I'm quite satisfied with this, I just didn't want Elsa to choose to kill, I don't mind if that's the end result. That said, I'm hoping she feeds, that'd be interesting. :evil:
Character Creation/ Prologue 0.9
Prologue 0.9

Satiety: 61/100

Sanity: 70/100

Constitution: 100/100

[X] Resist

"I guess we'll just have to burn it all."

The words echo in your head, reverberating within your skull.

"Burn it all?" You mutter incoherently.

"Apologies, milady, but it must be done. None can know what we did here, and none can come after you." She replies, moving forward once more, "As regrettable as it is, we'll have to tear our way out of here and kill everyone in the castle."

"Everyone in the castle" Your mind repeats.


Panic: -5 Sanity

Sanity: 65

"No!" you shout, pulling back, "You can't kill them!"

She turns, a sorrowful look on her face, "I'm sorry, Milady, but it must be done."

"But their my family! Y-you can't kill them!"

You can't kill Her your traitorous and honest mind whispers.

"They aren't your real family," She smiles, "They're a facade, merely caretakers that minded you in your early years. You aren't one of them, you are something greater than they could ever be. Something beyond kings."

"You were born for a higher calling."

Panic: -5 Sanity

Sanity: 60

"N-no!" you panic, pulling back from her grip. Already, you can feel her hand tightening around you.

And in my panic, you feel something.

"Milady, please." She implored, "We must leave. You cannot stay here, it is not safe for you. They'll only chain you down."

Her gloves distanced herself from you. Her warmth is dim, farther away that it would have been if you had clean skin on skin contact.

But you could still feel it.

"You can't kill them!" You shout.

"They cannot be allowed to stand in the way of your ascension!" She argues, desperation and pleading in her voice.

You could still feel the warmth inside of her.

"You can't kill her!" You cry out.

"It must be done!"

No sooner had the words left her lips than did a scream ring through the halls. One of a young girl, small in stature but dear to your heart. Whether it was a trisk of your mind or the bloody truth, you didn't know. And you didn't care.

"It hurts," She whimpers in your mind.

Panic: -5 Sanity

Sanity: 55

"Anna!" you roar, trying to run down the hall.

"Stop, Milady!" The woman cries out, yanking you back. "You mustn't go out there, we must leave."

"No!" You snarled, pulling with all your might.

But it was weak, pathetic even. Your physical strength was non-existent, not with your emaciated limbs. All in all you were little more than skin and bones. Lithe and twig-like. She pulled you back into her arms with just the slightest tug.

You stumbled to her feet where she embraced you, whispering painful promises into your ears in the form of mad ravings. You could feel the sincerity and devotion she held. She was mad, you thought, but it was a terrifying madness, because it had lead her to not only devote herself to you, but to hurt Anna for you.

However...you had another kind of strength, another kind of pull.

Panic: -5 Sanity

Sanity: 50

So in your panic, in your desperation, in your love for Anna, you reached into the woman. You reached out for that warmth. It faint and distant, but you could brush against it, touch it, feel it.

So you pull.

-[X] Non-lethal

17 =
Major Fail

You pull everything you can.

The woman gasped out in pain, her body rocking back in agony and the warmth fled from her body and surged into yours.

At first, you just try to get an edge over her, to do something, anything to get to your sister. But then...then that warmth flows into you.

The instant that the warmth touches you, the moment that pool of energy meets the freezing pit within you, the Hunger howls at you to feast. It sings in your soul to gorge yourself on the meal laid before you. Your gut roils and roars at you to Devour.

And you...you can't hold back anymore.

Feeding Frenzy: -30 Sanity

Sanity: 20

You become lost in the meal, tearing the energy from her faster and faster. She has more of it than Anna, far more of it. It's something that only make the meal all the sweeter.

The woman falls to her knees, her breaths short and her face flush.

"I-I see." She stutters. "I should have known you'd be hungry."

You ignore her words, you can't even process them at this point. Your mind is far gone, all that matters is feeding the hunger in your gut, the pit in your soul, and the desire in your heart. You want to feel this rare feeling of warmth, a feeling that had always escaped you. But you were feeling it now, and you needed more. You needed all of it.

And you needed it now.

The glove is in the way, it's only slowing things down. With the woman on the ground, however, another angle is presented to you.

You look into her eyes, match her crimson gaze. She places her free hand on your shoulder. "It's ok, Milady. Drink your fill, feast on it all,"

"To feed Milady? To aid her in her path to ascension? To be the first step upon your dark road?" She gives you a water smile. "I can think of no greater honor."

