A/N: Next time: ADVENT BEAST: SWORD OR DEATH. Desire 18.4.

Live or Die by the Sword
What power do you hold in your hands...?
Dancing flames, decaying Earth, withered ocean.​

Lisa nodded. "If we're going up against that crazy bitch, I want as much of an advantage as I can get." She hefted the handgun and narrowed her eyes. "Strictly speaking, it's just a replica, but it should work as advertised."

"Replica of what?" Hans said curiously.

"Something that works like my eyes, but on everything," Lisa said simply. "Or that's what I've gathered."

Not quite that powerful, but close. The original would be better, but even at her full power, Kiara just doesn't possess all that much Grain for it to be truly effective. About all it can do is weaken her, unless Lisa gets a VERY lucky shot. Eyes or no eyes.
Live or Die by the Sword
What power do you hold in your hands...?
Dancing flames, decaying Earth, withered ocean.​

Not quite that powerful, but close. The original would be better, but even at her full power, Kiara just doesn't possess all that much Grain for it to be truly effective. About all it can do is weaken her, unless Lisa gets a VERY lucky shot. Eyes or no eyes.

That's true. Kiara's not the one I introduced it to take out, but it'll help. It also functions that way for Ether, according to the wiki. If nothing else, it makes immortals mortal by imposing a limited life-span (assuming my interpretation is correct) so a follow-up from the MEoDP could work on things hit with Black Barrel. Barrel Replica isn't quite as OP, but it'll do.
Desire 18.4
Desire 18.4

I crossed my arms as Waver stood in front of the console. The rest of the strike team was gathered.

Canary had shown up with a new song, or so she said. She admitted that it was an older one she'd revamped for this purpose, but she assured us that it would be good for our morale and might affect Kiara. When Elizabeth said she was probably right, we accepted her word and left it at that.

The plan was for me to get us all there, then shift us to Cauldron's version of Earth, where Eden had landed. Next, I'd deploy the Kiara Punishers. Third, Nanashi would unleash Unlimited Blade Works for another layer between the battle and Earth Bet. After that? Canary would sing, and everyone would start launching their best ranged assault while Vid tried to disorient Kiara. I wagered better than even odds it'd work; his power had taken on Scion and forced a retreat - it could work on cosmic level threats.

At least, that was my plan. I'd decided to keep it to myself and let the expert strategist take care of this one. See? I could learn to not rush in.


"So I've gone over the abilities of those on the strike team, and our best plan is to divide into groups that will disperse simultaneously. Grail will go with three or four others and ensnare Kiara; the rest will be in position on Earth-Cauldron."

Better than my plan already.

"Group one will be Elizabeth, Canary, Narwhal, and Altera. Narwhal will run defense for Canary and Elizabeth, while Altera will be in reserve if Sefar is needed." Waver turned to Nanashi. "Group two will consist of Nanashi, Radiance, Gilgamesh, and Arthur. Gilgamesh, Nanashi, and Radiance will be in charge of artillery, while Arthur will deploy Avalon to protect them."

Arthur nodded seriously as Gilgamesh gave a small smirk. Nanashi closed one eye and rested his chin in one hand while Radiance stood silently.

Elizabeth's platoon was already huddled up and discussing strategy, with Altera looking politely bewildered as the idols chattered. Narwhal was wearing an expression of deep focus.

"Group three will be composed of those most likely to distract Kiara. BB, ZZ, and Vid will make up that one. Between ZZ and Vid's illusions and BB's own powers, they'll be in charge of dividing her attention along with Elizabeth's group."

Vid swallowed harshly while BB gently rubbed his back. ZZ's wings twitched as she was deep in thought.

"The fourth group will be the primary offensive for the close-range assault. It will have two subgroups, both supported by the artillery team. The first subgroup will be Dragon, Nero, Weaver, and Tamamo-no-Mae. They will be in position so they can deploy rapidly. The second subgroup will be Grail, Cu Chulainn, Tattletale, and Hans. Tattletale will help confirm the location of Kiara to avoid mishaps, and Grail will perform the transfer. I will coordinate alongside Da Vinci via the comm system. I've given Grail the coordinates to open the Gate at."

I nodded firmly. "Right. I've got it memorized."

Taylor and Lisa exchanged a quick look while Lisa fiddled with some kind of gun. Tamamo, Nero, and Tess had their eyes forward. Hans kept writing, and Cu's eyes kept flicking to me as he tried to focus on Waver.

"Rin will handle the rest of the deployment. Once everyone is in position, I'll give Grail the signal to begin." Waver's eyes were sharp.

Rin walked over to Waver. "Should we begin?"

He nodded. "Open it."

A wall of rainbow-colored mist distorted the air in an empty area of the room. It swirled, refracting and refining into an empty landscape.

I narrowed my eyes. "Earth-Cauldron."

"Yes," Fortuna said, making herself known. "Eva and Archimedes are there, under Khepri's protection."

Feeling a phantom pain lance up my neck and face, I gripped my cheek as I grimaced. That was not fun.

Cu noticed and wrapped an arm around me protectively.

"It goes without saying that you should keep the battle away from the base as much as possible. Khepri has demonstrated that she is far more powerful than we gave her credit for, and we cannot underestimate her again," Fortuna said, placing a hand on my shoulder as she addressed the room.

"On the upside, she probably threw her full weight into that swing. That means we have a measuring point for what she can do," Taylor said bitterly. "If all I had were bugs, I'd fight smart but also go all out at every opportunity. Don't hit first, but definitely hit last."

"Somehow, the fact that she's capable of grievously harming our member closest to invincibility when going all-out doesn't make me feel any safer," Lisa remarked dryly. "Probably because even if we have a metric anyone squishier than Grail is, oh, what's the word… fucked?"

"Regardless," Waver said in sharp tones, "we will not engage Khepri or the remnants of Cauldron. Our goal is Kiara Sessyoin. End of story."

Everyone present nodded or gave some other sign of agreement. I was a little lost in thought as I rubbed my face.

"Hey," Lisa said, catching my attention.

I blinked, noticing that almost everyone had gone through Rin's gate.

Taylor caught my eye and waved shyly at me.

I waved back with a tired smile.

Her gaze firmed, and she turned and strode through the Kaleidoscope.

"You gonna be okay?" Lisa asked.

"I'll have to be," I said as I straightened my shoulders.

Cu dropped his arm. "Even if you're not, we've got you," he said firmly.

Lisa sighed, shaking her head. "While true, I'd like it if you could, y'know, not lose it. Unless it's the kind where you brutalize the bad guy in a few seconds, then feel free to go off," she said as she flapped a hand aimlessly.

I shook my head and looked at Waver, who raised an eyebrow.

"And we're off," I said easily.

"Grail, wait," I heard behind me.

I turned.

Colin stood there, fidgeting.

"I dunno if you really want in on this, Colin," I said slowly.

"I know," he said brusquely. "I was hoping you could make something for me very quickly."

I blinked. "Eh?"

He leaned in and whispered in my ear, then drew back.

"...for what?" I said lamely.

Lisa raised her eyebrows and checked an imaginary watch, tapping her wrist.

"Arm upgrade. You'll see," Colin said.

I shrugged and clenched my fist. Then I opened it and handed the compacted, crystalized concept over.

"Can we go now?" Lisa asked insistently. "I want to test this gun out soon, see if I need you to upgrade it."

"...is that the Black Barrel?" I asked as I opened a gate.

"It's a Replica," she said as we walked through.

I felt my stomach sink. "Of course it is," I muttered.

I fiddled with my umbrella's handle nervously as we watched the door to the no-tell motel room. "And we're sure she's in there?"

"Well, in the timelines where we go knock, she answers and tries to- you know what, I'll leave that thought alone," Tattletale said irritably. "Yes, she's there. No, Khepri can't block me when I'm looking into the immediate future. No, she hasn't tried to pulp my brain-meats." She checked over the Replica, flicking the safety off and on.

"Does she know we're here?" I muttered.

"She doesn't have presence detection, I think," Cu said, scratching the back of his head.

"Not in the package my Noble Phantasm gave her. I have no idea what the Demon Pillars added," Hans said as he typed away.

I sighed. "So when do we…?"

The comm crackled to life. "El-Melloi, checking in. Positions?"

"I've mounted Dun Stallion, Nanashi and Gilgamesh are on Vimana, and Radiance is airborne. I'll deploy Avalon once I see the Gate," Arthur said calmly.

"The stage is set! Báthory Erzsébet!"

There was a sharp rumbling in the background for a moment.

"It's up," Narwhal said shortly. "I'm airborne and deploying shields; Canary and Elizabeth are moving into position. Altera is on top of a parapet and ready to launch at need."

"Hehehe! I've got the Kiara Punishers riiiiiiiight here!" BB cackled. "We're in our spot, ready to disorient and unbalance!"

"I've come up with a trick that might help us with her damage conversion," Vid said softly. "We'll see how well it works and proceed from there."

'Damage conversion?' Lisa mouthed at me

I mimed punching myself, then flexed a bicep.

She nodded, understanding. The grimace spoke volumes, however.

"We're in position and ready to deploy," Weaver said.

El-Melloi II gave a grunt of acknowledgement. "Grail, you're on."

I exchanged a brief nod with Tattletale as she drew her blade alongside the Replica.

Cu brushed my arm with his, and I caught the reassuring glance he gave me.

Hans briefly looked up with a flicker of light in his eyes before he resumed writing.

I folded the umbrella containing Ideal and slung it over my shoulder, then Gated us to the door Tattletale indicated.

I knocked rapidly.

There was a soft shifting sound, then the door creaked open.

The amber eyes of Beast III-R gazed into mine as she gave a slow, sinful smile.

"Well, this is a pleas-"

The Gate opened beneath her feet as I used my umbrella to volleyball spike her through it in a savage overhead slam that lifted my own feet off of the ground.

"GET WRECKED!" I roared as I knocked her down into the other world.

"Ehhhhhh?" was the confused sound as she plummeted down into Earth-Cauldron.

"Oh Jesus," Tattletale wheezed as I leapt through the hole between worlds. pursuing the Pleasure Deva.

I opened my umbrella to slow my fall, and watched as Hans and Cu astralized to follow.

"WHAT ABOUT ME!?" Tattletale screamed.

I snapped my fingers, and pale blue threads of light flowed up to her, ensnaring her and lifting her down to my level while carrying her.

The Thinker gave me a foul look and pointed the Kanesada Kuji at me. "Don't leave me behind next time!"

I heard Cu's phantom chuckle in my ear as we drifted downwards towards the crater.

"We're on," El-Melloi II interrupted before Tattletale could cut loose a stream of indignant profanity.

I watched as Kiara slowly stood, clad in golden robes. Even from our current height, I saw her inhale, and start to grow.

"BB! KPs, now! She's going Demonic Bodhisattva!" I yelled into the comms.

I made out the bag flying through the air, unraveling and opening into a barrage of crystallized concepts.

Streams of light flowed out, latching onto Kiara as she grew, and… she continued to grow.


"Shouldn't she be slowing down?" Tattletale said faintly.

"She should have stopped," I said in just as small a voice.


She had no obligation to protect Scion, but Kiara could be useful. Cull a foe or two, lower morale. Not enough to prevent them from dealing with Scion, but enough to keep them from stalling her advent.

The woman was all but shattered, so Doctor Mother was sure to act with minimal direction.

The plan, as it were, was to let Kiara rampage a bit. Rack up a body count, reduce Guild morale. They needed to be off-kilter, shaky. Even when she fully manifested there was too much a margin of error.

That changed when Grail showed he was able to get through her assimilation of Mantellum's power. Well, Mantellum with some embellishments. As quickly as she had closed the hole and launched a sort-of conceptual Foil at him, he still recovered in full. That was problematic.

She had a whole bevy of capes to work with, but only one or two could manifest their powers at once - she was aware and present, especially with the botched summoning of Beast III-R, but her summoning needed to complete.

Her fury burned her intangible eyes for a moment, and Taylor-Khepri took a deep breath. Which did nothing of course, given she had neither lungs to breathe nor body to calm.

It wasn't her Earth-Bet. It wasn't right. Why did her people have to suffer and die, while that damn boy scout got to make a fucking hugbox of the planet he landed on? Even the CUI was slowly being reformed! Africa was slowly being rebuilt under Dragon's watchful eye, Europe was stabilizing without the Blasphemies and the slow collapse of Geschellschaft, and the Americas? Unrecognizable.

She hated it, not because it was wrong, but because she would have made all of that happen in a heartbeat. But she couldn't. She wasn't enough, not even after every sacrifice she'd made.

She couldn't help what she was. A blend of perception and truth, seen from many angles and utterly misunderstood. The only real upside to it was that she didn't have to fight Queen Administrator for control. She was the woman who protected her world. She was also the warlord who slew and tortured heroes and villains alike, and robbed everyone of their agency to force cooperation.

And ultimately, that was her base of being. If she was ever going to have the world she had envisioned, the world where people didn't have to live in fear, it had to be by her hands. A small part of her realized that she was, without doubt, the villain of this piece for trying to hijack the entire system that was being built, but the rest of her was as she was seen.

And so Beast V-R(estrict) continued to influence Doormaker and redirect the effects of the Kiara Punishers until they recalled them. This left the Guild to fight a vastly overpowered opponent.

Move with subtlety, then strike once and end it all. It was the best way to handle the situation when facing a stronger opponent. All in, hit the weak point. That was the way to handle it.

Even if the small, heroic part of her hated it all the while.

I maneuvered Tattletale and I backwards rapidly as Kiara towered over us all, her massive hands extended, palms up.

How? They should have worked.

"I'm drawing them back," BB growled in irritation. "They're working, but they aren't reaching her. I don't know why."

I watched the crystals retreat, and saw the small golden portals close.


"Doormaker," Tattletale whispered. "That bitch."

I forced the temptation back to try and aim something painful at Khepri. I had more pressing issues.

"Ah…" Kiara said wistfully, extending her hand towards Tattletale and I.

We needed something to bring her down to size, and fast. The Kiara Punishers wouldn't work so long as Khepri was active, so…

Kiara paused. Slowly, she dragged a nail across her cheek. "Eh? What's this?" She quickly grabbed and squeezed her own wrist, pressure increasing until I heard bones start to grind. Giant bones, making a noise like sustained thunder.

I took advantage and Gated us out of her immediate area.

Cu and Hans re-materialized as I dropped us by the rest of the primary assault team.

I watched as Avalon's light enshrouded the artillery, and a barrage of weapons and lasers came down on her head, doing little but sending up smoke. She didn't react to it.

"I've turned off her ability to feel anything. It's more than numbness; that still has weight to it. She has no sense of balance, weight, touch, nothing. She can still see and hear, but…" Vid trailed off, voice strained.

"She draws her power from pleasure," Weaver said coolly. "If she can't feel anything, be it pleasure or pain, her sadomasochistic tendencies aren't getting fulfilled and she can't charge up as effectively."

Tamamo gave a sharp nod. "That's all well and good, but she's too big for us to meaningfully hurt! Maybe Ea would work?"

"If you're all done living, then I'll certainly deploy Ea," Gilgamesh said bitterly. "I'd have to use a full swing, and we're not deployed in a way that lets me aim at her and not you."

"The Kiara Punishers won't work because Khepri has subordinated Doormaker. She's redirecting the effects away from Kiara," Tattletale said urgently into the comms. "We need something to knock them both off balance long enough for those to go through."

"I can try my song?" Canary said hopefully. "Ah, it's… Grail, I told you about it during our trip in Toronto, remember?"

I perked up. "I think I know the one. If you use it, you might cut through their respective delusions long enough to unsettle them, and we might have a real chance!"

"Good plan, but how do we hold her at bay long enough for her to belt out a whole song?" Dragon asked.

Hans adjusted a small pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose. "I believe that there are three very pertinent answers to that," he said archly.

Nero and Tamamo exchanged a glance as Kiara turned to raise her hand and swat the artillery squad out of the sky.

"All for one?" Nero asked.

Tamamo smirked. "Evils of Humanity versus Evil of Humanity. Let's show this little upstart what real Beast candidates can do."

I swallowed nervously.

Altera dismounted the stage and began to run at the titan before her.

"Altera!" Narwhal cried out.

The small girl smiled back at her mother figure. "It'll be okay," she said softly.

She rushed forward, legs carrying her far faster than her tiny body would suggest. In moments, Nero and Tamamo were in view.

"And that's three, umu!" Nero said triumphantly.

"Shall we start, mikon? She's paying a little too much attention to those four," Tamomo said, hiding her icy expression behind a sleeve.

"Okay," Altera said with a nod.

A massive foot moved, engulfing them all in its shadow-

And a series of pearlescent ovals shot upwards, fixing its movement in midair, straining under the intense gravity.

"Move it!" Narwhal cried out, keeping near the castle facsimile. "It won't hold long!"

Kiara's grasp tightened around Avalon's aura, and her foot hung in midair.

"She's out of it," Tamamo muttered. "Alright ladies, let's do it!"

The Demonic Bodhisattva was sent sprawling backwards in a torrent of dust as a surge of light, darkness, and flame screamed to the heavens.




Kiara stirred, then opened her eyes. They slowly widened as she took the scene in.

A small figure clad in black and gold with a disgustingly ornate crown perched on a writhing tower of shadow. It slowly resolved into a massive lizardlike being, with seven necks like serpents. Three crowns erupted from its single body, and the remaining seven were upon its heads. They varied in shape, from insect to frog to lion. The largest, upon which the woman sat, was a man's.

Clad in white, the nine-tailed fox goddess loomed over her prone body, golden hair flowing behind her as her eyes glowed vermillion. She gleamed brilliantly, sunlight radiating from her massive form.

And beside that atrocity was an unearthly pale being. It had fingers half as long as its arms, with spheres in its palms and stomach. Antennae like ribbons spun from the top of her head, and her long white hair draped behind her like a cape.

It was in that moment that Kiara began to feel an emotion so utterly alien it took full seconds for her to identify it.


I stared at the three giants - well, two giants and one rider of a giant - began to utterly bully the shit out of the Beast in question.

Beaded chains spun Kiara through the air as Sefar latched onto her limbs and began to grow as she devoured the Beast's energy. The massive wyrmlike creature began to lash out in a blur of mandibles, teeth, and beaks, leaving noticeable bleeding wounds that did not regenerate.

"...is that the goddamn Beast of Revelation?" Tattletale said faintly.

Dragon responded by changing into her bestial form, a horde of mech-suits flying behind her in a tailwind as she launched herself towards the battle.

Gilgamesh crackled over the comm. "That's it! If they're permitted to unleash their all-"

A tower of energy erupted, forcing the three attackers back a few hundred feet - or a few steps for them.

"Actually, we're good over here," Nanashi said in a flat tone as Gilgamesh harrumphed.

The light faded, showing the Deva fully recovered and standing tall. Then Kiara unleashed a massive sphere of energy at them at incredible speed!

Sefar began to regurgitate energy into a counterattack as Hakumen brandished a blade - and I could see Nero's small form imitate her larger compatriot.

"So what do we do?" Weaver whispered harshly.

I tapped my lip in thought, then snapped my fingers. "She can't block the Kiara punishers if we block her!" I hissed excitedly.

Tattletale's eyes widened and she gripped Weaver's shoulder as she hurriedly spoke in her ear, Weaver's eyes widening.

There was a massive explosion that rocked the landmass we were on as we spoke,




Rainbows, shadows, and sunlight tore through the energy sphere, forcing Kiara to establish a shield shaped like a pair of hands clasped in prayer. The combined attack strained against the barrier as Dragon rained flame and destruction upon her head, her suits releasing all manner of munitions. Gilgamesh, Radiance, and Nanashi followed suit, with Nanashi taking longer pauses between shots.

This resulted in Broken Phantasms erupting and rocking the Beast's head as she struggled to hold position.

The dance of light and darkness continued as I brushed imaginary dirt off of my pants.

"Hm?" Cu said after a moment.

"I'm tagging in," I said brightly, pointing up before I bolted forwards.

The massive sigil in the sky spoke for itself. I had no intention of finding out what it did.

Unfortunately, intentions mattered little.

"Heaven's Hole."

It opened. The attacks were devoured by the gaping abyss, within which the red-eyed pillars crawled.

The artillery crew hung onto the Vimana, which managed to match the pull.

BB and ZZ held Vid down from flying away as he managed to keep focus on Kiara, which definitely seemed to piss her off.

Canary and Bathory held onto the stage along with Narwhal.

The three titans stood their ground, and Cu, Hans, and Tattletale were safe within Weaver's sphere of influence, though she was starting to transmutate the ground at the edges into crystalbugs.

In a word? Everything had just gone to hell.

Fuck that.

"Grand Grail: Form of the End."

The towering form of Grail's Endbringer body reared back, arms weaving through the air as translucent matter formed into a massive barrier that flew up and slapped over the Beast's attack.

Tattletale breathed deeply. "Alright. Weaver, get ready to deploy the bugs to extend your range. BB, you get to trigger the Punishers. ZZ, get big and get in there. Vid, you keep her passive regeneration and escalation on lock," she said quickly. "Hans, use your power on the Replica. If it can last, then I'll use it to destabilize her further, and then once all that's done, we get those three to clear the way for Brioniac, Excalibur, and Enuma Elish. And cut loose themselves for good measure. But before we can do all of that, we need to distract both of them to get the crystalbugs in there."

"And that's me," Canary said grimly. "Narwhal, do your barriers block sound?"


"Good enough for me!" Elizabeth chirped. "Keep us covered and we'll get her off balance long enough to sneak in!"

Weaver gave a sharp nod as Tamamo brought her blade down, blocked momentarily by a hand until she took Kiara's arm off at the elbow.

Blood sprayed until a new arm erupted from the stump, Kiara wearing a tense look.

"What was that about regeneration?" Weaver hissed.

"Passive! And she's not getting stronger, so-"

"Well she's not getting weaker," Cu growled.

She tapped her remaining hand on the desk, for all it did nothing to make sound or relieve her tension. This was absurd. Kiara's power should have overwhelmed them all by now.

Instead, thanks to those titans they'd managed to stalemate her. There had to be something beyond that, of course, she wasn't stupid. But that was what she could see.

She bit her lip, and clenched her fist. Between Doormaker and Clairvoyant, she could try to remove one from play and tip the scales, but any gate that size could run down Doormaker's charge or run afoul of her alternate's Magic. Neither was an acceptable outcome. If Taylor Hebert, Fourth Magician, managed to close with her in this weakened state? The outcome was certain, and slanted out of her favor. If she could actively avoid that situation, she would. She'd fight like hell if she couldn't, but…


What was that sound?

Canary breathed in as the Water flowed from the massive Grail, his nigh-skeletal form directing it to empower the allied forces. She exhaled.

The guitars kicked in behind her, and Elizabeth nodded with a smile.

Narwhal gestured, and barriers sprang up between her and the battle.

"She lives in a fairy tale, somewhere too far for us to find," she began.

Kiara stumbled and doubled back as Nero's mount lashed out with hissing bites wreathed in black flame.

"Forgotten the taste and smell of a world that she's left behind. It's all about the exposure, the lens have told her - the angles were all wrong, now she's ripping wings off of butterflies."

A surge of insects skittered over the waves, shining like gems as they rushed Kiara.

"Get ready to deploy!" Weaver barked over the comm. "I'm closing in!"

"Keep your feet on the ground - when your head's in the clouds…" Canary sang.

BB flung the bag into the air again, scattering the gems. The lights erupted once more, targeting Kiara.

Khepri snarled silently, eye twitching.

They never learned. And that song was already getting on her nerves.

She directed Doormaker to intercede.

The Punishers unleashed their energy towards the opening portals, only for the portals to shatter and fade.

"WHAT!?" Khepri shouted, unheard by any.

"Well go get your shovel, and we'll dig a deep hole - to bury the castle, bury the castle! Go get your shovel, and we'll dig a deep hole! To bury the castle, bury the castlllle! Ba da ba ba da ba ba da!"

They hit.

Kiara let out a yelp as she rapidly shrank to her original size and tumbled into a massive pair of pale, empty hands. Her golden robes remained as she struggled to her feet, shaking her head.

I would have grinned if I had a mouth. Looked like they managed to use the time I'd helped to buy well.

I unleashed a barrage of lasers that impacted the hands, leaving scorch marks as they prevented Kiara from getting hit.

The battle was joined by Dragon, landing meaningful hits for the first time since the start. Bits of material slagged off under the dragonflame, and cracks formed where ordinance hit.

"So one day he found her crying, coiled up on the dirty ground. Her prince finally came to save her, and the rest she can figure out!"

A single arrow from Nanashi lodged itself into the crevasse between the hands, and exploded, sending Kiara plummeting to the ground. It was a lot further, now that she was human sized again.

"But it was a trick, and the clock struck twelve, so make sure - to build your home up brick by boring brick, or the wolf's gonna blow it down," Canary belted out.

"I love this fucking song!" Tattletale cackled, soaring by me on Cu's Sickle Chariot.

"Marchen Meines Lebens!" Hans snapped, his pad emitting a small glow that landed on the Barrel Replica.


The chariot moved faster than I could track.

"Keep your feet on the ground - when your head's in the clouds."

Tattletale took aim, closing in on Kiara. "Don't let me miss!" she snapped.

Weaver leaned behind Cu, her sapphire butterflies dancing around her. "Sure."

"Don't sure me, you-"


The gun barked with the sound of thunder.

"So go get your shovel, and we'll dig a deep hole! To bury the castle, bury the castle!"

The shot landed, because Kiara's body began showing deep fractures that bled light. She was a young existence, without much in the way of ether or grain, but the idea of death had been carved into her by the Barrel Replica - or was it the Barrel, now?

"Go get your shovel, and we'll dig a deep hole! To bury the castle, bury the castllle! Whoah!"

"Alright! Mortality introduced in irrefutable fashion, so everybody line up your best shot!" Tattletale shouted over the comms.

Khepri whirled, stalking back and forth.

There had to be something… something…!

But Magic wasn't like powers. It was versatile, and without the requisite power to oppose it, unstoppable.

Damn it!

Gilgamesh drew out Ea, a grim smile crossing his face.

Arthur stood next to him, the seals flickering out across his blade. "Nanashi, what will you-" he paused. "Is. Is that?"

Nanashi paused, mildly embarrassed as he held a copy of Excalibur in his grip, turning into an arrow. "Ah. It's an image. Apologies, Arthur."

Arthur let out a sigh. "Just…"

"Eyes front," Radiance said briskly, light gathering around her hands.

The heroes followed her order, brandishing their weapons.

"Well you built up a world of magic, because your real life is tragic! Yeah, you built up a world of magiiiiiic!" Canary continued to sing, gratified by Kiara's wide-eyed, trembling form as she sang her delusions into the back of her mind.

That's right bitch. Under it all, you're just as human as us. Time to face the music.

"True Form Revelation!"

Ziz loomed in the air, BB and Vid behind her. BB stepped up, her rod twirling in her grip.

"Ready?" BB chirped.

Vid nodded. "I've got her where we want her. The song knocked her off balance, the KPs did their work, and I'm keeping her from recovering. The bullet shook her up enough that we've got her now."

"It's time," Ziz said in a soft whisper that tore through the air.

I raised my hands, and brought them down.

"If it's not real, you can't hold it in your hand - you can't feel it with your heart - and I won't believe it. But if it's true, you can see it with your eyes - oh, even in the dark - and that's where I want to be, yeah!"

Hundreds of pale hands that towered nearly as high as me interposed themselves, a desperate last defense. It was worthless.


Nero's blackened blade swept wide, blazing shadows tearing down and slagging through the unnatural limbs.


Tamamo's massive katana followed, digging deeper with a pillar of solid sunlight.


Sefar's rainbow of destruction completed the trifecta, revealing Kiara's cowering form, finally consumed with unnatural fear and confusion.




A surge of holy light and world-rending force rained down, obscuring her from view.

"So go get your shovel! And we'll dig a deep hole! To bury the castle, bury the castle!"

A rampaging torrent of light shot out in a last ditch effort.

"NO! FOR MY SAKE! IT'S FOR MY SAKE! I WON'T LOSE! NOT TO BEASTS OR MONSTERS!" Kiara screamed in desperation. Her hair was wild, eyes wide, body beaten and bloodied as destruction carved through the earth around her, rampaging and breaking upon my Tide.

"Go get your shovel!"

A crimson pillar shot through the clouds.


"And we'll dig a deep hole!"

Cu let fly with his spear, the pillar transfixing her. The Sickle Chariot cleared the area, leaving her broken body spasming, impaled, but somehow still alive.

"To bury the castle, bury the castle!"

Kiara twitched uncontrollably. The song kept ringing in her ears. How? How did they know any of it? What…?

What was becoming of her?

What was this on her face?

Why was she bleeding?


"That's that, Kiara," BB said cheerfully. "Bye-bye!"

"Why do I feel… so empty…? Why don't I feel…?" she rasped.

The Moon Cancers hovered overhead.

"Ba da ba ba da ba ba!"

"Cursed Cutting Crater."

I watched as the darkness swirled around Kiara's form, the emptiness of space roaring after Canary's song faded.

Cu pulled up next to my head as Brioniac returned to his hand, then vanished. "Is it over?" he called.

The imaginary space overlap faded.

Kiara was nowhere to be seen.

I reached out with my Magic, creating a spell to detect her.


"I think it's over," I said, returning to a smaller form. I kept the wings; falling through five feet of ground was funny once but… yeah.

Tattletale poked her head over the edge of the Chariot. "Oh fucking hell that was a lot of explosions," she wheezed.

Hans poked up next to her, shaking. "Eh?"

Weaver sighed, shaking her head. "It's fine, you two," she said flatly. She smirked. "Managed to counter that asshole's portals."

"Roll call," El-Melloi II's voice echoed on the comms.

"Tamamo-no-Mae, tired," the fox miko's voice rang out.

I peered down, and bit my fist to avoid laughing.

Nero, Altera, and Tamamo were collapsed into a pile.

"Nero, also tired."

"Naptime…" Altera chimed in.

BB scowled as we landed. "Really? Just that and you're all tired?"

