We could have been Little Red Roding Hood, but with Wolf ears!

If a band like Powerwolf did something with Little Red Riding Hood, yes. Remember, the more you miss out on your food/bed/lover, the less human you would get. For refrence, you'd start of with Horo levels of wolfy, then descend down to Adam from Beauty and the Beast in about a week, and a loup-garou in a month.
Part Four: Enter Enter Mission
[X] Check out that chest with a note. Odds are it's got your gear in it.
[X] Find medic, talk about Ryan.

Pulling your eyes open with a titantic force of will, you scaned the area patiently. Chest with your shit in it, Ryan, curtain…

Holy shit that was a bathroom. And you definitely needed to pee. Hobbling out of you bed, you clunked over there with one leg asleep and the other smarting for no goddamn reason. Getting in, you dropped your pants and sat down on the cold ceramic seat rather heavily. Thank God for flush toilets, you thought happily as you stretched your arms up. After taking a moment to drip-dry, you stood up, and felt something. Something weird. Looking down, the first thing you realized was you were no longer in possession of breasts, because the second thing you noticed was a dick.

Your dick. It was attached where it was supposed to be and everything (you thought) and if your happy bladder was any indication it was also piped in right. Suppressing something between a vague sense of unease and a rousing panic, you pulled up your pants and got back into the little clinic you were in. When you agreed to the Shapeshifter boon, you hadn't expected this-

"Don't come whining to me if there are some knock-on effects"

Aw, shit. Loki, damn him, had. It looked like your options were simple at this point- master the Gift of the Shapeshifter, or be stuck as a guy. To be fair, though, it's not like the change had been unpleasant, just horribly shocking. Either way, it was time to dig through that chest over there and make sure all your stuff was there. Prearing to open it, you blinked. There was a note there- better read it.

To Whom it may Concern.

After a short discussion with a messenger from our Patron, we have decided to follow a longstanding policy regarding servants of the Trickster. In this chest, you will find your equipment you brought, as well as a small purse of common coin. Our current objective as the Princedom of Tamer is to secure our borders, one of which remains in doubt. Should you choose to work with us and our operatives on securing the border, then a recompsation will be in order.

Regards, Princess Alspeci

Groaning moderately, you tossed the note on your bed and dug through the chest for a pair of pants. The contents were fairly bland; two pair pants and shirts, a set of leather gloves, and a small work knife. The professed coin pouch was light, but it did clink brightly when you shook it. Last was a small clap book with a wax pencil attached on a string, and another note that mentioned you'd want to get that stamped regularly. Deciding against wearing your mail, you slipped a shirt on after and pocketed the clap book. You were going to find a medic, get a clean bill of health for you and hopefully Ryan, and then talk to some people. For example, Princess Alspeci, who you sincerely hoped wasn't Little Miss Poky Stick.

Speaking of which, the person just across the hall looked fairly medical. Stiff uniform, no trim, giant satchel with a bunch of things in it…

"Hello, Nurse!" you called out from your bed, grinning. She was even kinda pretty, too. For some reason when she saw you, though, she just put on this tight little smile.

"So, am I good to go?" you asked, looking her over carefully. Something was off- normally, people's heads bobbed a little when they walked. Hers swayed, though, and when she passed you got a good look at… the… snake… bits…

"Your medical record is empty, you dragged in this poor man who's lost more blood than some cows, the Princess Rosa said not to let you out under any circumstances, and you're not even trying to hide your staring! No! No! No!"

Shit, gotta think, gotta think, gotta think…

"C'mon, hon, you've got to see that the breast solution is just to let me-"



Whelp, looked like you may be suffering some small side effects from being a dude. Just a few of them. Either way, it was time to recover and riptose.

"Listen, just let me out and I promise I won't bother you any more."

"No! No! Sit down!" the girl-snake-thing said, pushing you onto the bed. "Now, I need your name!"

"Cass Ward."