You raise your hand up to her cheek, cupping it with your pale and frosted flesh. You can feel your skin growing taught over your bones. You feel your joints shift and pop, your jaw break itself open wider and wider. Your teeth shiver in anticipation of your meal, your mouth watering.

You're lost in the river of heat and energy, taken by the warmth and satisfaction. All that drives you is that insatiable need to eat, and right now...you don't even care.

So you cup her cheeks while she looks up at you. You gather your strength, your magic, your cold pit within. You look into her watery red eyes filled with pain, pride, and fear. You hear her say her last words.

"Take me, Milady. Become what you were meant to be."

Feed: Female Cultist

Roll: 91 +10[Prodigy] = 101
Crit! => 25+1[Overflow] = 26

And you don't simply Feed on her.

You Devour her.

The floodgates are opened, the walls were torn down. Now, nothing stands between you and the succulent prize that lies within.

You reach in and rip out every ounce of essence within her. The woman screams in agony, her body beginning to convulse as you tear out what lies within.

Her skin withers and turns a putrid purple. Her form grows gaunt and she lets out her last breath in a cry of torment mixed with a moan of pleasure.

And still, your mind throws it away as irrelevant.

If it had been a river, now it was a maelstrom. An ocean of a meal lay before you, and it was all yours for the taking.

You ripped through every inch of her exterior energy, sinking into the reserves of warmth within her. Her body was cold now, colder than it had any right to be. Frosted and dead, she no longer held an inch of life in her appearance.

Still, you were not done.

Deep inside her, you could still see a small flicker of something. Something incredibly bright, something incredibly strong. Something irresistibly delicious. You reached with all you had, reaching deep inside the cold corpse to taste it, to take it into yourself.

You want it, you need it, and nothing would stop you from getting it.

Her body, all but a block of ice now, was cold. But you made it colder. You tore out every inch of heat left in it, leaving it so cold every part of the body fell under your grasp.

And then you ground it up.

You made her body shatter into millions of grains of frozen meat. Each one of them used to ground up what remained into dust. All that was left in the air was a cloud of crimson mist and bloody fragments hanging where her body once lay.

You breathe it in. You take in every scrap of her flesh. You Devour everything the woman was, leaving not even a trace for the mice. You Devour it all. A river of blood and bone weaves through the air and into your mouth. Marrow and fat fill you, lung and liver alike enter you, and you Devour it all. And when the last morsel finally enters your mouth, so too does that mote of light that you saw deep inside her.

When it finally hits you, it's an explosion of flavor, of passion, of power. It was much like the tiny spark you found in the bird, but many many times larger. It was as if comparing a puddle to the ocean.

It made your face curl into a grin of pure satisfaction and delight.

Finally, you are content.

For now.
+25+50+75+100 Food =
+250 Food = 38.999 Satiety

+8 Sanity

99.997 Satiety.


  • Have over 90 Satiety.
  • +20 Sanity
  • +100% Strength
  • -50% Magic
  • -10 to Magic related rolls.
  • +50% Charisma
Feeding Frenzy: End +30 Sanity

Problem solved: + 10 Sanity

Sanity: 88

The red haze in your mind clears, your pit no longer howls in hunger, and you finally feel like yourself again. You feel warmer and lighter, your skin is a much healthier pink tone than it's normal deathly white.

You're filled with an immediate sense of joy and wonder.

It's like I'm normal! You beam, looking at your arm with complete fascination.

The cold pit inside of you feels quiet. Not gone, but just quiet. It's still there, tickling the back of your mind and saying that you could take a few more bites, but it's so quiet and distant it might as well not exist. You'd spent so long learning to ignore the howl that the whisper was nothing at all.

But all your celebrations came crashing down when your clear mind recalled one thing. One very important fact that could not be overlooked.

You killed somebody.

You Devoured somebody.


Feed +3 Levels

Devour Level 1

  • Enhanced usage of Feed.
  • Requires Feed Level 5
  • You draw out most of the heat energy from an object, then using the magic you've seeped into it, you tear it to pieces, grind it down, and Devour it all.
  • Faster than eating it conventionally and far less messy, but less efficient.
  • -25% Food gain Penalty.
  • More difficult the larger the subject.
  • Currently only usable on organic subjects.
  • Currently requires skin contact.
  • Currently can only gain Food and Exp from use.
  • Instant kill if successful.
First Blood: Cannibal Killer:
  • You've killed someone for the first time. More than that, you ate them.
  • You are not ok.
  • -25 Sanity
  • Due to completely devouring a human, you've gained a detailed understanding of human anatomy. Not necessarily what everything does and why, but certainly where everything goes, and of course, which tastes best.
  • You've developed a taste for humans. No matter how disgusted you are by it, you can never deny the fact that nothing you've ever had has ever come to the taste of human.
  • It gets easier: Half the Sanity penalty for next kill of a sentient being.
Sanity: 63

The blood drains from your face as you realize what this means.

