Lets Get To It! Rwby Ideas/discussion Thread

Is Ruby going to have a moral crisis over meeting Young Cinder ("It's wrong what is happening to her......but she has hurt so many people........" etc. etc.), or is she just going to slap Rhodes upside the head for being an idiot and run off with the kid?
I must know.

Also, depending on how much and what Yang tells Summer.....oooooooh she is going to want to have WORDS with Ozpin and her entire team.

Personally, I can't imagine any canonical version of Ruby ever seriously considering about whether to hold Young Cinder accountable for the crimes of Future Cinder. I am firmly convinced that Ruby would take a look at her and decide that she has to help her, not just to avert the things she would have done but because here and now, she's done nothing to deserve this and Ruby isn't really the type to decide that people "deserve" to suffer just because they've done shitty things. She's fully ready to kill a bitch to stop them from continuing to hurt people, but retributive vengeance isn't something she's ever been strongly committed to.

Keep in mind that Ruby has tried to reason with Roman, Cinder, Neo, and Tyrian, each while they were actively trying to kill her and often in the midst or the wake of doing awful shit to her and people she cares about.

However, I do think she would be affected by the memory of who Cinder became and what Cinder did, and that even if she studiously kept it from affecting how she treated Young Cinder in word or deed, Young Cinder would almost certainly pick up on that seeming discomfort and the feeling of there being a wall between them, of Ruby looking at her and not really seeing her but someone or something else, and that would probably cause issues all on its own.
So just to note, I am loving these descriptions, the set up and general vibe so far. The descriptions are especially good at setting the scene and conveying how the characters are feeling, very impressive!

I do think "Thugs" was a bit overused and Summer feels more like a "Stand down" type to me, but otherwise great stuff
Thank you.

And noted, will probably change around.

Oh great stuff all round here, weaving in the movies and Weiss's grief and lack of desire to confront the Penny situation, kudos. Also again great scene setting!
I'm going on the assumption that the movies are canon, just not really talked about in the show, so Part 1 is definitely going to be something they're all thinking about early on as they come to grips with the situation they're in.

The bit in brackets is a little confusing, is it a note for later?
That was a personal note I forgot to delete. Fixed, thank you.

Did Cinder have both Relics by this point? I might need to do a re-watch.

Regardless you built up Ruby's anxieties and desperate bid to problem solve well.

Also, weird question, what happened to the civilians who fell? Did they go splat?
Yeah I believe so.

Ruby I feel like in this situation is both doing better in some ways than canon at this point while also doing worse in other ways. Because being in Atlas means she feels like she's in a much easier to fix situation while at the same time she doesn't have the sheer confusion of being in Ever After to distract her.

And I get the impression that dead bodies just kind of didn't make through since the most we saw in Ever After were bits like Penny's blades.

Low key I thought Yang's eyes would be red turning to lilac to help sell the connection XD
Oh that's good, using that.

Personally, I can't imagine any canonical version of Ruby ever seriously considering about whether to hold Young Cinder accountable for the crimes of Future Cinder. I am firmly convinced that Ruby would take a look at her and decide that she has to help her, not just to avert the things she would have done but because here and now, she's done nothing to deserve this and Ruby isn't really the type to decide that people "deserve" to suffer just because they've done shitty things. She's fully ready to kill a bitch to stop them from continuing to hurt people, but retributive vengeance isn't something she's ever been strongly committed to.

Keep in mind that Ruby has tried to reason with Roman, Cinder, Neo, and Tyrian, each while they were actively trying to kill her and often in the midst or the wake of doing awful shit to her and people she cares about.

