if we succeed and find out they hurt Anna we can still kill them most painfully can´t we? So there is really no harm in trying to solve this without bloodshed, they could have useful Information to make us more powerful to help us protect Anna and our Family from any further attempts.

That's a good point. I was on the fence about whether to go lethal or not and how Elsa would react, but yeah, I think that makes a lot of sense.

[x] Non-lethal
Talking wouldn't have been a bad idea but Elsa is a kid who isn't particularly intelligent or articulate. She's currently stressed having been woken up by a stranger after a creepy dream and now that stranger is trying to kidnap her and is apparently a part of an attack on her family so I think panicked flailing is appropriate. I don't think we've set her up to be cruel enough to go straight to murder but I have no problem with it being accidental. Besides, this can be the situation that drives her to become charismatic. She recognises her magic is currently a hammer but that not all problems are nails.

[x] Non-lethal
I was under the assumption that 22 Intelligence is rather HIGH for a 10 year old
Eh, haven't looked at stats, that opinion was just taken from the dad's frustration with how little we know and in comparison to Anna. Point being I think expecting her to calmly talk her way out of this would stretch my suspension of disbelief.
Humans have a +10 bonus on INT, and roll 1d20 for it.

Most kids have 20 as their average base stat. So do we, and only the Calculated trait allows us to be a tiny bit brighter than your average Joe.
[x] Non-lethal
  • moderate chance of success
  • moderate chance to kill her anyways
  • Very low chance of failure to escape
  • More sanity
  • San loss if you fail
  • Potential to gain [????]
  • Potential to gain [????]
I will also point out that I voted for Resist not because we couldn't bring Anna, but because these are clearly bad people who want to hurt our family. I do not support Plan Yandere.
Both options sound interesting. Wouldn't even mind failing dice rolls and getting carried away in spite of our resistance.

If successful, going non-lethal probably would mean that the cultists would end up vanishing in some royal jail. But we still have a chance to talk to them and changing our mind about their actions later.

Going lethal would be satisfying, but might hurt our less-than-stellar (ice witch) reputation when we're found drenched in cultist blood... - might lessen our Hunger though?
Both options sound interesting. Wouldn't even mind failing dice rolls and getting carried away in spite of our resistance.

If successful, going non-lethal probably would mean that the cultists would end up vanishing in some royal jail. But we still have a chance to talk to them and changing our mind about their actions later.

Going lethal would be satisfying, but might hurt our less-than-stellar (ice witch) reputation when we're found drenched in cultist blood... - might lessen our Hunger though?
That's a thought, going lethal could be straight up feeding. I'd be up for that, giving into the hunger and finally feeling satiated. I like character/narrative driven plots so having a moment of weakness here would be almost appropriate, especially since even Anna isn't exempt from our hunger.

@Metaldragon868 will that be the case? Is the lethal option a callous execution or a failure to control our hunger during a stressful situation?
Also, I have a question.
For what it's worth, there's a pretty good chance that you could convince them to bring Anna with them and burn the rest.
And if you guys decide to make Elsa the type of person who's fine with sacrificing the rest of her family to save Anna, well then that's the type of person you've made Elsa.
Did you mean that the vote not to leave without Anna could/would be interpreted this way? Or was it a hypothetical situation?
Death solves all problems. The dead do not cause problems.
while the dead might indeed not cause problems, people finding frozen or completely drained (we are not a cannibal yet are we?) of life corpses on the other hand tend to cause a rather high number of them. not to mention that that can NOT be good for our Realtionship with daddy dearest (yes i know most of us do NOT care, but Anna would surely be displeased if we were to become a murderer.) and i do believe no one wants our parents or worse anna to watch over our every move in fear of us going "evil".
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[X] Non-lethal

Now, if we fail the dice roll and kill our kidnapper, fine. If we need to go lethal in later fights, fine. But it should not be our first instinct in every situation.
Now, if we fail the dice roll and kill our kidnapper, fine. If we need to go lethal in later fights, fine. But it should not be our first instinct in every situation.
While non-violent solutions can be attempted first, depending on the circumstances, this is not the time. I don't want to go with the crazy cult. And it is clear they are not taking 'no' for an answer.

When violence starts, it is best to make sure the results are swift and final.
[x] Non-lethal

I don't mind yandaring out, but let's at least try to not freak out the family. For Anna's sake if nothing else.

Non-lethal is very much a "cake and eat it" type vote though, if it fails I expect the consequences of failure to be dire.
Non-lethal is very much a "cake and eat it" type vote though, if it fails I expect the consequences of failure to be dire.
I would expect a major freak out of Elsa over accidentally killing someone she did not want to kill at the very LEAST to be honest. Or a minor case of the cannibalistic munchies for a 1. (not just eating the soul but also a bit of the arm)