Gundam: Titan Rising (No SV, the Universal Century is trying to kill you...)

... Taking its shipyards for Zeons own.

Reward: Gain National Spirit-

General Johann Abraham Revil:1D100 => 92
Reward: Revil saves the day once the old man taught him.

I am unclear, did the the shipyards get taken or did J. Revil pull a last second Yang and liberate them???

Also @Cyberphilosipher could you clarify the J. Revil / K. Revil's relationship (including does K. outrank his father?) You stated that K. is leading the reformer faction. (What is J.'s position on the military turmoil? and does he subscribe to any faction or is he keeping the appearance of neutrality as a good soldier should attempt to do.)

I'm sure an old warhorse like J. is suspicious of Jamatov's involvement in the attempt on K's life...

--------------------------------------------------------Summation of why we need Jamatov *GONE*----

A Battle Fleet led by Jamatov Haymen has entered the Mars System with the intention of destroying all of the Work Blex has done should he be named guilty...and he might just do it anyway even if Blex isn't guilty.

Blex looked at the Problem. "Go home Jamatov...its not worth it."
Jamatov nodded. "I day you won't be so lucky Blex. One day your actions will get yourself killed and I will be the one who orders it."

That hasn't happened yet...its only just low intensity fighting with factions and cliques forming to settle who murders the assembly and who gets to be top dog. THE TITANS and Jamatov come to mind.

The Titans (AKA Jamatov): The Earth Ultranauts, Earth is the center of man, and must remain that way...they are playing off the nationalist

The Military: Passing the popcorn and telling Jamatov that NO...using the military to kill everyone is immoral, so go off and play with your tin toy soldiers.

Fed doesn't need a Bloodthirsty sociopath running their campaigns when everything eventually goes to hell, and we don't want a Jupiter / Fed alliance (Orthys in a multi-front campaign - not a happy thought.)
I am unclear, did the the shipyards get taken or did J. Revil pull a last second Yang and liberate them???
Revil pulled a yang and shut down that nonsense.
Also @Cyberphilosipher could you clarify the J. Revil / K. Revil's relationship (including does K. outrank his father?) You stated that K. is leading the reformer faction. (What is J.'s position on the military turmoil? and does he subscribe to any faction or is he keeping the appearance of neutrality as a good soldier should attempt to do.)
K. Revil...I think you mean the Revil that Led Avalon in the first portion of the quest. Revils position is a reformist, AKA being the Adult in the room of all the madness.
I'm sure an old warhorse like J. is suspicious of Jamatov's involvement in the attempt on K's life...
Oh Revil has nearly been killed by Ofice politics many MANY times, its part of the reason he took the Avalon job, he won't die for someone else's ambitions.
Fed doesn't need a Bloodthirsty sociopath running their campaigns when everything eventually goes to hell, and we don't want a Jupiter / Fed alliance (Orthys in a multi-front campaign - not a happy thought.)
Yep...last thing the feds what is antagonizing us.

Also K Revil...You lost me on that one.
K Revil...You lost me on that one.

In this last rumor mill you mention two distinct Revils, I assumed Kowen was Johann's son from this quote.

Johann Abraham Revil (Note: This is Revil's Dad)

General Kowen's Revil backed Faction of Reformers

Aka K.Revil

General Johann Abraham Revil

Aka J. Revil, also you never stated Johann's faction preference (if he'll voice one)...
Is there an option to financially ruin zeon, i mean we have AI and instant solar internet, i thought that was the whole point of doing the internet thing as the only polity with awesome AI, human error causes most tech problems and if a receptionist in a zeon orginization opens the wrong email

BAM, economy ruined, dirty secrets public, recordings of the illustrious leader beating his family and killing subordinates becomes solar news, zeons doomed

At least an action to attempt and follow up with the alien reveal and call all of them simpletons for killing fellow humans when "there be beasts in the black"

Lots of reactions happen i say othrys starts some shit

Maybe som footage of the "slugs" or just the alien battle in general

Basically flips the table politically cuz now everyone knows of another actual threat to ALL human life, lol have a funeral with the giant corpse and enshrine him on pluto while broadcasting his story and the evidence of his battles to everyone (dude saved humanity so why not?)
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Is there an option to financially ruin zeon, i mean we have AI and instant solar internet, i thought that was the whole point of doing the internet thing as the only polity with awesome AI, human error causes most tech problems and if a receptionist in a zeon orginization opens the wrong email

BAM, economy ruined, dirty secrets public, recordings of the illustrious leader beating his family and killing subordinates becomes solar news, zeons doomed
I mean you can try...The Federation acts like idiots or genius half the might work.
To pre empt bs fortify the shit out of the place that is basically a giant red (alien invasion) button and let people know shit could go down on a galactic scale (heads of mars and avalon and . . . Nvmd everyone but zeon really)

They'd press it for funsies
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To pre empt bs fortify the shit out of the place that is basically a giant red (alien invasion) button and let people know shit could go down on a galactic scale (heads of mars and avalon and . . . Nvmd everyone but zeon really)

They'd press it for funsies
Well, we have it in our care, have a small permanent detachment there to keep that mess from happening, because for all we know this could be the Prequal to my Megacrossover of Sci Fi galaxy brain writing.
Alright guy's I've got some news.

I want to take a break from this quest again so I can broaden my horizons as a quest maker and try something else.

Its not going to die...I'm just in the mood for something new to go along with my Eva Quest.
New as in a new branch into a new quest fandom, like going into One Piece with a ck2? Or new as in going into a quest related to one of the fandoms you already are invested in?
Just caught up to the Crux Dogatie negotiations, why didn't we just kill this fucker? In universe after talking to his formerly chained up punching bag Titan's people KNOW he isn't completely fucking insane and will only agree to a deal as long as we have a gun to his head.

Out of universe we know it's only a matter of time before he tries to murder us all before taking a shot at glassing Earth as well. Killing his ass and taking of Jupiter or coming to Jupiter's rescue after building up for a few turn would be prefect.
Just caught up to the Crux Dogatie negotiations, why didn't we just kill this fucker? In universe after talking to his formerly chained up punching bag Titan's people KNOW he isn't completely fucking insane and will only agree to a deal as long as we have a gun to his head.

Out of universe we know it's only a matter of time before he tries to murder us all before taking a shot at glassing Earth as well. Killing his ass and taking of Jupiter or coming to Jupiter's rescue after building up for a few turn would be prefect.

We do want to... But Orthyrs would look bad if we at least didn't give him a trail. (He's still getting a noose at the end cuz he's a undisputable monster with more warcrimes commited than there are enemies Yang traumatized...)

Just let's give less ammo for Zeon and the other hostiles to use...

Also, only source of info on his clones and the Zeta d*ck
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