However, I do think she would be affected by the memory of who Cinder became and what Cinder did, and that even if she studiously kept it from affecting how she treated Young Cinder in word or deed, Young Cinder would almost certainly pick up on that seeming discomfort and the feeling of there being a wall between them, of Ruby looking at her and not really seeing her but someone or something else, and that would probably cause issues all on its own.
Yeah. Ruby is ruthless in a fight but she does try to reason with people generally when possible. Also she doesn't seem like the type to be mean to a child in general. Then again the whole team would certainly be sympathetic to Young Cinder, particularly Weiss and Blake. Blake would be furious once she realized Cinder was literally enslaved by the Madam.

But you make a very solid point. Ruby hates Cinder. That doesn't mean she isn't going to have compassion for Young Cinder, far from it. But her feelings on Cinder would definitely effect how she interacts with this time's Cinder. Which could have some interesting effects.
Thank you.

And noted, will probably change around.

I'm going on the assumption that the movies are canon, just not really talked about in the show, so Part 1 is definitely going to be something they're all thinking about early on as they come to grips with the situation they're in.

That was a personal note I forgot to delete. Fixed, thank you.
NP, thanks for sharing!

Coolios, I think using it once or twice is fine, but more than that and it starts to feel a bit weird.

Totally fair and it makes a lot of sense to assume tat!

eah I believe so.

Ruby I feel like in this situation is both doing better in some ways than canon at this point while also doing worse in other ways. Because being in Atlas means she feels like she's in a much easier to fix situation while at the same time she doesn't have the sheer confusion of being in Ever After to distract her.

And I get the impression that dead bodies just kind of didn't make through since the most we saw in Ever After were bits like Penny's blades.

Oh that's good, using that.

That makes a lot of sense, her way forward is clearer, but that also means she has to confront the fact that once she gets to Vacuo she has no clue what to do sooner.


So glad you like it!

Yeah. Ruby is ruthless in a fight but she does try to reason with people generally when possible.
Honestly one of my favorite things about Yang & Ruby is that they are the two most ruthless members of their team. Like they don't want to kill, they will offer the olive branch or give you the chance to leave. But if you don't take it they won't make any bones about offing their foe. After all, they chose to make it a death fight, not them. The fact they can both use it to set up surprise attacks or goad a temperamental foe is even better.
But you make a very solid point. Ruby hates Cinder.
Its funny, before V8 I don't think Ruby hate, hated Cinder. Not anymore than she hated Emerald, Mercury, Neo or Roman anyway. It gave Cinder's would be rivalry a hilarious feeling that Ruby was the only normal one about it. Over there is Cinder seething about Ruby and burning effigies of her, on the other side is Ruby who has a somewhat firmer voice when the prospect of Cinder sending an assassin after her comes up.

Its not a writing issue either, the second Ruby sees Cinder in V7 its all business and she sends her running for the hills via silver eyes. Its just cold professionalism. Cinder wanted it to be personal so, so bad, but to Ruby Cinder was just another problem to solve with strategic applications of violence.

But striking down Penny has likely managed to make it personal, so yeah I can definitely see it effecting Ruby even if she doesn't want it to.
got a weapon ides but I am having trouble describing how it would transform any help would be nice
I don't usually go into how they transform unless its something very obvious like 'unfurling', I just lean on sounds and sensations of shifting metal and humming machinery.

La Rosa - Hyper453 - RWBY [Archive of Our Own]

"La Rosa is Vale's most notorious mafia and the Remnant criminal underworld has always feared and respected them, but what happens when it comes under new sudden management?

Following the death of La Rosa's boss, Summer Rose, the leadership falls to the next in line. Barely at the age of eighteen, Ruby Rose has not only lost her mother, but become the strongest crime boss within Vale's criminal underworld. She's inexperienced and out of place. Does she have what it takes to keep La Rosa's name just as infamous as it was under her mother or will it fade to dust and fall?"