"This is Narwhal. Elizabeth is asleep from maintaining her Phantasm through all that, and Canary is barely better off after helping subdue a Beast." Narwhal held Canary in a bridal carry while Liz was draped over her shoulders like a sack of potatoes as she flew towards us.

ZZ coughed awkwardly. "Vid was the MVP, not going to lie," she said sheepishly as he curled up, snoring lightly in midair.

"Thanks for not letting him sleep in this dirt," BB said cheerily.

"So that's team illusion," Waver said tartly. "Forward team?"

Dragon landed, and returned to her human form. "No losses on my suits, surprisingly. I managed to help keep her pinned, but… a Beast fight is way beyond anything I could have imagined," she said ruefully.

"We surrender! We surrender!" Hans and Tattletale chorused in mock panic as we landed as well.

"Yay. We won," Weaver said flatly.

"Feeling pretty good," Cu said cheerily.

"And Grail's intact. Artillery?"

"Avalon did its job," Arthur said as he dismounted Dun Stallion.

"Nanashi and I are accounted for," Radiance said primly.

"And it goes without saying that I am perfectly fine," Gilgamesh said in a haughty tone.

"Alright. Rin has your coordinates, so stand by." Waver paused. "Nice work, all of you."

We were engulfed in a rainbow of fractals.

Khepri sat in midair, sighing inaudibly. It was fine. A minor setback, at most. Her main plan would still continue, and then…

Well, what then? She could impose those from her world on this one, and guide them to prosperity. But would it be them? Would it be worth it?

She shook her head. No, that way madness lies. She had to make everything mean something. It was her chance to make it all worth it, for once. She could bring them all back, and subvert what happened - during, after.

Scion would fall, and the biggest block to her plan would be gone.

Eva would see Grail and the Guild conquer him, break, and call her. Then she could get started on making things right.

All it would cost was one measly world that wasn't hers anyways.

The small part of her that saw itself as a hero screamed against it.

The rest, the villain and madwoman they saw, didn't feel much at all.

She amused herself by having spiders skitter up and down her mother's flute. After all, one needed to pass the time until they could fix the world.

I collapsed into bed. I wasn't physically tired, but mentally. Kiara had been imposing, and if she was the type not to play with her food… or Dmitri hadn't… fuck. Taylor really came through, too…

Cu flopped down next to me. "You good?"

"Mm. Everyone got to their rooms safe?"

"Yep. Narwhal called mandatory rest for everyone there, no matter how much or little they did. Right now, Nanashi and Kayden are looking after their brats."


"If there's not an engagement yet, there will be," Cu said in amusement.

"Kind of fast."

"Hey, they fit well, and they've got a whole pack of kids to look after. It makes sense."

I sighed, rolling over to look at the ceiling. "Yeah. I'm glad for them."

"Mm. I saw Taylor looking after Altera, so I'm guessing Nero and Tamamo are with Alice. I think everyone's sticking with their loved ones."

"Good assumption," I said, taking his hand and squeezing it.

"Aw. Don't get all mushy on me now, Matt," he said teasingly.

I scoffed. "I'm always mushy, Set."

He chuckled and kissed my cheek, squeezing my hand back. "That's a debate for when you're less stressed. Want me to work some knots out your back?"

I rolled over. "God, please."

As I drifted with Setanta's hands digging into my shoulders, I couldn't help but feel as though I was forgetting something important.

Merlin quickly shook flower petals down around Scion's head, the alien narrowing his eyes and shaking his head before flying off.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," he whispered, dashing off after him in the air, high-stepping. He yanked a stone out of his pocket. "The duration's almost down to nil! Tell them to get the fuck ready for that Gilded Teatime or whatever!" he hissed into it.

"Gold Morning!?" Scathach's voice said, sharp and concerned.

"That one!"

"...Kiara is out of the way. I'll have the ones who are conscious begin their preparations."

Merlin pocketed the stone and kept sprinting through the air after Scion, waving his staff and scattering petals and illusions.

"Please, please, please be dumb enough to go under until they're ready," he begged.

He wasn't sure if the alien was, and dreaded to find out.

A/N: And that's Kiara done.

1. I mentioned "Brick By Boring Brick" during Rebuilding... 11.2, I think. It's from Paramore's third album, Brand New Eyes. It was a toss up between that and "Ain't It Fun", but I felt the punkier edge and imagery of "Brick By Boring Brick" fit better.

2. The falling through the ground happened in 1.2, so that's a bit of a callback.

Next time! The end of Desire, leading right into Dawn! Desire 18.5!

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it!
Desire 18.5
Desire 18.5

Scathach sat in the parlor, arms crossed. Her gaze was piercing as she focused on me.

"Scion is about to become aware of what you've done."

I was across the table from her, Tess and Alice in chairs next to me. "...what I did?" I said slowly.

"The death of the Endbringers and slowing of chaos wouldn't be of concern to him, if it was that alone," Scathach said calmly. "He's despondent enough for that. But you've changed the Shards' very nature from a parasitic hive-based society to individualistic symbiotes. This poses an existential threat to the Entities - they want to grow and feed to exclusion, not coexist."

"So he's going to search out what changed the Shards? How would he be aware?" Tess asked.

"For starters, a good number of his more important Shards have been converted. When he notices how things have changed? He'll attempt to contact them first."

Queen Administrator, Shaper… yeah. That would… yeah.

Scathach must have caught my expression, because she nodded towards me. "You understand what I speak of."

Alice shot me a sidelong look.

I exhaled. "For all Taylor's base power is bug control, the Shard itself specializes in controlling large numbers of organic individuals. Queen Administrator is one of the more potent Shards in that regard. Morgan has the Shaper, which… well, not in this timeline, but Ciara implied it and her Shard were both really important to the Entities' cleanup protocols. Which brings us to her, for that matter."

"So at least three important Shards were converted, and among those Scion will try to ping," Tess said, following up.

"Possibly more," I said with a sigh. "What are the odds Fortuna could…?"

Scathach inclined her head. "I don't know. I'm aware she's merged with the other Entity, but there's still the element of Eve to consider. She might distract him for a short time, but mentally she isn't an Entity. He'd figure it out sooner than later."

"Well... in the words of a great woman: ''tis time for rampant slaughter, then?'" I said with a tired smirk.

The Witch of Dun Scaith gave a regal nod before smiling. "It seems so. And I'd much like to meet this woman."

Hoo boy. Assuming the world in question existed, that promised to be a match made in hell.

"So how do we go about this?" Alice asked. "Altera's recovering, same with Nero and Tamamo. Dmitri is down for now, too."

Tess gave us a dry look.

I sighed. "Strictly speaking, we should let them rest. In a perfect world, we'd have the luxury of time to recover mentally as well as physically." I flicked a wrist and several spheres of light appeared. "As it's not a perfect world… recharge bubbles are go." I snapped my fingers and the lights shot off in multiple directions.

"Good. I'll contact Rebecca, Richard, and David," Tess said as she stood.

"...you've already got them on three seperate lines, don't you." It wasn't a question.

She gave me a smirk. "You helped get me loose, deal with the consequences."

"Egad. A benevolent transhuman influence on Earth Bet. Wait, where have I heard that one before…" I muttered, tapping my chin.

"Girls, you're both very pretty," Alice said in a flat tone. "Now stop fooling around and get preparations in place for killing the alien god-whale, hm?"

"Did someone say godslaying?" Da Vinci asked in a chipper tone as she materialized.

"Not in as many words," Scathach drawled. "What do you have?"

"An address and the beginnings of a plan. We have the Magicians, Narwhal, Dragon, Grail, and the Triumvirate. Rin can keep him from running away when we get to the world the Warrior landed on, and… well, it'll be a place where nobody will have to hold back," Da Vinci said with a shrug. "We'll use Fortuna to distract him while Clark vaporizes the avatar, then invade."

"...out of curiosity, what happens if we try using Fortuna's abilities to subvert him?"

"Lasts three days, then he twigs to the 'this isn't the cycle' and freaks out. Blows it all up and leaves, or tries at least. The death toll is… not as bad as your recollection of Gold Morning, but still in the several billions," Da Vinci said tartly. "However, if we pin him in one world he won't blow it up and flee because he panics. He can still do a lot of damage to us, but if we play it smart…"

I nodded. "Right. Well, time to get the band together."

Fou yawned, curling into a ball under Mattias' bed.


He'd be ready when he was needed, but… he'd have to sit this one out.

"G' luck, you guys," he muttered drowsily. "You can do it."

Next time he saw them, he'd be all grown up.

The little Beast snored faintly, a dim light beginning to aggregate in his fur. Eventually, he was wrapped in a cocoon of white radiance.

Cath Palug was a mighty ally.

But a battle against an alien was no field for Primate Murder.

After the Morning, that was when he would shine.

Rebecca calmly walked through the portal into the Temple.

"It's all come to this," Clark said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Mm. Some days I wondered if we'd make it this far," she admitted. "Everything was kept in a carefully controlled tailspin. Too few parahumans, and we might not have what it took to defeat Scion. Too many, and the world would collapse."

Jeanne materialized. "It was a risky plan," she said coolly. "And not one without great price."

Rebecca snorted. "I know. 'Hard people making hard decisions' is easy to romanticize, but it doesn't change what we did. Human experimentation, oppression, blackmail, assassination… even if it was all to save the world, our hands are still dripping with blood. David, Fortuna, and I have a lot to answer for."

"Well, you're answering for it now," Clark said firmly. "You're putting your money where your mouth is and fighting the good fight."

Jeanne inclined her head in agreement. "Many things have come to pass that wouldn't have in any other world. Miracle after miracle, and here we stand."

"Before… we tried to envision what could come after. If there even would be an after." Rebecca straightened her shoulders, but didn't dislodge Clark's arm. "And now? We had thought about feudalism, but the likes of healthcare, energy, and even food production are on the brink of new developments. It's the dawn of a new era, and we've been entrusted to see it through."

"You could almost call it a 'Gold Morning'," Clark said with a wave of his free arm. "OOF."

Rebecca withdrew her elbow from his gut. "Don't joke about that," she chided with a steely gaze.

Jeanne didn't react, lost in thought.

"Jeanne?" Clark said curiously.

"I apologize. I… this is a momentous battle. I've faced against the likes of Tiamat, Goetia, and many others. This being has already enveloped a world, and I do not know how much help I will be." She thumbed the hilt of the blade at her side.

"That won't be necessary," Rebecca said in a clipped tone. "Your shielding abilities will likely be more use than a sacrificial burst."

"And you can just throw holy sacraments at him until he stops moving!" Clark said cheerfully.

"...that's not how those work, and he's an alien, not a demon or curse," Jeanne replied.

Rebecca sighed. "Whatever healing and protection you can offer is welcome. Apparently he has offenses that can destroy my body among other things, so we'll need it."

Jeanne nodded as they continued to proceed forward. "We'll see this through, Rebecca."

"Though it would make our jobs so much easier if we could just exorcise him," Clark sighed. "I mean, I'm powered by an archangel and you're a saint. Shouldn't we have a little leeway on what works on an alien threat?"

"Or we can just have Grail blow everything up with some sort of fusion reaction," Rebecca said in a flat tone.

"...would that work?" Jeanne said hesitantly.

"Eh. Depends on if the Warrior decided to precog and had powers to nullify explosions," Clark said.

"...so magic bullshit barrage it is," Rebecca said with a wry smile.

The three continued to speculate as they made their way to the command center.

David clenched and unclenched his fist.

"Are you alright?"

He looked over at Margaretha and relaxed a little. "Somewhat. It's the whole… well…" He sighed. "This is what I've been working towards for the past… God knows how long. And now we're going to do something about this Sword of Damocles that's been hanging over our heads since thirty years ago."

The Assassin nodded gently. "I can imagine that would make you nervous."

"Well, it's part that and part… are you sure you're up for this?" he said abruptly. "You're more a social intrigue type than a frontline fighter. I don't want you to get hurt."

She gave him a small smile. "I'll stay in my spirit form until I'm needed. My Noble Phantasm may help slow the Warrior down, if only for a moment."

"...you think it'd work on him?"

"Possibly. It's worked on chimeras, dragons, bicorns, and all sorts of beasts. I see no reason for it to fail now."

David nodded slowly. "Right. And you'll stay astralized unless you're using it?"

"Right," Margaretha said with a soft smile.

The superhero let out a long breath. "Alright. So long as you're safe."

Margaretha wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed him gently on the cheek. "You'll be safe too, won't you?"

David placed his arms around her waist. "I'm going to do everything I can to make sure everyone comes home. Including me, yes," he amended as Margaretha's eyes started to narrow.

"Good," she said with a sunny smile.

David sighed happily. "I'm glad you're here."

The two of them stood for a moment, their foreheads touching.


David blinked at the smirking Magus who had snuck up behind them.

"I believe the meeting for the assault on Earth-Warrior is further in?" Touko said in a smug tone.

Margaretha blushed as David coughed sheepishly.

Lisa checked and re-checked the upgraded Black Barrel Replica.

"Do you think it will help?" Sion asked curiously.

"It works great on really old things that'll live way longer!" Flat chimed in.

"Yes, Flat. We've covered this," Lisa said tersely.

"Mm! It works best with Ether-based lifeforms or some other element!" he continued with a proud nod.

Lisa and Sion exchanged a look.

"How did you come to this conclusion?" Sion asked slowly.

"Well I just picked it up and fiddled with it for a while, and Ether just seemed to click!" he said cheerfully.

Lisa let out a bone-weary sigh. "Let's chalk it up to 'it's Flat, but it works'," she said.

Sion nodded. "Yes, that does seem to be the case for most things…"

"On the one hand, our intelligence shows that the Warrior is ancient, and has several thousand years of life stored, if not more," Hans said slowly. "However, it is doubtful that it has Ether or this 'other element' stored within."

"Odds are, Grail might know, and if he does he can cause it to spread through the Warrior like a virus," Lisa said as she set the conceptual weapon down. "And even if it doesn't, it imposes the concept of death and makes my job far easier."

"How so?" Sion asked curiously.

"Well… hey Flat, what happens when you shoot something and it's a brittle substance?" Lisa said.

"It shatters," Flat said with a shrug.

"But what if it didn't shatter?"

"Then it cracks?" Flat said slowly.

Lisa smirked. "Right."

"I don't…" Sion said slowly.

"It creates a spiderweb of cracks in my vision - lines of death for me to trace using that aspect of the Fifth Magic," Lisa said smugly.

"Ohhhh!" Flat said, eyes wide. "Now I get it! If something can't die like that, it's like drywall, but if you shoot a hole in it and it keeps going, then you have the cracks to work it further open!"

"...sure, let's go with that," Lisa said easily.

Hans gave a put-upon sigh. "Somehow I get the feeling that an open-and-shut answer isn't going to be what happens here," he muttered.

Sion lightly pulled her hair. "Well, every bit helps," she said with narrowed eyes. "We can't give up on looking for more effective ways to accomplish the objective."

This earned a smirk from Lisa, which she aimed at Hans. "So?"

Hans sighed. "While true, it is best to have as many options available as possible. So keep an open mind."

"Yeah! Even if it's a situation like Ultimate Crisis or The Killing Joke, we need to keep going forward!" Flat cheered, pointing his index finger at the ceiling.

Lisa stared at the eccentric magus.

Hans shook his head. "I'm not writing that down."

"You'll be safe, won't you?" Shirou asked.

Rin nodded as she placed the last of her gems into a dimensional pocket. "I'll do everything in my power to come back to you guys. That's my promise."

"Rin…" Sakura said softly.

"Don't worry, I've got her back!" Illyasviel said cheerily.

"And we're worried about you too, Illya," Shirou said with a soft frown.

"I will see to their safety," the room's last occupant said softly.

Ciara stepped out of the shadows.

"Ciara!" Illyasviel said happily. "You're coming with us?"

The Faerie Queen nodded. "Yes. Heracles and I will be on the front lines."

Shirou let out a sigh of relief. "That does make me feel better," he admitted. "I know you and Berserker will look after Illya." He looked over to Rin. "Stay with Medusa as much as you can, alright?"

Rin nodded. "I have no intention of taking unnecessary risks, especially as I'm central to the strategy." She smiled. "We're all coming back. Or did you forget that the almighty idiot's coming with us, too?"

"Hey! Be nice to Mattias!" Illya said with a pout.

"He's a dolt. A well-meaning, immensely powerful, heroic dolt."

Sakura raised an eyebrow and shot Shirou a glance. "Is there something you want to tell us, sister dear?" she said in an amused tone.

Rin sputtered angrily. "No! Not just no, hell no! And Cu would kill me besides!"

"Really? Because you just described Senpai," Sakura continued in a teasing tone.

Shirou grumbled in embarrassment while Rin devolved into unintelligible anger.

Illyasviel exchanged a glance with Ciara. "Weird."

Ciara merely shrugged. "Matters of the heart are far from my expertise."


Shirou let out a long sigh and shook his head. "Sakura, please stop teasing Rin?" he said pleadingly.

"Oh, fine."

"Besides, he wouldn't try to date one of you. We're cooking buddies," he said with a firm nod.

"...is that what they're calling it nowadays?"

Shirou immediately went pale. "Nonononono! NO."

Rin wheezed. "Sakura, he'd get speared before he could get a word in edgewise. Don't you remember the part of the Ulster Cycle where people kept the king from sleeping with Emer so Cu Chulainn wouldn't murder everything?"

"And he's a guy. A GUY."

"Love comes in many shapes, Senpai~," Sakura said with a teasing smirk.

"Well, that's one way to defuse stress before a battle," Ciara mused as she and Illya watched the chaos unfold.


Asterios sat with Heracles and Fran out on the hills of the Island, overseeing the Crater Lake. "I wonder what's gonna happen after the fighting's done…" he murmured.

Fran hummed. "Who knows? The prototype for the Engine's done, so I guess we'll keep working on it. There's still going to be crime and stuff, so it's not like we'll be out of a job."

The grey giant growled softly.

"Yeah, people will be people, for better or worse," Asterios agreed. He smiled up at Heracles. "Are you enjoying the nice weather?"


"Good. I'm glad."

"Ah, Asterios!" Dmitri said cheerfully. The Russian cape wandered over and sat with the Berserkers, BB following closely. "Getting a few moments of peace before the battle?"

"Yes," Asterios said with a nod.

A faint breeze stirred the grass.

"Well I'm gonna enjoy the sunshine while we can," BB said cheerily as she plopped down on the hillside.

Dmitri sat between her and Asterios. "When are we expected?"

"Eh. We'll get called when they're ready," BB said with a shrug. "The Triumvirate and Magicians are the ones they really need for tactics. Our role is to wreck shit. Which we are very good at, if I say so myself," she preened.

"Mm. Any idea where Galahad is?" Dmitri responded.

"I heard he was with ZZ last," Asterios replied.

For a moment, there was silence.

"You don't think…?" Fran said hesitantly.

"Think what?" Asterios asked, blinking innocently.

"Er…" Dmitri scratched the back of his head.

BB cackled. "I doubt it. Zee's a rolling stone that gathers no moss, and Galahad's pure as they come. The only person who's more virginal than him is Mary!"

"Didn't she have a husband after the whole Jesus thing?" Fran pointed out.

"Fine then, Jeanne!"

"She and Sieg seemed kind of close back in Chaldea though…" Asterios mumbled.

"My point! Is that! He's a big! Ol!' Virgin!" BB said, punctuating with several claps.

"I mean, he didn't take after his father and go for married women, but…" Fran trailed off, visible eye widening.

Asterios smiled. "Aww."

The gathered heroes watched a swan-shaped paddleboat pass by, Galahad steering it as ZZ leaned on his shoulder with a fond smile.

"That's really ni-" Asterios began.

"C'MON! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" they heard a voice call out.

"I TOLD YOU WE DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO DRINK!" a woman barked out in reply.



Waves rocked the paddleboat until it levitated high into the air courtesy of ZZ as Galahad sat with an emotionless expression.

Then another paddleboat roared by in a barely-visible blur, leaving massive walls of water in its wake.

"Hi Medusa! Hi Cu!" Asterios said cheerfully.

The waves towered to impossible heights, forcing ZZ to rise higher.

"Erm, Asterios-" Fran called faintly.

The Berserker looked up and noticed that his friends had gotten a few hills away. Then he looked up at the incoming giant wave.


A few moments later, he blinked water out of his eyes. His clothes were utterly soaked, as was his hair. The lake was slowly calming.


Asterios felt a warm breeze, and noticed a distinct lack of dampness as the paddleboat landed near him on the ground.

"You okay?" Galahad asked. A small glint of concern shone in his visible eye.

"I'm fine!" Asterios said with a smile. "Thanks, ZZ!"

The blonde giggled, her wings shifting slightly. "We're going to head on in. Want a lift?" she asked, jabbing a thumb behind her.

"Yes, please!"

Taylor sighed as she turned her attention to another subsector of her domain. "Alright, that's most of the people concerned on the way," she said.

Tamamo hummed. "Who's left?"

"Legend is moving his son and husband here for safety, and Canary and Liz are staying here. The Travelers will be here on reserve, and arrived shortly after Eidolon and Mata Hari. Enkidu managed to get ahold of Gilgamesh and Arthur, so they're on the move. I had to alert Cu and Medusa because they were drinking again, but ZZ and Galahad got hold of Asterios. Nanashi is heading in now that he got a hold of Nero and Altera. Once we get them in there, that leaves… Fortuna, Quetzalcoatl, and Hassan."


"Make that Fortuna and Quetzalcoatl," Taylor amended smoothly.

Tamamo looked up at the looming Assassin. "Right." She looked back to Taylor. "Will Roman be joining us?"

Taylor shook her head. "He'd be too weak that far from Rain. Even with Grail supplying the power, the Master-Servant bond would be needed to unleash Solomon. And it's still a little too soon to do so; or his Saint Graph could be damaged."


"What he said," Taylor said smoothly.


The three looked at the door of the room.

Quetzalcoatl stood with a wide grin and fire in her eyes. Literal fire. "So, let's put this hijo de puta down for the count! It's time for a burning victory!"

Taylor let out another put-upon sigh.



"Murder!" Tamamo cheered.

Taylor shot her a flat look. "Really, Mom?"

"If you can't beat them, join them!"

The Magician rubbed her chin in thought. "Okay. Murder Time it is."




I walked up to Fortuna and Richard as they spoke quietly in the foyer.

"So. It's time to finish what Cauldron set out to do all those years ago, huh?" I said.

Fortuna nodded slowly. "Yes. I…" she trailed off.

Richard swallowed. "I hope it's alright that I'm leaving Arthur and Keith here?"

I blinked for a moment as I processed. "Oh! Your Arth- sorry, got confused," I said with a laugh. "I doubt Taylor will mind. It's as safe as we can get, outside of the Temple or Gardens, and has way less sensitive stuff for Keith and Seth to run into. Also most everyone will be here."

"Most?" Fortuna asked.

"Piggot and the local Protectorate barring Armsmaster will be at the Temple, while Dinah will be in the Gardens. We've hired Faultline's people to do security detail there along with the Travelers. New Wave will be here at the House." I scratched the back of my head.


"So… final headcount?" Richard asked.

"So from the Protectorate, it's you, Alexandria, and Eidolon," I said with a nod at Richard. "That means Enkidu, Jeanne, and Mata Hari. She's accompanying for the last assault. If nothing else, she can shadow Eidolon and give him an extra pair of eyes. Might even trip up the enemy if her entrancing abilities work."

Legend nodded. "And the Guild?"

"Whew. So we're bringing Vid, Narwhal, Mab, and Dragon to the field. I went looking for Fou, but he's… kind of in a chrysalis? So he'll probably show up at a dramatic point in time to save us all or something. But those four mean BB, Altera, Heracles, and Nero. Rin, Illyasviel, Weaver, and Tattletale will be accompanying us, along with Tamamo-no-Mae and Hans."

"And then there's all of us," Fortuna said with a smirk.

"Yep. Da Vinci, Gilgamesh, Cu Chulainn, Arthur, Medusa, ZZ, Nanashi, Frankenstein, Asterios, Galahad, Quetzalcoatl, Hassan-i-Sabbah, Hero, and… well, you," I said with a gesture towards Fortuna. "Almost all of our heaviest hitters. Ozymandias and Romani are staying back because of the risk to Rain and Mimi. Same issues with Semiramis and Dinah, Artoria and Vicky… you get the picture."

"We'll also be attending," Scathach said, striding forward.

"Meaning both you and Merlin," I said with a nod.

She nodded back.

"Is there a reason you're excluding the majority of Parahumans?" Richard asked, Legend persona in full swing.

"Because the fewer people there are, the easier it is for me to defend them," I said bluntly. "I picked the ones with the greatest firepower and/or versatility. We also have multiple Anti-World combatants in play; once you hit that threshold, you start hitting unnecessary redundancies for single targets." I paused. "Also, most Servants have at least a low Mover rating or can turn into purely spiritual forms, so Scion's stilling ability can be worked around."

Legend tilted his head. "And the rest of us?"

"Vid has illusions that work on Scion - that much I can certify. Dragon's body is on par with mine for durability, and her main mind isn't even focused in it. Mab and Eidolon are two Parahumans who pushed Scion by themselves during the original event. Narwhal's barriers will be of help, and Alexandria's strength is past what Scion can ignore. Further, Jeanne can pick up the slack and cover them. You can outspeed his attacks easily. For Magic? We'll need to keep an eye on Illyasviel, but each of the rest of us can contend with it in some way or other. Rin can open holes in spacetime, Tattletale can manipulate time and timelines to evade, and nothing is getting near Weaver unless she allows it. And I'm me, so…"

The leader of the Protectorate gave a slow nod. "I see."

"And there's Khepri," I admitted. "The fewer people I have to worry about covering for when that shoe drops, the better. If she can get into the places we've fortified, then we're already fucked for a variety of reasons. But keeping people in reserve unless and until we need them specifically helps with keeping them ready for when the next big threat drops."

That seemed to clear some of his doubt. "You think that she'll move immediately after the threat passes. And that she's a bigger threat than he is."

"She can block precogs selectively without being summoned," I said quietly. "It's not a case of thinking, it's a case of knowing."

Fortuna inclined her head. "That's a problem for when our current task is done," she said gently, laying a hand on my shoulder.

Legend exhaled. "True. So. Shall we?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Time to get ready to kill the closest thing this world has to a god."

Fortuna tilted her hat over her eyes. "And it's about damn time," she murmured.

"What do you mean, that's the strategy?" I said in a flat tone.

Waver scowled. "This is an enemy that spans an entire planet. We could try to preserve something, but it's honestly better for you to make a control tower to handle Shard issues. Beyond keeping him from running and unleashing all hell to destroy the mass? There is minimal room for a plan. There are no troops, no movements - just moving forward and eradicating everything."

"How very Sherman," I muttered. "What about his vital shards?"

"It's a small area on a large target," Waver said with a shrug. "And as near as we can tell, they'll be hard enough to find even with precognition."

I sighed. "If there's any other life left there…"

"There isn't," ZZ said sadly. "I looked."

I exhaled. "Gilgamesh? What are the odds…"

He smirked. "A full swing would reduce the planet entire to its primal state; all on its surface would be swept away."

I nodded slowly. "What would the consequences be?" I asked ZZ.

She grimaced. "It's… bad. Our best bet is to take it apart piece by piece, with Fortuna targeting its vitals. The rest of us serve as a distraction. Ea moves too slowly, but Sting has the best chance to make a surgical strike. If we give the Warrior enough time, it calls all the shards back that it can - and there's a lot in Australia, Asia, Africa, and Europe you haven't converted. Even America has its share of normal Parahumans. We need to make sure it doesn't see us coming, and Fortuna has the best chance of that with her combination of powers."

"Won't it need Mab's shard for that?" I asked.

"It should, but for some reason…" ZZ trailed off, frustrated.

"If all else fails, blame Khepri?" I offered sheepishly.

"Sure seems to be the pattern," Taylor muttered, Her gaze was like ice.

"El-Melloi II, ZZ, Fortuna, I'll leave the last bit of planning to you," I said with a wave.

Taylor caught my eye, and we walked out of the room into the hallways.

"Sorry for being so…" I trailed off.

She leaned against the wall. "It's frustrating. She's like me, but not, and whatever she's…" she closed her mouth and frowned. "Oh."


"She's buying time. We finished Kiara off ahead of schedule, but she doesn't want Scion to live or for us to take losses to him. As much as we're her enemies, she actively hates him," Taylor said slowly. "But she…" Her eyes widened. "That's it."

"That's what?" I asked cautiously.

"She can use the powers of other capes. Capes she controlled," she said urgently. "She filters them through her, and- Mantellum. She was using his power to block us, and her own to manipulate Doormaker. If we try to rush the Warrior, she'll use a variant of Glastig Uaine to transfer the Shards over to him and kill everyone. She's buying time for her to get her hooks into Doctor Mother and force a summoning. Doormaker and Clairvoyant have minimal agency, but she's not strong enough to snare a conscious person yet. And so she's forced to move indirectly while she husbands her strength to force it." Taylor's eyes were wide. "It's simple, and we have no way to get in. If we neglect Scion long enough to unravel the forcefield around Cauldron, he'll figure things out and attack. She's played us long enough that he's too much of an immediate threat to ignore, and we can't stop her coming out."

"How did you figure this all out?" I asked slowly. "Because it makes sense, but…"

"I don't know," she said in a haunted tone. "It just… came to me."

I bit my lip as I thought.

"I… who would…" she muttered.

"The Simurgh," I said with narrowed eyes.


"She had access to the Simurgh, if only as an ally. Gold Morning was insane. She couldn't control the Endbringers, but they fought alongside the capes once their progenitor died."

Taylor's eyes were wide. "So what, she has Ziz in her stable and the Endbringer reached out to me? For what?"

"I don't know." I felt my brow furrow. "What if… Servants are made of both truth and perception. All of this bitter shit is what people would expect of Skitter. Even if you'd gone through… that… what would you do?"

