with violence if need be. We need to show that Shadownet is ready, willing, and able to play for keeps. We cannot have a Gremlin of his intelligence and ability running around and whether he joins us or not we need to put him away before he does something stupid".

No Gremlin at the table needed to be told what it would mean if The Spy decided to side with Tricorp in the coming war. They needed all the talent they could get.

"Alright, Zuko will be deploying here and here, via Helidynes we requisitioned from the military and…"

Shakari went over the details of the plan, and when thirty minutes were up he activated the controls to open the doors and shutters. Air once again flowed into the room and the stale stench of anxious Gremlin flowed out. Shakari exited carrying a jar of grey water which he promptly dumped down a handy drain.
...I would like to point out that Chaos Doctrine might fail us in outright war. Well, maybe. Not good enough about strategic thinking, myself...
Shakari stared out of the window as acid rain fell down from the skies. The smog of their world, the ruined wreck of their makers reflected the light of the city giving the clouds an eerie red glow. He could see his own reflection on the wet glass, as he went over the plans with his officers one more time. He was Shakari, and was the Gremlin the Central Government had chosen to lead the Shadownet, their espionage and wetwork organization. It was a fledgling organization, and even now the Gremlins were still feeling their way through the dark. There was one Gremlin that the government wanted to convince to join them, and for good reason.

Shakari had read the reports from the scouts in Tricorp territory. Their technology was crude and inefficient compared to their own, but they had vast numbers. Numbers enough to crush the Central Government and enslave the people, and once they got ahold of Chekov and his notes who knew what it would take to stop the march of Tricorps forces. Shakari had a bad feeling that stopping them would do some good for a great many number of gremlins beyond even this one continent.

Shakari shook his head and cleared his thoughts. Now was not the time to ponder the future. Now was the time to focus on the mission at hand, recruiting the espionage hero was his priority today. While he may not be a brilliant Gremlin like the Raider, or the Scout, or the Baron, or Chekov the Inventor, he was still able to make up for his individual lackluster with a great many minds and perspectives. It was thus that he had decided the best way to bring The Spy on to his side was to impress him.

What better way to impress a spy then to beat him at his own game?

Shakari turned to where his top officers were gathered around a map of the city. It was in this city that The Spy had last been spotted. Shakari didn't even try to hide the buildup of commando and black ops forces in the city, The Spy knew something was up and it was Shakari's hope that that would attract his attention long enough to catch him before he went to ground. If he got away, Shakari didn't have high hopes of ever finding him again. It was now or nothing.

Shakari lifted a short range walki talkie to his mouth.

He didn't have to mention names, his forces were trained well enough that they knew who he was talking to.

"All clear on the rooftops, nothing but the evening shift headed home and the graveyard shift headed to work. I gotta say though boss, there are a lotta windows up here. I can guarantee we got em all covered".

Shakari nodded, one of the pitfalls of working in a city.

"Understood, do your best. We need thirty minutes alone, any longer and you are to break into the safe room. Understand?"

"Roger willco".

Shakari lowered the walkie onto a clip on his tool belt and looked back at his officers. They returned his gaze expectantly. This would be their only chance to dispense Shakari's plan without letting the spy find out, or so he hoped. Better make it count.


"Ready when you are boss".

Shakari manipulated some controls on a console and lowered sound proof shutters over the windows. The door sealed itself and heavy locks rolled into place, and metal plates lowered themselves over the air vents. A faraday cage sealed outside and then nothing but silence. Even the familiar hum of the power plants, air recyclers, and climate control machines became barely a whisper.

"Alright" Shakari began. "Last report had The Spy seen in the factory district, the new section. No doubt he was taking notes on The Directors efforts at building labor jacks. I doubt that his patents mean much anymore now that The Spy got to em, but that's not my problem. Our goal tonight is to catch the spy".

Shakari passed out sealed envelopes to the other officers. He hadn't let them out of his grasp for days.

"These are your individual orders. Memorize them, then we burn the documents and dissolve the ash in this jar of water which we then flush. As you might notice, I leave nothing to chance. Alright, the last confirmed sighting was here, in the smelting rooms of Refinery 605. He was seen smiling at the Camera. The nice thing about this area is that as of last renovation, it was completely sealed off from the lower levels by several feet of engine metal to form the refineries foundation. If he is in there, the only way he is getting out is through us. I expect that he has realized that by now and it is our hope that curiosity killed the vermin".