3 works thus far with a total of 65 chapters between them.
it's a Ruby/Blake story with Ruby at 18 and Blake is her bodyguard.
Yang is digging for the truth behind Summer's death.
No idea what role Weiss has in this.
I have not read any of this and all this info is just based on what I see on the page I linked above.
ts funny, before V8 I don't think Ruby hate, hated Cinder. Not anymore than she hated Emerald, Mercury, Neo or Roman anyway. It gave Cinder's would be rivalry a hilarious feeling that Ruby was the only normal one about it. Over there is Cinder seething about Ruby and burning effigies of her, on the other side is Ruby who has a somewhat firmer voice when the prospect of Cinder sending an assassin after her comes up.

Its not a writing issue either, the second Ruby sees Cinder in V7 its all business and she sends her running for the hills via silver eyes. Its just cold professionalism. Cinder wanted it to be personal so, so bad, but to Ruby Cinder was just another problem to solve with strategic applications of violence.

But striking down Penny has likely managed to make it personal, so yeah I can definitely see it effecting Ruby even if she doesn't want it to.
Honestly I would argue that pre end of Volume 8, Ruby has much stronger feelings about Emerald and Mercury then Cinder. Cinder may have killed Pyrrha but Emerald directly pretended to be their friend before betraying them.

But yeah, Volume 7 made it hilariously clear that Ruby didn't see Cinder as a rival despite Cinder very much seeing Ruby as a rival. Cinder's attack on the evacuation efforts, even before she finds out about what happened to Penny, has made Ruby a lot more hateful towards Cinder.
been watching Spice & Wolf thanks to the new anime this season
and now I am imagining various kinds of RWBY/S&W mixes

Weiss as Lawrence and Ruby as Holo
Yang as Lawrence and Blake as Holo

RWBY somehow ending up in the world of Spice & Wolf
Lawrence and Holo somehow ending up in Remnant
EDIT @Pugman

I never got around to watching Spice & Wolf but there feels to be a lot of potential in all those spins.

I could also see a fusion where Lawrence and Holo could exist on Remnant or visa versa.
Honestly I would argue that pre end of Volume 8, Ruby has much stronger feelings about Emerald and Mercury then Cinder. Cinder may have killed Pyrrha but Emerald directly pretended to be their friend before betraying them.

But yeah, Volume 7 made it hilariously clear that Ruby didn't see Cinder as a rival despite Cinder very much seeing Ruby as a rival. Cinder's attack on the evacuation efforts, even before she finds out about what happened to Penny, has made Ruby a lot more hateful towards Cinder.
Honestly yeah that fits, they betrayed and or used her, the pain there is deeper (Though even then she was open to questioning) Cinder was just a distant foe who hurt her yes, but in a way she expects an enemy to hurt her.

Haha, yeah pretty much this, though yeah I8 do think that made it more personal given the context.
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If RWBY landed in the Spice & Wolf world - what time in RWBY would play a part to how the team handles things (Beacon arc, Mistral Arc, Atlas Arc, etc.), but at least Weiss would be able to flex her business skills.

If Lawrence and Holo landed in Remnant - Lawerence might be up a creek without a paddle. Not much of a fighter, no powers, and I am not sure how much his merchant skills would really work for him in Remnant. Though seeing Holo in her GIANT WOLF form fighting some Grimm might be neat.
Made a thread for my new fic.


Ripples Across the Pond (RWBY)

After the events of Volume 8, team RWBY finds themselves not in Ever After, but in a still standing Kingdom of Atlas, some thirtreen years in the past. Before Summer Rose vanished, before one Cinder Fall was ever found by Salem.
Can I get a second opinion?

Dalek IX's fic Red Ruin is a fusion between RWBY/FEAR, with one of his worldbuilding points being that Armacham convinced the Valean Council to remilitarize. According to the author, one of the aircraft in the Vale Self Defense Force's inventory is an F-22 Raptor equivalent that is both maneuverable enough to evade most airborne Grimm, well-armed enough to kill them, hosts a suite of aerial recon equipment to catch bandits, and stealthy enough to sneak up on Atlesian aircraft.