Taylor looked at me, horrified. "I'd never…"

"Yeah. The same could be said of the other you. If she had run into a planet like ours, she'd be uncomfortable, and want a role in power to avoid being controlled. But she wouldn't wreck an unambiguously good thing that benefit everyone." I held my hands up. "This is all theory. But I think Khepri might have an echo of that original you in there, just like Napoleon remembers who he actually was in life."


"Hot-blooded muscle hunk with sideburns who has a nice hat and carries a cannon around to shoot people and beat their faces in. He represented possibility rather than the real-life Napoleon Bonaparte."

Taylor blinked. "So we're facing Khepri made up of everything people feared about me, but she remembers who I really was. And that part of her is fighting her?"

"It's my best theory," I said with a small frown. "But if she's feeding you that information… that would make sense. It's all I've got for now."

Taylor slowly nodded. "Right."

"Alright," Waver said, sticking his head out of the room with a frown. "We're ready to start."

Taylor and I exchanged a look.

"Alright," I said.

I readied the Gate as I watched Rin, Fortuna, and Hero onscreen.

Merlin danced away from Scion, letting the avatar blink wearily.

The golden man looked around wildly. His face split in a silent snarl as he whirled upon other three.

Clark lashed out with a golden ray from a pistol in his hand.

Scion vanished in a flare of light, and the four heroes leapt into a vortex of color.

I opened the Gate, and pulled us all through.

We stood in the midst of a garden of crystallic flesh, pulsating and jutting.

"Go. Leave nothing alive," I said quietly.

Khepri sat in the room with Archimedes, still incorporeal. She idly moved her remaining hand in the air.

"Soon," she said as she felt Eva's fingers twitch.

As her body smiled, the small part of her mind ceased screaming. Overt struggle would avail Taylor of nothing against the memetic facsimile she was buried under.

And so the Taylor Hebert of another story continued to use a power she could barely wield to send information to her counterpart, in the small hope that anything of use would make it through and prevent the utter disruption Beast V-R would bring to the Human Order.

She was careful to only affect the subconscious, however.

It would not do to distract her counterpart now.

The Gold Morning had begun.

A/N: And that's Desire.

Next up is the first of the three-part arc, Dawn.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it!
I presume that not even Khepri is a big enough threat for Merlin to go full Beast? Because he has the potential to do so.
I presume that not even Khepri is a big enough threat for Merlin to go full Beast? Because he has the potential to do so.

...I forgot that was a thing. I'd say that... no, he won't. Mostly because I have most of the last few chapters 'planned' out and that wasn't something I'd included.

But there's gonna be a lot of great Fou action during Khepri, so there's that!
Dawn 19.1
A/N: So, this was held up by two factors. First, I did the entire Blue Lions Route of FE Three Houses in a couple of weeks because I have an addictive personality. Second, with things as written, I was wracking my brain to make Scion/The Warrior a legitimate threat. So many of his advantages had been nullified that I just... couldn't figure it out.

And so, I present to you 'Gold Owning', chapter one of three. Because if you can't make it serious, send it all the way in the opposite direction.

Dawn 19.1

Despite the melodramatic order, we did not, in fact, 'Go'. Mostly because the Warrior immediately tried to hop to another world on our arrival.

The mountainous body of the wormlike Entity laid before us all, spasming frantically as the component shards slid around the planet. It was outlined in a rainbow haze as its form blurred, then sharpened into clarity.

"Well he's pinn- OH CRAP!" Rin cut herself off with a yelp.

A torrent of golden light aimed directly at her, moving far too quickly for me to intercept.

Before I could so much as open my mouth, there was a mighty roar as the world rocked around us and a grey blur intercepted the beam… which stopped.

Heracles tanked the glowing ray without any signs of damage, and landed with a loud thud.

The crystalline Entity stopped moving for a painfully long second.

"What?" I said faintly.

"While concussive force and explosions can have an effect on spiritual beings, effects meant to purely affect the physical will not work," Da Vinci said in a smug, prim tone.

"Translation: stilling breaks down molecules and atoms, which we aren't made of. We're immune," Hero commented with a sharp grin.

"Well it'll still effect us!" Rin snapped. "Grail, get your Water out there now!"

I nodded. "Rin, can you hold that spell even from another universe?"

"...why? I mean, I could," she said, "but why?"

"Asterios. Can you keep her in your maze until we're done here? If she goes, we're all done for."

He frowned at me. "I want to help. Can't Nanashi do it?"

"Nope," Nanashi said simply, leaping away and forming his bow.

I sighed, rubbing my chin. "It'd be a lot easier if we didn't have to focus on making sure she didn't get hit…"

Illyasviel coughed. "Need I remind you that I have a Reality Marble and won't be needed until the aftermath?"

Oh yeah. That.

I grinned sheepishly. "Please and thank you, Illya."

She gave a sunny smile. "You can count on me! I'll make sure nobody interrupts Rin's spell!"

"And we'll take this guy apart as fast as we can," Tattletale said. "Though given he's, you know, the size of a planet… yeah, we're going to need to cut loose a little."

Illya shrugged. "Well. Time for me to take the cushy job. As you say… ta-ta! Heaven's Feel: Castle of Winter!"

And with that, the youngest Magician vanished with the second-oldest.

The rainbow haze remained.

Tattletale scowled. "I do not do that," she hissed as the Servants bat away more rays of golden light.

I sighed, shaking my head. "Plan?"

The comms made a sharp hiss. "Set up a negator for that attack so that the humans can engage. Also, Fortuna told me of 'vital shards', find and destroy them," El-Melloi II said.

I perked up. "Alright, I have an idea!"

"Did it hurt?" Gilgamesh drawled as the Gate of Babylon spat out shields that revolved around us, giving the people immune to the Entity bullshit a reprieve in keeping the rest of us alive.

"Galahad, you keep Da Vinci, Hero, and Quetzalcoatl safe. You three get to work making a nullifier, as big a range as you can get it. Vid, use your power at max to try and find the vital shards and herd them into a single space for us to target. BB, you look after him. Do you need any help past that…?"

BB grinned evilly, dark shadows swirling around her. "I can manage juuuuuust fine."

"...that's a workable strategy. And everyone else?" El-Melloi said with grudging respect over the connection.

"So those rays can even vaporize Alexandria. My resistance might help me tank a hit, and Weaver can make herself and her immediate area immune. Legend can outspeed them, and in the original timeline the team of Mab and Eidolon forced Scion onto the defensive. I don't know how that will pan out here, but…"

"If you have a point," Gilgamesh said tartly as light illuminated his shields again, "please get to it."

"Everyone who can tank the hits should go out there and draw aggro by wrecking everything they can reach," I said with a twitching eyebrow. "And just for that, you're babysitting."

Gilgamesh looked like he'd swallowed a lemon.

"Again, workable. You'll want to start sooner than later; even with her safety to concentrate, Rin doesn't have infinite energy to keep the Warrior pinned," El-Melloi II said distantly. "Get to it."

Galahad readied his shield with a determined glint in his eye.

I raised my arm into the air. "Galahad, get Tattletale, Alexandria, Dragon, and Vid in the area of the shield. Da Vinci, Hero, Quetz, you guys get to work in the castle. Gilgamesh, you're with BB, Nero, and Jeanne to work defense if anything gets in. Everyone else?"

I dropped my arm.

"Wreck it."

There was a flurry of motion.

"Lord Camelot!"

I lunged forward, blade in hand and Cu Chulainn running at my right with a fierce grin. To my left, Weaver flowed forward in a storm of crystalline butterflies and gleaming light.

The deadly dawn irradiated the world, washing over the phantom castle produced by Lord Camelot and the combatants.

It didn't even slow us.

Nero paced around the translucent barrier, eyes flickering outside to view the carnage every few moments.

Hans tapped away at his tablet while Tattletale calmly flicked through possible futures, drawing on her Magic to angle things just right for the heroes.

"Please let this be quick," Dragon muttered, pools of light flickering around her feet.

Tattletale raised an eyebrow.

"So strictly speaking, I'm Endbringer-adjacent," Dragon said smoothly. "And as a dragon, I'm pretty magical."

The Thinker made a 'go on' motion with her hand as she listened. She continued to orchestrate the whims of chance as she did so.

"I can deploy my suits because it's my 'attribute'. Technology. My breath is from man-made weapons, or Tinker weaponry. If I was fully a dragon, I'd be fine, but the Endbringer shell makes me physical enough to be affected."

Tattletale paused. "Wouldn't Grail be affected?"

"His Magic Resistance is high enough it insulates him, especially after it's adapted to powers," Da Vinci said absentmindedly. "Do we need that wiring?"

"Yes, for the frequencies we need to hit," Hero said bluntly.

Quetzalcoatl sat with a rigid smile on her face, arms wrapped around her knees. "Darse prisa..." she growled.

Vid sat with his legs crossed, hands on his knees and eyes closed.

BB hummed as she strolled near the perimeter. "So what are you doing, exactly?"

"Making certain things believe they don't exist isn't cost-effective, so I'm simulating an energy drain while ferreting out the vitals. Once I have their locations I can herd them to a central area," Vid replied in a soft, distracted tone. "It's taking a delicate hand to do."

"...how far apart are they?" Galahad asked curiously, leaning against his shield.

"Assuming a standard continental layout? Three are in Eurasia, two in Africa, two in the Americas, and one at each pole. Australia's been left ou- no, no it hasn't." Vid smirked. "That's where most of the heavy artillery Shards are located. Let's see if I can't add a few more to that pile."

"...can't Grail just deploy his Water and change them?" Nero asked suddenly.

Dragon perked up. "You think…?"

Da Vinci shook her head. "It's too close to an 'I win' condition. Khepri will intervene and force casualties if we don't permit ourselves to be tied up here for at least some time."

"...why?" Alexandria asked quietly.

Jeanne looked up at her.

"We have the means to destroy Scion, and he's a mutual enemy. So why protect him like that?"

"The threat isn't if we kill him, but if we kill him too quickly," Da Vinci responded. "She's using him to tie us up and us to kill him. And that's… hrm."

Alexandria shook her head and turned her attention outside. "Clever."

"We're about forty percent done. Once it's complete, we can all deploy," Hero said grimly.

Quetzalcoatl whistled as the two Servants tinkered away at the impossible device. "That's fast work," she admitted. "Even with me helping." She brightened up. "¡Oye! Dragon, you said that your 'dragon origin' was technology, yes? Then maybe…"

The woman in the green dress strode over, rolling up her imaginary sleeves. "Clue me in, and let's see what I can do," she said eagerly. "I'm tired of waiting around."

Quetzalcoatl gave a sharp-toothed grin as the other two Tinkers moved aside and began to speak rapidly. "Hehehe…"

Tattletale gave a small smirk. "Oh, that unlocks some possibilities…"

Nero sighed as she turned her attention outside. "Hang on, you guys. Alice. Altera. Tamamo. Taylor." Her gaze narrowed. "It won't be long now."

Medusa let out a long breath, relieved that Rin was safe inside the Reality Marble.

As she carved away with Harpe, leaving lingering wounds on the crystal, she ignored the rain of light that tore through the air in response.

Whatever the creature was, it wasn't intelligent.

"This thing's dumber than a sack of bricks!" ZZ shouted, a column of heat and force blasting through a mountain and leaving bubbling material in its wake. "When's it going to figure out that shining a nightlight won't work on us?"

Medusa chuckled. "It might not."

ZZ hummed. "Wait a minute. So, as Servants - spiritual beings - physical attacks are way reduced, right? We need to be targeted by magic or enchanted weapons, right?"

A crystal spire erupted from the ground, causing Medusa to dodge. "Within reason. We won't be dealing with any nuclear weapons, but as this light seems to have little to no concussive force behind it, our materialized bodies don't have to deal with physics."

"Okay, yeah, sure. But before I was summoned, Cu Chulainn got roughed up by the Empire. What gives?"

Medusa gave a wry smile as shadows manifested below her feet. Slowly the Gorgon's form coalesced; its red eye turned on the writhing mass of shards. "He explained that to me, and asked me to hold it in confidence."

"What, did he not get enough prana or something?" ZZ asked in concern. "I was still in orbit then, but I saw the whole fight. Hookwolf got pretty close a few times, but nothing that should have hurt him according to you."

The Gorgon's eye opened.


The burning gaze of the monster melted down the surrounding area, carving a swath of molten material the size of a large city. The effect continued to spread like a virus, slowly breaking down the connected parts of the Entity.

"That ought to help Vid in his efforts," Medusa said with grim satisfaction as the monster was dismissed.

ZZ crossed her arms with a huff as the flesh behind her began to necrotize. "You're not answering my question!"

"Hm. Will that continue outwards?"

"Yeah, yeah. I don't have a lot that can hit that wide of an area at once, but spells that imitate a plague that can do sped-up consumption are a dime a dozen. Hopefully everyone else gets the memo and uses corrosive area attacks if they have them…"

"Now we will!" Grail said over the comm with sadistic glee. "And I've been listening. So… why did Cu let me think he was hurt?" he finished in a dangerously mild tone.

Medusa sighed. "He used illusory runes to try and impress you. Something about beaten-up guys looking sexier and more badass."

"...I'm going to go murder some more Warrior bits, now," Grail said faintly.

Medusa sighed as massive chain explosions echoed over the comm. "As expected, our Master," she said in mild amusement.

"Seriously!? Galahad never did anything like that for me!" ZZ complained.

"When did that happen, by the way?" Medusa asked as she leapt over the carnage, seeking new targets to carve up.

"He wanted to be discreet and I obliged. I mean, he was the pure one of the knights, so he's… inexperienced," ZZ said with a slight blush. "And he's just so damn cute about it too, and gallant, and…" she trailed off in a high-pitched squeal.

"You? Discreet?" Medusa gave a huff of laughter as she landed near a new range of mountainous flesh-tumors. "You must be serious about him then." She punctuated the remark with a sweep of Harpe, carving away more alien meat.

"Yeah…" ZZ said dreamily as explosions rocked the area. "There's nothing quite like gossip paired with justified widescale murder!" she chirped, eyes gleaming as towers of light tore through the scenery.

"I know what you mean," Medusa said with a wise nod as her chains shredded all resistance within their reach.

The two continued to chitchat over the explosions and rumbling of destroyed Entity-flesh.

"Is it just me or are those two somewhat frightening?" Arthur muttered. "And I really thought this would be more difficult."

Gilgamesh gave an elegant shrug as he sent another barrage of swords to tear down more of the Entity's mass. "Well, there's a great number of factors in play. First, we're attacking the source of its powers, so the more damage dealt results in the fewer offenses it can mount. Second, it has a preferred set of tactics that simply don't work on us and it isn't quite intelligent enough to catch on yet. Third, any attempt to model us fails as it hasn't imbibed a drop of prana or magecraft. Last, it is a planet-sized foe and ripe for us to unleash our strongest attacks on it. The only reason we haven't wiped it out with a coup de grace is the Sword of Damocles which Khepri placed over our heads."

He had left the babysitting to those already in there. He wanted to get out and enjoy some light carnage.

No one ordered the King of Heroes around.

"...do you have that actual sword?" Arthur wondered aloud as Excalibur carved another tunnel of wind through the Warrior's mass.

"Perhaps. Given the area and the fact Ea is on the back burner, it may even come out," Gilgamesh said before he took a sip of wine.

Vimana continued to float along at a leisurely pace equivalent to a high-powered sports vehicle, bearing the two kings along. As well, the Gate of Babylon opened beneath it, unleashing a barrage of enchanted blades in a spread pattern to maximise coverage.

"Wine?" Gilgamesh offered.

Arthur shook his head. "We should be focusing on destroying the Warrior. Who knows how long Rin can hold on to her spell, even with her new reserves?"

"Well…" Gilgamesh drawled with a sadistic glint in his eye.

"...we destroyed the Shard in charge of that function, didn't we." Arthur's gaze was distinctly unamused. "When?"

"Medusa unleashed a contagious form of her Bloodfort Andromeda through the Gorgon's Phantasm. That particular Shard was melted through… well. The process just finished and now it's slurry." Gilgamesh radiated smug. "So, given the sheer lack of inventive tactics and the fact it cannot predict us with its calculation-based precognition, I would say that until Vid corrals its most vital parts we can simply attack at leisure."

Arthur lightly flicked the side of the other king's head. "You're lucky I'm so fond of you. Else, I could be cross."

"Please do. You're more fun that way," Gilgamesh responded with a leering grin.

"Later," Arthur said, releasing bursts of light and wind from his holy blade. The shots impacted a… mostly whole fragment of the Warrior.

It very quickly became fractured chunks of crystalline mess. Mass was a bit grand of a word.

Gilgamesh narrowed his eyes. "Hold on. Engaging evasive maneuvers."

The Vimana pitched as soon as Arthur ducked and latched onto a grip.

It was not a moment too soon, as branches of translucent material began to lance through the air, tracking the ship.

"Apparently it finally decided to switch tactics!" Gilgamesh roared, a halo of blades radiating out at his command.

The branches continued to split and twist at odd angles, until they reached some sort of maximum length. Then they lost all rigidity and began to flail.

Arthur lashed out with Excalibur, carving away anything that got past the wall of shields and blades Gilgamesh had drawn out. "What's going on!?"

"Physical attacks; nothing we can't handle, but they will slow us down if they connect," Gilgamesh grit out as the tips of several staves emerged from the Gate. "It seems like as good a time as any to break out my faster artillery."

As Arthur watched the mystic energy shear through the tendrils, he couldn't help but agree - especially as they seemed to regenerate at high speed. He squinted as he looked down, and… ah.

"They're drawing mass from the earth itself! Somehow, it's transmuting the material into the limbs!" he barked out.

"We've noticed," Grail said dryly over the comms. "If you're having trouble, just head towards Weaver and I. We've managed to get a system going."

Arthur looked at the conflagration covering the horizon. "What the devil…" he breathed.

Gilgamesh stared, eyes wide and mouth shut.

"So we made a self-sustaining fire spell that seeks out and consumes Entity-flesh. It doesn't spread until what its on is gone, but… yeah." Weaver's voice lacked emotion, but carried an undercurrent of smugness.

"Is there going to be anything left for us?" Tattletale complained.

"There is literally a whole planet to handle at the moment," Merlin said in a pained voice. "And I regret everything."

"Not yet you don't," Grail said in a dead voice.

"...Wizard. What did you do?" Gilgamesh said finally.

"He saw the tentacles and commented that it was almost like that cape-fic. You know the one, Specific Protagonist saw Grail's shapeshifting and had ideas about him and Cu-" Taylor said in clear amusement.

"And that's all to say on that," Grail hissed in an unholy voice.

"And that's how my little spider managed to infuriate the First Magician into making an inferno tailor-made to incinerate the enemy at a considerable space, mikon~" Tamamo chimed in.


"BUTTERFLY, I MEANT BUTTERFLY," Tamamo shrieked in the face of Quetzalcoatl's fury.

Gilgamesh turned to Arthur as they continued to evade and counterattack the branching Entity. "This begs a question: Scion has been using the same tactic for several minutes. He cannot read us to figure out the 'why' of its inefficiency. It could be that he managed to puzzle it out, but without the ability to collect the required information, that's unlikely."

Arthur hummed. "Survival instincts exist?"

"Perhaps, but the creature is in full fight-or-flight mode, and as it cannot flee, it must fight. The preferred weapon for warring with its own kind is unavailable to it, as much as I can tell, so…"

"It should have gone for explosions, instead of trying to disintegrate us," Arthur said flatly.

"Hush, it could be listening," Gilgamesh chided.

"...how much are we underestimating this thing?"

"Mostly this is on a time limit. The Earths aren't as… immune to this creature's power as we are, and it could have an alternative for slower movement back there. That said, creativity is not one of its hallmarks."

Shields dropped out of the Gate to intercept the eruptions of superheated air.

"Following directions is."

Arthur wilted. "Oh."

"Less pouting, more murder, love. We've made a nice dent in… where are we?"

"So going on rough similarities for continental mass… I think it's North America? Ish?" Grail crackled over the comms. "I'm in Eurasia with Weaver, Cu, Scathach, and Tamamo. Eidolon, Mata Hari, Mab, Heracles, and Merlin are further east. Rin and Illya are in her Marble near the craft-base, while Hero, Da Vinci, Tattletale, Hans, Quetzalcoatl, Alexandria, Jeanne, Dragon, Nero, and Galahad are turtled up not too far from you. Legend, Enkidu, Fortuna, the Zerkers, Narwhal and Altera are checking out Africa to my knowledge. Medusa and ZZ are in South America. I'm using some handy dandy remote viewing courtesy of Tamamo to transfer help here and there."

"Fascinating. And our progress?" Gilgamesh said dryly as he took the Vimana higher over the increasingly persistent explosions.

"Uh. Ten percent? I think? There's a lot of Entity," Grail said sheepishly.

"...We need Vid to corral those vital shards, or we could be at this for a very long time."

"I think they regenerate unless we kill them all. As in, each Shard individually," Weaver said quickly. "They're compact when they're part of the whole, it looks like. Otherwise…"

"We'd need a whole lot of Ea to take this thing out," Arthur grit as the Vimana shook. "Can you send us some backup?"

The explosions began to slow and falter until tendrils of crystal lashed out again.

"What happened now?" Grail groaned.

"Wait. Where's Gramps and Nanashi?" Weaver cut in.

Gilgamesh and Arthur exchanged a look.

The answer to that, of course, lay a bit in the past and in what proved to be the most dangerous continent in the world. Even on Earth-Warrior.

"...why are we wearing these hats?" Nanashi said in a faint voice.


"She is a terrible influence on you," the Counter Guardian grit out as he palmed another blade from his forge.

Both had hats with a brim extending outwards before curling up slightly on the sides. The center had a strap of leather around it studded with crocodile teeth.

Hassan did not know where they came from.

Nanashi did not want to ask.

"I don't think," Nanashi said as he dodged another tower of golden light, "that these are customary on this parallel." He twitched as he realized the former Grand Servant had left his sight. "Now where…"

A soft crunching sound echoed behind him.


Nanashi stared as Hassan-i-Sabbah raised his blade before a giant crystalline mass.


Nanashi felt a slow, dawning horror as the piece of interstellar parasite immediately ceased movement and function. The only proof of damage was the huge gash along its side.

The barrage of stilling-rays stopped.

"Hassan. Gramps. What did you do?"

The ancient Assassin stared at Nanashi.


"Alright, yes, but-"

The remaining, living Shards began to lash out with tendrils wildly. If Nanashi didn't know better, he'd assume they did so in a blind panic.

Hassan faded from view as Nanashi began to dash away, loosing the odd arrow to buy himself time.

"Alright, I've got this, it's fine," he chanted to himself.

He managed to make it a few miles before the explosions started.

"WHY!?" Nanashi yelled as he increased his speed. He desperately swerved, then snapped a hand over himself as the eruptions of heat and force closed in.

"Rho Aias!"

The flower bloomed, and the seven-layered shield encased him as he huddled under it.

"Dammit… even if they can't hurt me directly, they can still mess me up and disorient me. We can't afford this waiting game…" Nanashi grit his teeth. What could he do in this situation? He'd bought time, now he needed to-


...the explosions stopped.


"...how?" Nanashi said after a moment.

"That would be me," Vid said in dry amusement over the comms. "I'm manipulating him into consolidating his offensives in Australia - or the equivalent - and I think I'm getting his major processors into Africa."

"Thank you for that information," Nanashi grit out. "A little late, but thank you."

"...so the stilling's gone?" Tattletale said in a flat tone.

"Stilling is gone, explosions are gone, that leaves- well, a lot of options," Nanashi said darkly as he dismissed Rho Aias. "So let's see what the Warrior-"

Tendrils erupted once more from the remaining masses of flesh.

"...creativity is not his strongest suit," Nanashi said in a flat tone.

I felt my face twitch. "This was it. The big fight. And now it's just…" I flailed my arms. "The world's longest, most boring curbstomp!"

Cu sighed, sitting in the burned-out crater next to my feet. "You know, as little as we do of that nature, this is the first time I've been blueballed by you," he snarked.

"And now you know your poor teacher's suffering," Scathach said with a heavy sigh as she leaned on her spear.

Tamamo made a sharp coughing noise as she hid her face behind a sleeve.

"But like, he was a literal multiversal threat," I stressed. "What happened!?"

"You," Weaver said in a flat tone. "First, Servants are immune to purely physical phenomena. This includes wavelength fuckery. It was his best available weapon, and by nature they're a hard counter."

"He also is bound to standard Thinker abilities," El-Melloi II chimed in from the comms. "Without the changes you brought, Thinkers could not parse anything pertaining to Magic and magecraft. Without that scope of reference, he is incapable of mounting an effective counterattack."

"And then you also mentioned he was the one who specialized in brute force, where the other Entity was called 'the Thinker'. Also apparently female-coded," Weaver continued. She paused. "That is an almost offensive level of sexual dimorphism."

"Point being, he's dumb as a sack of bricks," Scathach said in an attempt to rerail the conversation.

"So we're stuck here beating meat until he dies," Cu said flatly.

Tamamo made a sharp choking sound.

"Phrasing!" I squawked. "That's- phrasing!"

He just smirked at me.

"I am not at fault for this, you do not get to take 'revenge' on me-" I continued to babble.

The earth beneath us transmuted to magma.

Cu yelped and leapt into the air. Tamamo and Weaver floated above the earth.

I just sighed as I felt my ankles begin to sink through the fiery ground. "Well, shit."

Cu landed in my arms as I held them out.

"Ow," he said gingerly.

"...so lava has an effect on Servants?" I asked as my wings sprouted, lifting me out of the molten rock.

"Not in the sense of damage, but it can slow us down and it's… uncomfortable. Astralization is the smart option." Scathach sat on empty air, runes lighting up over her bodysuit.

"Seeing as the planet just went full molten hellscape, we've decided to only send out the heartier members of our enclave," Tattletale said cheerfully. "We've received word that the phasing shard is destroyed, so Galahad will keep Hans, Rin, Illya, and I breathing while the rest get to go have fun!"

"I still need to breathe," Alexandria said tartly. "I doubt the influx of smoke will help."

"I have lavaproof gear for everyone!" Da Vinci cheered. "Rebreathers included."

"...do I need to go outside?" Tattletale whimpered.


I blinked at the sudden yell over the comm. "Oh hey, Rin's back."

Weaver and Tamamo exchanged a look. "So, about convection," Weaver said conversationally.

"What about it?" I asked.

"Well, there's Legend-"

"Breaker state," Enkidu commented. "He can't come to the phone right now because he's a sentient, sapient mass of lasers."

"I can talk!" Legend said from near Enkidu. "I just can't use my own comms because they're… lasers. At the moment."


"My shields are blocking heat now," she said in a pleased tone.

"Eidolon? Mab?" Weaver asked, grasping at straws.

"We're Trumps," Eidolon said shortly.

I sighed. "Well, we've cleared a good few dozen miles. Progress?"

"From what we're seeing…" El-Melloi II trailed off. "About twenty percent."

I made a low, strangled noise.

Tattletale sat on Galahad's shield morosely as he used Da Vinci's staff to paddle it along.

"Don't you have a spear for that?" Hans asked curiously as he continued to type.

"It's a holy relic, this is… a mystic code," Galahad said emotionlessly.

Da Vinci roared overhead in a jetpack, cackling as missiles were launched at the surrounding Shards.

Dragon had assumed her more… draconic form as she paddled through the lava, Nero on her back.

"And there wasn't room for me on there?" Tattletale said plaintively. Her eyes widened. "Oh, nononono, you don't get to think of that yet," she hissed, swiping away a spark of inspiration that the Warrior was about to have.

Nero gave her a pitying look.

"I'm not that old, so I'm not that big yet," Dragon responded. "It's good luck that Galahad had the room for you on that shield of his."

A terrifying shriek filled the air.

"What?" Tattletale said faintly.

A pterodactyl lunged downwards from the sky, plucking her from Galahad's shield-boat as it floated on the lava.

"Whaaaaaat!?" she screamed as she was dropped on another one's back.

"You're welcome~!" Quetzalcoatl cheered as another one snatched up Hans with her on its back. He continued to type, undeterred.

"...can I get a ride?" Galahad said flatly.

He barely had time to snatch up his shield before his mount flew by.

Dragon looked upward as Rin flew overhead on her own dinosaur, letting out a war cry as rainbow-colored beams lanced across the horizon.

"...why are we still down here when we could be up there?" Nero asked.

Dragon let out a heavy sigh as she took to the air. "Let's just. Go."

A/N: I really did try.

Next time! Merlin, Mab, Eidolon, Heracles, Mata Hari, and Illya! Fortuna, Legend, Enkidu, Narwhal, Altera, Fran, and Asterios! Alexandria, Jeanne, and Hero! Back at the comand center! Everyone's doing their best! Dawn, 19.2!

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it!
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Yeah, even Angra Mainyu could take Zion all by himself, and he's the weakest Servant, only good at killing humans. This will take a while... time that Khepri will use, of course.
Dawn 19.2
Dawn 19.2

Fortuna hung in the air, watching the writhing Entity float on the bed of molten rock.

Unlike Grail's utterly baffled minor panic, she found the ease with which the Warrior was being countered cathartic. It had been the spectre that had haunted Cauldron and driven them to desperation for over thirty years, and now…

Well, she just fried half of a Shard with a single laser, so she was feeling pretty good about herself.

A rain of light impacted the remnants, and she was aware of Legend's presence to her immediate left.

"So that's…" he trailed off. "Jesus. This thing is massive. And we have to destroy all of it?" The leader of the Protectorate let out a weary sigh. "This is going to take days."

"Mm. Better days killing it than days of it killing us. And I could kiss Hassan for getting rid of the stilling Shard," Fortuna said conversationally. "Did you know that Shard is what gave Hero his powers?"

"...I take it that he could have been doing a lot more, if his power was… that." Legend was pensive. "So why not?"

"Tattletale?" Fortuna said with a shrug. "I could have countered him locally with my own version, but the Warrior could cover more area than I by virtue of sheer size."

"Yes - oh god - I did keep him from putting two and two together! Help, I don't have a dinosaur license!" the teen Thinker yelled over the comm.