You had to gulp. Normally, you were five foot eight, but now? Maybe six foot ish? You had no idea. Fortunatly, though, help in escaping came in the form of a knock on the door.

"Excuse me, Nurse Sellac? It's Castille, I'm here for the guest."

"But I'm still working on his file!"

There was a brief tapping on the floor, and a very annoyed voice came back. "Nurse Sellac, I'm afraid you're not going to like this, but Jenne has been complaining about her prothsetics again. Now, either I can get the light and handsome one, or I can go downstairs and tell her you're not doing anything terribly important."

A sylbant hiss responded. "I just gave her a prescription for laudanum and wine last week!"

"She's out. Make up your mind…"

With a sigh, the nurse got the door and you had to suppress the urge to wolf whistle. Dem hips, man. Whoo hoo!

Then the door opened and you had to pick your jaw off the floor. You were a girl, you told yourself firmly. You might have a rod of iron in your trousers, but you were a girl. A small part of your brain told the rest of it you'd be doing the same exact thing even if you weren't in possession of a set of balls, but it was promptly ignored as you despratly went through your inventory of pickup lines and realized they were all shit. High cheekbones outlining a fine-wrought face, lithe lines revealing a body made of cable and cord, silk hiding steel. Her entire body radiated health and grace, bringing generations of dancers and gymnsts to shame; while her eyes danced over you like star saphires.

It took you a moment, when you realized there was no white or black in her eyes to realize those orbs were not eyes, but actual jems. Their backlit sparkle wasn't an illusion, but an actual light shone through their lenses.

"Well," the woman laughed, "I see for once someone can look me in the eyes!"

You laughed, and stuck out a hand. "I'm just looking at the most interesting part. Cass Ward, ma'am."

"Duchess Castile Thorn, Mister Ward. Seeing as you look like you got through the chest my sister gave you, might I propose to you an alternative deal? Knowing her, she would send you off into the wilds around Gand and expect you to just get stuck in there until the end of time. Lord knows we've been having enough problems with it."

As one eyebrow slowly went up, you looked at her. "So, what is your deal then?"

"Simple, my good mage friend! You see, our southern allies have been proving to be more of a hassle than they're worth, and our arrangement to the affairs of that boarder is no longer satisfactory. Unfortunatly, we can't exactly break it without causing some negative reprocussions, so a free agent working the area would be of benefit. As a bonus, I'll tell you up front that unlike my sister I pay in coin and jems- not her title deeds and mineral rights and, just, eurg."

Nodding, you smiled passively. "I'll think about it, ma'am. Can't promise anything, though."

The duchess laughed, and came forward to kiss your cheek. "Just remember, Cass Ward, that I am always here. A good friend can be more valuable than gold, and I am a very good friend."

As the Duchess left, you sallied forth from the infirmary, looking around and keeping your nose to the ground. Between admiring the rich hall rugs and the simple, clean stonework, you almost ran into a brusque house servant with a perennial frown.

"Mister Ward, the Princess will see you now."

Well, ah, shit. Nodding at him, you made a vauge "lead on" gesture. As he sniffed, you followed him through the halls. At the last room, you saw the matriarch of the castle. Dropping to one knee, you waited for her form to rise.

"Mister Ward," she said formally, the weight of time compressed into years holding her voice steady. "I am glad to see you. I take it you know why you are here?"

Shaking your head, you looked downcast. "No, madam, I do not. I do gather that I am going to be running some fetch quests, though."

Biting back a laugh, the queenly figure relaxed and bid you to rise. "Son, I do believe you have not been informed of your mission. The Winter Lady has a bet here, and the Enemy is readying itself. You, as given patronage by the Silvertounge, will be on the point of the spear. We have been fighting for survival these twenty years, and have made no closer progress of finding and stopping the Enemy. Your work will be to complete tasks and missions to buy us our breathing space, and in return we will provide you a shelter in storm and equipment to continue your work."