You've finally done it. You've finally crossed that line. You've become the monster that they all feared you to be. And the woman you had killed, she smiled while she went, all saying this was what was meant to be. That you were destined for this.

Were you?

[ ] No!
  • You were your own person! You don't believe in fate, and you're sure as hell not going to let some bullshit destiny tell you what you are.
[ ] Perhaps
  • You might be bound to this fate, you might not. But either way, it doesn't matter. You're going to do what you need to do, and if it is bane or boon, so be it.
[ ] Absolutely
  • You could tell, this was what you were meant to be. It felt too right, too good, for it to be anything else. Might as well dive into the pool and hold nothing back.
[ ] Write in…

You gaze down the ominous and dark halls, frosted over when you Devoured the woman.

Don't think about that. You shake your head.

For a moment, you consider what to do. You entertain the idea of running back to your tower, of just locking yourself in your room and pretending none of this had ever happened. Of just being a good little girl.

And then you throw it away.

You can't just run back and hide, not when the castle was under attack. Not when your family was in danger, when she was in danger. You can't turn your back on them, not when you might yet save them. Not when you know you have the power to change things.

So you get, and you move.

Running down the large and empty hall, you follow the signs of the screams. All the way, you steel your heart, trying to bury what you did behind you.

Unfortunately, you can't help but think about it again and again.

What I did back there, You consider nervously, Would I be willing to do it again?

Should I?

[ ] No
  • Devouring someone was a sickening and addicting feeling. You never wanted to do it in the first place, and now it's an accident you can never take back. You swear to yourself never to kill again.
[ ] Yes
  • It wasn't as bad as you feared it would be. Vile, yes, but nightmarish to even think about? Not anymore. When it comes to protecting who or what you care about it, you're very much willing to kill again.
[ ] Last resort
  • It was a vile and reprehensible thing, you did back there. An accident gone horribly wrong. And yet...you can't help but acknowledge the use of it. You'd never really want to do it again, but sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures.
Another scream pulls your mind from such thoughts and drags you back into reality once more. The scream was far louder now, and you can begin to smell the scent of smoke and iron in the air. Ill omens, to be sure.

And then you saw it.

The first corpses.

There were two of them, two knights who were tasked with guarding the door to your corner of the castle. It was the only way in or out of your section, so you suppose you shouldn't be surprized that she took care of them. That doesn't make it much easier for you to accept the fact that she killed them in your name.

The first one is slumped down against the wall right next to the door, a crossbow bolt lodged in his throat and blood spilling down his armor, one hand still grasping his crimson neck. The other knight I see is behind one of the columns of the room, a deep gash in his neck and another wound around his armpit where the armor was thin.

I don't think I remember her having a crossbow, right? You consider, looking strangely at the dead man. It's possible you missed it, but, well, you did eat her. You'd have thought you'd notice something like a crossbow.

Then again, you scowl, I'm probably so much of a glutton I didn't even notice. I just ate it all.

For a moment, your eyes drift toward the sword by his side and you consider taking it. You quickly and immediately dismiss that thought when you realize that, despite feeling stronger than you have in years, you're still probably weaker than the typical 10-year-old girl, which is a pretty low bar already. Not to mention the fact you'd have no idea what you were doing with it.

No, you decide, you'll just use your magic. It's basically the one thing you're good at, and you actually take quite a bit of pride in your abilities. You're confident that you'll be able to...defend yourself.

You say a quick prayer to the Lord of the dead to both of the departed souls and look around you. In this room, there are four doors. The one you just came from that leads to your section, one to your right and left, and one in front of you. Without a second thought, you jump through the one that stood right before you, the through which you heard the screams.

And through it, you find your first piece of the action, of the real chaos on this night.

There before you stands your father and 4 of his guards. Each of them experienced and trained warriors. The guards, wearing chainmail and wielding spear or axe with a shield, and you father himself wearing his thick regal robes of winter and brandishing his treasured sword.