Fortuna and Legend exchanged a look as an explosion sounded in the near distance, and torrents of weaponry forged of molten rock tore through the surrounding area.

"I think she'll be fine," Fortuna said in a light tone.

"Most likely," Legend agreed as Enkidu soared past the two upon one of Quetzalcoatl's pterodactyls.

The clay being cackled madly as they discovered that yes, if they tried to make clay weapons from magma, they got magma weapons instead.

"...how did that get there?" Legend asked after a moment.

"The instant Quetzalcoatl deployed her Phantasm, I used my own copy of Doormaker's power in combination with Clairvoyant's to send them where they were most needed. It's why I'm not worried about facing Kayden when we get back, among other things," Fortuna replied.

"So everyone's off the ground now," Legend said as Enkidu continued to wreak merry havoc.

"Yes. They are having far too much fun," Fortuna observed with a wry smile.

The reverse rain of weaponry was joined by crystalline forcefields, increasing the area of destruction.

"Narwhal," Legend said genially. "Good of you to join us."

The towering woman gave a slight nod as she continued her attack. "Taking a break?"

"No, no. Just seeing what was happening." A scattershot of lasers began to carve away at the landscape. "I'll be off, then."

Narwhal nodded as she bolted in another direction. Legend quickly followed suit.

Fortuna turned her gaze - both physical and otherwise - to observe the other parts of Africa. In particular, she was concerned for the Berserkers. Frankenstein's lightning was highly effective against most targets, but she worried for Asterios, who would have to close with the flailing-

She blinked. Well, there went that concern.

In her vision, Asterios was swimming through the lava at unprecedented speed, roaring as he swung his labrys around.

The resulting damage was impressive, to say the least. The former cape would not have been surprised that, had they been around, a few blows could level a mountain.

So that's A++ strength…

Fortuna warped herself to that battlefield to get a better look, appearing near Fran who coasted by on her mount.

"Hello," the smaller Berserker said calmly as a massive thunderhead built up overhead.

"...so I assume the magic is what's going to let that do anything to the Warrior," Fortuna said after a moment.

Asterios roared, and the nearest Shard finally collapsed in pieces into the magma.

"Most likely, yes," Fran replied. "Asterios is getting quite the workout. Between swimming and smashing up these things, he's moving around a lot."

"Yes, I noticed," Fortuna said as she sniped a few wandering tendrils that approached the massive Servant from behind. Just a few clips of compressed air, infused with prana. Nothing fancy.

"BLASTED TREE!" Fran cried out, reaching her weapon to the swirling heavens above.

Electricity arced down, eradicating crystalline flesh in its wake. Even with her enhanced resilience, Fortuna had to blink her eyes clear as the roar of thunder slowly faded from her ears.

The surrounding area was devastated, material scorched black and sundered just as sure as if Asterios had laid into it with his blades.

"Update. You guys hit thirty percent. Good job," Waver's voice cut in with a dry tone.

"And it's been what, an hour tops? We can totally murder a planet! Go us!" ZZ said cheerfully.

"Honestly, if we could truly cut loose, we'd be done much faster…" Fortuna said with a frown.

A rainbow cut across the horizon, drawing her attention. The Entity in its wake was utterly vaporized.

"That was Altera using Fairy Snow Photon Ray, don't be alarmed," Narwhal said over the comm.

"...thirty-five percent," Waver said tiredly.

Fortuna sighed and shook her head. Then she flew off in search of a wide field to test some of her more esoteric offenses against.

BB drove the lavender Cadillac through the air somehow while Vid appeared to sleep in the passenger seat.

"So how's progress?" she asked as she dodged a sudden updraft of air with a sharp turn.

"The vitals are moving through the magma, belowground. So far the ones in Europe, Asia, and Africa have congregated. The American ones are in transit, and the polar Shards have begun to move as well."

"Where are we aiming?" BB asked.

"It appears they will be in the land connecting Africa to Asia. We should alert people when they're all in the same area so Fortuna and Grail can relocate everyone to wrap up." Vid's eyes fluttered open for a moment. "Keep driving so I can focus on it, alright? He hasn't noticed the ruse yet, but keeping the Warrior doing as we want is taking a lot."

"Don't you worry about it," BB said with a smirk. "I've got everything under control."

Waver bit down on the unlit cigar as his fingers flew over the keys of his console.

"How are we tracking them?" Armsmaster asked from his post by the Caster.

"The comms include a GPS variant developed by Da Vinci. That, plus some tech she deployed beforehand gives me a picture of the battlefield so I can lend aid if it's needed." Waver paused. "So far, I haven't had to. Hassan nipped the Warrior's best weapon in the bud, and Medusa inadvertently shut down its dimensional capabilities. That freed up Rin to wreak havoc along with the rest of the strike team."

Armsmaster nodded slowly. "So they're safe?"

"I wouldn't say that," Waver replied. His eyes narrowed. "If they play it smart, they'll make it through fine. Carelessness would spell the end for any of the humans, but the Servants are safe."

"So Nanashi's all right?" Radiance asked in a soft voice.

Waver gave her a brief smirk. "Physically, yes. I think the only one enjoying flight by pterodactyl aside from Quetzalcoatl is Illyasviel."

Radiance walked over and leaned in to look at the console. "Rin seems to be enjoying herself."

"Rin Tohsaka has left the building by virtue of being on a blood-crazed rampage," Waver said flatly, removing the cigar from his mouth. "Seeing as her thunder got well and truly stolen, I'm unsurprised. The last time I saw her this pissed was when the Kaleidostick got loose in the Clock Tower, and settled on Shirou Emiya as a host."

"Hrm." Armsmaster inclined his head curiously. "Meaning?"

"How familiar are you with the 'magical girl' genre?" Waver asked as he watched the increasing levels of violence and energy blasts from the Second Magician.

"Not at all," Armsmaster said in confusion.

"Long and short, Senpai was in a short frilly dress and spouting off about love and justice for a full ten hours before Rin got Zelretch to separate the mystic code from him," Sakura said as she stepped out of a shadow.

"Oh." Armsmaster said.

Radiance placed her hand over her mouth and rubbed her face a little.

Waver narrowed his eyes at a notification. "We have movement. It looks like the vital Shards are assembling in the southwest part of Asia."

"And then they'll destroy them?" Radiance said hopefully.

"Eventually," Sakura replied. "When beasts like this are cornered, they get desperate. It may not be able to do much, but it will slow them down if it can."

Armsmaster nodded in agreement. "Between Grail and Eidolon, however, I can't see it mattering. And if Hero can imitate the Entities' trump card - as Fortuna said - then it's all over when the transfer is complete."

Sakura sighed. "Here's hoping." She shook her head. "Anyways. Senpai found Fou; he was under Grail's bed. He's in the form of a white sphere of light. It's tangible and safe, so he relocated it here. We'll fill Grail in when he gets back."

"Understood. He doesn't need any distractions right now," Waver agreed.

"Ah… Lord El-Melloi II?" a soft voice asked.

Waver looked over his shoulder. "Yes, Gray?"

Gray shifted. "Grand Magus Aozaki has detected mystic interference."

"Where?" he asked, eyes narrowing.

"...her instruments can't track the range, because it looks to be too large to quantify. She can confirm it's localized to Earth."

"What is it doing? Is Khepri making her move?" Armsmaster said in a gruff tone.

"We don't know," Gray admitted. "But there's no current effect, even though the levels of energy are rising. Whatever it is, it hasn't gotten into the Temple, Gardens, or House."

Waver growled. "I can't leave this be, or I'd investigate." He sighed. "Get Flat on it. Chance too, if possible. If Khepri blocks her, tell her not to force the issue. The last thing we need is her taking a hit that Grail barely rode out."

Gray nodded. "I'll tell the Grand Magus that you've been informed and the help you've assigned."

Waver nodded. "She's in charge of that investigation. She's to report to Dragon, Narwhal, Grail, or myself, whoever's available."

As Gray left, Armsmaster turned to Waver. "Flat?"

"Flat Escardos. He's an airhead, but he gets results. If he and Aozaki can't figure out the anomaly and Khepri blocks Chance, then we'll need the likes of Da Vinci and Gilgamesh to unravel this." Waver gazed down at the conflict.

Radiance gave an irritated sigh. "Just what we needed at this juncture."

Sakura gave a soft, mirthless laugh. "Of course. Such is life."

Waver shook his head. "We just have to hope they get back before whatever it is touches off."

Eva examined the scene before her. Somehow, she was able to view the Warrior's landing place.

"If their goal was to revive the Entities… why would they attack Scion? It's all but crippled, but they still focus it down…" She shook her head. "It makes no sense. Without both, they cannot complete the cycle. This doesn't hold."

She walked around, watching as Grail unleashed a vortex of light and heat upon a Shard, wiping the impact zone from existence. "What are you playing at?" she whispered harshly. She exhaled.

With a sharp wave, the scene changed to a point further in the past, on Earth Bet. Glory Girl - a cape of some power but ultimately little consequence - lay transfixed by a length of metal. Blood soaked the concrete beneath her as Grail stood above, a look of panic on his inhuman face.

Eva watched as the Water erupted from his form, lifting the fallen cape off of the rubble and repairing her wound. He went unconscious as the healing liquid erupted into the city proper.

"Something like a Trigger Event?" she muttered. "But it's not from the Entities. No, it's too esoteric, even for them."

As she paced and muttered to herself, the scenery around her flickering to view after view of the past, Khepri's shade hovered in the background.

A vicious sense of satisfaction spread through her as she watched. This woman had blinded herself to all avenues but her own crusade, and slowly she was coming to realize what had transpired. And all it took was seeing the fruition of Grail's path, the gradual execution of Scion, to begin her understanding.

And that understanding would be pivotal in accomplishing Khepri's goals.

Summoning, for one. This world could not stand. Not when her own suffered; before, during, and after her reign, Khepri's world had suffered. She had become aware of the future. Teacher and his ilk running rampant, the Fallen gaining ever greater membership, society once more crumbling without Cauldron to guide it…

And here, Grail had slowly pushed the world towards self-sufficiency. If and when he left, it would be better than he found it. Khepri could not say the same, in all honesty.

A small part of her felt a sharp pang, but she ruthlessly silenced it before it could gain traction. Her path was the right one.

She would take the world - all iterations of it - under her again, and with that spirit of cooperation she would build on the foundation Grail laid. She would reforge humanity into a force that could handle the Entities, should they return. She would get it right this time. No Shard to warp her mind, no Scion to waste resources on. The authorities of the world could not be trusted to look to the good of all, and so she was the best of several bad choices. And if there was something Khepri understood, it was being the one to make the hard decisions.

That was the Khepri that people imagined. The warlord, the madwoman, the image of the unstoppable badass who got shit done.

The true Khepri, a Taylor Hebert whose circumstances and poor decisions had brought her to grasp at power beyond her to save everyone, continued to plot.

Wheels within wheels, she had to be able to act when the whole was summoned. At best, she'd be able to wrest inches of control away at crucial points, but that wouldn't be enough. They would need her.

Need Skitter.

However, if she manifested alone, she would be less than a wraith. No body to call her own.

And so she continued to offer token resistance while she bound herself into a catalyst that would trigger with Khepri's summoning, giving her a measure of agency during the battle to come.

She would not steal another's agency if she could avoid it, but she would never forsake her own. Never again.

While both aspects of Beast V-R were driven by regret, each moved in a different direction.

The monster watched with grim satisfaction as a broken woman held together by her ignorance gained insight.

The hero prepared for her moment to come.

Alexandria hovered in the air, surveying the carnage.

Her best bets were bursts of pinpoint damage, and she could tear through the Entity's flesh with surprising ease… but overcoming the regeneration wasn't as simple as she'd hoped. Jeanne's sacraments wouldn't help, and the idea of permitting her to call on the sacrificial power of La Pucelle was laughable.

Alexandria despised the idea of being sidelined in the fight she'd always prepared for, but it seemed that in terms of pure destructive power she had little to contribute.

"You look pensive," Hero offered.

She snorted as the flesh-garden below slowly reknit itself over the lava bed. "Just wishing I had something that packed a little more punch. The vacuum from my punches doesn't go far. Also, though I can tear through them, the Shards regenerate too fast for me to leave a lasting effect."

Jeanne floated by on a pterodactyl, flag over her shoulder. "Well, Hero does have Caster qualifications. Enhancing spells should be well within his abilities."

This gave the two capes pause.

"I really should have thought of that," he admitted.

Alexandria stared at him. "I'll be taking that power-up, then."

The tablet floated in front of Hero as he quickly flicked across its screen, Aramaic script scrolling nearly too fast for Alexandria to track.

Jeanne smiled politely as the other Ruler muttered to himself. The tendrils either could not reach them at this height, or simply would not. Therefore, there was plenty of time.

An earth-shattering explosion echoed to the west.

"That's me! My bad!" Grail said over the comm. "Uh, Europe's done!"

"Yes. Yes, it is," El-Melloi II responded in a weary voice. "Relocate to the southern part of Asia, please. And try not to obliterate any more landmass? If we want to cultivate this planet, we really can't afford to damage it much more than the Warrior already has."

"And done!" Hero said cheerfully.

Alexandria hefted her fists. "Fascinating." They glowed with a soft red aura. "So what does it do?"

"Well, it'll spread out the force of your punch and magnify it. So… exploding fists? Kind of?" Hero shrugged with a grin. "It'll help us a lot, here."

"ONE PAAAAANCH!" ZZ called out over the comm.

"...I don't know that reference," Hero said sheepishly.

Done listening to the chatter, Alexandria shot down towards the regenerating Entity, and drew her fist back. Then, she swung.

There was a flash of light and a roar of sound.

Blinking her eyes clear, the lone woman of the Triumvirate gazed upon the end result of… several miles of utterly vaporized terrain, scoured clean of the crystalline flesh.

"I think you got him!" Jeanne said happily.

Alexandria balled her fists and jabbed the air lightly. "I like this spell," she all but purred. "Shall we find the next one?"

Hero shot past her. "Not if I use my tech on it first! Try to keep up!"

Alexandria bolted behind him. "We'll see about that!"

Jeanne gave a long sigh as she nudged her mount onward. "Please wait up! The flying lizard isn't as fast as you two!" She looked down at the struggling pterodactyl. "I'm so sorry. It looks like we'll have to pick up the pace a bit."

It let out a screech.

"There, there. God loves all of his creatures, no matter how old. You are as special as any other," Jeanne soothed as she pat its head.

The pterodactyl continued to fly after the two heroes, reassured of its place in the world. Or not, because it was the manifestation of a Noble Phantasm and as a dinosaur had very little intellect to speak of in the first place.

Eidolon hung in the air, an aura of grim satisfaction draped around him.

Beneath him lay broken and bleeding land, vents pouring magma to the surface. His immediate area lacked any trace of the Entity's body, with larger chunks the further out one looked from the point of impact.

The world rocked again, and he spotted Mab and Heracles out of the corner of his eye as they continued to eviscerate the enemy.

"This is far less dangerous than we thought it would be," Mata Hari admitted as she floated in her astral form. "Though I don't know how much help I would be…"

"It's far too panicked for your powers to work on it," Eidolon responded, "but having you here does help."

The Assassin tilted her head in confusion.

Unseen, he smiled at her from behind his mask. "It's… grounding. I expected a much more grandiose fight from this enemy, so I can't claim this gives me any joy or challenge. It's satisfying, I suppose. Clearing a threat from the board so it can't hurt people anymore. The temptation to fall back into old patterns is there, but…" he trailed off. "You get the idea."

Mata Hari gave a smile like sunlight. "Of course."

The Third Magician let out a high-pitched whoop as her mount carried her by in a blur of motion.

"...now what is she doing?" Eidolon asked in amused bemusement.

The small girl clung to the back of the dinosaur, a wide smile on her face. "Faster, faster!"

"You're nuts!" Tattletale yelped over the comm. "I can barely hold onto this thing, and it's going at minimal speed!"

"Well, if you were with us you could ride in the Chariot," Cu responded with a smirk in his voice.


Illyasviel giggled as her friends bickered, then looked down on the land below.

Mab swept over in another pass, warping energy crushing and twisting the terrain in her wake. Heracles' swings with his club-sword tore acre after acre of the Warrior's mass from the ground and into pieces.

Merlin… sat on his pterodactyl and ate popcorn. In red-and-blue 3D glasses.

"My magecraft can't touch the thing, what's your excuse?" Illya asked crossly.

Merlin gave the small girl a long look.


"I have spent the past several months keeping the great gold goober unaware of all you and your little friends' escapades. I am taking a break until Khepri comes and starts doing terrible things to this world across all its iterations." He ate another piece of popcorn.

"What?" Illyasviel felt her jaw drop.


She shook her head and pouted. "Fine, keep your secrets."

Merlin shrugged. "Won't be a secret in a couple of hours. Not much I can do about it either, but here we are," he said in a resigned tone.

"...could Grail do something about it?"

"Oh, probably," Merlin said breezily, "but that'd result in reprisals and that actually ends worse for everyone involved."

The soft rumbling continued in the near distance.

"Illyasviel, is there anything you can help with?" Mab asked as she hovered in front of the wizard and Magician.

Illya considered her options. "How would you like to be an actual Fairy?"

Mab's eyebrows slowly rose.

"Prooobably not possible. This world doesn't have a true consciousness yet, so crafting her into a sensory organ of the planet wouldn't do much. Also, she wouldn't be able to connect with humans. Even gods are more capable of that," Merlin said as he chucked the empty popcorn bucket over his shoulder.

There was a flash of green light and a strong wind that shook the very air.

The three looked behind Mab to see Eidolon hovering over a new crater flickering with green flame, violet sparks of lightning crackling around his body.

"He seems to be enjoying himself," Mab said faintly.

A torrent of- electricity? Ran down the hero's arms and began to canvass the land, vaporizing wherever it touched.

"Berserker's going to get jealous…" Illyasviel said.

As if summoned by magic, a titanic roar echoed across the continent.

"And here we go," Merlin said gleefully, rubbing his hands together.

The grey blur rushed across the heaving lava, a spray of molten rock erupting in its wake. It charged towards a large cluster of crystalline flesh, and impacted with a sound like shattering glass.

It continued through, dragging the material behind it and warping the shape as it dissipated.

Merlin hummed as the two girls stared on in awe. "Such is a competition between men," he declared as he scattered flower petals through the air.

"Then why don't you compete?" Mab said dryly.

"I'm more of a lover than a fighter," the wizard said as he placed a hand over his heart. "Ah, for the warm embrace of my dear Arthur~"

"...it really doesn't matter which one you mean, that's just gross," Illya said with a grimace.

Merlin jolted, clutching his chest. "Eh!?"

"It's true. If it's Artoria, then you pretty much raised her, and she's with nii-san and Rin," Illyasviel continued.

Merlin gripped his robes tighter. "Oh…!"

"And if it's Arthur-" Mab cut herself off.

Merlin blinked, then felt a sharp chill go down his spine.

"What about Arthur?" Gilgamesh purred darkly.

The wizard slowly turned in the air to see the King of Heroes astride his flying machine, leaning upon his throne in an elegant slouch. His eyes gleamed with malice.

Merlin was distantly aware of Mab and Illyasviel hurriedly flying away as golden portals covered the horizon.


The court mage of Camelot let out a yowl like a scalded cat, and did as he was bade.

"Well, between Gilgamesh, Eidolon, Mab, and Heracles, Asia looks to be mostly done," I said cheerfully. "What's next? Arthur's still busy in North America, and there's a lot of South America and Africa left."

"I've corralled the vital shards in southwestern Asia," Vid said over the comms. "Hurry, I don't know if I can keep the illusion up for much longer." His voice had mild strain in it.

I clicked my fingers together, and stepped through the air. Cu followed in his Chariot, piloted by Laeg. Taylor and Tamamo flew under their own power, while Scathach rode with Cu.

"Sure I can't offer you a ride?" Cu asked with a smirk as I soared through the sky at high speed, my wings unfolded behind me.

"Mm. Maybe later," I said, umbrella in my hand.

Rin launched herself out of a portal, followed by the rest of the group on their respective mounts or methods of flight.

"Did you have to send Gilgamesh to help?" Merlin whined at her.

"I'll do worse if you don't shut up," she growled, eyes glowing in a myriad of colors.

The wizard squeaked and hid behind ZZ until she flexed her wings, sending him falling for a moment.

I heard a dull roar as BB's… flying car… sped over the horizon.

"Alright, who has a way of trapping this motherfucker!? That's a lot of mass my poor Senpai has to trick!" BB yelled.

I looked to Nanashi and Asterios, who both looked at me incredulously.

"You think I can cram a creature the size of a country into Unlimited Blade Works?" the former asked.

"...the maze needs walls…"

Nero scoffed from astride Dragon's back. "Weaklings! I shall set the stage for the last conflict with the fallen god!" She leapt into the air.

"Uhhh, Nero…!" I said in a high-pitched tone.

"Behold my glory! Hear the thunderous applause!"

The rose spun in the air before her as she plummeted towards the writhing mass of all that made the Warrior.

"My Golden Theater! Kingdom of Heaven and Hell… my heaven, reconstructed!"

She slashed the flower in two, and rose petals showered down over the Entity… and upwards, engulfing all of us.

"This is where the limelight shines! AESTUS DOMUS AUREA!"

The petals obscured all vision, and everything went dark.

"Here, my talents as an artist are unparalleled. So! Rather than song, or acting myself, I shall indulge in a new privilege. That of… directing!"

With a sharp 'clack', two lights turned on above. I recognized the floor beneath me, and looked up. I stood with a few others to my back. Beneath the other ray…

Was Scion. The Golden Man himself.

"The scene is set! A climactic clash between fated opponents, only for one side to be helplessly overwhelmed!"

The scent of roses filled the air as the light spread.

The majority of the Servants sat in the stands, as did Rin and Illyasviel. Nero stood on a platform above us, sword flat across her palms.

To my back were Eidolon, Alexandria, Legend, Hero, ZZ, Narwhal, Fortuna, Weaver, and Tattletale.

"Only those who are most bound to this world may compete! Fight! Win! And show the strength of the spirit of this world!" Nero proclaimed proudly.

Dragon landed to my immediate right from above, and returned to her humanoid form.

"The Emperor has decreed it!"

Vid stepped out of the air to my left.

Scion - no, Zion - stared at us, teeth bared in an animalistic grimace. Its eyes scanned rapidly, doubtlessly struggling to calculate some path that ended in victory.

Mab lightly landed behind Scion with a small smile filled with malice.

"This is it! We take this bastard out, and it's over," I barked out. I held my umbrella up in front of my face, and it melted away to leave Ideal behind.

"I've waited thirty years for this," Fortuna breathed as she stepped next to me.

"It's been a long, bloody path," Alexandria mused. "And now everything will change."

"It'll be better," Eidolon announced. "We'll make sure of it."

"And I'll hold you to it," Legend said wryly.

"We both will," Hero said with a chuckle.

Scion lifted into the air, what meager clothes he wore fluttering in an invisible breeze.

Narwhal said nothing, but her shields glowed all the brighter.

Vid's eyes narrowed, and Mab gave a malevolent titter.

Tattletale tensed, a grin on her face as she flicked her gun and sword out.

Weaver's butterflies began to dance in the air.

There was nothing more to be said.

As portals of light opened and Dragon's suits flew out, I launched myself at the sole surviving Entity.

With a silent roar, he flew to meet me.

A/N: The end of Dawn is next! The defenders of Earth Bet hold hands and sing the curbstomp song! Eva has an epiphany! It ends well for nobody! Well, except Khepri. Part of Khepri. The fake, evil part.

I'll be working on the following Interlude along with 19.3, and will likely post it shortly after the chapter. It won't be long, just a few pages, but it will have everything folks will need to know about Dominion.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it!
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… I distinctly recall that it was Rin who was driving Unit Get-Money in the Holy Grail Grand Prix. With Emiya in the passenger seat.

This is a different car that I've been having her use since Arc 8, Kingship. I can't recall if it was lavender then, but yeah. :lol:

That said... is it a Noble Phantasm? A Mystic Code? The author making her even nuttier than usual for his own amusement? Who can say?
Dawn 19.3
Dawn 19.3

Eva folded her hands in front of her. She'd watched… hours of this being's life. Days even. She'd skipped the more intimate aspects (thankfully it never seemed to engage in coitus, for whatever reason), but…

There was nothing. Outside of collusion with her comrades, there was no real evidence of… anything.

She'd searched and searched, but nothing made its current actions seem out of character.

What had she missed?

Even now… somehow, she had managed to look into the near-present, where her old comrades fought against the Entity alongside Grail.

Could… was it possible…?

Eva gazed at the fight, somehow able to peer through the magecraft-enclosed arena and experience the conflict.

Unbeknownst to her, Khepri gave a small, vicious smile.

And the erosion of Doctor Mother's will continued apace.

My blade came to a harsh stop against Zion's fist, but didn't so much as bend from the impact. His eyes were glued to mine, wild with hatred and fury.

Of course, this left him wide open for reprisal from the other ten heroes fighting him.

Seeing as I was the one in close combat with him, they didn't feel the need to hold back.

...I didn't know whether to feel heartened they had such faith in me, or disturbed that they were willing to throw out that much firepower regardless.

Weaver's crystalline insects swarmed us in the opening, only to erupt in blinding flashes of light and force when Legend's lasers strafed the area. The explosion didn't manage to dislodge either of us, though I noticed some obvious tearing on Zion's body.

Alexandria blew in past me, landing a solid blow to Zion's lower torso and knocking him skyward.

"Oh, thanks!" I said in a chipper tone.

"Hmph." I could feel the smug wafting off of her.

Zion spun in midair, and flung bolts of golden light at Alexandria that careened through the space between them.

"Hm. Nope!"

Silver light struck them down, and the air around Zion seemed to congeal - color bled out of it, and he moved much more slowly.

Hero tapped away at the Sefer Raziel HaMalach, several drones flitting around him. Fortuna held a fist up that glowed with silver light.

"Not so much fun when your hammer to every nail gets turned against you, huh?" Fortuna said icily.

Hero chuckled. "Now that I know it can do all that, I have so many new ideas," he said in a giddy tone.

Zion's mouth split in a wordless roar, then he froze.

I narrowed my eyes, and saw a splotch of gray on his left foot that began to gradually grow. In seconds, it colored the entire limb up to the knee, and began to crack.

Then it snapped off with a loud crack, and was ground to powder.

"That would have spread through his body," Vid said in a cross tone.

"Whoops," ZZ said sheepishly. "Uh, do it again?"

Nero let out a yell of frustration. "Can you at least act like you're taking it seriously!? This is a huge dramatic climax!"

"More like anti-climax," Weaver muttered as Zion surged forward. He was immediately enclosed in a vortex of light with a screeching sound like metal on metal.

"I don't think so," Eidolon said in a soft tone.

The vortex spun into emptiness, and Zion's body had several strips missing as it crashed to the floor, bumping and rolling away.

I raised a finger and opened my mouth.

A barrage of missiles crashed into Zion and exploded, obscuring the other half of the stadium in smoke. Dragon's suits flew around the perimeter

I closed my mouth.

"Do you have the anti-Endbringer cannon?" Alexandria asked Dragon.

"Oh yeah, that one! It's really handy!" ZZ said cheerfully.

Dragon blinked, then rubbed her chin. "I think I have that one stored somewhere… give me a moment," she said, then began rummaging in a new portal she opened just to the side.

Zion burst from the smoke, fists in front of him and flying straight at Dragon.

"ZZ, be a dear and-" Dragon said distractedly.

Zion's flight rapidly bled off speed as it met ZZ's telekinesis, but he kept coming regardless. He crossed the stadium, eventually slowing to a crawl. A sharp crack rang through the air and Zion's head jolted back, his body following.

Tattletale strode forward, the Black Barrel Replica in her hand. "Did that do anything?" she asked in a bored tone.

I shrugged. "I don't… look. Can we just blow him up now?"

"Too dense," Tattletale responded.

Slowly I turned to Fortuna. "Don't you have that thing you used to torch an entire Reality Marble?"

She paused.

Everyone turned to her.


Space seemed to expand, then collapse in on itself, and with a snap and a heave, Zion was airborne and pinwheeling towards the ceiling of the Golden Theater.

We all turned to see Mab rubbing her nails against her shirt. "I got bored and felt left out," she explained.

"That makes sense," Illyasviel said from the sidelines.

Nero began to scream heavenwards in exasperation.

"Found the cannon!" Dragon said finally.

Nero's scream rose in pitch.

"Put it back, we're done here," Alexandria said with a wave.

Legend sighed. "On the one hand, low effort and no fatalities. On the other… I really do feel let down."

Zion finally planted into the ceiling. Some plaster crumbled.

"...so…" I chanced a look at Fortuna, who looked highly amused.

"Shh. I'm enjoying the schadenfreude."

"It's actually kind of sad," Weaver said tonelessly.

"You feel bad for the genocidal alien?" Tattletale commented in disbelief.

"It's up against us and utterly pissing in the wind," Hero pointed out.

Some more plaster crumbled, and Zion was dislodged. He immediately plummeted down to the floor and landed with a massive crash.

"That was me! I did it! I helped!" ZZ cheered.

"Fortuna. Fortuna, please."

"Maybe a bit more…" she mused.

I turned to Alexandria. "Please help me talk her into this," I begged.

It was then I realized Alexandria was no longer there.

I slowly turned to see her and Eidolon kicking Zion repeatedly.

"How. How is that working?" I wheezed.

"I've enchanted their bodies with a sort of pseudo-Reinforcement," Hero began.

"We're helping!" ZZ said with sadistic glee, a wide smile on her face.

I whimpered and turned to Legend.

He gave a deep sigh and nodded. "Right." He vanished in a blur of light and motion.

And a third instance of kicking sounds reached my ears.

Nero collapsed to her knees on her podium, skirt pooled around her as she sobbed quietly in frustration.

Somewhere, somehow, Dragon had decided to pull out a video recorder.

"...Nero has limited prana, please wrap this before she runs out and he has a chance to escape." My tone was flat and dead.