You nodded, not needing to ask about what would happen if you refused. You had been seconded to these people, and if they didn't know how to handle someone who reneged on a contract than you were still a girl in her bed, dreaming a dream.

"I understand some of my daughters might want you to do some things for them, and they all mean well, but I myself have an order for you. Learn this world, Mister Ward. Learn it's people and technology, magics and wonders, grand nobles and gutter scrapings. Learn it all well, so that when the time comes you can move among them like the fish in the stream and work well for us."

Accepting the task, you made to leave with her permission. It was time to get to work.


Personal Goal
[] Learn Shaeshifting
[] Learn Magic
[] Learn Technology
[] Learn People
[] Write-in

Mission Start!
[] Accept Castile's mission
[] Accept Alspeci's mission

Requisitions? (50pts max)
[] Write-in, with spoilered list of items. As item requisition value hasn't been given out yet, I will reply posts with itemized equipment point costs.
To clarify, @7734, 'personal goal' is our...immediate goal? short term goal? What kind of time frame are we talking here. Because all of those are things we need to work on, it's mostly a matter of 'order' as I see things. And some will help give us understanding of others (like people and technology will bleed into each other, and magic bleeds into shapeshifting)

For personal goals: I'll point out that learning Shapeshifting is next to useless without first learning People. If you don't know the psychology and mannerisms of the people, you won't be able to blend in no matter what shape you take, nor will you be able to execute any but the most ham-handed of manipulations.

Now. Alspeci wants us to assist in securing the border, and pay us in land and rights, thus securing our loyalty in the traditional English manner. Castile wants us to go do free agent-y things. Be a mercenary, do a little spying, possibly find or manufacture a causus belli. She'll also pay us in hard goods, as befits a mercenary, and as is more immediately useful. Now, while I doubt accepting one sister's mission will prevent us from taking work from the other, our choice of initial mission is likely to set the tone.

Castile's mission will require a working knowledge of the people, at a minimum, and is likely to result in both more down time and more, er...interesting...uptimes.
To clarify, @7734, 'personal goal' is our...immediate goal? short term goal? What kind of time frame are we talking here. Because all of those are things we need to work on, it's mostly a matter of 'order' as I see things. And some will help give us understanding of others (like people and technology will bleed into each other, and magic bleeds into shapeshifting)

The time frame for your Personal Goal is going to be the length of the Mission, so presume about a month (read, four updates) for total start-to-end time. You're also very right when you mention that completing any goal gets you further in other goals, but only at that goal's level. Right now, you're looking for basic knowledge, nothing fancy.

That said, though, I will warn you guys that whatever goal you guys pick is going to probably influence your means of completing the mission. There will be a write-in slot to outline your basic plan of attack (next to one or two plans I cook up for you) that you can use, though, so don't panic.
That said, though, I will warn you guys that whatever goal you guys pick is going to probably influence your means of completing the mission. There will be a write-in slot to outline your basic plan of attack (next to one or two plans I cook up for you) that you can use, though, so don't panic.
I had rather thought that went without saying...
For personal goals: I'll point out that learning Shapeshifting is next to useless without first learning People. If you don't know the psychology and mannerisms of the people, you won't be able to blend in no matter what shape you take, nor will you be able to execute any but the most ham-handed of manipulations.

Our personal motivation here for that is to get our normal plumbing back online I think, rather than any strategic considerations :p

Now. Alspeci wants us to assist in securing the border, and pay us in land and rights, thus securing our loyalty in the traditional English manner. Castile wants us to go do free agent-y things. Be a mercenary, do a little spying, possibly find or manufacture a causus belli. She'll also pay us in hard goods, as befits a mercenary, and as is more immediately useful. Now, while I doubt accepting one sister's mission will prevent us from taking work from the other, our choice of initial mission is likely to set the tone.

Castile's mission will require a working knowledge of the people, at a minimum, and is likely to result in both more down time and more, er...interesting...uptimes.
Well, title deeds are the best way to leverage tech gaps, but...they ARE exclusive.
One seeks to start a war to get it over with, the other with making sure nobody breaks through. That means some difference in escalation times.