My question is how would one justify the funding for such an aircraft? While the speed and maneuverability could mean it could outrun most Grimm, I doubt the stealth would be effective against Grimm, and critics would say it seems more suited to human warfare than Grimm containment. Would Armacham have to convince Vale Council of the potential threat posed by Atlas' military?
My question is how would one justify the funding for such an aircraft? While the speed and maneuverability could mean it could outrun most Grimm, I doubt the stealth would be effective against Grimm, and critics would say it seems more suited to human warfare than Grimm containment. Would Armacham have to convince Vale Council of the potential threat posed by Atlas' military?

1) Corporate Advantage - getting Vale to invest millions, even billions into such a craft would mean money going into your pockets. It's possible to siphon maybe just a hint of funds from that cashwind into Armacham's pockets.

2) National Pride/economics - Even on Earth, producing one's own jet fighter craft is neither cheap nor quick. As such, nations that can produce their own craft have a sense of pride as many manhours of work, resources, and institutional knowledge is going into these planes. In this instance, it might not hurt to go big or go home. And even if the fighter isn't as useful, the need industries to make it or the manpower trained up could be useful in other parts of Vale's economy.

3) Associated science and technology - even if airborne stealth tech (or the Earth kind) isn't useful against the Grimm, things that go into making it work (computers, material science, design concepts, etc) could still be useful in future designs or ideas. And that doesn't meant the F-22's stealth is useless for sure.

4) Security concern - Say you were the council of Vale. You've spent several decades in a sort of pacifist state and it's been working. Then Atlas decides it wants to beef up its military a bit. And by a bit, I mean heavy airship cruisers capable of levelling towns, large formations of robotic soldiers, inducting hunters directly into the military, new giant mech walkers, etc. Even if you knew Ironwood and the Atlas Council were unwilling to use such forces against the other kingdoms, who's to say their successors would do the same? Sometimes, it's better to try and play nice but to have some big cards to play if it ever comes done. Even if no war happens, having several squadrons of stealthy fighters is a pretty good deterrent against a rouge Atlas, or perhaps enough to buy yourself to mobilize a proper airforce and military.
I feel like the bigger questions are, "Where are all these features coming from?" and "Why hasn't Atlas made one yet?"
Maybe for the why Atlas hasn't made an F-22 Equivalent, I think you might have to look at their defenses, more specifically the environment.

Vale's really blessed when it comes to using the environment as a shield. A mountain range that protects most of its cities and costal settlements, thick forests good for foraging, a decently sized habitable island, and an ocean to its back. With the exception of Mount Glenn, Vale's got it good. Those environmental features are good for both defence and economics (Ocean access to trade and fishing, forests for lumber, mountains for defences and maybe mining, etc).

By contrast, Atlas has snowy tundra, some mountains.....and that's about it. Besides the cold, there really isn't much keeping the Grimm out and we see that the Grimm are adapting to the Cold Fairly quickly. Even with what they have, we see that Atlas is still very vulnerable to being attacked by Grimm (at least Mantle is). By contrast, the only Valean settlement we see attacked naturally is Mount Glenn (partially helped by Merlot) and that all further Grimm attacks at Vale in canon were either orchestrated by an outside force or Salem.

So that's where I think the military thinking diverges from. Atlas might have to invest more into mobile flying fortresses/air cruisers, Mantle's wall, and slower but harder-hitting units like the Paladin because it frankly needs it. It's got not much in environmental defences to hold the line. By contrast, Vale's got it good and theoretically could just squat behind mountains, forests, and an ocean. Vale might feel more comfortable investing more into offensive systems like F-22s or other Earth weapons.
Vale might feel more comfortable investing more into offensive systems like F-22s or other Earth weapons.
I think you raise some fair points regarding the distinct circumstances that would inform heavy duty but slow VS fast and maneuverable planes/airships so kudos there. I do however think that there's still issues. Looking at the list of traits it has:

F-22 Raptor equivalent that is both maneuverable enough to evade most airborne Grimm, well-armed enough to kill them, hosts a suite of aerial recon equipment to catch bandits, and stealthy enough to sneak up on Atlesian aircraft.

