LANCER - The Mecha RPG - Now in Pre-Release, Version 1.8.1

That mech, my friend, is using a basic General Massive Systems Type-1 assault rifle, even says so on the picture. Come on, a Pilot who doesn't remember the EVEREST's weapon selection?

I appreciate how each revision moves the EVEREST away from it's original slot as the newbie mech that should be abandoned ASAP, to a real option for a serious character.  You can play as a high-level pilot with a million custom mods on a barely recognizable EVEREST without being bad now, compared to the first draft.
Huh, I thought this looked familiar; I participated in a pbp Lancer RP a year or so back (I think), it didn't get past the cc stage though.

So a few years back the artist that created Kill Six Billion Demons started a project to create a Titanfallesque Mech RPG.
Over that period of time the setting, rules and mechs became slowly more and more refined.

Well recently they decided to get serious and make the project a professionally done RPG release.

Behold! Lancer!

It's already reached it's goal in 1.5 hours and just hit it's first stretch goal as well.

Here the Tweeter link to their main page and a Google Drive link to the game as it currently stands.
LancerRPG - Kickstarter on April 8th! on Twitter


Featuring kind of a massive all-star casts of artists, including, of all people, fuckin James Stokoe and Jake Wyatt and a whole bunch of other, spectacular artists.

The game is still available for free (PRE RELEASE LINKED HERE) and will continue to be available for free. This kickstarter is for a massive art budget and a physical edition.
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Wish there were higher backer tiers. Or at least more slots. I would have blown more tbh.
God, this somehow scratches a spot on my back I never realized was in desperate need of relief.
I've gone ahead and made a $25.00 pledge to the project. The setting and premise sound awesome, and the fact that it's made by the same creator as KSBD just makes it even better.
Huh. I knew this was around for a while but didn't realize they were kickstarting a dead tree edition/full release til a podcast I listen to mentioned it. I'm in for the pretty digital version. Can't afford dead tree, even if I really want it.
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Only 34 hours left for funding on Kickstarter, and only $20,000 left to go for the final stretch goal. If you guys want to kick in for the project, now's the time to do it.
This was part of the uberbundle, so I've been reading through the rulebook these past two days.
This talent:

If an enemy moves to shotgun or melee me at the very edge of their movement range, I'm pretty sure you could use overwatch with this to effectively dodge their attack. But can you like, wait for an attack to be declared and then dodge, allowing you to avoid damage even if they had more movement?
Overwatch Procs if they declare movement while in your movement range, so they'd have to start in your Threat. Reasonably unlikely to happen except maybe with a Demolisher.

In which case, yes, you can absolutely kite a Demolisher with that as long as it doesn't boost.
So whilst I'm not hugely into mech games (to wit, my favourite vehicle in BattleTech is the Schrek; legs are overrated) I got suckered into a Lancer game with some friends recently

Two sessions in, the party has, in no particular order;

-hacked a planetwide tactical data-net and crashed it because the hacker was ordered to "take down their net" and figured they'd go whole-hog
-yeeted a civilian car at a hostile fighter and come within about a meter of hitting it
-seen the well-meaning-fool of the part straight-up batchall an oppenent and win despite fluffing more than half the rolls
-convinced the non-mech-driver to look into mobility hardsuits to fight mechs on foot
-created a car-sized skateboard to enhance one of the melee specialists' mobility

In all honesty, better than expected
Having picked up a copy of it and poking through, one thing which does stick out a little compared to what I'm used to in the rules and stuff is the whole player driven rolling out of combat bit, mostly for things like, what would the main equivalent of things like "roll spot for extra passive info on scene" or "If you'll want to get more out of this topic you'll need to roll for it" in social setups as both of those are more GM prompted things which doesn't fit so well with games ideas.
So getting ready for my 2nd campaign and 5th mech used.

And I'm trying to decide between the Hydra and the blackbeard.