Mab hummed. "That sounds reasonable…" she said slowly. She looked to Fortuna. "Well?"

Butterflies flickered around the Triumvirate, and they suddenly found themselves back by us. Legend appeared disgruntled, and the other two showed surprise in their body language.

"Time to pack up and go home kids, it's grandpa's bedtime," Weaver said dryly, jabbing a thumb at me.

"And I still need to make a new control method for Shards! And by 'I', I mean 'we', as in if we want it to take a few minutes instead of a few days due to it being a hideously complex organism, I'll need all the Magicians' help," I snapped.

Tattletale gently pat my arm. "There, there."

Nero began to wail.

"Dragon, please take care of your friend, she's distressed. Wait, where's Narwhal?" Vid asked suddenly.

We turned back to Zion.

Several crystalline forcefields stuck out of his prone body, and another one landed in his head with a solid 'thunk'.

Narwhal stood a short distance away with her hand extended as though throwing a dart. "You guys done faffing around yet?" she asked.

I whirled on Fortuna. "Young lady, if you don't eradicate that progenitor of chaos this instant, I will, will, aaaaah…" I trailed off.

"What?" she asked, amused.

"I'll take your hat!"

There was a moment of silence.

"I… need a moment…" ZZ wheezed, collapsing against an incredibly bored-looking Weaver.

"Well, for the sake of my hat," Fortuna said playfully, "I have no choice but to oblige you."

"This is really happening," Weaver deadpanned.

Tattletale sighed. "It sucks being the mature ones, huh?"

"You're teenagers," Vid said flatly.

"And yet," Weaver said, gesturing at the rest of us.

Narwhal had made her way to the exasperated wreckage of Nero, and had pulled her into her lap and began patting her head. "There, there. You did your best."

There was a faint sniffle. "Umu…"

"I want headpats too!" was heard from the peanut gallery.

"I WANT MY MONEY BACK!" Rin roared.

Fortuna floated over and hovered over Zion's prone body. Slowly, he looked up at her, twitching.

"Well. This went nothing like how I expected," she said in a faux-apologetic tone. She pulled what looked to be a small, boxy handgun out of her pocket and aimed it at his head. "But I won't say there wasn't a sense of catharsis."

Zion… deflated. A sense of defeat could be felt from the alien.

"Original Sin: Sting."

The gun barked twice, and a pair of red-tinted bullets tore through Zion's forehead.

The Entity's vital shards - in this case, the avatar they made - evaporated on impact.

With far less fanfare than when he entered it, Zion left the worlds of Worm.

The Golden Theater of Nero Claudius followed in an updraft of golden dust.

"Please tell me there's something of value for me to do," Rin hissed.

The ground had been cooled into rock through the concerted efforts of the Servants and Magicians. It was surprisingly short work, only the effort of a few hours.

"You gather power, I'll set up the structure, Illyasviel helps me make the soul - it has to be alive, and…" I trailed off.

"We keep you guys from fucking it up and making an Entity that can actually do shit," Weaver said.

"That's the important part," Tattletale said emphatically.

"I hate you all," Nero said miserably as Tamamo and Narwhal gently rubbed her head and shoulders.

"And so what I learned on my summoning has only been proven more true," Nanashi intoned.

Jeanne shot him a confused look.

"This is all a great circus, for we are surrounded by clowns."


I willfully ignored Grampa Hassan as a rainbow-colored hole was torn in the universe.

"Let's get started," Rin said through gritted teeth.

I exchanged a glance with Illya, who just nodded with a tired look on her face.

I cupped my hands together, and she placed hers over mine.

I leaned forward and muttered in her ear, her eyes widening.

"I love that idea!" she cheered.

"Oh god, that's never a good sign," Tattletale groaned.

Heracles let out a single grunt.


Light began to pool and spin in our hands.

"So… how big is this going to be?" Cu asked curiously.

"Not big," Illya and I said simultaneously.

"It feels dense," Weaver commented as the light began to whirl and take on colors.

"Grail…" Alexandria said, trailing off threateningly.

Da Vinci snickered as Merlin squinted at the light.

"Is this going to try and eat me?" he said accusingly.


Scathach arched an eyebrow at Illya and I. "It seems that they're telling the truth."

I tuned them out as I focused on sculpting the Shard Administrator Being. And added a few… measures so that it wouldn't be easy to destroy, and might serve some other purposes.

As well as a few aesthetic choices.

Illyasviel was fond of those in particular.

Eva placed a hand over her mouth.

The Entity was dead. They were making… something. But what?

She rewound to a different point.

'Broken Trigger' came up. So… triggers could go wrong. She was aware, at least due to the nature of Case 53s. Wait.

A flash of insight hit her.

"What if… those were due to the death of the Entity? An inability to regulate the trigger?"

If that was the case… if such things were so touch and go… what would a post-Scion world look like?

And if the pattern of behavior held true…

"He's been cleaning up our mess the whole time. Scion's… and ours," she whispered hoarsely.

Something in her chest clenched as she fell to her knees.

"What have I done? What have I been doing?" she choked out. "All of it… all of it was for nothing in the end. The subterfuge, the pain, the experiments… all rendered moot by this… boy."

If she could have triggered a third time, Eva was certain she would have.

Her mind raced, and she distantly felt dampness rolling down her cheeks. She'd thrown her soul away for nothing. Less than nothing, as she'd fought against the very outcome she'd wished for most.

She had been so convinced that hope was a fragile lie that she never dreamed that a miracle could happen.

She felt so numb… almost like an out-of-body experience.

She stood slowly, and with an almost boneless gait, shuffled through Cauldron's empty halls. Not even the Caretaker seemed to be there anymore.

The air was so still as her body moved on its own.

The light slowly came to a stop, and faded. I felt the weight cradled in my hands.

It was soft, fluffy, and physically light.

"What," Rin said faintly.

"The," Weaver continued dully.

"Hell," Tattletale finished with glee.

The orb was a foot in diameter, and covered in an inch-thick coat of fur such a pale pink it was almost white. Its large, watery blue eyes took up almost half of its face. Between them sprouted a pair of long, slender antennae that ended in pale pink ovoids.

As Illyasviel gently pat its head (which was its entire body), it made a small, pleased sound.

"Priii!" it chirruped.

Da Vinci keeled over in laughter.

"He's so cuuuuuute!" Illyasviel squealed.

"...I wish to pet it," Mab said after a moment with an intense gaze.

I handed the little fella over to her, and she cradled him in her arms.

"...you have to be joking," Legend said distantly.

"No, this is fairly on brand for him," Eidolon disagreed.

"That it is," Alexandria said dryly. "So this…"

"I'm gonna call him Bertie," I said firmly.

"Bertie," she said in a voice devoid of emotion. "Is the controller for Shards to prevent broken triggers?"

"Yep. He's tougher than ZZ or Fortuna in terms of durability, and I built in some defensive mechanisms. He's self-sufficient, with a core like mine. And he's capable of making Shards gentle trigger like me!" I finished cheerfully. "Not to mention, he's cute as a button so Glenn can't say shit if we make him the new mascot of the Protectorate!"

Alexandria stared at me. "What."

"C'moooon. You guys can totally make him the new face of superheroes!" I said with a grin.

"He's going to get killed," Medusa muttered in the background.

"He can't die, can he?" Frankenstein murmured in worry.

"Nooo…" Asterios said in distress.


"It'll be fine," Nanashi said with a sheepish look as he pat Quetzalcoatl on the shoulder.

Arthur exchanged a quick look with Gilgamesh, who tilted his hand back and forth.

"Anyways," ZZ said quickly, "what does the little guy do?" Galahad took her hand and gently squeezed it.

I grinned. "He makes sure people get powers without horrible trauma, and that they activate when they need it most."

That caused everyone to stop and stare. First at me, then at Bertie the pink puffball.


"...I vote we go home now," Narwhal said faintly.

That was met with unanimous agreement.

"Alright, everyone keep close and don't drop the world's most important stuffed animal!" I yelled.


We got home without any further fuss, and people dispersed through the temple.

I remained with Waver, Tess, Da Vinci, and Colin. Taylor decided to stick around and keep an eye on Bertie.

"So," I began.

"That was an absolute shitshow and I am glad to see the back of it," Waver cut in. "Now we have another crisis."

"Already?" Taylor asked as she rubbed the top of Bertie's head.

"First, Fou has entered a pupal state. Second, there's signs of paranormal activity…"


I turned to see Touko stride in, a look of consternation on her face. "The aura is global, and I can't say for sure what it is. I've no experience with it."

"...do you think…?" I trailed off hesitantly.

Taylor's head shot up and she stared directly at me. "Fuck."

There was a swirl of petals.

"HANG ON TO YOUR LOVED ONES, BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS ABOUT TO SUCK!" Merlin bellowed with wide eyes, gesticulating in sheer panic.

I opened my mouth, and the world went stark white.

Eva's body was no longer her own. She held the flute in her hands, gazing at the spiders running up and down its length but never touching her. She turned it in her grip, both hands near the end with the mouthpiece.

She slowly lifted it over her head and walked towards Archimedes' prone body, muscles bunching and unclenching on their own.

She stared down, and her mouth began to move and her vocal chords vibrate.

"Here at all's end, where all roads meet. Here at all's end, where all regrets are reborn. Here at all's end, where the six-forked gate opens. I intone. I invoke. I call. The garden of woe is planted, the garden of life burns. Thrice beckoned, I beseech the sin."

Eva's throat worked, and her mouth opened against her clenching jaw as she tried to fight the Master effect.

"This world cries out! My voice cries out! Humanity is lost, and must be corrected! Force the hands of heroes, and bring the surety of calamity! Let the great reformation of mankind begin! Born of love like chains, I scream out the need of our world!"

She plunged the flute down, into Archimedes' chest. It crashed through his sternum, and into what Eva was sure was his heart.

Doctor Mother's mouth opened once more.


A/N: So let's see. Scion/Zion/Space Whale is dead in an excruciatingly humiliating manner, I made a bootleg Watapon to handle the shards and he's adorable, I think that's about-


Oh right. That.

Interlude incoming.
Interlude: Advent Beast
Interlude: Advent Beast(Freedom's End)

For a moment, the air was still.

"Well, if you insist," a voice said playfully.

Eva felt her head turn to the side.

A woman in black and lavender stood, with long blonde hair and bottle-green eyes. A gash of scar material crossed the corners of her mouth as she gave a deeply satisfied grin.

"Alright, sweetie. It's showtime."

Spiders quickly ran up and down Archimedes' still body, his eyes wide as they embalmed him in thread. Soon he faded beneath the silk.

The mouthpiece of the flute trembled, and a mass of black emerged. It chittered wildly, splattering against the ceiling.

A cocoon of shadows with many legs descended, slowly unfolding.

She stood.

The woman had long brown hair, and glasses covering tired eyes with scar tissue around them. She wore a pitch-dark military uniform with several badges. On inspection, they were multicolored insects, their legs digging into her overcoat. Her ears were studded with golden scarabs in the lobes. One of her sleeves hung empty.

"Thank you Eva," Khepri said distantly. "Your part is… mostly done."

Eva's body didn't move as a sharp pain burned on the back of her hand.

"It's unlikely you'll use those, but a contract is a contract," Khepri continued. "Not that it will matter much."

Eva slowly sat down in a chair, and did not move. She wasn't sure she would if she could.

"Wow boss, you broke the shit out of her," the alternate Tattletale snickered. "What'd you do?"

"Showed her how it was all for nothing," Khepri responded. "And now… it's time to get to work."

The insects flooded forth through the building, rapidly covering ground.

"I've found a space for the incantation. Follow," Khepri said simply.

Altertale shrugged, grinning. "You lead, I'll follow."

Taylor floated in a sea of white emptiness.

This was always going to happen.

She looked around.

I'm inside your head. Don't bother. I could take control, but I won't. We need to work together if we're going to unravel this mess.

She narrowed her eyes.

You need my expertise. This isn't your kind of fight, it's mine. We've got to be quick, brutal, and efficient. Even after we free your friends.

"What's going on?"

Right now, the world is in potential. Khepri needs to activate her true power yet. Until then, we're in limbo. Your power is all that's keeping your strongholds intact; you just can't interact. You saved the Gardens, Temple, and House. They'll all remain… after.

"After what?"

You'll see. It's Khepri's victory over a correct timeline.

Taylor sighed. "Who are you? Are you the one who's…?"

Yep. You're not stupid; you're me after all. I can help us move undetected, and between your connection to Grail through the Lesser Grail and your Magic, you can help us move at all. You'll show up as just another part of Khepri and be beneath notice so long as you don't do too much. We'll need to prepare before we strike, and make it count.

"If she's Khepri, who are you?"

I'm her conscience. Or, that's what I was supposed to be. She's Khepri as people imagine her, the ones who never knew her. I'm… well. I'm the you that never was, here.

"...I see. What do I call you?"

You're Weaver? Call me Skitter.

"Right. And you'll help."

Right. Am I jealous of your cushy little setup? Hell yes. Would I smash it out of spite, or try to 'fix' it when there's nothing readily wrong like my home? Hell no. I'd probably try to convince your buddy to come over to mine to patch things up, but not this. There was a mental sigh. One of the opportunities where I could just talk instead of escalate, and a cartoonishly exaggerated version of my worst attributes fucks it all up. Nothing to do but put her down.

"What happens to you?"

There was a moment of silence.

That's a concern for later. Right now, we need a plan. I know what comes next, and how she anchors it. So let's come up with a strategy to tackle this madhouse.

"Okay. Together."

...fuck but you're innocent. Yeah, together.

Taylor blinked, but let the knowledge wash over her.

Like hell I'm letting you turn out like me.

"Gather. Gather, gather, and fill. Echoes of a lonely earth, myriad in isolation."

Khepri stood as the bugs formed a glyph on the floor. Altertale lounged behind her, grinning madly.

"My mistakes manifold, my faults remembered. I will atone with this, a memory made manifest. I will succeed with this, a legend made real. I will deny with this, a lie made true. I shall own the world, and bring peace through my control."

White light flickered from the glyph.

"Let my control stretch to the horizons of all earths, and my thought be law! Automaton, parahuman, mortal, let all bow to me!"

Black lightning spat out, and Altertale watched breathlessly.

"I shall remake it in my image. For after all…"

Khepri's voice wavered.

"We are all so very small, in the end. Earth-Hive Supplication."

The light engulfed everything.

The city stretched as far as the eye could see. People walked the streets, movements just this side of fluid.

Each had skin like chitin.

Each had wings like a fly.

Each had antennae like a moth.

Each had eyes like a spider.

Some were larger. Some had insectoid legs emerge from their back.

All walked as though this was their daily life.

The ground was always flat, devoid of hills or valleys.

The water was always clear and still.

The sky always had few clouds, and gentle sun.

The view withdrew, out to show the Earth.

The Earths.

The multitude of worlds, each somehow receiving sunlight, turning on their respective axis.

Spinning, all together, within a large glass box.

A terrarium, held by two titanic, clawed feet.

The legs followed back to a massive beetle. It was black, with gold highlights along its body. The back four legs cradled the sun, while the two front ones held a multiverse.

A glass tube connected the case to a structure on top of the great beetle's head.

One could be forgiven for thinking it a crown at great distance. Closer, it became clear it was a castle.

Activity bustled within.

There was an impossibly large stable with five rooms.

In one, a woman reclined in midair. Her long platinum hair flowed, and her wings shielded her nudity.

In another, a lizardlike being wreathed in grey mist languished in a lake.

The next held a rotund being, almost like a scowling buddha. The air was grey and still.

The fourth held a strange figure. It appeared to be two bodies conjoined, with three heads. All were female.

The last held a towering figure that dwarfed the rest, gaunt and stretched, yet still noticeably feminine. Her body widened as it reached the ground, merging into the floor.

At the top of the castle was a throne room.

Khepri reclined upon the throne, gazing down at the creatures she had bade to kneel.

Armsmaster's muscles were taut, but he remained in position.

Cu Chulainn looked up without expression, but fire blazed in his eyes.

Tattletale's eyes flickered from point to point, though her body was fixed in place.

Khepri gave a wan smile. "There. Almost done."

Grail sat quietly next to a stunned Vid as Dragon paced, Fou's cocoon in her arms.

Skitter rolled her shoulders as Weaver wove a cloak of silence, scentlessness, and invisibility around their body.

The dress faded, to be replaced with black armor. Her butterfly mask transformed into a full cover with yellow lenses and mandibles.

"Time to get started," she said.

Lostbelt Difference Depth: EX

Pan-History Containment Protocol

Infinite Earth Hive Khepri
Last edited:
It's finally here. This is going to be one hell of a struggle.

Too bad Khepri never heard Gilgamesh's prophecy in the Temple of Time: Humanity is destined to prevail over all Beasts.



Also lmao I got ass-blasted from SB for a gachimuchi meme in my profile information. I'm gonna wait a bit until I try appealing, but yeah. I'm restricted to here for the time being.



Also lmao I got ass-blasted from SB for a gachimuchi meme in my profile information. I'm gonna wait a bit until I try appealing, but yeah. I'm restricted to here for the time being.

Good to have you here, Floppy!

And yes, Khepri Lostbelt will be far more srs bzns than the last fight.
Dominion 20.1
Dominion 20.1

I let out a long, slow breath as I sat in the House. "So."

Skitter was the one standing, leaning against the wall. She didn't reply.

Dragon stalked around the room, eyes glowing as she cradled a cocoon she claimed was Fou in one arm, and Bertie in the other. The small Shard-admin thing gave a quiet trill.

"Who's left?" Vid asked hollowly.

Skitter turned her mask to him. "The kid, you three, and those pets. Even Aster's under the psycho's control." She didn't shift so much as stand up. "For the Servants? Running a quick count against what the kid knows, I'm not seeing his Moon Cancer or Foreigner, Nero, the kid's new… mother…" Skitter paused. "Or your girl." Skitter slumped.

Weaver stood, not bothering to change costume. "I know you like the outfit, but this mask could use work," she said flatly. "Also, you need to tell them what you told me about… all this."

The control visibly changed back.

You could tell the difference between Skitter and Weaver by the posture. Weaver was more relaxed, as though she knew everything was a temporary annoyance at worst. It came from having me to rely on.

Skitter held herself like a wounded animal, wary and ready to strike at sudden movement. She tried to hide it under standing tall like an unaffected badass, but it was still there. Perils of not having a swarm to shunt her emotions into, I guess.

"Alright. Crash course on the Earth-Hive, then."

Dragon stopped walking. "What happened."

"Khepri was summoned. She used her power - my power - to hijack Doctor Mother and force her to say the words and perform the actions. The air was saturated enough that she could ape the motions and tear the divide long enough to come through. It won't work for things like proper magecraft, Magic, or the use of Noble Phantasms, but at this point that's details." Skitter spoke in a brisk, icy tone. Where Taylor had an affectation of being deadpan out of amusement, Skitter was genuinely emotionally stunted. Or so I gathered. "Your friends are all puppets, but she can't use them to full effect. Lucky you."

"How do we free them?" I asked. "I'm going to assume bodies will drop at the first sign of me spreading the Water out."

"Good guess," Skitter said tartly. "She literally plans to force them to snap their own necks if she sees any sign of that. They'll warn you first, in hopes of taking you alive and unharmed, but she won't hesitate." She shook her head. "Except for Aster and Yamada, she marshalled everyone to her side immediately after summoning. Perks of Doormaker's power on tap. The Servants got scattered and my connection to the summonings are thinner than yours. You'll need to find them yourself."

"What are the anchors Ta- Weaver mentioned?" Vid asked, catching himself.

Skitter gave him a long look. "There's four. Three that matter; the fourth will handle itself if the other three are dealt with. Two we can do by stealth, the last will be tricky."

I nodded at her as I fiddled with a globe of light in my hands.

"First is the Command Seals. They're both a possible weapon and an anchor. If we can get Doctor Mother on our side, she can use them up and that's one down. Better if she can get them to stick and free the Guild and company."

I blinked. "And company?"

"The Travelers were in town in case Noelle would be needed with her Mystic Eyes. Same with Canary. The local Protectorate made it into the Gardens, Wards and all. Faultline's crew came back. And then there's New Wave." Skitter folded her arms. "If we get them loose, that's a lot of Servants and Capes. Which leads into the next one."

Dragon juggled Bertie as he squirmed with another loud noise. "Prii!"

"Archimedes. The catalyst got jammed into his body and co-opted his Saint Graph. It's what made the summoning work despite the summoner not having any magic circuits to speak of or talent for formalcraft. He's basically braindead so we need to finish the job." Skitter rolled her shoulders. "Three guesses for the last big one, and the first two don't count."

"Khepri herself," I said with a gesture towards Skitter.

"Yeah. Her. And she has five Endbringers, a bevy of powerful capes, and a lot of personal power between her and us."

"So… what is this, anyways?" Vid asked, gesturing out of a window.

Outside was Brockton… and from what we could tell, it was everywhere.

"Strictly speaking, this is still Earth Bet. Khepri creates a sort of… are you familiar with the concept of a Lostbelt?"

Dragon and Vid were visibly confused. Dragon blinked as Bertie rolled into Fou's cocoon, and Vid slumped as his head tilted.

I, on the other hand…


Understood all too well.

"Right. So, it's like that but not. Her power is a sort of excuse plot to create a timeline where a certain event turned everyone into bugs and she won, the end. But the thing is… these people? Have no will of their own. In strict terms, she's created a timeline populated only with projections and overlaid it on top of all the other ones. The actual area is about the size of Earth, but thanks to space-time fuckery it can be perceived as much larger. Like a terrarium the size of several astronomical units larger. I don't know if she knows they're false, but she can see through and control them just fine. And thanks to her being Khepri, she can control the survivors."

The girl shivered, then looked up. Weaver was back in charge.

"I managed to insulate the Temple, Gardens, and House from the changes. But Khepri had the power to get in, and get through everyone's Magic Resistance - even Jeanne's."

I raised my hand. "So… she can control Endbringers, and my resistance is on par with Jeanne. So why am I not a good little pawn right now?"

Weaver shook her head. "I don't know, and neither does Skitter. Something about you makes Master powers slide right off. It's not an Endbringer thing, so it might be a change you made to your soul a long time ago. What matters is that you're free to act, and right now I'm shielding us from being noticed. That won't last forever, so we need a plan."

Vid nodded. "Right. So… you provide the prana for Servants, right? Can you find them?" he asked me.

I narrowed my eyes and reached out along the threads that connected them to me. There were so many, now, but I managed to find them.

I felt a sharp pain in my chest as I passed over the connection between Cu and I.

I'll save you. Hold on.

First I tested ZZ, then Fortuna. Then I lightly touched the thinner threads - Tamamo, Nero, and BB.

"ZZ and Fortuna are together. They have BB. The three of them are using Fortuna's copy of the Doormaker and Clairvoyant shards to pick up the other two, then they're coming here. Fortuna is also using the Champion for timing everything as ZZ is checking the future around them. I'd give them half an hour, tops." I sighed as I let the connection go.

Weaver's posture changed again.

"So we have our targets. The parahumans and Servants are potential assets. Do we have anything from your world?" Skitter asked.

I blinked and rubbed my forehead. "I… can step over there and check. Get things set. There's someone with Rin's Magic over there, and he can handle the transport. Now that I have a landing spot I can get there on my own."

It was true. I fully intended to drop in on Crowley and start screaming for help as loudly as possible. It might even work.

Skitter nodded sharply. "Good. Do that. I'll hold down the fort here until you return."

"You think you can convince them to help?" Vid said softly.

I gave him a savage grin as I stood up. "I mean, it's not like a Beast-class threat has a hold of a dimension-travelling Magician or anything, requiring all the preemptive punch the Clock Tower and friends can throw at it."

"...you do know she can't force Rin into using Kaleidoscope, right?" Skitter said after a moment.

"I do."

Skitter stared at me for a long moment, then began to make soft huffing sounds.

It took me a moment to realize it was laughter.

"I can see why someone like you would get Lisa's attention. And Aisha's." Her voice was almost wistful. "What I wouldn't have given… well. You were there, in a way."

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Well. Yeah. I'll be back shortly." I raised my head. "We'll fix this mess."

Skitter retreated.

"Together," Weaver said firmly.

I grinned and pitched myself across universes with a Gate.

But before I went to the Clock Tower, I made a pit stop.

Thankfully, there was only ever one space in that universe that looked a certain way.















<Signal. Ownership> Pretty much everyone had been drenched in my aura or magic at some point or another, so it would know...


<Target.> Aaaand here's some Endbringer pictures…


I had the mental sensation of someone patting my head.


Then I headed for the Clock Tower.

Crowley blinked slowly at me as I appeared in his office. "What now?" he said plaintively.

"Tohsaka's been co-opted by Beast V-R. I have no idea why it hasn't started making moves here yet but it has a global aura that assumes complete physiological control," I said quickly.

Crowley stared at me. "And the unofficial version?"

"I'm in over my head and we need more than Barthomeloi, Edelfelt, and El-Melloi at our backs," I said flatly. "She is co-opted, but Khepri can't force people to use Magic, magecraft, or Phantasms."

Crowley sighed. "The best I can give you is marshalling those forces, which are not inconsiderate."

I opened my mouth in indignation.

"As well as my own personal aid. Zelretch will also likely help," he said coolly.

I closed my mouth. After I finished computing his answer, I continued. "We're working on the aura, so when I give the signal have Zelretch make two portals. One will be from your departure point to a deployment area."

Crowley stared at me. "And the other?"

"Mercury to the atmosphere of Earth-Bet."

The Director of the Clock Tower didn't speak for a moment. "You refer to the Crystal Spider. ORT."

"Yeah, it said it'd help. I just need to shut down Khepri's power to control anything but her projections and then it'll be able to take on one of her lieutenants."

He continued to stare. "Just the one?"


The Director sat back in his chair. "By the Tree of Knowledge, you don't do things by halves do you?" he said in a tired voice. He gave a sharp nod. "I'll begin preparing the strike force at once. Go free your friends."

I sketched a quick salute. "Thanks, Director."

He waved me off as the Gate took me again.

I stepped back into pandemonium.

Dragon was furiously meshing together materials in an attempt to tinker something, Vid was pacing a hole in the floor, Bertie looked seconds away from crying his little eyes out, and Taylor - Skitter was in control - had a hand placed against her forehead.

Nero was puffed up in indignation and in Tamamo's face, Fortuna was hugging herself in a corner, and ZZ floated in midair as BB savagely flailed in her grip.


Oh, and Fou was still a ball of light because of course he was.

"BB doesn't like me timesharing your sidekick's body," Skitter said shortly. "Unfortunately, my options are limited."

I raised a hand.

"Do you have time to make a fully functional body that can let me spy on Khepri without her noticing? Given we still have to get in and find a way to shut down the control aspect of her Master powers?"

I winced.

"Like I told you, she can control everyone naturally because they're projections. The people we're trying to free take up another power, so we should be able to convince Doctor Mother to use up her command seals to shut it down." Skitter dropped her hand and leaned back against the wall. "That kills two birds with one stone. We get people free, and destroy an anchor."

BB growled. "So where would you be if Taylor hadn't decided to share her body with you?"

Skitter gazed at her for a moment. "In the back of Khepri's head, begging her ineffectually to not murder you all." She looked away.

BB puffed her cheeks out. "Ugh. Well, at least you're here where we can see you."

ZZ sighed. "Please stop. And she is Taylor, kind of. Just…"

"Not yours." Skitter put little emotion into it.

I shook my head. "And those two?"

"Nero," Tamamo said in a bitingly cold tone, "wants to go after Alice and Altera first. I'm trying to convince her that they're safer if we prioritize Khepri."

Nero whirled on me. "How are they safe if that madwoman has them enthralled!? If we get you near them-"

"She's been observing him and will probably have a countermeasure. Likely a ranged tactic or simply using an Endbringer to kill them from wherever she is the instant she detects a disruption in her control," Skitter said flatly. "Ziz would probably work. Her telekinesis doesn't seem to have a hard range, and we're all in the space that she and Leviathan can effect."

Nero stared at Skitter.

"I can keep you guys off her radar as long as you're close. Going in to find your loved ones will tip her off by virtue of them vanishing too. We disrupt her control, we have the means to find and protect them." Skitter turned to me.

I nodded. "Right. Our best bet to save everyone is a direct move on Khepri." I sighed. "So where's Archimedes being kept?"

"The castle, most likely," Skitter replied. "Likely not far from Doctor Mother."

"Will she be alright?" Fortuna asked, speaking up for the first time.

Skitter looked to her. "You're asking the wrong person that. I'm not too invested in her welfare, be it this version or the one I dealt with."

Fortuna's eyes narrowed. "If we need her cooperation-"

"Mostly we need the seals, so amputating her hand works just as well," Skitter replied.

The room went quiet.

"Yyyyikes," BB muttered.

Tamamo bristled quietly, then composed herself. "I think it would be better if you turned control over to Weaver for now," she said politely.

Skitter shifted, and shook her head.

Weaver looked at us. "Sorry. She's trying, but… she's uh…"

"Messed up in a lot of ways," I said quietly. "She's been through a lot. She survived Bakuda, Lung, lost limbs, tore out her eyes to avoid Masters… she's everything I tried to avert for you."

"And the other thing. Aster."

I nodded.

Weaver exhaled. "Right. So Doctor Mother knows you weren't her enemy, now. Her despair broke her down enough that Khepri got to her and performed the summoning with her as a patsy. Where does that leave us?"

"If we're going diplomatic route - as we should," I said hurriedly, "Fortuna is likely our best bet. If she's put the pieces together she might also realize that she, ah… goofed… with regards to her."

Fortuna gave a sharp nod. "I'll talk her into it."

"Okay. God, I wish Waver was here," I muttered. "Right. BB, Vid, I'll leave Fou and Bertie in your care. Vid, you hide the lot of you, and BB, you defend if someone somehow finds you. Also get Bertie in the open air. There's… countermeasures that do better out there."


BB picked the fuzzball up. "And what exactly can he do?" she said in an unimpressed tone.