And around them lay the bleeding corpses of six other soldiers, all in various states of death. Some only had a single stab wound here and there, while others had lost limbs, and even in one case, their entire head. One man lying on the ground with a bleeding stump for an arm and leg, crying out in agony as he bleed to death. And yet, none could spare time to save him, for they had more pressing matters.

In front of you was the man responsible. He wore thick robes, similar to the ones the woman had worn, but his was coated in a number of bloodstains. In one hand he wields a sword, a river of blood dribbling down the fuller and off the tip of the blade. In the other, he held a dagger with a large guard and a serrated base.

The instant you enter the room, your father catches you. His eyes widen and his grip loosens fractionally. The robed man in front of you glances backward, giving you just enough time to see his two crimson eyes, each one like a small chip of frozen blood. An instant later he flits them back to the group that stands in front of him. Unlike the woman he says nothing, offering no words of "Milady" or loyalty. Something about that, however, offers no comfort.

"Elsa!" Your father shouts, "Go! Run!"

"I-I can't leave you!" You shout back, a visceral fear within you at the sight of the man before you.

"I can take care of myself, Elsa," He says with a tired smirk. You can't help but notice the line of blood trailing from his lips and nose.

"But your mother and Anna…"

Your heart skips a beat.

"What about them?" You say, panic rising in you once more.

"I don't know where they are," He shakes his head, "My men are guarding them, but…"

But I could do a lot more than any mere man could you supply for him. All it took was a glance into his emerald eyes to piece together his meaning.

He wants you to leave him to go protect Anna and Mother.

And you know he's right, you know you have the power to help, to end this. So you…

[ ] Stay and help Father.
  • Save Father, he is the king and he needs to be safe.
  • High chance of success.
  • Lower chance the other two survive.
  • Moderate chance to inspire low-moderate fear.
  • High chance to improve relations with Father.
[ ] Go after Mother and Anna.
  • Save Mother and anna, Anna is everything to you and Father can take care of himself.
  • High chance of success.
  • Lower chance Father survives.
  • Low chance to inspire low-moderate fear.
  • High chance to improve relations with Mother and Anna.
[ ] Go all out.
  • You have a well of magic inside you. It's high time you tapped into that.
  • Cut loose and use all the magic at your disposal to save the castle.
  • Moderate chance of success
  • Save all parties.
  • Moderate chance to improve relations with all parties.
  • High chance to inspire low-high fear.
  • Moderate chance for [????]
  • Very low chance for [????]


Alright, well that took longer than I thought it would. It was also far longer than I thought it would be. I thought this would be a short little connection chapter, linking A and B. Instead it was pretty long. I think it's the longest chapter I've ever written for this story. Not hardly the longest chapter I've ever written for anything ever, but this is a quest, something where the update cycle is a little different thanks to player interaction.

Anyways, good news bad news.

Bad news, you failed to non-lethally resist the woman. Like, apocalyptically badly.

You ate her.

This could also be good news, though, depending on how you look at it.

The Real good news, however, is the crit you got when I was rolling for how well you used magic on her. There were 1000 and 1 ways I could see it going down, so I decided to go with another dice roll to decide, and then you got a crit for it. Technically not a natural crit, but still a crit. As a result, while you did eat the woman who tried to capture you (And is it really a big loss?), you also got a lot out of it. first and foremost, you got Devour. A nice clean way to eat whatever you want. So long as you're content in what you're doing. As a prerequisite for that, I just filled up Feed so it got to the level it needed to be to accomplish that. You also managed to get your Satiety up to a staggering 99.997%. Which is crazy.

Maybe you'll be able to nudge it all the way up to 100%, eh?

Anyways, with all this you've technically passed the 10 point threshold, meaning you've leveled up. However, I'd rather wait until the prologue is actually over before getting into leveling up stuff, because that's this whole thing. If I did it now it'd kind of break my flow. Plus you really don't need a level up at the moment.

Now, as for the negative consequences of this, we have First Blood, Cannibal Killer , which is a title you can never get rid of. You can mitigate, and eventually get rid of the negatives by investing into the Soul path and getting enlightenment and all that shit, but for now you're always going to be a bit freaked out over the fact you just Ate someone.

Kind of hard to blame her for that.

Now, if you'd gotten a critical fail, aka a 1, then you'd have just gotten down and nomed on her. Which would have meant you'd have gotten no bonuses and you'd have way more penalties. I mean, you'd be covered in blood, you'd have left a huge mess behind, you'd inspire fear in basically everyone who looked at you.