"maneuverable enough to evade most airborne Grimm"
Off the cuff I feel the need to note that would appeal to Atlas, but also raises some questions about whether that's true given the Tempest can literally conjure storms and the Geist's can go immaterial to possess things.

"well-armed enough to kill them,"
This is again iffy, feel the need to note that we see some solidly sized missiles and massive laser canons deployed in defense of Mantle when the Grimm start swarming and they don't do jack shit to some of the more notable Grimm and these weren't even alpha, let alone elder Grimm.

"hosts a suite of aerial recon equipment to catch bandits"
I'm not super well versed on exactly how effective such tech is, but how does it distinguish between bandits or anyone else? Plus, I'd note that we've seen characters snipe and cut missiles from the air, so I am unsure such equipment would always avoid being shot down. Also as before this seems like something Atlas would want for attacking the White Fang or targeting Grimm.

"and stealthy enough to sneak up on Atlesian aircraft"
This again seems like something Atlas would really want just to stay ahead/safe/competitive; plus I am unsure I'd just presume its stealth superiority given we are dealing with a society with refined enough energy reading techniques to rip out a persons soul.

I'm not saying it can't be useful, but I think people can oftentimes overestimate what is effective against us squishy humans, with what would be effective against living juggernauts that make tanks look like they are made from wet tissue paper.
Off the cuff I feel the need to note that would appeal to Atlas, but also raises some questions about whether that's true given the Tempest can literally conjure storms and the Geist's can go immaterial to possess things.

This is again iffy, feel the need to note that we see some solidly sized missiles and massive laser canons deployed in defense of Mantle when the Grimm start swarming and they don't do jack shit to some of the more notable Grimm and these weren't even alpha, let alone elder Grimm.

I'm not super well versed on exactly how effective such tech is, but how does it distinguish between bandits or anyone else? Plus, I'd note that we've seen characters snipe and cut missiles from the air, so I am unsure such equipment would always avoid being shot down. Also as before this seems like something Atlas would want for attacking the White Fang or targeting Grimm.

This again seems like something Atlas would really want just to stay ahead/safe/competitive; plus I am unsure I'd just presume its stealth superiority given we are dealing with a society with refined enough energy reading techniques to rip out a persons soul.

I'm not saying it can't be useful, but I think people can oftentimes overestimate what is effective against us squishy humans, with what would be effective against living juggernauts that make tanks look like they are made from wet tissue paper.

Honestly do remember that this isn't the American F-22. It's Vale's version so it's likely they won't have one for one combat systems. Perhaps the sidewinder bays were replaced with laser cannons or they have air to surface cameras. And jet craft are capable of carrying a wide variety of munitions, from last guided bombs to air to air missiles. Systems that we might not need here on earth, like say rapid fire cluster missile pods or rocket pods, may be used in place of Aim-120s or Sparrows.
Honestly do remember that this isn't the American F-22. It's Vale's version so it's likely they won't have one for one combat systems. Perhaps the sidewinder bays were replaced with laser cannons or they have air to surface cameras. And jet craft are capable of carrying a wide variety of munitions, from last guided bombs to air to air missiles. Systems that we might not need here on earth, like say rapid fire cluster missile pods or rocket pods, may be used in place of Aim-120s or Sparrows.
Sure, but my point is, if Atlas, the nation that pours stupid amounts of money into its literal floating fortresses and massive fleet with their bombers and missile launcher airships is not producing small, faster, super stealthy things that can spy well and take out big honking Grimm I don't see why Vale can.

What I mean is, that giant laser cannons may not just be giant cos Ironwood likes phallic imagery, they may be big because they need to be huge to stand a chance of being effective when not juiced up with someone's Aura. Similarly, any story with such a premise needs to explain why rapid fire cluster missile pods or rocket pods are super effective against Grimm we see walk off missiles exploding in their faces and why every other nation doesn't use them. Same for everything else.