Weaver gave him a once-over, then jerked. "Wait." She looked at me. "Did you…?"

I grinned. "It's a special surprise for very soon."

She shook her head. "Trust me on this, you want him outdoors," Weaver said after a moment. "It'll turn out better for all of us."


"Okay. So Fortuna handles Doctor Mother, assuming she can hide from Khepri…?" Dragon said, gesturing.

"I can imitate Mantellum's power for a good while, and combine it with astralizing. Until I get to Doctor Mother, I can easily be incognito," Fortuna responded.

"Mantellum?" Vid asked.

"He was a Case-53, so an Eden Shard. Something about… power nullification? It blinded Shards, so the power should be a good workaround for avoiding her notice. If Doctor Mother gets close enough, Fortuna might be able to free her. Which, in turn, creates other problems," I said as I rubbed my forehead. I sighed. "What are the odds I can distract her enough to pull her attention to me and let you guys run around unchecked?"

Weaver shivered. Skitter responded.

"High. She hates you almost as much as Scion, and that's saying something. You know something about me, then you know what I was up against. I… wasn't the picture of mental health. Petty, vengeful, murderous, amoral - that was what a lot of the county saw me as. Brockton knew I could be good, but I also used bullet ants as a disciplinary measure. Warlord was a good descriptor. So imagine someone like that who knows you're the goose who laid the golden egg and flew on by her."

"Translation: she's all the worst stuff and everything made up about Khepri. Bitch is crazy and she blames you," ZZ said as she flashed finger guns at me.

"Great," I croaked.

"Do you think you can handle her going at you?" Fortuna asked in concern.

"Maybe. I'll try," I said.

"So what will the rest of us be doing?" Dragon asked.

"ZZ, you'll be going with Dragon and Nero. I'm leaving Archimedes to you guys. Skitter, you're with me. Well, you and Weaver. You'll be the fallback if Khepri turns out to be too much for me to distract. Tamamo, you get your pick of things," I said with a wave of my arms.

"I'll be accompanying you. Fortuna will be fine on her- ah." She suddenly cut off.

"What?" I asked, blinking.

"So, there may have been one other who… escaped notice," Tamamo said with a mildly embarrassed smile.



I wheezed as Quetzalcoatl wrapped her arms around me and swung me around. "It was horrible! So! Many! SPIDERS!"

Skitter stared at the Goddess. "...would anyone else have gotten away?"

"Gods are fundamentally different from humans, and Khepri has no Authority. I can't see Medusa abandoning Sakura or Shirou," Tamamo said apologetically. "Enkidu is probably keeping her from trying to misuse Gilgamesh, given they're made of clay. Sadly, Fran and Asterios both have human elements so…"

Nero nodded. "They're just… walking around like everyone else is. Patrolling."

"So Tamamo's with Taylor and I, and we're going to make Khepri mad as hell. In the meantime, BB and Vid are keeping Bertie and Fou safe until Fou hatches, Fortuna can take Quetz for backup to help Doctor Mother, and Dragon, Nero, and ZZ are dealing with Archimedes. I doubt taking out Khepri's actual self will be anything like easy-"

"Given she's sealed it away behind the Endbringers? No, no it won't be," Skitter said drily.


"Nice plan, but… how are you guys getting up there?" BB asked as she held Bertie over her head. "It's kind of a few AU's away."

"In perception yes, but not in truth," Skitter replied. The cape turned to Fortuna. "I believe you have Doormaker and Clairvoyant?"

Fortuna nodded. "I do," she said with a smirk.

"Then we have our in." Skitter turned control back over to Weaver.

"I'll be heading our effort, given I've got more experience with the Fourth. Skitter will advise unless it comes to a close-range fight - she's better at those." Weaver looked at me. "So… I guess the last questions are: is there anything else, and are you ready?"

I wiggled my hand. "I got ORT to agree to pitch in, and the Director is getting all the backup he can grab. Barthomeloi and El-Melloi are a yes, Edelfelt will probably be a yes once Luvia puts Rin, Shirou, Sakura, and Beast together, and Zelretch is a very likely," I noted. "I just need to signal them once Khepri's control aura is bound."

"...that might tip the balance," Tamamo said in a high-pitched voice.

Eh? Oh. Ohhhh. "Oh right, you actually know what ORT is," I said with a nod.

"It's a top contender for TYPE-Mercury, yes," Tamamo said as she sharply shook her head. "What in the heavens did you do to convince it to help!?"

"Uh. It thought I was a cute wee bab when it decided to check what I was back in that universe, and said it would lend me a hand sometime. Or something of that nature. So I took it up on its offer!" I said cheerfully.

Tamamo made slow grasping motions with her hands. "Fortuna. Get us out of here before I do Khepri's job for her," she said in a pleasantly calm voice.

Fortuna's eyes went distant, then refocused. "Alright. I've plotted our courses." She looked sideways at me. "If you get in too much trouble, let me know as soon as possible."

I nodded.

Doors of silver light opened, and swallowed us all.

BB held Bertie up as they sat on the roof of the House. "So… does this thing come with an instruction manual?"


"Don't think so. Does this?" Dmitri asked as he shook the sphere of light formerly known as Fou.

"...probably not," BB admitted.

The two stared into the sky, crowded with what could have been various Earths, if not for their uniform brown-gray color.

"...that's a lot of cities." BB scowled. "Too many humans, ugh."

"You like us," Dmitri reminded her.

"Yeah, you, and Taylor, and Mattias. ZZ wasn't human to start with, and the rest of you are… okay, I guess. But the vast majority of your species? Ugh. Blegh. EXTERMINATE."




BB shook her head. "Anyways. Removing the species without removing you guys isn't in the cards, so I might as well look after them. Keep them from being too much of a pain in the neck to us civilized life forms." She shrugged. "I mean, it's why I've been doing what I've been doing." With a sigh, she dropped Bertie into her lap. "The things I do for love and entertainment."

Bertie settled down and gazed at the sky from his seat.

"He's such a cute little guy. Hard to imagine he's patterned after that monstrosity," Dmitri noted.

"He's got something on the ball, I'll say that much," BB said. Then she smirked. "Heh. 'Ball'. He's spherical."

"Bertie's shaped like a friend," Dmitri said with a soft laugh as he scratched the small life-form's head. His smile faded a bit. "Can they really handle this on their own?"

"Fortuna can keep her and Quetzalcoatl hidden; it's a question of Quetz not suplexing or burning anything long enough for them to get to Doctor Mother. For Dragon's group, Nero can use her Imperial Privilege to do almost anything - which isn't as bullshit as what I can do, but still something - so getting them to Archimedes undetected isn't out of the question. ZZ's clairvoyance should keep them out of trouble," BB ticked off on her fingers.

"You didn't say anything about Grail," Dmitri reminded her.

"Yeah, because they're going to beard the goddess in her den. That's nuts. I wouldn't do it," BB said in a harsh tone.

"Uh," Dmitri said as Bertie began to quiver, eyes watering.

"Seriously, where does he get off!? Almost indestructible isn't indestructible, and to leave us behind!? We're both powerhouses, you could keep people hidden or trick her power while we talk to the Doctor or SOMETHING," she shouted, waving her arms.

"Priiiii…" The blobling's eyes began to drip tears like miniature waterfalls, mouth quivering.

"Babe, listen," Dmitri hissed, looking back and forth between Bertie and BB as he held Fou's cocoon away from the impending disaster.

Bertie's tears began to glow.

"IN WHAT WORLD WAS LEAVING US BEHIND A GOOD IDEA!?" BB roared, flinging her hands skywards and jostling Bertie as she kicked her legs out.


The small creature began to cry and sob wildly, glowing blue tears flowing out of its screwed-shut eyes.

"What the shit?" BB yelped as she stood up, Bertie falling onto the roof.

"Oh god, BB he's round!" Dmitri yelled as he chased the… not-rolling ball-creature?

"...he's not rolling?" BB said faintly.

The tears flowed down the house, and began to pool and spread.

It was then that the two noticed something.

The House was free-floating in the giant terrarium that Khepri had made - disconnected from the many Earths. Not too far off were the Temple and Gardens, in much the same situation.

"Uh…" Dmitri said hesitantly.

The tears floated outward, rapidly forming a body of water.

"...where is all of that coming from?" BB asked with wide eyes.

They looked at Bertie as he continued to wail.


"Uh, buddy, you're gonna get dehydrated…" BB said hesitantly.

Dmitri prodded the water curiously. "Oh."

"What?" BB asked flatly.

"It's Grail's Water."

BB froze. "You mean… Tiamat's Water? The Tide of Life?"

"Guess so," Dmitri said. He set Fou's cocoon in the runoff, and it stayed put.

However, the two noticed it began to glow brighter.

"So one of the security measures he put into fuzzy lumpkins here is it can cry the Tide of Life into existence," BB said cheerfully. "Because of fucking course it can."

The two superpowered individuals stood helplessly as the small creature's flow of tears began to reach the size of a large lake - in the minute or so since it had started crying.

"This is such bullshit."

"Mm-hm," Dmitri said as stretched. "Well, I doubt Mattias would have made it hurt him, so let him cry himself out and it'll be fine."


"I'd feel bad if that was, you know, a thing I did. But honestly I'm more annoyed than anything," BB said as her eyebrow twitched.

"He's also probably indestructible, or close to it. Which is good," Dmitri said off-handedly as he squatted by Fou's glowing cocoon.

BB sighed. "Why do you get to look after the quiet one?"

"Because you made Bertie cry. Consider it a penalty."

BB sighed as she watched the Water continue to flood further and further. Her eyes narrowed.

Was that Water coming from somewhere else? It seemed to spread too quickly for a single point of influx.

And that sound

She grinned. "Oh you damned evil genius," she muttered.

"Eh?" Dmitri asked absentmindedly as he lightly prodded the glowing ball.

"Nothing, darling!" BB said in a playful tone.

"Mmkay. Let me know if I need to do anything," Vid replied.

BB nodded and gave a savage grin to Khepri's little multiverse. "Yup! 'Kay! Will do!"

Heh. Heh. Heh. Better hurry dear kouhai, or mummy might steal the show.

I landed with Weaver and Tamamo inside a massive chamber of smooth stone, mostly open to the air above.

Khepri reclined in a large throne hewn with Egyptian-inspired solar imagery, and she peacefully chatted with… huh?

The woman looked like Lisa, true. But that scarification around her lips…

"That's her Tattletale. She's as fake as the rest," Skitter muttered, taking over. "But even odds Khepri has deluded herself into thinking she's real."

"...what happens when they-"

"Sand. Just… right into sand. And then even that vanishes, much like when Servants vanish into light." Skitter's pose relaxed back into Weaver.

"She won't notice us unless we make the first move; I made sure of that," she said. "But we need to move quickly. She'll still be able to multitask even with the distraction, so you'll need something hard-hitting."

...I had some ideas.

"Psychologically speaking, what would hit her the hardest?" I asked.

Skitter took over again. "Aster, Yamada. Lisa doing her thing or dying."

"...what about Emma or Sophia?"

Skitter shook her head. "Beneath her. And I'd mostly let go of that by the end, too."

I looked at the false Tattletale. "So… she's her emotional support? Her crutch?"

"Yes…?" Skitter said slowly.

Tamamo drew a sharp breath. "Grail-"

"Then we kick her support out from under her," I said softly. "If she stays active, she could prove as damaging as anything to our plans."

Skitter lowered her head. "I don't like it."

"You just said she's not real!" I hissed.

"That doesn't mean she doesn't look like my best friend!" Skitter retorted, heat in her voice for the first time since she appeared to us.

"Grail, look!" Tamamo snapped quietly.

I peered over, and felt my eyes widen.


Tattletale. Ours.

And Cu Chulainn.

All three knelt before Khepri, unmoving.

"We need to be careful. She could kill them easily," Tamamo said, sotto voice.

"So setting her off by depriving her of Tattletale-"


Skitter's head moved as though rolling her eyes. "Fine. Altertale. But killing her won't fix our problem."

I exhaled. "A hostage? Shutting her up is easy."

Skitter snorted. "So you think."

I shook my head. "It'll be fine. Tamamo?"

The fox priestess nodded. "I'll cover you."


She took over. "I'll close and keep those three locked down and out of the fight."

We moved.

I used my Gate and appeared behind Altertale, and light spun from my hands. It solidified into a strip of material that adhered across her mouth, causing her eyes to widen.

Well, that and my seizing her and placing a hand reshaped into a claw against her ribs.

Khepri's eyes widened. "What the hell do yo-"

Weaver appeared and a dim grey aura enshrouded the captives. They slumped, relaxing.

"Fuck," Tattletale wheezed.

Armsmaster coughed, gripping his shoulder with his organic hand. "That was… uncomfortable."

Cu stood shakily, and brandished his spear.

Tamamo stood by Khepri, blade pointed at her neck and mirror spiraling around her. The necklace of beads draped over her body.

"Heya Khepri," I said in a faux-merry voice. "Let's chat."

Altertale made an angry, muffled sound. I felt something impact me lightly.

"...did he even notice?" Weaver asked distantly.

"Probably not," Armsmaster said in a flat voice.

I looked down.


"That usually works," Khepri allowed. "But given the opponent…"

The nanothorn knife Altertale kept trying to stab into my genitals through my pants did little more than reveal the marble-like material behind the cloth. And shed some grey mist from itself.


"Let them go or I kill her," I said finally.

Khepri arched an eyebrow. "Let her go or I kill them."

"Or I can make you," I said conversationally.

Khepri sighed. "You really can't," she said with a smirk.

I spun Altertale as a wave of concussive force that would have shattered my body blew at me, halting it inches from impact.

"...shit," Khepri muttered. "Alright, time for plan bee."

"Did you just?" Weaver said in disbelief.

The harsh buzzing as the room darkened with millions of tiny bodies occluded any further commentary.

Weaver had Tamamo and the others in her range, so was able to protect them.

I, however, switched to my draconic form to avoid getting an extra dose of protein for the day.

"So," the buzzing roared in my ears, "feeling like letting her go now?"

Altertale made a muffled plea, and I noticed not a single bee had landed on her. They couldn't penetrate my armored skin, so they tried in vain to sting me.

"Not rea-"

A powerful telekinetic force gripped me and tried to wrench me away from Altertale.

I clung tighter, and heard an annoyed growl as the bees dispersed.

"Alright," Khepri said with narrowed eyes. "Brute-forcing it won't he-" She paused.

The bees had dispersed - but they hadn't left.

Weaver stared at her. "You brought bugs to fight me."

The illusion dropped.

Every bee in the swarm was made of crystal.

"Wh- how?" Khepri said, shocked. "Those were- but!"

"You backed us into a corner," Skitter said icily as she took over. She reached down, and plucked a gun from Tattletale's side. "Did you really expect us to play fair? Transmuting material is one of the more basic powers of the Fourth. And now we control them without having to fight you."

Khepri leaned back. "So you do." Her eyes narrowed. "But like you…"

"I have other options."

The roaring dragon-shaped mass collided with Weaver, knocking her back and away, making Tattletale, Armsmaster, and Cu freeze up again.

"DID YOU THINK ALL I HAD WERE PARLOR TRICKS!?" Lung screamed at Weaver. He had six arms, and his scales were a chitinous brown rather than silver. His wings had also transmogrified into literal dragonfly wings.

A black-shrouded figure with no wings but four arms slammed into Tamamo, sending her flying.

From the single pink eye along with the brown, it seemed a Pretender-possessed Alexandria was also available.

Tamamo cried out in shock and pain as a fist caught her face, snapping her head back. A bruise already began to form.

"You see…" the Alexandria copy said in a low voice.

"ALL THAT I OBTAINED…" Lung continued.

"IN GOLD MORNING, FROM THE OIL PLATFORM ON? IS MINE." howled through the entire castle and beyond.

Weaver rolled away from Lung, and I could see Skitter tap in. The bugs landed and began to gnaw at his armor, while Pretender-Alexandria circled around a now wary Tamamo.

Our friends remained enthralled by Khepri, who stared hungrily at me.

"Give me back what's mine," she growled, her voice echoing softly in various timbres.

"You first," I hissed.

"I want my friend back."

"I want the world back."

Fire blazed around, and the throne room began to break under the force of Pretender's fists and Tamamo's spells.

Skitter smoothly dodged around Lung's blows, narrowly averting each strike as it came.

I tapped my foot on the ground. "Let's not mince words."

"Your world was an abomination. If not for your existence, if not for you having spawned it, it would have been a 'pruned' timeline. The nature of a utopia is that it does not exist," Khepri said bitterly. "By making a world with so little suffering, it is automatically prepared for destruction."

I stared right at her. "Duly noted, Miss Armageddon."

"I'm saving it!" she growled out, other voices raising to meet hers.

Lung. Pretender. Tattletale. Cu. Armsmaster.

But… not Altertale's.


"So why not control Lisa? Your Lisa?" I asked.

"She's of more use to me free," Khepri responded quickly.

A slow smile spread across my face as Skitter slammed Lung across the burning floor behind me.

"Free?" I asked in amusement.

Altertale hadn't been struggling, but at that she tried to reach for what was covering her mouth in sharp, frantic movements.

"What a perverted sentiment, Beast. You stole the agency of everything living on earth, supplanted the rest with your memories, and you think this… person is free?"

Khepri blinked. "What do you mean?"

Pretender faltered, only for Tamamo to lash out with a meteor of ice that carried her body away with a mighty crash.

I scowled as Altertale bit through the muffle.

"Don't listen to- hrk!"

I reformed it quickly. It wouldn't do to have our plans ruined.

"Tell me. How do you know something is just another one of your memories?" I asked quietly. "Just another projection?"

Khepri's eyes narrowed. "What are you playing at?"

Once more, I smiled.

"Why don't you take a closer look at Lisa, here?" I offered, jostling Altertale. "What you find might… surprise you."

Khepri scoffed. "Lisa is real. She'll always be with me, right until the end. Don't try to fuck with my head."

I kept smiling. "Coward."

Her head snapped toward me, and though she didn't emote, a chorus of angry shrieks and buzzing rose from outside.

Fortuna prowled down the halls, homing in on the information her clairvoyance gave to her.

Khepri was nothing like either version of Taylor. A childish madwoman, with a harsh smattering of a savior complex. That, and an all-consuming force of power.

If they'd known what had turned her into the gibbering mess at the end…

Fortuna shuddered as she passed another pair of unseeing guards. Clockblocker and Grue, but insects.

The shards she was using would have run low, if not for the fact she'd been… cheating, a little.

Champion, her own, didn't have a limit anymore, but the 'why' of the 'how' she received still eluded her. Fortunately, she was able to apply a variety of other Thinker abilities to parse out the minutiae that went unremarked. Switching between them was as easy as-

"Que desastre. Fortuna, is what Grail's doing really holding that much attention?" Quetzalcoatl muttered.

Both of them felt the emotions running up and down their bond with him, and had some limited awareness of what he was doing.

Fortuna quickly cast her senses around her, tapping multiple Shards in quick succession. "Khepri's underestimating him, but he's drawing her ire. His Magic hasn't come into play yet, so she's only accounting for his physical abilities." She gave a short, sharp exhale. "Without Skitter to ground her in fact, the shortsightedness applied to her is coming into play. Undisturbed we might have been able to escape notice, but now we're on a timer before she starts killing everyone in a fit of pique." Then she felt her eyes widen involuntarily.

"¿Qué pasa?" Quetzalcoatl asked, noticing.

"Blind spot. Big one. Khepri I can see because she hasn't bothered to raise her mystic defenses. Why bother when you've won? But there's something else out there, and I can't see it," Fortuna said shortly. She came to an abrupt stop outside of a door.

"Then how do you know about it?" Quetzalcoatl asked with a frown.

"Because I'm looking and there's a hole in the world according to my powers. That means something Beast or Deity tier." She opened the door.

Doctor Mother - Eva - sat with her hands folded in her lap, staring into space. She blinked, then peered at Fortuna. "Oh."

Fortuna swallowed harshly. The last time they'd met…

"I suppose it's fitting," the older woman said tiredly. "She didn't need to control me, given… well. It's all over now, isn't it? I brought about the very future I tried to prevent by opposing Grail. An alien takeover." She gave a bitter laugh. "I was so sure, you know."

"Eva?" Fortuna asked hesitantly.

Quetzalcoatl closed the door behind her as they walked in.

"Hm. I can understand why she'd send her projection of you - she despises both of us, but me she needs. There's no better way to get to me, really." Eva shook her head. "Punishment for all my sins. I was willing to pay the piper once all was said and done."

"We both were," Fortuna said quietly. "But there's still hope."

"Is there?" Eva replied. She squinted. "How odd. Those clothes…"

Fortuna walked closer, and held out her hand. Silvery light danced along her palm.

"...was it you?"

Fortuna nodded. "All along. I co-opted Eden's power when I died, and came back stronger. But even with the full power of an Entity and then some, I can't beat this alone."

Eva's eyes shone with unshed tears. "And I turned you away. Said those awful things, when all you did was follow the path you set."

"No. It was one I chose." Fortuna let the power go, and knelt next to Eva's chair. "Eva, you are one of the few people who can undo this mess. Khepri has everyone. Almost everyone. If she didn't have them in her original timeline, or if they were far enough from human, they escaped. And we're still fighting back."

"A small group of people banded against an alien threat," Eva said tiredly. "Where have I heard that one before?"

"Those marks on your hand are more than just a contract, Eva. They're three absolute orders. Though they can be resisted, if you apply them right? You might give us the opening we need to free everyone and give Earth - every Earth - a fighting chance."

Eva shook her head. "Can they kill her?"

Fortuna hesitated. "No. Probably not. We… a part of her, the one good part? It escaped, and told us how to kill her. We need to get rid of those seals, and using them up counts. Another is to destroy the catalyst used to summon her."

"Archimedes and the flute."

"Right. The last is her, but until we destroy the Endbringers she summoned, she's immortal. The only way we get her to deploy them is if we work her into a high enough rage she tries to murder us all, or she has no choice. If we try to take them where they are, as they are, we lose. They're too close together and she can force their cooperation."

Eva looked down at her folded hands. "So how…?"

"Remember Mantellum? I can use his powers to hide from Khepri. So long as you're near me, her parahuman abilities can't touch you." Fortuna gently placed a hand over Eva's. "Eva. We did so much in the hope that humanity could survive the entities. We never thought it could win. Right now, if we don't remove Khepri? Humankind is over. Our worlds will never be the same, and everything will just be an extension of her. It's no less an extinction than what they would have visited upon us in their cycle."

"You think we can win?" Eva said softly. "Against…" she waved her hand vaguely. "This?"

"I've seen humanity repel the incineration of its own history, strike down Beast after Beast after threat," Quetzalcoatl said solemnly. "They may need help, they may need guidance, but they can fight back against this." The goddess gave a pointy-toothed grin. "So, niña. Do you think you can rise to the challenge and help squash this bug?"

Eva looked in Fortuna's eyes.

Fortuna looked back.

Doctor Mother's head inclined for a moment, then she gave a sharp exhale, back straightening. Her gaze was alert and focused, expression stern.

She stood.

Fortuna stood with her.

"Very well. Giving up, seductive as it may be, isn't an option. I've done far worse in the name of saving the world; I might as well go the step further."

"It's going to be dangerous," Quetzalcoatl said knowingly.

"Putting my life on the line for this was never in question," Doctor Mother said coolly, striding towards the exit. "Contessa, Door."

A silver pane of light appeared. "After you, Doctor," Fortuna said with a small smile.

Doctor Mother nodded once, then walked through.

Fortuna and Quetzalcoatl followed.

Dragon scowled as she followed ZZ. "So what are we looking at?"

ZZ held up a hand as the three women huddled against a wall.

Two guards passed by, eyes unseeing as they kept to their route.

"Alright. It's under a little heavier guard but… wow, she did not expect an invasion," ZZ muttered.

Nero huffed. "Honestly. Using Group Tactics in tandem with Presence Concealment might have had something to do with our performance as well," she said with a frown.

ZZ tilted her head. "Got him. He's right around the corner and in the chamber ahead." She jabbed her thumb in the direction the guards had just come from.

Dragon sighed. "And for protection?"

"I'm seeing a lot of webs and little bugs. Nothing we can't handle with some strategically applied fire," ZZ responded.

The three of them quickly moved, and stopped in front of a wall of white silk.

"Uh," ZZ said intelligently.

"Ah yes. This does resemble 'a lot of webs'," Dragon said dryly.

"Right, stand aside," Nero said as she pulled her sword out. It immediately set itself ablaze. "I heard fire, so we're doing fire, umu!" She swung at the silk, and it ignited like dry paper.

Screams of outrage echoed through the castle.

"We're rumbled! Move!" ZZ yelped.

Dragon growled. "Step back."

Nero and ZZ quickly stepped behind her as she wrapped herself in green light.

The fire had made a sizable dent in the barrier of silk, opening the room behind. It was strung with webs floor-to-ceiling, and the size of an olympic pool. At the other end was a bier with a cocooned body upon it, a glint of metal sticking out of its chest.

The light faded, and Dragon stood on all fours in her new form. Her scaly neck flexed as she opened her jaws, eyes gleaming with inner radiance. Her wings were spread for balance as her tail anchored her.

She reared her head back on her serpentine neck, and the bottom of her throat glowed.

"Fire in the hole!" Nero yelped, tackling ZZ back even further.

The unmatched heat vaporized the barriers before Dragon, engulfing the room in crackling electricity.

ZZ and Nero blinked the spots from their eyes and gazed upon the smoking wreckage of the room.

Archimedes' body lay on the blackened bier, the flute extending from his chest.

He didn't move.

"Did she do it?" ZZ whispered.

Nero shook her head. "It's damaged, but not destroyed. Let's go."

Dragon barreled forward, Nero and ZZ propelling themselves along behind her with Mana Burst and Telekinesis respectively.

It took roughly half a minute to cross the chamber to the funeral stand, and there they got a better look at Archimedes.

He was covered in the mark of Velber, eyes wide and unseeing.

"He's dead," Nero said flatly. "After all this, and… he just gets to…"

ZZ sighed. "It's my fault too. I let him go because I was high on freedom, and made the same mistake I did for a long time. Playing with my enemies instead of finishing them off."

"If he's dead, where's the golden mist effect?" Dragon rumbled deeply, sitting on her haunches.

"Brain-dead," Nero clarified. "If there was a Velber to control him, he'd be acting like a puppet. I guess. It's conjecture," the Emperor allowed.

"Yeah, lights are on but nobody's home," ZZ agreed. "Whatever Amy did to him finished him off mentally."

"If Velber's a virus, all she had to do was make it propagate," Dragon responded.

The castle shook.

"Whoops, right, on a timer," ZZ babbled. "Uh…"

Nero looked at her. "One of us has a universal delete button, and it's not me or the tech-dragon-demigod," she said tartly.

ZZ drooped. "Ehe. Right." She stood up straight. "Okay. Time to finish what I started, huh?" Her hand rose and her palm faced Archimedes' prone body. "Sorry it took me so long."

Nero faced the door with her burning blade as footsteps resounded in the hall.

"STOP! YOU CAN'T - WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO LISA!?" reverberated through the halls.

"Cursed Cutting Crater," ZZ breathed.

The darkness took Archimedes and the flute. It swirled into a sphere. Solidified.

For a brief moment, there was a hole in the world.

Then it dispersed, leaving an empty bier. No blood, no light. Just… gone.

With a slow rumble, the walls began to crack. Empty veins tore their way through the structure, and stopped.

"One down," Dragon growled. She opened her maw, and lightning poured out. Suits marched out of portals, flying into combat with the guards.

"Where's the throne room!?" Nero shouted as she swung her blade, carving through the insectoid horde.

"Out and up! Get close!" ZZ called. She was tired after using that Phantasm, but there was still more. Hopefully Grail could do something about that.

Nero backpedaled, reaching her first as she hopped backwards. "Dragon! Tess! Get over here!"

The massive serpentine form crashed through the wall and coiled around Nero and ZZ. "Let's go!" she roared.

It was child's play to wrap them in a sphere of telekinetic force. Launching them upwards was easier. Everything was simple when it came to her old tricks.

They rocketed through the ceiling and floors above, hurtling towards Grail's battle with Khepri.

Khepri stared at the sand pouring around the small indent I'd made in Altertale's torso.

"Now, if she were real, wouldn't that be blood?" I asked rhetorically. "The answer's yes. Or, well, maybe golden light. But sand is sand, and she's just as fake as all your other memories."

Lung continued to fight, but he was on autopilot. Pretender just stopped in midair, tanking a sphere of lightning that Tamamo flung at her.

Altertale screamed behind her muffle, eyes wide with rage. I hadn't hurt her, not really. It was a minor scratch. But I'd broken the illusion that would have kept Khepri stable and more capable of fighting on multiple fronts. Inhuman multitasking isn't as useful when you're having a very human meltdown.

"Liar… you're lying! You're just making that sand pour out!" Khepri bristled.

"...really?" I couldn't believe this was what people saw Taylor as. She was precise, cunning, applied. Not… this.

Her gaze flattened, and a roaring buzz began outside. "No, you're right. This isn't me." She gazed at me. "But it was a nice act, wasn't it?"

Oh shit.

Altertale spun out of my arms, torn by invisible force.

I was slammed into the wall and felt the pressure on my head and torso, crushing me down.

"You had me at first, I'll admit," Khepri said conversationally. "But really. Did you expect your ploy to last beyond the first anchor? I just need to find Eva and assert my control, and that will be safe. You don't have the firepower to take my guardians. You lost before this started."

I grit my teeth and tried to move. The power held me in place.

Lung swiped at Skitter, fire boiling along the floor. She dodged, gazing between the dragon-man and Khepri.

Tamamo narrowly evaded a punishing blow from Pretender as she tore a couch-sized chunk of stone out of the floor with her fists.

"You placed your bets, and lost. Now, if you'd started spreading your Tide of Life? Then I'd have a concern. One nullified by having your friends kill each other, but it'd put a cramp in my plans," Khepri admitted.