Shakari regarded the other officers cooly.

"Alright. Commando teams alpha, Charlie, delta, foxtrot, and November will move through the refinery, they will search every room. Zuko, you have the specifics of your mission in the folder. You are in charge. This is for real so lethal force is authorized, shoot to kill".

Zuko raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

"Toph, you're in charge of holding the cork on the bottle. There is only one way into the refinery district and it's through the monorail systems, both freight and passenger. We were able to cut the power to the rail lines after we switched some of The Barons documents, but only for this night otherwise he would notice the inventory discrepancy. You have to watch those lines and keep the Spy from using them, supposedly you can't use them without a vehicle or protective equipment, but assume nothing. We don't know what he has stashed away and I expect he has some emergency supplies scattered all over the city. Specifics are in your folder".

"Iroh your taking our elite wetwork teams and looking for signs of The Spy and hunting him down. I will be joining you. Our goal is to corner him and take him into custody, with violence if need be. We need to show that Shadownet is ready, willing, and able to play for keeps. We cannot have a Gremlin of his intelligence and ability running around and whether he joins us or not we need to put him away before he does something stupid".

No Gremlin at the table needed to be told what it would mean if The Spy decided to side with Tricorp in the coming war. They needed all the talent they could get.

"Alright, Zuko will be deploying here and here, via Helidynes we requisitioned from the military and…"

Shakari went over the details of the plan, and when thirty minutes were up he activated the controls to open the doors and shutters. Air once again flowed into the room and the stale stench of anxious Gremlin flowed out. Shakari exited carrying a jar of grey water which he promptly dumped down a handy drain.

"You have your orders. Move out".

His three officers smartly saluted, about faced, and headed down the corridor already barking orders into their respective walkies.

--- Several hours later ---

The Helidyne carring Iroh and Shakari soared through the acid storm as electrical discharges began to increase in both number and intensity. What had started out as a drizzle was beginning to build in intensity into a full blow electrical storm, probably fueled by some ancient and exotic power plant deep in the crust of the planet. Idly Shakari listened in on the radio chatter as they disconnected the monorail lines physically isolating the refinery from the rest of the city.

Shakari knew that he and his men only had a limited time to locate, identify, pursue, and capture The Spy. Their ruse with The Barons records would only last so long, and The Baron wouldn't give a shit what Shakari wanted to do, greedy son of a dead star. It couldn't be helped though, he had already beaten his head raw at the problem for over a month coming up with this plan in highly paranoid secrecy.

Shakari watched as Zuko and his men began to separate from the squads in charge of keeping The Spy bottled up. Their flashlights throwing spears of light into the dark, punctuated by brilliant purple bolts of lightning that lit up the sky brighter than day. It would be hell to find The Spy in this wheather, but there was no other choice. If The Spy thought the Government was after him he would go to ground and likely never be seen again. It was now or never.

Reaching up Shakari pulled a galvanized rubber gas mask over his head, feeling his jaw and ears pop as its systems generated positive pressure against the plastic lenses and galvanized rubber. It should keep out the poisonous air in the refinery as well as any gaseous tricks The Spy had up his sleeve. He hated these damn things, he always felt like he was suffocating and the rubber pulled at his fur. It was necessary though since they had cut power to the plant, and any air conditioning, filtering, and recycling systems it had built into it.

"This is Toph. All clear, everything is in position, Zuko has gone on ahead. Whenever you are ready".

Shakari beeped acknowledgement over his mic, he and his men would play overwatch for now, moving in as Zuko located and narrowed down the objective. They had thought about using code words but Shakari had decided against it in favor of ease and clarity of communication. This Gremlin was supposedly a genius at his chosen trade. Shakari didn't feel like trying to pull the lattice over his eyes.

Several hours passed. Shakari began to worry, had The Spy already caught on and decided to outlast him and his men? He didn't have any illusions that he could. In a few hours the morning shift would start and many gremlins would be upset at their inability to get to work, followed swiftly by The Baron hacking into his communications to scream in his ear why the Shadownet had taken over one of his plants.