[X] Learn Magic
[X] Accept Alspeci's mission

While getting her toilet equipment back is a priority to her, she can't really fight yet, so learning magic is essential to being able to carry out any duties first
Requisitions...depends on what we're doing first.

I think to start with, I can think of maps to get a better idea of the situation, trying to find equivalencies between RL chemistry and local materials(we have fire magic, so proper accelerants, explosives and incendiaries lets us get extra kick out of the magic)...probably armor pieces where our divine gift doesn't cover, if it doesn't hurt the magic.
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I think to start with, I can think of maps to get a better idea of the situation, trying to find equivalencies between RL chemistry and local materials(we have fire magic, so proper accelerants, explosives and incendiaries lets us get extra kick out of the magic)...probably armor pieces where our divine gift doesn't cover, if it doesn't hurt the magic.

Keep in mind that the two different sisters are sending you two different places. Other than that, here's the first of the Requisiton Point items

Map of Princedom of Tamer: 5 rp
Map of Princedom of Tamer & Surrounding Territory: 8 rp
Rope, 20ft, hemp: 5 rp
Pig Iron: 12 rp/ ingot
Pistol: 20 rp
10 rounds Pistol ammo: 5 rp
Rifle: 40 rp
10 rounds Rifle ammo: 10 rp
Sword: 35 rp
3 grenades: 15 rp
1 satchel charge: 20 rp
Raincoat: 15 rp
Ground tarp: 5 rp
Rations (5 day): 5 rp
3lbs powder: 8 rp
Napalm: 12 rp/ quart
Fuel Oil: 10rp/ quart
Zippo-patern lighter: 9 rp
Fuse, 10ft, waterproof: 10 r
Bar steel: 20 rp/ingot
Pants, plain: 15 rp
Dress, pain: 20 rp
Shirt, plain: 10 rp
Paper, 200 sheets: 25 rp
Helmet: 3 rp
[X] Learn Magic
[X] Accept Alspeci's mission

Might as well be able to use the shiny stick competently. Plus I suspect we'd need some decent close-quarters skills to put shapeshifting to its full use.
Hmm. If we DON'T pick Magic as our priority, then we absolutely MUST requisition some form of weapon (and we probably should anyways). Likewise, one of the maps is a must-have. Still pondering.

Keep in mind that the two different sisters are sending you two different places. Other than that, here's the first of the Requisiton Point items
Point of order? Alspeci's note doesn't specify where she'd be sending us. Castile tells us where, but not what (admittedly with the implication that we'd be playing saboteur/agent provocateur/spy).
[X] Learn Magic
[X] Accept Alspeci's mission
[X] Plan Basic Field Kit
2/50 RP left
-[X] Map of Princedom of Tamer & Surrounding Territory: 8 rp
-[X] 3 grenades: 15 rp
-[X] Helmet: 3 rp
-[X] Rations (5 day): 5 rp
-[X] Ground tarp: 5 rp
-[X] 1 quart Napalm: 12 rp/ quart

Okay, not a lot of RP, so the better map, grenades to tide us over until we have our magic figured out, a helmet(seriously, we got body armor, but no helmet, and a head injury is generally very bad), some food, basic camp gear "a tarp to sleep reasonably dry on" and some Napalm in case we need to burninate something with our magic really hard.
Alspeci says to protect the border, so I think it's likely an army camp of some sort.

May need to be prepared to rough it.
Okay, not a lot of RP, so the better map, grenades to tide us over until we have our magic figured out, a helmet(seriously, we got body armor, but no helmet, and a head injury is generally very bad), some food, basic camp gear "a tarp to sleep reasonably dry on" and some Napalm in case we need to burninate something with our magic really hard.
Alspeci says to protect the border, so I think it's likely an army camp of some sort.