This is one of those things where I feel one needs to give Remnant credit and assume if they aren't doing something that there might be a good reason for tat. Like I recall the CCT being lambasted when it first came up, with people screeching about how dumb Remnant was for not doing satellites, and then finding out/being told Dust doesn't work in space.

This isn't to say one can't take ideas for stuff from Earth or what have you, but I do think if one wants to utilize such ideas, they really need to think deeply on the implications of adding such things into a given settings. Not just in a "Make it work materially" but think about the implications of it working, and why if it does has no one ever done it before and what changes are wrought by it working and is there anything seen in the show to indicate that maybe it wouldn't actually work, ETC.
Do you think White Fang operated with different tactics depending on the kingdom?

White Fang's Valean (pre-Adam) and Atlesian Chapters for example may have been more similar to the Black Panthers (armed self-defense and police confrontation) while the Mistralean Chapter may seem more in keeping with the African National Congress and uMkhonto we Sizwe (despite Faunus in Mistral still being a minority rather than a majority).

All chapters meanwhile would have had groups dedicated to community organizing, complete with community service programs bringing free meals, community education, sanitation, and first aid clinics.

Post-Adam however probably saw Vale Chapter's community organization groups purged outright.
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Do you think White Fang operated with different tactics depending on the kingdom?

White Fang's Valean (pre-Adam) and Atlesian Chapters for example may have been more similar to the Black Panthers (armed self-defense and police confrontation) while the Mistralean Chapter may seem more in keeping with the African National Congress and uMkhonto we Sizwe (despite Faunus in Mistral still being a minority rather than a majority).

All chapters meanwhile would have had groups dedicated to community organizing, complete with community service programs bringing free meals, community education, sanitation, and first aid clinics.

Post-Adam however probably saw Vale Chapter's community organization groups purged outright.
Oh one hundred percent, I have a ton of head-canons about how the White Fang actually operated when it was under competent leadership that wanted it to, ya know, work for something other than hurling soldiers into a meat grinder to slake a murder boner.

They are/were a small but elite collection of militant agents and combatants who stole from and sabotaged SDC & sometimes Atleasian military materials. They worked to get Faunus out of prison labor, had spies infiltrating Atlas & the SDC itself, usually being human passing Faunus and in cases of extreme displeasure at injustice would assassinate notable figures. For instance whoever got off scot free for the mine cave-in that killed Ilia's family and so many other Faunus died by their hands. Its all very corporate, shadowy spec ops stuff.

They don't have much of a presence here as far as organized fighting for rights goes, as Vacuo is more rooted in in group VS out group as opposed to human VS Faunus. Still they have branches here, seeking recruits, preaching Faunus unity, offering aid/protection to Faunus businesses and use it extensively for shipping illegal merchandize and materials as well as a hiding place for their more overtly wanted members. Thus sparing Kuo Kuana the political headache of needing to harbor such people while still giving them something to do.

Here the White Fang is at its most overtly aggressive and large-scale organized. They provide security for Faunus settlements, escort for traders and generally work to create infrastructure with ties to Kuo Kuana. They also casually go on the war path against gangs, can and will destroy "Sundown Towns" and when they have destroyed or driven out a gang will often take over their territory and operations and run it themselves though be it with the goal of being less shit. Anima is basically a wild west mayhem, criminal conspiracy and nation building.

The White Fang is comparatively quiet here. They have the largest number of front businesses in Vale (like Tucson's Book Trade) for cleaning money and shipping materials. They provide genuine support to Faunus trying to start their own businesses and offer protection to Faunus communities from gangs, police and Hunters alike. While others mostly serving as guards for protests and information collectors in areas like the Valean government and SDC branch offices. If not for the ties to more overt international terrorism they'd basically be very aggressive activists.