Shakari's thoughts were interrupted by Zuko over the radio.

"Hold it…I see something. One and Two, take point and find out what it…there it goes! Its him its…by the stars we lost him. He had mines set out, fragmentation. Simple stuff, looks home made". Shakari nodded and brought up a heads up display to show him Zukos location. The primary smelter, makes sense. Wide open space to go around Alpha and Charlie. Looks like Shakari was right, The Spy was also playing for keeps too. He heard gunfire over the radio followed by what sounded like a bullet ricocheting off metal.

"Report" he smoothly commanded.

"Bastard had a snipers nest, its empty now. Doesn't look like any gun ive ever seen. I call dibs!"

Shakari frowned as he heard some groans in the background.

"Keep the fuck on your claws you assholes! The Spy could fracking kill you all, so shut the fuck up and get back to work!"

A slightly sulky sounding Zuko responded. "Roger wilco, proceeding down the hallway".

Shakari brought a map out from a side panel and plotted Zukos position and course on the blueprints for the plant. It lead straight into Tophs position, his most heavily fortified one as a matter of fact. The Spy for all his gadgets and gizmos couldn't stand up in a straight slugging match, it was probably why he was called The Spy instead of The Thug. The only reason The Spy would head straight for a killzone was…

"Toph! The Spy has a bolt hole! Advance towards Zukos position, you can catch him in a cross fire, he wont have anywhere to go, Stars you could probably dogpile him into submission! Move fast before he makes his bolt hole!"

"Roger wilco"

A few minutes later Toph and Zuko met up with no sign of The Spy. Shakari smacked his fist on the tray in front of him, but kept a grim face. They would stay until the time limit. Maybe there was still a chance.

"Sir?" The pilot radioed back from the cockpit, Shakari looked up.

"We have movement on the radar sir, the monorail line is extending".

Shakari looked and saw a vehicle headed across the monorail. Even the Spy cant fly on his own. Flashing a toothy grin (known only to himself behind his mask) Shakari ordered the helidyne to land on the far side to intercept.

"He has only one way to go. I think we got him".

Thoughts? Too fast?
[ ] Air Doctrine: Helidynes are the future! Convert our shuttles into gunships, build air superiority craft, and pound the enemy from the air with bombs, missiles, and paratroopers!
[X] Mobile Combined Arms Doctrine
Comprised of fast moving technologically advanced units this doctrine revolves around mobility and lightning quick strikes. Pull the enemy out of formation then hit them in their weak spot. With combined arms you have a little bit of everything for any situation, airdrops, bombing runs, powered infantry, commando teams, armored vehicles, giant robots and so on.

We can't really match Tri-Corp in numbers. So what we have to do is keep from getting in a drawn out battle. Harass them, frustrate them and when they finally break formation make them pay for it and then when the day is done and everyone leaves let them return to a base camp that is set to blow, full of poisoned food or dead officers.

This seems like a good compromise between Chaos doctrine which is all about the espionage and stealthy tactics and a standard military force which numerically can't stand up to Tri-Corp. With this we have the direct combat strength so that they don't just run us over while also keeping all the good points of Chaos Doctrine.

Also, given their fleet of shuttles might I suggest we look into developing some form of Anti-air installations/weaponry and intercepors. We don't know whether they're aiming for orbit or to drop their entire army on us. We should be prepared to deal with both.
Hey, for the X-1 research lab, can we look at those flakes apparently floating in the distortions matrix?

Cause those worry me a great deal, and I don't want us to get eaten by some kind of massive gravitational distortion while busy researching other stuff, or fighting the Tricorp states, or stuff.
Wasn't there a project that would give us four new action slots?

Why are we not starting that now?

Edit: Wait, scratch that, just found it. Nevermind.

Edit 2: Hey, why not switch Shielding for Internet? Internet has so many uses its not even funny, and Shielding is going to need Chekov to get it right.