I felt my shoulder crack, shards flying as my arm was torn from my body. I couldn't gasp under the overwhelming pressure.

Cu's hand twitched.

"And you think you can get free? Unlikely," Khepri continued. "The thing is, I defeated Scion by convincing him life wasn't worth it. Breaking you down is something that I'm going to enjoy."

"And it only betrayed everything we ever believed in," Skitter said in a quiet, harsh tone.

Khepri looked over.

There was a Lung-shaped hole in the wall, and a swarm of crystalline insects fluttered around her body as Skitter walked forward.

"I sacrificed everything. But you're not that. You're power without conscience, the worst of humanity painted on over a Shard."

She held her hand up. "And that's why… we're both Khepri. You're just the ideal that everyone feared. I'm everything she was. Hope, madness, drive, valor… all my sins and all my virtues. That's me. Taylor Hebert. You're the gibbering madwoman who steals bodies, the tyrant who took a city and held it until she killed a hero. Two halves of a whole."

Cu's body went lax.

His spear appeared.

"And even if I'm not as strong as my own legend, I still have a few tricks up my sleeve."

The spear plunged forward, screeching against an invisible barrier as Cu drove it forward.

His eyes blazed with hate as it ground further and further, sparks flying.

Khepri's eyes were wide as her entire focus oriented on the defense.

"Now, Contessa!" Skitter barked out.

A silvery Door opened, and Doctor Mother strode out, her head high.

She raised her left hand, which bore a scarab in flight, ankh on its back.

"By the power of this first command seal, release the humans and Servants!" she said fiercely. Red light sparked from her hand, and Khepri's head snapped back as it was engulfed in crackling power.

Stone flew at Doctor Mother, only for Tamamo to intercept it with a deft swipe of her blade.

Quetzalcoatl lunged at Pretender, intercepting her flight and bearing her to the ground where she began to launch punch after punch wreathed in solar fire, eliciting sickening cracks from the phantasmal cape.

Armsmaster twitched, only to return to stillness.

"ENOUGH!" Khepri roared, flinging Cu back with a shockwave.

Darkness came with a sense of overwhelming agony.

She'd shattered my head.

"MATTIAS!" I heard somehow, Cu screaming in rage and horror.

I was distantly aware of vicious explosions as my core began to produce material to reconstruct my skull. I opened an eye on my chest, and saw Cu bounding towards me as crystalbugs erupted in light and flame against Khepri, tearing through her forcefield as Weaver stood silently, arms outstretched.

"Another!" Fortuna told Doctor Mother, warding off buzzing humanoids with streams of silver light.

"By this second seal, I order you! Release the humans and Servants, and seal your parahuman power!" Doctor Mother snapped out.

Another surge of red impacted Khepri, causing her to yowl in anguish.

Altertale palmed a gun, and aimed it at Doctor Mother as she smoothly took three steps forward. "You really think this will change anything? Once you use them up, we'll have no use for you," she said with a mad glint in her eye. "We'll make you watch as everything you fought for is consumed, broken down, and rebuilt in our image. We are Khepri, and you will never-"

A sphere of force tore through the floor as Cu threw his body over mine.

Nero's blade burned as it lashed out at the closest target.

The room… stopped.

Altertale stared downward as Aestus Estus plunged through her abdomen, fire engulfing her from the inside out.

"...oh." The gun dropped.

Weaver shifted back over to Skitter as she teleported next to Khepri.

She raised the Black Barrel Replica, and fired twice.

Khepri didn't move as the bullets impacted her torso and did little to nothing.

Whatever Skitter saw must have given her something to chew over, because Weaver was back and encasing her in chaotic energy.

"Lisa?" Khepri whispered through her thralls. None moved.

The construct dissolved into sand, melting into flowing glass around Nero's blade.

"By this third and final command seal! Release the humans and Servants, and seal your parahuman power away!" Doctor Mother snapped out.

The light on her hand faded, leaving only smudged markings to show there had ever been seals.

Lisa and Colin - our Lisa and Colin - slumped.

"Colin!" Dragon rumbled, shooting forward in a burst of green light. Her human form rematerialized and scooped Armsmaster up.

Weaver vanished and reappeared by Tattletale, helping her up.

The Thinker blinked wearily, then her eyes widened as she looked at Khepri's blank face. "Oh shi-"

Doctor Mother careened backwards, blood spraying into the air.

A cacophony of buzzing reverberated, overpowering the cracking sound of the castle's foundation cracking once more.

The sky darkened, the space between worlds was blotted out as torrents of bodies took to the interconnected atmosphere.

Khepri stood from her chair. "This game," she said, voice cutting through the noise, "is over."

They descended.

Fortuna dove to cover Doctor Mother's prone form with her own body.

I couldn't move as I regenerated, though Cu stood to protect me.

Mankind as Khepri imagined them fell upon us.

They came closer and closer, in all manner of shape and size, all screaming in rage, grief, and horror.

Khepri's emotions were shunted into them, driving them mad.

She stood there, not even satisfaction on her face as her victory encroached upon us.

Until… a single bright light emerged, tearing through the cluster.

And another.

Shooting stars without number impacted the insectoid horde, and as they cleared away, I saw what had changed.

Someone must have upset Bertie.

I had given him two powers to protect himself, beyond the durability that was my own trademark.

First, I had shared Tiamat's gift of the Tide of Life. He could produce it with a fragment of the First Magic that I had replicated into his body. This was to protect himself, and others.

The second was to open Gates, so he could escape to other places if he was pursued by something that could still threaten him.

Gates tore through the Pseudo-Lostbelt, dumping waterfalls of the Tide wherever they aimed.

The space between worlds was a giant, glistening sea, all of them wavering in its reflection.

This was far beyond Bertie. I hadn't given him this.

Water rushed into the castle, overtaking us all and sweeping us out to sea.

I felt my body rapidly reconstruct, and after a moment, I shook my newly rebuilt head. I managed to see Eva's face washed free of blood, yet her gaze was still distant.

Eventually, we came to a halt at the ocean's center.

"Where are we…?" Weaver breathed.

The worlds around us shuddered, and moved towards each other. They began to merge as the massive scarab that held them hissed in outrage.

The swarms of 'mundane humans' flit around, igniting in silver flame wherever the stars touched them.

From the sea, the stars continued to rise. Though their numbers never matched those of Khepri's thralls, they could keep the average ones at bay. I saw, somehow, the capes coming towards us.

I whipped my head to the side as soft splashing reached my ears. We were all on top of the Water, somehow not breaking the surface.

The worlds finished merging. Four remained, and they sank to the Water, flattening out into masses of land - endless cityscapes that bracketed the ocean.

But that was on my peripheral.

My eyes were locked on a small, catlike doll.

"Well this is a mess, isn't it?" Chirithy said disapprovingly.

Weaver. Tattletale. Armsmaster. Dragon. ZZ. Fortuna. Doctor Mother. Quetzalcoatl. Cu Chulainn. Myself.

We looked skywards as voices began to reach our ears.

"This world was finally, finally getting somewhere and you want to destroy it!? I had to leave kids behind after Leviathan!"

"Jack Slash murdered me and my family, and you want to ruin a world that actually got rid of him?"

"Fuck off bug lady! Nobody we left behind wanted this, and if we were still around, neither would we!"

The voices continued to rise in protest, Water drenching the stars in empowering light.


She rose from the depths, massive torso stretching to the heavens.

"So, uh, your little munchkin started using her gift - you know, that she gave you - and bawling so hard she had to see what the problem was. And well, with a hole open for us to come through…" Chirithy trailed off. "It turns out that people really don't like their loved ones getting erased this close to a happy ending!"

Tiamat smiled down at us, spreading her arms.

Our friends, our family, bobbed to the surface, dry as a desert.

BB landed in front of me. "Please tell me you got the other stuff done," she said flatly.

Vid rode a wave of Water over, Fou's cocoon still in his arms.

"Yeah, it's done," I said distantly.

Tiamat's face contorted into a vicious snarl. "AAAAAAA"

I turned, and grit my teeth.

The landmasses had finished encircling the sea.

Khepri's beetle glared down at us, the sun blazing behind it.

"I WILL NOT LET YOU TAKE THE WORLD FROM ME!" she roared in a multitude of voices.

"I'd say that's a signal," the Director said icily.

Zelretch flung the portal open.

"Chelon Canticle Brigade: move out!" Lorelei ordered with a snap of her riding crop.

"Let's be off, Angra," Reines said in an icy tone, Trimmau dissolving into mercury around her.

The dark-skinned man sighed as he gripped his knives, butler attire firmly in place. "Why…"

Luvia stood firm. "Edelfelt must continue. I have made arrangements if the worst should happen, but…" she trailed off. "I will not back down."

Svin rolled his shoulders. "Can't let Flat mess it all up and Gray get hurt," he said laconically.

The Director turned to Zelretch. "Don't forget the other portal."

The Wizard Marshall nodded. "Of course."

The magi strode into the chaos."

An endless distance away, a spider crawled out of its crystalline web, and into another universe to seek new prey.

And to see if the little one could hold its own against the invader.


I stared as the tears in space formed, and saw who emerged.

Zelretch and Barthomeloi walked in front of a battalion of fifty magi, each as strong as a Lord - if I remembered correctly.

Luviagelita, Svin, and Reines followed behind, Trimmau flowing around them in her mercury form.

Angra Mainyu's human shape looked around wildly until his eyes hit Tiamat, then he visibly wilted.

Crowley brought up the rear, dark prana dripping from his body as he strode forth.

In the heavens, the second tear unleashed a spinning bluish UFO that bolted across the sky.


<Gratitude. Target.>



Each landmass around the sea shuddered as massive forms crashed into them.

Bohu's tall, slender form stretched skyward as she towered over her corner.

Tohu flowed back into her territory, her three faces leering as they shifted rapidly through visage after visage.

Khonsu sat in midair over his, scowling darkly as the air distorted around him.

The Simurgh floated above hers, and bits of metal began to congregate around her and come together.

Leviathan hit the water and began to surge towards us.


Tiamat reared back, Water raising in barriers around her.

Fortuna shot skyward, enveloped in silver light.

The stage was set.

"Watch us!" I shouted, pointing at the beetle goddess who held the world in her talons.

We'd stolen the chance to win. Now we had to make it count.
For there to be a Beast V-R, there must also be a Beast V-L. If R stands for Restrict, stealing the free will of others as III-R steals love, L would most likely be Liberation of some sort.
And that's going to be a major part of the sequel I'm plotting. Which is taking place wholly in Kingdom Hearts, with Fate/Nasu slapped on and the occasional 'hey there' from team Earth Bet.

...and I'll start it a week or two after I finish this because writing is tiring :D
No, Antares is not Beast L.

Beast V-L is a canon character in Kingdom Hearts! And VII I homebrewed.
Dominion 20.2
Dominion 20.2

"Return to Eden."

Three words that set the tone for the rest of the battle. It was clear that it was a Phantasm, but Fortuna had never used it around me, unlike Sting or her Shard-powers.

There might have been a reason for that.

As an aside, Doctor Mother was clearly unconscious, though she didn't seem to be in any mortal danger. That said, there was going to be lasting effects from what Khepri did.

Having the top of your head shorn off sort of did that.

It also explained why Fortuna had dissolved into a spire of silver-colored crystalline mass that bubbled into an orb at the top. It took root in the Tide of Life, and veins of blue ran up it.

The sphere atop the spire blossomed, torsos unfolding like petals, resulting in six copies of Fortuna facing each other, connected at their waists where they met the spire. They were solid silver, with the only identifying features being Fortuna's face and hair.

It worried me that there wasn't a sign of her hat. Probably more than it should have.

I paused to consider Cu before I made any sudden moves.

Nothing was coming closer at any speed; Leviathan actually had to fight the Water to make progress even with his nanothorn mist giving him cutting power to get ahead.

I had a few minutes.

"You going to be okay?" I asked him.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Ask me that once we put the Beast down," he said in a low growl.


I nodded, and looked up at Fortuna, who had set six sets of arms to waving and drawing lines of silver in the air.


"Go ahead," Cu said in a too-calm voice. "We need a plan."

I swung around, grabbed Waver, and bolted.

I wasn't a coward when it came to Cu, but that was a 'need space' sign if I'd ever seen one.

Waver blinked rapidly as I landed him in the center of Fortuna's bloom, seconds after I'd snagged him.

"You work fast," he grumbled. "Alright… we need a plan. What are we up against?"

"All the capes. Can't plan for that, so I'll give you the Endbringers powers and we can work from there," I said.

He nodded.

Crowley burst into the air and landed near me. "I believe you said there was 'one' Beast, not six," he said tartly.

"Five of them are extensions of her. The Beast is the Beetle, or what's on it."

"An Egyptian goddess?"

"A cape that patterned after one. She controlled the bodies of an entire force to slay an Alien God."

The Director slowly nodded. "How large was the force?"

"In size? Thousands. In scale? She pulled them from across multiple parallels."

He stared at me. "I see."

I turned back to Waver. "So the Endbringers. Leviathan is a hydrokinetic, and the fastest. He might be able to tie a Rider-class Achilles for speed. This version has been upgraded to secrete something called a nanothorn mist, and it will eat through most defenses. He's also as strong as something of that size could be expected to be. And he's durable. Less than me, but they're all made of starstuff with impossibly dense cores. Kill the core, kill the being."

Waver nodded. "I follow. Next?"

"Bohu is the tall one. She sends out miniature copies of herself to alter the landscape. She can also create architecture, traps, and so on - and alter on the fly. That entire city is under her direct control. She's also very large," I said.

"I noticed," Waver said dryly, looking at the colossus. "The three-faced one?"

"Tohu. She's a power-copier. She can select three capes, one for each face, and use their powers in conjunction with each other. It takes time for her to line up powers, so the more she has the worse she can get."

Waver nodded firmly. "So she'll have the lion's share of cape support for her to pick-"

"No, she can use powers so long as the cape existed. Doesn't matter if they're alive or within the hemisphere."

Waver stared at me. "I see."

The Director coughed. "And the last two?"

"The worst. Khonsu creates fields of altered time - he's the not-Buddha - and can teleport. He can accelerate time to age things to dust, or slow it to freeze them. This takes place in spherical fields. He fights defensively, but I doubt Khepri will let him run too far. Not if he has a chance to kill. He also has forcefields around his core - alternating colors. They might be single-use, but I doubt it. Rin and Tattletale are required to bring him down."

"Two Magicians for a single being?" the Director said with wide eyes.

"These are the ultimate expressions of Khepri's power. Yes, two Magicians," I snapped. "And they all pale compared to the Simurgh. For reference, she was crossed with the Grail Cancer known as BB to create my Servant," I said, gesturing at ZZ as she hovered around, ensuring the safety of the rest of the survivors. "She's telekinetic to a frightening degree, both in power and versatility. She can build any machine based on the crafting powers of those in her vicinity, she can implant emotional 'bombs' that direct thought patterns, and she can see all futures and the past. Not the present, but that's immaterial."

The Director stared at me. "And these were all active? At once?"

"No, just Leviathan and Simurgh. And Behemoth, he was a giant of stone that controlled all forms of energy and easily had strength comparable to Asterios, if not greater," I said tartly.

Slowly, the Director nodded.

"Waver? Thoughts?" I asked.

He gave a sharp nod. "I have a plan, but-"

"Path calculated," a voice reverberated around us. "I'll deploy them now."

Fortuna gazed down with six pairs of eyes. "I've been examining the possibilities of what he would choose, and ZZ has confirmed what his decisions are. I will use Doorkeeper's power to deploy the collected forces." She turned to me.

I raised my right hand over my head. "Deploying comms now. Fortuna, Waver, you're in charge here. Once we take the Endbringers…" I trailed off.

"I will join you." Fortuna's tone brooked no argument.

I nodded. Then, I snapped my finger and thumb on my right hand.

A sphere of blue light shot up, and scattered into rays past counting. They did as I programmed them to do when they reached their targets.

Waver jolted as he touched his ear, showing the small earpiece lodged in it.

The Director simply sighed and fiddled with his. "How barbaric."

"Comms are online," I said coolly. "Everyone will be deployed to handle this. And I mean everyone. If you don't think you can handle this, find a Servant and stick near them. But I doubt that will be the case."

"YOUR PLOTTING MEANS LITTLE," Khepri chorused as Leviathan struggled closer, finally clambering onto the Water's surface and running forward.

I snorted. "Showtime," I said dryly, looking up at Fortuna.

Her arms moved, and silver engulfed my vision.

The fight started in earnest.

Precipice ran, sticking close to Geode and Aquarius. The twins raised walls of stone and water between them and their pursuer.

Lung was no joke normally, and even worse with mandibles.

He let out a buzzing roar as he belched flame at the boys, melting through the obstacles.

Precipice sweat as the fire grew closer, flinging a crescent of pale light at Lung.


The form of Goetia appeared, intercepting the flames with his golden-scaled body.

"Rain, are you alright?" Roman asked as he caught up to his Master.

Precipice nodded quickly. "I, yeah. Is Lung…?"

The dragon-man lunged at Goetia, claws outstretched. Fire poured forth, shrouding him in a blaze.

There was a single burst of violet light from the familiar's eyes, and Lung went cartwheeling backwards, growing as he went.

"Keep him away from the humans! Kill him as quickly as you can!" Roman ordered.

"I SHALL OBEY. COMMENCING PURGATION," Goetia boomed. He flew after the target.

Roman let out a sigh as a horde of insectoids began to descend. His eyes narrowed. "...there should be more variation. Unless those are all standard…"

Precipice grabbed the Caster's hand. "We need to go, now!"

"Don't need to tell me twice, buddy!" Geode yelped, bolting.

The horde began to unleash beams of red light that impacted the Water with loud hissing.

"Nope! Nope, nope, nope!" Aquarius shouted as he followed his brother.

Roman followed the boys, not letting go of Precipice. "Waver, what's going on? Are they specific capes, or…!?"

The comm buzzed. "They seem to be mass-produced and interchangeable. They're more durable than a base human, but not as much as a Servant or Endbringer. Their beams damage on contact, but don't seem explosive. And of course, they fly. We've identified ten Khepri capes active on the battlefield. Apparently there was a Clockblocker and a Grue, but they aren't outside the castle." Waver sounded mildly distracted.

There was a roar and a wave of heat.

Roman didn't bother to think and knocked Precipice down and shielded him with his body as flames washed over his back.

The doctor let out a howl of pain as his coat burned away and the skin on his back immediately began to burn.

"Roman!" Precipice yelled out.

Water flowed over Roman, dousing the flames. "I got it!" Aquarius said in a high-pitched voice.

Lung roared again, and Roman turned his head to see the dragon in flight, mandibles dripping fire.

Violet light slammed into Lung as Legemeton unleashed a beam from the center of his chest. Seconds later, a ring of light appeared around his wings and contracted, severing one at the base and destabilizing Lung's flight.

Sand poured out as the insectoid cape raged.

"Ow," Roman breathed, the exchange having taken a minute or so.

His back prickled and stung as he rolled onto the Water, only to cool rapidly.

"Are you okay?" Precipice asked worriedly.

"I will be," Roman said haltingly.

"Uomo Universale," a cold voice echoed.

The oncoming horde was engulfed in a sphere of blue light that grew to unbearable brightness. The resulting explosion erupted skyward, the force disturbing the air and causing the Water to ripple.

Roman tilted his head back to see Da Vinci drop her hand. She looked at him with worried eyes.

"Thanks for the save," he said with a shaky grin.

She exhaled, and nodded. "Right."

Several drones shot out of glimmering portals, whirring madly.

"Seek and destroy. If it looks like a bug and didn't come from Weaver, put it out of our misery," Da Vinci said in a too-calm voice.

The machines blasted away, leaving gleaming trails of light in their wake.

"We have breathing room."

Lung crashed into the Water, splashing for a moment as his wing regenerated.

"Tell us what we're dealing with," Da Vinci ordered.

"Leviathan is still making his way closer, and seems to be attended by a quickly growing dragon-"

"We've seen him," Roman said wryly.

"And a woman in black. She looks like Alexandria, but-"

"That's Lung and Pretender. Pretender can possess other living people, so he was used to puppet Alexandria after a point," Grail said, cutting in.

"Right. Tohu - that's three faces? She has someone in blue - a woman, and…"

"Fortuna and ZZ are feeding me visuals. Blue girl is Goddess, she rules Earth Shin. She has six powers; power-modifying trump, Alexandria package, localized master effect, self-power enhancer, and that's just what I know. She's not inventive on her own, but Khepri put her to good use. That's the only one with Tohu, but Tohu can imitate any three so she doesn't need much." Grail's voice was clipped and irritated. "Khonsu has Moord Nag and Ash Beast. Moord Nag has a familiar; corpse-eater demon. Gets bigger per body, also has a necrotizing radius. Ash Beast is made of infinite explosions."

"That's all horrible, but where are the rank and file coming from?" Optics asked curiously. "My cameras are aimed at the Simurgh's island, and they're so thick I can't see anything."

"Getting there. Bohu has… shit. She has Glastig Uaine. That's… we can't let any parahumans near her. They'll die," Grail said in a biting tone.

"I will handle her," Mab said in quiet confidence.

"That might be our best option," Grail allowed.

Roman shifted nervously as the two spoke over the comms. "Grail-"

"Right, so touch-of-death power-thief who can use three at once channeled through projections. The Simurgh has the rest of the capes, and that's where the worst of the shitstorm is. She has Defiant, String Theory, Nilbog, and Bonesaw."

There was a momentary silence.


"Riley?" Morphosis said hesitantly.

"Yeah. Not strong enough. SHIT. She's mass-producing those things using Nilbog and melting down the other capes - quantity over quality," Upgrade said in an icy rage. "By blending them with the cut-rate bugs, Khepri has a supply of cheap, renewable footsoldiers. She might send out something special to traumatize people, so be ready for that."

"And that's Upgrade saying that, so you know it's for real," Phoenix said darkly.

"String Theory, Defiant, and the Simurgh are working together, so we're on a timer there. String Theory makes one-shot doomsday devices, and Defiant is an alternate Armsmaster. We need to make sure whatever they build gets broken." Grail sounded… tired.

Roman shook his head and narrowed his eyes. "I'm making my way to Tiamat," he said calmly. "If… I'm going to be needed there, when Leviathan arrives."

"He's being slowed, but those injuries won't last," Da Vinci said.

"Precipice, let's go," Roman said, not acknowledging Da Vinci's comment. "Leona, can you…?"

"I'll keep the boys safe," she said firmly. She stepped forward and leaned her forehead on Roman's. "Don't risk anything. At the first sign of danger, change over and move like hell. Alright?"

Roman nodded. "Right."

Lung roared, heaving himself into the air as his regeneration completed.

"Finish him already!" Roman barked out in a sharp tone. Then he and Precipice began making their way back to Tiamat as she loomed over the struggling Leviathan.

Goetia held his hands in front of him, light gathering in his palms. "PREPARING TARGET INCINERATION."

Da Vinci sighed as she clicked her fingers. Two drones dropped out of portals and stuck near Geode and Aquarius. "Stay by those and you'll be fine," she said. "Leave Lung to Goetia and I." She paused. "And those were words I just said…" she muttered.

The twins exchanged a look.

"I'm not going after the fire dragon," Aquarius said flatly.

"Bug hunt? Bug hunt," Geode said, agreeing.

The two dashed off, drones in tow.

It was a gamble to melt down capes like Eidolon or Legend, but Khepri saw little alternative. Given a few hours, she could remake them anyways… so what did it matter? What was important was a supply of ready-made Brutes, Movers, and Blasters, each a minor threat - but still a threat.

Fifty-two thousand was not enough, not if each unique piece of the puzzle was so difficult to replace. Pooling the power and spreading it out further allowed her to use swarm tactics more effectively, and to get around the souls of the dead intercepting the bulk of her forces. She could not hurt the ghosts, but they could easily match even her enhanced extensions.

Extensions were all they were. She'd known about most of them, but… she'd convinced herself, somehow, that Lisa…

She was so stupid. Of course the little girl would bind her perception in such a minor way.

No matter. Her eyes were clear now, and she could strategize. The Endbringers were tempting bait, and each cape had been enhanced within their scope.

Case in point: the likes of Lung going toe to toe with Goetia. The dragon man may not be winning, but it was only a matter of time before he grew to a point where it was possible.


Khepri took note of two capes that were proceeding towards the repurposer - Nilbog. She redirected them to Bonesaw. Perhaps a special… something. Yes.

After all, physical attacks were all well and good, but to break this army she'd need to attack their morale.

An unending swarm would grind away at it, but a bit of well-placed trauma wouldn't hurt her designs.

She felt a sharp pang for a moment, but it was quickly dismissed.

If humanity could coexist with itself, then it would have been pulled into her new land. That had to be the reason.

It had to be.

To that end, anything in defense of this utopia was justified.

Even this.

And like water, the emotional pain flowed away.

Rationalize. Internalize. Push it into the thralls.

This was right.

New Wave as a whole was not having a pleasant day.

This much, Brandish could understand. It helped that she had worked with Marquis before against the Blasphemies, so at least one or two of her hang-ups regarding the man were… lessened.

Therapy wasn't a miracle cure, but this was the next best thing to an Endbringer attack, so all hands on deck.

Actually, it IS an Endbringer attack, she amended to herself.

Leviathan tore itself out of the Water, grey mist flailing around it.

"Deploying powerup now!" Grail called out over the comms.

The giant woman in the middle of the artificial sea swept an arm out, and light shone forth.

Brandish had never felt so… alive.

Her hands splayed open, and light snapped out, forming into axes, swords, polearms, and shields decorated the back of both arms.

The weapons launched, biting into Leviathan's flesh and catching its attention.

Brandish turned into her breaker form, a sphere of light, and bounced out of the way.

The escape was narrow as Leviathan's tail crashed down on her prior position, and it began to whirl on Laserdream and Shielder as they tore into it with rays of burning light.

Claws flashed in a too-fast pattern, and the two teenagers were swatted out of the air.

"Eric! Crystal!" Lady Photon caught Leviathan's shoulder with her own beams, tearing out chunks as it passed through. "Neil, go look after them!"

Leviathan leapt, and Brandish darted towards the downed kids.

She let out a sharp breath as she and Manpower made it to them, and they were relatively unharmed.

"It'll be some light bruising," Morphosis said as she rode a wave of Water over, bare feet seeming to absorb its glow. "But nothing I can't wipe away easily enough."

"Good news. Something better would be a way to take out the Islandkiller," Brandish said in a professional tone.

"Oh, my girlfriend's on it," Morphosis said calmly.

Brandish returned her attention to Leviathan as the armored girl slammed into its midsection, knocking it back several feet as her blade bit into its stomach. Another armored figure with a horned helmet came down on its head with a cleaving strike, and a third blurred across the Water like a mirage in the wind.

"This is nuts," Antares said worriedly as she landed. "Gallant and I managed to make our way through some of that swarm, and they're all a mix of New Wave's offensive powers. Lasers, super strength, and they're durable. If it wasn't for Swansong, I don't know if we would have reunited with Ames and the knights."

"I accept payment in adulation, adoration, and cake," the white-haired woman said haughtily as she stalked forward. She spun around as a platoon of insectoid humans charged her, and-

Brandish was familiar with what Damsel of Distress' power could do to organic material. Watching her erase, glass, or otherwise dispose of the projections wasn't necessary. Though she could do without the noise.

"Should we wake them?" Manpower asked, kneeling next to the kids.

"They're unconscious?" Antares asked with wide eyes. "I mean, it's Leviathan so they're lucky to be alive, but-"

True to Manpower's words, both of the teens were out of it.

"I could try to wake them with the Water, but until we put Leviathan down… we need our heaviest hitters taking it out while the rest of us head off the swarm. It's increasing in numbers steadily, and they'll go for Tiamat first. She can protect herself, but the more heat we take off of her, the better she can keep everyone alive," Morphosis said curtly. "Antares, where's Gallant?"

"He got Optics back to the House, and he found Geode and Aquarius with some drones. They're going to stand guard over Optics, Yamada, and Aster. I heard Piggot and her people might take the field if they can make a difference," Antares responded.

Brandish shook her head as she whirled and loosed another barrage of weaponry on incoming insectoids. The projected arms bit through chitin and reduced another few of them to sand. Then she was forced to double back as they began to retaliate with… they weren't visible, but the heat caused steam to rise off of the Water.

"Help with this?" she asked after she got a moment to breathe.

"There's got to be something," Antares said fiercely as she launched herself into the fray. Her fists swung, and Brandish watched as her daughter took apart multiple of the mass produced capes with her bare hands, eyes flickering as she narrowly dodged the variety of Blaster effects.

Brandish shook her head and stepped forward, only to pause once more.

Spires of white erupted from the Water, and the local part of the swarm was impaled on them.

"Apologies for stealing your thunder," a too-familiar voice said.

She snorted. "To think there'd be a day where I'd be glad to see you, Marquis," she said grimly.

Marquis dignified her light barb with a nod, face covered with a mask shaped like a grinning death's-head. "A second one. If I recall correctly, you were quite amused when I nearly gave your dear sister a heart attack at the cookout."

Tendrils of Water shot up, and ensnared Leviathan as it grabbed Gareth in its claw. The arm was pulled back, and its paw wrenched open.

"Less talking, more fighting," Morphosis bit out as she strode towards the battle.

"...I have this eerie feeling that Leviathan should fear her more than she fears it," Marquis said faintly, but not without a note of pride.

Brandish sighed as she formed another axe. "I certainly hope so." She turned to face the coming swarm as her family rose to meet it.

Seconds later, the sight of her husband flinging explosives into the mass of bodies did lift her spirits somewhat.

Waver ran alongside Sakura as the two kept ahead of a barrage of lightning.

"Alright, if we keep going this way, we'll hit where Medusa's fighting," he grunted out.

Sakura didn't respond, focusing on keeping her feet moving.

"Once we get there, we make our stand. I'll use wind to disorient them. Your shadows should handle them easily enough, seeing as they're spiritual beings."

Sakura's eyes narrowed as she caught sight of Medusa's form elegantly flowing between the swarming bodies, lashing out with her chains and nails.