Basically they run as mix of para-military organization, criminal syndicate, terrorists and activists; with all these factors and methods feeding into one another with resources gained in a raid in Atlas being sold in Vacuo, to send money to Vale, which sends aid goods to Mistral towns, ETC.
They are/were a small but elite collection of militant agents and combatants who stole from and sabotaged SDC & sometimes Atleasian military materials. They worked to get Faunus out of prison labor, had spies infiltrating Atlas & the SDC itself, usually being human passing Faunus and in cases of extreme displeasure at injustice would assassinate notable figures. For instance whoever got off scot free for the mine cave-in that killed Ilia's family and so many other Faunus died by their hands. Its all very corporate, shadowy spec ops stuff.
There's also Weiss' specific mention of "family friends disappearing" and "board members executed". Which, while it could still mean more subtle assassinations, makes me think that some of those were instances of the target being kidnapped before having their execution by the WF being broadcast either live or by recording.

They don't have much of a presence here as far as organized fighting for rights goes, as Vacuo is more rooted in in group VS out group as opposed to human VS Faunus. Still they have branches here, seeking recruits, preaching Faunus unity, offering aid/protection to Faunus businesses and use it extensively for shipping illegal merchandize and materials as well as a hiding place for their more overtly wanted members. Thus sparing Kuo Kuana the political headache of needing to harbor such people while still giving them something to do.
While it's only a single character's opinion, we also have Sun's initial knowledge of and perspective on the White Fang as a Vacuo-native faunus. And he was dismissive of them as "holier-than-thou creeps who use force to get whatever they want" and "a cult or something". Corsec and Fennec's pseudo-priestly behavior are probably similar to what he was talking about.

The White Fang is comparatively quiet here. They have the largest number of front businesses in Vale (like Tucson's Book Trade) for cleaning money and shipping materials. They provide genuine support to Faunus trying to start their own businesses and offer protection to Faunus communities from gangs, police and Hunters alike. While others mostly serving as guards for protests and information collectors in areas like the Valean government and SDC branch offices. If not for the ties to more overt international terrorism they'd basically be very aggressive activists.
The guards for protests thing is pretty ironic, considering that the first mention we get of the White Fang is the Vale News Network reporting on them violently disrupting a faunus civil rights protest of unaffiliated activists. But that's after Adam's been in charge of the Vale branch for however long, so *shrug*.
There's also Weiss' specific mention of "family friends disappearing" and "board members executed". Which, while it could still mean more subtle assassinations, makes me think that some of those were instances of the target being kidnapped before having their execution by the WF being broadcast either live or by recording.
Mhm, yeah that is very much what inspired the "in cases of extreme displeasure at injustice would assassinate notable figures" came from.

While it's only a single character's opinion, we also have Sun's initial knowledge of and perspective on the White Fang as a Vacuo-native faunus. And he was dismissive of them as "holier-than-thou creeps who use force to get whatever they want" and "a cult or something". Corsec and Fennec's pseudo-priestly behavior are probably similar to what he was talking about.
Yeah that too informed a lot of my framing around them being focused on trying to emphasize a united Faunus identity and indeed the Albain brothers whole vibe. I wanted it to be more nuanced than Sun presented it as cos he has a very shallow to none existent understanding of this stuff at the start, but its a useful frame of reference.

The guards for protests thing is pretty ironic, considering that the first mention we get of the White Fang is the Vale News Network reporting on them violently disrupting a faunus civil rights protest of unaffiliated activists. But that's after Adam's been in charge of the Vale branch for however long, so *shrug*.
That too is what inspired my take, IE, normally they'd be acting as guards or escorts but with Adam in charge they have started becoming inciters. Though I would also note that a lot of times the news says "This group incited violence" and then it turns out said inciting was just sitting there and then being mauled by a cop. So I can see why say, Sienna didn't see this as a red flag.