This is just me putting up stuff for consideration. I am curious as to the desire for shields, considering all of the other issues we have with our military. Researching or creating better logistics for our army seems a better use of that slot. But then again, that's just me.
Zeitgeist, we can't provide large amounts of power for the force-field research project right now. Chekov's reactor is turned off.
Dreamyr said:
[X] Mobile Combined Arms Doctrine
Comprised of fast moving technologically advanced units this doctrine revolves around mobility and lightning quick strikes. Pull the enemy out of formation then hit them in their weak spot. With combined arms you have a little bit of everything for any situation, airdrops, bombing runs, powered infantry, commando teams, armored vehicles, giant robots and so on.

We can't really match Tri-Corp in numbers. So what we have to do is keep from getting in a drawn out battle. Harass them, frustrate them and when they finally break formation make them pay for it and then when the day is done and everyone leaves let them return to a base camp that is set to blow, full of poisoned food or dead officers.

This seems like a good compromise between Chaos doctrine which is all about the espionage and stealthy tactics and a standard military force which numerically can't stand up to Tri-Corp. With this we have the direct combat strength so that they don't just run us over while also keeping all the good points of Chaos Doctrine.

Also, given their fleet of shuttles might I suggest we look into developing some form of Anti-air installations/weaponry and intercepors. We don't know whether they're aiming for orbit or to drop their entire army on us. We should be prepared to deal with both.
I vote for this.
Zeitgeist said:
It said large, and that;s a relative term. I didn't take it to mean we needed Chekov's reactor to power one, and if we did it's sort of useless. I was under the impression it was the sort of thing you'd have to power with a bases or a cities power grid, at least a starship.

But i guess if people think it's mroe prudent to get the internet then something to possibly protect us from ICBM's, i'll switch that slot to datalinks.

All right, done.
i want the force fields myself, but i also want to be sure we don't end up with chekov saying 'i told you i would need a lot of power to research this, and then you told me to investigate it anyway when you couldn't give me the power'.

Trent With the X-1 forcefield project, do we have enough power to keep everything running and research it, or will we need to wait until the reactor is up in order to do so?
mkire said:
i want the force fields myself, but i also want to be sure we don't end up with chekov saying 'i told you i would need a lot of power to research this, and then you told me to investigate it anyway when you couldn't give me the power'.

Trent With the X-1 forcefield project, do we have enough power to keep everything running and research it, or will we need to wait until the reactor is up in order to do so?
You need some form of large-scale surplus power to run the forcefield project. Either Chekov's Reactor or some "Redundant Powerplant" infrastructure you can build. Or you could sacrifice slots to pay for the power bill.
Zeitgeist said:
You know, i'm having second thoughts about vesca's write-in. We're less then 200 points away from recruitng the guy anyway. Do we really want to risk killing him and pissing off the baron?
I'm fairly sure that we could prove our competence with a succesful 'sabotage/spy on Tricorp' action/writein...
I am neutral on what to do with espionage, but otherwise support the plan put forth by zeitgeist
Census time! Turn 12 aftermath.