It'd be pretty bad.

So be glad you got that crit to balance out the major fail.

And now you have the chance to shape Elsa up a bit more. Decide how she feels about this, her outlook going onwards, so on and so forth. Keep in mind, you've already pegged Elsa to be a Realist who views her abilities as a Tool. You can break that trend here, I'll let you, and that'll be fine, but if you follow the trend you'll get a trait for beign consistent in her characterization. I mean, she'll gain a trait regardless, but you'll get different ones depending on which route you choose.

You also have the chance to determine who lives and who dies. Potentially, anyways. It's technically possible for you to fuckup and basically, everyone to die, but you'd need to fuckup hard for that to happen. The stars would have to align specifically to fuck you over for that to happen.

Also, Satisfaction, which might not sound great cause of the magic debuff, is only up so long as you have >90 Satiety. If it drops below that then you lose the trait. And you can lose satiety pretty quickly by spamming your magic.

Anyways, I think I've talked enough. I have a gut feeling I've forgotten something, but I'm too tired to figure out what. I'll try and see about updating the character sheet tonight, but I might just head to bed.


Adhoc vote count started by Metaldragon868 on Aug 17, 2017 at 11:16 PM, finished with 460 posts and 8 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Metaldragon868 on Aug 18, 2017 at 12:36 AM, finished with 468 posts and 15 votes.

Last edited:
[X] No!
[X] Last resort
[X] Go after Mother and Anna.

I fucking called it, I fucking knew it was a cult that believes we're their god or at least future god
[X] Absolutely
[X] Yes
[X] Go all out.

Now we're balls deep. It's time the world learned of a new force of nature!
[X]Go All out

I really like Elsa and Anna's father. He's a cool guy, and I'd rather try to save everyone.

Heck yeah we're gonna kill more people. We will be a queen one day, we can't be squeamish about these kind of things. Even at the age of ten. Also got to gank this hero unit here.

[ ] Write in: Meh

You don't really want to think about it too hard. Maybe later, when everything isn't on fire.
Last edited by a moderator:
Elsa is a realist who lives in a war heavy semi-industrial Grimm esque world. She has many reasons to be willing to kill, and I would rather accept this, which would be very healthy for her personally. It doesn't means she's a bad person, or on the path to becoming a monster, but I am certain that we will have to kill again; we're too much of an asset to not aid the kingdom in such a way, and I'm certain we want to be the best at what we set out to do.

It's all about what she's willing to do for the sake of her kingdom, her goals, and Anna.

These cultist will be a nuisance in the future. They have access to advanced training, and while fortunately they don't wish to hurt Elsa directly, they still need to be rooted out and destroyed, hopefully while looting them for all their worth.

Also, we got some boons out of this. This was a productive result.
[X] Absolutely
[X] Yes
[X] Go all out.

Should not have woke the sleeping ice witch cannibal vampire. Reap what you have sown cultists.
[X] No!
[X] Last resort
[X] Go after Mother and Anna.

We must save our sempai kouhai EVERYTHING!
Last edited:
[X] Perhaps
[X] Yes
[X] Go all out.

Well that turned out far better than I expected. And while I'd love to make a write-in here, I can't remember if they're implicitly allowed. I do love how people are going against the realist option, but, then again, the quest has probably gotten more players since then and I've noticed the average SV quester has a particular disdain for that.
Adhoc vote count started by Blonddude42 on Aug 18, 2017 at 1:12 AM, finished with 471 posts and 18 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Blonddude42 on Aug 18, 2017 at 1:14 AM, finished with 471 posts and 18 votes.
[X] Perhaps

This one feels the most like how we've built up Elsa so far. She's pretty young and doesn't really know all that much about destiny or fate, so she can't really say one way or the other what this means yet. All she can do is keep on trying to do what she must, and Perhaps feels most in line with it

[X] Yes

Both this and last resort see it as vile, and even for Yes, it's only to protect what we care about. The real difference seems to be that last resort views it as reprehensible, which means that when we use it we'll hate ourselves for a bit afterward, even if we were in that tight a spot to necessitate it. I'd rather not have to deal with that.

[X] Go after Mother and Anna.

Go all out is fun and all, but we have a penalty to our magic right now due to satisfaction, and while saving Father would be nice, we can't take any chances with Anna's life. She is everything to us.
[X]Go All out

I really hope that Anna ends up running the kingdom. Elsa does not seem cut out for the job.
[X] No!
[X] Last resort
[X] Go after Mother and Anna.