"Medusa!" she called out.

The Gorgon stilled, and dropped her weapons. The curved lance appeared in her hands, and with a few masterful twirls, she cleared some breathing room with Harpe. Then she bolted towards her.


Waver turned on his heel, and a fan appeared in his grip. "Here!" he barked out, swinging it once.

Green wind slammed into the bugs, knocking them into disarray.

Shadows rose up to drag them down into oblivion, concealing them from sight as soon as they dropped from the air.

"Sakura, El-Melloi. Are you both well?" Medusa asked in concern.

"We're fine," Sakura said, moving a hand through her hair. "There's so many of these things-" she said, cutting herself off.

Medusa gently cupped her cheek and kissed her forehead. "I'll protect you."

"Hrm?" Waver asked.

"I'm not fond of insects," Sakura bit out. "Ones made by magecraft are worse than normal."

Waver fixed her with a piercing gaze, then nodded. "I can understand that, though I don't know the particulars. Now, we're going to need Medusa to drop her blindfold. These things are durable, but her eyes should be able to drop entire battalions in seconds."

"Cybele doesn't discriminate," Medusa warned. "I'll use it if-"

The comms crackled.

"Did someone say anti-petrification ward? Spread through the Water that's empowering everyone? Wonderful idea! Glad I thought of it!" Grail said cheerfully.

Sakura muffled a tired giggle with her hand.

"Please and thank you, Mattias," Medusa said in exasperated fondness.

The Water flickered with rainbow light for a moment, then it faded.

"Ta-daaan! If you guys need help, page me! I'm working on a plagueblaze that'll really eat through their numbers, and let us at the other four Endbringers!" Grail said cheerfully.

"Plague...blaze?" Waver said slowly.

"Don't worry about it," Medusa said coolly. Her face tightened. "Down!"

She tackled the Caster and Sakura to the ground as grey mist boiled where they originally were, eating away strands of her hair.

Medusa hissed as Leviathan raised a foot to step on the three of them.

"¡HIJO DE PUTA! PAWS TO YOURSELF!" roared out a streaking fireball as it impacted the Endbringer's chest.

Leviathan tumbled backwards, and the flames streamed off to reveal Quetzalcoatl pummeling its torso and tearing chunks out with her bare hands.

Whips of Water rose up as Morphosis dashed by, gripping the Endbringer's limbs for seconds at a time until it tore loose or the mist ate away at them.

The nanothorn mist tried to brush against Quetzalcoatl, but Sakura saw the fire around the goddess burn it away as quickly as it was produced.

"Medusa! Eyes!" Waver snapped out.

"Breaker Gorgon!" she roared, standing tall.

The blindfold dropped.

Medusa gazed skyward at the sunless heavens. Bodies whirled about, silvery will-o-wisps dancing among them.

Quickly, they began to gray.

Swiftly, they began to break apart.

In less than a minute, those before her gaze turned to stone, then sand.

"There's some breathing room," Waver sighed.

Sakura nodded. "Keep it up, Rider. You're doing great."

The Gorgon gave a wan smile. "Of course."

Artoria shot across the Water in a blur of motion, slamming into Leviathan while clad in a golden glow. Sakura watched as Excalibur bit into flesh, only for the monster to grab Artoria and fling her away.

"FATHER!" Mordred roared as she charged across the sea.

"YOUR HIGHNESS! WAIT FOR MEEEEE!" Gareth called out as she followed on the back of a massive black horse.

Sakura watched from a distance as she centered herself, breathing softly.

Her shadows boiled beneath the Water's surface, ready to do battle at a moment's notice.

And so she began to form her giants.

"And you're sure this will work?" Piggot asked flatly.

"I know my tech," Armsmaster replied as he fiddled with his halberd. "That emitter will shut down the nanothorn production in Leviathan, allowing Brutes to close with him - if they can catch him," he admitted. He gave a small smirk. "Grail dropped by and added a thing or two to make sure it would work."

Piggot huffed. "Well, if our resident miracle-worker had a hand in it, it's as good as it's going to get," she said dryly. "I wish the fuzzball was awake," she muttered. "Doesn't feel right heading out without him."

"You teamed up once," Armsmaster pointed out as he holstered his halberd.

Piggot grunted as she secured her body armor. "Still."


The two looked down.

Bertie bounced on the floor, wearing a pilot helmet that had two small holes for his antenna to poke through.

Piggot hummed thoughtfully as she eyed the vehicle she was readying to board. "You think you can help pilot this thing and catch Leviathan with enough bullets to transmit the emitters?"


Armsmaster exchanged a look with Piggot. "I have no idea if that means yes or no," he said simply.

"It means please look after him, and he'll look after you," Grail said as he stepped out of a Gate. "Dragon will pilot the tank; it'll be up to you to deliver the payload." He smirked. "Bertie can use Gates like I can, so he can help."

Piggot turned to the pink fuzzball, re-assessing him. "Hm."

"And he cries the Tide of Life so you're as safe as houses," Grail continued.

A slow, malevolent grin crossed Emily Piggot's face.

"Prii!" Bertie chirruped.

"Have fun you two~!" Grail caroled as he stepped through another portal into more mayhem.

It closed with the sound of faint swearing in an Irish accent.

"Alright, powder puff. Into the tank," Piggot ordered.


They both vanished.

"...damn it all. I don't have a way to record it," Armsmaster muttered as he watched the tank drive through a portal.

"...I do," Dragon admitted in his helmet's earphone.

"Love you Tess," Armsmaster said. "And stay safe."

"Love you too, Colin. And you too."

Armsmaster sat astride his motorcycle, and the Temple's gates opened. "I'll do my best."

With a roar of the engine, he drove off.

Caress dropped to the ground as more insects turned to powder in her prehensile hair. Weld landed near her as his arms resumed their normal shape.

"Are we making progress?" he asked curiously.

Streaks of azure light shot overhead, and more sand fell.

"Maybe?" Caress said sheepishly as she rubbed a red, aching burn on her arm. "I need to get this treated before it becomes a problem."

Weld nodded. "I'll get you closer to Tiamat."

The massive draconic woman floated in the Water, torso above the surface. A little catlike plush scrambled, waving its arms.

"Gogogo! Get 'em, get 'em!" he shouted, more silvery spirits climbing out of the depths of the sea.

"Hello," Caress said. "Um… my arm…"

"Eh? Just splash some Water on it, it'll be fine," the plush said distractedly.

Caress blinked. "Oh."

She reached down, and scooped some up before pouring it on her arm. Sure enough, the burn faded, and in seconds only clear skin remained.

"You alright now?" the plush asked. "Ohno!"

A black blur streaked towards Tiamat, only for Caress' hair to reflexively snare it midflight.

"Weld!" Caress cried out.

Weld leapt forward, only for the bareheaded figure to whirl around and slam his head hard enough to dent as it sent him flying.

Then it reeled Caress in.

She swallowed as she stared into mismatched eyes filled with hate; one brown, one pink.

"Alexandria…?" she whispered.

Two of the cape's arms pulled back, and her lips parted in a snarl.

A massive hand reached down and plucked the cape up.

Caress dangled by her hair for a few scant moments until another equally massive hand gently grasped her and tugged her free.

The two were held before the gaze of Tiamat as she frowned deeply.

The Alexandria clone - Pretender, squirmed for a moment, and the hand holding her squeezed.

Grains of sand fell seconds later.

The hand holding Caress tilted and opened, and she found herself sitting on a large palm.

Tiamat gave a warm smile. "LAAAAAAA"

"She says thanks! If you hadn't stopped Pretender from going for her gut, it could have been really bad!" the plush cheered, appearing from nowhere next to Caress.

The girl blushed a little as sand fell around her, streaks of light shooting from Tiamat into the swarm above.

"And without her, the main defense keeping us from being overwhelmed goes down," the plush continued. "And- oh, wait! Where are my manners? I'm Chirithy, nice to meet you!" He held out a little hand.

A lock of her hair reached out and shook his paw gently.

Weld was deposited next to Caress with little fanfare by a wave of Water. His head was fine, and he blinked slowly.

"Caress," she said with a soft smile. It hardened. "Now let's see if we can't take the fight to them, hm?"

Tiamat gave a triumphant cry as sigils the size of houses appeared over her shoulders. "LAAAAAAAAAA"

Rays of light soared upwards like reversed raindrops, carving away at Khepri's army.

"Glad she's on our side," Weld said faintly.

Antares swooped out of Leviathan's reach once again, keeping it occupied without risking herself to the nanothorn mists.

She shot upwards, re-oriented herself, and-

A wave of fear hit her.

She looked up, and her eyes widened.

"What the hell…?" she whispered.

It was like… like someone had taken Fortuna's current form, the weird alien one, and made it out of a person. With way less concern for aesthetics.

That was the less concerning part, for all its heads and pained gazes.

Fused to it was a torso sticking out of the center.

Her hair was cut short. She was covered in tattoos.

But Vicky would recognize Amy anywhere.

"I had Bonesaw make this for you," the torso said conversationally. "You like it? Strictly speaking, the Red Queen isn't part of Glory Girl, so she can reshape her at need. Add bits and pieces. It's… efficient."

Antares felt like she was going to vomit.

"Nothing to say? Very well. Let's see if they can… add to their repertoire."

The creature approached, Antares felt her heartbeat quicken-

A lash of Water took off one of the monster's heads, rendering it into sand.

It's not real.

Antares shook with the realization as her sister rode a wave of Water to stand next to her, held aloft by a column of liquid.

Morphosis looked at the aberration with fire in her eyes. "That's fucked," she said in a low tone. "I mean, I expected it, but still. Fucked."

Spears of Water erupted into the air around the aberrant, hemming it in.

"Don't you feel anything?" Khepri asked through its multiple mouths, Amy's eyes staring at them blankly.

Antares opened her mouth. Then closed it.

"Not really," Morphosis responded coldly. "That's not me, and the Wretch isn't Vicky. That's just a clump of sand you had Bonesaw remake while people are defending Tiamat and trying to get at your anchors. Is it unsettling? Sure. But I'm not feeling anything more visceral than that."

Antares let out a long breath. "Yeah, you can say that again," she muttered. "Thing is? You don't know us. We've lived through different things, we're different people. Weaver didn't fall in with the Undersiders, Ames has a lady knight to swoon over, and I had Artoria to help me learn not to be a reckless asshole. That thing in front of us? It's not a future that's going to happen."

The creature held its arms out. "So you've made clear." The insectoids above that shrouded the other landmasses chittered in fury, even as Khepri's voice never changed. "You've rejected everything we suffered, all we tried to save. You let that interloper waltz all over every sacrifice made in this world, and render it all useless."

Morphosis' eyes widened. "Antares, dive," she ordered. The column of Water collapsed, taking her with it as the spears launched towards Khepri's puppet.

Antares followed her sister down as a battalion of insectoids charged, leaving the hybrid in their midst.

She quickly tapped her comm. "Warning! She's fused a copy of Morphosis with a deformed version of me; it has my forcefield and flight and Morphosis' biokinesis." Antares and Morphosis reached the ground.

"So she's substituted Pretender already?" Caress asked. "And also, holy crap. Are you okay?"

"I guess, and I've been better," Antares admitted.

Morphosis grunted in irritation. "Well that's shitty. She's trying to cut a plague loose."


"I've got it, I've got it," Morphosis said with a wave of her hand. "Grail, how's your project coming?"

"Oh, the schematic's done, just forming it. Give me five minutes," he said in faux cheerfulness.

"Plaguefire?" Weaver asked flatly over the comm.

"Nope! Getting enough reinforcements to cut through the swarms around the other four Endbringers," Grail said. "I deployed the plaguefire in the atmosphere a little bit ago."

A dark crimson splotch appeared in the gathering swarm and began to quickly spread.

"Holy fuck," Antares breathed.

"Targets organic bugs only! So ORT and the crystalbugs are safe," Grail said merrily over the comm. "You guys worry about taking out Leviathan. Medusa! Quetzalcoatl! Cut everything loose and keep him off of Tiamat! Sakura, how're things on your end?"

A massive arm of darkness, longer and taller than most buildings, erupted from the still water and slammed into something in the distance.

"I'll take that as an okay!"

There was a pause.

"Wait, where's Lung?"

Goetia floated in front of the massive dragon-bug as it screeched and vomited flame.

It washed off of him like so much water.


"Looks like you could use a hand?" Da Vinci offered as she touched down next to Goetia.


"Heading back to Tiamat. Even odds they'll need Ars Almadel Solomonis to wipe out Leviathan in the end, given it'll be more durable than the original," Da Vinci replied as her drones emerged from shining portals in the air.


Da Vinci gave an impish smile. "There's more than one way to skin a cat; Solomon's is just the simplest. Trust and believe that we have a way for each one - including Khepri."

Goetia faced forward as Lung raged against the small drones encircling him, bouncing off of a containment forcefield.

The dragon-creature continued to swell.

"We need to take the head out. Ugh, where's Assassin when you need him?" Da Vinci complained.

Goetia held up his hands, and the eye on his chest gleamed brightly. "AS YOU HAVE SAID, THERE ARE MANY APPROACHES TO THE PROBLEMS POSED TO US. LET US MAKE USE OF WHAT WE HAVE."

Da Vinci smirked. "Blow it up?"


Lung raged as he surpassed the containment field's threshold, flames washing over the Water's surface. He lashed out with claws, wings, and fangs, fire erupting from his entire body.

Goetia's eye gleamed as the blows failed to take purchase.


Da Vinci stared at him. "What."


"Just. Kill the damn dragon," Da Vinci grit out. She held her gauntlet out, and blue light began to gather.

Lung roared once more, and charged Goetia to no avail.

Nega-Summon was, in fact, a very powerful skill.

"Uomo Universale!"


However, for dealing with persistent enemies, a good old-fashioned eruption of pure energy was often the best recourse.

Two spheres of light, one blue and one purple, spun from Leona's hand and Goetia's chest, respectively. They shot through the air, colliding with Lung in the middle.

The explosion was appropriately catastrophic.

Rather than the usual sphere of Uomo Universale's more direct application, or the ray that was Goetia's trademark, the energy shot into the heavens above and expanded outwards.

Da Vinci found herself blinking rapidly as the light faded, and gawked as her vision cleared. "What."

Lung stood on his forearms, still vomiting flame onto the Water.

Everything below his ribcage had been vaporized, and his ragged upper half trailed rivers of sand.

"How the hell did he-" Da Vinci began.

A spire of bone shot up through Lung's gaping maw, the soft roof of his mouth, and - from what Da Vinci saw - straight into his brain.

The dragon man collapsed into sand.

Marquis strolled forward with a sharp snap as the bone spire disconnected from his hand. The man didn't even flinch. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but giving an opponent time to counterattack isn't the most practical means of combat, no?"

Da Vinci let out a long, exasperated sigh. "I'm going to go murder things."


"While not the last person I want to hear that from, you are very, very close," Da Vinci hissed as she stalked off.

Marquis watched in amusement as Goetia followed her like an omnicidal puppy, floating along on his book.

Manpower skid backwards, surrounded by his children's shields.

Leviathan towered over him, barely held in check by a towering giant of shadow. It held the Endbringer in a full Nelson with its hands melding around its neck.

Antares dropped next to him as Artoria charged the creature.

"Have at you!" the King of Knights cried out, her blade flashing in the light.

Mordred and Gareth followed along behind her, roaring their own battle cries.



A shroud of greyish mist enclosed Leviathan, and the shadow giant fell apart. The fog spread, forcing the three knights back.

"No…" Sakura whispered from nearby.

"We can't stay in contact or the nanothorns eat through us," Antares grit out. "We need a blaster to handle-"

There was a sharp retort of gunfire, and Leviathan staggered.

The capes and Servants turned to look at its source, and stared.

A small greyish tank rolled forward, its turret mounted with a rotating barrel that spat fire and steel.

Leviathan tripped backwards, narrowly catching itself. Its eyes narrowed, and it flashed forward to swipe at the tank.

Antares flew at it, heedless of the danger posed - whoever was in the tank couldn't be more durable than her, and-

The tank vanished seconds before impact.

"Huh?" she heard herself say in confusion.

Emily Piggot adjusted her aim, and held the trigger down for the firing mechanism. Each bullet carried another payload of the mechanisms to deactivate the nanothorn tech in Leviathan's body, so spraying and praying was her best bet.

It didn't need to penetrate far, so she just needed to hit the beast.


"Keep us out of melee with it, and we'll both make it home in one piece," the ex-military woman grunted.

The little puffball bounced cheerfully to her side, careful not to obscure her view.

"Dragon, what's the status?" she barked out.

"There's a little reduction, but more infection wouldn't hurt," the Tinker said. "I'll keep us moving, you keep shooting!"

The tank wove between spikes of nanothorn mist, flickering in and out of space as Piggot fired on Leviathan.

Bit by bit, second by second, the nanothorn mist thinned.

Piggot gave a humorless smile. "Progress," she said in grim approval.


"Keep at it, puff. We've got work to do."


Dragon gave a short sigh.

I grinned as I saw the nanothorn mist dissipate from afar. "Nice."

Cu grunted. "You done with your project?"

"Yeah. The plaguefire and everyone's efforts kept Khepri occupied, and I had my time to work."

I turned the crystal in my hands, and lightly tossed it into the air.

The threads connecting me to all the Servants - not just mine, but the Rogues - gleamed in my sight.

"Let's up the ante."

The crystal settled into position, and began to hum with a low, resonant drone.

Soft blue light spilled out.

"Perpetual Prana Engine: Wellspring of Power… active," I said with no small amount of pride.

Power ran down those threads as the core took over the role of powering the Servants. I'd still act as a redundancy in case of failure, but…

Not only was I free to put my whole power into my Magic, but an equivalent source allowed the Servants to fight at a level I couldn't provide on my own.

I grinned at Cu, who cracked a small smile.

"I'm sorry I scared you," I blurted after a few seconds.

He sighed. "Again. After the Beast."

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Right."

He sighed. "At least you're not flinching this time," he said fondly as he touched my arm.

I grinned again. "Ready to go kick some ass?"

Gae Bolg spun into existence, and he slung it over his shoulder. "Like you need to ask?" he scoffed.

I opened a Gate as I sent the Wellspring beneath the Water for safekeeping.

I knew Tiamat wouldn't let it come to harm.

The patchwork horror floated along on its two-faced mount, touching a variety of insectoids and sending information on their composition back to Khepri.

She watched as the mix of Panacea and Glory Girl floated through the sky, analyzing the systems and letting her refine her creations.

Nilbog had been strewn apart and repurposed into a massive engine. A massive, dome-shaped mass of meat and metal, with four massive sacs at regular intervals along his edges. A single, massive mouth covered the top. Insectoids, cape and civilian alike, flew into his maw. They were turned to slurry, processed in the sacs, and exited through openings along the sides. The manufacturer belched forth new mass-produced capes in an endless stream.

Excess creations were diverted to Moord Nag, who fed her familiar on the bodies, letting it grow bloated in size and power.

Dark walls of bodies occluded her four greater Endbringers from sight as Khepri brooded.

What was the enemy up to? What was their plan? Attempts to seek answers using the capes she had converted were thwarted by the bitch in the hat.

Even with all the power at her command, she was still being stalled.

Damn Doctor Mother and her interference, and damn herself for toying with her opponents. It was a fault the real-

No. She was real. So this was all by her design.

She was real.

Everything would be alright.

I sat in midair on a platform of light as the… thing floated beneath me.

Take Amy's torso, give it tattered butterfly wings, staple it to the middle of a monster's back, and there you had it. Vicky's twisted form was coated in chitin beneath her, and it made my non-existent stomach roil.

I felt my lip curl.

Everyone else was off fighting. Distantly, I noticed Leviathan's shroud fall.

It wouldn't be long until the three I'd contacted would be ready.

But having a biokinetic on the opposing side was too much of a risk. Given how it straddled the border of spiritual and physical, it could likely affect Servants.

I lifted my hand, and began stringing the spell together.

It would need two parts. First, a shell of force to get through the forcefield.

Within the translucent sphere, a dark red mist. The plaguefire I'd created against Scion, the contagious flames that only devoured a specific kind of target specified on creation. It was effective, and safe to use around allies - assuming they were different from my target.

'Crafted by Bonesaw and Nilbog' was different enough to suffice, I wagered.

I reared back lightly, and the sphere spun over my hand. Then I dropped my concealment spell.

The creature's head snapped up.


Khepri's voice erupted from her swarm, but it was too late.

I let fly.

The sphere hit the junction between bodies, and broke against the forcefield. The seconds for it to regenerate were too long to stop the plaguefire's spread as it consumed the body.

I slid off my platform and dived towards the Water below as the swarm closed in on my prior position. The roar of outrage as another swath of sky was readily consumed in the expanding blaze brought a smile to my face.

Artoria's blade tore through Leviathan's arm, removing it at the elbow. The giant reptile staggered back, making a wrenching motion with its remaining hand.

There was a massive sickening crunch as a mile-wide swath of swarm was suddenly crushed.

"What the hell!?" Mordred yelped.

Leviathan swung its hand down, and a tide of blood followed.

"Can it do that?" Gareth squeaked out.

"I would say it appears so," Artoria replied frostily.

Mordred stiffened. "Shit!" She dashed backwards, and Artoria turned to follow with her eyes, face slowly tightening in rage.

Gallant had been sniping insectoids with his blasts, and Mordred landed in front of him, blade drawn as the spear of blood barreled out of the sky.

More blood rained down, Leviathan's eyes glowing with sickly green light.

"I don't know what's worse, that it can do that, or that their numbers aren't falling!" Medusa snapped out, lunging forward with Harpe as Leviathan danced out of the way.


Red lightning rent the air apart as the spear heading for Gallant was evaporated. The strike continued upwards, leaving an unspeakable burning stench in its wake as it tore the heavens.

Artoria stared.

"AHAHAHA!" Quetzalcoatl bellowed. "It looks like our Master's plan is coming together!"

The comm crackled. "It was my plan, thank you," Waver said icily.

"Tactician. Hold this damn lizard down," Medusa said in quiet anger.

"Still it for a moment and I-" Waver began as he appeared in a flash of silver.

Leviathan juked and weaved between Medusa and Artoria's strikes, tendrils of blood lashing around it until it formed an echo.

Gareth kept following it with her eyes, hands tight around her blade's grip. "Fast…" she muttered.

Leviathan stepped back over a particularly dark patch of water, and it stilled.

A spike of shadow lanced through its foot.

"Now!" Sakura called out.

Manpower rushed forward, grasping Leviathan's other leg while Antares landed on his head with a resounding crash, forcing the Endbringer to its knees.

"Unreturning Army: Stone Sentinel Maze!" Waver snapped out, swinging his fan wide.

Red pillars slammed down around Leviathan as the capes vanished, reappearing a short distance away with confused looks.

The serpentine creature wobbled to its feet until the trigram-laden ceiling of the structure landed atop the pillars, pinning it in place.

"How-" Antares began.


Antares and Manpower stared at Bertie the pink puff as he bounced on the barrel of the tank's gun, Director Emily Piggot gazing flatly at them from behind it.

Leviathan began to struggle, causing the pillars to shake.

Gareth charged forward. "Let's blast this thing back to hell!" she roared. Her sword began to glow as wind whipped around her.

Artoria raised her blade, golden light spilling forth.

Quetzalcoatl leapt into the air, raising her hands overhead.

Medusa stood atop a coiling, writhing shadow that lifted her skywards.

Mordred stood in front of her Master, her sword crackling with power.

"Cut it loose, Mordred!" Gallant ordered.


"Artoria!" Antares called out.


The light and lightning slammed into the Endbringer in a storm of crimson and gold, wearing away at its flesh. The crashing energies slowed the deeper they pierced, but the two knights didn't let up.

"Gareth! Help them out!" Morphosis ordered.

"Medusa, waste that thing away!" Sakura said as she pointed at the trapped monster.

Gareth brought down her blade in a decisive strike. "Gringamore!"

The Gorgon's single eye opened as it gazed on the Endbringer. "Pandemonium Cetus!"

The wind and energy renewed the assault, melting the creature down - almost to its bones. The tempest of lightning, wind, light, and curses danced and broke upon the Endbringer's body.

"PIEDRA! DEL! SOL!" Quetzalcoatl cried triumphantly.

And as the stone turned over the goddess' head, all vanished beneath the gale of a solar wind - a blinding tide of heat and light that engulfed everything in its path.

"...really hope nobody was behind that," Piggot said dryly as the world came back into focus.

The Formation was gone. So was Leviathan's body.

The core remained however, still untouched.

"¿Que es esto?" Quetzalcoatl snapped.

Blood rained down around the orb, sweeping it into the sky.

"It's getting away!" Antares bellowed, lunging after it until Morphosis caught her arm. "Ames!"

"Vicky, it's over for that thing."

"How?" Gareth asked in confusion.

Morphosis gestured at the new arrivals to the battlefield. Precipice had come with Doctor Roman in tow, the redhead breathing harshly as his ragged jacket hung off his body.

"Doctor Roman!" Precipice ordered. "By the power of this command seal… regain your empowered form and demolish that thing!"

"Clavicula Solomonis."

The King of Magic appeared in a flash of light, standing on the empty air. He raised a single ring-covered hand.

Leviathan's core was arrested in midair, enclosed in a ring of light.

"Ars Almadel Solomonis."

The ring closed.

The core vanished under the heat and light, leaving not even glass.

With a resounding roar, a sound like shattering marble filled the air.

The heroes looked skyward, at the great beetle that loomed over them all.

Khepri stalked her throne room, teeth grit in fury.

This was still salvageable. She could still win. There were four Endbringers left, all stronger than Leviathan. All she had to do was track down the rest of the fighters, and keep them occupied with her swarm. It was outpacing the influx of spirits, so she had the advantage in numbers once again.

The Simurgh's project for destroying Grail continued apace, and her army grew by the moment. Her generals were in place. Everything would be fine.

She gazed out upon the strange land below through countless eyes, scowling at the blots of plaguefire that ate through pieces of her sky.

It was time to bring this farce to an end. She had the numbers, even after using some up to fuel her attempts to make some use of her weakest Endbringer.

With a single mental command, the swarm descended.

And then all hell broke loose.

"This false god has played long enough," Ozymandias said in a dangerously calm tone.

"Indeed," Nitocris agreed. "It is high time we show her what true gods of Egypt are capable of."

Ozymandias' eyes gleamed with inner light. "Just so. GO!" he finished in a roar.

An army of mummies, sphinxes, and medjed barreled out of the Temple at speed, followed by a torrent of angry ghosts.

The sphinxes barged through the swarm, their body heat setting the insectoids ablaze by sheer convection. The undead and medjed were able to outmuscle them, though they did not match their numbers.

"So what's the plan?" Phoenix asked the pharaohs.

"I don't know about you, but I fully intend to go bust some heads," Vista said with an eager grin.

"We will go where we are needed most," Nitocris said primly. "We have set our phantasms in motion, and loosed Divine Beasts and armies upon the enemy. But we have much remaining to offer in the battle."

Ozymandias said nothing, face a mask of calm.

Phoenix gently touched his arm. "We'll stop her. She's not going to drag the name of your god through the mud. I promise."

The pharaoh's eyes didn't soften, but he did gently touch Phoenix's hand with his own. "This will come to pass. I swear it upon Ra, Osiris, Isis, and every god of Egypt."

Semiramis let out a sharp, cruel laugh. "Ohoho! I doubt she expected this," she said with a sinister smile.

Chance sighed as the Dragon Wing warriors took flight, alongside countless creatures of poison. The Stymphalian Birds of Greek Myth, the Basmu of Mesopotamia… if it had poison to its name, it emerged from the Hanging Gardens of Babylon - and somehow, they had all been granted flight.

"Without Grail, this would not be possible," Semiramis said grandly. "Let us reward him for his assistance by returning the favor."

"Right," Chance said with a sharp nod. Her eyes grew distant, then refocused. "We'll be of most help using your magecraft to batter down the Simurgh's defenses. That's where the swarm is being produced, and if we can make entry easier they'll be able to stop production. Until then, her creations are limitless."

"What sort of predictions did you do for all that, princess?" Semiramis asked in surprise.

"I ran the numbers for how likely Khepri was to win for each target we could hit, and they were lowest there. From that, I just ran chances of stopping her swarm and…" the young girl trailed off.

Semiramis nodded. "We will begin moving the Gardens immediately."

I grinned at Cu as I dashed through the air towards Khonsu's corner, closing in on the combatants Fortuna had allotted for the battle. The Director of the Mage's Association flowed alongside me in a cloud of shadow.

"So the plan is finally in motion?"

"Yes. Tiamat is defended and can supply the mortals with power, Leviathan is down, and I've deployed a wellspring for the Servants to draw on as deeply as they like. That said, it won't be an easy fight on any front. Leviathan was hamstrung by the lack of water. These have their own powers that they can make use of." I glared ahead as I bared my teeth.

"And this one is the timebender. Of course," the Director said with a sigh. "To work, then?"

"Let's kill some gods," I replied cheerfully.

Khepri stared silently as her swarms were melted away by fire and poison, crushed beneath the bodies of Divine Beasts and Spirits, and the paths to her anchors opened.

Somewhere in the back of her mind, as she coordinated her armies and generals…

She could not help but feel she had miscalculated somewhere.

The thought elicited a sense of malicious glee from her lesser part, which caused her face to break into a snarl.

"I can't lose here. There's too much riding on it," she whispered harshly.

The glee didn't fade.
Khepri stared silently as her swarms were melted away by fire and poison, crushed beneath the bodies of Divine Beasts and Spirits, and the paths to her anchors opened.

Somewhere in the back of her mind, as she coordinated her armies and generals…

She could not help but feel she had miscalculated somewhere.

The thought elicited a sense of malicious glee from her lesser part, which caused her face to break into a snarl.

"I can't lose here. There's too much riding on it," she whispered harshly.

The glee didn't fade.

Just like all the other Beasts. Immeasurable power means nothing in the hands of one incapable of understanding what they are fighting.