  • 3x Creator shuttles.
    • 1x Creator shuttle on loan to Raider.
    • 1x Creator shuttle is MIA.
  • 2x Gremlin shuttles.
  • 1st Armsmen Battalion, strength 19
    EXO support squad, +4 combat strength.
    Support Weapon Brigade: +3 strength, medium.
    Vanguard Brigade: +3 combat strength.
    Hardtrooper Platoon: +4 combat strength
    Light: Lightly equipped with few anti-vehicle weapons or bodyarmor.
  • 2nd Armsmen Battalion, strength 17
    Laser Ersatz-Tanks: +2 combat strength.
    Spiderweave vests: -1 to any strength loss in combat.
    Light: Lightly equipped with few anti-vehicle weapons or bodyarmor.
  • 3rd Armsmen Battalion, strength 17
    Support Weapon Brigade: +3 strength, medium.
    Light: Lightly equipped with few anti-vehicle weapons or bodyarmor.
  • 1st Armored Company.
    Training, 1 of ?? points.
  • 1st Mech Battalion.
    Training, 111 of 200 points.
  • Ironclaw Security Battalion, strength 24/25
    Reserves: -2 to any strength loss.
    Sappers: +5 combat strength, x2 if against improvements, fortifications, or remnant robots.
    EXO shock troopers: +5 to combat strength, x2 if against large enemy units.
    Talon Artillery: + 5 combat strength, x2 with Heavy Munitions.
    Mechanized: Mobile forces with motorbikes, APC's, IFV's, and halftracks. Bonus against slow units.
    Medium: Troops wear bodyarmor, have some heavy weapons on squad level, and are well trained and equipped.
Key Items:
  • Gremlins: +20 to one industry-related action per turn.
  • Vehicle Crew Shortage: -30 to building vehicles. Negated by Vehicle Field Academy.
  • Creator Software Key: +10 to one Creator-ruin related action per turn. Nullifies low/mid-level locks.
  • Hazard Gear: Reduce damage from science failures.
  • Engine-metal x0. Consumable resource used by improvements for bonuses.
  • Creator Curios x0. Consumable, used by certain improvements for bonuses
  • Heavy Munitions x7. Very powerful above the norm explosives. Consumable. Used by military units for bonuses and buffs, or for special actions.
  • Cold Fusion Cells x1. High-power cold fusion power cells. Irreplaceable, invaluable, priceless for their power and what they hold inside them.
Temporary Bonuses:
  • Lab Tech Abundance: +10 to one R&D project for three turns. (turns 12, 13 and 14)
Ship templates:
  • Gremlin shuttle (40 points).
Unit templates:
  • Armsmen Company (50 points, Strength 12)
    Shrinkage 2: additional 2 strength loss per battle
    Light: Lightly equipped with few anti-vehicle weapons or bodyarmor.
  • Armsmen Battalion (75 points, Strength 17)
    Light: Lightly equipped with few anti-vehicle weapons or bodyarmor.
  • Mobile Artillery Battery (100 points, Strength 12)
    Fire-Support: +5 strength in presence of friendly units.
    Unwieldy: -5 strength when operating without support.
  • Armored Company (?? points, Strength 16)
    Big lasers: +4 combat strength, x2 against armor or heavies.
  • Mech Battalion (?? points, Strength 20)
Unit Add-ons:
  • EXO Support Squad (30 points)
    Attachment: +4 combat strength.
  • Laser Ersatz-Tanks (25 points)
    Attachment: +2 combat strength.
  • Support Weapon Brigade (40 points)
    Attachment: +3 combat strength.
    Medium: Troops wear bodyarmor and have large amounts of heavy weapons.
  • "Lancer" Helidyne Squadron (50 points)
    Attachment: +4 combat strength.
  • Behemoth-Hunter Mech Platoon (100 points)
    Expensive: -20 to build rolls due to complexity.
    Behemoth: +5 combat strength, x3 against fortifications.
    Hunters: +5 combat strength, x3 against mechs
  • Vanguard Brigade (50 points)
    Attachment: +3 combat strength.
    Rare: Require Creator Weapons.
  • Hardtrooper Platoon (50 points)
    Attachment: +4 combat strength.
    Rare: Require Creator Cyber-surgical Suite.
    Rare: Require volunteers.
  • Spiderweave vests (35 points)
    Bodyarmor: -1 to any strength loss in combat.
  • Chekov
    • Inspired Genius: +1 General R&D slot OR +15 to one Science roll per turn.
  • Sokov
    • Financial Smarts: +1 Economy-related action slot OR +20 to one Economy-related action per turn.
Planetary Improvements:
  • Grand Armory
    • Military Contractor: +20 bonus to Military actions or building military units.
      • Used for Raider's contract.
    • Military Testing Ground: +1 R&D slot to Military R&D ONLY or +20 to one Military R&D project.
    • Training Grounds: +2 strength to all units.
    • Incendiary Munitions Line (0 of 150 points)
    • The Armor Bay: +20 to one Mech production action per turn.
  • The Industrial Sector (upgradeable, 0 of 100 points to level 3)
    • Conveyor: +5 to Industry-related actions.
    • Smelting: +5 bonus when fueled by one unit of Engine-metal, to a max of three.
    • Massive Scale Foundry (74 of 80 points): +10 to one Industry-related action per turn, upkeep: 1 engine-metal per turn.
    • Molecular Forge (0 of 250 points): +20 to one Industry-related action per turn.
  • Engineering Lab
    • Engineering Table: +1 Engineering-related R&D slot.