May need to be prepared to rough it.

Being prepared to rough it is always a good plan. That said, you're not going to have to give back everything at the end of a mission, and can return used equipment for a small refund. Not a full refund, of course- Gamesian Economics Goes Here- but a good chunk of it.
Oh hey, you've started a new quest.

But I never voted in this before. Oh well, gimme a few minutes to catch up then I'll vote.
Oh hey, you've started a new quest.

But I never voted in this before. Oh well, gimme a few minutes to catch up then I'll vote.

Department of oops speaking, how can we drop the ball today?

Seriously, though, thought you were in on this one? You seemed pretty interested in An American Mage in Wizarding Britain.
Department of oops speaking, how can we drop the ball today?
By tying a rock to it and throwing it off a bridge and watch that fucker sink.:p

Seriously, though, thought you were in on this one?
Well I'm in it now. I always enjoy your quests although none of them are complete. Slightly disappointed we chose a female PC, but that is more my predisposition toward male PC because I'm a guy myself so I won't bring this up again.

You seemed pretty interested in An American Mage in Wizarding Britain.
That sounds like a Harry Potter story. I've never read a Harry Potter fic in my life. I never read any of the books nor have I seen the movies. It's not because I don't like it. I've heard it's good, but after 18 or so years of not ever reading, watching, or playing any HP stuff it's now somewhat become a matter of pride I stay away from HP.

Anyways here's my vote. Now keep in mind I skimmed most of it to get here so my information may be off a bit.
[X] Learn Magic
[X] Accept Castile's mission
1x Map of Princedom of Tamer & Surrounding Territory: 8 rp
1x Rope, 20ft, hemp: 5 rp
1x Pistol: 20 rp
2 x 10 rounds Pistol ammo: 10 rp
1x Rations (5 day): 5 rp

Total RP: 48
RP remaining: 2

My reasoning:
We should do the Princess's mission first. She's royalty and should be able to get us most of the things we need to complete our goal whatever it it, in this case, learning magic. We can always do missions for other characters later, but getting in the good graces of royalty as soon as possible should be our number one priority right now.
Read the conversation between me and @Ferretshock for reasoning for choosing Castile's mission.

As for the gear, we have the hauberk and staff from Loki, so armor and CQC weapon are taken taken care of for now. Obviously we need a map, and we need a range weapon so a pistol. But the pistol should be used when we absollutly need to since a pistol is loud and may draw unneccesary attention during our mission.

Better to have and not need than to need and not have.

Food, I hope I won't have to explain that, and the rope may come in handy.

And just to be funny, an immediate goal should be to get our junk back in order. Or is this genderbend thing gonna be a plot point later on?
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Craaaaap. All right, let me just figure out what I was thinking of...

By tying a rock to it and throwing it off a bridge and watch that fucker sink.:p

Well I'm in it now. I always enjoy your quests although none of them are complete. Slightly disappointed we chose a female PC, but that is more my predisposition toward male PC because I'm a guy myself so I won't bring this up again.

That sounds like a Harry Potter story. I've never read a Harry Potter fic in my life. I never read any of the books nor have I seen the movies. It's not because I don't like it. I've heard it's good, but after 18 or so years of not ever reading, watching, or playing any HP stuff it's now somewhat become a matter of pride I stay away from HP.

Anyways here's my vote. Now keep in mind I skimmed most of it to get here so my information may be off a bit.
[X] Learn Magic
[X] Accept Alspeci's mission
1x Map of Princedom of Tamer & Surrounding Territory: 8 rp
1x Rope, 20ft, hemp: 5 rp
1x Pistol: 20 rp
2 x 10 rounds Pistol ammo: 10 rp
1x Rations (5 day): 5 rp

Total RP: 48
RP remaining: 2

My reasoning:
We should do the Princess's mission first. She's royalty and should be able to get us most of the things we need to complete our goal whatever it it, in this case, learning magic. We can always do missions for other characters later, but getting in the good graces of royalty as soon as possible should be our number one priority right now.