  • Creator's Labs
    • High-tech: +1 General Science Slot.
  • Chekov's Reactor
    • Fission heap: +20 to one Industrial or Power-related action.
      • Being dismantled.
    • Generatorium (47 of 150 points): ??.
  • Builder R&D Lab
    • Reverse-engineering: +1 Creator-related R&D slot.
    • Jury-rigging: +5 bonus per unit of curios to a max of two.
  • Creator infrastructure
    • Public transit: +1 action slot.
  • Factory of Faith (upgradeable)
    • Industrial Worship: +2 action slot.
    • Zealous Industry: +30 to one Industry-related action per turn.
    • Industrial-Faith Complex: +10 to one Zeal power-action per turn.
  • Convenience Food Factories
    • Infrastructure: ++Growth
    • Food surplus: +10 to one Economic action per turn.
      • Used for a Raider's contract.
  • Exploration Command Center
    • Frontiersmen: +1 Exploration-only action slot OR +20 to one Exploration-related action per turn.
  • Colony Defense Initiative
    • Defensive Siege Guns: +4 strength to colony defense.
    • Colonial Guard (0 of 250 points).
  • Temple of Faith
    • Temple: +1 Starlord action.
    • Faith: ++Morale.
  • Ministry of Truth
    • X-Com show: +10 to one Military action or Military R&D project per turn. Finished?
    • Scrapheap Challenge aka Junkyard Wars: -20 to one exploration or scavenging action next turn.
  • X-1 Lab
    • Totem: +1 X-1 only research slot.
  • Gremlin Intelligence Bureau
    • Shadownet: +1 Espionage-only action slot.
  • Industrial DEA (0 of 400 points)
    • ++++ industry.
  • Baron's Borehole (151 of 200 points)
  • Coffee Factory (48 of 100 points)
  • Xeno R&D Lab (0 of 150 points)
  • Energon Power plants (0 of 175 points)
  • Spaceport
  • Spaceport-Beta
  • Titan cyber-surgical suite: ++Medical care, +Cybernetic augmentation.
  • Myco Agriculture Zones: ++Growth.
  • Factory Farm DEA's: +++Growth, +Economics.
  • Myco Processors: ++Growth.
  • Raider R&D Lab: Not under our control.
  • Organic Farming (0 of 200 points)
  • Ultralight Composite Fabricators (0 of 150 points)
  • Vehicle Field Academy (91 of 250 points)
  • State Hospital (0 of 150 point)
  • Public Schooling System (0 of 250 points)
  • Baron's Just-in-time-supplies (0 of 200 points)
Planetary Exploitation:
  • Industrial Level 2: +1 action slot, +10 to one Industry-related action.
  • [New R&D Project: Creator Database Diving 101] "Dive in, see what we can dig up"
  • [New R&D Project: Datalinks] "Gremlin internet. Or beginnings thereof"
  • [New R&D Project: Energon Explosives] "Energon-tipped Heavy Munitions"
  • [New R&D Project: Civilian Energon Engines] "If the military is using Hot Fusion, then perhaps civilians could make use of Energon?"
  • [New R&D Project: C-3 squared] "Improve command and control ability for strategic operations."
  • [New R&D Project: X-1 Energy Barriers] (Need large amounts of power) "At last, energy shielding. Or beginnings thereof."- Chekov.
  • [New R&D Project: X-1 Flakes] "What are these flakes at the edge of the vortex?"
  • [New Action Project: Myco Cultivation] "Begin large-scale attempts to cultivate this stuff."
  • [New Action Project: Access Code Scavenging] "Dig around in the wastes to look for computer codes." (-20 difficulty)
  • [New Action Project: Investigate the Orbital Hab Complex]
  • [Build Project: Chekov's Reactor: Fission to Hot Fusion] (47 of 150 points)
  • [Build Project: Organic Farming] (0 of 200 points)
  • [Build Project: Ultralight Composite Fabricators] (0 of 150 points)
  • [Build Project: Vehicle Field Academy] (91 of 250 points)
  • [Build Project: Baron's Borehole] (151 of 200 points)
  • [Build Project: Coffee Factory] (48 of 100 points)
  • [Build Project: Xeno R&D Lab] (0 of 150 points)
  • [Build Project: Energon Power plants] (0 of 175 points)
  • [Build Project: Colonial Guard] (0 of 250 points)
  • [Build Project: Massive Scale Foundry] (74 of 80 points)
  • [Build Project: Molecular Forge] (0 of 250 points)
  • [Build Project: Incendiary Munitions Line] (0 of 150 points)
  • [Build Project: State Hospital] (0 of 150 point)
  • [Build Project: Public Schooling System] (0 of 250 points)
  • [Build Project: Baron's Just-in-time-supplies] (0 of 200 points)
  • [Manufacturing Project: Make High-tech munitions, 50 points each]
  • [Manufacturing Project: Produce Heavy Munitions, 25 points each]
Star Lord Actions:
  • [Star-Lord Action: Zeal- Worship! Religion! All obey the star-lord!] You get a little extra Star Power via worship and Life is more obedient to your wishes as well as to other tasks.
  • [Star-Lord Action: Artificer] You can design and grant gifts of unusual power to your Life. For good, or for ill.
  • [Star-Lord Action: Liberate tutemet ex inferis!] There are some levels of hyperspace best left unknown. You didn't know that. Do you dare breach the highest and lowest boundaries between dimensions?
  • [Star-Lord Action: Tinker with the Q-space tap]
I think I'll commit the sin of double-post and put slot/modifiers list separately.

Slots: (Some can be converted into modifiers instead)
  • 2x Star-Power (1 inherent, 1 Temple of Faith)
  • 3x R&D (2 inherent, -1 racial, 1 Creator's Labs, 1 Hero-Chekov)
  • 1x R&D - Military (1 Grand Armory)
  • 1x R&D - Creator (1 Builder R&D Lab)
  • 1x R&D - Engineering (1 Engineering Lab)
  • 1x R&D - X-Artifact (1 X-1 Lab)
  • 9x Actions (5 inherent, 1 Public Transit, 2 Factory of Faith, 1 Planetary Exploitation)
  • 1x Action - Build (1 racial)
  • 1x Action - Economic (1 Hero-Baron)
  • 1x Action - Exploration (1 Exploration Command Center)
  • 1x Action - Espionage (1 Shadownet)
Modifier list:
  • +15 to one R&D project per turn. (Hero-Chekov slot conversion)
  • +20 to one Military R&D project per turn. (Grand Armory slot conversion)
  • +20 to one Economy-related action per turn. (Hero-Sokov slot conversion)
  • +20 to one Exploration-related action per turn. (Exploration Command Center slot conversion)
  • -30 to building vehicles. (Event)
  • +20 to one Industry-related action per turn. (Racial)
  • +30 to one Industry-related action per turn. (Factory of Faith)
  • +10 to one Industry-related action per turn. (Planetary Exploitation)
  • +5 to one Industry-related action per turn. (The Industrial Sector)
  • +5 to one Industry-related action when fueled by one unit of Engine-metal, to a max of three per turn. (The Industrial Sector)
  • +10 to one Creator-ruin related action per turn. Nullifies low/mid-level locks. (Creator Software Key)
  • +20 to one Mech production action per turn. (Grand Armory)
  • +10 to one R&D project per turn. (Lab Tech Abundance)
  • +5 to one Builder R&D project per unit of curios to a max of two per turn. (Builder R&D Lab)
  • +10 to one Zeal power-action per turn. (Factory of Faith)
  • -20 to one exploration or scavenging action next turn. (Ministry of Truth)
Zeitgeist said:
[x][x] Zeal: Spark rebellion among the Tri-Corps (+10; Industrial-Faith complex)
*snip excellent but badly timed Zeal write-in*
This is, highly likely, will spark outright revolt against Tricorp, which will be put down hard, since these Gremlins lack any anti-mech armament and we are in no way ready to support such rebellion. This will make all further revolt attempts that much harder.
[x] X-1 Flakes: "What are these flakes at the edge of the vortex?"
You forgot to delete this one from general R&D. Minor mistake, but it could lead us to losing Chekov's modifier if GM is in a bad mood.

The rest looks good, but you really should change Zeal to something more along the lines "Prepare and bide your time" rather than "Vive la rebellion!"
Don't we need too get the faith going there before we can incite rebellion? I assumed the double dose of zeal was to get the religion going so that when we are ready we can instigate the rebellion and attack to save our brothers in faith.