As for the gear, we have the hauberk and staff from Loki, so armor and CQC weapon are taken taken care of for now. Obviously we need a map, and we need a range weapon so a pistol. But the pistol should be used when we absollutly need to since a pistol is loud and may draw unneccesary attention during our mission.

Better to have and not need than to need and not have.

Food, I hope I won't have to explain that, and the rope may come in handy.

And just to be funny, an immediate goal should be to get our junk back in order. Or is this genderbend thing gonna be a plot point later on?
They're both princesses. Sisters, even. Their priorities are just slightly different.
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Craaaaap. All right, let me just figure out what I was thinking of...

They're both princesses. Sisters, even. Their priorities are just slightly different.
Maybe so, but one is a duchess and the other has princess in their title. I'd say the one with princess in her title has acess to more resources and contacts than the one with duchess.
[X] Learn Magic
[X] Accept Castile's mission
-[X] 1x Map of Princedom of Tamer & Surrounding Territory: 8 rp
-[X] 1x Rope, 20ft, hemp: 5 rp
-[X] 1x Pistol: 20 rp
-[X] 2 x 10 rounds Pistol ammo: 10 rp
-[X] 1x Rations (5 day): 5 rp
Maybe so, but one is a duchess and the other has princess in their title. I'd say the one with princess in her title has acess to more resources and contacts than the one with duchess.
That really says more about the girls than their position and resources. They're both princesses; they can both claim the title 'princess,' but unless I miss my guess neither is the crown Princess, which is an important distinction.

By using the title "Princess," Alspeci is leaning on her familial influence to order us around, as well as to get us rewards (based on Castile's comment). Castile is using her personal title; as a Duchess, she has her own demesne, and is presumably paying us with her own resources.

It's also worth noting that they may both have more personal titles that we don't see.

In any case, while Alspeci's reward of lands and mineral rights might be useful in the long term, Castile's will be more useful in the short term, and we need that initial short term benefit right now. At least as I see things.

Also, Alspeci left us a vague note. Castile made her pitch in person. That wins brownie points from me.
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That really says more about the girls than their position and resources. They're both princesses; they can both claim the title 'princess,' but unless I miss my guess neither is the crown Princess, which is an important distinction.

By using the title "Princess," Alspeci is leaning on her familial influence to order us around, as well as to get us rewards (based on Castile's comment). Castile is using her personal title; as a Duchess, she has her own demesne, and is presumably paying us with her own resources.

It's also worth noting that they may both have more personal titles that we don't see.

In any case, while Alspeci's reward of lands and mineral rights might be useful in the long term, Castile's will be more useful in the short term, and we need that initial short term benefit right now. At least as I see things.
Just went back and reread the part where we meet Castile. And it looks like you're right. Castile will be better for the short term and Alspeci will be good for the long term, however Alspeci's reward will be nigh useless for the forseeable future because to use "title deed and mineral rights" we'll need infrastructure of some kind. I'm assuming this will be some sort of pseudo empire builder like @7734's earlier quests, where we'll eventually set up some industrial infrastructure and begin mass producing guns or something.
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Just went back and reread the part where we meet Castile. And it looks like you're right. Castile will be better for the short term and Alspeci will be good for the long term, however Alspeci's reward will be nigh useless for the forseeable future because to use "title deed and mineral rights" we'll need infrastructure of some kind. I'm assuming this will be some sort of pseudo empire builder like @7734's earlier quests, where we'll eventually set up some industrial infrastructure and begin mass producing guns or something.
The Princedom of Tamer is @7734's previous quest. We even saw Mab call in Loki's marker to get us seconded to her champion. That said, he's said that this Gunswords is going to be smaller scale than the previous iteration(s). So we're going to be managing, say, a manor and attendant lands or a (Mercenary? Adventuring?) Company rather than an entire nation. Leave the Industrial Revolution to Donner.